Insidious Meme

Phi – 04-24-2024

Phi - 04-24-2024

Phi - 04-24-2024

Episode Summary:

This document delves into the concept of "pulse" in relation to time and matter. It references thoughts from Nikola Tesla and Aristotle, emphasizing vibration and frequency as fundamental components of the universe. The text explores how the "pulse" hits us 22 trillion times a second, with each pulse creating and destroying matter, thus facilitating movement and the manifestation of reality. It further discusses the idea of sacred geometry, the phi (golden) ratio, and their pervasive influence across various natural and man-made systems.

The narrative extends into practical implications, such as potential uses in martial arts and science, where understanding these patterns could yield significant advantages. The discussion also veers into the realm of metaphysical and philosophical implications, proposing that mastering these concepts could lead to profound understanding and control over one's environment.

Additionally, the text touches on more esoteric subjects such as interdimensional travel, suggesting that beings known as "interdimensionals" operate by moving through the pauses between pulses, essentially traveling between frames of reality. This challenges conventional notions of space and time, offering a radical perspective on movement and existence within our universe.

The document also predicts shifts in societal structures and knowledge, suggesting that future discoveries related to these concepts will disrupt current understandings and systems. It advocates for a deep investigation into the nature of reality through the lens of pulse, time, and the phi ratio, asserting that this could lead to revolutionary technologies and insights.

#Pulse #Matter #Creation #Destruction #PhiRatio #Vibration #Frequency #Tesla #Aristotle #SacredGeometry #InterdimensionalTravel #SpaceTime #Metaphysics #Reality #Universe #Physics #MartialArts #Science #Philosophy #FutureTech #Revolutionary #TimeManipulation #GoldenRatio #NaturePatterns #Existence #Movement #CyclicalProcesses #Esoteric #MetaphysicalImplications #SocietalShifts #Disruption #Insights #Technologies #Understanding #Control

Key Takeaways:
  • The concept of "pulse" is essential for understanding the creation and destruction of matter.
  • The phi ratio and sacred geometry are integral to the structure of the universe.
  • Understanding these concepts could have practical applications in various fields.
  • Interdimensional travel may involve moving through pauses between pulses, redefining our notion of space and time.
  • Future technological and societal advancements may be influenced by these concepts.
  • Technological advancements will emerge from understanding the pulse and phi ratio.
  • Societal structures will change as new knowledge disrupts traditional understandings.
Key Players:
  • Nikola Tesla
  • Aristotle
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Phi - 04-24-2024

Hello, human. Hello, human.

It's in the afternoon here. Long damn day. Got all my chores done and heading back out to the coast, outbound anyway, wanted to natter on about pulse and time.

So we find from various people, like Nikola Tesla, even Aristotle, that vibration is a key. Tesla was really into vibration, and he kept alluding to it as if you knew the secret of three, six and nine, you'd have all the secrets of the universe, right? And he said that everything was frequency, which it is. So basically, I've had to do a lot of frequency work, studying mathematics on ultra frequency, ultra high frequencies, this kind of thing, because our old parts group is mostly busted up by the Russians at the moment. Everybody was kicked out of country and is out waiting some kind of resolution for their status to get back in, or a couple of them have just said, screw it, it's not going to happen in a couple of years.

So they're going off to other places. So one of the guys has gone off to settle in Turkey, over near the Gobeki Tepli dig. So we'll get some information that way. But nonetheless, our usual meetings are all disrupted. Haven't had those for, geez, almost a year.

And it's just gotten to the point where we can't convene because of the circumstances. And so we're all off doing other things. So I decided to mess about with thinking into the pulse and its interaction with our manifestations here as matter. And so basically it works this way. The pulse itself is from whence we derive sacred geometry.

Okay, so there's a pulse. It hits us 22 trillion times a second, and 2020 2 trillion times a second. There is a pause, but the pause has no duration. It has no time involved. So the pulse is time.

All right? What we think of as time here in the materium is basically an after effect or a hangover of the pulse itself. So duration, in all of the active properties of time that cozy rev had identified back when in the sixties, are all artifacts of the pulse itself. The pulse is time, and it goes 22 trillion times a second, and there's 22 trillion times a second of a pause. But here's the thing.

Within the pulse itself is the mechanism by which sacred geometry arrives here in the material, okay? And that's all the platonic solids, you know, golden ratio. Golden, mean all of that, right? So what happens is that the pulse creates all of matter, and then the void destroys all of matter. It's not really that the void destroys it, it's that the secondary we'll call it secondary.

But one of the functions of the pulse that we can identify that is different than the other function of the pulse is to destroy matter. And so matter is created and destroyed 22 trillion times a second, and the pause does not destroy the matter. What actually happens is the pulse itself creates and destroys. Okay? So the pulse itself creates matter, and then it destroys it such that we can have movement.

Without this, you wouldn't have movement within our reality. So if you go and look at movies and cartoons and stuff, you see that really, it's a bunch of separate images that are spun very fast together to give the illusion of movement, okay? And in between each of the images, the. There are things that change within the image, and we don't. We're not participatory of that because there's that gap in the image, right, where it's not actually that image, it's the previous one, or it's going to be the next one.

So this is the way our reality works as well, is that the pulse creates reality and destroys it. We get movement out of that, and we get motion, and we get, all the forms of force, power, and vibration that are in the materium come from that 120 to 122nd of a trillionth of a second pulse. When this pulse comes in, it actually comes in as phi. Okay? As the.

The ratio, the. The golden ratio, the sacred ratio of feet, okay? So that is expressed mathematically as a is to b as a plus b is to a. And so it's a relationship. It's a ratio.

We can render that ratio as a number. And if you divide for angles, if you want to get an angle that's a golden ratio angle, you end up coming up with a mathematical or a numeric approximation of 76.345. And then it goes on and on and on. Right? Infinite.

Or it's. If you want to just look at the ratio as the difference between the a and the b part, that comes down to 0.61,830,559, I think. And then it goes on, right? So we can get it. We can derive a mathematical approximation for fee, but.

But the fee itself is really the ratio, okay? And so you can find this ratio in anything. And so it's not dependent on the numerics, but so you can get fee ratios. And we see it in. It's what causes spiraling, you know, for all the shell seashells, all of that, it's what causes all the vortexes in reality causes tornadoes.

Tornadoes are a fee relationship with the energy involved. Same thing with whirlpools. You see it expressed in water falling from waterfalls. What's his name? Schonberger, the german implosion scientist, discovered fe naturally expressed in water.

As you tumble it out of a beaker, right? He found it in water continuously and constantly. And we see that ratio even within the things that live in water. You can find it not only in seashells, but, you know, spiral seashell kind of things. But we see it in the ratio of, you know, the bones to the larger mass of the fish, that kind of thing.

It is just everywhere fee is expressed in your body. There are fee relationships between your heart and the rest of your circulatory system. Within your heart and itself, and so on and so on and so on, right? We just keep seeing it. So now the fee relationship occurs because the first part of the pulse causes what I am calling primary magnetism to pop back into existence.

And that is where all the matter comes back in and goes, Boink. And it's all right there. Now, when it destroys us, when it destroys all matter, when the pulse in that 122 trillionth of a second, it does both of these. It creates matter and destroys it. And the amount of time and the amount of energy in both of those activities is the phi relationship.

Okay? So it'll have a part. The a part of the relationship of phi is the creation of matter. And the b part is that part of primary magnetism that is involved in the destruction of matter. So the magnetism, that's primary magnetism that gloms all the molecules together, pulls them all together.

And then there's another part of that primary magnetism that blows them all apart. They become repulsive to each other, right? And it just instantly disintegrates all matter. And so in our brains, this shit's happening so fast, we're not aware of the voids. We're not aware of the pauses of pulse.

We're just aware of the. Of the after effect of the pulse in the form of time and energy. So all energy within the materium comes from this pulse as a residual effect, an after effect within the materium itself. And this is where it gets really, really hinky, trying to describe shit, right? Because the pulse destroys matter.

But it's already, insofar as our brains can conceive, it's already recreated that matter even as it has destroyed it. And there is this after effect that exists from each of those discrete points in the activity of the pulse. And that after effect is us being in the materium, aware, conscious, etcetera, and able to deal with these after effects in the form of energy, and we'll see that the Phi relationship is all throughout energy, electricity, you know, any kind of gravitational forces. You know, they even find it repeatedly within the strong and the weak forces in terms of their relationships to each other within the bogus einsteinian quantum view of reality. Okay?

And so this fee relationship exists at this fundamental core level of the material. There is no other than consciousness itself, other than God, if you want to call it that, other than consciousness and universe itself. There is no deeper, no more primary, no more fundamental aspect of our reality than the pulse. So the pulse is our reality, and it's also our own cognition. It provides us with the energy in our bodies, and it just goes on and on and on.

Now, it's really interesting for me to think about this because there's all kinds of practical applications of it. Just knowing that this fee relationship exists, for instance, as a martial artist, can help you out, because you know that when the person is doing, you know, is responding to you or is attacking you or whatever, you know that they are involved in the fee relationship even if they are not aware of it. And so their attack might be the a part of the fee relationship, and you'll know that they'll have to go into a slight pause, which would be the b part of the relationship. And you could time your response to their attack to get them just as they're going into that part of the fee relationship. That is the b component, so to speak.

Right. This gets really tricky, but there's all different kinds of uses for it. Musicians would use it, you know, scientists would be, if they were aware of it, could use it in planning, experimentation, and so on and so on. Right? Astrologers could use it because it is fundamental to our materium.

We can't get away from it. It's here constantly. All of my thoughts, my voice is even composed of v relationships, and there's nothing we can do. We could not exist without them, nor could we create a situation in which the v relationship, the sacred geometry kind of stuff, does not manifest because it all comes out through the pulse. So knowing this, having this viewpoint of how reality decides to manifest itself and create itself, you could harmonize with this and use these things to your benefit, which I've done is, you know, repeatedly throughout my life, continuously, every time I get.

I get, like, bonus effects. It's all because I've been planning on and dealing with these. The fee effect within the sacred geometry and using it, you know, designing explicitly for it sometimes. And that kind of thing. It's very valuable to understand the relationship of all of the forces in universe and where they derive.

And you can even then use this knowledge to amplify the forces on your behalf, such as the key generation force in aikido or aiki jiu jitsu, that kind of thing, right? Or even zen meditation.

So, for instance, your pulse in your body is an aftermath of. It's an effect of the pulse that creates reality. As such, your pulse has few relationships within it. Okay? The diastolic to histolic relationship at any given moment will be expressing fee pretty much continuously.

This golden ratio stuff is very valuable and to know and provides you with a level of solidity that you don't get otherwise when you're designing and dealing with matter. So if I were dealing with matter, I always want to take advantage of the fee relationship. It's also harmonious. It, you know, promotes the feng shui in your house. If you have these relationships expressed within your structure and that kind of thing, you'll find these.

If you really want to go in and measure everywhere and get really precise at it, you'll find that you will keep coming closer and closer to feed relationships wherever you look. So you can, on most it, it's probably not possible to not discover it. But, for instance, in eggs, you know, the ratio of the diameter of the egg at its widest as opposed to the depth of the egg at its tall, tallest point will be a fee relationship. Get a set of micrometers and start measuring eggs and drive people crazy, you know? So anyway, so you'll see it around you all the time.

If you do design with it and use it, you'll be a lot more successful than if you ignore it and just sort of bumble along. Now, the b relationship relative to time is subtle, discrete, indistinct, and difficult to elucidate. All right, so cozy rev discovered, quantified, elucidated, and illuminated the active principles of time. And he did these without getting into the pulse or the fee relationship that causes these active principles to exist. And so this is where it gets really, really tricky.

Time is not homogeneous, okay? Time is not uniformly consistent nor continuous. So the pulse itself leaves time residue within the materium that is expressive of the phi relationship and has, within the lowercase t, time, small letters. Time in our materium, n has, let's call it soft spots, okay? So time is, it has active properties.

And these active properties can be manipulated, and you can cause things to occur relative to time. In talking about time, in the lower case, right. Time in the materium. You can do things within the materium to affect and either add time or remove time from a processes process or from an unfolding of something. So there are things you can do to actually affect the amount of time that is affecting something, whatever it might be.

Now, we cannot time travel. I mean, that's, that's horseshit, okay? And these guys that like, oh, Kerry Cassidy or, you know, I don't know, 107 or patriot underground or any of these guys that will talk to you about interdimensionals, right? And that's a misnomer. I mean, they really shouldn't.

I get pissed at him for using that word because that implies that these space aliens are coming from another dimension and putting themselves in our dimension where we have, you know, the three dimensions plus our residual time. And that's not really what happens. They're in the same dimension as we are. They have length and width and height and weight and all of this kind of stuff and in thickness. And they, they're around here with us.

It's just that they are going through dimensionless travel to get here, okay? So they're not really interdimensionals. They're not coming from some other dimension. They're not in the frequency range or any of that. What they're, what they're doing is removing the issue of the materium from their travels.

And so you have these stupid quantum guys, all these scientists out there saying, oh, they're folding space and time and bullshit guys, it has nothing at all to do with that. That makes it all far too complex. They are in no way altering the environment here at all. So that would imply that they're actually folding space around them in order that they might transmit themselves here in a very, very, very fast fashion without going through the intervening space. And that's not what is occurring.

You could think of it that way, but it's that requires all kinds of energy that these guys are not expending. So the UFO's don't travel that way. These people that are, that are labeled as interdimensionals do not deal with our material that way. What they're actually doing is, is that they understand that there is, as Nikola Tesla said, there is a 369 frequency issue, okay? And what these guys that are called interdimensionals are actually doing is that they are traveling in the pause.

Okay? So if you know that, so you can think of it this way, these interdimensionals are. Were all in movie frames. They're all moving at the same speed of display. And what these interdimensional guys are doing is simply moving from one frame in the movie to another frame in between the frames showing up on the screen.

One way to think of it is what they're actually doing is dialing in an address. And so here I am, sitting here in my car, heading out to the coast. And if I wanted to be an interdimensional, I'd have a little device here. And I would dial in an address for some planet around Alpha Centauri. And then I would push a go button.

As my finger released that go button, my address, my physical key address here in my body or my car or whatever. Whatever vehicle I'm using for this would change. I would change it from, you know, some incredibly long number to some other incredibly long number in between the. In the void in between the pulse, recreating it, my number gets changed relative to the materium. And so when the materium comes to the next pulse, that next 22,000,000,000,000th of a second interval of a pulse, I am created at that new address, at that new numeric address.

And so you can think of it as though you're swapping ip addresses in between sending two email messages. Something like that, right? Because fundamentally, that's what's going on. It's all happening at a numeric level. I'm not having to create vast quantities of energy and somehow grab hold of space, which doesn't really exist, or grab hold of time, which is really the artifact of the pulse, and then twist them in order to get myself closer to Alpha Centauri.

It's not happening that way. In my opinion, this is a wrong way to think about it because of the implications and the assumptions that are inherent in that way of thinking about it that are not valid about all the energy expenditures and so on. You just don't do it that way. You actually. Well, I won't go into that.

Okay, so we won't go into actually doing it. It's not really pertinent at the moment. But when you see these UFO's popping in and out of our reality here, they're just basically changing their IP address, so to speak, their network node for appearance in the materium to some other number and jumping there because. And they don't really jump. They just don't exist in between here and there.

Alright? So there's no need for them to go scoot, scoot, scoot in every frame to get to the place that they want to go. They just jump right to that frame. And when that frame is displayed on the screen, so to speak, or recreated in the materium, there they are. This causes human brains all kinds of problems, all right?

This disassociation of space and time relative to our understanding of our location really fucks with our heads. And I'm of the opinion it probably does. So for most of the species that end up doing this, for most of the species that use this form of travel, I'm of the opinion that they're. They're as equally screwed over by it as humans are. There will be residual effects on you.

Okay, so, so one of the things that I was always. It didn't make any difference. You couldn't do it. It legally wouldn't have happened. But Corey Goode could have proven that he had been time traveling and been off planet with a blood test, right?

If he'd ever been off planet or had ever time traveled, there would be residual effects that would be able to be assayed out of his blood. I won't go into those now, but they're again a function of the fee relationship. Holy shit. That's the biggest excavator I've ever seen. Geez.

I'm doing some heavy duty logging here, and they're taking this thing off property.

So when you see these UFO's popping in, know that we're going to be getting close to this new understanding, right? And so that, you know, some scientist guy will come along, he'll apply a bunch of numbers to it. They'll come up with a snazzy formula and some kind of a phrase to encapsulate it all. And then we'll all be talking about ZPT, right? Or ZPE, zero point energy.

And that's the Sci-Fi world. We're moving into this world. We're moving into it fairly rapidly. It's this sort of thing that provides us with anti gravity and all kinds of other cool stuff. This is also hugely powerful.

That's why the Elohim worship cult doesn't want you to have it, because then you're outside their control forever and they can't do anything at all to you. So bear in mind that if you could shift yourself one 1,000,000,000,000th of a second out of phase with the rest of the materium, nobody could shoot you. They could set off an atom bomb, and it wouldn't affect your body nor your mind, that kind of thing, right? You might be able to be affected by incredibly intense fucking around with radar level radio frequencies in the environment in which you were. But short of that, there's not going to be a whole lot in a material sense in terms of, you know, actual matter.

So bullets wouldn't harm you, they'd shoot it at you, and it would just hit this blank, gray sort of spot and fall to the ground because it couldn't proceed further. It wouldn't. It wouldn't harmonize, it wouldn't have the address for that location out of phase. It would only have the address for that location in phase with the rest of the pulse. And so if it's out of phase, it would be like running into some kind of alternate reality that wouldn't allow the bullet to enter because it wasn't synced up with its part of the pulse.

Anyway, like I say, we're going to come into this new understanding of this over the rest of this year. It'll take them, you know, 25 years. If we even try and recreate academia, I expect most of the colleges and universities to collapse here over the rest of this year. They're going to try and use the israeli genocide and the protests about it as their version of BLM, right, as the. As the BLM riots of this particular election cycle.

And this isn't going to go over. We're going to have all kinds of disruptions within the financial system as all of this stuff's going down. And one of the points of failure is going to be the university system. Now, this is really stupid on the part of the communists, because they need the university system to mind control people, to undermine their understanding of reality, shift them over to a communist view of reality, and then promote communism to them and make them energized to go out and do this. If these universities don't exist, if they all collapse, then there goes communism.

Because communism is driven by the long march through the institutions. And these guys have only gotten through the education institutions institution into the actual schools. They got the teachers colleges, then they got into the actual schools here for two generations. But they need to go four generations in order to get their kind of a communist revolution. And these anti Israel genocide things are not going to be the energetic enough to cause the communist revolution to occur.

And now it's also going to be really causing problems for the Elohim worship cult as all of the jewish culture gets upended. So it's not just me saying it. There's all kinds of people coming out with more information about the Elohim and the Talmud and the mind games that the Elohim are playing. And all of these kind of things. And it's really putting pressure on all of this, as well as the zionist genocide causing this big backlash.

All this shit's planned. Okay, so all of this stuff is planned by the Elohim worship cult. But their problem is that things are at an accelerated pace ahead of their timing and they're going to destroy, which they knew would happen anyway, and they were counting on it anyway, but it's going to happen too early. They're going to destroy the educational system, which provides them with a great deal of support in warping these people's minds. So it's going to be very interesting.

25 years here. Let's see.

Well, 24 more years. So we're in 24 more years of rising chaos and the settling of chaos and the building of a new common shared reality consensus. Anyway, guys, it's going to be really interesting.

Investigating the fee relationships and the energy involved will get you a long way towards understanding what's going to be emerging in Sci-Fi world as we go forward here over these next few months, you'll see these things start to occur. You're looking at a 25 plus year process for these to unfold and be integrated into our social order. So, as I say, it's going to be quite the energetic period of time. I've got to do some real work here now, so I'll set this aside and post these and get at a couple of more in a week or two, I think.

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Nothing “goes viral.” If you think a popular movie, song, or app came out of nowhere to become a word-of-mouth success in today’s crowded media environment, you’re missing the real story. Each blockbuster has a secret history—of power, influence, dark broadcasters, and passionate cults that turn some new products into cultural phenomena. Even the most brilliant ideas wither in obscurity if they fail to connect with the right network, and the consumers that matter most aren't the early adopters, but rather their friends, followers, and imitators -- the audience of your audience. In his groundbreaking investigation, Atlantic senior editor Derek Thompson uncovers the hidden psychology of why we like what we like and reveals the economics of cultural markets that invisibly shape our lives. Shattering the sentimental myths of hit-making that dominate pop culture and business, Thompson shows quality is insufficient for success, nobody has "good taste," and some of the most popular products in history were one bad break away from utter failure. It may be a new world, but there are some enduring truths to what audiences and consumers want. People love a familiar surprise: a product that is bold, yet sneakily recognizable. Every business, every artist, every person looking to promote themselves and their work wants to know what makes some works so successful while others disappear. Hit Makers is a magical mystery tour through the last century of pop culture blockbusters and the most valuable currency of the twenty-first century—people’s attention. From the dawn of impressionist art to the future of Facebook, from small Etsy designers to the origin of Star Wars, Derek Thompson leaves no pet rock unturned to tell the fascinating story of how culture happens and why things become popular. In Hit Makers, Derek Thompson investigates: · The secret link between ESPN's sticky programming and the The Weeknd's catchy choruses · Why Facebook is today’s most important newspaper · How advertising critics predicted Donald Trump · The 5th grader who accidentally launched "Rock Around the Clock," the biggest hit in rock and roll history · How Barack Obama and his speechwriters think of themselves as songwriters · How Disney conquered the world—but the future of hits belongs to savvy amateurs and individuals · The French collector who accidentally created the Impressionist canon · Quantitative evidence that the biggest music hits aren’t always the best · Why almost all Hollywood blockbusters are sequels, reboots, and adaptations · Why one year--1991--is responsible for the way pop music sounds today · Why another year --1932--created the business model of film · How data scientists proved that “going viral” is a myth · How 19th century immigration patterns explain the most heard song in the Western Hemisphere

Ours is often called an information economy, but at a moment when access to information is virtually unlimited, our attention has become the ultimate commodity. In nearly every moment of our waking lives, we face a barrage of efforts to harvest our attention. This condition is not simply the byproduct of recent technological innovations but the result of more than a century's growth and expansion in the industries that feed on human attention. Wu’s narrative begins in the nineteenth century, when Benjamin Day discovered he could get rich selling newspapers for a penny. Since then, every new medium—from radio to television to Internet companies such as Google and Facebook—has attained commercial viability and immense riches by turning itself into an advertising platform. Since the early days, the basic business model of “attention merchants” has never changed: free diversion in exchange for a moment of your time, sold in turn to the highest-bidding advertiser. Full of lively, unexpected storytelling and piercing insight, The Attention Merchants lays bare the true nature of a ubiquitous reality we can no longer afford to accept at face value.

Some people think that in today’s hyper-competitive world, it’s the tough, take-no-prisoners type who comes out on top. But in reality, argues New York Times bestselling author Dave Kerpen, it’s actually those with the best people skills who win the day. Those who build the right relationships. Those who truly understand and connect with their colleagues, their customers, their partners. Those who can teach, lead, and inspire. In a world where we are constantly connected, and social media has become the primary way we communicate, the key to getting ahead is being the person others like, respect, and trust. Because no matter who you are or what profession you're in, success is contingent less on what you can do for yourself, but on what other people are willing to do for you. Here, through 53 bite-sized, easy-to-execute, and often counterintuitive tips, you’ll learn to master the 11 People Skills that will get you more of what you want at work, at home, and in life. For example, you’ll learn: · The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting · The one simple key to networking that nobody talks about · How to remain top of mind for thousands of people, everyday · Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news · How to blow off the right people · And why, when in doubt, buy him a Bonsai A book best described as “How to Win Friends and Influence People for today’s world,” The Art of People shows how to charm and win over anyone to be more successful at work and outside of it.

Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to adapt to harsh new realities, but you don't yet have a strategy that will get you out in front of your competitors, you need Business Model Generation. Co-created by 470 "Business Model Canvas" practitioners from 45 countries, the book features a beautiful, highly visual, 4-color design that takes powerful strategic ideas and tools, and makes them easy to implement in your organization. It explains the most common Business Model patterns, based on concepts from leading business thinkers, and helps you reinterpret them for your own context. You will learn how to systematically understand, design, and implement a game-changing business model--or analyze and renovate an old one. Along the way, you'll understand at a much deeper level your customers, distribution channels, partners, revenue streams, costs, and your core value proposition. Business Model Generation features practical innovation techniques used today by leading consultants and companies worldwide, including 3M, Ericsson, Capgemini, Deloitte, and others. Designed for doers, it is for those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new models of value creation: for executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, and leaders of all organizations. If you're ready to change the rules, you belong to "the business model generation!"

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One, legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singular ways to create those new things. Thiel begins with the contrarian premise that we live in an age of technological stagnation, even if we’re too distracted by shiny mobile devices to notice. Information technology has improved rapidly, but there is no reason why progress should be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. Progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. It comes from the most important skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself. Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. Tomorrow’s champions will not win by competing ruthlessly in today’s marketplace. They will escape competition altogether, because their businesses will be unique. Zero to One presents at once an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and a new way of thinking about innovation: it starts by learning to ask the questions that lead you to find value in unexpected places.

Why should I do business with you… and not your competitor? Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, distributor, or service provider – if you cannot answer this question, you are surely losing customers, clients and market share. This eye-opening book reveals how identifying your competitive advantages (and trumpeting them to the marketplace) is the most surefire way to close deals, retain clients, and stay miles ahead of the competition. The five fatal flaws of most companies: • They don’t have a competitive advantage but think they do • They have a competitive advantage but don’t know what it is—so they lower prices instead • They know what their competitive advantage is but neglect to tell clients about it • They mistake “strengths” for competitive advantages • They don’t concentrate on competitive advantages when making strategic and operational decisions The good news is that you can overcome these costly mistakes – by identifying your competitive advantages and creating new ones. Consultant, public speaker, and competitive advantage expert Jaynie Smith will show you how scores of small and large companies substantially increased their sales by focusing on their competitive advantages. When advising a CEO frustrated by his salespeople’s inability to close deals, Smith discovered that his company stayed on schedule 95 percent of the time – an achievement no one else in his industry could claim. By touting this and other competitive advantages to customers, closing rates increased by 30 percent—and so did company revenues. Jack Welch has said, “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” This straight-to-the-point book is filled with insightful stories and specific steps on how to pinpoint your competitive advantages, develop new ones, and get the message out about them.

The number one New York Times best seller that examines how people can champion new ideas in their careers and everyday life - and how leaders can fight groupthink, from the author of Think Again and co-author of Option B. With Give and Take, Adam Grant not only introduced a landmark new paradigm for success but also established himself as one of his generation’s most compelling and provocative thought leaders. In Originals he again addresses the challenge of improving the world, but now from the perspective of becoming original: choosing to champion novel ideas and values that go against the grain, battle conformity, and buck outdated traditions. How can we originate new ideas, policies, and practices without risking it all? Using surprising studies and stories spanning business, politics, sports, and entertainment, Grant explores how to recognize a good idea, speak up without getting silenced, build a coalition of allies, choose the right time to act, and manage fear and doubt; how parents and teachers can nurture originality in children; and how leaders can build cultures that welcome dissent. Learn from an entrepreneur who pitches his start-ups by highlighting the reasons not to invest, a woman at Apple who challenged Steve Jobs from three levels below, an analyst who overturned the rule of secrecy at the CIA, a billionaire financial wizard who fires employees for failing to criticize him, and a TV executive who didn’t even work in comedy but saved Seinfeld from the cutting-room floor. The payoff is a set of groundbreaking insights about rejecting conformity and improving the status quo.

In The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau tells you how to lead of life of adventure, meaning and purpose - and earn a good living. Still in his early 30s, Chris is on the verge of completing a tour of every country on earth - he's already visited more than 175 nations - and yet he’s never held a "real job" or earned a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back. There are many others like Chris - those who've found ways to opt out of traditional employment and create the time and income to pursue what they find meaningful. Sometimes, achieving that perfect blend of passion and income doesn't depend on shelving what you currently do. You can start small with your venture, committing little time or money, and wait to take the real plunge when you're sure it's successful. In preparing to write this book, Chris identified 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less), and from that group he’s chosen to focus on the 50 most intriguing case studies. In nearly all cases, people with no special skills discovered aspects of their personal passions that could be monetized, and were able to restructure their lives in ways that gave them greater freedom and fulfillment. Here, finally, distilled into one easy-to-use guide, are the most valuable lessons from those who’ve learned how to turn what they do into a gateway to self-fulfillment. It’s all about finding the intersection between your "expertise" - even if you don’t consider it such - and what other people will pay for. You don’t need an MBA, a business plan or even employees. All you need is a product or service that springs from what you love to do anyway, people willing to pay, and a way to get paid. Not content to talk in generalities, Chris tells you exactly how many dollars his group of unexpected entrepreneurs required to get their projects up and running; what these individuals did in the first weeks and months to generate significant cash; some of the key mistakes they made along the way, and the crucial insights that made the business stick. Among Chris’s key principles: if you’re good at one thing, you’re probably good at something else; never teach a man to fish - sell him the fish instead; and in the battle between planning and action, action wins. In ancient times, people who were dissatisfied with their lives dreamed of finding magic lamps, buried treasure, or streets paved with gold. Today, we know that it’s up to us to change our lives. And the best part is, if we change our own life, we can help others change theirs. This remarkable book will start you on your way.

Bold is a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. Exploring the exponential technologies that are disrupting today's Fortune 500 companies and enabling upstart entrepreneurs to go from "I've got an idea" to "I run a billion-dollar company" far faster than ever before, the authors provide exceptional insight into the power of 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. Drawing on insights from billionaire entrepreneurs Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos, the audiobook offers the best practices that allow anyone to leverage today's hyper connected crowd like never before. The authors teach how to design and use incentive competitions, launch million-dollar crowdfunding campaigns to tap into tens of billions of dollars of capital, and build communities - armies of exponentially enabled individuals willing and able to help today's entrepreneurs make their boldest dreams come true. Bold is both a manifesto and a manual. It is today's exponential entrepreneur's go-to resource on the use of emerging technologies, thinking at scale, and the awesome impact of crowd-powered tools.

The answer is simple: come up with 10 ideas a day. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad, the key is to exercise your "idea muscle", to keep it toned, and in great shape. People say ideas are cheap and execution is everything but that is NOT true. Execution is a consequence, a subset of good, brilliant idea. And good ideas require daily work. Ideas may be easy if we are only coming up with one or two but if you open this book to any of the pages and try to produce more than three, you will feel a burn, scratch your head, and you will be sweating, and working hard. There is a turning point when you reach idea number six for the day, you still have four to go, and your mind muscle is getting a workout. By the time you list those last ideas to make it to 10 you will see for yourself what "sweating the idea muscle" means. As you practice the daily idea generation you become an idea machine. When we become idea machines we are flooded with lots of bad ideas but also with some that are very good. This happens by the sheer force of the number, because we are coming up with 3,650 ideas per year (at 10 a day). When you are inspired by an extraordinary idea, all of your thoughts break their chains, you go beyond limitations and your capacity to act expands in every direction. Forces and abilities you did not know you had come to the surface, and you realize you are capable of doing great things. As you practice with the suggested prompts in this book your ideas will get better, you will be a source of great insight for others, people will find you magnetic, and they will want to hang out with you because you have so much to offer. When you practice every day your life will transform, in no more than 180 days, because it has no other evolutionary choice. Life changes for the better when we become the source of positive, insightful, and helpful ideas. Don't believe a word I say. Instead, challenge yourself.

A Guide to Resilience: How to Bounce Back from Life's Inevitable Problems Christian Moore is convinced that each of us has a power hidden within, something that can get us through any kind of adversity. That power is resilience. In The Resilience Breakthrough, Moore delivers a practical primer on how you can become more resilient in a world of instability and narrowing opportunity, whether you're facing financial troubles, health setbacks, challenges on the job, or any other problem. We can each have our own resilience breakthrough, Moore argues, and can each learn how to use adverse circumstances as potent fuel for overcoming life's hardships. As he shares engaging real-life stories and brutally honest analyses of his own experiences, Moore equips you with 27 resilience-building tools that you can start using today - in your personal life or in your organization.

What if someone told you that your behavior was controlled by a powerful, invisible force? Most of us would be skeptical of such a claim--but it's largely true. Our brains are constantly transmitting and receiving signals of which we are unaware. Studies show that these constant inputs drive the great majority of our decisions about what to do next--and we become conscious of the decisions only after we start acting on them. Many may find that disturbing. But the implications for leadership are profound. In this provocative yet practical book, renowned speaking coach and communication expert Nick Morgan highlights recent research that shows how humans are programmed to respond to the nonverbal cues of others--subtle gestures, sounds, and signals--that elicit emotion. He then provides a clear, useful framework of seven "power cues" that will be essential for any leader in business, the public sector, or almost any context. You'll learn crucial skills, from measuring nonverbal signs of confidence, to the art and practice of gestures and vocal tones, to figuring out what your gut is really telling you. This concise and engaging guide will help leaders and aspiring leaders of all stripes to connect powerfully, communicate more effectively, and command influence.

New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition. A mash-up of the best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy with a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really works. When managers and marketers outline their social media strategies, they plan for the "right hook"—their next sale or campaign that's going to knock out the competition. Even companies committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships crucial to successful social media campaigns—want to land the punch that will take down their opponent or their customer's resistance in one blow. Right hooks convert traffic to sales and easily show results. Except when they don't. Thanks to massive change and proliferation in social media platforms, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Vaynerchuk shows that while communication is still key, context matters more than ever. It's not just about developing high-quality content, but developing high-quality content perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices—content tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Tumblr.

From the best-selling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a book on how some things actually benefit from disorder. In The Black Swan Taleb outlined a problem, and in Antifragile he offers a definitive solution: how to gain from disorder and chaos while being protected from fragilities and adverse events. For what Taleb calls the "antifragile" is actually beyond the robust, because it benefits from shocks, uncertainty, and stressors, just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension. The antifragile needs disorder in order to survive and flourish. Taleb stands uncertainty on its head, making it desirable, even necessary, and proposes that things be built in an antifragile manner. The antifragile is immune to prediction errors. Why is the city-state better than the nation-state, why is debt bad for you, and why is everything that is both modern and complicated bound to fail? The audiobook spans innovation by trial and error, health, biology, medicine, life decisions, politics, foreign policy, urban planning, war, personal finance, and economic systems. And throughout, in addition to the street wisdom of Fat Tony of Brooklyn, the voices and recipes of ancient wisdom, from Roman, Greek, Semitic, and medieval sources, are heard loud and clear. Extremely ambitious and multidisciplinary, Antifragile provides a blueprint for how to behave - and thrive - in a world we don't understand, and which is too uncertain for us to even try to understand and predict. Erudite and witty, Taleb’s message is revolutionary: What is not antifragile will surely perish.

The Cluetrain Manifesto began as a Web site in 1999 when the authors, who have worked variously at IBM, Sun Microsystems, the Linux Journal, and NPR, posted 95 theses about the new reality of the networked marketplace. Ten years after its original publication, their message remains more relevant than ever. For example, thesis no. 2: “Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors”; thesis no. 20: “Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.” The book enlarges on these themes through dozens of stories and observations about business in America and how the Internet will continue to change it all. With a new introduction and chapters by the authors, and commentary by Jake McKee, JP Rangaswami, and Dan Gillmor, this book is essential reading for anybody interested in the Internet and e-commerce, and is especially vital for businesses navigating the topography of the wired marketplace.

From the founders of the trailblazing software company 37signals, here is a different kind of business book one that explores a new reality. Today, anyone can be in business. Tools that used to be out of reach are now easily accessible. Technology that cost thousands is now just a few bucks or even free. Stuff that was impossible just a few years ago is now simple.That means anyone can start a business. And you can do it without working miserable 80-hour weeks or depleting your life savings. You can start it on the side while your day job provides all the cash flow you need. Forget about business plans, meetings, office space - you don't need them. With its straightforward language and easy-is-better approach, Rework is the perfect playbook for anyone who's ever dreamed of doing it on their own. Hardcore entrepreneurs, small-business owners, people stuck in day jobs who want to get out, and artists who don't want to starve anymore will all find valuable inspiration and guidance in these pages. It's time to rework work.

Tesla's main source of inspiration.
Roger Joseph Boscovich, a physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, Jesuit priest, and polymath, published the first edition of his famous work, Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria Redacta Ad Unicam Legem Virium In Natura Existentium (Theory Of Natural Philosophy Derived To The Single Law Of Forces Which Exist In Nature), in Vienna, in 1758, containing his atomic theory and his theory of forces. A second edition was published in 1763 in Venice

Bill Clinton's Georgetown mentor's history of the Conspiracy since the Boer War in South Africa.
TRAGEDY AND HOPE shows the years 1895-1950 as a period of transition from the world dominated by Europe in the nineteenth century to the world of three blocs in the twentieth century. With clarity, perspective, and cumulative impact, Professor Quigley examines the nature of that transition through two world wars and a worldwide economic depression. As an interpretative historian, he tries to show each event in the full complexity of its historical context. The result is a unique work, notable in several ways. It gives a picture of the world in terms of the influence of different cultures and outlooks upon each other; it shows, more completely than in any similar work, the influence of science and technology on human life; and it explains, with unprecedented clarity, how the intricate financial and commercial patterns of the West prior to 1914 influenced the development of today’s world.

This is the July, 2016 ALTA (Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis) Report. Also known as 'the Web Bot' report, this series is brought to you by This report covers your future world from July 2016 through to 2031. Forecasts are created using predictive linguistics (from the inventor) and cover your planet, your population, your economy and markets, and your Space Goat Farts where you will find all the 'unknown' and 'officially denied' woo-woo that will be shaping your environment over these next few decades.

Time is considered as an independent entity which cannot be reduced to the concept of matter, space or field. The point of discussion is the "time flow" conception of N A Kozyrev (1908-1983), an outstanding Russian astronomer and natural scientist. In addition to a review of the experimental studies of "the active properties of time", by both Kozyrev and modern scientists, the reader will find different interpretations of Kozyrev's views and some developments of his ideas in the fields of geophysics, astrophysics, general relativity and theoretical mechanics.

How UFO Time Engines work - Clif High

The webpage discusses the workings of UFO time engines according to N.A. Kozyrev's experiments. The LL1 engine is described as a hollow metal sphere with a pool of mercury metal inside. When activated by electrical energy, it creates a uni-polar magnetic field causing the mercury to spin at a high rate and induce "time stuff" to accumulate on its surface. The accrued time stuff is siphoned down magnetically to the radiating antennae on the bottom of the vessel, providing self-sustaining power and allowing for time travel. The environment inside UFOs is likely volatile and not suitable for humans.

The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory that electricity is vital to life. But as exciting as Becker's discoveries are, pointing to the day when human limbs, spinal cords, and organs may be regenerated after they have been damaged, equally fascinating is the story of Becker's struggle to do such original work. The Body Electric explores new pathways in our understanding of evolution, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, and healing.

Unique, controversial, and frequently cited, this survey offers highly detailed accounts concerning the development of ideas and theories about the nature of electricity and space (aether). Readily accessible to general readers as well as high school students, teachers, and undergraduates, it includes much information unavailable elsewhere. This single-volume edition comprises both The Classical Theories and The Modern Theories, which were originally published separately. The first volume covers the theories of classical physics from the age of the Greek philosophers to the late 19th century. The second volume chronicles discoveries that led to the advances of modern physics, focusing on special relativity, quantum theories, general relativity, matrix mechanics, and wave mechanics. Noted historian of science I. Bernard Cohen, who reviewed these books for Scientific American, observed, "I know of no other history of electricity which is as sound as Whittaker's. All those who have found stimulation from his works will read this informative and accurate history with interest and profit."

The third edition of the defining text for the graduate-level course in Electricity and Magnetism has finally arrived! It has been 37 years since the first edition and 24 since the second. The new edition addresses the changes in emphasis and applications that have occurred in the field, without any significant increase in length.

Objects are a ubiquitous presence and few of us stop and think what they mean in our lives. This is the job of philosophers and this is what Jean Baudrillard does in his book. This is required reading for followers of Baudrillard, and he is perhaps the most assessable to the General Reader. Baudrillard is most associated with Post Modernism, and this early book sets the stage for that journey to the post modern world.
We are all surrounded by objects, but how many times have we thought about what those objects represent. If we took the time to think about the symbolism, we could arrive at easy solutions. We have been so accustomed to advertising the automobile representing freedom is an easy conclusion. But what about furniture? What about chairs? What about the arrangement of furniture? Watches? Collecting objects? Baudrillard literally opens up a new world and creates the universe of objects.
It is not that the critique of a society or objects has not been done before, but Baudrillard’s approach is new. Baudrillard examines objects as signs with a smattering of Post-Marxist thought. In his analysis of objects as signs, he ushers in the Post-Modern age and world for which he would be known. Heady stuff to be sure, but is presented by Baudrillard in a readily accessible manner. He articulates his thesis in a straightforward manner, avoiding the hyper-technical terminology he used in his later writings.

Moving away from the Marxist/Freudian approaches that had concerned him earlier, Baudrillard developed in this book a theory of contemporary culture that relies on displacing economic notions of cultural production with notions of cultural expenditure.

The book begins with Sidis's discovery of the first law of physical laws: "Among the physical laws it is a general characteristic that there is reversibility in time; that is, should the whole universe trace back the various positions that bodies in it have passed through in a given interval of time, but in the reverse order to that in which these positions actually occurred, then the universe, in this imaginary case, would still obey the same laws." Recent discoveries of dark matter are predicted by him in this book, and he goes on to show that the "Big Bang" is wrong. Sidis (SIGH-dis) shows that it is far more likely the universe is eternal

In this book you will encounter rare information regarding your true identity - the conscious self in the body - and how you may break the hypnotic spell your senses and thinking have cast about you since childhood.

Do we see the world as it truly is? In The Case Against Reality, pioneering cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman says no? we see what we need in order to survive. Our visual perceptions are not a window onto reality, Hoffman shows us, but instead are interfaces constructed by natural selection. The objects we see around us are not unlike the file icons on our computer desktops: while shaped like a small folder on our screens, the files themselves are made of a series of ones and zeros - too complex for most of us to understand. In a similar way, Hoffman argues, evolution has shaped our perceptions into simplistic illusions to help us navigate the world around us. Yet now these illusions can be manipulated by advertising and design.
Drawing on thirty years of Hoffman's own influential research, as well as evolutionary biology, game theory, neuroscience, and philosophy, The Case Against Reality makes the mind-bending yet utterly convincing case that the world is nothing like what we see through our eyes.

At the height of the Cold War, JFK risked committing the greatest crime in human history: starting a nuclear war. Horrified by the specter of nuclear annihilation, Kennedy gradually turned away from his long-held Cold Warrior beliefs and toward a policy of lasting peace. But to the military and intelligence agencies in the United States, who were committed to winning the Cold War at any cost, Kennedy’s change of heart was a direct threat to their power and influence. Once these dark “Unspeakable” forces recognized that Kennedy’s interests were in direct opposition to their own, they tagged him as a dangerous traitor, plotted his assassination, and orchestrated the subsequent cover-up.

2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID. A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent. And therein lies a story—a story that starts with obvious questions: - What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people? - What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

The Tavistock Institute, in Sussex, England, describes itself as a nonprofit charity that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. But this book posits that it is the world’s center for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. It grew from a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House into a sophisticated organization that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society. In this eye-opening work, both the Tavistock network and the methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare are uncovered.

A seminal and controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Edward Bernays (1891–1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed “engineering of consent.” During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon.
Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, as well as his uncle, Sigmund Freud, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. His 1928 bombshell Propaganda lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.

Undressing the Bible: in Hebrew, the Old Testament speaks for itself, explicitly and transparently. It tells of mysterious beings, special and powerful ones, that appeared on Earth.
Former earthlings?
Superior civilizations, that have always been present on our planet?
Creators, manipulators, geneticists. Aviators, warriors, despotic rulers. And scientists, possessing very advanced knowledge, special weapons and science-fiction-like technologies.
Once naked, the Bible is very different from how it has always been told to us: it does not contain any spiritual, omnipotent and omniscient God, no eternity. No apples and no creeping, tempting, serpents. No winged angels. Not even the Red Sea: the people of the Exodus just wade through a simple reed bed.
Writer and journalist Giorgio Cattaneo sits down with Italy's most renowned biblical translator for his first long interview about his life's work for the English audience. A decade long official Bible translator for the Church and lifelong researcher of ancient myths and tales, Mauro Bilglino is a unicum in his field of expertise and research. A fine connoisseur of dead languages, from ancient Greek to Hebrew and medieval Latin, he focused his attention and efforts on the accurate translating of the bible.
The encounter with Mauro Biglino and his work - the journalist writes - is profoundly healthy, stimulating and inevitably destabilizing: it forces us to reconsider the solidity of the awareness that nourishes many of our common beliefs. And it is a testament to the courage that is needed, today more than ever, to claim the full dignity of free research.

Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th century.Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai's adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.After Sabbati Zevi's death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform "strange acts" that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history".Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

This is the first English translation of this revolutionary essay by Vladimir I. Vernadsky, the great Russian-Ukrainian biogeochemist. It was first published in 1930 in French in the Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées. In it, Vernadsky makes a powerful and provocative argument for the need to develop what he calls “a new physics,” something he felt was clearly necessitated by the implications of the groundbreaking work of Louis Pasteur among few others, but also something that was required to free science from the long-lasting effects of the work of Isaac Newton, most notably.
For hundreds of years, science had developed in a direction which became increasingly detached from the breakthroughs made in the study of life and the natural sciences, detached even from human life itself, and committed reductionists and small-minded scientists were resolved to the fact that ultimately all would be reduced to “the old physics.” The scientific revolution of Einstein was a step in the right direction, but here Vernadsky insists that there is more progress to be made. He makes a bold call for a new physics, taking into account, and fundamentally based upon, the striking anomalies of life and human life.

Using an inspired combination of geometric logic and metaphors from familiar human experience, Bucky invites readers to join him on a trip through a four-dimensional Universe, where concepts as diverse as entropy, Einstein's relativity equations, and the meaning of existence become clear, understandable, and immediately involving. In his own words: "Dare to be naive... It is one of our most exciting discoveries that local discovery leads to a complex of further discoveries." Here are three key examples or concepts from "Synergetics":


Tensegrity, or tensional integrity, refers to structural systems that use a combination of tension and compression components. The simplest example of this is the "tensegrity triangle", where three struts are held in position not by touching one another but by tensioned wires. These systems are stable and flexible. Tensegrity structures are pervasive in natural systems, from the cellular level up to larger biological and even cosmological scales.

Vector Equilibrium (VE)

The Vector Equilibrium, often referred to by Fuller as the "VE", is a geometric form that he saw as the central form in his synergetic geometry. It’s essentially a cuboctahedron. Fuller noted that the VE is the only geometric form wherein all the vectors (lines from the center to the vertices) are of equal length and angular relationship. Because of this, it’s seen as a condition of absolute equilibrium, where the forces of push and pull are balanced.

Closest Packing of Spheres

Fuller was fascinated by how spheres could be packed together in the tightest possible configuration, a concept he often linked to how nature organizes systems. For example, when you stack oranges in a grocery store, they form a hexagonal pattern, and the spheres (oranges) are in closest-packed arrangement. Fuller related this principle to atomic structures and even cosmic organization.

To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (CG5GW) by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. General Flynn rose to the highest levels of the intelligence community and served as the National Security Advisor to the 45th POTUS. Sergeant Boone Cutler ran the ground game as a wartime Psychological Operations team sergeant in the United States Army. Together, these two combat veterans put their combined experience and expertise into an illuminating fifth-generation warfare information series called The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare. Introduction to 5GW is the first session of the multipart series. The series, complete with easy-to-understand diagrams, is written for all of humanity in every freedom loving country.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Biosphere :

  • Vernadsky defined the biosphere as the thin layer of Earth where life exists, encompassing all living organisms and the parts of the Earth where they interact. This includes the depths of the oceans to the upper layers of the atmosphere.
  • He posited that life plays a critical role in transforming the Earth's environment. In this view, living organisms are not just passive inhabitants of the planet, but active agents of change. This idea contrasts with more traditional views that saw life as simply adapting to pre-existing environmental conditions.
  • One example of this transformative power is the oxygen-rich atmosphere, which was created by photosynthesizing organisms over billions of years.

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Noosphere :

  • The concept of the noosphere can be seen as the next evolutionary stage following the biosphere. While the biosphere represents the realm of life, the noosphere represents the realm of human thought.
  • Vernadsky believed that, just as life transformed the Earth through the biosphere, human thought and collective intelligence would transform the planet in the era of the noosphere. This transformation would be characterized by the dominance of cultural evolution over biological evolution.
  • In this paradigm, human knowledge, technology, and cultural developments would become the primary drivers of change on the planet, influencing its future direction.
  • The term "noosphere" is derived from the Greek word “nous” meaning "mind" or "intellect" and "sphaira" meaning "sphere." So, the noosphere can be thought of as the "sphere of human thought."

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

A close analysis of the architecture of the stupa―a Buddhist symbolic form that is found throughout South, Southeast, and East Asia. The author, who trained as an architect, examines both the physical and metaphysical levels of these buildings, which derive their meaning and significance from Buddhist and Brahmanist influences.

Building on his extensive research into the sacred symbols and creation myths of the Dogon of Africa and those of ancient Egypt, India, and Tibet, Laird Scranton investigates the myths, symbols, and traditions of prehistoric China, providing further evidence that the cosmology of all ancient cultures arose from a single now-lost source.

It is at the same time a history of language, a guide to foreign tongues, and a method for learning them. It shows, through basic vocabularies, family resemblances of languages―Teutonic, Romance, Greek―helpful tricks of translation, key combinations of roots and phonetic patterns. It presents by common-sense methods the most helpful approach to the mastery of many languages; it condenses vocabulary to a minimum of essential words; it simplifies grammar in an entirely new way; and it teaches a languages as it is actually used in everyday life.
But this book is more than a guide to foreign languages; it goes deep into the roots of all knowledge as it explores the history of speech. It lights up the dim pathways of prehistory and unfolds the story of the slow growth of human expression from the most primitive signs and sounds to the elaborate variations of the highest cultures. Without language no knowledge would be possible; here we see how language is at once the source and the reservoir of all we know.

Taking only the most elementary knowledge for granted, Lancelot Hogben leads readers of this famous book through the whole course from simple arithmetic to calculus. His illuminating explanation is addressed to the person who wants to understand the place of mathematics in modern civilization but who has been intimidated by its supposed difficulty. Mathematics is the language of size, shape, and order―a language Hogben shows one can both master and enjoy.

A complete manual for the study and practice of Raja Yoga, the path of concentration and meditation. These timeless teachings is a treasure to be read and referred to again and again by seekers treading the spiritual path. The classic Sutras, at least 4,000 years old, cover the yogic teachings on ethics, meditation, and physical postures, and provide directions for dealing with situations in daily life. The Sutras are presented here in the purest form, with the original Sanskrit and with translation, transliteration, and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda, one of the most respected and revered contemporary Yoga masters. Sri Swamiji offers practical advice based on his own experience for mastering the mind and achieving physical, mental and emotional harmony.

William Strauss and Neil Howe will change the way you see the world - and your place in it. With blazing originality, The Fourth Turning illuminates the past, explains the present, and reimagines the future. Most remarkably, it offers an utterly persuasive prophecy about how America’s past will predict its future.

Strauss and Howe base this vision on a provocative theory of American history. The authors look back 500 years and uncover a distinct pattern: Modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting about the length of a long human life, each composed of four eras - or "turnings" - that last about 20 years and that always arrive in the same order. In The Fourth Turning, the authors illustrate these cycles using a brilliant analysis of the post-World War II period.

First comes a High, a period of confident expansion as a new order takes root after the old has been swept away. Next comes an Awakening, a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion against the now-established order. Then comes an Unraveling, an increasingly troubled era in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis - the Fourth Turning - when society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. Together, the four turnings comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth.

4th Turning

Excess Deaths & Why RFK Jr. Can Win The Democratic Presidential Race - Ed Dowd | Part 1 of 2 - 06-21-2023

All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. To the general reader the Khazars, who flourished from the 7th to 11th century, may seem infinitely remote today. Yet they have a close and unexpected bearing on our world, which emerges as Koestler recounts the fascinating history of the ancient Khazar Empire.

At about the time that Charlemagne was Emperor in the West. The Khazars' sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.Thereafter the Khazars found themselves in a precarious position between the two major world powers: the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium and the triumphant followers of Mohammed.As Koestler points out, the Khazars were the Third World of their day. They chose a surprising method of resisting both the Western pressure to become Christian and the Eastern to adopt Islam. Rejecting both, they converted to Judaism. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry.

Few people noticed the secret codewords used by our astronauts to describe the moon. Until now, few knew about the strange moving lights they reported.
George H. Leonard, former NASA scientist, fought through the official veil of secrecy and studied thousands of NASA photographs, spoke candidly with dozens of NASA officials, and listened to hours and hours of astronauts' tapes.
Here, Leonard presents the stunning and inescapable evidence discovered during his in-depth investigation:

  • Immense mechanical rigs, some over a mile long, working the lunar surface.
  • Strange geometric ground markings and symbols.
  • Lunar constructions several times higher than anything built on Earth.
  • Vehicles, tracks, towers, pipes, conduits, and conveyor belts running in and across moon craters.
Somebody else is indeed on the Moon, and engaged in activities on a massive scale. Our space agencies, and many of the world's top scientists, have known for years that there is intelligent life on the moon.

The article delves into the history of the Khazars, a polity in the Northern Caucasus that existed from the mid-seventh century until about 970 CE. Contrary to popular belief, the term "Khazars" is misleading as it was a multiethnic entity, and it's uncertain which specific group adopted Judaism. The Khazars first emerged in the seventh century, defeating the Bulgars, which led to the Bulgars' dispersion to various regions. The Khazar Empire was established through the expulsion of the Bulgars and was multiethnic in nature. The language spoken by the Khazars is debated, with some suggesting Turkic origins and others pointing to Slavic. The Khazars had several cities and fortresses, with significant archaeological findings. The Khazars had interactions with various empires, including wars with the Arabs and alliances with Byzantine emperors. By the mid-10th century, the Khazar capital of Itil was destroyed by the Russians. The article concludes that much of what is known about the Khazars is based on limited sources.

#Khazars #History #Caucasus #Judaism #Bulgars #Empire #Multiethnic #LanguageDebate #ArabWars #ByzantineAlliances #Itil #RussianInvasion #Archaeology #ReligiousConversion #TabletMag

In The Science of the Dogon, Laird Scranton demonstrated that the cosmological structure described in the myths and drawings of the Dogon runs parallel to modern science--atomic theory, quantum theory, and string theory--their drawings often taking the same form as accurate scientific diagrams that relate to the formation of matter.

Sacred Symbols of the Dogon uses these parallels as the starting point for a new interpretation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language. By substituting Dogon cosmological drawings for equivalent glyph-shapes in Egyptian words, a new way of reading and interpreting the Egyptian hieroglyphs emerges. Scranton shows how each hieroglyph constitutes an entire concept, and that their meanings are scientific in nature.

The Dogon people of Mali, West Africa, are famous for their unique art and advanced cosmology. The Dogon’s creation story describes how the one true god, Amma, created all the matter of the universe. Interestingly, the myths that depict his creative efforts bear a striking resemblance to the modern scientific definitions of matter, beginning with the atom and continuing all the way to the vibrating threads of string theory. Furthermore, many of the Dogon words, symbols, and rituals used to describe the structure of matter are quite similar to those found in the myths of ancient Egypt and in the daily rituals of Judaism. For example, the modern scientific depiction of the informed universe as a black hole is identical to Amma’s Egg of the Dogon and the Egyptian Benben Stone.

The Science of the Dogon offers a case-by-case comparison of Dogon descriptions and drawings to corresponding scientific definitions and diagrams from authors like Stephen Hawking and Brian Greene, then extends this analysis to the counterparts of these symbols in both the ancient Egyptian and Hebrew religions. What is ultimately revealed is the scientific basis for the language of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, which was deliberately encoded to prevent the knowledge of these concepts from falling into the hands of all but the highest members of the Egyptian priesthood.

Anthony C. Yu’s translation of The Journey to the West,initially published in 1983, introduced English-speaking audiences to the classic Chinese novel in its entirety for the first time. Written in the sixteenth century, The Journey to the West tells the story of the fourteen-year pilgrimage of the monk Xuanzang, one of China’s most famous religious heroes, and his three supernatural disciples, in search of Buddhist scriptures. Throughout his journey, Xuanzang fights demons who wish to eat him, communes with spirits, and traverses a land riddled with a multitude of obstacles, both real and fantastical. An adventure rich with danger and excitement, this seminal work of the Chinese literary canonis by turns allegory, satire, and fantasy.

With over a hundred chapters written in both prose and poetry, The Journey to the West has always been a complicated and difficult text to render in English while preserving the lyricism of its language and the content of its plot. But Yu has successfully taken on the task, and in this new edition he has made his translations even more accurate and accessible. The explanatory notes are updated and augmented, and Yu has added new material to his introduction, based on his original research as well as on the newest literary criticism and scholarship on Chinese religious traditions. He has also modernized the transliterations included in each volume, using the now-standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization system. Perhaps most important, Yu has made changes to the translation itself in order to make it as precise as possible.

One of the great works of Chinese literature, The Journey to the West is not only invaluable to scholars of Eastern religion and literature, but, in Yu’s elegant rendering, also a delight for any reader.

The Oera Linda Book is a 19th-century translation by Dr. Ottema and WIlliam R. Sandbach of an old manuscript written in the Old Frisian language that records historical, mythological, and religious themes of remote antiquity, compiled between 2194 BC and AD 803.

  • The Oera Linda book challenges traditional views of pre-Christian societies.
  • Christianization is likened to a "great reset" that erased previous civilizations.
  • The Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people.
  • The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting patterns in history.
  • The importance of identity and understanding one's roots is highlighted.
  • The Oera Linda book offers wisdom and insights into several European languages.

The Oera Linda book offers a fresh perspective on our history, challenging the notion that pre-Christian societies were uncivilized. It suggests that the Christianization of societies was a form of "great reset," erasing and demonizing what existed before. The Oera Linda writings hint at an advanced civilization with its own laws, writing, and societal structures. Jan Ott's translation from the Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people. The text also touches upon the guilt many feel today, even if they aren't religious, about issues like climate change and historical slavery. It criticizes the way science is sometimes treated like a religion, with scientists acting as its preachers. The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting that understanding history requires recognizing patterns and cycles. Christianity is portrayed as one of the most significant resets in history, with sects fighting and erasing each other's scriptures. The importance of identity is highlighted, with a focus on the Fryans, a tribe that faced challenges from another tribe from Finland. This other tribe had a different moral compass, leading to conflicts and eventual assimilation. The text suggests that the true history of the Fryans and their values might have been distorted by subsequent Christian narratives. The Oera Linda book is seen as a source of wisdom, shedding light on the origins of several European languages and offering insights into values like freedom, truth, and justice.

#OeraLinda #History #Christianization #GreatReset #FryanLanguage #JanOtt #Civilization #OldTestament #Church #SpiritualAbuse #Identity #Fryans #Autland #Finland #Slavery #Christianity #Sects #Genocide #Torture #Bible #Freedom #Truth #Justice #Righteousness #Language #German #Dutch #Frisian #English #Scandinavian #Wisdom #Inspiration #European #Values

The Talmud is one of the most important holy books of the Hebrew religion and of the world. No English translation of the book existed until the author presented this work. To this day, very little of the actual text seems available in English -- although we find many interpretive commentaries on what it is supposed to mean. The Talmud has a reputation for being long and difficult to digest, but Polano has taken what he believes to be the best material and put it into extremely readable form. As far as holy books of the world are concerned, it is on par with The Koran, The Bhagavad-Gita and, of course, The Bible, in importance. This clearly written edition will allow many to experience The Talmud who may have otherwise not had the chance.

This five-volume set is the only complete English rendering of The Zohar, the fundamental rabbinic work on Jewish mysticism that has fascinated readers for more than seven centuries. In addition to being the primary reference text for kabbalistic studies, this magnificent work is arranged in the form of a commentary on the Bible, bringing to the surface the deeper meanings behind the commandments and biblical narrative. As The Zohar itself proclaims: Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment Thin which it is swathed.

Twenty-one years ago, at a friend's request, a Massachusetts professor sketched out a blueprint for nonviolent resistance to repressive regimes. It would go on to be translated, photocopied, and handed from one activist to another, traveling from country to country across the globe: from Iran to Venezuela―where both countries consider Gene Sharp to be an enemy of the state―to Serbia; Afghanistan; Vietnam; the former Soviet Union; China; Nepal; and, more recently and notably, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria, where it has served as a guiding light of the Arab Spring.

This short, pithy, inspiring, and extraordinarily clear guide to overthrowing a dictatorship by nonviolent means lists 198 specific methods to consider, depending on the circumstances: sit-ins, popular nonobedience, selective strikes, withdrawal of bank deposits, revenue refusal, walkouts, silence, and hunger strikes. From Dictatorship to Democracy is the remarkable work that has made the little-known Sharp into the world's most effective and sought-after analyst of resistance to authoritarian regimes.

Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests. He has spoken to many groups throughout the United States and has appeared regularly on many radio talk shows and on television. In 1988 Bill decided to "talk" due to events then taking place worldwide, events that he had seen plans for back in the early 1970s. Bill correctly predicted the lowering of the Iron Curtain, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. All Bill's predictions were on record well before the events occurred. Bill is not a psychic. His information comes from top secret documents that he read while with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over seventeen years of research.

The argument that the 16th Amendment (which concerns the federal income tax) was not properly ratified and thus is invalid has been a topic of debate among some tax protesters and scholars. One of the individuals associated with this theory is Bill Benson, who asserted that the 16th Amendment was fraudulently ratified. Here's a brief overview of the argument: 1. Research and Documentation: Bill Benson, along with another individual named M.J. "Red" Beckman, wrote a two-volume work called "The Law That Never Was" in the 1980s. This work was a product of Benson's extensive travels to various state archives to examine the original ratification documents related to the 16th Amendment. 2. Claims of Irregularities: In his work, Benson presented evidence that claimed many of the states either did not ratify the 16th Amendment properly or made mistakes in their resolutions. Some of these alleged irregularities included misspellings, incorrect wording, and other deviations from the proposed amendment. 3. Philander Knox's Role: In 1913, Philander Knox, who was the U.S. Secretary of State at the time, declared that the 16th Amendment had been ratified by the necessary three-fourths of the states. Benson's contention is that Knox was aware of the various discrepancies and irregularities in the ratification process but chose to fraudulently declare the amendment ratified anyway. 4. Legal Challenges and Court Rulings: Over the years, some tax protesters have used Benson's findings to challenge the legality of the income tax. However, these challenges have been consistently rejected by the courts. In fact, several courts have addressed Benson's research and arguments directly and found them to be without legal merit. The courts have repeatedly upheld the validity of the 16th Amendment. 5. Counterarguments: Critics of Benson's theory argue that even if there were minor discrepancies in the wording or format of the ratification documents, they do not invalidate the overarching intent of the states to ratify the amendment. Additionally, they assert that there's no substantive evidence that Knox acted fraudulently. It's worth noting that despite the popularity of this theory among certain groups, the legal consensus in the U.S. is that the 16th Amendment was validly ratified and is a legitimate part of the U.S. Constitution. Those who refuse to pay income taxes based on this theory have faced legal penalties.

The article delves into the evolution of the concept of the ether in physics. Historically, the ether was postulated to explain the propagation of light, with figures like Newton and Huygens suggesting its existence. By the late 19th century, Maxwell's electromagnetic theory linked light's propagation to the ether, a theory experimentally validated by Hertz in 1888. Lorentz expanded on this, focusing on wave transmission in moving media. The article contrasts the English approach, which sought tangible models, with the phenomenological view, which aimed for a descriptive approach without specific hypotheses. The piece also touches on various mechanical theories and models proposed over the years, emphasizing the challenges in defining the ether's properties and its evolving nature in scientific discourse.

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Near Real Time PSY – 11-06-2023

Near Real Time PSY - 11-06-2023

Near Real Time PSY - 11-06-2023

Episode Summary:

="Near Real Time PSY" by Clif High covers various topics including telepathy, emotional control, psychic warfare, and space aliens. High discusses Ingo Swan's writings on telepathy, suggesting that space aliens might use a form of telepathy for emotional control, which could be more effective than traditional methods. He explains how movies and entertainment can alter our emotions and hormonal balance, drawing parallels to this form of telepathy. High also delves into the topic of collective human reactions and emotions, using an anecdote about a crowd's reaction to a group of runners to illustrate how emotions can be amplified and manipulated.

Furthermore, High argues that conventional scientific approaches, particularly those influenced by Einsteinian and Talmudic Jewish perspectives, are flawed. He criticizes the pursuit of quantum physics and the search for a 'God particle,' advocating instead for a return to concepts like ether, as understood by Tesla and other pioneers. High predicts significant scientific breakthroughs and challenges to established scientific theories, particularly in the context of understanding psychic phenomena and the ether.

He also touches on the influence of space aliens in human history, suggesting that our understanding of them and their role in our past is about to change dramatically. High anticipates major impacts on religions and belief systems as a result of these revelations. The document concludes abruptly due to an incident happening near High's location.

#ClifHigh #Telepathy #AlienInfluence #PsychicWarfare #EmotionalControl #SpaceAliens #HumanEmotions #EinsteinianCritique #QuantumPhysics #GodParticle #EtherTheory #Tesla #ScientificBreakthroughs #ReligiousImpact #SocietalChanges #MindControl #EmotionManipulation #TalmudicScience #Ontology #HistoricalInfluence #FuturePredictions #CollectiveReactions #EntertainmentEffects #HormonalBalance #PsychicPhenomena #ConventionalScience #ParadigmShift #EtherVsQuantum #ReligiousBeliefs #SpaceAlienTelepathy #IngoSwan #EmotionAmplification #ScientificChallenges #HumanHistory #RealityUnderstanding

Key Takeaways:
  • Telepathy and emotional control as potential tools of manipulation by space aliens.
  • The influence of entertainment in altering human emotions and hormonal balance.
  • Criticism of Einsteinian physics and advocacy for ether-based theories.
  • Predictions of major scientific breakthroughs challenging established theories.

  • Anticipation of significant changes in human understanding of space aliens and their historical influence.
  • Expected impacts on religious beliefs and societal structures.
  • Upcoming challenges to established scientific theories, particularly in physics.
  • Revelations about the role of space aliens in human history and their methods of influence.
  • Significant changes in religious and societal structures in response to new understandings of space aliens and psychic phenomena.
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Near Real Time PSY - 11-06-2023

Hello, human. Hello, humans. November 6, heading outbound into the afternoon here. Off doing my chores tomorrow. I've got not shopping or anything.

I had some other stuff to do tomorrow. I've got to go and start scoping out property and stuff for a move here and get that started. A lot of damn work. I was hoping to avoid a bunch of it, but universe has other ideas anyway. So if we examine Ingo Swan's writings on telepathy, and he was involved in a number of experiments about telepathy that really actually showed that it worked, it's valid all this kind of thing.

But if we look at his writings on it, he was under the impression that space aliens telepathy is not necessarily, as we think of it, okay? So humans would think of telepathy as being able to send thoughts to each other, right? So you're sitting there, and you beam a thought over to somebody across the room. You say hot chocolate. I want a hot chocolate, right?

I want a drink of hot chocolate. And you send that thought. This is one level of telepathy that's the one that humans have been concentrating on the most. But Ingo is of the opinion, although he didn't go into the biomechanical details much, he was of the opinion that another form of telepathy would be used against us by space aliens and that that form of telepathy may indeed have been used by the Elohim in conquering people. And that form of telepathy is emotional control.

And I would agree with that statement that it's feasible that you could have a form of telepathy where they are not trying to transmit a word or a phrase or a sentence to you or an image or a concept. They're rather attempting to transmit and control your emotions, right? So put you into a particular emotional state. And he was of the opinion that this is what is most likely to be used against us as a weapon by the space aliens. Now, he had his own reasoning for that, but I'm sort of piggybacking on that, saying that much material exists, and we know for a fact that such things can be done, that emotions can be transmitted to you.

So, for instance, we have emotions by proxy where we get visual images, right? And you can have a heartbreaking movie or whatever, and so someone transmits emotions to you through images and through the action and the dialogue, et cetera. But the net result is that your mind has a willing suspension of disbelief. You place yourself into the situation that's being presented in the movie or whatever, and you react. Your body reacts accordingly, and so you actually have sensation that arises from the introduction of thought.

So they use music, lighting, all of this kind of stuff, and they basically change your emotional mood, and then you have particular sensations as a result of that. This occurs because the linkage of the linguistic part of the brain, the visual image part of the brain, the thinking part of the brain gets linked to the thymus and the hypothalamus and alters the hormone ratios within your body at a biochemical level. And this is what causes you to feel that particular emotional state to enter into that emotional state. And as long as the hormones are maintained at that level, you will feel that particular emotional complex, whatever they're putting you into. Usually this is like two hour long movie, that sort of thing, right?

And they'll take you up and down, manipulate your emotions in the movie and you'll come out of the movie and your body will have reacted and you will feel satisfied that you got your money's worth because you will have had the body reaction, right? So there will be a sense of satisfaction derived from that experience and it will be because your body actually reacted and you felt those emotions, which in turn, sometimes those emotions can induce sensation. So we could do things with flashing lights, with images and stuff that might make you nauseous just looking at them. What's happening there is, again, it's the hormonal response in order to have the feeling of the emotion that then triggers the sensation. So you're not really nauseated, you don't really have anything going on with your stomach.

It's truly all in your head. And this is what the makers of the videos and the movies and so forth are actually counting on, is that indeed you will react. Even though it's all in your head, you will have that body reaction. And then therefore, for their particular entertainment product, you will have a sense of satisfaction that you got your money's worth, right, that it did its job, you enjoyed the movie or whatever the fuck it was supposed to be. Now, Ingo is of the opinion that that's how the space aliens conquered us.

Not only by coming down and blowing the shit out of our granaries and shooting our donkeys and stuff and shooting and killing humans, but also by this much more effective approach of emotional control. So they were controlling all of their slaves through their minds, putting them into a particular emotional state, keeping them there, getting them disrupted, non harmonious with their bodies, making their bodies start react to the emotions that the telepathy is triggering. And the telepathic approach in that sense is not, at least in Ingo's understanding, would not be the crude way that humans do it by imagery and dialogue and music and so on, but rather something that's more subtle and to a certain extent is much more direct. And that would be a form of telepathy that was designed to basically cause changes within the hypothalamus and the release of specific hormones. So you're not trying to send a thought over be afraid, but you're attempting to make them afraid by causing fear hormones to go through their body and then simply sort of like attaching those fear hormones through your presence to you so that they become afraid of you.

Not a particularly complex idea. We do these things, as I say, in our movies and our, quote, entertainment, all the horror movies, the shockers, the thrillers, et cetera, those are eliciting through their imagery, the actual fight or flight response, right? And it's flight or freeze response. And so those physical responses are actually being triggered by the cheap ass movie you rent, right? Anyway, so the idea is that the space aliens are going to do this on something of a grand scale, that they could do it to whole populations because they're basically like beaming it out at a psychic level.

So you're not really aware. There's no physical you're not watching a movie, there's no flashy lights, there's not necessarily anything to trigger your sensation response from the outside. So what they do is they're basically triggering that sensation response, the fear response that tightens all your muscles and makes your stomach all knot up, all of that. They're triggering that by literally reaching in and sort of touching your hypothalamus through an energetic what we would think of as like an ESP pulse or a form of telepathic pulse, a telepathic touch, if you will. And so this was Ingo's biggest fear.

My interpretation of it, okay, my inferring, I think one point he implied it, but he always skirted around these issues, I think because he was already involved with officialdom and didn't want to get any more involved. But in any event, though, so I'm of the opinion that Ingo was afraid of this particular approach to the conquering of humans because he didn't think we'd get our shit together fast enough to derail it. But you can derail these things if you're aware that it's ongoing, if you're aware it's happening to you. Most humans, though, are not so much self aware that they would understand that there is no external sensation or array of sensations to prompt me into this fear mode. So the fear mode is coming from somewhere.

And I haven't ingested any drug, I haven't been poisoned, I'm not shot. There's no physical body sensation that should be causing these fear emanations or fear emotions. So there must be something, because it is not arising in the natural order of things from my body, right? And so if you are aware enough that you pick up on the idea that, oh, there's really no source for this, then, AHA, there is a source, it's just unseen and it's acting on you. And if you saw lots and lots and lots of people react in that fear mode, then you might instinctively join in on that and react that way because of the amplification of emotion.

We see this in normal human activity all the time. There's a beautiful example over it's on BitChute, probably it's been on Rumble, probably it's on Twitter, but it's a security cam showing a bunch of people in brazil, I think. And they're sitting around having late evening, early night supper at an outdoor restaurant. Patrons everywhere, tables full, three or four people waiting. They've even got a prep table out there where one guy looks like he's getting ready to make a salad or fry up some shrimp or something, right?

He's got a little hot plate there and he's doing stuff, right? Anyway, so this is the scene. And then the rest of the little video goes very rapidly because what happens is the camera picks up, this one guy come running through and then two or three other people come running through. The seating here basically is off on the road. So the space of the sidewalk is more or less free in front of this restaurant.

And all the seats are out in this what would otherwise have been, say, a parking area, right? You're not actually out in the road, but it's this outdoor restaurant thing. Anyway, these people come running through and these guys are just jogging, okay? They're a bunch of CrossFit guys that are out for a run in the early evening. But because these three, four or five people, it's difficult in the way it matures for you to tell who was originally involved.

But there were at least three and may have been as many as five or eight individuals in this CrossFit club that are out for a pretty fast run. And they come running through the midst of this restaurant and a wave of emotion of fear goes through the patrons of the restaurant and everybody gets up and starts running after them, okay? Because one person in the restaurant decided had a feeling that generated fear within them based on what he saw, which was all these people running. And that person probably made the assumption there was like an active shooter or there was some reason to run, some reason to fear. And so the nature of our society at this point, everybody is looking for things because we're all at a higher state of emotion.

And so you're looking for something to attach it to. You're wary. You're twitchy. And so these people were real twitchy, very wary. And they mistook the CrossFit guys on their run as people fleeing.

And so they decided they needed to flee too because whatever it was, was definitely coming their way because all these guys were running through the restaurant to get the fuck out of the way to get out of there. At least that was the interpretation from the restaurant patrons. And so the thing evolves. And we've got people fleeing the restaurant and the two waiters and the assistant cook guy were standing around there blinking and looking like, okay, what the fuck happened here? Because they were busy with their chores.

They weren't paying attention to the general ambiance. They just weren't sitting around, right? And all of a sudden, their whole restaurant is, like, empty. I think maybe one or two people stayed, all right? So there might have been 30 people that got up and left running.

They left their wallets and telephones and all this kind of shit just sitting on the tables there, and they ran away. And so this is the amplification of emotion. This was the creation of a fear state by virtue of a cascading emotion of one person setting it all off, right? Because that one person had the assumption that there was some reason to fear, it set off everybody else having the assumption that there was a reason to fear. And they all reacted to it.

And so ingo's point in his writing was it's not necessary that the aliens actually do anything to us, right? They could come down and manipulate us mentally and cause these kind of effects that we would actually happily participate in and magnify just by the nature of who humans are and how we work, and the fact that most of us are sort of sleeping through life. We're not really awake, we're not self monitoring. We certainly don't ever do anything in real time or even near real time. So something happens, especially for men, and you get an emotion or something, it might be hours later, you think, oh, what happened there?

Why did I feel this way? That kind of thing, right? Not being aware of the proximate cause of the emotional state at the beginning of it. And that's the way that humans operate basically all the time, at least 80% of us. And it's probably much higher than that.

I'm just picking a number that gives us a little bit of wiggle room there. Maybe it's as high as like 97% of all humans are not operationally aware in the normal course of their events anyway. So ingo's thing was that when we started getting into war with space aliens, it's going to be a weird kind of a situation because these guys are not necessarily going to come on in and shoot us with laser rays and stuff, because for one thing, it puts them at risk to get into proximity to where they could use such weapons. And then also the amount of energy involved to do an actual physical attack is ever so much more than could be generated at a psychic level to do psychic attacks. So he was of the opinion that when the Earthers versus the spaceide so Earth side versus spaceide wars actually began, they're going to be really strange because they won't necessarily be throwing nukes and shit at each other, right?

That's a crude cali. Yuga. Kind of a way to do warfare. If you can just manipulate mental energies and cause changes in the hypothalamus, you're good to go. You can just have the whole population shitting themselves and you don't even have to use a single bullet.

We've been under such kinds of mind control basically for all of humanity's existence, and now we're at the point where we might be able to recognize it, but we will certainly be encountering them in the future, and we will have to deal with these encounters in the future. And those future encounters are not that far off if they're not already happening. Okay? So there's a lot of reasons to suspect that such a thing may be occurring already and may have been occurring pretty continuously for like the last two or 300 years. We just don't know.

Lots of speculation, right? Because we're entering into the deep woo where there's not a lot of objective scientific recording and sharing of information, but nonetheless, we do to ourselves prove telepathy, at least in the idea of telepathic mind states being transmitted without words, right? So not without actions, as in the case of the patrons at that Brazilian restaurant having their capelli and then having a little wine or whatever. It's a nice evening and then boom. All of a sudden their emotional state changes and they're in fear for their lives running because they think somebody's coming along and is going to shoot them.

So this is a kind of thing that Ingo said we had to watch out for. Now, he had some thinking about how to do it, how to watch for it, and this kind of thing. So it's worth reading his books and becoming ESP aware just at a personal level for safeguarding your body and your mind as we go through the future here. It's nice to be self aware and monitoring in near real time just for such occurrences. Not that you're going to catch them every time, et cetera, et cetera, but nonetheless, you increase your chances by starting to adopt a protocol for your life, right, that you're basically self aware.

You're aware of your surroundings, you're aware of what you're doing and why you're doing it. The why part is really important because that's where the space aliens come on in and fuck around. They make you do things and all of a sudden you say, well, why did I do that? There was no real reason for me to do that. And then if this is of a particular order, then you realize, oh, somebody's out here screwing with my mind, causing me to do things for their own reasons, not for mine.

And so they just make me do it. And my mind supplies the idea that I wanted to do it. There was my willpower and not them.

It's an interesting time that way. We're going to get into a lot more technical analysis as we go forward these coming years into the idea of psychic states, psychic warfare, psychic propagation, psychic energy, how it works, and all of these kind of things, right? All this arises from the ether. And we've had the grit uber ullis, okay? So we've had that Einsteinian model that you can find consciousness if you keep finding smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller pieces of grit to look at right?

That's the idea of the large hadron collider. They think they'll come down to a God particle that's conscious. They'll get to the God particle, and these guys are so fucking stupid. And mostly it's because of the Talmudian Jewish domination of science that we have this idea, right? Because the Jewish science always, always and forever denies the existence of an ontological creation for universe.

Basically, all of Jewish science denies God, okay? They deny a creator and they say that this would exist whether we were conscious to perceive it existing or not. And that is not true. That statement, from their viewpoint is false, and we can prove it to be false in a number of different ways. They never want to hear this.

But it is quite factual that you can prove that that statement is false. And therefore their whole approach, all of Einstein, all of these feynman, all of these other guys that were all trained in and involved in the Talmudic understanding of reality are all on the wrong foot, right?

It's a huge, giant level of a mistake in terms of how they approach things. And thus we see why we've had no real progress these last hundred years under the Einsteinian E equals MC squared, leading to quantum, which is not doing anything for us, just diverting and using lots of money, understanding of things, right?

So you'll hear people use quantum as an adjective or as a noun in their sales pitches for whatever it is they're selling. As soon as I hear that, I recognize that these people don't think they have not gotten to the point where they understand whatever the fuck it is that they're trying to sell or propagate because they think that quantum is a valid paradigm, that it actually works, et cetera. And all it is is the formalization of the grit. Uber alice if you go down deep enough, you find a God particle. And if you can smoosh enough of the God particles together, you can create consciousness and life.

That's what they're after, right? That's their whole goal. And along the way, they're trying to get demons to come through interdimensionally and all this other horseshit and they're walking around doing all their satanistic rituals and that kind of bullshit. All of which, by the way, are entrees to or objections to space alien telepathy, right? So if you think about it, all they're trying to do is to get space aliens to appear.

They're going to call them interdimensional or whatever. Dimensions only exist in Einstein's thinking. And Einstein's thinking was bogus. Therefore, interdimensional aliens are bogus. Interdimensions are bogus.

It doesn't work that way. Energetically. It doesn't work that way. They're talking now about human traversible wormholes bullshit. It doesn't work that way.

The energy math does not compute. But they're on this trail that they can't back out from, and they don't see that they're off in a forest because they're looking at individual trees, right? And so their viewpoint is so skewed that it's like self isolating and self skewing in that sense anyway. So the ontological approach is correct. The grit approach is not.

We've been down the grit road for over 100 years. Grit hasn't yielded anything for us except these little tiny incremental improvements. No big breakthroughs, no revolutionary understandings that were promised all of this. So basically, it's a lot of horseshit. And they've diverted us for 100 years away from the ether, which was Tesla's understanding, it was Maxwell Clerk's understanding, it was Heavyside's understanding.

All of these people that helped invent the electrics and the electronics of this age all understood the ether to exist. And that psychic ability and stuff is just yet another layer of emanations within the ether. And it's a paradigm shifting approach to start dealing with this at that level. But we're about ready to get into that. So it might take us ten or 20 years before the Einsteinian grip model dies, but it's going to be assaulted.

It's being assaulted right now, but it's going to be assaulted in a very fierce way starting in, like, January. Yeah, I think it'll be January. I don't think it'll actually be December, but there's a bunch of scientific investigations that are out there that are going to prove the existence of ether to the point that the grit guys have to start paying attention. They'll rename it. They'll do anything they can to not have it be the ether, because that goes to an ontological understanding of universe, which they must deny because of the nature of basically because of the nature of Judaism under the Talmud, okay?

And so this period is happening now, but we'll see it happen in a much more aggressive way starting next year as people actually start saying, well, you guys think of it that way, but hey, look, I think of it as the ether, and look what I was able to do. And here's this invention that would not happen if you thought of universe the way that you numb nuts do. And so we'll get into that. This is part of the next big phase here, as we're going to be owning what has happened to us, and in terms of being conquered and captured and twisted and to the point where we call our conquerors gods, all right? Where we call the Elohim gods when they were just a bunch of very rude, self centered, self focused and space aliens.

So they're not gods people. Anyway, so we're getting into this in 2024 in a big way. It's going to have huge ramifications for all religions, and it's going to really impact a lot of people. You're going to have all kinds of religious schisms over this. People that can't change their mind because of the way they've structured their reality and they're not self aware, are going to put up huge fights about it, be in denial about all this stuff and come up with all this other language for them.

So if space aliens land, you're going to get a bunch of people from a bunch of religions that will say, oh, my God, they're demons. They're demons. And that's just the label people. They have no association with the Bible, other than the Bible is all about space aliens. And it's like if you actually examine the bible, there are hundreds of individual non humans that are involved in the Bible.

A lot of the bible books were thrown out because they were focused on the space alien aspect, and people just didn't want that to be in your face. So in the council of Nicaea, 325 Ad. They decided on which books were going to be in the Bible. Bunch of the Christian sect leaders were murdered at that conference. So their sects, which were their cults, which were referencing the space aliens and talked about the demons, and they actually even talked about space alien telepathy and mind control and this kind of stuff.

These guys were killed so that their cults would not propagate against this washed down version of the religions. Right.

Anyway, so 2024 is going to be really fun at a science level for people like myself that know that the Einsteinian view is a dead end and it's about ready to go. This will be very good. We've got to start all over again. We got to go back to Tesla and pick up from there. But we should be able to make some fairly rapid progress once we get over some of these bogus ideas that have been put on us by people that cannot think any other way.

So I'm not saying I hate Jews or anything, but I'm saying that the Jewish domination of science the Jewish thing is clan. The Jewish thing in their clans is organization. The Jewish thing in the clans is the crook. What the fuck? Shit.

Okay, so I'm going to have to sign off. We've had a wreck right in front of my house, it looks like, and so I've got to deal with this. Okay. All right.

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Ours is often called an information economy, but at a moment when access to information is virtually unlimited, our attention has become the ultimate commodity. In nearly every moment of our waking lives, we face a barrage of efforts to harvest our attention. This condition is not simply the byproduct of recent technological innovations but the result of more than a century's growth and expansion in the industries that feed on human attention. Wu’s narrative begins in the nineteenth century, when Benjamin Day discovered he could get rich selling newspapers for a penny. Since then, every new medium—from radio to television to Internet companies such as Google and Facebook—has attained commercial viability and immense riches by turning itself into an advertising platform. Since the early days, the basic business model of “attention merchants” has never changed: free diversion in exchange for a moment of your time, sold in turn to the highest-bidding advertiser. Full of lively, unexpected storytelling and piercing insight, The Attention Merchants lays bare the true nature of a ubiquitous reality we can no longer afford to accept at face value.

Some people think that in today’s hyper-competitive world, it’s the tough, take-no-prisoners type who comes out on top. But in reality, argues New York Times bestselling author Dave Kerpen, it’s actually those with the best people skills who win the day. Those who build the right relationships. Those who truly understand and connect with their colleagues, their customers, their partners. Those who can teach, lead, and inspire. In a world where we are constantly connected, and social media has become the primary way we communicate, the key to getting ahead is being the person others like, respect, and trust. Because no matter who you are or what profession you're in, success is contingent less on what you can do for yourself, but on what other people are willing to do for you. Here, through 53 bite-sized, easy-to-execute, and often counterintuitive tips, you’ll learn to master the 11 People Skills that will get you more of what you want at work, at home, and in life. For example, you’ll learn: · The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting · The one simple key to networking that nobody talks about · How to remain top of mind for thousands of people, everyday · Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news · How to blow off the right people · And why, when in doubt, buy him a Bonsai A book best described as “How to Win Friends and Influence People for today’s world,” The Art of People shows how to charm and win over anyone to be more successful at work and outside of it.

Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to adapt to harsh new realities, but you don't yet have a strategy that will get you out in front of your competitors, you need Business Model Generation. Co-created by 470 "Business Model Canvas" practitioners from 45 countries, the book features a beautiful, highly visual, 4-color design that takes powerful strategic ideas and tools, and makes them easy to implement in your organization. It explains the most common Business Model patterns, based on concepts from leading business thinkers, and helps you reinterpret them for your own context. You will learn how to systematically understand, design, and implement a game-changing business model--or analyze and renovate an old one. Along the way, you'll understand at a much deeper level your customers, distribution channels, partners, revenue streams, costs, and your core value proposition. Business Model Generation features practical innovation techniques used today by leading consultants and companies worldwide, including 3M, Ericsson, Capgemini, Deloitte, and others. Designed for doers, it is for those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new models of value creation: for executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, and leaders of all organizations. If you're ready to change the rules, you belong to "the business model generation!"

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One, legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singular ways to create those new things. Thiel begins with the contrarian premise that we live in an age of technological stagnation, even if we’re too distracted by shiny mobile devices to notice. Information technology has improved rapidly, but there is no reason why progress should be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. Progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. It comes from the most important skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself. Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. Tomorrow’s champions will not win by competing ruthlessly in today’s marketplace. They will escape competition altogether, because their businesses will be unique. Zero to One presents at once an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and a new way of thinking about innovation: it starts by learning to ask the questions that lead you to find value in unexpected places.

Why should I do business with you… and not your competitor? Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, distributor, or service provider – if you cannot answer this question, you are surely losing customers, clients and market share. This eye-opening book reveals how identifying your competitive advantages (and trumpeting them to the marketplace) is the most surefire way to close deals, retain clients, and stay miles ahead of the competition. The five fatal flaws of most companies: • They don’t have a competitive advantage but think they do • They have a competitive advantage but don’t know what it is—so they lower prices instead • They know what their competitive advantage is but neglect to tell clients about it • They mistake “strengths” for competitive advantages • They don’t concentrate on competitive advantages when making strategic and operational decisions The good news is that you can overcome these costly mistakes – by identifying your competitive advantages and creating new ones. Consultant, public speaker, and competitive advantage expert Jaynie Smith will show you how scores of small and large companies substantially increased their sales by focusing on their competitive advantages. When advising a CEO frustrated by his salespeople’s inability to close deals, Smith discovered that his company stayed on schedule 95 percent of the time – an achievement no one else in his industry could claim. By touting this and other competitive advantages to customers, closing rates increased by 30 percent—and so did company revenues. Jack Welch has said, “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” This straight-to-the-point book is filled with insightful stories and specific steps on how to pinpoint your competitive advantages, develop new ones, and get the message out about them.

The number one New York Times best seller that examines how people can champion new ideas in their careers and everyday life - and how leaders can fight groupthink, from the author of Think Again and co-author of Option B. With Give and Take, Adam Grant not only introduced a landmark new paradigm for success but also established himself as one of his generation’s most compelling and provocative thought leaders. In Originals he again addresses the challenge of improving the world, but now from the perspective of becoming original: choosing to champion novel ideas and values that go against the grain, battle conformity, and buck outdated traditions. How can we originate new ideas, policies, and practices without risking it all? Using surprising studies and stories spanning business, politics, sports, and entertainment, Grant explores how to recognize a good idea, speak up without getting silenced, build a coalition of allies, choose the right time to act, and manage fear and doubt; how parents and teachers can nurture originality in children; and how leaders can build cultures that welcome dissent. Learn from an entrepreneur who pitches his start-ups by highlighting the reasons not to invest, a woman at Apple who challenged Steve Jobs from three levels below, an analyst who overturned the rule of secrecy at the CIA, a billionaire financial wizard who fires employees for failing to criticize him, and a TV executive who didn’t even work in comedy but saved Seinfeld from the cutting-room floor. The payoff is a set of groundbreaking insights about rejecting conformity and improving the status quo.

In The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau tells you how to lead of life of adventure, meaning and purpose - and earn a good living. Still in his early 30s, Chris is on the verge of completing a tour of every country on earth - he's already visited more than 175 nations - and yet he’s never held a "real job" or earned a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back. There are many others like Chris - those who've found ways to opt out of traditional employment and create the time and income to pursue what they find meaningful. Sometimes, achieving that perfect blend of passion and income doesn't depend on shelving what you currently do. You can start small with your venture, committing little time or money, and wait to take the real plunge when you're sure it's successful. In preparing to write this book, Chris identified 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less), and from that group he’s chosen to focus on the 50 most intriguing case studies. In nearly all cases, people with no special skills discovered aspects of their personal passions that could be monetized, and were able to restructure their lives in ways that gave them greater freedom and fulfillment. Here, finally, distilled into one easy-to-use guide, are the most valuable lessons from those who’ve learned how to turn what they do into a gateway to self-fulfillment. It’s all about finding the intersection between your "expertise" - even if you don’t consider it such - and what other people will pay for. You don’t need an MBA, a business plan or even employees. All you need is a product or service that springs from what you love to do anyway, people willing to pay, and a way to get paid. Not content to talk in generalities, Chris tells you exactly how many dollars his group of unexpected entrepreneurs required to get their projects up and running; what these individuals did in the first weeks and months to generate significant cash; some of the key mistakes they made along the way, and the crucial insights that made the business stick. Among Chris’s key principles: if you’re good at one thing, you’re probably good at something else; never teach a man to fish - sell him the fish instead; and in the battle between planning and action, action wins. In ancient times, people who were dissatisfied with their lives dreamed of finding magic lamps, buried treasure, or streets paved with gold. Today, we know that it’s up to us to change our lives. And the best part is, if we change our own life, we can help others change theirs. This remarkable book will start you on your way.

Bold is a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. Exploring the exponential technologies that are disrupting today's Fortune 500 companies and enabling upstart entrepreneurs to go from "I've got an idea" to "I run a billion-dollar company" far faster than ever before, the authors provide exceptional insight into the power of 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. Drawing on insights from billionaire entrepreneurs Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos, the audiobook offers the best practices that allow anyone to leverage today's hyper connected crowd like never before. The authors teach how to design and use incentive competitions, launch million-dollar crowdfunding campaigns to tap into tens of billions of dollars of capital, and build communities - armies of exponentially enabled individuals willing and able to help today's entrepreneurs make their boldest dreams come true. Bold is both a manifesto and a manual. It is today's exponential entrepreneur's go-to resource on the use of emerging technologies, thinking at scale, and the awesome impact of crowd-powered tools.

The answer is simple: come up with 10 ideas a day. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad, the key is to exercise your "idea muscle", to keep it toned, and in great shape. People say ideas are cheap and execution is everything but that is NOT true. Execution is a consequence, a subset of good, brilliant idea. And good ideas require daily work. Ideas may be easy if we are only coming up with one or two but if you open this book to any of the pages and try to produce more than three, you will feel a burn, scratch your head, and you will be sweating, and working hard. There is a turning point when you reach idea number six for the day, you still have four to go, and your mind muscle is getting a workout. By the time you list those last ideas to make it to 10 you will see for yourself what "sweating the idea muscle" means. As you practice the daily idea generation you become an idea machine. When we become idea machines we are flooded with lots of bad ideas but also with some that are very good. This happens by the sheer force of the number, because we are coming up with 3,650 ideas per year (at 10 a day). When you are inspired by an extraordinary idea, all of your thoughts break their chains, you go beyond limitations and your capacity to act expands in every direction. Forces and abilities you did not know you had come to the surface, and you realize you are capable of doing great things. As you practice with the suggested prompts in this book your ideas will get better, you will be a source of great insight for others, people will find you magnetic, and they will want to hang out with you because you have so much to offer. When you practice every day your life will transform, in no more than 180 days, because it has no other evolutionary choice. Life changes for the better when we become the source of positive, insightful, and helpful ideas. Don't believe a word I say. Instead, challenge yourself.

A Guide to Resilience: How to Bounce Back from Life's Inevitable Problems Christian Moore is convinced that each of us has a power hidden within, something that can get us through any kind of adversity. That power is resilience. In The Resilience Breakthrough, Moore delivers a practical primer on how you can become more resilient in a world of instability and narrowing opportunity, whether you're facing financial troubles, health setbacks, challenges on the job, or any other problem. We can each have our own resilience breakthrough, Moore argues, and can each learn how to use adverse circumstances as potent fuel for overcoming life's hardships. As he shares engaging real-life stories and brutally honest analyses of his own experiences, Moore equips you with 27 resilience-building tools that you can start using today - in your personal life or in your organization.

What if someone told you that your behavior was controlled by a powerful, invisible force? Most of us would be skeptical of such a claim--but it's largely true. Our brains are constantly transmitting and receiving signals of which we are unaware. Studies show that these constant inputs drive the great majority of our decisions about what to do next--and we become conscious of the decisions only after we start acting on them. Many may find that disturbing. But the implications for leadership are profound. In this provocative yet practical book, renowned speaking coach and communication expert Nick Morgan highlights recent research that shows how humans are programmed to respond to the nonverbal cues of others--subtle gestures, sounds, and signals--that elicit emotion. He then provides a clear, useful framework of seven "power cues" that will be essential for any leader in business, the public sector, or almost any context. You'll learn crucial skills, from measuring nonverbal signs of confidence, to the art and practice of gestures and vocal tones, to figuring out what your gut is really telling you. This concise and engaging guide will help leaders and aspiring leaders of all stripes to connect powerfully, communicate more effectively, and command influence.

New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition. A mash-up of the best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy with a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really works. When managers and marketers outline their social media strategies, they plan for the "right hook"—their next sale or campaign that's going to knock out the competition. Even companies committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships crucial to successful social media campaigns—want to land the punch that will take down their opponent or their customer's resistance in one blow. Right hooks convert traffic to sales and easily show results. Except when they don't. Thanks to massive change and proliferation in social media platforms, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Vaynerchuk shows that while communication is still key, context matters more than ever. It's not just about developing high-quality content, but developing high-quality content perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices—content tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Tumblr.

From the best-selling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a book on how some things actually benefit from disorder. In The Black Swan Taleb outlined a problem, and in Antifragile he offers a definitive solution: how to gain from disorder and chaos while being protected from fragilities and adverse events. For what Taleb calls the "antifragile" is actually beyond the robust, because it benefits from shocks, uncertainty, and stressors, just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension. The antifragile needs disorder in order to survive and flourish. Taleb stands uncertainty on its head, making it desirable, even necessary, and proposes that things be built in an antifragile manner. The antifragile is immune to prediction errors. Why is the city-state better than the nation-state, why is debt bad for you, and why is everything that is both modern and complicated bound to fail? The audiobook spans innovation by trial and error, health, biology, medicine, life decisions, politics, foreign policy, urban planning, war, personal finance, and economic systems. And throughout, in addition to the street wisdom of Fat Tony of Brooklyn, the voices and recipes of ancient wisdom, from Roman, Greek, Semitic, and medieval sources, are heard loud and clear. Extremely ambitious and multidisciplinary, Antifragile provides a blueprint for how to behave - and thrive - in a world we don't understand, and which is too uncertain for us to even try to understand and predict. Erudite and witty, Taleb’s message is revolutionary: What is not antifragile will surely perish.

The Cluetrain Manifesto began as a Web site in 1999 when the authors, who have worked variously at IBM, Sun Microsystems, the Linux Journal, and NPR, posted 95 theses about the new reality of the networked marketplace. Ten years after its original publication, their message remains more relevant than ever. For example, thesis no. 2: “Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors”; thesis no. 20: “Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.” The book enlarges on these themes through dozens of stories and observations about business in America and how the Internet will continue to change it all. With a new introduction and chapters by the authors, and commentary by Jake McKee, JP Rangaswami, and Dan Gillmor, this book is essential reading for anybody interested in the Internet and e-commerce, and is especially vital for businesses navigating the topography of the wired marketplace.

From the founders of the trailblazing software company 37signals, here is a different kind of business book one that explores a new reality. Today, anyone can be in business. Tools that used to be out of reach are now easily accessible. Technology that cost thousands is now just a few bucks or even free. Stuff that was impossible just a few years ago is now simple.That means anyone can start a business. And you can do it without working miserable 80-hour weeks or depleting your life savings. You can start it on the side while your day job provides all the cash flow you need. Forget about business plans, meetings, office space - you don't need them. With its straightforward language and easy-is-better approach, Rework is the perfect playbook for anyone who's ever dreamed of doing it on their own. Hardcore entrepreneurs, small-business owners, people stuck in day jobs who want to get out, and artists who don't want to starve anymore will all find valuable inspiration and guidance in these pages. It's time to rework work.

Tesla's main source of inspiration.
Roger Joseph Boscovich, a physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, Jesuit priest, and polymath, published the first edition of his famous work, Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria Redacta Ad Unicam Legem Virium In Natura Existentium (Theory Of Natural Philosophy Derived To The Single Law Of Forces Which Exist In Nature), in Vienna, in 1758, containing his atomic theory and his theory of forces. A second edition was published in 1763 in Venice

Bill Clinton's Georgetown mentor's history of the Conspiracy since the Boer War in South Africa.
TRAGEDY AND HOPE shows the years 1895-1950 as a period of transition from the world dominated by Europe in the nineteenth century to the world of three blocs in the twentieth century. With clarity, perspective, and cumulative impact, Professor Quigley examines the nature of that transition through two world wars and a worldwide economic depression. As an interpretative historian, he tries to show each event in the full complexity of its historical context. The result is a unique work, notable in several ways. It gives a picture of the world in terms of the influence of different cultures and outlooks upon each other; it shows, more completely than in any similar work, the influence of science and technology on human life; and it explains, with unprecedented clarity, how the intricate financial and commercial patterns of the West prior to 1914 influenced the development of today’s world.

This is the July, 2016 ALTA (Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis) Report. Also known as 'the Web Bot' report, this series is brought to you by This report covers your future world from July 2016 through to 2031. Forecasts are created using predictive linguistics (from the inventor) and cover your planet, your population, your economy and markets, and your Space Goat Farts where you will find all the 'unknown' and 'officially denied' woo-woo that will be shaping your environment over these next few decades.

Time is considered as an independent entity which cannot be reduced to the concept of matter, space or field. The point of discussion is the "time flow" conception of N A Kozyrev (1908-1983), an outstanding Russian astronomer and natural scientist. In addition to a review of the experimental studies of "the active properties of time", by both Kozyrev and modern scientists, the reader will find different interpretations of Kozyrev's views and some developments of his ideas in the fields of geophysics, astrophysics, general relativity and theoretical mechanics.

How UFO Time Engines work - Clif High

The webpage discusses the workings of UFO time engines according to N.A. Kozyrev's experiments. The LL1 engine is described as a hollow metal sphere with a pool of mercury metal inside. When activated by electrical energy, it creates a uni-polar magnetic field causing the mercury to spin at a high rate and induce "time stuff" to accumulate on its surface. The accrued time stuff is siphoned down magnetically to the radiating antennae on the bottom of the vessel, providing self-sustaining power and allowing for time travel. The environment inside UFOs is likely volatile and not suitable for humans.

The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory that electricity is vital to life. But as exciting as Becker's discoveries are, pointing to the day when human limbs, spinal cords, and organs may be regenerated after they have been damaged, equally fascinating is the story of Becker's struggle to do such original work. The Body Electric explores new pathways in our understanding of evolution, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, and healing.

Unique, controversial, and frequently cited, this survey offers highly detailed accounts concerning the development of ideas and theories about the nature of electricity and space (aether). Readily accessible to general readers as well as high school students, teachers, and undergraduates, it includes much information unavailable elsewhere. This single-volume edition comprises both The Classical Theories and The Modern Theories, which were originally published separately. The first volume covers the theories of classical physics from the age of the Greek philosophers to the late 19th century. The second volume chronicles discoveries that led to the advances of modern physics, focusing on special relativity, quantum theories, general relativity, matrix mechanics, and wave mechanics. Noted historian of science I. Bernard Cohen, who reviewed these books for Scientific American, observed, "I know of no other history of electricity which is as sound as Whittaker's. All those who have found stimulation from his works will read this informative and accurate history with interest and profit."

The third edition of the defining text for the graduate-level course in Electricity and Magnetism has finally arrived! It has been 37 years since the first edition and 24 since the second. The new edition addresses the changes in emphasis and applications that have occurred in the field, without any significant increase in length.

Objects are a ubiquitous presence and few of us stop and think what they mean in our lives. This is the job of philosophers and this is what Jean Baudrillard does in his book. This is required reading for followers of Baudrillard, and he is perhaps the most assessable to the General Reader. Baudrillard is most associated with Post Modernism, and this early book sets the stage for that journey to the post modern world.
We are all surrounded by objects, but how many times have we thought about what those objects represent. If we took the time to think about the symbolism, we could arrive at easy solutions. We have been so accustomed to advertising the automobile representing freedom is an easy conclusion. But what about furniture? What about chairs? What about the arrangement of furniture? Watches? Collecting objects? Baudrillard literally opens up a new world and creates the universe of objects.
It is not that the critique of a society or objects has not been done before, but Baudrillard’s approach is new. Baudrillard examines objects as signs with a smattering of Post-Marxist thought. In his analysis of objects as signs, he ushers in the Post-Modern age and world for which he would be known. Heady stuff to be sure, but is presented by Baudrillard in a readily accessible manner. He articulates his thesis in a straightforward manner, avoiding the hyper-technical terminology he used in his later writings.

Moving away from the Marxist/Freudian approaches that had concerned him earlier, Baudrillard developed in this book a theory of contemporary culture that relies on displacing economic notions of cultural production with notions of cultural expenditure.

The book begins with Sidis's discovery of the first law of physical laws: "Among the physical laws it is a general characteristic that there is reversibility in time; that is, should the whole universe trace back the various positions that bodies in it have passed through in a given interval of time, but in the reverse order to that in which these positions actually occurred, then the universe, in this imaginary case, would still obey the same laws." Recent discoveries of dark matter are predicted by him in this book, and he goes on to show that the "Big Bang" is wrong. Sidis (SIGH-dis) shows that it is far more likely the universe is eternal

In this book you will encounter rare information regarding your true identity - the conscious self in the body - and how you may break the hypnotic spell your senses and thinking have cast about you since childhood.

Do we see the world as it truly is? In The Case Against Reality, pioneering cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman says no? we see what we need in order to survive. Our visual perceptions are not a window onto reality, Hoffman shows us, but instead are interfaces constructed by natural selection. The objects we see around us are not unlike the file icons on our computer desktops: while shaped like a small folder on our screens, the files themselves are made of a series of ones and zeros - too complex for most of us to understand. In a similar way, Hoffman argues, evolution has shaped our perceptions into simplistic illusions to help us navigate the world around us. Yet now these illusions can be manipulated by advertising and design.
Drawing on thirty years of Hoffman's own influential research, as well as evolutionary biology, game theory, neuroscience, and philosophy, The Case Against Reality makes the mind-bending yet utterly convincing case that the world is nothing like what we see through our eyes.

At the height of the Cold War, JFK risked committing the greatest crime in human history: starting a nuclear war. Horrified by the specter of nuclear annihilation, Kennedy gradually turned away from his long-held Cold Warrior beliefs and toward a policy of lasting peace. But to the military and intelligence agencies in the United States, who were committed to winning the Cold War at any cost, Kennedy’s change of heart was a direct threat to their power and influence. Once these dark “Unspeakable” forces recognized that Kennedy’s interests were in direct opposition to their own, they tagged him as a dangerous traitor, plotted his assassination, and orchestrated the subsequent cover-up.

2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID. A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent. And therein lies a story—a story that starts with obvious questions: - What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people? - What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

The Tavistock Institute, in Sussex, England, describes itself as a nonprofit charity that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. But this book posits that it is the world’s center for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. It grew from a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House into a sophisticated organization that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society. In this eye-opening work, both the Tavistock network and the methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare are uncovered.

A seminal and controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Edward Bernays (1891–1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed “engineering of consent.” During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon.
Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, as well as his uncle, Sigmund Freud, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. His 1928 bombshell Propaganda lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.

Undressing the Bible: in Hebrew, the Old Testament speaks for itself, explicitly and transparently. It tells of mysterious beings, special and powerful ones, that appeared on Earth.
Former earthlings?
Superior civilizations, that have always been present on our planet?
Creators, manipulators, geneticists. Aviators, warriors, despotic rulers. And scientists, possessing very advanced knowledge, special weapons and science-fiction-like technologies.
Once naked, the Bible is very different from how it has always been told to us: it does not contain any spiritual, omnipotent and omniscient God, no eternity. No apples and no creeping, tempting, serpents. No winged angels. Not even the Red Sea: the people of the Exodus just wade through a simple reed bed.
Writer and journalist Giorgio Cattaneo sits down with Italy's most renowned biblical translator for his first long interview about his life's work for the English audience. A decade long official Bible translator for the Church and lifelong researcher of ancient myths and tales, Mauro Bilglino is a unicum in his field of expertise and research. A fine connoisseur of dead languages, from ancient Greek to Hebrew and medieval Latin, he focused his attention and efforts on the accurate translating of the bible.
The encounter with Mauro Biglino and his work - the journalist writes - is profoundly healthy, stimulating and inevitably destabilizing: it forces us to reconsider the solidity of the awareness that nourishes many of our common beliefs. And it is a testament to the courage that is needed, today more than ever, to claim the full dignity of free research.

Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th century.Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai's adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.After Sabbati Zevi's death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform "strange acts" that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history".Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

This is the first English translation of this revolutionary essay by Vladimir I. Vernadsky, the great Russian-Ukrainian biogeochemist. It was first published in 1930 in French in the Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées. In it, Vernadsky makes a powerful and provocative argument for the need to develop what he calls “a new physics,” something he felt was clearly necessitated by the implications of the groundbreaking work of Louis Pasteur among few others, but also something that was required to free science from the long-lasting effects of the work of Isaac Newton, most notably.
For hundreds of years, science had developed in a direction which became increasingly detached from the breakthroughs made in the study of life and the natural sciences, detached even from human life itself, and committed reductionists and small-minded scientists were resolved to the fact that ultimately all would be reduced to “the old physics.” The scientific revolution of Einstein was a step in the right direction, but here Vernadsky insists that there is more progress to be made. He makes a bold call for a new physics, taking into account, and fundamentally based upon, the striking anomalies of life and human life.

Using an inspired combination of geometric logic and metaphors from familiar human experience, Bucky invites readers to join him on a trip through a four-dimensional Universe, where concepts as diverse as entropy, Einstein's relativity equations, and the meaning of existence become clear, understandable, and immediately involving. In his own words: "Dare to be naive... It is one of our most exciting discoveries that local discovery leads to a complex of further discoveries." Here are three key examples or concepts from "Synergetics":


Tensegrity, or tensional integrity, refers to structural systems that use a combination of tension and compression components. The simplest example of this is the "tensegrity triangle", where three struts are held in position not by touching one another but by tensioned wires. These systems are stable and flexible. Tensegrity structures are pervasive in natural systems, from the cellular level up to larger biological and even cosmological scales.

Vector Equilibrium (VE)

The Vector Equilibrium, often referred to by Fuller as the "VE", is a geometric form that he saw as the central form in his synergetic geometry. It’s essentially a cuboctahedron. Fuller noted that the VE is the only geometric form wherein all the vectors (lines from the center to the vertices) are of equal length and angular relationship. Because of this, it’s seen as a condition of absolute equilibrium, where the forces of push and pull are balanced.

Closest Packing of Spheres

Fuller was fascinated by how spheres could be packed together in the tightest possible configuration, a concept he often linked to how nature organizes systems. For example, when you stack oranges in a grocery store, they form a hexagonal pattern, and the spheres (oranges) are in closest-packed arrangement. Fuller related this principle to atomic structures and even cosmic organization.

To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (CG5GW) by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. General Flynn rose to the highest levels of the intelligence community and served as the National Security Advisor to the 45th POTUS. Sergeant Boone Cutler ran the ground game as a wartime Psychological Operations team sergeant in the United States Army. Together, these two combat veterans put their combined experience and expertise into an illuminating fifth-generation warfare information series called The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare. Introduction to 5GW is the first session of the multipart series. The series, complete with easy-to-understand diagrams, is written for all of humanity in every freedom loving country.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Biosphere :

  • Vernadsky defined the biosphere as the thin layer of Earth where life exists, encompassing all living organisms and the parts of the Earth where they interact. This includes the depths of the oceans to the upper layers of the atmosphere.
  • He posited that life plays a critical role in transforming the Earth's environment. In this view, living organisms are not just passive inhabitants of the planet, but active agents of change. This idea contrasts with more traditional views that saw life as simply adapting to pre-existing environmental conditions.
  • One example of this transformative power is the oxygen-rich atmosphere, which was created by photosynthesizing organisms over billions of years.

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Noosphere :

  • The concept of the noosphere can be seen as the next evolutionary stage following the biosphere. While the biosphere represents the realm of life, the noosphere represents the realm of human thought.
  • Vernadsky believed that, just as life transformed the Earth through the biosphere, human thought and collective intelligence would transform the planet in the era of the noosphere. This transformation would be characterized by the dominance of cultural evolution over biological evolution.
  • In this paradigm, human knowledge, technology, and cultural developments would become the primary drivers of change on the planet, influencing its future direction.
  • The term "noosphere" is derived from the Greek word “nous” meaning "mind" or "intellect" and "sphaira" meaning "sphere." So, the noosphere can be thought of as the "sphere of human thought."

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

A close analysis of the architecture of the stupa―a Buddhist symbolic form that is found throughout South, Southeast, and East Asia. The author, who trained as an architect, examines both the physical and metaphysical levels of these buildings, which derive their meaning and significance from Buddhist and Brahmanist influences.

Building on his extensive research into the sacred symbols and creation myths of the Dogon of Africa and those of ancient Egypt, India, and Tibet, Laird Scranton investigates the myths, symbols, and traditions of prehistoric China, providing further evidence that the cosmology of all ancient cultures arose from a single now-lost source.

It is at the same time a history of language, a guide to foreign tongues, and a method for learning them. It shows, through basic vocabularies, family resemblances of languages―Teutonic, Romance, Greek―helpful tricks of translation, key combinations of roots and phonetic patterns. It presents by common-sense methods the most helpful approach to the mastery of many languages; it condenses vocabulary to a minimum of essential words; it simplifies grammar in an entirely new way; and it teaches a languages as it is actually used in everyday life.
But this book is more than a guide to foreign languages; it goes deep into the roots of all knowledge as it explores the history of speech. It lights up the dim pathways of prehistory and unfolds the story of the slow growth of human expression from the most primitive signs and sounds to the elaborate variations of the highest cultures. Without language no knowledge would be possible; here we see how language is at once the source and the reservoir of all we know.

Taking only the most elementary knowledge for granted, Lancelot Hogben leads readers of this famous book through the whole course from simple arithmetic to calculus. His illuminating explanation is addressed to the person who wants to understand the place of mathematics in modern civilization but who has been intimidated by its supposed difficulty. Mathematics is the language of size, shape, and order―a language Hogben shows one can both master and enjoy.

A complete manual for the study and practice of Raja Yoga, the path of concentration and meditation. These timeless teachings is a treasure to be read and referred to again and again by seekers treading the spiritual path. The classic Sutras, at least 4,000 years old, cover the yogic teachings on ethics, meditation, and physical postures, and provide directions for dealing with situations in daily life. The Sutras are presented here in the purest form, with the original Sanskrit and with translation, transliteration, and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda, one of the most respected and revered contemporary Yoga masters. Sri Swamiji offers practical advice based on his own experience for mastering the mind and achieving physical, mental and emotional harmony.

William Strauss and Neil Howe will change the way you see the world - and your place in it. With blazing originality, The Fourth Turning illuminates the past, explains the present, and reimagines the future. Most remarkably, it offers an utterly persuasive prophecy about how America’s past will predict its future.

Strauss and Howe base this vision on a provocative theory of American history. The authors look back 500 years and uncover a distinct pattern: Modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting about the length of a long human life, each composed of four eras - or "turnings" - that last about 20 years and that always arrive in the same order. In The Fourth Turning, the authors illustrate these cycles using a brilliant analysis of the post-World War II period.

First comes a High, a period of confident expansion as a new order takes root after the old has been swept away. Next comes an Awakening, a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion against the now-established order. Then comes an Unraveling, an increasingly troubled era in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis - the Fourth Turning - when society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. Together, the four turnings comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth.

4th Turning

Excess Deaths & Why RFK Jr. Can Win The Democratic Presidential Race - Ed Dowd | Part 1 of 2 - 06-21-2023

All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. To the general reader the Khazars, who flourished from the 7th to 11th century, may seem infinitely remote today. Yet they have a close and unexpected bearing on our world, which emerges as Koestler recounts the fascinating history of the ancient Khazar Empire.

At about the time that Charlemagne was Emperor in the West. The Khazars' sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.Thereafter the Khazars found themselves in a precarious position between the two major world powers: the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium and the triumphant followers of Mohammed.As Koestler points out, the Khazars were the Third World of their day. They chose a surprising method of resisting both the Western pressure to become Christian and the Eastern to adopt Islam. Rejecting both, they converted to Judaism. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry.

Few people noticed the secret codewords used by our astronauts to describe the moon. Until now, few knew about the strange moving lights they reported.
George H. Leonard, former NASA scientist, fought through the official veil of secrecy and studied thousands of NASA photographs, spoke candidly with dozens of NASA officials, and listened to hours and hours of astronauts' tapes.
Here, Leonard presents the stunning and inescapable evidence discovered during his in-depth investigation:

  • Immense mechanical rigs, some over a mile long, working the lunar surface.
  • Strange geometric ground markings and symbols.
  • Lunar constructions several times higher than anything built on Earth.
  • Vehicles, tracks, towers, pipes, conduits, and conveyor belts running in and across moon craters.
Somebody else is indeed on the Moon, and engaged in activities on a massive scale. Our space agencies, and many of the world's top scientists, have known for years that there is intelligent life on the moon.

The article delves into the history of the Khazars, a polity in the Northern Caucasus that existed from the mid-seventh century until about 970 CE. Contrary to popular belief, the term "Khazars" is misleading as it was a multiethnic entity, and it's uncertain which specific group adopted Judaism. The Khazars first emerged in the seventh century, defeating the Bulgars, which led to the Bulgars' dispersion to various regions. The Khazar Empire was established through the expulsion of the Bulgars and was multiethnic in nature. The language spoken by the Khazars is debated, with some suggesting Turkic origins and others pointing to Slavic. The Khazars had several cities and fortresses, with significant archaeological findings. The Khazars had interactions with various empires, including wars with the Arabs and alliances with Byzantine emperors. By the mid-10th century, the Khazar capital of Itil was destroyed by the Russians. The article concludes that much of what is known about the Khazars is based on limited sources.

#Khazars #History #Caucasus #Judaism #Bulgars #Empire #Multiethnic #LanguageDebate #ArabWars #ByzantineAlliances #Itil #RussianInvasion #Archaeology #ReligiousConversion #TabletMag

In The Science of the Dogon, Laird Scranton demonstrated that the cosmological structure described in the myths and drawings of the Dogon runs parallel to modern science--atomic theory, quantum theory, and string theory--their drawings often taking the same form as accurate scientific diagrams that relate to the formation of matter.

Sacred Symbols of the Dogon uses these parallels as the starting point for a new interpretation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language. By substituting Dogon cosmological drawings for equivalent glyph-shapes in Egyptian words, a new way of reading and interpreting the Egyptian hieroglyphs emerges. Scranton shows how each hieroglyph constitutes an entire concept, and that their meanings are scientific in nature.

The Dogon people of Mali, West Africa, are famous for their unique art and advanced cosmology. The Dogon’s creation story describes how the one true god, Amma, created all the matter of the universe. Interestingly, the myths that depict his creative efforts bear a striking resemblance to the modern scientific definitions of matter, beginning with the atom and continuing all the way to the vibrating threads of string theory. Furthermore, many of the Dogon words, symbols, and rituals used to describe the structure of matter are quite similar to those found in the myths of ancient Egypt and in the daily rituals of Judaism. For example, the modern scientific depiction of the informed universe as a black hole is identical to Amma’s Egg of the Dogon and the Egyptian Benben Stone.

The Science of the Dogon offers a case-by-case comparison of Dogon descriptions and drawings to corresponding scientific definitions and diagrams from authors like Stephen Hawking and Brian Greene, then extends this analysis to the counterparts of these symbols in both the ancient Egyptian and Hebrew religions. What is ultimately revealed is the scientific basis for the language of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, which was deliberately encoded to prevent the knowledge of these concepts from falling into the hands of all but the highest members of the Egyptian priesthood.

Anthony C. Yu’s translation of The Journey to the West,initially published in 1983, introduced English-speaking audiences to the classic Chinese novel in its entirety for the first time. Written in the sixteenth century, The Journey to the West tells the story of the fourteen-year pilgrimage of the monk Xuanzang, one of China’s most famous religious heroes, and his three supernatural disciples, in search of Buddhist scriptures. Throughout his journey, Xuanzang fights demons who wish to eat him, communes with spirits, and traverses a land riddled with a multitude of obstacles, both real and fantastical. An adventure rich with danger and excitement, this seminal work of the Chinese literary canonis by turns allegory, satire, and fantasy.

With over a hundred chapters written in both prose and poetry, The Journey to the West has always been a complicated and difficult text to render in English while preserving the lyricism of its language and the content of its plot. But Yu has successfully taken on the task, and in this new edition he has made his translations even more accurate and accessible. The explanatory notes are updated and augmented, and Yu has added new material to his introduction, based on his original research as well as on the newest literary criticism and scholarship on Chinese religious traditions. He has also modernized the transliterations included in each volume, using the now-standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization system. Perhaps most important, Yu has made changes to the translation itself in order to make it as precise as possible.

One of the great works of Chinese literature, The Journey to the West is not only invaluable to scholars of Eastern religion and literature, but, in Yu’s elegant rendering, also a delight for any reader.

The Oera Linda Book is a 19th-century translation by Dr. Ottema and WIlliam R. Sandbach of an old manuscript written in the Old Frisian language that records historical, mythological, and religious themes of remote antiquity, compiled between 2194 BC and AD 803.

  • The Oera Linda book challenges traditional views of pre-Christian societies.
  • Christianization is likened to a "great reset" that erased previous civilizations.
  • The Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people.
  • The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting patterns in history.
  • The importance of identity and understanding one's roots is highlighted.
  • The Oera Linda book offers wisdom and insights into several European languages.

The Oera Linda book offers a fresh perspective on our history, challenging the notion that pre-Christian societies were uncivilized. It suggests that the Christianization of societies was a form of "great reset," erasing and demonizing what existed before. The Oera Linda writings hint at an advanced civilization with its own laws, writing, and societal structures. Jan Ott's translation from the Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people. The text also touches upon the guilt many feel today, even if they aren't religious, about issues like climate change and historical slavery. It criticizes the way science is sometimes treated like a religion, with scientists acting as its preachers. The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting that understanding history requires recognizing patterns and cycles. Christianity is portrayed as one of the most significant resets in history, with sects fighting and erasing each other's scriptures. The importance of identity is highlighted, with a focus on the Fryans, a tribe that faced challenges from another tribe from Finland. This other tribe had a different moral compass, leading to conflicts and eventual assimilation. The text suggests that the true history of the Fryans and their values might have been distorted by subsequent Christian narratives. The Oera Linda book is seen as a source of wisdom, shedding light on the origins of several European languages and offering insights into values like freedom, truth, and justice.

#OeraLinda #History #Christianization #GreatReset #FryanLanguage #JanOtt #Civilization #OldTestament #Church #SpiritualAbuse #Identity #Fryans #Autland #Finland #Slavery #Christianity #Sects #Genocide #Torture #Bible #Freedom #Truth #Justice #Righteousness #Language #German #Dutch #Frisian #English #Scandinavian #Wisdom #Inspiration #European #Values

The Talmud is one of the most important holy books of the Hebrew religion and of the world. No English translation of the book existed until the author presented this work. To this day, very little of the actual text seems available in English -- although we find many interpretive commentaries on what it is supposed to mean. The Talmud has a reputation for being long and difficult to digest, but Polano has taken what he believes to be the best material and put it into extremely readable form. As far as holy books of the world are concerned, it is on par with The Koran, The Bhagavad-Gita and, of course, The Bible, in importance. This clearly written edition will allow many to experience The Talmud who may have otherwise not had the chance.

This five-volume set is the only complete English rendering of The Zohar, the fundamental rabbinic work on Jewish mysticism that has fascinated readers for more than seven centuries. In addition to being the primary reference text for kabbalistic studies, this magnificent work is arranged in the form of a commentary on the Bible, bringing to the surface the deeper meanings behind the commandments and biblical narrative. As The Zohar itself proclaims: Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment Thin which it is swathed.

Twenty-one years ago, at a friend's request, a Massachusetts professor sketched out a blueprint for nonviolent resistance to repressive regimes. It would go on to be translated, photocopied, and handed from one activist to another, traveling from country to country across the globe: from Iran to Venezuela―where both countries consider Gene Sharp to be an enemy of the state―to Serbia; Afghanistan; Vietnam; the former Soviet Union; China; Nepal; and, more recently and notably, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria, where it has served as a guiding light of the Arab Spring.

This short, pithy, inspiring, and extraordinarily clear guide to overthrowing a dictatorship by nonviolent means lists 198 specific methods to consider, depending on the circumstances: sit-ins, popular nonobedience, selective strikes, withdrawal of bank deposits, revenue refusal, walkouts, silence, and hunger strikes. From Dictatorship to Democracy is the remarkable work that has made the little-known Sharp into the world's most effective and sought-after analyst of resistance to authoritarian regimes.

Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests. He has spoken to many groups throughout the United States and has appeared regularly on many radio talk shows and on television. In 1988 Bill decided to "talk" due to events then taking place worldwide, events that he had seen plans for back in the early 1970s. Bill correctly predicted the lowering of the Iron Curtain, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. All Bill's predictions were on record well before the events occurred. Bill is not a psychic. His information comes from top secret documents that he read while with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over seventeen years of research.

The argument that the 16th Amendment (which concerns the federal income tax) was not properly ratified and thus is invalid has been a topic of debate among some tax protesters and scholars. One of the individuals associated with this theory is Bill Benson, who asserted that the 16th Amendment was fraudulently ratified. Here's a brief overview of the argument: 1. Research and Documentation: Bill Benson, along with another individual named M.J. "Red" Beckman, wrote a two-volume work called "The Law That Never Was" in the 1980s. This work was a product of Benson's extensive travels to various state archives to examine the original ratification documents related to the 16th Amendment. 2. Claims of Irregularities: In his work, Benson presented evidence that claimed many of the states either did not ratify the 16th Amendment properly or made mistakes in their resolutions. Some of these alleged irregularities included misspellings, incorrect wording, and other deviations from the proposed amendment. 3. Philander Knox's Role: In 1913, Philander Knox, who was the U.S. Secretary of State at the time, declared that the 16th Amendment had been ratified by the necessary three-fourths of the states. Benson's contention is that Knox was aware of the various discrepancies and irregularities in the ratification process but chose to fraudulently declare the amendment ratified anyway. 4. Legal Challenges and Court Rulings: Over the years, some tax protesters have used Benson's findings to challenge the legality of the income tax. However, these challenges have been consistently rejected by the courts. In fact, several courts have addressed Benson's research and arguments directly and found them to be without legal merit. The courts have repeatedly upheld the validity of the 16th Amendment. 5. Counterarguments: Critics of Benson's theory argue that even if there were minor discrepancies in the wording or format of the ratification documents, they do not invalidate the overarching intent of the states to ratify the amendment. Additionally, they assert that there's no substantive evidence that Knox acted fraudulently. It's worth noting that despite the popularity of this theory among certain groups, the legal consensus in the U.S. is that the 16th Amendment was validly ratified and is a legitimate part of the U.S. Constitution. Those who refuse to pay income taxes based on this theory have faced legal penalties.

The article delves into the evolution of the concept of the ether in physics. Historically, the ether was postulated to explain the propagation of light, with figures like Newton and Huygens suggesting its existence. By the late 19th century, Maxwell's electromagnetic theory linked light's propagation to the ether, a theory experimentally validated by Hertz in 1888. Lorentz expanded on this, focusing on wave transmission in moving media. The article contrasts the English approach, which sought tangible models, with the phenomenological view, which aimed for a descriptive approach without specific hypotheses. The piece also touches on various mechanical theories and models proposed over the years, emphasizing the challenges in defining the ether's properties and its evolving nature in scientific discourse.

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Narradigm Investigations – 08-11-2022

Narradigm Investigations - 08-11-2022

Narradigm Investigations - 08-11-2022

Episode Summary:

The document discusses the significance of narratives in shaping our understanding of history and reality. The author emphasizes the importance of being aware of manipulated narratives, especially those constructed by the "Kazarian mafia" since the 1000s. This group, according to the author, has been manipulating narratives to control the masses and obscure certain truths. The narrative paradigm affects how we perceive reality and can lead to misconceptions. The author also touches upon the breakdown of the narrative paradigm and the need to investigate these narratives. The document delves into historical events, suggesting that certain events, like the spread of the plague, were artificially propagated by the Kazarians for control. The author also discusses the manipulation of science, favoring certain scientific views over others, like promoting Einstein over Tesla. The current narrative, as per the author, is about DNA-specific bioweapons, suggesting that there's a potential threat of creating bioweapons targeting specific DNA.

#narratives #history #reality #KhazarianMafia #control #plague #science #Einstein #Tesla #bioweapons #DNA #manipulation #truth #perception #threat #events #knowledge #investigation #paradigm #breakdown #understanding #influence #worldview #bias #language #power #structure #favoritism #bias #war #disease #patterns #influence #awareness #investigate

Narradigm Investigations - 08-11-2022

So we're going to start a new series of videos but it's also going to be other media because I've got a lot of stuff going on. The world's going into this particular period of chaos and so my energies might be directed elsewhere and not able to do a video when things are pertinent to get out some information. So you might want to check my substance. I'll put a link below and it includes both written and audio material. The audio material will always be shit because I will be doing it while I'm actively doing something else.

So I'll have a little pocket recorder walking along or driving or whatever the hell. So don't expect studio quality audio out of these podcasts. It's like the best we can do under the circumstances is to be reasonably awake and reasonably coherent and get the information out. There's other people that are monking around with the audio quality, eliminating engine noise from cars, that kind of thing, but I don't have time for that. I truly do not have time to go into it and edit this material for presentation.

Anyway, what we're doing here is the new series is going to be there we go. Let me move that a bit. There we go. So the new series is going to be the narrative investigations. This is very important, especially where we're at at the moment with the total breakdown of the narrative paradigm that had been constructed by the Kazarean mafia since the 1000s, okay?

And so we're going to cover a period that will go from actually we'll go back to 800 Ad or C-E-I prefer Ce for a lot of different reasons. And we'll go all the way out to today. And on each of these that I'm going to do, I'll pick something. We're going to do a little tiny one today. So this is mainly an introduction.

I'm going to go through why we're going to do this and what concepts are and so on. Then I'm going to do a little tiny bit of one today, not very extensive and we'll get into that subject matter later on in a much more extensive one. But in any event, so we're going to cover a huge amount of history. Now, caveats are throughout this entire thing, okay? Because we're dealing with a self influencing, self organizing, goal oriented situation here.

So we have a saying, right, those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it, okay? But it's also true that those whose history has been stolen from them are at the mercy of someone else's historical patterns or control of their historical patterns. And so we find it in our lives. Why is all this important? Why is the narrative important?

Well, because the narrative controls how we think about things relative to our reality, relative to the material where matter exists, okay? That narrative, if it obscures certain stuff from us, then we bumble into things not knowing that this is part of someone else's game. So here we have in our current circumstances of today, every one of these episodes will take something from the headlines of the day and will deal with it and how it came to be relative to the narrative or how the narrative influences it, right? And so today we have the potential for world war three or four, whatever you want to name it. And they're trying to gym this up between Russia and NATO and all of that sort of business.

Now, if you're ignorant, you don't know that there was a world war II and a world war one, and that coincidentally there was a shitload of 1801,900, the 2000. We're in it now, and it's usually about the 20s, okay? So the teens of that century through the 20s, we get war and we get disease.

Did we have that happen this time? Yes, we did. And this has happened repeatedly. If we keep going back through history, we find that we go all the way back to the plague years. And what about the plague years was interesting if you don't know this, the Kazarian mafia, and they were Kazarians, actually from Kazaria, which we now call the Ukraine, okay?

So these Kazarians had taken over the leadership of the Byzantine empire way back when. When that Byzantine empire collapsed in Italy, and all these countries were left without the empire surrounding them. The Caesarians were still in charge of these various areas. Thus, we get into the period of time where we get into the plague years, and we find that there were centers of plague, okay, very interesting centers of plague with people writing journals that tell us now that the plague was artificially sustained and artificially propagated, and that the Kazarians in Venice had come across an understanding of transmission of disease. And so they would take blisters of plague victims who had died, and they would take off all this material, all the blister, all of the pus, all of that material, and they would put it on these rags.

And these rags were used to spread the plague to areas that they wanted to conquer and take over. Now they were just starting another one of their ponzi scheme, fake money deals through Venice, through what ultimately became the Venetian empire. It became the Venetian empire directly because of the activities of the plague.

Now our history has been stolen from us, okay? A lot of the people that are going to watch these are going to be just ignorant as pigs. They're not going to know very much about being a human at all because the Kazari and mafia, those people that came out of the, decided that we're going to be Jewish in order to save their ass in a particular situation. They had no Jewish DNA or anything, right? They just decided, okay, we're going to tell everybody we're Jews now, and you can't fuck with us.

We're not christians, and we're not Muslims. So they tell the Muslims, look, we're not Christians. You don't want to have any problems with us. They tell the Christians we're not Muslims. You don't want to have any problems with us.

We're Jews. They weren't, right? They were what we're known as the name stealers. Anyway, these guys queer language. That's what they do.

The narrative is all about queering language to obscure history in order to have people direct themselves to particular aims of the Kazarean mafia. So they've queered our science. They quered language, and they've really fucked up at the moment because the Kazarean mafia at this moment today has opened up the subject of language querying by all this waconian language that they're pimping out, the systemic racism. I'm not a biologist. I don't know if I've got a dick or not.

That kind of thing, right? And so that's all language querying. That's all distorting the language, the meaning of it, the definitions of things. They even change the definition of definition so that you're uncertain. They want to keep you on this uneasy, shifting platform constantly.

So you're not really sure of your own social status. You have no solidity within this reality relative to the rest of humanity, and they can thus more easily control you and control the other people around you. So they do these kinds of things, and then they obscured that. They were spreading the plague. Now there's journals out there that actually record saying, hey, look, I saw these Jesuits.

Jesuits were formed in the they were a big part of this. The Jesuits are actually casareans. Okay. The Jesuits were Jews from Ignolia. What's his name?

Anyway, the head of the guy who founded the Jesuits was Morano out of Spain. He was a Jew who was forced to convert Christianity, and they all pretend to convert, right? And he set up the Jesuit. The Khazarians infiltrated the Catholic Church back in 1500, so they had 100 years of solidifying their power structure within the Catholic Church. Venice was a big Catholic country.

They would hang heretics on a regular basis there. Venice at that time was a nation state anyway, though. So these were the people that spread the plague throughout Europe in order that the other Caesarians could take over the areas where the plague had killed a lot of people. In some areas, it killed 30% of the workforce, but it was actually worse than that because it was killing men more than women. And so the workforce was devastated by the plague, and they might have 40% of the workforce serfs that had died through the plague.

And this caused hyperinflation because landlords were bidding with each other to get serfs to move onto their property and become their serfs, taking care of their land, right? So that's the way it works, right? The Caesarians claim the ownership and get you to live on the land. They harvest all of your labor. You die in misery and they laugh.

That's their whole goal. And that's what the narrative turning into a constraint for your paradigm. That's why it matters that we discussed this. If you don't understand the language and you don't see that the people are querying the language and doing it deliberately, then you are a perpetual victim. Now, at this moment, we have them querying the language hugely, right?

Bigly. And so one of our responses, one of our responses to this legitimately is to do our own form of language querying. And so we have now a whole lot of people, as they watch this series, will understand what the narrative is, right? And so we've created a new word. We've created a new component.

We've created a new meme, and we've created a nice little encapsulation for an understanding that can be exchanged. People can say, oh, it's just a fucking with the narrative, right? And so someone who has watched this will understand, oh, it means that this broader thing of language querying, it's the Kazarian mafia on the other side doing all this shit that goes back ancient. And that's where we're at now. A lot of the stuff we're going to concentrate on is going to be science because they've really cleared science and they've been doing this way back when.

So one of my favorite guys in science is Boskovic, joseph Roger Boskovic. All right? And so Boskovic is a 1600 guy and he was a physicist, but he was also a Jesuit. And he's an interesting fellow because throughout his history, you need to read his whole biography, if you can get hold of it. But he was aware he's not a Kazarian, he's a Serb, like Tesla.

He grew up in the same area as Tesla, separated by a few hundred years. But nonetheless, he grew up in the same area. And they actually had some interesting correlations between Boskovic and Tesla because Tesla grew up in the Vatican. His dad was a Vatican librarian, so he had the run of the libraries and the catacombs. So who knows what the fuck he saw down there.

But in any event, so Boskovic came up with the theory, I notrealis, I don't have a copy out here. I'm in the process of reclaiming, cleaning up my office, giant mass of furniture. I have to move here as soon as I get done with this anyway, though. So Boskovic is one of my favorite fellows. He was a Jesuit.

He rose high in the Jesuit power structure relative to science, not the religious or the political. He commented in secret diaries that other people apparently read, and I've read their copying of his words. And he was aware of the power structure and the query of language at that time. And he had some sort of like, instructions he passed on to those people that were in his frame of mind. But so even he was aware of it in the 1600s.

That his work. He had to do certain things in order to get it past the Kazarian mafia's attempts to eliminate that view of reality. There's a view of reality they favor. So they don't favor Tesla. They favor Einstein.

Einstein was a Kazarian, okay? One of the big things about the Kazarians is that they interbreed. So Einstein was a late blooming Kazarian in the sense that he had a wife, she got cancer, he divorced her, and he married his first cousin and her two daughters. And he talks about this in his writings as he married a harem. And so he was a pedophile.

He was also a crossdresser and all of this other stuff. They're into gender querying as well as language querying. And Einstein was really big about language querying in science. Also, he was touted as brilliant, but he didn't come up with the E equals MC squared. It's not valid.

Anyway, his understanding of it was bogus, and he was promoted hugely against Tesla because Tesla was doing all different kinds of things. So Tesla has, I don't know, hundreds of patents, fundamental patents, made the patents for all the electricity ship that you're using now to watch these videos, whereas Einstein has a couple of little tiny patents where supposedly he invented some little minor gadget that was in a refrigerator. And also they said that Einstein was a problem for the patent office, as in theft of information from the patent office. Anyway, so this is part of the narrative. The Kazari and mafia favor certain kinds of science to occur because it fits in with their narrative paradigm, what they want you to think.

And so they denigrate those people that are going against that, that are showing you real reality, like Tesla, like Boskovic, bunches of people like Bernardsky, and they're ignored and denigrated. And so for Tesla, they promote Einstein as the opposite, and Einstein takes off because they put money behind them. And for Vernansky, it was Darwin. Okay, so Darwin preceded Vernansky, but Darwin was hugely pimped by the Kazarean mafia, and Vernansky was actively denied access to Western printing and publication facilities for his ideas by the Kazerian mafia. And so Vernansky is the guy about biosphere fascinating understanding of things.

Anyway, so this is all about the narrative being created. It's been created. We can go back and see that it was being created in the 800s. That in the 1200s. We get the Kazarian mafia being the chosen ones because they chose to say that they were Jews, okay?

And they're not. So you're not anti Semitic saying, oh, you're a Kazarian motherfucker, right, because they're not Jews. They have no Jewish DNA in them at all. Now, that was actually the subject of this narrative today because I've got to get moving. I got to get moving on these furniture.

And this is just by way of an introduction, okay? So we'll take a specific in each of these narrative investigations, and we'll go into it to some level of degree. There will be a lot of overview shit because everybody's ignorant pigs about history and all of this. Now, understand that in all of these narrative investigations, I'm going to be using a broad brush, right? I'm not going to get really specific about years and stuff.

If you care about numeric values as to when the plague years were and when Venice was popping up doing their things, you can go and investigate it. I'm not going to sit here and spoon feed you this shit. I'm not your search engine. I don't have time for that, nor do I have time to edit this stuff or go back and lay out a show you things on the fly as we go along as proofs, okay? You'll find proofs if you go and look, but you're going to have to go and look.

So I'm pointing you, but I'm not educating you, all right? I'm certainly not schooling you, but I'm pointing you in the way that you can educate yourself on certain things and make the same kind of connections or dispute them. You can say, no. The fact that we had on the turn of the century in the teens or 20 decades after the turn of every century going back, yadda, yada, yada, we had major wars on this planet is not and it's a coincidence. That's fine if you've got some reason for presuming that you can present evidence, blah, blah, blah, right?

But what I'm saying in essence here is that this is not an academic approach to this. This is a discussion of the problem and the meaning of the narrative stuff.

Today's narrative investigation was about DNA, okay? Because we find that today we got a bunch of CIA numb nuts motherfuckers. It's too nice a word for them. We have the CIA over here saying that, watch out, guys, watch out. Don't give your DNA away because they'll make a DNA specific bio weapon.

And you'll just be walking along one day and you will keel over and be dead, and you'll turn into a big pile of goo because of these DNA specific bioweapons. So they're saying, don't give your DNA to 1230r, whatever the fuck it is. Don't give it to the Chinese by way of the PCR test. Just don't do it. Don't do it.

It's scary. Well, first off, this is coming from the intelligence community, which isn't a community and has no intelligence whatsoever, right? Intel. By that word, they mean information coming into you that's been vetted and concluded and so on. They don't do that.

They have no understanding of accurate thinking, conclusions or any of this kind of stuff. They never analyze their own thinking. They're just reactive beings within the Kazari and Mafia structure. And now they're pimping bioweapons that will be made around DNA to kill you specifically, or if not you specifically, the larger family or tribe that you live within, right? They tried this with the Covet because COVID, theoretically, according to what we see from the scans of its own supposed genetic structure, would not be particularly effective against Jewish people.

Okay? So it's actually a racially excluding virus, according to the sequence that's been presented. It has to do with the ace two receptors and how the Jewish lineage has a different reaction with the ace two receptors than all the other people on the planet. And so the Jews would theoretically not be as susceptible to this. Well, a couple of problems with this.

There's a lot of problems with this. Okay? So I dispute that they can make a DNA specific bioweapon. I dispute that the genetic sequences that were presented in any way resemble the COVID that's out and about, okay? I dispute that the COVID exists as they say it exists.

Now, we know that they made this or they got the spike protein from prions. These prions showed up in the mad cow episodes. These were prions that were supposedly arrived on Earth from space as a microvitide that settled in a particular area. Scotland on those prions is the little spike protein. The spike protein, after a great many years from, I think it was 84 through the took them that long to separate the spike protein from the prion itself, right?

This is the supposed lineage for the spike protein that you can hunt up if you get deep into the narrative. So if you look into the narrative, they leave trails all the time as to how they confuse language, how they're querying your language, querying your history and all of that. And you can go back and unquer it, right? You can go back and find out where they departed from this stuff. So there was a big effort in the 1920s when they were querying with Tesla to replace him with Einstein to get Vernadsky out of the way and pump Darwin up once again, all of these kinds of things, right?

So you can see this in our history, at this moment, here in today's history, we see the CIA pimping the idea of DNA as being able to be made into bioweapons, the COVID thing. Now, we know that they're attempting to do this, but they've been attempting to do it for 70 years and from the 80s into the took them that long to deal with the spike protein and separate it from the prions. Then it took Falkey's chief of staff approximately, as far as I know, from about year 2000 until 2016, before they were able to take that spike protein and think that they had attached it to a virus. You can't see viruses. It's not like you got a little mechanical arm that takes the spike protein and glomms it onto the virus.

It doesn't work that way, right? You got to do this in giant vats. The vast majority, so vast of a majority of your material in these fats that you're using is waste that you have to actively do processes in order to hunt through the waste for what you thought you were attempting to create. So it's just bogus. I mean, it's not a production facility.

So all these biolabs that were attempting to produce Slavic specific there were 46 biolabs around the edges of the Ukraine, all focused at Russia, or they were attempting to create Slavic specific white people, specific Russia people, specific DNA bioweapons to wipe out the hated Russians. That's because the Kazareans hate the Russians probably more than any other group for a lot of reasons, which we'll go into at some point in the future. Or you can go and look now anyway, because it's out there in the history. So in all those years of the bio weapons, from 2008 until now, with all the releases that they did, they had squat in effect. But the Russians, they believed the narrative.

They believe it is possible to create DNA bioweapons. They've been trying to do it themselves all through the Cold War, and basically they crapped out and then decided to be human. The Soviets decided to be humanitarian and shut down their biolabs. They had some really nasty bacterias and all this kind of stuff, but viruses and bacteria can't be altered to the point where they're ubiquitous to attack people. It's something else to get into.

This is another misunderstanding because of the narrative. The problem for the Kazarians is a lot of the people that are doing science for them were brought up under the narrative and don't know any better. So the scientists actually think that this can be done. And here's the kicker. DNA does not describe how to build your body.

The scientists are so confused. We're 20 years after the human genome had supposedly been decoded, and they cannot even decide what a gene is. Article in 2018. And it's gotten worse since then. In the year since 2018, in this article that was put out saying we don't know what a gene is, there's debates over whether this is a gene, how many genes we've got.

And so the human genome in 2018 was thought to have by one group. It was thought to have 17,000 coding genes and 19,000 non coding genes. And they don't know what the fucking non coding gene is anyway. All right, so that was $17,000. So that's about 40,000, slightly less than 40,000 genes.

Okay, there's a real problem with that, right? A fruit fly has this many genes. The genome of a fruit fly is as large as our genome, okay? If DNA describes how to build the body, this is something a little bit wonky. On top of that, there are fruit flies that have more DNA than us anyway.

And here's the other kicker. We've identified 96,000 proteins in the human body, all right? 96,000 individual proteins in the human body constantly being created and stuff going on, blah, blah, blah, constantly. It was thought at one point there was one gene for every one of the proteins in the body and that's how it worked. That's what Crick and Watson thought when they said double helix, we've discovered it.

This is how the human body is created. No, they were wrong. Crick and Watson were another group that was promoted in order to create a narrative. Now, the problem for the Cezarian mafia, as I point out, is their own scientists believe this pile of shit and think they can create bioweapons that will kill you based on your DNA and it's simply not happening. Now, the good news is they're wasting vast quantities of money on this and achieving nothing.

Just like with CERN, something else that will take up under the narrative, they're just not achieving anything. It's basically a giant boondoggle. People are making a lot of money on it and they're all supporting the narrative and they're going into the narrative side of it in terms of the fakeness of it. And they don't realize this because the narrative is so pervasive, it's so polluted our science since, well, since the 800s Ad or Ce. But for sure we've had big hits in our science all the way back to 1830 and then 1890, and then the 1920s, and then into the 1950s when this bullshit came out.

Now, at that time, the narrative was going through a huge upheaval. It is no wonder we ended up with a false understanding of DNA because at that time we had a major hit and a major pollution to the language. And that major pollution here in the United States was the removal of silver from the money. And so we see massive changes that occurred simultaneously to the withdrawing of silver from the economic language of the people, where we use silver or gold to have economic discussions with each other in energy exchanges. When you remove something like that, there are ripples throughout our reality.

And so in the 1950s they started taking silver out of the money supply. There was still some to be found in the circulating coins up into the 60s, even way up into the but not in the way that the junk silver had existed. And so then they took silver out totally and we weren't allowed to trade in silver at all, right? Just like the gold from the 1930s, each of those things. So in 1930s we get the reduction of Tesla, the promotion of Einstein at the same time that gold is removed from circulation in the United States.

And this alters the economic understanding of all of the people in the United States and that economic expression and that economic language as part of the paradigm because they needed that to have happen in order to maintain control with their paper currency, otherwise it would have all collapsed and we wouldn't have been here now. Then in the 50s we still had some circulating sound money, which was the silver. But at the same period of time that we're taking that out in support of the narrative, that the fake money is good and taking the silver out. You don't need it as barbaric relic. We also find all of this misunderstanding that occurs relative DNA and the promotion of Cricket Watson's understanding of DNA, which is bullshit, and we know now it's bullshit.

And it's taken us down these weird trails that don't lean anything in science. They never lead to any place. So the BioLab creators in the military, the BioLab guys there that are doing all this work, are living under the narrative, thinking that they're actually achieving these things.

And they probably never realize it, but if they examine their results, they're not ever achieving any of the results that they set out to do. If the Kazarian mafia believe me. So you know this from the Cesarian Mafia. They don't fuck around. They kill people, right?

So that kid, Seth Rich, he was in the way. They killed him. They will kill people in World War II. They killed them en masse. They starved out 12 million people in the Ukraine in the World War II period before World War II.

In the early s, the Holocaudor, they created the Bolshevik Revolution, they created the Chinese Revolution that put Mao into place, and they kill 85 million people. So these people are not nice guys. So we could assume with justification that if the Kazarean Mafia had a virus that was going to kill millions, they'd fucking release it. They would kill the millions. That's their goal is to kill 13 out of 14 people on the planet.

So as I say, they're evil fuckers and they don't mess around. So Cobid is the best they've got. Cobad is the best they could do in altering the virus. So they don't have any virus in a lab, in the military, anywhere that they can let loose and it'll affect healthy individuals and turn them into a mass of goo and kill them. There just is not such a deadly virus.

So NEPA, okay, NEPA is a virus that comes out of bat caves in Japan. It is the most deadliest virus, according to the literature, that we've ever encountered. And 70% of the people that encounter this virus die. 30% don't, though, okay? Curiously, very much like the death patterns that showed up from the plague in the Netherlands, when the Venetians sent cloth to the Netherlands, 70% of the people died.

There was something going on there, too, that I can get into another one of these. Right? But anyway, so the NEPA virus is the most deadly virus on the planet, this particular bat virus, and killed 70% of the people that came into contact with it. But if you examine that, if you go on in and you look at all of these instances that's going on here, the 70% of the people that are killed, they were all spelunkers. They all were Japanese.

They. All had a particular lifestyle where they were spelunking during the day and then studying at night. Right? They were in school. They're mainly all students or people working on their graduate degrees.

That sort of thing. So there were 21 people and we get this 70 30 split on the 21 people encountering the NEPA virus. And all of those guys that died had extremely low vitamin D because they're never getting any sunlight because they're in caves all the time. Right? They're doing things that actually deprive them of vitamin D and they didn't supplement.

Nowadays the standard protocol for being someone who handles NEPA virus includes having your vitamin Dwayne the fuck up because then you become basically invulnerable to it.

Our understanding of these things is warped by the narrative. And so the CIA is attempting to promote this idea of fear around the specific DNA bioweapon that they're going to make to get you right? And it's all horse shit. What they're doing is promoting fear for their own purposes in order to support the narrative. And they have no hope in hell of ever actually doing that because we know that they're such evil fuckers that they would do it.

We would see evidence that they're doing it now. And so the best they could do was to invent COVID. And they're not killing people with COVID. They're killing people with the injectable spike protein that they took off the prion from the mad cow disease of the. So we didn't even invent the spike protein.

That's how lame our bioweapon industry really is. So this is that part of the narrative. This is today's little episode by way of introduction. And I got to go and heave stuff now. And there will be more of these.

But also check my substack. I'll put the links down below because I'll be writing about these where I have to introduce proofs as I go along so that you'll buy what the hell I'm telling you or accepted enough to go and investigate it. Because I'm not selling it. I don't care if you accept it or not. This is just my understanding of how we got here.

And I'm looking forward to the disruption that will allow lots of people to understand they've and sold a narrative and they'll go back and look at history to see what really happened and then start rewriting history for everybody else. And this will be a good thing. So staywoompeople.

**3850 Character Summary:**

The document discusses the significance of narratives in shaping our understanding of history and reality. The author emphasizes the importance of being aware of manipulated narratives, especially those constructed by the "Kazarian mafia" since the 1000s. This group, according to the author, has been manipulating narratives to control the masses and obscure certain truths. The narrative paradigm affects how we perceive reality and can lead to misconceptions. The author also touches upon the breakdown of the narrative paradigm and the need to investigate these narratives. The document delves into historical events, suggesting that certain events, like the spread of the plague, were artificially propagated by the Kazarians for control. The author also discusses the manipulation of science, favoring certain scientific views over others, like promoting Einstein over Tesla. The current narrative, as per the author, is about DNA-specific bioweapons, suggesting that there's a potential threat of creating bioweapons targeting specific DNA.

**875 Character Summary:**

The document highlights the role of narratives in shaping our perception of history and reality. The "Kazarian mafia" is pinpointed as a group that has manipulated narratives since the 1000s for control. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding these manipulated stories, touching upon historical events like the plague and the promotion of certain scientific views. The current narrative revolves around the potential threat of DNA-specific bioweapons.

**95 Character Summary:**

Document discusses manipulated narratives by the "Kazarian mafia" and the potential threat of DNA bioweapons.

**Space-separated Sentence of 35 Hashtag Keywords:**
#narratives #history #reality #KazarianMafia #control #plague #science #Einstein #Tesla #bioweapons #DNA #manipulation #truth #perception #threat #events #knowledge #investigation #paradigm #breakdown #understanding #influence #worldview #bias #language #power #structure #favoritism #bias #war #disease #patterns #influence #awareness #investigate

**Comma-separated Sentence of 35 Keywords:**
narratives, history, reality, Kazarian Mafia, control, plague, science, Einstein, Tesla, bioweapons, DNA, manipulation, truth, perception, threat, events, knowledge, investigation, paradigm, breakdown, understanding, influence, worldview, bias, language, power, structure, favoritism, war, disease, patterns, influence, awareness, investigate, query

**Ten Titles for Blog Post:**
1. The Power of Narratives: How History is Shaped 📜
2. Kazarian Mafia: The Puppeteers of Historical Narratives 🎭
3. Einstein vs. Tesla: The Battle of Scientific Narratives 🔬
4. DNA Bioweapons: The Next Threat in Modern Narratives? 🧬
5. Decoding the Manipulated Stories of the Past
6. The 1000-Year Legacy of the Kazarian Mafia's Control
7. Unraveling the Truth: Investigating Manipulated Narratives
8. From Plague to DNA: The Evolution of Threat Narratives
9. 3 Key Events Shaped by the Kazarian Mafia's Influence
10. The Role of Science in Shaping Our Worldview: A Deep Dive 🌍

**Bullet Point List of Key Takeaways:**
- Narratives play a crucial role in shaping our understanding of history and reality.
- The Kazarian mafia has been manipulating narratives for control since the 1000s.
- Certain historical events, like the spread of the plague, might have been artificially propagated for power.
- There's a bias in promoting certain scientific views, favoring figures like Einstein over Tesla.
- The current narrative suggests a potential threat of creating bioweapons targeting specific DNA.

**Predictions from the PDF:**
- The potential threat of creating DNA-specific bioweapons.
- The possibility of a world war involving Russia and NATO.
- The recurrence of major wars around the turn of every century.

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Nothing “goes viral.” If you think a popular movie, song, or app came out of nowhere to become a word-of-mouth success in today’s crowded media environment, you’re missing the real story. Each blockbuster has a secret history—of power, influence, dark broadcasters, and passionate cults that turn some new products into cultural phenomena. Even the most brilliant ideas wither in obscurity if they fail to connect with the right network, and the consumers that matter most aren't the early adopters, but rather their friends, followers, and imitators -- the audience of your audience. In his groundbreaking investigation, Atlantic senior editor Derek Thompson uncovers the hidden psychology of why we like what we like and reveals the economics of cultural markets that invisibly shape our lives. Shattering the sentimental myths of hit-making that dominate pop culture and business, Thompson shows quality is insufficient for success, nobody has "good taste," and some of the most popular products in history were one bad break away from utter failure. It may be a new world, but there are some enduring truths to what audiences and consumers want. People love a familiar surprise: a product that is bold, yet sneakily recognizable. Every business, every artist, every person looking to promote themselves and their work wants to know what makes some works so successful while others disappear. Hit Makers is a magical mystery tour through the last century of pop culture blockbusters and the most valuable currency of the twenty-first century—people’s attention. From the dawn of impressionist art to the future of Facebook, from small Etsy designers to the origin of Star Wars, Derek Thompson leaves no pet rock unturned to tell the fascinating story of how culture happens and why things become popular. In Hit Makers, Derek Thompson investigates: · The secret link between ESPN's sticky programming and the The Weeknd's catchy choruses · Why Facebook is today’s most important newspaper · How advertising critics predicted Donald Trump · The 5th grader who accidentally launched "Rock Around the Clock," the biggest hit in rock and roll history · How Barack Obama and his speechwriters think of themselves as songwriters · How Disney conquered the world—but the future of hits belongs to savvy amateurs and individuals · The French collector who accidentally created the Impressionist canon · Quantitative evidence that the biggest music hits aren’t always the best · Why almost all Hollywood blockbusters are sequels, reboots, and adaptations · Why one year--1991--is responsible for the way pop music sounds today · Why another year --1932--created the business model of film · How data scientists proved that “going viral” is a myth · How 19th century immigration patterns explain the most heard song in the Western Hemisphere

Ours is often called an information economy, but at a moment when access to information is virtually unlimited, our attention has become the ultimate commodity. In nearly every moment of our waking lives, we face a barrage of efforts to harvest our attention. This condition is not simply the byproduct of recent technological innovations but the result of more than a century's growth and expansion in the industries that feed on human attention. Wu’s narrative begins in the nineteenth century, when Benjamin Day discovered he could get rich selling newspapers for a penny. Since then, every new medium—from radio to television to Internet companies such as Google and Facebook—has attained commercial viability and immense riches by turning itself into an advertising platform. Since the early days, the basic business model of “attention merchants” has never changed: free diversion in exchange for a moment of your time, sold in turn to the highest-bidding advertiser. Full of lively, unexpected storytelling and piercing insight, The Attention Merchants lays bare the true nature of a ubiquitous reality we can no longer afford to accept at face value.

Some people think that in today’s hyper-competitive world, it’s the tough, take-no-prisoners type who comes out on top. But in reality, argues New York Times bestselling author Dave Kerpen, it’s actually those with the best people skills who win the day. Those who build the right relationships. Those who truly understand and connect with their colleagues, their customers, their partners. Those who can teach, lead, and inspire. In a world where we are constantly connected, and social media has become the primary way we communicate, the key to getting ahead is being the person others like, respect, and trust. Because no matter who you are or what profession you're in, success is contingent less on what you can do for yourself, but on what other people are willing to do for you. Here, through 53 bite-sized, easy-to-execute, and often counterintuitive tips, you’ll learn to master the 11 People Skills that will get you more of what you want at work, at home, and in life. For example, you’ll learn: · The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting · The one simple key to networking that nobody talks about · How to remain top of mind for thousands of people, everyday · Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news · How to blow off the right people · And why, when in doubt, buy him a Bonsai A book best described as “How to Win Friends and Influence People for today’s world,” The Art of People shows how to charm and win over anyone to be more successful at work and outside of it.

Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to adapt to harsh new realities, but you don't yet have a strategy that will get you out in front of your competitors, you need Business Model Generation. Co-created by 470 "Business Model Canvas" practitioners from 45 countries, the book features a beautiful, highly visual, 4-color design that takes powerful strategic ideas and tools, and makes them easy to implement in your organization. It explains the most common Business Model patterns, based on concepts from leading business thinkers, and helps you reinterpret them for your own context. You will learn how to systematically understand, design, and implement a game-changing business model--or analyze and renovate an old one. Along the way, you'll understand at a much deeper level your customers, distribution channels, partners, revenue streams, costs, and your core value proposition. Business Model Generation features practical innovation techniques used today by leading consultants and companies worldwide, including 3M, Ericsson, Capgemini, Deloitte, and others. Designed for doers, it is for those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new models of value creation: for executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, and leaders of all organizations. If you're ready to change the rules, you belong to "the business model generation!"

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One, legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singular ways to create those new things. Thiel begins with the contrarian premise that we live in an age of technological stagnation, even if we’re too distracted by shiny mobile devices to notice. Information technology has improved rapidly, but there is no reason why progress should be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. Progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. It comes from the most important skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself. Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. Tomorrow’s champions will not win by competing ruthlessly in today’s marketplace. They will escape competition altogether, because their businesses will be unique. Zero to One presents at once an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and a new way of thinking about innovation: it starts by learning to ask the questions that lead you to find value in unexpected places.

Why should I do business with you… and not your competitor? Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, distributor, or service provider – if you cannot answer this question, you are surely losing customers, clients and market share. This eye-opening book reveals how identifying your competitive advantages (and trumpeting them to the marketplace) is the most surefire way to close deals, retain clients, and stay miles ahead of the competition. The five fatal flaws of most companies: • They don’t have a competitive advantage but think they do • They have a competitive advantage but don’t know what it is—so they lower prices instead • They know what their competitive advantage is but neglect to tell clients about it • They mistake “strengths” for competitive advantages • They don’t concentrate on competitive advantages when making strategic and operational decisions The good news is that you can overcome these costly mistakes – by identifying your competitive advantages and creating new ones. Consultant, public speaker, and competitive advantage expert Jaynie Smith will show you how scores of small and large companies substantially increased their sales by focusing on their competitive advantages. When advising a CEO frustrated by his salespeople’s inability to close deals, Smith discovered that his company stayed on schedule 95 percent of the time – an achievement no one else in his industry could claim. By touting this and other competitive advantages to customers, closing rates increased by 30 percent—and so did company revenues. Jack Welch has said, “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” This straight-to-the-point book is filled with insightful stories and specific steps on how to pinpoint your competitive advantages, develop new ones, and get the message out about them.

The number one New York Times best seller that examines how people can champion new ideas in their careers and everyday life - and how leaders can fight groupthink, from the author of Think Again and co-author of Option B. With Give and Take, Adam Grant not only introduced a landmark new paradigm for success but also established himself as one of his generation’s most compelling and provocative thought leaders. In Originals he again addresses the challenge of improving the world, but now from the perspective of becoming original: choosing to champion novel ideas and values that go against the grain, battle conformity, and buck outdated traditions. How can we originate new ideas, policies, and practices without risking it all? Using surprising studies and stories spanning business, politics, sports, and entertainment, Grant explores how to recognize a good idea, speak up without getting silenced, build a coalition of allies, choose the right time to act, and manage fear and doubt; how parents and teachers can nurture originality in children; and how leaders can build cultures that welcome dissent. Learn from an entrepreneur who pitches his start-ups by highlighting the reasons not to invest, a woman at Apple who challenged Steve Jobs from three levels below, an analyst who overturned the rule of secrecy at the CIA, a billionaire financial wizard who fires employees for failing to criticize him, and a TV executive who didn’t even work in comedy but saved Seinfeld from the cutting-room floor. The payoff is a set of groundbreaking insights about rejecting conformity and improving the status quo.

In The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau tells you how to lead of life of adventure, meaning and purpose - and earn a good living. Still in his early 30s, Chris is on the verge of completing a tour of every country on earth - he's already visited more than 175 nations - and yet he’s never held a "real job" or earned a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back. There are many others like Chris - those who've found ways to opt out of traditional employment and create the time and income to pursue what they find meaningful. Sometimes, achieving that perfect blend of passion and income doesn't depend on shelving what you currently do. You can start small with your venture, committing little time or money, and wait to take the real plunge when you're sure it's successful. In preparing to write this book, Chris identified 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less), and from that group he’s chosen to focus on the 50 most intriguing case studies. In nearly all cases, people with no special skills discovered aspects of their personal passions that could be monetized, and were able to restructure their lives in ways that gave them greater freedom and fulfillment. Here, finally, distilled into one easy-to-use guide, are the most valuable lessons from those who’ve learned how to turn what they do into a gateway to self-fulfillment. It’s all about finding the intersection between your "expertise" - even if you don’t consider it such - and what other people will pay for. You don’t need an MBA, a business plan or even employees. All you need is a product or service that springs from what you love to do anyway, people willing to pay, and a way to get paid. Not content to talk in generalities, Chris tells you exactly how many dollars his group of unexpected entrepreneurs required to get their projects up and running; what these individuals did in the first weeks and months to generate significant cash; some of the key mistakes they made along the way, and the crucial insights that made the business stick. Among Chris’s key principles: if you’re good at one thing, you’re probably good at something else; never teach a man to fish - sell him the fish instead; and in the battle between planning and action, action wins. In ancient times, people who were dissatisfied with their lives dreamed of finding magic lamps, buried treasure, or streets paved with gold. Today, we know that it’s up to us to change our lives. And the best part is, if we change our own life, we can help others change theirs. This remarkable book will start you on your way.

Bold is a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. Exploring the exponential technologies that are disrupting today's Fortune 500 companies and enabling upstart entrepreneurs to go from "I've got an idea" to "I run a billion-dollar company" far faster than ever before, the authors provide exceptional insight into the power of 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. Drawing on insights from billionaire entrepreneurs Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos, the audiobook offers the best practices that allow anyone to leverage today's hyper connected crowd like never before. The authors teach how to design and use incentive competitions, launch million-dollar crowdfunding campaigns to tap into tens of billions of dollars of capital, and build communities - armies of exponentially enabled individuals willing and able to help today's entrepreneurs make their boldest dreams come true. Bold is both a manifesto and a manual. It is today's exponential entrepreneur's go-to resource on the use of emerging technologies, thinking at scale, and the awesome impact of crowd-powered tools.

The answer is simple: come up with 10 ideas a day. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad, the key is to exercise your "idea muscle", to keep it toned, and in great shape. People say ideas are cheap and execution is everything but that is NOT true. Execution is a consequence, a subset of good, brilliant idea. And good ideas require daily work. Ideas may be easy if we are only coming up with one or two but if you open this book to any of the pages and try to produce more than three, you will feel a burn, scratch your head, and you will be sweating, and working hard. There is a turning point when you reach idea number six for the day, you still have four to go, and your mind muscle is getting a workout. By the time you list those last ideas to make it to 10 you will see for yourself what "sweating the idea muscle" means. As you practice the daily idea generation you become an idea machine. When we become idea machines we are flooded with lots of bad ideas but also with some that are very good. This happens by the sheer force of the number, because we are coming up with 3,650 ideas per year (at 10 a day). When you are inspired by an extraordinary idea, all of your thoughts break their chains, you go beyond limitations and your capacity to act expands in every direction. Forces and abilities you did not know you had come to the surface, and you realize you are capable of doing great things. As you practice with the suggested prompts in this book your ideas will get better, you will be a source of great insight for others, people will find you magnetic, and they will want to hang out with you because you have so much to offer. When you practice every day your life will transform, in no more than 180 days, because it has no other evolutionary choice. Life changes for the better when we become the source of positive, insightful, and helpful ideas. Don't believe a word I say. Instead, challenge yourself.

A Guide to Resilience: How to Bounce Back from Life's Inevitable Problems Christian Moore is convinced that each of us has a power hidden within, something that can get us through any kind of adversity. That power is resilience. In The Resilience Breakthrough, Moore delivers a practical primer on how you can become more resilient in a world of instability and narrowing opportunity, whether you're facing financial troubles, health setbacks, challenges on the job, or any other problem. We can each have our own resilience breakthrough, Moore argues, and can each learn how to use adverse circumstances as potent fuel for overcoming life's hardships. As he shares engaging real-life stories and brutally honest analyses of his own experiences, Moore equips you with 27 resilience-building tools that you can start using today - in your personal life or in your organization.

What if someone told you that your behavior was controlled by a powerful, invisible force? Most of us would be skeptical of such a claim--but it's largely true. Our brains are constantly transmitting and receiving signals of which we are unaware. Studies show that these constant inputs drive the great majority of our decisions about what to do next--and we become conscious of the decisions only after we start acting on them. Many may find that disturbing. But the implications for leadership are profound. In this provocative yet practical book, renowned speaking coach and communication expert Nick Morgan highlights recent research that shows how humans are programmed to respond to the nonverbal cues of others--subtle gestures, sounds, and signals--that elicit emotion. He then provides a clear, useful framework of seven "power cues" that will be essential for any leader in business, the public sector, or almost any context. You'll learn crucial skills, from measuring nonverbal signs of confidence, to the art and practice of gestures and vocal tones, to figuring out what your gut is really telling you. This concise and engaging guide will help leaders and aspiring leaders of all stripes to connect powerfully, communicate more effectively, and command influence.

New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition. A mash-up of the best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy with a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really works. When managers and marketers outline their social media strategies, they plan for the "right hook"—their next sale or campaign that's going to knock out the competition. Even companies committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships crucial to successful social media campaigns—want to land the punch that will take down their opponent or their customer's resistance in one blow. Right hooks convert traffic to sales and easily show results. Except when they don't. Thanks to massive change and proliferation in social media platforms, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Vaynerchuk shows that while communication is still key, context matters more than ever. It's not just about developing high-quality content, but developing high-quality content perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices—content tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Tumblr.

From the best-selling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a book on how some things actually benefit from disorder. In The Black Swan Taleb outlined a problem, and in Antifragile he offers a definitive solution: how to gain from disorder and chaos while being protected from fragilities and adverse events. For what Taleb calls the "antifragile" is actually beyond the robust, because it benefits from shocks, uncertainty, and stressors, just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension. The antifragile needs disorder in order to survive and flourish. Taleb stands uncertainty on its head, making it desirable, even necessary, and proposes that things be built in an antifragile manner. The antifragile is immune to prediction errors. Why is the city-state better than the nation-state, why is debt bad for you, and why is everything that is both modern and complicated bound to fail? The audiobook spans innovation by trial and error, health, biology, medicine, life decisions, politics, foreign policy, urban planning, war, personal finance, and economic systems. And throughout, in addition to the street wisdom of Fat Tony of Brooklyn, the voices and recipes of ancient wisdom, from Roman, Greek, Semitic, and medieval sources, are heard loud and clear. Extremely ambitious and multidisciplinary, Antifragile provides a blueprint for how to behave - and thrive - in a world we don't understand, and which is too uncertain for us to even try to understand and predict. Erudite and witty, Taleb’s message is revolutionary: What is not antifragile will surely perish.

The Cluetrain Manifesto began as a Web site in 1999 when the authors, who have worked variously at IBM, Sun Microsystems, the Linux Journal, and NPR, posted 95 theses about the new reality of the networked marketplace. Ten years after its original publication, their message remains more relevant than ever. For example, thesis no. 2: “Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors”; thesis no. 20: “Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.” The book enlarges on these themes through dozens of stories and observations about business in America and how the Internet will continue to change it all. With a new introduction and chapters by the authors, and commentary by Jake McKee, JP Rangaswami, and Dan Gillmor, this book is essential reading for anybody interested in the Internet and e-commerce, and is especially vital for businesses navigating the topography of the wired marketplace.

From the founders of the trailblazing software company 37signals, here is a different kind of business book one that explores a new reality. Today, anyone can be in business. Tools that used to be out of reach are now easily accessible. Technology that cost thousands is now just a few bucks or even free. Stuff that was impossible just a few years ago is now simple.That means anyone can start a business. And you can do it without working miserable 80-hour weeks or depleting your life savings. You can start it on the side while your day job provides all the cash flow you need. Forget about business plans, meetings, office space - you don't need them. With its straightforward language and easy-is-better approach, Rework is the perfect playbook for anyone who's ever dreamed of doing it on their own. Hardcore entrepreneurs, small-business owners, people stuck in day jobs who want to get out, and artists who don't want to starve anymore will all find valuable inspiration and guidance in these pages. It's time to rework work.

Tesla's main source of inspiration.
Roger Joseph Boscovich, a physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, Jesuit priest, and polymath, published the first edition of his famous work, Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria Redacta Ad Unicam Legem Virium In Natura Existentium (Theory Of Natural Philosophy Derived To The Single Law Of Forces Which Exist In Nature), in Vienna, in 1758, containing his atomic theory and his theory of forces. A second edition was published in 1763 in Venice

Bill Clinton's Georgetown mentor's history of the Conspiracy since the Boer War in South Africa.
TRAGEDY AND HOPE shows the years 1895-1950 as a period of transition from the world dominated by Europe in the nineteenth century to the world of three blocs in the twentieth century. With clarity, perspective, and cumulative impact, Professor Quigley examines the nature of that transition through two world wars and a worldwide economic depression. As an interpretative historian, he tries to show each event in the full complexity of its historical context. The result is a unique work, notable in several ways. It gives a picture of the world in terms of the influence of different cultures and outlooks upon each other; it shows, more completely than in any similar work, the influence of science and technology on human life; and it explains, with unprecedented clarity, how the intricate financial and commercial patterns of the West prior to 1914 influenced the development of today’s world.

This is the July, 2016 ALTA (Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis) Report. Also known as 'the Web Bot' report, this series is brought to you by This report covers your future world from July 2016 through to 2031. Forecasts are created using predictive linguistics (from the inventor) and cover your planet, your population, your economy and markets, and your Space Goat Farts where you will find all the 'unknown' and 'officially denied' woo-woo that will be shaping your environment over these next few decades.

Time is considered as an independent entity which cannot be reduced to the concept of matter, space or field. The point of discussion is the "time flow" conception of N A Kozyrev (1908-1983), an outstanding Russian astronomer and natural scientist. In addition to a review of the experimental studies of "the active properties of time", by both Kozyrev and modern scientists, the reader will find different interpretations of Kozyrev's views and some developments of his ideas in the fields of geophysics, astrophysics, general relativity and theoretical mechanics.

How UFO Time Engines work - Clif High

The webpage discusses the workings of UFO time engines according to N.A. Kozyrev's experiments. The LL1 engine is described as a hollow metal sphere with a pool of mercury metal inside. When activated by electrical energy, it creates a uni-polar magnetic field causing the mercury to spin at a high rate and induce "time stuff" to accumulate on its surface. The accrued time stuff is siphoned down magnetically to the radiating antennae on the bottom of the vessel, providing self-sustaining power and allowing for time travel. The environment inside UFOs is likely volatile and not suitable for humans.

The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory that electricity is vital to life. But as exciting as Becker's discoveries are, pointing to the day when human limbs, spinal cords, and organs may be regenerated after they have been damaged, equally fascinating is the story of Becker's struggle to do such original work. The Body Electric explores new pathways in our understanding of evolution, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, and healing.

Unique, controversial, and frequently cited, this survey offers highly detailed accounts concerning the development of ideas and theories about the nature of electricity and space (aether). Readily accessible to general readers as well as high school students, teachers, and undergraduates, it includes much information unavailable elsewhere. This single-volume edition comprises both The Classical Theories and The Modern Theories, which were originally published separately. The first volume covers the theories of classical physics from the age of the Greek philosophers to the late 19th century. The second volume chronicles discoveries that led to the advances of modern physics, focusing on special relativity, quantum theories, general relativity, matrix mechanics, and wave mechanics. Noted historian of science I. Bernard Cohen, who reviewed these books for Scientific American, observed, "I know of no other history of electricity which is as sound as Whittaker's. All those who have found stimulation from his works will read this informative and accurate history with interest and profit."

The third edition of the defining text for the graduate-level course in Electricity and Magnetism has finally arrived! It has been 37 years since the first edition and 24 since the second. The new edition addresses the changes in emphasis and applications that have occurred in the field, without any significant increase in length.

Objects are a ubiquitous presence and few of us stop and think what they mean in our lives. This is the job of philosophers and this is what Jean Baudrillard does in his book. This is required reading for followers of Baudrillard, and he is perhaps the most assessable to the General Reader. Baudrillard is most associated with Post Modernism, and this early book sets the stage for that journey to the post modern world.
We are all surrounded by objects, but how many times have we thought about what those objects represent. If we took the time to think about the symbolism, we could arrive at easy solutions. We have been so accustomed to advertising the automobile representing freedom is an easy conclusion. But what about furniture? What about chairs? What about the arrangement of furniture? Watches? Collecting objects? Baudrillard literally opens up a new world and creates the universe of objects.
It is not that the critique of a society or objects has not been done before, but Baudrillard’s approach is new. Baudrillard examines objects as signs with a smattering of Post-Marxist thought. In his analysis of objects as signs, he ushers in the Post-Modern age and world for which he would be known. Heady stuff to be sure, but is presented by Baudrillard in a readily accessible manner. He articulates his thesis in a straightforward manner, avoiding the hyper-technical terminology he used in his later writings.

Moving away from the Marxist/Freudian approaches that had concerned him earlier, Baudrillard developed in this book a theory of contemporary culture that relies on displacing economic notions of cultural production with notions of cultural expenditure.

The book begins with Sidis's discovery of the first law of physical laws: "Among the physical laws it is a general characteristic that there is reversibility in time; that is, should the whole universe trace back the various positions that bodies in it have passed through in a given interval of time, but in the reverse order to that in which these positions actually occurred, then the universe, in this imaginary case, would still obey the same laws." Recent discoveries of dark matter are predicted by him in this book, and he goes on to show that the "Big Bang" is wrong. Sidis (SIGH-dis) shows that it is far more likely the universe is eternal

In this book you will encounter rare information regarding your true identity - the conscious self in the body - and how you may break the hypnotic spell your senses and thinking have cast about you since childhood.

Do we see the world as it truly is? In The Case Against Reality, pioneering cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman says no? we see what we need in order to survive. Our visual perceptions are not a window onto reality, Hoffman shows us, but instead are interfaces constructed by natural selection. The objects we see around us are not unlike the file icons on our computer desktops: while shaped like a small folder on our screens, the files themselves are made of a series of ones and zeros - too complex for most of us to understand. In a similar way, Hoffman argues, evolution has shaped our perceptions into simplistic illusions to help us navigate the world around us. Yet now these illusions can be manipulated by advertising and design.
Drawing on thirty years of Hoffman's own influential research, as well as evolutionary biology, game theory, neuroscience, and philosophy, The Case Against Reality makes the mind-bending yet utterly convincing case that the world is nothing like what we see through our eyes.

At the height of the Cold War, JFK risked committing the greatest crime in human history: starting a nuclear war. Horrified by the specter of nuclear annihilation, Kennedy gradually turned away from his long-held Cold Warrior beliefs and toward a policy of lasting peace. But to the military and intelligence agencies in the United States, who were committed to winning the Cold War at any cost, Kennedy’s change of heart was a direct threat to their power and influence. Once these dark “Unspeakable” forces recognized that Kennedy’s interests were in direct opposition to their own, they tagged him as a dangerous traitor, plotted his assassination, and orchestrated the subsequent cover-up.

2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID. A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent. And therein lies a story—a story that starts with obvious questions: - What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people? - What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

The Tavistock Institute, in Sussex, England, describes itself as a nonprofit charity that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. But this book posits that it is the world’s center for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. It grew from a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House into a sophisticated organization that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society. In this eye-opening work, both the Tavistock network and the methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare are uncovered.

A seminal and controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Edward Bernays (1891–1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed “engineering of consent.” During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon.
Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, as well as his uncle, Sigmund Freud, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. His 1928 bombshell Propaganda lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.

Undressing the Bible: in Hebrew, the Old Testament speaks for itself, explicitly and transparently. It tells of mysterious beings, special and powerful ones, that appeared on Earth.
Former earthlings?
Superior civilizations, that have always been present on our planet?
Creators, manipulators, geneticists. Aviators, warriors, despotic rulers. And scientists, possessing very advanced knowledge, special weapons and science-fiction-like technologies.
Once naked, the Bible is very different from how it has always been told to us: it does not contain any spiritual, omnipotent and omniscient God, no eternity. No apples and no creeping, tempting, serpents. No winged angels. Not even the Red Sea: the people of the Exodus just wade through a simple reed bed.
Writer and journalist Giorgio Cattaneo sits down with Italy's most renowned biblical translator for his first long interview about his life's work for the English audience. A decade long official Bible translator for the Church and lifelong researcher of ancient myths and tales, Mauro Bilglino is a unicum in his field of expertise and research. A fine connoisseur of dead languages, from ancient Greek to Hebrew and medieval Latin, he focused his attention and efforts on the accurate translating of the bible.
The encounter with Mauro Biglino and his work - the journalist writes - is profoundly healthy, stimulating and inevitably destabilizing: it forces us to reconsider the solidity of the awareness that nourishes many of our common beliefs. And it is a testament to the courage that is needed, today more than ever, to claim the full dignity of free research.

Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th century.Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai's adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.After Sabbati Zevi's death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform "strange acts" that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history".Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

This is the first English translation of this revolutionary essay by Vladimir I. Vernadsky, the great Russian-Ukrainian biogeochemist. It was first published in 1930 in French in the Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées. In it, Vernadsky makes a powerful and provocative argument for the need to develop what he calls “a new physics,” something he felt was clearly necessitated by the implications of the groundbreaking work of Louis Pasteur among few others, but also something that was required to free science from the long-lasting effects of the work of Isaac Newton, most notably.
For hundreds of years, science had developed in a direction which became increasingly detached from the breakthroughs made in the study of life and the natural sciences, detached even from human life itself, and committed reductionists and small-minded scientists were resolved to the fact that ultimately all would be reduced to “the old physics.” The scientific revolution of Einstein was a step in the right direction, but here Vernadsky insists that there is more progress to be made. He makes a bold call for a new physics, taking into account, and fundamentally based upon, the striking anomalies of life and human life.

Using an inspired combination of geometric logic and metaphors from familiar human experience, Bucky invites readers to join him on a trip through a four-dimensional Universe, where concepts as diverse as entropy, Einstein's relativity equations, and the meaning of existence become clear, understandable, and immediately involving. In his own words: "Dare to be naive... It is one of our most exciting discoveries that local discovery leads to a complex of further discoveries." Here are three key examples or concepts from "Synergetics":


Tensegrity, or tensional integrity, refers to structural systems that use a combination of tension and compression components. The simplest example of this is the "tensegrity triangle", where three struts are held in position not by touching one another but by tensioned wires. These systems are stable and flexible. Tensegrity structures are pervasive in natural systems, from the cellular level up to larger biological and even cosmological scales.

Vector Equilibrium (VE)

The Vector Equilibrium, often referred to by Fuller as the "VE", is a geometric form that he saw as the central form in his synergetic geometry. It’s essentially a cuboctahedron. Fuller noted that the VE is the only geometric form wherein all the vectors (lines from the center to the vertices) are of equal length and angular relationship. Because of this, it’s seen as a condition of absolute equilibrium, where the forces of push and pull are balanced.

Closest Packing of Spheres

Fuller was fascinated by how spheres could be packed together in the tightest possible configuration, a concept he often linked to how nature organizes systems. For example, when you stack oranges in a grocery store, they form a hexagonal pattern, and the spheres (oranges) are in closest-packed arrangement. Fuller related this principle to atomic structures and even cosmic organization.

To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (CG5GW) by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. General Flynn rose to the highest levels of the intelligence community and served as the National Security Advisor to the 45th POTUS. Sergeant Boone Cutler ran the ground game as a wartime Psychological Operations team sergeant in the United States Army. Together, these two combat veterans put their combined experience and expertise into an illuminating fifth-generation warfare information series called The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare. Introduction to 5GW is the first session of the multipart series. The series, complete with easy-to-understand diagrams, is written for all of humanity in every freedom loving country.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Biosphere :

  • Vernadsky defined the biosphere as the thin layer of Earth where life exists, encompassing all living organisms and the parts of the Earth where they interact. This includes the depths of the oceans to the upper layers of the atmosphere.
  • He posited that life plays a critical role in transforming the Earth's environment. In this view, living organisms are not just passive inhabitants of the planet, but active agents of change. This idea contrasts with more traditional views that saw life as simply adapting to pre-existing environmental conditions.
  • One example of this transformative power is the oxygen-rich atmosphere, which was created by photosynthesizing organisms over billions of years.

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Noosphere :

  • The concept of the noosphere can be seen as the next evolutionary stage following the biosphere. While the biosphere represents the realm of life, the noosphere represents the realm of human thought.
  • Vernadsky believed that, just as life transformed the Earth through the biosphere, human thought and collective intelligence would transform the planet in the era of the noosphere. This transformation would be characterized by the dominance of cultural evolution over biological evolution.
  • In this paradigm, human knowledge, technology, and cultural developments would become the primary drivers of change on the planet, influencing its future direction.
  • The term "noosphere" is derived from the Greek word “nous” meaning "mind" or "intellect" and "sphaira" meaning "sphere." So, the noosphere can be thought of as the "sphere of human thought."

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

A close analysis of the architecture of the stupa―a Buddhist symbolic form that is found throughout South, Southeast, and East Asia. The author, who trained as an architect, examines both the physical and metaphysical levels of these buildings, which derive their meaning and significance from Buddhist and Brahmanist influences.

Building on his extensive research into the sacred symbols and creation myths of the Dogon of Africa and those of ancient Egypt, India, and Tibet, Laird Scranton investigates the myths, symbols, and traditions of prehistoric China, providing further evidence that the cosmology of all ancient cultures arose from a single now-lost source.

It is at the same time a history of language, a guide to foreign tongues, and a method for learning them. It shows, through basic vocabularies, family resemblances of languages―Teutonic, Romance, Greek―helpful tricks of translation, key combinations of roots and phonetic patterns. It presents by common-sense methods the most helpful approach to the mastery of many languages; it condenses vocabulary to a minimum of essential words; it simplifies grammar in an entirely new way; and it teaches a languages as it is actually used in everyday life.
But this book is more than a guide to foreign languages; it goes deep into the roots of all knowledge as it explores the history of speech. It lights up the dim pathways of prehistory and unfolds the story of the slow growth of human expression from the most primitive signs and sounds to the elaborate variations of the highest cultures. Without language no knowledge would be possible; here we see how language is at once the source and the reservoir of all we know.

Taking only the most elementary knowledge for granted, Lancelot Hogben leads readers of this famous book through the whole course from simple arithmetic to calculus. His illuminating explanation is addressed to the person who wants to understand the place of mathematics in modern civilization but who has been intimidated by its supposed difficulty. Mathematics is the language of size, shape, and order―a language Hogben shows one can both master and enjoy.

A complete manual for the study and practice of Raja Yoga, the path of concentration and meditation. These timeless teachings is a treasure to be read and referred to again and again by seekers treading the spiritual path. The classic Sutras, at least 4,000 years old, cover the yogic teachings on ethics, meditation, and physical postures, and provide directions for dealing with situations in daily life. The Sutras are presented here in the purest form, with the original Sanskrit and with translation, transliteration, and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda, one of the most respected and revered contemporary Yoga masters. Sri Swamiji offers practical advice based on his own experience for mastering the mind and achieving physical, mental and emotional harmony.

William Strauss and Neil Howe will change the way you see the world - and your place in it. With blazing originality, The Fourth Turning illuminates the past, explains the present, and reimagines the future. Most remarkably, it offers an utterly persuasive prophecy about how America’s past will predict its future.

Strauss and Howe base this vision on a provocative theory of American history. The authors look back 500 years and uncover a distinct pattern: Modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting about the length of a long human life, each composed of four eras - or "turnings" - that last about 20 years and that always arrive in the same order. In The Fourth Turning, the authors illustrate these cycles using a brilliant analysis of the post-World War II period.

First comes a High, a period of confident expansion as a new order takes root after the old has been swept away. Next comes an Awakening, a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion against the now-established order. Then comes an Unraveling, an increasingly troubled era in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis - the Fourth Turning - when society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. Together, the four turnings comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth.

4th Turning

Excess Deaths & Why RFK Jr. Can Win The Democratic Presidential Race - Ed Dowd | Part 1 of 2 - 06-21-2023

All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. To the general reader the Khazars, who flourished from the 7th to 11th century, may seem infinitely remote today. Yet they have a close and unexpected bearing on our world, which emerges as Koestler recounts the fascinating history of the ancient Khazar Empire.

At about the time that Charlemagne was Emperor in the West. The Khazars' sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.Thereafter the Khazars found themselves in a precarious position between the two major world powers: the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium and the triumphant followers of Mohammed.As Koestler points out, the Khazars were the Third World of their day. They chose a surprising method of resisting both the Western pressure to become Christian and the Eastern to adopt Islam. Rejecting both, they converted to Judaism. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry.

Few people noticed the secret codewords used by our astronauts to describe the moon. Until now, few knew about the strange moving lights they reported.
George H. Leonard, former NASA scientist, fought through the official veil of secrecy and studied thousands of NASA photographs, spoke candidly with dozens of NASA officials, and listened to hours and hours of astronauts' tapes.
Here, Leonard presents the stunning and inescapable evidence discovered during his in-depth investigation:

  • Immense mechanical rigs, some over a mile long, working the lunar surface.
  • Strange geometric ground markings and symbols.
  • Lunar constructions several times higher than anything built on Earth.
  • Vehicles, tracks, towers, pipes, conduits, and conveyor belts running in and across moon craters.
Somebody else is indeed on the Moon, and engaged in activities on a massive scale. Our space agencies, and many of the world's top scientists, have known for years that there is intelligent life on the moon.

The article delves into the history of the Khazars, a polity in the Northern Caucasus that existed from the mid-seventh century until about 970 CE. Contrary to popular belief, the term "Khazars" is misleading as it was a multiethnic entity, and it's uncertain which specific group adopted Judaism. The Khazars first emerged in the seventh century, defeating the Bulgars, which led to the Bulgars' dispersion to various regions. The Khazar Empire was established through the expulsion of the Bulgars and was multiethnic in nature. The language spoken by the Khazars is debated, with some suggesting Turkic origins and others pointing to Slavic. The Khazars had several cities and fortresses, with significant archaeological findings. The Khazars had interactions with various empires, including wars with the Arabs and alliances with Byzantine emperors. By the mid-10th century, the Khazar capital of Itil was destroyed by the Russians. The article concludes that much of what is known about the Khazars is based on limited sources.

#Khazars #History #Caucasus #Judaism #Bulgars #Empire #Multiethnic #LanguageDebate #ArabWars #ByzantineAlliances #Itil #RussianInvasion #Archaeology #ReligiousConversion #TabletMag

In The Science of the Dogon, Laird Scranton demonstrated that the cosmological structure described in the myths and drawings of the Dogon runs parallel to modern science--atomic theory, quantum theory, and string theory--their drawings often taking the same form as accurate scientific diagrams that relate to the formation of matter.

Sacred Symbols of the Dogon uses these parallels as the starting point for a new interpretation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language. By substituting Dogon cosmological drawings for equivalent glyph-shapes in Egyptian words, a new way of reading and interpreting the Egyptian hieroglyphs emerges. Scranton shows how each hieroglyph constitutes an entire concept, and that their meanings are scientific in nature.

The Dogon people of Mali, West Africa, are famous for their unique art and advanced cosmology. The Dogon’s creation story describes how the one true god, Amma, created all the matter of the universe. Interestingly, the myths that depict his creative efforts bear a striking resemblance to the modern scientific definitions of matter, beginning with the atom and continuing all the way to the vibrating threads of string theory. Furthermore, many of the Dogon words, symbols, and rituals used to describe the structure of matter are quite similar to those found in the myths of ancient Egypt and in the daily rituals of Judaism. For example, the modern scientific depiction of the informed universe as a black hole is identical to Amma’s Egg of the Dogon and the Egyptian Benben Stone.

The Science of the Dogon offers a case-by-case comparison of Dogon descriptions and drawings to corresponding scientific definitions and diagrams from authors like Stephen Hawking and Brian Greene, then extends this analysis to the counterparts of these symbols in both the ancient Egyptian and Hebrew religions. What is ultimately revealed is the scientific basis for the language of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, which was deliberately encoded to prevent the knowledge of these concepts from falling into the hands of all but the highest members of the Egyptian priesthood.

Anthony C. Yu’s translation of The Journey to the West,initially published in 1983, introduced English-speaking audiences to the classic Chinese novel in its entirety for the first time. Written in the sixteenth century, The Journey to the West tells the story of the fourteen-year pilgrimage of the monk Xuanzang, one of China’s most famous religious heroes, and his three supernatural disciples, in search of Buddhist scriptures. Throughout his journey, Xuanzang fights demons who wish to eat him, communes with spirits, and traverses a land riddled with a multitude of obstacles, both real and fantastical. An adventure rich with danger and excitement, this seminal work of the Chinese literary canonis by turns allegory, satire, and fantasy.

With over a hundred chapters written in both prose and poetry, The Journey to the West has always been a complicated and difficult text to render in English while preserving the lyricism of its language and the content of its plot. But Yu has successfully taken on the task, and in this new edition he has made his translations even more accurate and accessible. The explanatory notes are updated and augmented, and Yu has added new material to his introduction, based on his original research as well as on the newest literary criticism and scholarship on Chinese religious traditions. He has also modernized the transliterations included in each volume, using the now-standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization system. Perhaps most important, Yu has made changes to the translation itself in order to make it as precise as possible.

One of the great works of Chinese literature, The Journey to the West is not only invaluable to scholars of Eastern religion and literature, but, in Yu’s elegant rendering, also a delight for any reader.

The Oera Linda Book is a 19th-century translation by Dr. Ottema and WIlliam R. Sandbach of an old manuscript written in the Old Frisian language that records historical, mythological, and religious themes of remote antiquity, compiled between 2194 BC and AD 803.

  • The Oera Linda book challenges traditional views of pre-Christian societies.
  • Christianization is likened to a "great reset" that erased previous civilizations.
  • The Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people.
  • The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting patterns in history.
  • The importance of identity and understanding one's roots is highlighted.
  • The Oera Linda book offers wisdom and insights into several European languages.

The Oera Linda book offers a fresh perspective on our history, challenging the notion that pre-Christian societies were uncivilized. It suggests that the Christianization of societies was a form of "great reset," erasing and demonizing what existed before. The Oera Linda writings hint at an advanced civilization with its own laws, writing, and societal structures. Jan Ott's translation from the Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people. The text also touches upon the guilt many feel today, even if they aren't religious, about issues like climate change and historical slavery. It criticizes the way science is sometimes treated like a religion, with scientists acting as its preachers. The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting that understanding history requires recognizing patterns and cycles. Christianity is portrayed as one of the most significant resets in history, with sects fighting and erasing each other's scriptures. The importance of identity is highlighted, with a focus on the Fryans, a tribe that faced challenges from another tribe from Finland. This other tribe had a different moral compass, leading to conflicts and eventual assimilation. The text suggests that the true history of the Fryans and their values might have been distorted by subsequent Christian narratives. The Oera Linda book is seen as a source of wisdom, shedding light on the origins of several European languages and offering insights into values like freedom, truth, and justice.

#OeraLinda #History #Christianization #GreatReset #FryanLanguage #JanOtt #Civilization #OldTestament #Church #SpiritualAbuse #Identity #Fryans #Autland #Finland #Slavery #Christianity #Sects #Genocide #Torture #Bible #Freedom #Truth #Justice #Righteousness #Language #German #Dutch #Frisian #English #Scandinavian #Wisdom #Inspiration #European #Values

The Talmud is one of the most important holy books of the Hebrew religion and of the world. No English translation of the book existed until the author presented this work. To this day, very little of the actual text seems available in English -- although we find many interpretive commentaries on what it is supposed to mean. The Talmud has a reputation for being long and difficult to digest, but Polano has taken what he believes to be the best material and put it into extremely readable form. As far as holy books of the world are concerned, it is on par with The Koran, The Bhagavad-Gita and, of course, The Bible, in importance. This clearly written edition will allow many to experience The Talmud who may have otherwise not had the chance.

This five-volume set is the only complete English rendering of The Zohar, the fundamental rabbinic work on Jewish mysticism that has fascinated readers for more than seven centuries. In addition to being the primary reference text for kabbalistic studies, this magnificent work is arranged in the form of a commentary on the Bible, bringing to the surface the deeper meanings behind the commandments and biblical narrative. As The Zohar itself proclaims: Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment Thin which it is swathed.

Twenty-one years ago, at a friend's request, a Massachusetts professor sketched out a blueprint for nonviolent resistance to repressive regimes. It would go on to be translated, photocopied, and handed from one activist to another, traveling from country to country across the globe: from Iran to Venezuela―where both countries consider Gene Sharp to be an enemy of the state―to Serbia; Afghanistan; Vietnam; the former Soviet Union; China; Nepal; and, more recently and notably, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria, where it has served as a guiding light of the Arab Spring.

This short, pithy, inspiring, and extraordinarily clear guide to overthrowing a dictatorship by nonviolent means lists 198 specific methods to consider, depending on the circumstances: sit-ins, popular nonobedience, selective strikes, withdrawal of bank deposits, revenue refusal, walkouts, silence, and hunger strikes. From Dictatorship to Democracy is the remarkable work that has made the little-known Sharp into the world's most effective and sought-after analyst of resistance to authoritarian regimes.

Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests. He has spoken to many groups throughout the United States and has appeared regularly on many radio talk shows and on television. In 1988 Bill decided to "talk" due to events then taking place worldwide, events that he had seen plans for back in the early 1970s. Bill correctly predicted the lowering of the Iron Curtain, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. All Bill's predictions were on record well before the events occurred. Bill is not a psychic. His information comes from top secret documents that he read while with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over seventeen years of research.

The argument that the 16th Amendment (which concerns the federal income tax) was not properly ratified and thus is invalid has been a topic of debate among some tax protesters and scholars. One of the individuals associated with this theory is Bill Benson, who asserted that the 16th Amendment was fraudulently ratified. Here's a brief overview of the argument: 1. Research and Documentation: Bill Benson, along with another individual named M.J. "Red" Beckman, wrote a two-volume work called "The Law That Never Was" in the 1980s. This work was a product of Benson's extensive travels to various state archives to examine the original ratification documents related to the 16th Amendment. 2. Claims of Irregularities: In his work, Benson presented evidence that claimed many of the states either did not ratify the 16th Amendment properly or made mistakes in their resolutions. Some of these alleged irregularities included misspellings, incorrect wording, and other deviations from the proposed amendment. 3. Philander Knox's Role: In 1913, Philander Knox, who was the U.S. Secretary of State at the time, declared that the 16th Amendment had been ratified by the necessary three-fourths of the states. Benson's contention is that Knox was aware of the various discrepancies and irregularities in the ratification process but chose to fraudulently declare the amendment ratified anyway. 4. Legal Challenges and Court Rulings: Over the years, some tax protesters have used Benson's findings to challenge the legality of the income tax. However, these challenges have been consistently rejected by the courts. In fact, several courts have addressed Benson's research and arguments directly and found them to be without legal merit. The courts have repeatedly upheld the validity of the 16th Amendment. 5. Counterarguments: Critics of Benson's theory argue that even if there were minor discrepancies in the wording or format of the ratification documents, they do not invalidate the overarching intent of the states to ratify the amendment. Additionally, they assert that there's no substantive evidence that Knox acted fraudulently. It's worth noting that despite the popularity of this theory among certain groups, the legal consensus in the U.S. is that the 16th Amendment was validly ratified and is a legitimate part of the U.S. Constitution. Those who refuse to pay income taxes based on this theory have faced legal penalties.

The article delves into the evolution of the concept of the ether in physics. Historically, the ether was postulated to explain the propagation of light, with figures like Newton and Huygens suggesting its existence. By the late 19th century, Maxwell's electromagnetic theory linked light's propagation to the ether, a theory experimentally validated by Hertz in 1888. Lorentz expanded on this, focusing on wave transmission in moving media. The article contrasts the English approach, which sought tangible models, with the phenomenological view, which aimed for a descriptive approach without specific hypotheses. The piece also touches on various mechanical theories and models proposed over the years, emphasizing the challenges in defining the ether's properties and its evolving nature in scientific discourse.

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The TRUE story of Nikola Tesla – by Lt Col Thomas Bearden – 1990’s

The TRUE story of Nikola Tesla - by Lt Col Thomas Bearden - 1990's

The TRUE story of Nikola Tesla - by Lt Col Thomas Bearden - 1990's

Episode Summary:

Tom Bearden, a retired lieutenant colonel and researcher in aerospace, discusses his admiration for Nikola Tesla's genius and groundbreaking inventions. He details Tesla's grand vision for wireless energy, the promising and ill-fated Wardencliffe project, and his relationship with financier Morgan. Despite Tesla's revolutionary ideas, he faced resistance from the scientific community, misunderstanding from financiers, and some personal flaws that contributed to his fall from grace. A combination of Tesla's arrogance, resentment from academics, misunderstandings of his work, and his gambling on Wardencliffe led to his downfall, despite his profound contributions to electromagnetics and energy.

The text discusses Morgan's decision to cease funding Tesla's work, leading to the failure of Tesla's projects. Morgan considered Tesla's efforts a bad investment as Marconi seemed closer to success in wireless transmission. Tesla's later life was marred by misunderstandings and idiosyncrasies, with the scientific community labeling him as a kook. The author explores Tesla's insights into electromagnetics, challenging conventional models and emphasizing Maxwell's original theories in quaternion algebra. The text also delves into wave theories, highlighting Tesla's belief in longitudinal sound waves, contrasting with common scientific understanding, and suggesting a need to revisit Tesla's perspective.

The text discusses the nature of waves, contrasting the theories of Nikola Tesla with conventional wisdom. It explains how waves exist as both longitudinal and transverse forms, debunking popular misconceptions. The author emphasizes Tesla's correctness in understanding longitudinal waves in the vacuum, contrasting with Maxwell's assumption of transverse string waves. The passage also elaborates on Tesla's wireless transmission of energy and his understanding of the electromagnetic wave. Modern quantum mechanics and theories of force-free fields are referenced, bringing Tesla's ideas closer to contemporary scientific thought. The text asserts that Tesla's discoveries are in line with nature and can be applied to transmission with minimal loss.

The text discusses Tesla's pioneering work in nonlinear optics, particularly in the area of phase conjugation and self-targeting. It describes how Tesla's principles apply to various frequencies and wave types, allowing for precise focusing of energy. The author speculates about Tesla's possible involvement in the Siberian explosion and contrasts Tesla's clean electromagnetic energy methods with traditional nuclear power. The author reveals that he has been working on similar principles to Tesla, using longitudinal waves for energy transmission, and has recently filed a patent on this creation. The text also emphasizes the significance of Tesla's theoretical frameworks in understanding complex phenomena.

The text describes the concept of Displacement current and its division into two components. It details a barrier technology invented by Bill Fogel that conserves energy while avoiding work loss. The principle is likened to a heat pump, and the text connects to Tesla's theories of energy extraction from the vacuum, possibly hinting at free energy machines. It also discusses the potential weaponization of Tesla's works, mentions the involvement of Russians, and references historical contexts like World War II, atomic bombs, and Stalin's strategic plans. The tone indicates a belief in the untapped potential of the mentioned concepts.

The text discusses the Soviet Union's vigorous search for scientific breakthroughs, with a particular focus on nonlinear mathematics and the development of superweapons. It emphasizes how they scoured Western literature for insights and developed unique insights into the nonlinear aspects of physics, contrasting this approach with that of the U.S. The author also highlights the fall of communism, mentioning the increasingly dangerous world with the proliferation of nuclear weapons and new scalar electromagnetic weapons. Three other hostile nations are working on these Tesla weapons, and the potential for energy manipulation and time effects creates an even more frightening future scenario.

The text emphasizes the urgent need for advancements in clean energy and medical treatments. It highlights the failures of allopathic medicine and discusses experimental treatments involving electromagnetic extensions influenced by Tesla's work. A key example is Antoine Priori's research on curing terminal tumors in animals. The text also speaks of the suppression and destruction of Priori's work by political forces. Additionally, it explores the mysterious "woodpecker" signal transmitted by the Soviets on July 4, 1976, which may be part of a scalar interferometry weapon system. The innovations in both energy and medical fields are connected to the principles and inventions of Nikola Tesla.

The text discusses the possibility of Tesla weapons systems, specifically focusing on the evidence tied to woodpecker signals and the work of a Soviet physicist named Koznashev. Koznashev's experiments suggest the ability to transmit diseases electromagnetically, with replications in various universities. Mention of incidents involving ionization devices and an emphasis on the implications of using scalar transmitters is also discussed. The text raises concerns about the use of such technology for mass population warfare and the spread of diseases, connecting it to broader topics of nuclear and biological warfare. The danger of such weapons falling into the hands of irrational or smaller nations concludes the discussion.

The text discusses the emergence of dangerous weapons and technologies, referencing Tesla's work and developments in electromagnetics. It emphasizes the immediate threats posed by these advancements, including biological warfare and the application of weapons by irrational groups. Alongside these dangers, the text also explores the potential for positive applications, such as the gradual elimination of fossil fuels through over-unity electromagnetic devices. The ethical responsibility to use care with these technologies is emphasized. Finally, the text reflects on Nikola Tesla's unique ability to visualize systems and the context of his work, questioning how his groundbreaking inventions could be lost or abandoned.

#AC #ACPowerSystem #Aerospace #AIDS #AllopathicMedicine #Antibiotics #Antigravity #AntoinePriori #Arrogance #AtomicBomb #Barrier #benefits #BillFogel #biologicalWarfare #BiologicalWeapons #Cancer #capitalists #CarEngine #Censorship #CleanEnergy #communication #Conservation #ControlledEnergy #conventionalModels #CosmicRays #courts #ClandestineWarfare #ColoradoSprings #ControlledEnergy #CrowdsourceFunding #dangerousweapons #DC #Disease #DisplacementCurrent #discoveries #Dipole #Dqdt #DPHDT #dreams #EarthIonosphericWaveGuide #Economics #Ego #Electromagnetics #electronCharge #ElectromagneticEnergy #electromagneticRadiation #electromagneticTransmission #ElectromagneticWaves #ElliptonWeapons #energyManipulation #energyTransmission #Ether #ethics #ethicalresponsibility #failure #financialPower #fossilfuels #FreeEnergy #FrenchAcademyOfScience #generalRelativityTheory #Genetics #GeorgiaTech #HalPutoff #idiosyncrasies #Infection #investment #ionization #irrationalgroups #jealousy #July4 #Koznashev #kook #LaborMovement #laserBeam #Leukemia #longitudinalSoundWaves #longitudinalWaves #loner #lostinventions #MagneticField #MassPopulationWarfare #MassSlippage #Maxwell #MedicalApplications #MiddleEast #missileDefense #Morgan #newsMedia #Newton'sThirdLaw #nuclearEnergy #nuclearWaste #nuclearWeapons #nonlinearMathematics #nonlinearOptics #NOAA #nucleus #OpticalTypeFunctioning #Oscillator #Overunity #OverunityMachines #patent #patents #Persecution #phaseConjugation #PhaseConjugateOptics #politics #positiveapplications #ProcessingElectrons #QuarternionAlgebra #QuantumMechanics #radar #radioWaves #Rejection #ResearchAndDevelopment #Resentment #Resonance #Russians #scalarElectromagneticWeapons #ScalarInterferometry #ScalarTransmitters #ScientificCommunity #scientificControl #Scientist #secrecy #Semiconductor #selfTargeting #SiberianExplosion #Soviets #SovietPhysicist #SovietUnion #Stalin #StockMarket #StrategicDeterrence #suppression #superweapon #Tesla #TeslaWeapons #Telegraph #TerminalTumors #THenryMoray #timeEffects #TomBearden #Transformer #UnitedStates #UniversityOfMarburg #UniversityOfSydney #VacuumEnergy #VacuumWaves #vectorAnalysis #Visualization #Weaponization #weatherModification #Wardencliffe #waveTheories #WhitakerPapers #WirelessEnergy #Workflow #WorldWarII #WorldwideEnergySystem #WoodpeckerSignal #WoodpeckerSignals #YouTube

The TRUE story of Nikola Tesla - by Lt Col Thomas Bearden - 1990's

Well, my name is Tom Bearden. I'm a retired lieutenant colonel presently also rather suddenly retired from aerospace. With the aerospace step down widespread throughout the country, I've been doing research for many years into several areas. One on some of the work of Nikola Tesla. One on the area of trying to produce both a theory and some practical results for overunity electrical machines.

Small amount of work in antigravity and then some medical applications, primarily in a new kind of electromagnetics. I once said Tesla was a dichotomy. Certainly Tesla had certain idiosyncrasies which have been played up. Usually any creative genius does if you accept those and don't dwell on those. Tesla was a magnificent genius, in my opinion.

I think he was so far ahead of his time and what he could do and what he understood not necessarily in the language and the phraseology we use today, but in his own language and his own phraseology. I think he was well ahead of the times, 100 years ahead of his times. And maybe in this conversation we'll even go into that. If Nikola Tesla is what you said he is why is he so relatively unknown to the general public through a whole series of events? Tesla, in his life story, admitted one time he had been a gambler and then he quit because he was compulsive gambler.

The last great gamble that Tesla took, he lost. And that, of course, was his great installation on Long Island Wardencliffe. He had, at that time put everything he had into, you might say, one kettle. It was funded by Morgan. There was some struggle between Morgan and another financier who were in a great struggle with each other.

It affected the stock market. It created inflation and everything. Plus, Tesla had done a very strange thing as a gambler. He knew that Morgan would never give him his $150,000 that he needed to do the installation that he really wanted to do, which was going to cost more than that by some amount. So he had designed a smaller installation of two transmitters.

When he briefed Morgan and he briefed him only on the communications aspect of it, tesla had foreseen, as many people had at that time but he had clearly foreseen the broadcast industry sending pictures and sound and music and so forth and information through the air. So Morgan financed the $150,000 based on communications. Only Morgan knew of Marconi's work and some others who were racing to try to be the first wireless, as they called it in those days. Morgan was he didn't care about all the finesse and so forth. He was strictly a financier.

He was strictly interested in making money. And he knew this new area was going to go and going to make money, a lot of money for whoever got there first. And in his opinion, tesla had the best chance to get there first. So that's why he backed Tesla. Tesla, however, was even more interested in doing a worldwide energy system to provide energy that would be very cheap for everybody in the world, anywhere on the Earth.

And so the actual installation that he started building was this giant installation, so well known to the Tesla fans and people who read of Tesla and the struggle between Morgan and his counterpart. His counterpart almost bought Morgan's Railroad Company right out from under him. He bought, in fact, control of the voting shares of the preferred stock, but not of the common stock. And Morgan issued orders from Europe to buy all the stock that could be bought at any cost in one day. The stock made astronomical jumps.

The whole stock market went crazy. We don't have anything like that in our time. Inflation became suddenly rampant. Parts and electrical things went up three times, for example, and suddenly everybody furnishing parts. There was a panic because of the money shortage and everything, and the stock we would today call it a crash in other stocks.

So what happened is they began demanding all their money up front to the very beginning. Are you saying that Tesla was forgotten after Wardencliffe? That it was Wardencliffe that ruined his reputation? Well, it was a combination of events. There were many people who resented Tesla, particularly among the academic community.

Number one, they didn't understand at all how he worked. He didn't have the academic credentials, what they regarded the high academic credentials they had. He, of course, had academic credentials. He certainly had been very vocal. That the common electromagnetic theory, which he usually referred to as the Hertz theory and the Hertz waves, since know, proved the Maxwell predicted wave, tesla was adamant that there were no transverse Maxwell Hertz waves in the ether and that he, Tesla, was not using that kind of theory at all.

That theory was very limited and did not apply to what he was doing. In other words, what he was saying to the entire scientific mind of the day was that what you're doing, gentlemen, is erroneous, not only that I'm proving you're an error, but because he had become a household word, when you do, you become a single name Tesla, not Nikola Tesla, you see. And because of this kind of effect, he had become essentially the great wizard. He had given us the AC power system and everything. And there was a great deal of resentment for what they regarded as an upstart inventor who was, in fact essentially saying, I'm going to usurp your science.

They would interpret it that way. Not all people were detractors, but many were. He also was not a great theoretician. He didn't fill up books with great theories and full of mathematics, and so he just didn't practice the game as it was being practiced. He was ostracized, I think, primarily because of his difference and because of his radical statements and because of his pronouncements of great systems, they didn't have the foggiest notion of what he was talking about.

He had one other unfortunate incident which today we would laugh at, but was very serious at the time. I think it was 19 one. I'd have to check my records. He picked up radio signals from space. We know today, of course, that planets, radiate, RF noise and so forth, but when he announced this, it just caused a sensation and all the scientists said immediately, what a kook, what an idiot.

So an unfortunate reaction occurred in the scientific community that he had to be an utter kook because everybody knew that there were no signals from space and that was an unfortunate timing and contributed to his demise. Nicolettesl also had an ego very big, and there's some argument for the fact that his ego or his vision of self may have undone him as well. Could you address that? Yes, that's quite true. He was arrogant.

He knew in his mind what he had done and what he could do. He had done the experiments, for example, in his few months at Colorado Springs, which proved that he was on the right path. And he was hastening back to New York to get the funding from Morgan and set up his warden, Cliff, and get on with doing the wireless, but also the other energy at the same time. He was going to do it all in one stroke. And when this panic came along and supplies went up and finally he made the final fatal mistake.

He briefed Morgan in desperation. That what he was really about, because he thought Morgan would appreciate that he simply did not understand. A financier who's not interested in all of that. But what is it going to do to make me money? There's nothing wrong with that.

I'm just saying that's the way Morgan approached it at that point, morgan also knew that Marconi was closing in on it and very close to transmitting wireless across the ocean, the Atlantic. So Morgan knew at that point briefed on what yet had to be done and how much money Tesla needed and all that. He knew the game was lost from a communication viewpoint that Marconi was going to be first. So at that point, Morgan in his own mind wrote it off as a bad investment going sour. And one thing he did not do was throw good money after bad.

A perfectly sound business decision today, we would say. So he simply wrote the project off. Tesla could never understand for some months thereafter what had happened, why he couldn't get the extra money. People began to quit work because he couldn't pay them. The suppliers wouldn't send him his supplies because he couldn't pay them upfront.

And the whole thing began to sort of grind to a halt. He did get the installation in operation, but he never succeeded at what he was doing, and by that time, Morgan was never going to finance him again. A combination of events then occurred within a few years of that to where suddenly things began to shift. The jealousy of the scientific community began to suggest that he was, after all, just a kook. Everybody knew that thing on Warden Cliff was foolish, and so he became almost a non person in the space of a very few years.

An older man living in a hotel room, feeding the pigeons with all his idiosyncrasies. He really did have idiosyncrasies. He had a morbid fear of germs. He would use something like 17 white napkins for a meal that he would have and meticulously lay one aside. Once he made the first wipe with it to wipe his hands or whatever, he had a lot of idiosyncrasies.

And of course, his autocratic pronouncements, as you say. His ego also was there. He also had quite an ego. And so people just shuttled him aside and said, well, he's at best an egomaniac who's mistaken, and at worst, he's just a lunatic. When they simply wrote out of the books what he had done, I focused in on the electromagnetics, because early on in my work, I also became disenchanted with the present electromagnetics model.

To understand Tesla, you must take seriously, I think, his suggestion that the present electromagnetics model is seriously flawed. Nobody wants to take that seriously. Most of the people who approach Tesla use the conventional electromagnetics, and when they cannot explain what he was talking about, they say, therefore, the man was a kook. Now, suppose for a moment that he really was correct. Suppose there is something wrong with the classical electromagnetics.

Of course you can use the classical model to do the things we do, but it means there are many other things that can be done that we cannot do, because we have excluded that part from our model and from our teaching and from our knowledge and from our instruments. Let's pursue that a moment. The original electromagnetics written by Maxwell himself was written in an algebra called quaternions.

What we mean here is a higher topology algebra in which you can do things in this kind of expression of electromagnetics that you can't do in vectors or tensors. Now, the real theory that Maxwell had, depending on who counts the equations and what they count, is something like 20 equations and 20 unknowns to give some numbers to it. When Heavyside got through, translating it into a much simpler algebra called vectors, which he helped create, and he wrote all the modern equations that are used as Maxwell's equations, not Maxwell himself. None of those ever appeared in anything by James Clerk. Maxwell, when Heavyside modified it to a much easier algebra called vector analysis, which he helped complete the algebra itself.

It consisted of some two equations or so with an extra equation thrown in, depending on the way you want to count that again, certainly if you want to count the full thing, four equations so you can see a remarkable reduction in the amount of variations of things you could do. And that's what I mean when I say we previously had an electromagnetics that permitted lots of functioning that is no longer permitted by the kind of electromagnetics we're all taught to apply and use today. It's a subset of what can be done. A scientist by the name Barrett, a very brilliant scientist, has done a very good analysis when Hertz announced his discovery of the maximum waves. It's in there if you read it.

But actually, Tesla went to Hertz to convince him of the error of his waves and showed him experiments and everything else to prove that the wave that was actually in the ether was not a transverse string wave, but in fact was what today we would call an longitudinal sound wave, a wave of refaction and compression. He did do that and was not able to convince Hertz. But Hertz was very disheartened by all this evidence that Tesla had given him, but never revealed what the evidence was. Let's look now and see if there's any room for what Tesla was saying. And I want to tell you a story of the greatest joke on all of science in all of history, because you'll never understand Tesla till you know this joke.

When they were trying to write the wave equation for the plucked string wave, of course they were studying plucked stringed instruments. You have a taut string suspended between two points on the body of an instrument and they simply plucked the string various ways and watched the waves. They then wrote equations for the tensile forces and so forth in the string. They isolated the string. They assumed that there's nothing else happening but the string and using the forces.

And they still teach the sophomore students to do it this way, they derived the string wave equation. First of all, there is no such thing as a tight string independently existing apart from a holder anywhere in the world. There never will be. There is, however, a tight string which has equal and opposite forces in the ends of the holder that's holding the string and creating the tension on the string. If you will apply the same approach and ask yourself the full question what system was perturbed?

It was not just the tight string. It was the tight string plus the body of the instrument. What comes about is that every transverse string wave that occurred the string, an equal and opposite, highly damped wave occurred down in the body of the instrument. Every guitar picker, which I'm a very poor one knows that the body of the instrument vibrates when you pluck the string. You depend on the characteristic of that for your sound.

What happened, though, by throwing away the holder and the anti wave in the holder? Every time a mathematician or a physicist writes a wave equation, he has thrown away half of the problem of the phenomena. The anti wave still exists, but he threw it somewhere, usually into a highly damp system and ignores it. The way he gets by with that at the end where he has now described his reactions with the single wave equation, the transverse wave equation, the other wave reappears, and he says, oh, that's Newton's Third Law reaction force, because it's always equal and opposite. Well, Newton's third law is not a law.

It's a description. It is not a mechanism for what causes something at all. If you add back in the wave that is missing, guess what you get? You get equal and opposite waves in the vacuum. These waves are, in fact, longitudinal waves.

They are more soundlike. And Tesla was right, and all the textbooks in the world are wrong. Now, let's turn that from talking sound. Let's turn it to electromagnetics. If I examine an atom and I see the complex assembly of dipoles, each dipole being The Electron charge and the piece of the positive charge of the nucleus, I find something very similar to the holder and the string.

That is, I have something very light, the electron which is perturbed, and I have Something Which is highly damp, the very heavy nucleus by the equal and opposite anti disturbance. And we still know that exists, but we call it Newton's Third Law. We just, invoke a Description, have no idea what causes it. But anyway, if the wave comes in from the vacuum and is intercepted by one of these dipoles, in addition to the disturbance, the string wave that we will see off of the electron end, we will have the anti wave, the recoil forces on the other end. And so always we get equal and opposite.

We do get the opposite wave. And what came in from the vacuum had both the separation between The Two charges caused The Separation Of The Two waves, just as the separation between the String and The Body of the instrument caused The Separation of the wave in any wave in the plucked string instrument. So we still have the same thing, and we still hold to the fact there is a longitudinal Wave in the vacuum, not just A single transverse wave. Now let us see what happens when we launch a wave now that we know that from an antenna. When I launch a wave from a physical antenna, the matter in the antenna is made of these same atoms and these same dipoles.

And in addition to launching the wave from the electron shells and the electron interactions, there is a highly damped anti wave launched at much less disturbance, highly reduced of the anti wave. But as soon as it emerges from the antenna, there is no longer any damping because there's no longer any heavy nuclear mass. And so immediately it pops to full shape and full size. And so we still have the longitudinal wave in the vacuum that we launch. Can I prove that in what we receive?

Yes, indeed, I can. And you must understand this if you ever understand Nikola Tesla. Now let me go to the reception of this wave in a circuit and I have some free electrons in my circuit. And in comes the wave from the vacuum. The electrons in the circuit are pushing against their brothers down the road, which pushes back, and it's restrained.

It had very difficult for it to move longitudinally. We know that today. We know that it only moves down the wire at something like 11ft/hour. The signal that moves down the wire at near light speed will have completely exited the solar system and gone on by that time. So, as you can see, we have a very sluggish electron restrained, which is spinning.

We know today when they wrote those equations, they didn't even have the notion of the electron. So it acts as a gyro and by gyro theory, right out of the book. When you longitudinally disturb a gyro that's restrained, it will process sideways. And all of our instruments measure and detect the electron precession waves. That's what we put on our oscilloscopes and what we read with our instruments.

And yes, indeed, gentlemen, we do detect the electron wiggle waves. And they are transverse waves. But a gyro reacts and processes at right angle to the actual disturbance, which proves that it is a longitudinal wave in the vacuum. If you do not believe that you must throw away all gyro theory. Tesla was right.

Every textbook in the US. Is Wrong. Maxwell simply assumed out of thin air, the transverse string wave, because that's what everybody was familiar with when he wrote the first equations. And it's never been changed to this day. So.

Was Tesla aware of this? And is this what Tesla was talking about when he talked about telephones? It was deeply involved in it. Tesla made several statements. For example, over and over where he said there are no transverse waves in the vacuum.

No hertz waves. The waves in the vacuum I have already proved, he said, is like the gas and the waves in it therefore are like sound waves. They are longitudinal waves. And he was indeed correct. Today.

For example, in modern quantum mechanics, there is a vacuum. It is a medium and it's a virtual particle flux. And so, indeed, the vacuum is a virtual gas by today's best physics. And Tesla was right. It is a longitudinal wave and I've just explained how it's split when it's received.

You do get what we measure with our instruments because of the electron precession and you also get the any wave at the same time proving that it was an extra wave there down in the nucleus in the materials which do recall and we just ignore it. We know it's there, but we just ignore it. Now, let's look, for example, at his statement of wireless transmission. Here. He was talking of the transmission of energy through the atmosphere or indeed, through space, without loss.

As a matter of fact. If that is true, then it already exists in nature. Tesla had rediscovered nature. As a matter of fact, today, in modern theory, we know that the energy in an electromagnetic wave transmitted is already conserved. If you take a wavelength at any length from an omni transmitter and you take the hemispherical shell of that wavelength times the entire surface area of that shell, the energy that's in that shell is the same as the energy in any other shell of any radius.

The energy is totally conserved and none of it is lost. We already know that that part is absolutely correct. The energy density course goes way down as the shell expands. So that part is unquestionable. Now, the question is, can we direct that and can we control it?

In a sense, if we do a laser beam, we do that. There's a better way to do it if we go to Whitaker's paper which was written in 1903 and some other papers have been written since then. Like by Zolkowski and by sue in 1993. Even Zolkowski in the strange thing comes about what we call the electrostatic scalar potential. That is pure voltage.

To simplify. It can be broken down into a bi directional set of wave pairs. One wave going one way, the other way. Time reversed and locked on it in space. So what we call just voltage or just potential has actually got a hidden set of incredible amount of waves going in both directions.

And not only we consider it just a fixed value at a point in space, but as a matter of fact, it's a tremendous energy flow. So what Tesla really discovered was how to combine the waves so that they eliminated the gradients. Technically speaking, the gradients opposed each other, but were still there. But now hidden the net gradient and the net force field was gone. We know today.

The other electromagnetics is still there. And we have an energy flow in both directions. So he simply found out how to do that. And yes, indeed, there is no loss in that kind of potential. If you make a beam of that, you can indeed transmit energy in a completely hidden fashion.

You can stick a normal meter right in the beam and it won't see a thing because there's no force field and you can transmit it at a distance. How effectively depends on the ability to make the beam how narrow you can make the beam and hold it together. And the other thing depends on a slight interaction with the atmosphere in the middle. You'll spill a little, but you can do it 98% or so, which I think is what Tesla said. Also, there's one other thing we must say about that.

There Is emerging In The Last Few years and Has Emerged in orthodox science at an advanced level what I would say is the very beginning. But it's moving pretty fast. Theory of force free fields and these are getting very close to what Tesla was doing. They haven't added the anti wave back in yet, but they're getting close. At least they're eliminating the overall force and doing something else with the electromagnetics that remains.

The other thing which must be brought to bear, and I must do this very precisely to understand Tesla is the fact that, for example, if you read Jackson and classical Electrodynamics, you will find when he's first setting out in the first so many pages, he points out very clearly that this theory, this very beautiful theory, only holds when the background is reasonably well behaved, reasonably linear. He points out that if the background becomes nonlinear that you must then turn to the emerging field or the field that has emerged in nonlinear optics. Nonlinear optics in some fashions is an unfortunate term because the mechanisms are fundamental. They apply to all frequencies and they apply to all kinds of waves. It's a matter of when the background gets sufficiently nonlinear to induce these phenomena.

So as long as you continue to try to keep the background linear which we're great at doing we try really to sweep out these phenomena. Tesla had stumbled into this area very early on and mastered part of this area long before the terminology I'm using existed. He knew how to do number one, what today we call phase conjugation. He knew how to do what we call pumped phase conjugation. And he even knew how to do what we call technically today amongst very few people self targeting.

So he had some tools at his fingertips which he could use on the lab bench and build equipment he worked on an enormous number of years on which could do things that the normal electromagnetics cannot do. We do some of them today in nonlinear optics. Now, let me talk about self targeting so you can understand some of his transmission without loss. One of the problems we have like, for example, in something like missile defense if I have a spaceborne laser, let me say, and I have a rising enemy booster 10,000 miles away I've got a problem. I've got lots of power.

I can put the laser beam onto the booster but I must hold it on one particular spot 15,000 miles away. On that exact spot, long enough time, called dwell time to burn through the casing and destroy the booster. So I have a problem. How do I hold this beam there and keep it from wandering around on the body of the booster? Well, it turns out you can do it very easily with a thing called self targeting.

Every signal that comes from there, if I phase conjugate and transmit a phase conjugate replica it goes unerringly back to the spot including it lead it a little bit because the component of its motion was on the beam that came to me. And so if I continue to do that, iteratively I can hold the beam exactly on the booster and burn through it. So by self targeting, I can hold a laser beam on a point. It doesn't have to be a booster, a defense or anything. I can hold a beam of energy onto a point that I have at a distance.

That's the main thing. By self targeting and in my own opinion, I reached the opinion that Tesla in his telegeodyodynamics, had discovered how to do that with the mechanical waves. First of all, he could transmit the full wave through the Earth and he could cause the thing when it came back to be face conjugated. Once he had a reflection from anywhere, he could narrow immediately into that point and put all his energy to that point. And today there is a theoretical basis for it.

I couldn't build such equipment, but I mean, there's a theoretical way to go to do that. And apparently, according to his statements, that's my interpretation of what he was doing, he was doing iterative phase conjugation, and therefore able to focus his energy regardless of what kind of route it followed, to the exact point he wanted it to go to on the other side of the Earth. But now, was this theoretical or was this ever demonstrated? I believe he demonstrated it. For example, my personal opinion and I certainly cannot prove this in the court of law and I want to label it as a personal opinion.

My personal opinion, because of certain time sequences of some of his statements and incidents which actually happened, I think as a last desperate measure, while his installation at Long Island was still intact and still in operation, I believe he fired the electrical pulse of energy that blew down that forest in Siberia. Oliver Nicholson has done some very good work, for example, to look at the admittedly circumstantial evidence. We can't prove it at all. I just happen to hold to the thesis that it was his last ditch effort to try to solve his problems that he'd lost with Morgan by focusing attention onto the absolute power that could be unleashed with this. And it failed.

Nobody was interested. I was very curious about the time correlation between his installation still existing on Long Island, still in operation, and this Siberian particular blast and its characteristics, which it was not a nuclear weapon, it was not a meteorite. So in doing a little work on that, thanks to Oliver Nicholson, he sent me some very good information on that. And it's not the kind of thing you can ever say with any certainty happened, certainly not. But there is at least circumstantial evidence that he may have done that.

In speaking of nuclear energy and Tesla's objection to it and some of the things he had in mind with energy, it's pretty obvious that Tesla. Not only Knew how, but advocated Very strongly that you could do this electromagnetically, and you could do it cleanly and cheaply without all the nuclear residue and the nuclear waste and the long term effects and this kind of thing. It's tough to dispose of nuclear waste. Now, I have mixed feelings on this. For example, I am a nuclear engineer.

I have a master's degree from Georgia Tech, but I'm not a practicing nuclear engineer, nor have I ever been. The army really didn't see fit to Let Me do that. Nonetheless, I know a little bit about what they're about and so forth. And a nuclear power plant is not a Great breakthrough in technology at all. It's a great heater.

And what we really do, we use the nuclear reactions to produce heat, and we either Boil water and make steam, or We Just Use The Hot water. And then it's the heat energy that we must convert to provide our electric power. Now, the demand for electric power is great enough. It's a Big enough problem, as everybody is aware, if we must continue to furnish this electric power at our present science level, there's no really acceptable alternative yet to the nuclear power plant. However, it doesn't mean that that's the preferable solution by any means.

I think it's preferable the Other way, which is why I work so hard to try to do it electromagnetically. Now, at this very conference that we're at, when this interview is being made, I'm going to introduce what is almost the final results of my 30 years of work in this area. And what we have done is very similar to what Tesla did, and he provided the codes, the clues on which to look. What I've done is taken him to heart and convinced myself with lot of investigation and study. The waves in the vacuum are longitudinal.

So when electromagnetic waves break loose from their mass restriction and holding, they are longitudinal waves. And when they get Tied up in mass, they get split into these two waves, which one of which is acting upon the electrons to cause them to move sideways. And they slip A Little bit every Once in a while down the wire, creates Newton's Third law reaction in the nucleus. Well, when you go through enough analysis of this, what you really find and what, as of Friday of this week yesterday, I have filed my associates, and I should say have filed a very fundamental patent on the creation. In a circuit of longitudinal waves to flow the energy freely, literally, in the Tesla fashion, and then use it separately in the load to power a load.

Technically, it's still called Displacement current. What we have done, we have split the normal current, technically DQ/DT, into two components, one being displacement current DPH DT, and one being that mass slippage every once in a while of these processing electrons down the wire. And what we really have done is used a barrier invented by Bill Fogel to stop the mass flow which is all the workflow the rate at which energy is being lost in the circuit. We allow only the flow past Fogal's semiconductor which is a patented device patented in 92. And then we use this free energy flow which does not disperse.

Conventional theory already recognizes displacement current as pure energy transport without losses. For example, the way to use it and I want everybody to know so they can check it. If I then run the displacement current through the primary of its step up transformer I produce ordinary garden variety magnetic field and store that free energy in that magnetic field that couples to the secondary which then couples to the electrons in that circuit through the load which are now free to move. I don't restrain them, and I pump the electrons through the load absolutely conventionally and do power in a load. So what I have is absolute conservation of energy.

But I do not conserve work loss, the dissipation of the energy. I take the energy in almost freely from the battery or power source. In this case, it would be an oscillator because I'm speaking AC. We can do a DC. I strip off and block the component of the current that's responsible for all losses in the circuit.

Then I take the displacement current and I gather it and store it, in this case, magnetic field couple it to the other side and discharge it through the load completely separately. None of my load discharge current goes back through my source. No degradation is done to the source. And yes, indeed, you can legitimately do over unity electrical systems. And it's exactly analogous to a heat pump which is a proven overunity system that we use in our homes.

I just told the world how to build a free energy machine, is what I told. Okay? Now, if we assume that what I've explained about the way we have approached the use of the energy which is freely available from the vacuum vacuum energy is now acceptable. Even physical review thanks to some fine work by people of the stature of Hal Putoff, for example. It's very straightforward, very technical and it's now an acceptable thing.

We know the vacuum and it is accepted. It's filled with energy. And Tesla always said that it was. So once again, Tesla has been vindicated by modern quantum mechanics after all of these years. I think if we look at some of the other incidents as for example, Tesla talked about being able to tap the energy of cosmic rays.

He talked, in fact, his nephew reported as a child riding in the car where Tesla had put in an engine of some kind which was self powered. So we find then later references to Tesla which suggest the harnessing of energy from today we would say from the vacuum. So does that sound reasonable to us today from where I'm coming from? Yes, indeed, because that's exactly what we have done. We take it in the potential across the source.

We simply use the hidden wave flow from the Whitaker stuff. We want to extract that and use it in this displacement current form while it's still energy flow and none of it's being lost. We do not wish to make work until we store it up and discharge it in the load separately. We do it just like a heat pump. And I really think that's probably the way Tesla did it in that car engine.

He also knew there was enormous energy in what was called cosmic rays, and he connected that with a whole idea of the energetic vacuum, we would say today. And I think that's just one of the ways he referred to it. For example, we know from T. Henry Moray's work that he was inspired by Tesla's statement that the energy of the ether itself was literally filled with rivers of energy, free for the taking. It inspired him and his great undertaking today.

The fashion is to sweep that aside and say, well, you know, I know what he was doing. Tesla just didn't know he was using this stuff that I know all about. And so I talk about the Earth ionospheric wave guide and resonance, and that's not what he was doing at all. You can't do free energy for the whole world with Earth atmospheric resonance. It isn't going to happen.

We know about that. It isn't going to happen. You know, another area that often occurs in discussions of Tesla is the notion of weaponization, of Tesla's true work that's relatively unknown to modern science, but could probably be known to some very sharp people that looked into it because they wanted to make weapons. Tesla certainly spoke of a very large series of very powerful weapons. I think that's a reasonable thing.

And let's approach it this way. Certainly I'm on record as saying the weapons exist and that several nations have weaponized them. Let me explain a little bit about what I'm talking about and a little bit key points where you might look. We know for a fact that, for example, T. Henry Moray with his power supply was visited by the Russians.

And we know that the Russians tried to, in fact, take it. They even tried to kidnap t henry Moray. And so we know that the Russians very early on were interested in things like free energy right out of the vacuum, and they were interested in weapons. There are even reports that they contacted Tesla, and I'm sure they would have. He certainly had plenty of headlines.

So if we have that, then as a starting point, we have a situation where in the late 30s particularly, and just prior to World War II, there was at least some kind of interest in contact. We know in the case of T. Henry Moore, they very probably got the exact blueprints how to build the device. Maybe a couple of things missing in here and there, but a really good lab could have eventually put it together from there. Then comes along world war II with a big interruption for everyone.

Okay? At that time, after world war II, we have a very strange situation which exists now. First thing that exists, we have suddenly thrust upon the world seen the atomic bomb. If we had not done so, we would have had a bloodbath when we tried to invade Japan. So many lives were saved by the use of the atomic bomb, and I am not an atomic bomb apologist.

Many people who are here today would not be here if their fathers had been killed by the invasion of Japan. And depending on who you believe, the casualties would have been about 1 million on our side alone. Anyway, we arrived at this state in the world where now there's a very powerful weapon which suddenly frustrates one of the things that Stalin has planned to do. Stalin, of course, had a spy in the atomic bomb project. He knew we were getting ready, so it wasn't a big surprise to him at Pottsdam when Truman told him that we had just exploded the first atomic bomb.

But he had been planning after Europe, after the European war and everything wound down, he would hold his armies for about two years. We always beat our swords back into Plowshares and go home. Historically, it's the last war. Never going to be another one. Unfortunately, human nature doesn't change, and so there is another one.

And Stalin in about two years, would keep all his armies intact and simply take over Europe in about six weeks. That was his plan. However, now he couldn't do that, because if he masked his forces, we would have bombed him back into the stone age. So he had a problem. There is at least a reason to believe that stalin called in his scientific heads when he got back from Potsdam and really laid the law down to them.

He said, the destiny of communism has been frustrated by this great new American development. That isn't going to be the last great breakthrough. But I tell you, gentlemen, one thing. The next one is going to be soviet. So he forcefully ordered them to search for the next great area, in my opinion, to look for for that breakthrough, because thereafter you find soviet scientists combing through everything.

For example, they took the entire scientific literature of the west, loaded on copies onto boats, took it back to Russia, set up huge translations, institutes staffed with very highly qualified scientists, and their job was to go through, look for anything anomalous. The anomalies they laid aside. Then they went through them with a fine tooth comb to see what looked promising. And of course, they would have found such things. We've never done anything like that.

They would have found such things as the whitaker papers. A lot of marvelous things I haven't even found yet that's in the literature that nobody's ever paid an attention to. So my thesis is that that's what happened. They started into this area for building a new superweapon immediately after World War II. Certainly they would have resurrected this More stuff they had gotten out of T.

Henry Moreay's lab through their agent. They would have probably resurrected other things. I don't even know about that's. Just conjecture, but probably so. At any rate, they did start such a program.

The Russians have always been the greatest nonlinear mathematicians in the world. They were at the beginning. They are to this day. And so they would have seen much more clearly into the nonlinear aspects of everything we're talking about than American scientists had seen to date. Which means they would have picked up what today we call the optical type functioning, which means they would have picked up the longitudinal waves.

They certainly falsified general relativity theory only later, many years later, they openly publish the fact that it's wrong and show why it's wrong and become recognized critics of the conventional general relativity in this country. We did exactly the opposite. We defended it to the last man. So they went much deeper, I think, during this period into these areas than we did. And I think they started building because, as you know from my own previous publications, I put together independently a rather large body of evidence, admittedly circumstantial, but real nonetheless.

That can only be explained by the testing of such weapons. There is absolutely no other explanation for it. Now, I could be wrong on one incident, but 200 of exactly the same kind, I think not. So the evidence is overwhelming. You even hear now, their own leaders, like Zaranovsky recently has referred to these weapons as the Ellipton weapons.

There is no question today that the Soviet Union has these weapons. And if what I put together is correct, and I'm absolutely convinced it is, three other nations of the world also developed those weapons and resoundingly checked the Soviet Union. The other three are friendly to the United States, not hostile. And I think that played one great part in the fall of the Soviet empire because their original target date, as I brought out, had been 85 to achieve the freedom to move and do what they wished in the world in 1985. And they met the schedule, as I've adequately reported.

But once checked then we have a very strange situation now. Communism falls because of its financial shortcomings, and they just flat can't keep it glued together anymore. And in the dissolution here, we have entered what I think is a much more dangerous world than anything we ever thought of. Three other nations today are indeed working on what I call the Tesla weapons or really scalar electromagnetic weapons. And these nations are not really friendly to the US.

At all. So it's a much more dangerous world that has emerged. The nuclear control that was executed by the Soviet Union has now probably been diluted. If you're careful, you can hire some Soviet scientists right off the project. Many nations today are developing nuclear weapons and they don't have to go through the pain we did.

They're hiring people who already know how to do that and have done so. So very shortly you will see emerging throughout the so called Third World, as it's so loosely referred to, you will see nuclear weapons. You will see the extended scud, for example, being developed in North Korea aided by the Chinese, and it's being expropriated to the Mideast. And in my opinion, you will see a nuclear and biological warfare in the Middle East in three or four years, somewhere on that time range, I could be off a year or two, but it isn't going to be forever. So to me, it's a much more dangerous world that we live in.

Particularly if we see the advent in addition to the nukes and the biological warfare, which is certainly frightening enough, if we see the advent of several other nations now possessing weapons of the ilken power spoken of, although at a little bit obligedly by Nikola Tesla. I would like to explain the basis for the weapons because it's open. If you take the two papers by Whitaker that I'm so fond of quoting and all my stuff, you will find that the first one tells you if you do it in reverse, tells you how to make, if you wish, a scalar beam by simply assembling the necessary wave set. The second paper will tell you that if you then take two such scalar beams, actually hidden multi waves and interfere them at a distance, yes, scalar interferometry really exists. It's just really multiple wave interferometry.

When you understand the wave sets, what will occur at a distance will be the reappearance of the electromagnetic gradients, which we call force fields. In other words, you'll create the electromagnetics at a distance if you bias your ground potential of your transmitters higher than the distant focal point, what we call energy heat energy, exhaustion of energy, which should be called work heat energy will emerge in the other area and scatter at that area. Energy will go in here and scatters work out the other end. It's just like you had a direct pipeline at the distance. Is this indicative of Tesla?

Of course. If you bias your projectors the other way, the energy flows in the other direction. In other words, you extract energy from out there and the energy you have to do something to collect and dissipate the heat back at the transmitter end. Every transmitter is now a two way transmitter of energy. I can make it go in one direction by biasing or go in the other at will.

The weapon implications of that alone are extremely frightening and extremely powerful. And now several nations are involved in developing it right, straightforward to the hilt. Very shortly we will have an even more frightening world emerging. The other thing you can do with it, which I think Tesla alluded to, at least in a few cases when you do these things with the potentials rather than with the force fields, you actually involve time. You produce time effects or you can produce effects on anything that exists in time because you affect the time dimension.

When you do this, you can affect thought and you can affect human beings where they live because thought occurs in time. It occupies time. It's just not spatial, but it is timelike. As you can probably see. If indeed the world has already acquired several nations the ability to build the defensive weapons in the area that has been discussed here, the Tesla type weapons, then there's really no longer a great compelling need to do any further weapons work by any private citizen.

So there are some other very compelling areas, however, of great need for humanity that are directly involved with Tesla's approach and Tesla's work that cry out for research and development. Two of these areas are fantastic. We must have clean energy sources. We must have some source to provide our needed electrical power cleanly and freely without polluting this entire biosphere. Everybody's concerned with that.

The way to do it is not to put in harsh laws that stop all workers and everything like this and go into absolute dictatorship. That's not the way to do it. The way to do it is to do it scientifically by striking for a great new breakthrough to where it can be done and done cheaply and cleanly. So that's one area that is important and deserves the utmost effort that can be put on it. Another area that is assuming ever more increasing urgency is the area of the medical needs.

Allopathic medicine is failing. The bugs are all changing and they're becoming immune to all our antibiotics. The orthodox scientific people are saying this openly in their journals and their articles and their editorials. Even a newspaper and Newsweek and so forth are picking it up and writing articles about it. Within five years, you will have a serious risk of your life if this trend continues just to go to the hospital.

The number is already over 10,000 per year. I don't know the exact number since 92, but it's already well above 10,000 per year that die in the hospital because the infection that they have absolutely cannot be controlled. There is one kind of staff, for example, that nothing that we have will affect. And it has about a 30% lethality, I'm told. So three out of ten who contact that die in the hospital.

These kinds of things are increasing. You now have very well recognized scientists in the regular medical scientific community saying allopathic medicine is failing and there's nothing to replace it. You cannot develop the vaccines or new compounds fast enough to even keep up with them. We have lost that battle. We must change the medical approach.

The medical approach. If you use the extended electromagnetics, if I may use that term that Tesla was talking about, there then occurs phenomena which can be used to control and change and heal almost any infectious disease whatsoever, including a genetic disease where the genetics have changed in the cells, such as AIDS. Now, that is not an idle statement. That is a very rigorous statement based on some very rigorous scientific work done in France in the late sixty s and early 70s by Antoine Priori and a team of scientists that gathered and worked with him. And these were eminent scientists world known.

For example, one of them was Robert Curier, head of the biology section of the French Academy of Science, and also the Secretary of Perpetual of the French Academy. At the same time poetryl an eminent scientist world known many such scientists worked directly with the inventor Antoine Priori. Priori completed his doctoral thesis, which was rejected because of the violent opposition of the medical establishment. But he demonstrated under rigorous scientific protocols that you could completely cure, almost with ridiculous ease, terminal tumors in lab animals. He did it hundreds of times under all the proper rigid controls.

I mean, Priori personally sent his own personal assistant to do the tumor graphs and ensure that everything was absolutely impeccable. Very simple. You take 15 rats, 30 rats, 15 each. One control group, one test group. All the rats get inoculated or engrafted with the same terminal tumor, they're going to be dead with 100% certainty in 30 days.

The 15 get treated, the other 15 don't. They stay in exactly the same room, same food, same everything. The 15 treated all get well. The 15 not treated all die. With another provision you can then take another group of 15 rats with the same tumors grafted to them.

You can take one drop of blood from each of the rats that got well and put in one of the other rats and they will all get well from that single drop of blood. The ordinary medical establishment was furious when they changed the setup of the French government to a leftist government in the mid seventy s. The Priori team was just completing a very large installation with permission to treat human patients with terminal cancer and leukemia and so forth. Now he surreptitiously treated some humans before and cured their cancers and leukemias. The problem was nobody could understand how it worked.

We didn't even have at the time the knowledge of this new parts of phase conjugate optics that we needed to understand it. It's no wonder they couldn't understand it, nobody could. And so when they suppressed that, they withdrew the funding from the project. It was funded by the French government. And when the government changed, they withdrew the funding.

All the work ceased. The equipment later was destroyed. Priori later died. At any rate, this is something absolutely legitimate. It did use the type of electromagnetic extension that I've talked about and if we open up that extension, there now is the explanation available of how it worked.

And yes, we can cure such diseases if a proper scientific development program can be mounted and funded and it will all be based in part upon the work of Nikola Tesla. Often there's been a great curiosity about this strange thing the Russians suddenly injected onto the world. They had done some pretesting. But suddenly, on July 4, 1976, for a bicentennial present for us, the Soviets opened up some great new transmitters in the communication band, which, because of the chirping sound and the sound just like a woodpecker's bill hitting a block of wood, was immediately dubbed woodpecker by all the ham radio operators who had it interfering with their communications. And so this was really massive communication, massive transmitters, lots and lots of power and nobody could figure out what in the world was going on.

It made no sense because certainly the signals as seen could do over the rise in radar work which you normally put in that same frequency band. But there were also apparently lots of characteristics which didn't fit what you would do if you were designing something with just over the rising radar at all be no need for such complexity. So there's been a lot of discussion on it and I guess the official realization was that calling it was to say it's just simply over the rising radars. Well, they built a lot of them. But if you look at it through the eyes of the scalar interferometry and I mentioned the two references and have cited them in various papers, there are other work along that line too.

If that approach is used in what seems to be what Tesla had done, if you use the Tesla approach to interpret it. Now one is dealing with scalar interferometry and dealing with something that can do some rather astounding potential weapon effects with the in Tesla interpretation. One of the things that would result from that line of weapons, assuming they are used as scalar interferometry weapons, one of the great things that would emerge from them would be to produce controlled energy at a distance. For example, great huge balls of controlled electromagnetic energy, or if you pulse it, great blasts of electromagnetic energy at a distance. I mentioned the business of biasing the transmitters where you can produce either heat like an explosion or you could produce a cold explosion, the sudden explosive withdrawal of energy from the distant area.

And in books cited incidents that are representative of what one would find if those incidents actually were occurring on that kind of scale. The incidents are there, they're real, they're documented, they're not just Tom Bearden. So there is a good solid set of admittedly circumstantial evidence that the woodpecker signals, because of all the phenomena that can be associated in the same time frame since they turned on these phenomena very strongly suggest that this set of weapons is not just over the rising radars at all, but are really Tesla weapons systems. And if they are, all the rest follows. They have one other frightening area.

If this thesis is true, that is almost mind boggling. There is a Soviet physicist, scientist named Koznashev. And Koznashev has produced a series of experiments in two Soviet military institutes before the fall there that showed that you could transmit any sort of disease form between cells, any sort of infectious disease, or you can radiate one sample with nuclear radiation, gamma radiation, for example, or deadly poison or infect them with viruses. You can transmit between cellular cultures into another cell, another sample from the same culture, the same disease, electromagnetically, although the organisms won't necessarily be there. That works in literature if you pursue it.

Koshnashev has several books out now that are available since the Russian system has loosened up a bit. That work has been replicated at the University of Marburg, for example. In Germany. It has been replicated University of Sydney and Australia. And it has been replicated by at least one researcher here in the United States.

He's trained to say if there are no force fields, there's no electromagnetics. He ignores the potential that's left. He just sweeps it away and throws it away from where we're coming from with the Tesla approach. That is the active part. That's the part that is being interfered within the bodies or whatever to cause whatever you wish to cause.

If we couple it with the cosnosiav stuff, we are saying that such scalar transmitters in interferometry within the US. Embassy could indeed have produced any sort of disease they wish. However, it would have very strange signatures. Let me explain the signatures and how such signatures actually came about. First of all, when Nixon went as vice president to Russia and this was first detected, he was going to visit some nuclear installations and they carried Geiger counters and it was detected on the Geiger counter.

It's an ionization device. It detects the ionization and discharge of its own gases. And anything that'll ionize its gas, it will detect. It doesn't have to be nuclear radiation. And so they thought at first that it was deadly nuclear radiation because all the counters went off.

Indeed it was not. They were irradiating the president with this stuff, with the Tesla stuff to see if we knew what was going on.

That's a beautiful intelligence probe. You pick out a high level target like the president or the embassy, you radiate and do some things that are obvious, not too bad, that are obvious so they can't be missed. And then you see what happens when the system goes bananas trying to figure out what's going on. And by their actions, there's no way to fake it. You either tell them you know what's going on by.

Your action or you show them you don't know what's going on there's no way to get out of it's 100% certain which very few things in intelligence are. However, if I go back to the embassy where many health changes and diseases and so for three ambassadors died of a leukemia like illness, eventually these diseases occurred only within the embassy in those areas where the force fields were absent and the potentials were there. And the Johns Hopkins researchers did a beautiful job. They were expert guys of establishing the force field electromagnetic pattern. And since not a single case occurred in that area that's by the normal electromagnetics then reached the conclusion that therefore could not possibly be the microwave radiation actually, that's a false conclusion.

If the radiation played no part whatsoever and you had that many changes occurred the ODS are extremely high that some of those would have occurred in the area where there were force fields and some didn't. Since that did not occur it is a 100% correlation to the Tesla area, to the area where the potentials existed and the force fields did not. And I'm sorry, they reached exactly the wrong conclusion because the model they applied failed them. These were able scientists using only the conventional model and the model actually showed that it was the other stuff but led them to conclude properly for their model that it couldn't possibly be the electromagnetics. That's just one instance.

So the woodpecker then would apply, be able to apply because of so many signals. The scalar stuff we might not even see with our normal detectors but yet it could do exactly the same thing, for example, in the United States alone. And what does that imply? If we are not too far out into left field here, if there's really a ground, as I've tried to describe here, if there really is a theoretical ground here for the use of those weapons in a Tesla mode, and the use of the Kosnashiev knowledge and experimental results in here, apparently confirmed by what happened in the US. Embassy then those radiators which are active to this day not in the conventional sense you got to have a different detector.

Those radiators could conceivably create within a mass population almost the instantaneous spread of mass diseases of all kind. They would be anomalous. You'd be dying, for example, a bubonic plague and you wouldn't have the organism. But it represents if that part is true it represents a biological weapon of incredible implications for population warfare. I hope to God I'm wrong.

I don't think I am. One of the questions for anybody who tries to take the Tesla view and tries to do it anywhere halfway scientifically, one of the questions that certainly comes out of all this other work on what kind of possible weapons could have been built and what possible uses and demonstrations have been made, the question emerges what about warfare in the future? Well, what I can do is give you my opinion and leave it up to each person to evaluate that as they see fit.

We have certain trends, however, that certainly are possible. We see with certainty other nations developing nuclear weapons shortly. Almost everybody that wants to have a nuclear weapon and is a nation of any little size at all is going to have one. I would characterize that by the fact that weapons of mass destruction have now passed out of chess playing hands. In other words, logical hands into some hands which are irrational.

And to me, that's a much more dangerous world. There is another suppose. The fear all analysts have is the suitcase delivery system. You simply slip in the weapon parts and assemble it say in New York City or Chicago or someplace. And perhaps the next time the US.

Decides to intervene somewhere in the Middle East or somewhere the terrorists then blow several of these weapons incredible damage to the United States. This would suggest an area where not only have the great nations been involved in strategic deterrence, if I might use that term, which is now falling out of fashion, but all the small nations, or a lot of them. Will be able to provide a very positive strategic deterrence to even great nations by the threat of nuclear warfare. Clandestine warfare, as I described. Or biological weapons, which are cheap and everybody can have and build.

It is certainly a much more dangerous weapon that has emerged. World that has emerged and the weapon spread now is just seeping out just like a torrent. There's no stopping it. In these kinds of weapons one doesn't know what will be the future in the slow leakage that seems to be going on in the Tesla weapons. Certainly, it simply adds to the power at the very best for us, the threats and at the worst, it adds an impossible threat.

So the world is facing a set of dangerous possibilities dangerous threats to us all, to everybody to every man, woman and child. Because the civilian population is no longer immune or even exempted from these kinds of things. We're facing a world of possibility of multiple nations, multiple kinds of irrational groups being able to apply enormous weapons of enormous implications to even the civilian population. Our military, for example is facing a situation where, with a lot of development in biological warfare if suddenly new agents that you have no knowledge of whatsoever are thrust upon you have no antidotes you have no effective methods of treatment and these are fairly rapidly acting agents. Let's say they kill in two days rapid infection.

I'm just taking an example. You couldn't possibly come up with anything to do anything with the normal stuff during that time. The only alternative will be the extended electromagnetic treatment because then you could treat it without identifying the agent and cure it before it even came out in illness in your troops. Otherwise, even your military forces face decimation by sudden unknown agents which they are unable to counter. So surprise attack becomes an ever more dangerous thing in a lot more dangerous hands.

The world is much more dangerous today for a much more positive application of, shall I say, Tesla's extension to electromagnetics that he was using though not technically describing so well something that's much more beneficial or can be to mankind humankind rather than destructive means one should focus on the imminent advent of practical over unity electromagnetic devices. These are devices which can be closed looped to run themselves and produce useful power in the load for one impact which is highly beneficial. It's obvious, the most casual observer that the use of such systems where the power to run it is actually extracted from the vacuum itself. If carefully used, there will be no damage to the biosphere and we will certainly eliminate an incredible amount gradually. It won't happen overnight but we will gradually eliminate an incredible amount of burning of fossil fuels.

There's still a need for all the fossil fuels only not as fuel. The chemical needs alone for medicines and materials and so forth to benefit mankind are enormous. But certainly we will stop all the exhausts and pollutants from those from the burning of those fuels from entering the atmosphere. It just won't be happening anymore to the extent it is now on any scale. It will allow us to take funds, for example, on something like into what I like to think could be a more sane world and a much more protective of the environment of our children and of our children's children.

Now, in all candor, I must add one danger. If unrestrictedly used when you produce excess energy of this type from the vacuum, right in the vacuum in a local area, if you produce a very large amount, particularly if you do it very suddenly in that region, you have a curvature of local spacetime, and there can be biological effects from that that we are presently not quite capable of fully explaining or knowing. There's going to have to be some careful incorporation of the devices so that we use care. We do not inflict any kind of damage on anybody or anything like that. So with reasonable scientific care we can prevent any such thing.

And we should do that. We should incorporate such systems into our normal utility transmissions across the lines. The lines are there. The maintenance of them is already there. The facilities are already there.

They're already connected to the homes. It would just be nice if gradually we didn't have to burn so many fossil fuels and gradually the power price could come down cheaper and cheaper. But meanwhile everybody stays working and everybody stays involved. But what we really wish to eliminate is, say, an older person in New York City cold in the winter, very limited income. Can't pay the utility bill very well.

So has to keep the power down, freezing, eating dog food. We must do better than that, and we can. And the Tesla technology will allow us to do better than that. So it must be done. To understand Tesla, you must understand one other remarkable ability that he had that none of his peers had then or now.

We can only do with great computing simulation centers. From the time he was an early child, tesla had the capability to visualize something so intensely and so vividly that he simply couldn't tell the difference between that and a real object until he was about twelve years old, and he finally found a way to distinguish the difference. But this unique ability that he had enabled him to visualize a system in all of its parts working together, turn it over and upside down and inside out and watch everything function on any level. That today we would do with a large cat cam system or we would do with a very large supercomputer in a very large simulation facility. So Tesla also was the world's first great simulating computer center.

Using his own brain, none of his cohorts or his colleagues or his peers had any such ability. Tesla would build a device a hundred times in his head, changing it all the time, until he got all the parts working perfectly in his simulation, and then he would build it on the bench. And most times it would work right away. He had already built it a hundred times. We do exactly that technique today in many fields of endeavor, with great effort, with great cost, big computing centers.

Tesla could do it in his head.

One final question often remains about Nikola Tesla. It's difficult to put oneself in a situation, to believe that he could possibly have done such great things, and they have passed completely away into either secrecy or being lost or just simply abandoned. So a puzzling question remains how on earth could this happen? Suppose it's true, how could it happen?

Actually, it's not too difficult to understand how, but it takes a bit of background and appreciation for the times. First of all, put yourself in Tesla's day when we're talking about installation on Long Island. It hasn't been very long since Custer's last stand.

We're talking about just prior to Marconi's transmission of signals across the Atlantic. We're talking about a time when only recently, in just the end of the 1880s and the early 1890s, has electromagnetics abandoned the quaternion theory and gone to the vector theory of Oliver Heavyside, largely, and with some contribution by Hertz and Gibbs. There are only at the time, prior to the turn of the century, possibly about 40 scientists in the world who really understand electromagnetics at the top level. There are more than that who are, we might say, followers. But the shapers there's only about no such thing as big government science.

There are no large government organizations funding science anywhere. A scientist was a relatively poor person. He wasn't impoverished, but he certainly had no income. Like a businessman. There was no place to get grants or to get funding for research.

All science is patronized. Somebody has to pay the freight. And many of the avenues we are familiar with today, most of them simply did not exist. The only way that a scientist or call him an inventor such as Tesla could in fact even dream of supporting himself, he had to, number one, discover the thing. He had to keep it very, very secret and patent it.

He had to keep it secret until his patent actually was issued up some money. A scientist at a university who received a $2,000 grant from an industrious was in great shape. Think of the economics of the time. An average person might make $500 a year when we speak of $150,000, an enormous sum of money in that time, but we're speaking of a time when there's still not many checks and balances on the great capitalists. Literally, they buy the politicians at will.

The control of financial power had little opposition in the courts or anything else. It was so bad at the time that there was a violent labor movement going on against the very same industrials who kept manipulating the stock market and causing it to change and causing inflation and terribly hurting everybody. Anarchy was even a serious threat because of the belief that all government was evil prevailing into the laboring class. An anarchist even assassinated the president. While Lincoln is working on long I mean, while Tesla is working on long island.

So one must appreciate the tenor of the times. Also, one must appreciate the communication industry. There were very few telephones.

The telegraph, which wasn't widespread, but the telegraph existed. That was the main route of communication in newspapers, books, to some extent. The journals were all pretty well controlled. Most of them by the scientific community was already very much jealous of Tesla. So you don't publish in the real scientific journals.

You have to publish in something like what Today would call Scientific American, like electrical experiment or something. Many of the publications were letter to the editor. So an inventor or a person trying to make a living in science as an independent person had a terrible job and a terrible task. There was a great secrecy clamp on him just because of the situation and tenor of the times. This accounted really to a large degree for Tesla's secrecy.

Most other inventors who had not yet become highly successful or whatever were also very secret or who still needed large funding. So secrets and secretiveness was the order of the day. Only when you put it in this background can you understand then how easy it is to suppress. It's not printed in the newspaper. His single exposition of receiving signals from outer space caused most of the news media to simply swing over and go against him.

The very news media who had simply made him a star, so to speak, before now couldn't get enough to get on him and continue to hound him and call him every name in the books. And so, from that single remark, a great drastic shift in the labeling of Nikola Tesla came about. Science itself is unforgiving. There is many histories of scientist persecution of other scientists with whom they disagreed. The system is very prone to either destroy, condemn, or bury any scientist who seriously disagrees with it to this day.

Well documented. We could make another documentary movie on just that. However, here was a preeminent example of a disagreement with the current scientific control. And the scientific control was adamant that he get wiped out of the books and he get labeled a lunatic. And that's exactly what happened.

He wound up with his name, Tesla, attached to a coil, and one unit of measurement named after his name. And as far as the scientist was concerned, that was enough. He didn't deserve anything else, most of them. So the scientific community rejected him. After Morgan turned his back, the financial community rejected him.

Here was a loner, then again, absolute loner. What was he to do? Exactly what he did. Retire to his hotel room and feed the pigeons and think grand dreams live on a small pittance which kept life and them together from his native Yugoslavia. And once a year have a press conference where he spoke of all the grand things that he thought of and he wished to have happened, but at least overtly, as far as we know, overtly.

Never again was Nikola Tesla to ever have a chance to attempt any of the great things that always surge through his restless mind, I guess, in summary of all of this, what does Tesla represent to the future? Particularly benevolently? Let's forget the weapons. What can come from Tesla's work that's been yet unrealized, that can benefit humankind everybody on the face of this Earth? There are some very positive benefits that loom.

The greatest thing that Nikola Tesla ever did was to continue to point out that the present electromagnetics model is seriously flawed and that electromagnetics is much more unlimited. Think for a moment of the service that the limited electromagnetics we have has been put to. Think of all the electronics, the communication industry, the power systems. It's changed the life of every person on the face of the Earth. Consider for just a moment what an extension to what you can do can add to the benefit of everybody everywhere for all time.

And I think when one ponders and considers that implication, then the full importance and the full implication of Nikola Tesla yet to be realized will indeed be realized.

What a phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal video from Thomas Bearden explaining Nikola Tesla. I see a lot of parallels between what I discovered in regards to weather modification, the electromagnetic radiation that is, radio waves and other means ionization and what Tesla discovered. Only the difference is I went public with it. I didn't keep it secret as he talked about in Tesla's work, and how they had to keep it secret because other people would basically rip them off and then either suppress it or try to sell it, et cetera. And that was the name of the game up until pretty much currently, I would say even in the beyond, most likely ran into this a lot.

Now, again, I'm not seeking patents and trying to get financing or anything. I took my discoveries to the world in regards to weather modification, electromagnetic radiation wise, and that's now been proved. It's now a drop down choice on the Noa weather modification site that they put up last year. In 2021, NOAA put up a new weather modification site, and number eight on the list of must be reported is using lasers and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. But there it is.

After twelve years, this is what I found. I had to find this myself last week on the Noa site, found it myself. So it's kind of a different world we're living in now where you can do your own research publicly, and you don't need to get that financing. You can do it on your own with crowdsource funding your own viewers and people who support you. That's the difference.

So I'm going to be uploading this video to YouTube, and I do want to point something out about this video. I tried to upload it to YouTube already, since it was sent to me directly by Thomas Bearden at the directive of their company after he passed away. That the information that was sent to me here. This video I tried to upload and YouTube automatically blocked it. First time in twelve years of uploading videos that I ever get this message saying that this video has already been uploaded before and removed.

Removed. They removed that video as violation of community service guidelines because they said there is no such thing as electromagnetic radiation modification of anything, let alone the weather, as he's saying in this video and many other things. And now that's it's. Again, it's a drop down choice from the NOAA weather modification site that has to be reported by private companies who are doing it currently. If they do it, private companies and the federal government does not have to report to Noa, so they're the ones running the radar.

So of course we're not going to see that or anything else like that. But there it is. So let's go upload this to YouTube. Everybody deserves to see it. And I would encourage you, if you didn't understand what he's talking about, maybe watch it a few times.

Actually, this is the second time, third time now I actually have watched it, but man, you probably are going to need to watch it multiple times to really get your head around some of the things he's talking about, like the projection of sicknesses and the projection of cures. And the French in the 1960s with their device to remove certain kinds of growths on your body, in your body. We know what that word starts with CN. You can't say it if you talk about a cure for it. So that's suppression for you, too.

And how the Soviets at the time and the former Soviet Union were far ahead of us in this. And he mentioned three other countries, but doesn't mention their names, says they're not exactly friendly to the United States, but they're not exactly enemies. And that would have been China, most likely the UK, and most likely Iran. Just saying there's a reason we haven't invaded Iran. And the directed energy weapons do mean everything from lasers to high power microwaves, which we call HPM.

The Directed Energy Warfare office. That the US. Navy has the dew d wo they have a directed energy warfare office. The Department of Defense came out and confirmed a video I put out, and they responded to a video I put out. I asked my viewers to send the video to the Department of Defense, and that was a few years ago, a couple of years back, when I captured live on weather satellite in ultraviolet, infrared coming out of space, beaming down to California into the fires and causing the fires.

And I got that live just by chance when we were looking at the weather, and I recorded it live and told my viewers to send it to the Department of Defense. A few days later, the Department of Defense responded with a public press conference announcing that our enemies, China and Russia, have satellites, killer satellites in spaces, they said. And I've got this video on my channel. You can go watch it. Department of Defense confirms Dew directed energy weapon.

And they said it can fire at a distance and killer satellites in space. And that was the response to my video four days earlier, five days earlier, where I literally captured it coming down from space, causing fires at a distance in California. Then they shot it down, apparently, which is another separate story entirely of how they took it down, how they took down the enemy satellite, or maybe it was a friendly satellite that was doing it to us. No way to know whose satellite it was. Maybe they do.

But whatever it was, it was up in space and it was beaming down and causing fires in California. We caught that live, and they responded unequivocally, explaining how our enemies have these in space and if they've got them, we've got them. Everybody's got them. Most likely all the big superpowers most likely have them. Even some private companies probably have them at this point, but that's another story to talk about, too.

This video is done are uploading to YouTube now.

The number-one best-selling pioneer of "fratire" and a leading evolutionary psychologist team up to create the dating book for guys. Whether they conducted their research in life or in the lab, experts Tucker Max and Dr. Geoffrey Miller have spent the last 20-plus years learning what women really want from their men, why they want it, and how men can deliver those qualities. The short answer: Become the best version of yourself possible, then show it off. It sounds simple, but it's not. If it were, Tinder would just be the stuff you use to start a fire. Becoming your best self requires honesty, self-awareness, hard work, and a little help. Through their website and podcasts, Max and Miller have already helped over one million guys take their first steps toward Miss Right. They have collected all of their findings in Mate, an evidence-driven, seriously funny playbook that will teach you to become a more sexually attractive and romantically successful man, the right way: No "seduction techniques" No moralizing No bullshit Just honest, straightforward talk about the most ethical, effective way to pursue the win-win relationships you want with the women who are best for you. Much of what they've discovered will surprise you, some of it will not, but all of it is important and often misunderstood. So listen up, and stop being stupid!

Words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, physical touching - learning these love languages will get your marriage off to a great start or enhance a long-standing one! Chapman explains the purpose of each "language" and shows you how to identify the one that's meaningful to your spouse now. Updated to reflect the complexities of relationships in today's world, this new edition of The 5 Love Languages reveals intrinsic truths and provides action steps in each chapter that will help you on your way to a healthier relationship. Also includes an updated personal profile. With a divorce rate that hovers around 50 percent, don't let yourself become a statistic. In Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married, Gary Chapman teaches you and your future spouse how to work together as an intimate team! He shares with engaged couples practical tips he wishes he knew before he got married. Discussion centers around love, romance, conflict resolution, forgiveness, and sexual fulfillment. Included are insightful questions, suggestions, and exercises.

A one-page tool to reinvent yourself and your career. The global best seller Business Model Generation introduced a unique visual way to summarize and creatively brainstorm any business or product idea on a single sheet of paper. Business Model You uses the same powerful one-page tool to teach listeners how to draw "personal business models," which reveal new ways their skills can be adapted to the changing needs of the marketplace to reveal new, more satisfying, career and life possibilities. Produced by the same team that created Business Model Generation, this audiobook is based on the Business Model Canvas methodology, which has quickly emerged as the world's leading business model description and innovation technique. This book shows listeners how to: - Understand business model thinking and diagram their current personal business model - Understand the value of their skills in the marketplace and define their purpose - Articulate a vision for change - Create a new personal business model harmonized with that vision - And most important, test and implement the new model When you implement the one-page tool from Business Model You, you create a game-changing business model for your life and career.

The bible for bringing cutting-edge products to larger markets—now revised and updated with new insights into the realities of high-tech marketing In Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey A. Moore shows that in the Technology Adoption Life Cycle—which begins with innovators and moves to early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards—there is a vast chasm between the early adopters and the early majority. While early adopters are willing to sacrifice for the advantage of being first, the early majority waits until they know that the technology actually offers improvements in productivity. The challenge for innovators and marketers is to narrow this chasm and ultimately accelerate adoption across every segment. This third edition brings Moore's classic work up to date with dozens of new examples of successes and failures, new strategies for marketing in the digital world, and Moore's most current insights and findings. He also includes two new appendices, the first connecting the ideas in Crossing the Chasm to work subsequently published in his Inside the Tornado, and the second presenting his recent groundbreaking work for technology adoption models for high-tech consumer markets.

Endless terror. Refugee waves. An unfixable global economy. Surprising election results. New billion-dollar fortunes. Miracle medical advances. What if they were all connected? What if you could understand why? The Seventh Sense is the story of what all of today's successful figures see and feel: the forces that are invisible to most of us but explain everything from explosive technological change to uneasy political ripples. The secret to power now is understanding our new age of networks. Not merely the Internet, but also webs of trade, finance, and even DNA. Based on his years of advising generals, CEOs, and politicians, Ramo takes us into the opaque heart of our world's rapidly connected systems and teaches us what the losers are not yet seeing -- and what the victors of this age already know.

This lushly illustrated history of popular entertainment takes a long-zoom approach, contending that the pursuit of novelty and wonder is a powerful driver of world-shaping technological change. Steven Johnson argues that, throughout history, the cutting edge of innovation lies wherever people are working the hardest to keep themselves and others amused. Johnson’s storytelling is just as delightful as the inventions he describes, full of surprising stops along the journey from simple concepts to complex modern systems. He introduces us to the colorful innovators of leisure: the explorers, proprietors, showmen, and artists who changed the trajectory of history with their luxurious wares, exotic meals, taverns, gambling tables, and magic shows. In Wonderland, Johnson compellingly argues that observers of technological and social trends should be looking for clues in novel amusements. You’ll find the future wherever people are having the most fun.

Nothing “goes viral.” If you think a popular movie, song, or app came out of nowhere to become a word-of-mouth success in today’s crowded media environment, you’re missing the real story. Each blockbuster has a secret history—of power, influence, dark broadcasters, and passionate cults that turn some new products into cultural phenomena. Even the most brilliant ideas wither in obscurity if they fail to connect with the right network, and the consumers that matter most aren't the early adopters, but rather their friends, followers, and imitators -- the audience of your audience. In his groundbreaking investigation, Atlantic senior editor Derek Thompson uncovers the hidden psychology of why we like what we like and reveals the economics of cultural markets that invisibly shape our lives. Shattering the sentimental myths of hit-making that dominate pop culture and business, Thompson shows quality is insufficient for success, nobody has "good taste," and some of the most popular products in history were one bad break away from utter failure. It may be a new world, but there are some enduring truths to what audiences and consumers want. People love a familiar surprise: a product that is bold, yet sneakily recognizable. Every business, every artist, every person looking to promote themselves and their work wants to know what makes some works so successful while others disappear. Hit Makers is a magical mystery tour through the last century of pop culture blockbusters and the most valuable currency of the twenty-first century—people’s attention. From the dawn of impressionist art to the future of Facebook, from small Etsy designers to the origin of Star Wars, Derek Thompson leaves no pet rock unturned to tell the fascinating story of how culture happens and why things become popular. In Hit Makers, Derek Thompson investigates: · The secret link between ESPN's sticky programming and the The Weeknd's catchy choruses · Why Facebook is today’s most important newspaper · How advertising critics predicted Donald Trump · The 5th grader who accidentally launched "Rock Around the Clock," the biggest hit in rock and roll history · How Barack Obama and his speechwriters think of themselves as songwriters · How Disney conquered the world—but the future of hits belongs to savvy amateurs and individuals · The French collector who accidentally created the Impressionist canon · Quantitative evidence that the biggest music hits aren’t always the best · Why almost all Hollywood blockbusters are sequels, reboots, and adaptations · Why one year--1991--is responsible for the way pop music sounds today · Why another year --1932--created the business model of film · How data scientists proved that “going viral” is a myth · How 19th century immigration patterns explain the most heard song in the Western Hemisphere

Ours is often called an information economy, but at a moment when access to information is virtually unlimited, our attention has become the ultimate commodity. In nearly every moment of our waking lives, we face a barrage of efforts to harvest our attention. This condition is not simply the byproduct of recent technological innovations but the result of more than a century's growth and expansion in the industries that feed on human attention. Wu’s narrative begins in the nineteenth century, when Benjamin Day discovered he could get rich selling newspapers for a penny. Since then, every new medium—from radio to television to Internet companies such as Google and Facebook—has attained commercial viability and immense riches by turning itself into an advertising platform. Since the early days, the basic business model of “attention merchants” has never changed: free diversion in exchange for a moment of your time, sold in turn to the highest-bidding advertiser. Full of lively, unexpected storytelling and piercing insight, The Attention Merchants lays bare the true nature of a ubiquitous reality we can no longer afford to accept at face value.

Some people think that in today’s hyper-competitive world, it’s the tough, take-no-prisoners type who comes out on top. But in reality, argues New York Times bestselling author Dave Kerpen, it’s actually those with the best people skills who win the day. Those who build the right relationships. Those who truly understand and connect with their colleagues, their customers, their partners. Those who can teach, lead, and inspire. In a world where we are constantly connected, and social media has become the primary way we communicate, the key to getting ahead is being the person others like, respect, and trust. Because no matter who you are or what profession you're in, success is contingent less on what you can do for yourself, but on what other people are willing to do for you. Here, through 53 bite-sized, easy-to-execute, and often counterintuitive tips, you’ll learn to master the 11 People Skills that will get you more of what you want at work, at home, and in life. For example, you’ll learn: · The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting · The one simple key to networking that nobody talks about · How to remain top of mind for thousands of people, everyday · Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news · How to blow off the right people · And why, when in doubt, buy him a Bonsai A book best described as “How to Win Friends and Influence People for today’s world,” The Art of People shows how to charm and win over anyone to be more successful at work and outside of it.

Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to adapt to harsh new realities, but you don't yet have a strategy that will get you out in front of your competitors, you need Business Model Generation. Co-created by 470 "Business Model Canvas" practitioners from 45 countries, the book features a beautiful, highly visual, 4-color design that takes powerful strategic ideas and tools, and makes them easy to implement in your organization. It explains the most common Business Model patterns, based on concepts from leading business thinkers, and helps you reinterpret them for your own context. You will learn how to systematically understand, design, and implement a game-changing business model--or analyze and renovate an old one. Along the way, you'll understand at a much deeper level your customers, distribution channels, partners, revenue streams, costs, and your core value proposition. Business Model Generation features practical innovation techniques used today by leading consultants and companies worldwide, including 3M, Ericsson, Capgemini, Deloitte, and others. Designed for doers, it is for those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new models of value creation: for executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, and leaders of all organizations. If you're ready to change the rules, you belong to "the business model generation!"

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One, legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singular ways to create those new things. Thiel begins with the contrarian premise that we live in an age of technological stagnation, even if we’re too distracted by shiny mobile devices to notice. Information technology has improved rapidly, but there is no reason why progress should be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. Progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. It comes from the most important skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself. Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. Tomorrow’s champions will not win by competing ruthlessly in today’s marketplace. They will escape competition altogether, because their businesses will be unique. Zero to One presents at once an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and a new way of thinking about innovation: it starts by learning to ask the questions that lead you to find value in unexpected places.

Why should I do business with you… and not your competitor? Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, distributor, or service provider – if you cannot answer this question, you are surely losing customers, clients and market share. This eye-opening book reveals how identifying your competitive advantages (and trumpeting them to the marketplace) is the most surefire way to close deals, retain clients, and stay miles ahead of the competition. The five fatal flaws of most companies: • They don’t have a competitive advantage but think they do • They have a competitive advantage but don’t know what it is—so they lower prices instead • They know what their competitive advantage is but neglect to tell clients about it • They mistake “strengths” for competitive advantages • They don’t concentrate on competitive advantages when making strategic and operational decisions The good news is that you can overcome these costly mistakes – by identifying your competitive advantages and creating new ones. Consultant, public speaker, and competitive advantage expert Jaynie Smith will show you how scores of small and large companies substantially increased their sales by focusing on their competitive advantages. When advising a CEO frustrated by his salespeople’s inability to close deals, Smith discovered that his company stayed on schedule 95 percent of the time – an achievement no one else in his industry could claim. By touting this and other competitive advantages to customers, closing rates increased by 30 percent—and so did company revenues. Jack Welch has said, “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” This straight-to-the-point book is filled with insightful stories and specific steps on how to pinpoint your competitive advantages, develop new ones, and get the message out about them.

The number one New York Times best seller that examines how people can champion new ideas in their careers and everyday life - and how leaders can fight groupthink, from the author of Think Again and co-author of Option B. With Give and Take, Adam Grant not only introduced a landmark new paradigm for success but also established himself as one of his generation’s most compelling and provocative thought leaders. In Originals he again addresses the challenge of improving the world, but now from the perspective of becoming original: choosing to champion novel ideas and values that go against the grain, battle conformity, and buck outdated traditions. How can we originate new ideas, policies, and practices without risking it all? Using surprising studies and stories spanning business, politics, sports, and entertainment, Grant explores how to recognize a good idea, speak up without getting silenced, build a coalition of allies, choose the right time to act, and manage fear and doubt; how parents and teachers can nurture originality in children; and how leaders can build cultures that welcome dissent. Learn from an entrepreneur who pitches his start-ups by highlighting the reasons not to invest, a woman at Apple who challenged Steve Jobs from three levels below, an analyst who overturned the rule of secrecy at the CIA, a billionaire financial wizard who fires employees for failing to criticize him, and a TV executive who didn’t even work in comedy but saved Seinfeld from the cutting-room floor. The payoff is a set of groundbreaking insights about rejecting conformity and improving the status quo.

In The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau tells you how to lead of life of adventure, meaning and purpose - and earn a good living. Still in his early 30s, Chris is on the verge of completing a tour of every country on earth - he's already visited more than 175 nations - and yet he’s never held a "real job" or earned a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back. There are many others like Chris - those who've found ways to opt out of traditional employment and create the time and income to pursue what they find meaningful. Sometimes, achieving that perfect blend of passion and income doesn't depend on shelving what you currently do. You can start small with your venture, committing little time or money, and wait to take the real plunge when you're sure it's successful. In preparing to write this book, Chris identified 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less), and from that group he’s chosen to focus on the 50 most intriguing case studies. In nearly all cases, people with no special skills discovered aspects of their personal passions that could be monetized, and were able to restructure their lives in ways that gave them greater freedom and fulfillment. Here, finally, distilled into one easy-to-use guide, are the most valuable lessons from those who’ve learned how to turn what they do into a gateway to self-fulfillment. It’s all about finding the intersection between your "expertise" - even if you don’t consider it such - and what other people will pay for. You don’t need an MBA, a business plan or even employees. All you need is a product or service that springs from what you love to do anyway, people willing to pay, and a way to get paid. Not content to talk in generalities, Chris tells you exactly how many dollars his group of unexpected entrepreneurs required to get their projects up and running; what these individuals did in the first weeks and months to generate significant cash; some of the key mistakes they made along the way, and the crucial insights that made the business stick. Among Chris’s key principles: if you’re good at one thing, you’re probably good at something else; never teach a man to fish - sell him the fish instead; and in the battle between planning and action, action wins. In ancient times, people who were dissatisfied with their lives dreamed of finding magic lamps, buried treasure, or streets paved with gold. Today, we know that it’s up to us to change our lives. And the best part is, if we change our own life, we can help others change theirs. This remarkable book will start you on your way.

Bold is a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. Exploring the exponential technologies that are disrupting today's Fortune 500 companies and enabling upstart entrepreneurs to go from "I've got an idea" to "I run a billion-dollar company" far faster than ever before, the authors provide exceptional insight into the power of 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. Drawing on insights from billionaire entrepreneurs Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos, the audiobook offers the best practices that allow anyone to leverage today's hyper connected crowd like never before. The authors teach how to design and use incentive competitions, launch million-dollar crowdfunding campaigns to tap into tens of billions of dollars of capital, and build communities - armies of exponentially enabled individuals willing and able to help today's entrepreneurs make their boldest dreams come true. Bold is both a manifesto and a manual. It is today's exponential entrepreneur's go-to resource on the use of emerging technologies, thinking at scale, and the awesome impact of crowd-powered tools.

The answer is simple: come up with 10 ideas a day. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad, the key is to exercise your "idea muscle", to keep it toned, and in great shape. People say ideas are cheap and execution is everything but that is NOT true. Execution is a consequence, a subset of good, brilliant idea. And good ideas require daily work. Ideas may be easy if we are only coming up with one or two but if you open this book to any of the pages and try to produce more than three, you will feel a burn, scratch your head, and you will be sweating, and working hard. There is a turning point when you reach idea number six for the day, you still have four to go, and your mind muscle is getting a workout. By the time you list those last ideas to make it to 10 you will see for yourself what "sweating the idea muscle" means. As you practice the daily idea generation you become an idea machine. When we become idea machines we are flooded with lots of bad ideas but also with some that are very good. This happens by the sheer force of the number, because we are coming up with 3,650 ideas per year (at 10 a day). When you are inspired by an extraordinary idea, all of your thoughts break their chains, you go beyond limitations and your capacity to act expands in every direction. Forces and abilities you did not know you had come to the surface, and you realize you are capable of doing great things. As you practice with the suggested prompts in this book your ideas will get better, you will be a source of great insight for others, people will find you magnetic, and they will want to hang out with you because you have so much to offer. When you practice every day your life will transform, in no more than 180 days, because it has no other evolutionary choice. Life changes for the better when we become the source of positive, insightful, and helpful ideas. Don't believe a word I say. Instead, challenge yourself.

A Guide to Resilience: How to Bounce Back from Life's Inevitable Problems Christian Moore is convinced that each of us has a power hidden within, something that can get us through any kind of adversity. That power is resilience. In The Resilience Breakthrough, Moore delivers a practical primer on how you can become more resilient in a world of instability and narrowing opportunity, whether you're facing financial troubles, health setbacks, challenges on the job, or any other problem. We can each have our own resilience breakthrough, Moore argues, and can each learn how to use adverse circumstances as potent fuel for overcoming life's hardships. As he shares engaging real-life stories and brutally honest analyses of his own experiences, Moore equips you with 27 resilience-building tools that you can start using today - in your personal life or in your organization.

What if someone told you that your behavior was controlled by a powerful, invisible force? Most of us would be skeptical of such a claim--but it's largely true. Our brains are constantly transmitting and receiving signals of which we are unaware. Studies show that these constant inputs drive the great majority of our decisions about what to do next--and we become conscious of the decisions only after we start acting on them. Many may find that disturbing. But the implications for leadership are profound. In this provocative yet practical book, renowned speaking coach and communication expert Nick Morgan highlights recent research that shows how humans are programmed to respond to the nonverbal cues of others--subtle gestures, sounds, and signals--that elicit emotion. He then provides a clear, useful framework of seven "power cues" that will be essential for any leader in business, the public sector, or almost any context. You'll learn crucial skills, from measuring nonverbal signs of confidence, to the art and practice of gestures and vocal tones, to figuring out what your gut is really telling you. This concise and engaging guide will help leaders and aspiring leaders of all stripes to connect powerfully, communicate more effectively, and command influence.

New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition. A mash-up of the best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy with a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really works. When managers and marketers outline their social media strategies, they plan for the "right hook"—their next sale or campaign that's going to knock out the competition. Even companies committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships crucial to successful social media campaigns—want to land the punch that will take down their opponent or their customer's resistance in one blow. Right hooks convert traffic to sales and easily show results. Except when they don't. Thanks to massive change and proliferation in social media platforms, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Vaynerchuk shows that while communication is still key, context matters more than ever. It's not just about developing high-quality content, but developing high-quality content perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices—content tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Tumblr.

From the best-selling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a book on how some things actually benefit from disorder. In The Black Swan Taleb outlined a problem, and in Antifragile he offers a definitive solution: how to gain from disorder and chaos while being protected from fragilities and adverse events. For what Taleb calls the "antifragile" is actually beyond the robust, because it benefits from shocks, uncertainty, and stressors, just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension. The antifragile needs disorder in order to survive and flourish. Taleb stands uncertainty on its head, making it desirable, even necessary, and proposes that things be built in an antifragile manner. The antifragile is immune to prediction errors. Why is the city-state better than the nation-state, why is debt bad for you, and why is everything that is both modern and complicated bound to fail? The audiobook spans innovation by trial and error, health, biology, medicine, life decisions, politics, foreign policy, urban planning, war, personal finance, and economic systems. And throughout, in addition to the street wisdom of Fat Tony of Brooklyn, the voices and recipes of ancient wisdom, from Roman, Greek, Semitic, and medieval sources, are heard loud and clear. Extremely ambitious and multidisciplinary, Antifragile provides a blueprint for how to behave - and thrive - in a world we don't understand, and which is too uncertain for us to even try to understand and predict. Erudite and witty, Taleb’s message is revolutionary: What is not antifragile will surely perish.

The Cluetrain Manifesto began as a Web site in 1999 when the authors, who have worked variously at IBM, Sun Microsystems, the Linux Journal, and NPR, posted 95 theses about the new reality of the networked marketplace. Ten years after its original publication, their message remains more relevant than ever. For example, thesis no. 2: “Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors”; thesis no. 20: “Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.” The book enlarges on these themes through dozens of stories and observations about business in America and how the Internet will continue to change it all. With a new introduction and chapters by the authors, and commentary by Jake McKee, JP Rangaswami, and Dan Gillmor, this book is essential reading for anybody interested in the Internet and e-commerce, and is especially vital for businesses navigating the topography of the wired marketplace.

From the founders of the trailblazing software company 37signals, here is a different kind of business book one that explores a new reality. Today, anyone can be in business. Tools that used to be out of reach are now easily accessible. Technology that cost thousands is now just a few bucks or even free. Stuff that was impossible just a few years ago is now simple.That means anyone can start a business. And you can do it without working miserable 80-hour weeks or depleting your life savings. You can start it on the side while your day job provides all the cash flow you need. Forget about business plans, meetings, office space - you don't need them. With its straightforward language and easy-is-better approach, Rework is the perfect playbook for anyone who's ever dreamed of doing it on their own. Hardcore entrepreneurs, small-business owners, people stuck in day jobs who want to get out, and artists who don't want to starve anymore will all find valuable inspiration and guidance in these pages. It's time to rework work.

Tesla's main source of inspiration.
Roger Joseph Boscovich, a physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, Jesuit priest, and polymath, published the first edition of his famous work, Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria Redacta Ad Unicam Legem Virium In Natura Existentium (Theory Of Natural Philosophy Derived To The Single Law Of Forces Which Exist In Nature), in Vienna, in 1758, containing his atomic theory and his theory of forces. A second edition was published in 1763 in Venice

Bill Clinton's Georgetown mentor's history of the Conspiracy since the Boer War in South Africa.
TRAGEDY AND HOPE shows the years 1895-1950 as a period of transition from the world dominated by Europe in the nineteenth century to the world of three blocs in the twentieth century. With clarity, perspective, and cumulative impact, Professor Quigley examines the nature of that transition through two world wars and a worldwide economic depression. As an interpretative historian, he tries to show each event in the full complexity of its historical context. The result is a unique work, notable in several ways. It gives a picture of the world in terms of the influence of different cultures and outlooks upon each other; it shows, more completely than in any similar work, the influence of science and technology on human life; and it explains, with unprecedented clarity, how the intricate financial and commercial patterns of the West prior to 1914 influenced the development of today’s world.

This is the July, 2016 ALTA (Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis) Report. Also known as 'the Web Bot' report, this series is brought to you by This report covers your future world from July 2016 through to 2031. Forecasts are created using predictive linguistics (from the inventor) and cover your planet, your population, your economy and markets, and your Space Goat Farts where you will find all the 'unknown' and 'officially denied' woo-woo that will be shaping your environment over these next few decades.

Time is considered as an independent entity which cannot be reduced to the concept of matter, space or field. The point of discussion is the "time flow" conception of N A Kozyrev (1908-1983), an outstanding Russian astronomer and natural scientist. In addition to a review of the experimental studies of "the active properties of time", by both Kozyrev and modern scientists, the reader will find different interpretations of Kozyrev's views and some developments of his ideas in the fields of geophysics, astrophysics, general relativity and theoretical mechanics.

How UFO Time Engines work - Clif High

The webpage discusses the workings of UFO time engines according to N.A. Kozyrev's experiments. The LL1 engine is described as a hollow metal sphere with a pool of mercury metal inside. When activated by electrical energy, it creates a uni-polar magnetic field causing the mercury to spin at a high rate and induce "time stuff" to accumulate on its surface. The accrued time stuff is siphoned down magnetically to the radiating antennae on the bottom of the vessel, providing self-sustaining power and allowing for time travel. The environment inside UFOs is likely volatile and not suitable for humans.

The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory that electricity is vital to life. But as exciting as Becker's discoveries are, pointing to the day when human limbs, spinal cords, and organs may be regenerated after they have been damaged, equally fascinating is the story of Becker's struggle to do such original work. The Body Electric explores new pathways in our understanding of evolution, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, and healing.

Unique, controversial, and frequently cited, this survey offers highly detailed accounts concerning the development of ideas and theories about the nature of electricity and space (aether). Readily accessible to general readers as well as high school students, teachers, and undergraduates, it includes much information unavailable elsewhere. This single-volume edition comprises both The Classical Theories and The Modern Theories, which were originally published separately. The first volume covers the theories of classical physics from the age of the Greek philosophers to the late 19th century. The second volume chronicles discoveries that led to the advances of modern physics, focusing on special relativity, quantum theories, general relativity, matrix mechanics, and wave mechanics. Noted historian of science I. Bernard Cohen, who reviewed these books for Scientific American, observed, "I know of no other history of electricity which is as sound as Whittaker's. All those who have found stimulation from his works will read this informative and accurate history with interest and profit."

The third edition of the defining text for the graduate-level course in Electricity and Magnetism has finally arrived! It has been 37 years since the first edition and 24 since the second. The new edition addresses the changes in emphasis and applications that have occurred in the field, without any significant increase in length.

Objects are a ubiquitous presence and few of us stop and think what they mean in our lives. This is the job of philosophers and this is what Jean Baudrillard does in his book. This is required reading for followers of Baudrillard, and he is perhaps the most assessable to the General Reader. Baudrillard is most associated with Post Modernism, and this early book sets the stage for that journey to the post modern world.
We are all surrounded by objects, but how many times have we thought about what those objects represent. If we took the time to think about the symbolism, we could arrive at easy solutions. We have been so accustomed to advertising the automobile representing freedom is an easy conclusion. But what about furniture? What about chairs? What about the arrangement of furniture? Watches? Collecting objects? Baudrillard literally opens up a new world and creates the universe of objects.
It is not that the critique of a society or objects has not been done before, but Baudrillard’s approach is new. Baudrillard examines objects as signs with a smattering of Post-Marxist thought. In his analysis of objects as signs, he ushers in the Post-Modern age and world for which he would be known. Heady stuff to be sure, but is presented by Baudrillard in a readily accessible manner. He articulates his thesis in a straightforward manner, avoiding the hyper-technical terminology he used in his later writings.

Moving away from the Marxist/Freudian approaches that had concerned him earlier, Baudrillard developed in this book a theory of contemporary culture that relies on displacing economic notions of cultural production with notions of cultural expenditure.

The book begins with Sidis's discovery of the first law of physical laws: "Among the physical laws it is a general characteristic that there is reversibility in time; that is, should the whole universe trace back the various positions that bodies in it have passed through in a given interval of time, but in the reverse order to that in which these positions actually occurred, then the universe, in this imaginary case, would still obey the same laws." Recent discoveries of dark matter are predicted by him in this book, and he goes on to show that the "Big Bang" is wrong. Sidis (SIGH-dis) shows that it is far more likely the universe is eternal

In this book you will encounter rare information regarding your true identity - the conscious self in the body - and how you may break the hypnotic spell your senses and thinking have cast about you since childhood.

Do we see the world as it truly is? In The Case Against Reality, pioneering cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman says no? we see what we need in order to survive. Our visual perceptions are not a window onto reality, Hoffman shows us, but instead are interfaces constructed by natural selection. The objects we see around us are not unlike the file icons on our computer desktops: while shaped like a small folder on our screens, the files themselves are made of a series of ones and zeros - too complex for most of us to understand. In a similar way, Hoffman argues, evolution has shaped our perceptions into simplistic illusions to help us navigate the world around us. Yet now these illusions can be manipulated by advertising and design.
Drawing on thirty years of Hoffman's own influential research, as well as evolutionary biology, game theory, neuroscience, and philosophy, The Case Against Reality makes the mind-bending yet utterly convincing case that the world is nothing like what we see through our eyes.

At the height of the Cold War, JFK risked committing the greatest crime in human history: starting a nuclear war. Horrified by the specter of nuclear annihilation, Kennedy gradually turned away from his long-held Cold Warrior beliefs and toward a policy of lasting peace. But to the military and intelligence agencies in the United States, who were committed to winning the Cold War at any cost, Kennedy’s change of heart was a direct threat to their power and influence. Once these dark “Unspeakable” forces recognized that Kennedy’s interests were in direct opposition to their own, they tagged him as a dangerous traitor, plotted his assassination, and orchestrated the subsequent cover-up.

2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID. A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent. And therein lies a story—a story that starts with obvious questions: - What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people? - What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

The Tavistock Institute, in Sussex, England, describes itself as a nonprofit charity that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. But this book posits that it is the world’s center for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. It grew from a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House into a sophisticated organization that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society. In this eye-opening work, both the Tavistock network and the methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare are uncovered.

A seminal and controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Edward Bernays (1891–1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed “engineering of consent.” During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon.
Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, as well as his uncle, Sigmund Freud, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. His 1928 bombshell Propaganda lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.

Undressing the Bible: in Hebrew, the Old Testament speaks for itself, explicitly and transparently. It tells of mysterious beings, special and powerful ones, that appeared on Earth.
Former earthlings?
Superior civilizations, that have always been present on our planet?
Creators, manipulators, geneticists. Aviators, warriors, despotic rulers. And scientists, possessing very advanced knowledge, special weapons and science-fiction-like technologies.
Once naked, the Bible is very different from how it has always been told to us: it does not contain any spiritual, omnipotent and omniscient God, no eternity. No apples and no creeping, tempting, serpents. No winged angels. Not even the Red Sea: the people of the Exodus just wade through a simple reed bed.
Writer and journalist Giorgio Cattaneo sits down with Italy's most renowned biblical translator for his first long interview about his life's work for the English audience. A decade long official Bible translator for the Church and lifelong researcher of ancient myths and tales, Mauro Bilglino is a unicum in his field of expertise and research. A fine connoisseur of dead languages, from ancient Greek to Hebrew and medieval Latin, he focused his attention and efforts on the accurate translating of the bible.
The encounter with Mauro Biglino and his work - the journalist writes - is profoundly healthy, stimulating and inevitably destabilizing: it forces us to reconsider the solidity of the awareness that nourishes many of our common beliefs. And it is a testament to the courage that is needed, today more than ever, to claim the full dignity of free research.

Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th century.Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai's adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.After Sabbati Zevi's death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform "strange acts" that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history".Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

This is the first English translation of this revolutionary essay by Vladimir I. Vernadsky, the great Russian-Ukrainian biogeochemist. It was first published in 1930 in French in the Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées. In it, Vernadsky makes a powerful and provocative argument for the need to develop what he calls “a new physics,” something he felt was clearly necessitated by the implications of the groundbreaking work of Louis Pasteur among few others, but also something that was required to free science from the long-lasting effects of the work of Isaac Newton, most notably.
For hundreds of years, science had developed in a direction which became increasingly detached from the breakthroughs made in the study of life and the natural sciences, detached even from human life itself, and committed reductionists and small-minded scientists were resolved to the fact that ultimately all would be reduced to “the old physics.” The scientific revolution of Einstein was a step in the right direction, but here Vernadsky insists that there is more progress to be made. He makes a bold call for a new physics, taking into account, and fundamentally based upon, the striking anomalies of life and human life.

Using an inspired combination of geometric logic and metaphors from familiar human experience, Bucky invites readers to join him on a trip through a four-dimensional Universe, where concepts as diverse as entropy, Einstein's relativity equations, and the meaning of existence become clear, understandable, and immediately involving. In his own words: "Dare to be naive... It is one of our most exciting discoveries that local discovery leads to a complex of further discoveries." Here are three key examples or concepts from "Synergetics":


Tensegrity, or tensional integrity, refers to structural systems that use a combination of tension and compression components. The simplest example of this is the "tensegrity triangle", where three struts are held in position not by touching one another but by tensioned wires. These systems are stable and flexible. Tensegrity structures are pervasive in natural systems, from the cellular level up to larger biological and even cosmological scales.

Vector Equilibrium (VE)

The Vector Equilibrium, often referred to by Fuller as the "VE", is a geometric form that he saw as the central form in his synergetic geometry. It’s essentially a cuboctahedron. Fuller noted that the VE is the only geometric form wherein all the vectors (lines from the center to the vertices) are of equal length and angular relationship. Because of this, it’s seen as a condition of absolute equilibrium, where the forces of push and pull are balanced.

Closest Packing of Spheres

Fuller was fascinated by how spheres could be packed together in the tightest possible configuration, a concept he often linked to how nature organizes systems. For example, when you stack oranges in a grocery store, they form a hexagonal pattern, and the spheres (oranges) are in closest-packed arrangement. Fuller related this principle to atomic structures and even cosmic organization.

To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (CG5GW) by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. General Flynn rose to the highest levels of the intelligence community and served as the National Security Advisor to the 45th POTUS. Sergeant Boone Cutler ran the ground game as a wartime Psychological Operations team sergeant in the United States Army. Together, these two combat veterans put their combined experience and expertise into an illuminating fifth-generation warfare information series called The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare. Introduction to 5GW is the first session of the multipart series. The series, complete with easy-to-understand diagrams, is written for all of humanity in every freedom loving country.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Biosphere :

  • Vernadsky defined the biosphere as the thin layer of Earth where life exists, encompassing all living organisms and the parts of the Earth where they interact. This includes the depths of the oceans to the upper layers of the atmosphere.
  • He posited that life plays a critical role in transforming the Earth's environment. In this view, living organisms are not just passive inhabitants of the planet, but active agents of change. This idea contrasts with more traditional views that saw life as simply adapting to pre-existing environmental conditions.
  • One example of this transformative power is the oxygen-rich atmosphere, which was created by photosynthesizing organisms over billions of years.

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Noosphere :

  • The concept of the noosphere can be seen as the next evolutionary stage following the biosphere. While the biosphere represents the realm of life, the noosphere represents the realm of human thought.
  • Vernadsky believed that, just as life transformed the Earth through the biosphere, human thought and collective intelligence would transform the planet in the era of the noosphere. This transformation would be characterized by the dominance of cultural evolution over biological evolution.
  • In this paradigm, human knowledge, technology, and cultural developments would become the primary drivers of change on the planet, influencing its future direction.
  • The term "noosphere" is derived from the Greek word “nous” meaning "mind" or "intellect" and "sphaira" meaning "sphere." So, the noosphere can be thought of as the "sphere of human thought."

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

A close analysis of the architecture of the stupa―a Buddhist symbolic form that is found throughout South, Southeast, and East Asia. The author, who trained as an architect, examines both the physical and metaphysical levels of these buildings, which derive their meaning and significance from Buddhist and Brahmanist influences.

Building on his extensive research into the sacred symbols and creation myths of the Dogon of Africa and those of ancient Egypt, India, and Tibet, Laird Scranton investigates the myths, symbols, and traditions of prehistoric China, providing further evidence that the cosmology of all ancient cultures arose from a single now-lost source.

It is at the same time a history of language, a guide to foreign tongues, and a method for learning them. It shows, through basic vocabularies, family resemblances of languages―Teutonic, Romance, Greek―helpful tricks of translation, key combinations of roots and phonetic patterns. It presents by common-sense methods the most helpful approach to the mastery of many languages; it condenses vocabulary to a minimum of essential words; it simplifies grammar in an entirely new way; and it teaches a languages as it is actually used in everyday life.
But this book is more than a guide to foreign languages; it goes deep into the roots of all knowledge as it explores the history of speech. It lights up the dim pathways of prehistory and unfolds the story of the slow growth of human expression from the most primitive signs and sounds to the elaborate variations of the highest cultures. Without language no knowledge would be possible; here we see how language is at once the source and the reservoir of all we know.

Taking only the most elementary knowledge for granted, Lancelot Hogben leads readers of this famous book through the whole course from simple arithmetic to calculus. His illuminating explanation is addressed to the person who wants to understand the place of mathematics in modern civilization but who has been intimidated by its supposed difficulty. Mathematics is the language of size, shape, and order―a language Hogben shows one can both master and enjoy.

A complete manual for the study and practice of Raja Yoga, the path of concentration and meditation. These timeless teachings is a treasure to be read and referred to again and again by seekers treading the spiritual path. The classic Sutras, at least 4,000 years old, cover the yogic teachings on ethics, meditation, and physical postures, and provide directions for dealing with situations in daily life. The Sutras are presented here in the purest form, with the original Sanskrit and with translation, transliteration, and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda, one of the most respected and revered contemporary Yoga masters. Sri Swamiji offers practical advice based on his own experience for mastering the mind and achieving physical, mental and emotional harmony.

William Strauss and Neil Howe will change the way you see the world - and your place in it. With blazing originality, The Fourth Turning illuminates the past, explains the present, and reimagines the future. Most remarkably, it offers an utterly persuasive prophecy about how America’s past will predict its future.

Strauss and Howe base this vision on a provocative theory of American history. The authors look back 500 years and uncover a distinct pattern: Modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting about the length of a long human life, each composed of four eras - or "turnings" - that last about 20 years and that always arrive in the same order. In The Fourth Turning, the authors illustrate these cycles using a brilliant analysis of the post-World War II period.

First comes a High, a period of confident expansion as a new order takes root after the old has been swept away. Next comes an Awakening, a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion against the now-established order. Then comes an Unraveling, an increasingly troubled era in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis - the Fourth Turning - when society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. Together, the four turnings comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth.

4th Turning

Excess Deaths & Why RFK Jr. Can Win The Democratic Presidential Race - Ed Dowd | Part 1 of 2 - 06-21-2023

All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. To the general reader the Khazars, who flourished from the 7th to 11th century, may seem infinitely remote today. Yet they have a close and unexpected bearing on our world, which emerges as Koestler recounts the fascinating history of the ancient Khazar Empire.

At about the time that Charlemagne was Emperor in the West. The Khazars' sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.Thereafter the Khazars found themselves in a precarious position between the two major world powers: the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium and the triumphant followers of Mohammed.As Koestler points out, the Khazars were the Third World of their day. They chose a surprising method of resisting both the Western pressure to become Christian and the Eastern to adopt Islam. Rejecting both, they converted to Judaism. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry.

Few people noticed the secret codewords used by our astronauts to describe the moon. Until now, few knew about the strange moving lights they reported.
George H. Leonard, former NASA scientist, fought through the official veil of secrecy and studied thousands of NASA photographs, spoke candidly with dozens of NASA officials, and listened to hours and hours of astronauts' tapes.
Here, Leonard presents the stunning and inescapable evidence discovered during his in-depth investigation:

  • Immense mechanical rigs, some over a mile long, working the lunar surface.
  • Strange geometric ground markings and symbols.
  • Lunar constructions several times higher than anything built on Earth.
  • Vehicles, tracks, towers, pipes, conduits, and conveyor belts running in and across moon craters.
Somebody else is indeed on the Moon, and engaged in activities on a massive scale. Our space agencies, and many of the world's top scientists, have known for years that there is intelligent life on the moon.

The article delves into the history of the Khazars, a polity in the Northern Caucasus that existed from the mid-seventh century until about 970 CE. Contrary to popular belief, the term "Khazars" is misleading as it was a multiethnic entity, and it's uncertain which specific group adopted Judaism. The Khazars first emerged in the seventh century, defeating the Bulgars, which led to the Bulgars' dispersion to various regions. The Khazar Empire was established through the expulsion of the Bulgars and was multiethnic in nature. The language spoken by the Khazars is debated, with some suggesting Turkic origins and others pointing to Slavic. The Khazars had several cities and fortresses, with significant archaeological findings. The Khazars had interactions with various empires, including wars with the Arabs and alliances with Byzantine emperors. By the mid-10th century, the Khazar capital of Itil was destroyed by the Russians. The article concludes that much of what is known about the Khazars is based on limited sources.

#Khazars #History #Caucasus #Judaism #Bulgars #Empire #Multiethnic #LanguageDebate #ArabWars #ByzantineAlliances #Itil #RussianInvasion #Archaeology #ReligiousConversion #TabletMag

In The Science of the Dogon, Laird Scranton demonstrated that the cosmological structure described in the myths and drawings of the Dogon runs parallel to modern science--atomic theory, quantum theory, and string theory--their drawings often taking the same form as accurate scientific diagrams that relate to the formation of matter.

Sacred Symbols of the Dogon uses these parallels as the starting point for a new interpretation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language. By substituting Dogon cosmological drawings for equivalent glyph-shapes in Egyptian words, a new way of reading and interpreting the Egyptian hieroglyphs emerges. Scranton shows how each hieroglyph constitutes an entire concept, and that their meanings are scientific in nature.

The Dogon people of Mali, West Africa, are famous for their unique art and advanced cosmology. The Dogon’s creation story describes how the one true god, Amma, created all the matter of the universe. Interestingly, the myths that depict his creative efforts bear a striking resemblance to the modern scientific definitions of matter, beginning with the atom and continuing all the way to the vibrating threads of string theory. Furthermore, many of the Dogon words, symbols, and rituals used to describe the structure of matter are quite similar to those found in the myths of ancient Egypt and in the daily rituals of Judaism. For example, the modern scientific depiction of the informed universe as a black hole is identical to Amma’s Egg of the Dogon and the Egyptian Benben Stone.

The Science of the Dogon offers a case-by-case comparison of Dogon descriptions and drawings to corresponding scientific definitions and diagrams from authors like Stephen Hawking and Brian Greene, then extends this analysis to the counterparts of these symbols in both the ancient Egyptian and Hebrew religions. What is ultimately revealed is the scientific basis for the language of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, which was deliberately encoded to prevent the knowledge of these concepts from falling into the hands of all but the highest members of the Egyptian priesthood.

Anthony C. Yu’s translation of The Journey to the West,initially published in 1983, introduced English-speaking audiences to the classic Chinese novel in its entirety for the first time. Written in the sixteenth century, The Journey to the West tells the story of the fourteen-year pilgrimage of the monk Xuanzang, one of China’s most famous religious heroes, and his three supernatural disciples, in search of Buddhist scriptures. Throughout his journey, Xuanzang fights demons who wish to eat him, communes with spirits, and traverses a land riddled with a multitude of obstacles, both real and fantastical. An adventure rich with danger and excitement, this seminal work of the Chinese literary canonis by turns allegory, satire, and fantasy.

With over a hundred chapters written in both prose and poetry, The Journey to the West has always been a complicated and difficult text to render in English while preserving the lyricism of its language and the content of its plot. But Yu has successfully taken on the task, and in this new edition he has made his translations even more accurate and accessible. The explanatory notes are updated and augmented, and Yu has added new material to his introduction, based on his original research as well as on the newest literary criticism and scholarship on Chinese religious traditions. He has also modernized the transliterations included in each volume, using the now-standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization system. Perhaps most important, Yu has made changes to the translation itself in order to make it as precise as possible.

One of the great works of Chinese literature, The Journey to the West is not only invaluable to scholars of Eastern religion and literature, but, in Yu’s elegant rendering, also a delight for any reader.

The Oera Linda Book is a 19th-century translation by Dr. Ottema and WIlliam R. Sandbach of an old manuscript written in the Old Frisian language that records historical, mythological, and religious themes of remote antiquity, compiled between 2194 BC and AD 803.

  • The Oera Linda book challenges traditional views of pre-Christian societies.
  • Christianization is likened to a "great reset" that erased previous civilizations.
  • The Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people.
  • The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting patterns in history.
  • The importance of identity and understanding one's roots is highlighted.
  • The Oera Linda book offers wisdom and insights into several European languages.

The Oera Linda book offers a fresh perspective on our history, challenging the notion that pre-Christian societies were uncivilized. It suggests that the Christianization of societies was a form of "great reset," erasing and demonizing what existed before. The Oera Linda writings hint at an advanced civilization with its own laws, writing, and societal structures. Jan Ott's translation from the Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people. The text also touches upon the guilt many feel today, even if they aren't religious, about issues like climate change and historical slavery. It criticizes the way science is sometimes treated like a religion, with scientists acting as its preachers. The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting that understanding history requires recognizing patterns and cycles. Christianity is portrayed as one of the most significant resets in history, with sects fighting and erasing each other's scriptures. The importance of identity is highlighted, with a focus on the Fryans, a tribe that faced challenges from another tribe from Finland. This other tribe had a different moral compass, leading to conflicts and eventual assimilation. The text suggests that the true history of the Fryans and their values might have been distorted by subsequent Christian narratives. The Oera Linda book is seen as a source of wisdom, shedding light on the origins of several European languages and offering insights into values like freedom, truth, and justice.

#OeraLinda #History #Christianization #GreatReset #FryanLanguage #JanOtt #Civilization #OldTestament #Church #SpiritualAbuse #Identity #Fryans #Autland #Finland #Slavery #Christianity #Sects #Genocide #Torture #Bible #Freedom #Truth #Justice #Righteousness #Language #German #Dutch #Frisian #English #Scandinavian #Wisdom #Inspiration #European #Values

The Talmud is one of the most important holy books of the Hebrew religion and of the world. No English translation of the book existed until the author presented this work. To this day, very little of the actual text seems available in English -- although we find many interpretive commentaries on what it is supposed to mean. The Talmud has a reputation for being long and difficult to digest, but Polano has taken what he believes to be the best material and put it into extremely readable form. As far as holy books of the world are concerned, it is on par with The Koran, The Bhagavad-Gita and, of course, The Bible, in importance. This clearly written edition will allow many to experience The Talmud who may have otherwise not had the chance.

This five-volume set is the only complete English rendering of The Zohar, the fundamental rabbinic work on Jewish mysticism that has fascinated readers for more than seven centuries. In addition to being the primary reference text for kabbalistic studies, this magnificent work is arranged in the form of a commentary on the Bible, bringing to the surface the deeper meanings behind the commandments and biblical narrative. As The Zohar itself proclaims: Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment Thin which it is swathed.

Twenty-one years ago, at a friend's request, a Massachusetts professor sketched out a blueprint for nonviolent resistance to repressive regimes. It would go on to be translated, photocopied, and handed from one activist to another, traveling from country to country across the globe: from Iran to Venezuela―where both countries consider Gene Sharp to be an enemy of the state―to Serbia; Afghanistan; Vietnam; the former Soviet Union; China; Nepal; and, more recently and notably, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria, where it has served as a guiding light of the Arab Spring.

This short, pithy, inspiring, and extraordinarily clear guide to overthrowing a dictatorship by nonviolent means lists 198 specific methods to consider, depending on the circumstances: sit-ins, popular nonobedience, selective strikes, withdrawal of bank deposits, revenue refusal, walkouts, silence, and hunger strikes. From Dictatorship to Democracy is the remarkable work that has made the little-known Sharp into the world's most effective and sought-after analyst of resistance to authoritarian regimes.

Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests. He has spoken to many groups throughout the United States and has appeared regularly on many radio talk shows and on television. In 1988 Bill decided to "talk" due to events then taking place worldwide, events that he had seen plans for back in the early 1970s. Bill correctly predicted the lowering of the Iron Curtain, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. All Bill's predictions were on record well before the events occurred. Bill is not a psychic. His information comes from top secret documents that he read while with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over seventeen years of research.

The argument that the 16th Amendment (which concerns the federal income tax) was not properly ratified and thus is invalid has been a topic of debate among some tax protesters and scholars. One of the individuals associated with this theory is Bill Benson, who asserted that the 16th Amendment was fraudulently ratified. Here's a brief overview of the argument: 1. Research and Documentation: Bill Benson, along with another individual named M.J. "Red" Beckman, wrote a two-volume work called "The Law That Never Was" in the 1980s. This work was a product of Benson's extensive travels to various state archives to examine the original ratification documents related to the 16th Amendment. 2. Claims of Irregularities: In his work, Benson presented evidence that claimed many of the states either did not ratify the 16th Amendment properly or made mistakes in their resolutions. Some of these alleged irregularities included misspellings, incorrect wording, and other deviations from the proposed amendment. 3. Philander Knox's Role: In 1913, Philander Knox, who was the U.S. Secretary of State at the time, declared that the 16th Amendment had been ratified by the necessary three-fourths of the states. Benson's contention is that Knox was aware of the various discrepancies and irregularities in the ratification process but chose to fraudulently declare the amendment ratified anyway. 4. Legal Challenges and Court Rulings: Over the years, some tax protesters have used Benson's findings to challenge the legality of the income tax. However, these challenges have been consistently rejected by the courts. In fact, several courts have addressed Benson's research and arguments directly and found them to be without legal merit. The courts have repeatedly upheld the validity of the 16th Amendment. 5. Counterarguments: Critics of Benson's theory argue that even if there were minor discrepancies in the wording or format of the ratification documents, they do not invalidate the overarching intent of the states to ratify the amendment. Additionally, they assert that there's no substantive evidence that Knox acted fraudulently. It's worth noting that despite the popularity of this theory among certain groups, the legal consensus in the U.S. is that the 16th Amendment was validly ratified and is a legitimate part of the U.S. Constitution. Those who refuse to pay income taxes based on this theory have faced legal penalties.

The article delves into the evolution of the concept of the ether in physics. Historically, the ether was postulated to explain the propagation of light, with figures like Newton and Huygens suggesting its existence. By the late 19th century, Maxwell's electromagnetic theory linked light's propagation to the ether, a theory experimentally validated by Hertz in 1888. Lorentz expanded on this, focusing on wave transmission in moving media. The article contrasts the English approach, which sought tangible models, with the phenomenological view, which aimed for a descriptive approach without specific hypotheses. The piece also touches on various mechanical theories and models proposed over the years, emphasizing the challenges in defining the ether's properties and its evolving nature in scientific discourse.

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Innovation fading away – 06-14-2023

Innovation fading away - 06-14-2023

Innovation fading away - 06-14-2023

Episode Summary:

The speaker addresses topics such as brittleness in fighting, cultural Marxism, and the arrest of Trump. They discuss their belief in a Khazarian Mafia that manipulates the Jewish population and criticize various historical narratives. They touch on mind control, secret space programs, and the manipulation of cultural dynamics. The speaker also alludes to the discovery of hidden truths, including space aliens, and the breaking down of deep state control. Towards the end, they briefly mention stopping for coffee and trying to download an app.

The text discusses a conspiracy theory involving the suppression of technology by the Khazarian Mafia, emphasizing a desire for control over humanity. The speaker believes in the existence of revolutionary technologies like water-powered cars and highly efficient engines, but argues that they are kept hidden to maintain the status quo. The author also mentions issues with current electric cars, blaming negative ions for reduced efficiency. They touch on societal changes that might emerge, including exposure to UFOs, as society moves beyond the control of the Khazarian Mafia. The overall tone is critical of this perceived secretive control over technology and human freedom.

The text posits various conspiracy theories including the existence of undersea bases and large-scale mining operations by non-humans. It discusses the alleged involvement of the Kazarean mafia with aliens seeking human abdominal fats. The text also claims that the consumption of seed oils, manipulated by aliens, causes a specific type of fat accumulation in humans. It further criticizes the peer review process in academic publishing, calling it flawed and biased. The text concludes by deriding authority and hierarchical structures, suggesting that they lack true understanding.

The speaker reflects on the idea that humans are being harvested by aliens, with a significant number of people going missing every year. The text also criticizes peer review and academia for hiding this information. The speaker seems to accept that space aliens may be involved in nefarious activities, including human trafficking. They express concern about how society will react as this information becomes more widely accepted, warning against naïve trust in aliens. The speaker suggests that people must be realistic about the potential dangers posed by extraterrestrials, understanding that their interests may not align with ours.

#AbdominalFats #academia #android #Antarctica #app #authority #battery #brittleness #BulgingAbdomen #coffee #communism #constitutionalrepublic #constitutionalRepublic #control #CowMutilations #culturallevel #culturalMarxism #deepState #deviancy #dieselengine #disruption #download #efficiency #electriccar #electricity #Errors #expansivetechnology #exotictechnology #fakenews #fats #fear #flyingcars #freedom #galaxy #GeorgeJetson #Germany #Harvested #Hitler #HollowEarth #humantrafficking #HumanHarvesting #illusions #indigenouspeople #InnerAbdominalFats #integration #JewishCulture #JewishPopulation #Jews #KazareanMafia #Kazareanmafia #KhazarianMafia #liberatingtechnology #Liposuction #logicalfallacy #LogicalFallacies #lockdown #manufacturing #mindControl #Mining #missingpeople #MKUltra #neutrinoDetectors #newnarrative #negativeions #ocean #paradigmchanges #ParadigmShift #paranoia #PeerReview #peerreview #peoplefarm #planet #politicalstructure #PolyunsaturatedFattyAcids #pot #PrussiaGate #Publication #revolution #rotaryengine #Russia #SeedOils #shelvedinventions #snatched #solarsystem #SouthPole #spacealien #SpaceAliens #spacealiens #secretSpaceProgram #StephenGreer #suppression #technology #Tesla #torque #Trump #UFOs #UnderwaterBases #understanding #WashingtonState #WeimarRepublic #whitepeople #whistleblowers

Innovation fading away - 06-14-2023

Hello humans. Hello humans. The 14 June hang on a second. Keep from getting killed. Logging trucks all over and stuff happening.

Heading into town here and we're at almost 08:00. It's like 6 minutes till interesting days. All of this stuff about the Trump arrest, so that's a sign of brittleness, okay? So in fighting, you know, you run across opponents occasionally that have their own issues that, you know, there's something going on with them, whether, you know, it's wrestling, karate or whatever, but it's this internal thing and they're brittle, okay? They don't have the emotional stamina to be basically calm and see how things are and analyze and this sort of thing.

So we're dealing with a very brittle and communism itself is brittle. It's a made up ideology. And this cultural Marxism business is yet another evolution of that. It's going to fail. It's failing now, and the brittleness of it is all showing.

That's why they arrested him. I don't expect well, I expect quite a bit of stuff to happen as a result of this, but it's going to happen anyway, and we're going to have our, our shift, our change, which is going to be great. You know, all of my life I've lived under the gazerian mafia. Deep state fake news guys, right? Now it's busting out.

Now we're breaking it up. And these guys are freaking out because they're just like me, mostly. All of this system is run by old farts, right, that are even older than I am. And so they've lived all their lives under this system they've created and they feel and take some comfort in it because it protects them. They've got everything set up to protect them, but all that stuff is breaking down now.

So they've got the Caxarean mafia wraps themselves in the Jewish population, and then they mind control the Jewish population more than the rest of the planet in order that the Jewish population will sacrifice themselves for the Khazarian mafia. They don't understand it's a Khazarian mafia. They don't understand they're being used by Satanists, but nonetheless, all of their mental structure is supported by the Khazarians created by the Khazarians such that they will such that the Jewish population will have a particular attitude about things, right, such that they'll be insulative, insular, self contained, et cetera. Go on. All these, any aspect of the Jewish culture that you care to name is more likely than not influenced and directed by the Khazarerian mafia for their own aims.

So anyway, this is a time where the Jewish population is going to have to confront this. They're going to have to come to terms with what's been done to them and the evil that they hide within their tribe, okay? Plus they're going to also have to start acknowledging that their understanding of their own religious history is bogus. So Jews were never in Egypt, right? The pharaoh is not the name of the king of Egypt.

It's the name of the tribal headmasters of the Yemeni tribes that were conquered by the L. The L does not mean God. Elohim does not mean God in its multiplicities. These are space aliens. And so they're going to have to come to terms with this.

There's also a lot of other stuff they're going to have to come to terms with. Like all of the Holocaust stuff, right? So Charlie Ward got pushed out of a position he tried to engineer himself into because he was being a Holocaust denier on stage at a place where, like, Trump's kids are Jewish, right? Jewishness goes through the mother's line. And so he's got Jewish kids, and they don't want to hear that the Holocaust was bogus.

There was a holocaust. There is a holocaust. It's minor compared to the Jewish Holocaust. It's not Jewish. It was primarily Romanesque peoples gypsies.

If you go and look at the numbers, there's no 6 million Jews that were killed.

There's discrepancies about all of this stuff, right? And so there is the narratig created by the Kazarean mafia to get the Jews to think a particular way about this. Then there's the reality, and we're going to be discussing a lot of the reality because we're going to go into all of that history. Now is the time as we're moving into this Bronze Age period.

I'm going to have to stop up here in a minute. I'm going to try and download an app. We have no cell service. I'm going to be close to a cell phone. I'm going to see if this is going to work.

Probably my phone is on a version of the OS that won't support this app anyway, but I've got to try and make the effort to download it here. So we'll stop in a second and do that. Anyway. So, as I was saying, so now is the time that we're going to start seeing some level of visible contention within the Jewish cultural dynamic, okay? So there will be synagogues that are going to bust apart, all right?

There's going to be all kinds of corporation and relationship divorces within the Jewish culture as they start coming to terms with the Khazarean mafia and what has been done to Jews for these last few thousand years, right?

They're as abused as anybody else, and probably more so, in my opinion, because the Kazarean mafia needs to keep them in a particular mindset so that these guys will sacrifice themselves.

That's just the way it is. It's interesting to a certain extent to see how mind controlled the Jewish population is. So there were two or three Jewish field marshals, lots of Jewish generals, two or 300,000 hardcore SS guys that were all Jewish in Hitler's army. And in fact, most of the radicalization of Hitler and most of the problems that were caused by the Hitler regime being taken over by the Nazis was due entirely to the Kazarean mafia inculcated into a Jewish based, like, fierce homosexual cult. You need to go read the Prussia Gate series on Will Zal's substac and get into that and read about how that aspect of it caused lots of the major cultural eruptions that are characterized as Nazism.

And it's a perverted aspect of the Khazarian Mafia's version of Jewishness. Right. It has nothing to do with Judaism as a religion. It has more to do with the culture that they try to create in order to protect themselves. And this gets way squirrely.

If you go way deep in it, you keep coming back to space aliens. And like yesterday, we had the very nice, interesting presentation by Stephen Greer and his buddies, his whistleblowers in DC about the secret space program and all the weird ass shit that these people are trying to pull with the secret space program. An interesting aspect of it was all of the stuff coming out about Antarctica, the neutrino detectors, how they're using it to detect the appearance of these craft and could in fact be sort of like air traffic control from the South Pole. So very, very interesting. I'm fascinated to think and observe that it might be that we'll slide, that our cultural paradigm will slide from the Khazarean Mafia deep state, Jewish overlay.

It's all breaking down. It's all going away anyway, no matter what. That's for certain. All that's going to break off. But it may be replaced.

I know that we're going to go through a period of examination of the nature of the Republic and all of this kind of stuff and get back into a reconstituted constitutional republic here. But it may also be that we're going to slide right into the understanding that there's space aliens all the hell and gone and we've got interactions with them and all of this kind of stuff. I'm stopping here for a second. We'll have some coffee.

Coffee is good stuff. And then I'll try and get this app down. I don't know that it's going to do it. Come on, let's see.

Anyway, so it may indeed be that we end up sliding right into a George Jetson kind of a world with space aliens in it, right out of right out of the box, so to speak, right. That will just go right from where we are with this very sort of like prosaic it android. Okay.

All right. It's saying it's starting to download. I don't know that it will. We don't have hardly any connection out here anyway. So as I say, well, there's hope.

I knew it would take some time to go into George Jetson world with the flying cars and all of that.

We have that technology as the thing, right? So we know that that stuff exists. It's just not readily available because they keep suppressing it. So the reason they keep suppressing it is that the Kazarean Mafia that doesn't sound good.

It hang on. Okay. All right.

Jeez. There we go. All right, okay. Anyway, yeah. So it may be that the Kazarean Mafia decides that, well, the Kazarean Mafia doesn't like humans having any kind of freedom, right?

They want us all locked down in their little 15 minutes prison cities and all of this kind of shit, and they invent this weird ass climate cris and got to force you into it. It's all a religion. I don't know what they're basically trying to do MKUltra stuff on the whole of the population. And there's a lot of us that are totally immune to that shit, right? We like smoke pot.

We're not going to take that shit seriously. We're in control of our own minds relative to what the Kazarian Mafia is trying to pump out. But anyway, so they want us all in these little lockdown things. And so they are never, ever going to allow technology that we could think of as expansive or emboldening or liberating for individual humans that is antithical to their overall paradigm, which is control of all humans. And so as long as the Khazarian Mafia Jewish culture has control of the patent office and all of the academia, especially in terms of the early funders for technology, so that's what they do.

They've got a whole crew out there that goes around looking for really cool technology. They're all whipped up about it. They fund it, and then they gradually wear it down until they end up owning it, and then they shelve it. So we always hear about cars run on water, tesla's car that took electricity out of the air and through a circuit with a little device that was on the bottom of the tire that caused grounding. Anyway, but all these things are shelved, you're not driving them now, et cetera, et cetera.

In fact, there was even in 19, I want to say it was like 1923 or 24, there was this guy that invented something that was sort of similar to a rotary engine. It wasn't quite that concept, but it was diesel. And their little trials, I think they made like three of them. One of them was in Russia, and I think it's still in a museum. They sold it to the Russian government at the time, right?

This was after the revolution and the Russian Revolution, guys, this is before the Bolsheviks took over. They did the negotiation. So this would have been like 1916 or something, right? So there was a Russian Revolution in 1914, and then the Khazarian Mafia Jewish culture came in and took it over in 1917 and started slaughtering Jews and they fled Russia like mad. Why they do this, I don't know.

But in any event, though, the Khazarians started slaughtering Jews in Russia, forced them out, they moved to Germany. That's caused all the problems in the Weimar Republic later. But they were actually forcing homosexuals and all kinds of deviancy out of Russia at that point, even though the people that were doing it were the most deviant kind of fucks you could ever imagine. Anyway, though, so they won't have any kind of liberating technology. But we have had these like I say, there was this rotary diesel engine that was prototyped and made and even one sold to Russia.

And this thing was like we would think of it as like three big cylinders. It wasn't really a cylinder kind of an operation. It was more of a rotary plates. So the pistons didn't go up and down so much as like the piston housings rotated over each other in order to put the fuel in and cause compression and all of this. It was just an elegant design.

Basically. There were three or four large moving plates that were on a on a shaft and it was extremely easy to construct and so on and so on the damn thing at that time. Of course, the trucks are a lot lighter then, right? But it was designed for trucks and tractors and things and it would get like over 1000 miles to a small tank of diesel. I don't know how big the tank was, so it's difficult for us to come up with an estimate for like miles per gallon of diesel.

But this thing was hugely efficient. The torque levels were just totally off the chart because it was the central shaft that I won't go into it. The details were really cool, but probably only to the engineering guys. In any event, though, because they're a Mafia, doesn't want anybody to have any expensive technology. That's why they want to take away your car.

That's why they want to give you an electric car that takes you twelve fucking hours to charge up and it's only going to get you 200 miles. They swear it gets 400 miles, but in practicality it doesn't. I've got a guy down here that I've talked to in a town about 30 miles south of me that has to come in to do shopping, as I do. And he's got an electric car and he had to go buy one of those little smart car guys because he could only get 72 miles off of a charge. Now, the electric vehicle guys, I don't remember the name of the brand of it.

I think it's like a Volvo or something. But in any event, they're telling him it's because of where he's located on the ocean that his battery is going to be constantly subjected to these high levels of negative ions in the air. All of which is true, and that it'll cause the problems with the battery to have a long cycle charge and a short cycle discharge. Now, I don't know that that's true. I think that maybe they're just trying to alibi it.

But nonetheless, this guy's had this car here for like three years when he first started off. Now, of course, they all work better when you first get them and then the performance degrades over time as the battery degrades. But when he first got it, he says he swears he can get 150 miles out of it with no problem, and now it's at half that. So he can't even really use it to go into town because he's like, I think he's like, I am. He's got to do over 40 miles each way.

And so at 72 miles, he gets stuck. He's got to charge somewhere, and charging in town is a pain in the ass, and he's got to pay for it. He pays for it at home. But nonetheless anyway, so the Kazarians want to lock us all down. They want to keep us all in these little prisons and control us all.

That's their whole thing. They're desperately afraid, and they've got to control us all. Now, here's the real rub, though, right? So our social order is going to come out of this illusion, out of the Kazarian mafia Jewish culture illusion that's been put on us. We're going to bust up and get rid of the fake news.

We'll get rid of the fake academia. Everything's going to be in huge amount of disruption and dynamically being investigated and all of this. As all these things happen and we'll uncover all kinds of new history, there will be just a big change all the way around relative to that as we emerge from this into a constitutional republic again and keep rebuilding. We got to rebuild our infrastructure. We got to rebuild our manufacturing.

Yada, yada, yada. As all of this is happening, we may come out into an understanding that our planet is being visited by UFOs. Now, the UFOs may live here. That's indetermined. We just don't know.

There may be some living at the South Pole. The parts of the planet may be hollow. They can go and hide in there. They may be going underwater. They may have undersea bases.

In fact, we know that this is a case that there are underwater and undersea bases and that there's a large scale mining operation going on out in the Pacific that is not being done by humans, okay? And so a lot of this information may come out, and we'll have to fold it into our accepted cultural narrative. And so all the normies are going to have to get used to this idea. Well, along with that idea is going to come this wicked idea that humans are being harvested, that we live on a human ranch, and they come along and they harvest us, and they take us away and do something with us, okay? And it's not just a single they.

So it is suspected that the Kazarean mafia is dealing with and is in league with and is submissive to a group of space aliens that just love abdominal fats on humans, right? And they take humans, and they take these abdominal fats out, they render them down, and then they basically smoke them, right? They get really high off of these things.

That may just as an aside, that may be one of the reasons that they push in specific chemical formulations for oils. And they're trying to get us to everybody use all of these oils and stuff, the seed oils, okay? So seed oils, when you ingest them, when they've been heated, they form these things called puffa, right? Polyunsaturated fatty acids. These polyunsaturated fatty acids cause problems with your body in that they'll go into your fat cells and they are not easily recovered.

So your body will put some in a fat cell, and then later on, when it needs some energy, it'll go back to that fat cell, but it'll pass on that one because it's too hard to get the energy out of it because it's filled up with one of these fatty acids instead of an amino acid. Complex fat and protein. All right. And so it's not natural, so to speak, right? And so it's not a true fat.

Now, here's what this causes. This causes the same effect in humans. In some humans, not everybody, but in most, it causes the same effect as massive amounts of liposuction. And so if you were to take and suction off all of the fat around your abdomen and on your hips and take that fat away, your body will compensate by using fat cells that are in between the liver and the intestines, in between the intestines and the spleen and all of that. These are called inner abdominal fats, okay?

This is what the space aliens smoke. This is what they want. So they may be doing to us, as we do to beef, so we can raise beef in such a way as to raise the fat level, soften the flesh, like the Japanese beat the special beef here that's that way. So we may be being raised in order to cultivate particular kinds of humans that have this bulging out abdomen that is filled with all this inner fat. So you see especially with men, you'll see men that get this abdominal bulge and when they breathe, they're breathing.

Their abdomen really isn't moving a lot because it's being pressed by all the inner fats. That's what these aliens are after. When we go and we find the mutilated cows and stuff, right, and all of the stuff they're taking out of them, it's still going on, by the way. The cow mutilations are still happening and even sheep and this kind of thing. When we find them, we do find that there are a lot of them that have had this inner abdominal fat removed along with the eyes, part of the jaws and this sort of thing, right?

So anyway, so that may be an aspect of it. It may be that it was just that the money broke down and we couldn't afford real fats anymore, and so they went to seed oils because they were cheaper. That is true. That's factual. But it may be that we were directed to go to seed oils in this process because the space aliens discovered, oh, we can get our crop here, our goy, the goyim, the human cattle to have better fats if we give them seed oils.

I don't know. Undetermined a speculation, but perhaps meaningful. Anyway, so as we come out of this period, as we go through 2024, 2025, and we start emerging into this new paradigm that we're building, and the narrative is falling away, we're no longer accepting the narrative being put out by the Kazarian mafia and the Jewish culture. And we say, no, I'm not going to listen to you academics. You're obviously lying.

Your peer review process is horseshit, by the way. They did find that out. Anybody that says, oh, it's not peer reviewed, it's like, good, because that fucking peer review is no good at all. It doesn't eliminate errors, and it reduces what gets printed down to the lowest possible mind. So what they do is they'll send it out to eight or ten people, these journals, eight or ten academics, and then they have a threshold.

Maybe if three academics say, this is crap, they don't publish it, right? Or if they have concerns with it or whatever, this journal won't publish it, and they get a lot of submissions. I was staggered, really. But in any event, out of literally millions, 5 million scientific articles published out of 30,000 scientific and engineering journals that all use peer review, we find that it does not eliminate errors, right? Out of the millions of these things, over half of those articles had errors in them.

Like errors of science. Not just simply spelling mistakes, that sort of thing, but like factual errors that should have thrown out that idea, should have caused that article to be rejected. And so the peer review process passes those, and what do they eliminate? They eliminate anything that these eight or ten people can't understand. So if you're smarter than the eight or ten people in your particular magazine group that they send it to so say you're into cell microchemistry, right?

Cell biology, cellular chemistry. If you're smarter and you come up with something and you come up with an idea that is smarter than the seven or eight people that they send it to and they can't grasp what you're trying to say, or it goes against their paradigm, then they'll say, no, no, this is bogus. Blah, blah, blah, and you don't get published. So there was a guy who did a review of non published articles, and he didn't even read them. He just did the title, the Personalities and the Abstract, I think, as well as the dates.

And something else. There was one other item, I can't remember what, anyway, and he ran through and on those that were rejected, they fell into two categories, basically really fucking stupid and or bland or no new material there, right? Nothing to excite the readers and that was about 60% of all of those articles that were rejected. But 40% of those articles that were rejected were simply too far in advance of the rest of the field to be able to be evaluated by the people that they sent it to. And they know this.

I mean, they know this when it comes back. And the guy says, I don't understand this. And it's not that it's wrong. It's like it's probably right, but I'm just not educated enough in this particular stuff to be able to say it's correct. And so that's really what you want in the peer review process, is to publish those that have some level of ambiguity as to what's going on and let people debate it and stuff.

But we don't have that right. We have this weird you can't criticize our magazine because we're peer reviewed. And it's again, it's a part of this aspect of authority, the call to authority, which is one of the logical fallacies of debate and argument because authority don't know shit. It's simply an authority and you just believe it and go along with it because of the hierarchical structure of the thing you're working in.

It's a logical fallacy in terms of debate, but basically that's what peer review is, is the authority of the group is what causes that to be thought to be valuable. In any event, though, so here we are. We pop out of all of this. We lose a lot of academia. We lose a lot of our illusions as to what's actually going on in our world.

And we're presented with the idea that we're on a people farm and that we're being harvested and millions of people go missing every year in Washington State. We've got a real problem with indigenous people going missing. Now, I'm not saying it's space aliens taking these people, but we have got cases of missing people here, indigenous people, as well as just regular white people walking around that go missing and they're never, ever found. And so statistically, there's too many going missing that are never found for this to be anything other than a very negative kind of a situation for it to be anything other than an indication of nefarious activity. So you could say, okay, x number of people go missing every year, and we're likely to find a significant percentage of them in one way or another.

Maybe they go missing hiking and so there could be a certain number of hikers you're not going to find. They fall off of cliffs, they aren't seen for years, their body lies there and rots away of the animals, separate the bones, and they're just never found. But that's actually not that common, that's not that frequent. We actually rather have the other opposite thing, where people go missing all the time, but they're usually reasonably quickly found, unless they don't want to be hang on a second. In any event, though, so we're going to pop out and have a whole new operating narrative, right?

This narrative we have to create. We have to look at the narrative that's going on and we're going to have to say there is a lot of unknowns here because the Kazarean mafia and academia, the fake news, all of these guys, the political structure has kept this information from us quite deliberately in order that this situation might occur, that we may have this structure here where we're ignorant that we're being harvested by space aliens. Potentially.

We know that there's vast quantities of human trafficking going around. If you looked at this stuff from Stephen Greer yesterday, from his whistleblowers, they even talk about human trafficking and exotic technology. It was very interesting to listen to that.

I think it's probably all reasonably factual presentations aside, it seems like the information is reliable and legit. Anyway, I got to get in and get some stuff done and then I've got a few more, few more stops. It's one of those days and it doesn't look like the app is going to come down.

And I run Linux so there's not a lot of Linux support for Android phones and stuff anyway so we'll just let it sit.

Okay. So anyway guys, that's the thinking here is that we're going to come into a very strange world in which I don't know okay, so as the paradigm changes how are people going to react? Right? Are they going to start getting paranoid? Is everybody going to want to carry a gun?

Are they going to be afraid to go out at night for fear of being snatched by a space alien? We'll probably have to go through something like that at a cultural level. As this information gets put out there and people starting accepting it, it's going to be quite OD. But for one thing for sure is that anybody that starts talking about oh, our space alien brothers and they're here to help us and all of that, it's like no people, you're so deluded that you're a danger to me. I'm not going to interact with you.

You're going to get yourself and people around you killed. You have to understand that no being in this universe is altruistic unless they're getting something out of it. We have to have that assumption and I don't think any of these aliens are altruistic at all that they're coming here for their own purposes, which is factual and that those purposes are not necessarily aligned with our best interest. Right? I don't really want to have the fats they wouldn't come after me.

I'm not that fat anyway. But I wouldn't want to have my fats harvested, right? This is not an idea of mine. That's something I'm shooting for. But nonetheless, this is what we're going to have to go through is the integration of this idea into our understanding of ourselves, our planet and our solar system and our galaxy.

But we'll see. How it might take years for that to happen. Years and years and years. We'll see. Anyway, do another one.

The number-one best-selling pioneer of "fratire" and a leading evolutionary psychologist team up to create the dating book for guys. Whether they conducted their research in life or in the lab, experts Tucker Max and Dr. Geoffrey Miller have spent the last 20-plus years learning what women really want from their men, why they want it, and how men can deliver those qualities. The short answer: Become the best version of yourself possible, then show it off. It sounds simple, but it's not. If it were, Tinder would just be the stuff you use to start a fire. Becoming your best self requires honesty, self-awareness, hard work, and a little help. Through their website and podcasts, Max and Miller have already helped over one million guys take their first steps toward Miss Right. They have collected all of their findings in Mate, an evidence-driven, seriously funny playbook that will teach you to become a more sexually attractive and romantically successful man, the right way: No "seduction techniques" No moralizing No bullshit Just honest, straightforward talk about the most ethical, effective way to pursue the win-win relationships you want with the women who are best for you. Much of what they've discovered will surprise you, some of it will not, but all of it is important and often misunderstood. So listen up, and stop being stupid!

Words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, physical touching - learning these love languages will get your marriage off to a great start or enhance a long-standing one! Chapman explains the purpose of each "language" and shows you how to identify the one that's meaningful to your spouse now. Updated to reflect the complexities of relationships in today's world, this new edition of The 5 Love Languages reveals intrinsic truths and provides action steps in each chapter that will help you on your way to a healthier relationship. Also includes an updated personal profile. With a divorce rate that hovers around 50 percent, don't let yourself become a statistic. In Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married, Gary Chapman teaches you and your future spouse how to work together as an intimate team! He shares with engaged couples practical tips he wishes he knew before he got married. Discussion centers around love, romance, conflict resolution, forgiveness, and sexual fulfillment. Included are insightful questions, suggestions, and exercises.

A one-page tool to reinvent yourself and your career. The global best seller Business Model Generation introduced a unique visual way to summarize and creatively brainstorm any business or product idea on a single sheet of paper. Business Model You uses the same powerful one-page tool to teach listeners how to draw "personal business models," which reveal new ways their skills can be adapted to the changing needs of the marketplace to reveal new, more satisfying, career and life possibilities. Produced by the same team that created Business Model Generation, this audiobook is based on the Business Model Canvas methodology, which has quickly emerged as the world's leading business model description and innovation technique. This book shows listeners how to: - Understand business model thinking and diagram their current personal business model - Understand the value of their skills in the marketplace and define their purpose - Articulate a vision for change - Create a new personal business model harmonized with that vision - And most important, test and implement the new model When you implement the one-page tool from Business Model You, you create a game-changing business model for your life and career.

The bible for bringing cutting-edge products to larger markets—now revised and updated with new insights into the realities of high-tech marketing In Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey A. Moore shows that in the Technology Adoption Life Cycle—which begins with innovators and moves to early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards—there is a vast chasm between the early adopters and the early majority. While early adopters are willing to sacrifice for the advantage of being first, the early majority waits until they know that the technology actually offers improvements in productivity. The challenge for innovators and marketers is to narrow this chasm and ultimately accelerate adoption across every segment. This third edition brings Moore's classic work up to date with dozens of new examples of successes and failures, new strategies for marketing in the digital world, and Moore's most current insights and findings. He also includes two new appendices, the first connecting the ideas in Crossing the Chasm to work subsequently published in his Inside the Tornado, and the second presenting his recent groundbreaking work for technology adoption models for high-tech consumer markets.

Endless terror. Refugee waves. An unfixable global economy. Surprising election results. New billion-dollar fortunes. Miracle medical advances. What if they were all connected? What if you could understand why? The Seventh Sense is the story of what all of today's successful figures see and feel: the forces that are invisible to most of us but explain everything from explosive technological change to uneasy political ripples. The secret to power now is understanding our new age of networks. Not merely the Internet, but also webs of trade, finance, and even DNA. Based on his years of advising generals, CEOs, and politicians, Ramo takes us into the opaque heart of our world's rapidly connected systems and teaches us what the losers are not yet seeing -- and what the victors of this age already know.

This lushly illustrated history of popular entertainment takes a long-zoom approach, contending that the pursuit of novelty and wonder is a powerful driver of world-shaping technological change. Steven Johnson argues that, throughout history, the cutting edge of innovation lies wherever people are working the hardest to keep themselves and others amused. Johnson’s storytelling is just as delightful as the inventions he describes, full of surprising stops along the journey from simple concepts to complex modern systems. He introduces us to the colorful innovators of leisure: the explorers, proprietors, showmen, and artists who changed the trajectory of history with their luxurious wares, exotic meals, taverns, gambling tables, and magic shows. In Wonderland, Johnson compellingly argues that observers of technological and social trends should be looking for clues in novel amusements. You’ll find the future wherever people are having the most fun.

Nothing “goes viral.” If you think a popular movie, song, or app came out of nowhere to become a word-of-mouth success in today’s crowded media environment, you’re missing the real story. Each blockbuster has a secret history—of power, influence, dark broadcasters, and passionate cults that turn some new products into cultural phenomena. Even the most brilliant ideas wither in obscurity if they fail to connect with the right network, and the consumers that matter most aren't the early adopters, but rather their friends, followers, and imitators -- the audience of your audience. In his groundbreaking investigation, Atlantic senior editor Derek Thompson uncovers the hidden psychology of why we like what we like and reveals the economics of cultural markets that invisibly shape our lives. Shattering the sentimental myths of hit-making that dominate pop culture and business, Thompson shows quality is insufficient for success, nobody has "good taste," and some of the most popular products in history were one bad break away from utter failure. It may be a new world, but there are some enduring truths to what audiences and consumers want. People love a familiar surprise: a product that is bold, yet sneakily recognizable. Every business, every artist, every person looking to promote themselves and their work wants to know what makes some works so successful while others disappear. Hit Makers is a magical mystery tour through the last century of pop culture blockbusters and the most valuable currency of the twenty-first century—people’s attention. From the dawn of impressionist art to the future of Facebook, from small Etsy designers to the origin of Star Wars, Derek Thompson leaves no pet rock unturned to tell the fascinating story of how culture happens and why things become popular. In Hit Makers, Derek Thompson investigates: · The secret link between ESPN's sticky programming and the The Weeknd's catchy choruses · Why Facebook is today’s most important newspaper · How advertising critics predicted Donald Trump · The 5th grader who accidentally launched "Rock Around the Clock," the biggest hit in rock and roll history · How Barack Obama and his speechwriters think of themselves as songwriters · How Disney conquered the world—but the future of hits belongs to savvy amateurs and individuals · The French collector who accidentally created the Impressionist canon · Quantitative evidence that the biggest music hits aren’t always the best · Why almost all Hollywood blockbusters are sequels, reboots, and adaptations · Why one year--1991--is responsible for the way pop music sounds today · Why another year --1932--created the business model of film · How data scientists proved that “going viral” is a myth · How 19th century immigration patterns explain the most heard song in the Western Hemisphere

Ours is often called an information economy, but at a moment when access to information is virtually unlimited, our attention has become the ultimate commodity. In nearly every moment of our waking lives, we face a barrage of efforts to harvest our attention. This condition is not simply the byproduct of recent technological innovations but the result of more than a century's growth and expansion in the industries that feed on human attention. Wu’s narrative begins in the nineteenth century, when Benjamin Day discovered he could get rich selling newspapers for a penny. Since then, every new medium—from radio to television to Internet companies such as Google and Facebook—has attained commercial viability and immense riches by turning itself into an advertising platform. Since the early days, the basic business model of “attention merchants” has never changed: free diversion in exchange for a moment of your time, sold in turn to the highest-bidding advertiser. Full of lively, unexpected storytelling and piercing insight, The Attention Merchants lays bare the true nature of a ubiquitous reality we can no longer afford to accept at face value.

Some people think that in today’s hyper-competitive world, it’s the tough, take-no-prisoners type who comes out on top. But in reality, argues New York Times bestselling author Dave Kerpen, it’s actually those with the best people skills who win the day. Those who build the right relationships. Those who truly understand and connect with their colleagues, their customers, their partners. Those who can teach, lead, and inspire. In a world where we are constantly connected, and social media has become the primary way we communicate, the key to getting ahead is being the person others like, respect, and trust. Because no matter who you are or what profession you're in, success is contingent less on what you can do for yourself, but on what other people are willing to do for you. Here, through 53 bite-sized, easy-to-execute, and often counterintuitive tips, you’ll learn to master the 11 People Skills that will get you more of what you want at work, at home, and in life. For example, you’ll learn: · The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting · The one simple key to networking that nobody talks about · How to remain top of mind for thousands of people, everyday · Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news · How to blow off the right people · And why, when in doubt, buy him a Bonsai A book best described as “How to Win Friends and Influence People for today’s world,” The Art of People shows how to charm and win over anyone to be more successful at work and outside of it.

Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to adapt to harsh new realities, but you don't yet have a strategy that will get you out in front of your competitors, you need Business Model Generation. Co-created by 470 "Business Model Canvas" practitioners from 45 countries, the book features a beautiful, highly visual, 4-color design that takes powerful strategic ideas and tools, and makes them easy to implement in your organization. It explains the most common Business Model patterns, based on concepts from leading business thinkers, and helps you reinterpret them for your own context. You will learn how to systematically understand, design, and implement a game-changing business model--or analyze and renovate an old one. Along the way, you'll understand at a much deeper level your customers, distribution channels, partners, revenue streams, costs, and your core value proposition. Business Model Generation features practical innovation techniques used today by leading consultants and companies worldwide, including 3M, Ericsson, Capgemini, Deloitte, and others. Designed for doers, it is for those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new models of value creation: for executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, and leaders of all organizations. If you're ready to change the rules, you belong to "the business model generation!"

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One, legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singular ways to create those new things. Thiel begins with the contrarian premise that we live in an age of technological stagnation, even if we’re too distracted by shiny mobile devices to notice. Information technology has improved rapidly, but there is no reason why progress should be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. Progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. It comes from the most important skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself. Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. Tomorrow’s champions will not win by competing ruthlessly in today’s marketplace. They will escape competition altogether, because their businesses will be unique. Zero to One presents at once an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and a new way of thinking about innovation: it starts by learning to ask the questions that lead you to find value in unexpected places.

Why should I do business with you… and not your competitor? Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, distributor, or service provider – if you cannot answer this question, you are surely losing customers, clients and market share. This eye-opening book reveals how identifying your competitive advantages (and trumpeting them to the marketplace) is the most surefire way to close deals, retain clients, and stay miles ahead of the competition. The five fatal flaws of most companies: • They don’t have a competitive advantage but think they do • They have a competitive advantage but don’t know what it is—so they lower prices instead • They know what their competitive advantage is but neglect to tell clients about it • They mistake “strengths” for competitive advantages • They don’t concentrate on competitive advantages when making strategic and operational decisions The good news is that you can overcome these costly mistakes – by identifying your competitive advantages and creating new ones. Consultant, public speaker, and competitive advantage expert Jaynie Smith will show you how scores of small and large companies substantially increased their sales by focusing on their competitive advantages. When advising a CEO frustrated by his salespeople’s inability to close deals, Smith discovered that his company stayed on schedule 95 percent of the time – an achievement no one else in his industry could claim. By touting this and other competitive advantages to customers, closing rates increased by 30 percent—and so did company revenues. Jack Welch has said, “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” This straight-to-the-point book is filled with insightful stories and specific steps on how to pinpoint your competitive advantages, develop new ones, and get the message out about them.

The number one New York Times best seller that examines how people can champion new ideas in their careers and everyday life - and how leaders can fight groupthink, from the author of Think Again and co-author of Option B. With Give and Take, Adam Grant not only introduced a landmark new paradigm for success but also established himself as one of his generation’s most compelling and provocative thought leaders. In Originals he again addresses the challenge of improving the world, but now from the perspective of becoming original: choosing to champion novel ideas and values that go against the grain, battle conformity, and buck outdated traditions. How can we originate new ideas, policies, and practices without risking it all? Using surprising studies and stories spanning business, politics, sports, and entertainment, Grant explores how to recognize a good idea, speak up without getting silenced, build a coalition of allies, choose the right time to act, and manage fear and doubt; how parents and teachers can nurture originality in children; and how leaders can build cultures that welcome dissent. Learn from an entrepreneur who pitches his start-ups by highlighting the reasons not to invest, a woman at Apple who challenged Steve Jobs from three levels below, an analyst who overturned the rule of secrecy at the CIA, a billionaire financial wizard who fires employees for failing to criticize him, and a TV executive who didn’t even work in comedy but saved Seinfeld from the cutting-room floor. The payoff is a set of groundbreaking insights about rejecting conformity and improving the status quo.

In The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau tells you how to lead of life of adventure, meaning and purpose - and earn a good living. Still in his early 30s, Chris is on the verge of completing a tour of every country on earth - he's already visited more than 175 nations - and yet he’s never held a "real job" or earned a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back. There are many others like Chris - those who've found ways to opt out of traditional employment and create the time and income to pursue what they find meaningful. Sometimes, achieving that perfect blend of passion and income doesn't depend on shelving what you currently do. You can start small with your venture, committing little time or money, and wait to take the real plunge when you're sure it's successful. In preparing to write this book, Chris identified 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less), and from that group he’s chosen to focus on the 50 most intriguing case studies. In nearly all cases, people with no special skills discovered aspects of their personal passions that could be monetized, and were able to restructure their lives in ways that gave them greater freedom and fulfillment. Here, finally, distilled into one easy-to-use guide, are the most valuable lessons from those who’ve learned how to turn what they do into a gateway to self-fulfillment. It’s all about finding the intersection between your "expertise" - even if you don’t consider it such - and what other people will pay for. You don’t need an MBA, a business plan or even employees. All you need is a product or service that springs from what you love to do anyway, people willing to pay, and a way to get paid. Not content to talk in generalities, Chris tells you exactly how many dollars his group of unexpected entrepreneurs required to get their projects up and running; what these individuals did in the first weeks and months to generate significant cash; some of the key mistakes they made along the way, and the crucial insights that made the business stick. Among Chris’s key principles: if you’re good at one thing, you’re probably good at something else; never teach a man to fish - sell him the fish instead; and in the battle between planning and action, action wins. In ancient times, people who were dissatisfied with their lives dreamed of finding magic lamps, buried treasure, or streets paved with gold. Today, we know that it’s up to us to change our lives. And the best part is, if we change our own life, we can help others change theirs. This remarkable book will start you on your way.

Bold is a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. Exploring the exponential technologies that are disrupting today's Fortune 500 companies and enabling upstart entrepreneurs to go from "I've got an idea" to "I run a billion-dollar company" far faster than ever before, the authors provide exceptional insight into the power of 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. Drawing on insights from billionaire entrepreneurs Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos, the audiobook offers the best practices that allow anyone to leverage today's hyper connected crowd like never before. The authors teach how to design and use incentive competitions, launch million-dollar crowdfunding campaigns to tap into tens of billions of dollars of capital, and build communities - armies of exponentially enabled individuals willing and able to help today's entrepreneurs make their boldest dreams come true. Bold is both a manifesto and a manual. It is today's exponential entrepreneur's go-to resource on the use of emerging technologies, thinking at scale, and the awesome impact of crowd-powered tools.

The answer is simple: come up with 10 ideas a day. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad, the key is to exercise your "idea muscle", to keep it toned, and in great shape. People say ideas are cheap and execution is everything but that is NOT true. Execution is a consequence, a subset of good, brilliant idea. And good ideas require daily work. Ideas may be easy if we are only coming up with one or two but if you open this book to any of the pages and try to produce more than three, you will feel a burn, scratch your head, and you will be sweating, and working hard. There is a turning point when you reach idea number six for the day, you still have four to go, and your mind muscle is getting a workout. By the time you list those last ideas to make it to 10 you will see for yourself what "sweating the idea muscle" means. As you practice the daily idea generation you become an idea machine. When we become idea machines we are flooded with lots of bad ideas but also with some that are very good. This happens by the sheer force of the number, because we are coming up with 3,650 ideas per year (at 10 a day). When you are inspired by an extraordinary idea, all of your thoughts break their chains, you go beyond limitations and your capacity to act expands in every direction. Forces and abilities you did not know you had come to the surface, and you realize you are capable of doing great things. As you practice with the suggested prompts in this book your ideas will get better, you will be a source of great insight for others, people will find you magnetic, and they will want to hang out with you because you have so much to offer. When you practice every day your life will transform, in no more than 180 days, because it has no other evolutionary choice. Life changes for the better when we become the source of positive, insightful, and helpful ideas. Don't believe a word I say. Instead, challenge yourself.

A Guide to Resilience: How to Bounce Back from Life's Inevitable Problems Christian Moore is convinced that each of us has a power hidden within, something that can get us through any kind of adversity. That power is resilience. In The Resilience Breakthrough, Moore delivers a practical primer on how you can become more resilient in a world of instability and narrowing opportunity, whether you're facing financial troubles, health setbacks, challenges on the job, or any other problem. We can each have our own resilience breakthrough, Moore argues, and can each learn how to use adverse circumstances as potent fuel for overcoming life's hardships. As he shares engaging real-life stories and brutally honest analyses of his own experiences, Moore equips you with 27 resilience-building tools that you can start using today - in your personal life or in your organization.

What if someone told you that your behavior was controlled by a powerful, invisible force? Most of us would be skeptical of such a claim--but it's largely true. Our brains are constantly transmitting and receiving signals of which we are unaware. Studies show that these constant inputs drive the great majority of our decisions about what to do next--and we become conscious of the decisions only after we start acting on them. Many may find that disturbing. But the implications for leadership are profound. In this provocative yet practical book, renowned speaking coach and communication expert Nick Morgan highlights recent research that shows how humans are programmed to respond to the nonverbal cues of others--subtle gestures, sounds, and signals--that elicit emotion. He then provides a clear, useful framework of seven "power cues" that will be essential for any leader in business, the public sector, or almost any context. You'll learn crucial skills, from measuring nonverbal signs of confidence, to the art and practice of gestures and vocal tones, to figuring out what your gut is really telling you. This concise and engaging guide will help leaders and aspiring leaders of all stripes to connect powerfully, communicate more effectively, and command influence.

New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition. A mash-up of the best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy with a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really works. When managers and marketers outline their social media strategies, they plan for the "right hook"—their next sale or campaign that's going to knock out the competition. Even companies committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships crucial to successful social media campaigns—want to land the punch that will take down their opponent or their customer's resistance in one blow. Right hooks convert traffic to sales and easily show results. Except when they don't. Thanks to massive change and proliferation in social media platforms, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Vaynerchuk shows that while communication is still key, context matters more than ever. It's not just about developing high-quality content, but developing high-quality content perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices—content tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Tumblr.

From the best-selling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a book on how some things actually benefit from disorder. In The Black Swan Taleb outlined a problem, and in Antifragile he offers a definitive solution: how to gain from disorder and chaos while being protected from fragilities and adverse events. For what Taleb calls the "antifragile" is actually beyond the robust, because it benefits from shocks, uncertainty, and stressors, just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension. The antifragile needs disorder in order to survive and flourish. Taleb stands uncertainty on its head, making it desirable, even necessary, and proposes that things be built in an antifragile manner. The antifragile is immune to prediction errors. Why is the city-state better than the nation-state, why is debt bad for you, and why is everything that is both modern and complicated bound to fail? The audiobook spans innovation by trial and error, health, biology, medicine, life decisions, politics, foreign policy, urban planning, war, personal finance, and economic systems. And throughout, in addition to the street wisdom of Fat Tony of Brooklyn, the voices and recipes of ancient wisdom, from Roman, Greek, Semitic, and medieval sources, are heard loud and clear. Extremely ambitious and multidisciplinary, Antifragile provides a blueprint for how to behave - and thrive - in a world we don't understand, and which is too uncertain for us to even try to understand and predict. Erudite and witty, Taleb’s message is revolutionary: What is not antifragile will surely perish.

The Cluetrain Manifesto began as a Web site in 1999 when the authors, who have worked variously at IBM, Sun Microsystems, the Linux Journal, and NPR, posted 95 theses about the new reality of the networked marketplace. Ten years after its original publication, their message remains more relevant than ever. For example, thesis no. 2: “Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors”; thesis no. 20: “Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.” The book enlarges on these themes through dozens of stories and observations about business in America and how the Internet will continue to change it all. With a new introduction and chapters by the authors, and commentary by Jake McKee, JP Rangaswami, and Dan Gillmor, this book is essential reading for anybody interested in the Internet and e-commerce, and is especially vital for businesses navigating the topography of the wired marketplace.

From the founders of the trailblazing software company 37signals, here is a different kind of business book one that explores a new reality. Today, anyone can be in business. Tools that used to be out of reach are now easily accessible. Technology that cost thousands is now just a few bucks or even free. Stuff that was impossible just a few years ago is now simple.That means anyone can start a business. And you can do it without working miserable 80-hour weeks or depleting your life savings. You can start it on the side while your day job provides all the cash flow you need. Forget about business plans, meetings, office space - you don't need them. With its straightforward language and easy-is-better approach, Rework is the perfect playbook for anyone who's ever dreamed of doing it on their own. Hardcore entrepreneurs, small-business owners, people stuck in day jobs who want to get out, and artists who don't want to starve anymore will all find valuable inspiration and guidance in these pages. It's time to rework work.

Tesla's main source of inspiration.
Roger Joseph Boscovich, a physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, Jesuit priest, and polymath, published the first edition of his famous work, Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria Redacta Ad Unicam Legem Virium In Natura Existentium (Theory Of Natural Philosophy Derived To The Single Law Of Forces Which Exist In Nature), in Vienna, in 1758, containing his atomic theory and his theory of forces. A second edition was published in 1763 in Venice

Bill Clinton's Georgetown mentor's history of the Conspiracy since the Boer War in South Africa.
TRAGEDY AND HOPE shows the years 1895-1950 as a period of transition from the world dominated by Europe in the nineteenth century to the world of three blocs in the twentieth century. With clarity, perspective, and cumulative impact, Professor Quigley examines the nature of that transition through two world wars and a worldwide economic depression. As an interpretative historian, he tries to show each event in the full complexity of its historical context. The result is a unique work, notable in several ways. It gives a picture of the world in terms of the influence of different cultures and outlooks upon each other; it shows, more completely than in any similar work, the influence of science and technology on human life; and it explains, with unprecedented clarity, how the intricate financial and commercial patterns of the West prior to 1914 influenced the development of today’s world.

This is the July, 2016 ALTA (Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis) Report. Also known as 'the Web Bot' report, this series is brought to you by This report covers your future world from July 2016 through to 2031. Forecasts are created using predictive linguistics (from the inventor) and cover your planet, your population, your economy and markets, and your Space Goat Farts where you will find all the 'unknown' and 'officially denied' woo-woo that will be shaping your environment over these next few decades.

Time is considered as an independent entity which cannot be reduced to the concept of matter, space or field. The point of discussion is the "time flow" conception of N A Kozyrev (1908-1983), an outstanding Russian astronomer and natural scientist. In addition to a review of the experimental studies of "the active properties of time", by both Kozyrev and modern scientists, the reader will find different interpretations of Kozyrev's views and some developments of his ideas in the fields of geophysics, astrophysics, general relativity and theoretical mechanics.

How UFO Time Engines work - Clif High

The webpage discusses the workings of UFO time engines according to N.A. Kozyrev's experiments. The LL1 engine is described as a hollow metal sphere with a pool of mercury metal inside. When activated by electrical energy, it creates a uni-polar magnetic field causing the mercury to spin at a high rate and induce "time stuff" to accumulate on its surface. The accrued time stuff is siphoned down magnetically to the radiating antennae on the bottom of the vessel, providing self-sustaining power and allowing for time travel. The environment inside UFOs is likely volatile and not suitable for humans.

The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory that electricity is vital to life. But as exciting as Becker's discoveries are, pointing to the day when human limbs, spinal cords, and organs may be regenerated after they have been damaged, equally fascinating is the story of Becker's struggle to do such original work. The Body Electric explores new pathways in our understanding of evolution, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, and healing.

Unique, controversial, and frequently cited, this survey offers highly detailed accounts concerning the development of ideas and theories about the nature of electricity and space (aether). Readily accessible to general readers as well as high school students, teachers, and undergraduates, it includes much information unavailable elsewhere. This single-volume edition comprises both The Classical Theories and The Modern Theories, which were originally published separately. The first volume covers the theories of classical physics from the age of the Greek philosophers to the late 19th century. The second volume chronicles discoveries that led to the advances of modern physics, focusing on special relativity, quantum theories, general relativity, matrix mechanics, and wave mechanics. Noted historian of science I. Bernard Cohen, who reviewed these books for Scientific American, observed, "I know of no other history of electricity which is as sound as Whittaker's. All those who have found stimulation from his works will read this informative and accurate history with interest and profit."

The third edition of the defining text for the graduate-level course in Electricity and Magnetism has finally arrived! It has been 37 years since the first edition and 24 since the second. The new edition addresses the changes in emphasis and applications that have occurred in the field, without any significant increase in length.

Objects are a ubiquitous presence and few of us stop and think what they mean in our lives. This is the job of philosophers and this is what Jean Baudrillard does in his book. This is required reading for followers of Baudrillard, and he is perhaps the most assessable to the General Reader. Baudrillard is most associated with Post Modernism, and this early book sets the stage for that journey to the post modern world.
We are all surrounded by objects, but how many times have we thought about what those objects represent. If we took the time to think about the symbolism, we could arrive at easy solutions. We have been so accustomed to advertising the automobile representing freedom is an easy conclusion. But what about furniture? What about chairs? What about the arrangement of furniture? Watches? Collecting objects? Baudrillard literally opens up a new world and creates the universe of objects.
It is not that the critique of a society or objects has not been done before, but Baudrillard’s approach is new. Baudrillard examines objects as signs with a smattering of Post-Marxist thought. In his analysis of objects as signs, he ushers in the Post-Modern age and world for which he would be known. Heady stuff to be sure, but is presented by Baudrillard in a readily accessible manner. He articulates his thesis in a straightforward manner, avoiding the hyper-technical terminology he used in his later writings.

Moving away from the Marxist/Freudian approaches that had concerned him earlier, Baudrillard developed in this book a theory of contemporary culture that relies on displacing economic notions of cultural production with notions of cultural expenditure.

The book begins with Sidis's discovery of the first law of physical laws: "Among the physical laws it is a general characteristic that there is reversibility in time; that is, should the whole universe trace back the various positions that bodies in it have passed through in a given interval of time, but in the reverse order to that in which these positions actually occurred, then the universe, in this imaginary case, would still obey the same laws." Recent discoveries of dark matter are predicted by him in this book, and he goes on to show that the "Big Bang" is wrong. Sidis (SIGH-dis) shows that it is far more likely the universe is eternal

In this book you will encounter rare information regarding your true identity - the conscious self in the body - and how you may break the hypnotic spell your senses and thinking have cast about you since childhood.

Do we see the world as it truly is? In The Case Against Reality, pioneering cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman says no? we see what we need in order to survive. Our visual perceptions are not a window onto reality, Hoffman shows us, but instead are interfaces constructed by natural selection. The objects we see around us are not unlike the file icons on our computer desktops: while shaped like a small folder on our screens, the files themselves are made of a series of ones and zeros - too complex for most of us to understand. In a similar way, Hoffman argues, evolution has shaped our perceptions into simplistic illusions to help us navigate the world around us. Yet now these illusions can be manipulated by advertising and design.
Drawing on thirty years of Hoffman's own influential research, as well as evolutionary biology, game theory, neuroscience, and philosophy, The Case Against Reality makes the mind-bending yet utterly convincing case that the world is nothing like what we see through our eyes.

At the height of the Cold War, JFK risked committing the greatest crime in human history: starting a nuclear war. Horrified by the specter of nuclear annihilation, Kennedy gradually turned away from his long-held Cold Warrior beliefs and toward a policy of lasting peace. But to the military and intelligence agencies in the United States, who were committed to winning the Cold War at any cost, Kennedy’s change of heart was a direct threat to their power and influence. Once these dark “Unspeakable” forces recognized that Kennedy’s interests were in direct opposition to their own, they tagged him as a dangerous traitor, plotted his assassination, and orchestrated the subsequent cover-up.

2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID. A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent. And therein lies a story—a story that starts with obvious questions: - What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people? - What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

The Tavistock Institute, in Sussex, England, describes itself as a nonprofit charity that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. But this book posits that it is the world’s center for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. It grew from a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House into a sophisticated organization that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society. In this eye-opening work, both the Tavistock network and the methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare are uncovered.

A seminal and controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Edward Bernays (1891–1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed “engineering of consent.” During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon.
Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, as well as his uncle, Sigmund Freud, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. His 1928 bombshell Propaganda lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.

Undressing the Bible: in Hebrew, the Old Testament speaks for itself, explicitly and transparently. It tells of mysterious beings, special and powerful ones, that appeared on Earth.
Former earthlings?
Superior civilizations, that have always been present on our planet?
Creators, manipulators, geneticists. Aviators, warriors, despotic rulers. And scientists, possessing very advanced knowledge, special weapons and science-fiction-like technologies.
Once naked, the Bible is very different from how it has always been told to us: it does not contain any spiritual, omnipotent and omniscient God, no eternity. No apples and no creeping, tempting, serpents. No winged angels. Not even the Red Sea: the people of the Exodus just wade through a simple reed bed.
Writer and journalist Giorgio Cattaneo sits down with Italy's most renowned biblical translator for his first long interview about his life's work for the English audience. A decade long official Bible translator for the Church and lifelong researcher of ancient myths and tales, Mauro Bilglino is a unicum in his field of expertise and research. A fine connoisseur of dead languages, from ancient Greek to Hebrew and medieval Latin, he focused his attention and efforts on the accurate translating of the bible.
The encounter with Mauro Biglino and his work - the journalist writes - is profoundly healthy, stimulating and inevitably destabilizing: it forces us to reconsider the solidity of the awareness that nourishes many of our common beliefs. And it is a testament to the courage that is needed, today more than ever, to claim the full dignity of free research.

Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th century.Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai's adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.After Sabbati Zevi's death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform "strange acts" that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history".Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

This is the first English translation of this revolutionary essay by Vladimir I. Vernadsky, the great Russian-Ukrainian biogeochemist. It was first published in 1930 in French in the Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées. In it, Vernadsky makes a powerful and provocative argument for the need to develop what he calls “a new physics,” something he felt was clearly necessitated by the implications of the groundbreaking work of Louis Pasteur among few others, but also something that was required to free science from the long-lasting effects of the work of Isaac Newton, most notably.
For hundreds of years, science had developed in a direction which became increasingly detached from the breakthroughs made in the study of life and the natural sciences, detached even from human life itself, and committed reductionists and small-minded scientists were resolved to the fact that ultimately all would be reduced to “the old physics.” The scientific revolution of Einstein was a step in the right direction, but here Vernadsky insists that there is more progress to be made. He makes a bold call for a new physics, taking into account, and fundamentally based upon, the striking anomalies of life and human life.

Using an inspired combination of geometric logic and metaphors from familiar human experience, Bucky invites readers to join him on a trip through a four-dimensional Universe, where concepts as diverse as entropy, Einstein's relativity equations, and the meaning of existence become clear, understandable, and immediately involving. In his own words: "Dare to be naive... It is one of our most exciting discoveries that local discovery leads to a complex of further discoveries." Here are three key examples or concepts from "Synergetics":


Tensegrity, or tensional integrity, refers to structural systems that use a combination of tension and compression components. The simplest example of this is the "tensegrity triangle", where three struts are held in position not by touching one another but by tensioned wires. These systems are stable and flexible. Tensegrity structures are pervasive in natural systems, from the cellular level up to larger biological and even cosmological scales.

Vector Equilibrium (VE)

The Vector Equilibrium, often referred to by Fuller as the "VE", is a geometric form that he saw as the central form in his synergetic geometry. It’s essentially a cuboctahedron. Fuller noted that the VE is the only geometric form wherein all the vectors (lines from the center to the vertices) are of equal length and angular relationship. Because of this, it’s seen as a condition of absolute equilibrium, where the forces of push and pull are balanced.

Closest Packing of Spheres

Fuller was fascinated by how spheres could be packed together in the tightest possible configuration, a concept he often linked to how nature organizes systems. For example, when you stack oranges in a grocery store, they form a hexagonal pattern, and the spheres (oranges) are in closest-packed arrangement. Fuller related this principle to atomic structures and even cosmic organization.

To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (CG5GW) by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. General Flynn rose to the highest levels of the intelligence community and served as the National Security Advisor to the 45th POTUS. Sergeant Boone Cutler ran the ground game as a wartime Psychological Operations team sergeant in the United States Army. Together, these two combat veterans put their combined experience and expertise into an illuminating fifth-generation warfare information series called The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare. Introduction to 5GW is the first session of the multipart series. The series, complete with easy-to-understand diagrams, is written for all of humanity in every freedom loving country.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Biosphere :

  • Vernadsky defined the biosphere as the thin layer of Earth where life exists, encompassing all living organisms and the parts of the Earth where they interact. This includes the depths of the oceans to the upper layers of the atmosphere.
  • He posited that life plays a critical role in transforming the Earth's environment. In this view, living organisms are not just passive inhabitants of the planet, but active agents of change. This idea contrasts with more traditional views that saw life as simply adapting to pre-existing environmental conditions.
  • One example of this transformative power is the oxygen-rich atmosphere, which was created by photosynthesizing organisms over billions of years.

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Noosphere :

  • The concept of the noosphere can be seen as the next evolutionary stage following the biosphere. While the biosphere represents the realm of life, the noosphere represents the realm of human thought.
  • Vernadsky believed that, just as life transformed the Earth through the biosphere, human thought and collective intelligence would transform the planet in the era of the noosphere. This transformation would be characterized by the dominance of cultural evolution over biological evolution.
  • In this paradigm, human knowledge, technology, and cultural developments would become the primary drivers of change on the planet, influencing its future direction.
  • The term "noosphere" is derived from the Greek word “nous” meaning "mind" or "intellect" and "sphaira" meaning "sphere." So, the noosphere can be thought of as the "sphere of human thought."

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

A close analysis of the architecture of the stupa―a Buddhist symbolic form that is found throughout South, Southeast, and East Asia. The author, who trained as an architect, examines both the physical and metaphysical levels of these buildings, which derive their meaning and significance from Buddhist and Brahmanist influences.

Building on his extensive research into the sacred symbols and creation myths of the Dogon of Africa and those of ancient Egypt, India, and Tibet, Laird Scranton investigates the myths, symbols, and traditions of prehistoric China, providing further evidence that the cosmology of all ancient cultures arose from a single now-lost source.

It is at the same time a history of language, a guide to foreign tongues, and a method for learning them. It shows, through basic vocabularies, family resemblances of languages―Teutonic, Romance, Greek―helpful tricks of translation, key combinations of roots and phonetic patterns. It presents by common-sense methods the most helpful approach to the mastery of many languages; it condenses vocabulary to a minimum of essential words; it simplifies grammar in an entirely new way; and it teaches a languages as it is actually used in everyday life.
But this book is more than a guide to foreign languages; it goes deep into the roots of all knowledge as it explores the history of speech. It lights up the dim pathways of prehistory and unfolds the story of the slow growth of human expression from the most primitive signs and sounds to the elaborate variations of the highest cultures. Without language no knowledge would be possible; here we see how language is at once the source and the reservoir of all we know.

Taking only the most elementary knowledge for granted, Lancelot Hogben leads readers of this famous book through the whole course from simple arithmetic to calculus. His illuminating explanation is addressed to the person who wants to understand the place of mathematics in modern civilization but who has been intimidated by its supposed difficulty. Mathematics is the language of size, shape, and order―a language Hogben shows one can both master and enjoy.

A complete manual for the study and practice of Raja Yoga, the path of concentration and meditation. These timeless teachings is a treasure to be read and referred to again and again by seekers treading the spiritual path. The classic Sutras, at least 4,000 years old, cover the yogic teachings on ethics, meditation, and physical postures, and provide directions for dealing with situations in daily life. The Sutras are presented here in the purest form, with the original Sanskrit and with translation, transliteration, and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda, one of the most respected and revered contemporary Yoga masters. Sri Swamiji offers practical advice based on his own experience for mastering the mind and achieving physical, mental and emotional harmony.

William Strauss and Neil Howe will change the way you see the world - and your place in it. With blazing originality, The Fourth Turning illuminates the past, explains the present, and reimagines the future. Most remarkably, it offers an utterly persuasive prophecy about how America’s past will predict its future.

Strauss and Howe base this vision on a provocative theory of American history. The authors look back 500 years and uncover a distinct pattern: Modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting about the length of a long human life, each composed of four eras - or "turnings" - that last about 20 years and that always arrive in the same order. In The Fourth Turning, the authors illustrate these cycles using a brilliant analysis of the post-World War II period.

First comes a High, a period of confident expansion as a new order takes root after the old has been swept away. Next comes an Awakening, a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion against the now-established order. Then comes an Unraveling, an increasingly troubled era in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis - the Fourth Turning - when society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. Together, the four turnings comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth.

4th Turning

Excess Deaths & Why RFK Jr. Can Win The Democratic Presidential Race - Ed Dowd | Part 1 of 2 - 06-21-2023

All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. To the general reader the Khazars, who flourished from the 7th to 11th century, may seem infinitely remote today. Yet they have a close and unexpected bearing on our world, which emerges as Koestler recounts the fascinating history of the ancient Khazar Empire.

At about the time that Charlemagne was Emperor in the West. The Khazars' sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.Thereafter the Khazars found themselves in a precarious position between the two major world powers: the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium and the triumphant followers of Mohammed.As Koestler points out, the Khazars were the Third World of their day. They chose a surprising method of resisting both the Western pressure to become Christian and the Eastern to adopt Islam. Rejecting both, they converted to Judaism. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry.

Few people noticed the secret codewords used by our astronauts to describe the moon. Until now, few knew about the strange moving lights they reported.
George H. Leonard, former NASA scientist, fought through the official veil of secrecy and studied thousands of NASA photographs, spoke candidly with dozens of NASA officials, and listened to hours and hours of astronauts' tapes.
Here, Leonard presents the stunning and inescapable evidence discovered during his in-depth investigation:

  • Immense mechanical rigs, some over a mile long, working the lunar surface.
  • Strange geometric ground markings and symbols.
  • Lunar constructions several times higher than anything built on Earth.
  • Vehicles, tracks, towers, pipes, conduits, and conveyor belts running in and across moon craters.
Somebody else is indeed on the Moon, and engaged in activities on a massive scale. Our space agencies, and many of the world's top scientists, have known for years that there is intelligent life on the moon.

The article delves into the history of the Khazars, a polity in the Northern Caucasus that existed from the mid-seventh century until about 970 CE. Contrary to popular belief, the term "Khazars" is misleading as it was a multiethnic entity, and it's uncertain which specific group adopted Judaism. The Khazars first emerged in the seventh century, defeating the Bulgars, which led to the Bulgars' dispersion to various regions. The Khazar Empire was established through the expulsion of the Bulgars and was multiethnic in nature. The language spoken by the Khazars is debated, with some suggesting Turkic origins and others pointing to Slavic. The Khazars had several cities and fortresses, with significant archaeological findings. The Khazars had interactions with various empires, including wars with the Arabs and alliances with Byzantine emperors. By the mid-10th century, the Khazar capital of Itil was destroyed by the Russians. The article concludes that much of what is known about the Khazars is based on limited sources.

#Khazars #History #Caucasus #Judaism #Bulgars #Empire #Multiethnic #LanguageDebate #ArabWars #ByzantineAlliances #Itil #RussianInvasion #Archaeology #ReligiousConversion #TabletMag

In The Science of the Dogon, Laird Scranton demonstrated that the cosmological structure described in the myths and drawings of the Dogon runs parallel to modern science--atomic theory, quantum theory, and string theory--their drawings often taking the same form as accurate scientific diagrams that relate to the formation of matter.

Sacred Symbols of the Dogon uses these parallels as the starting point for a new interpretation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language. By substituting Dogon cosmological drawings for equivalent glyph-shapes in Egyptian words, a new way of reading and interpreting the Egyptian hieroglyphs emerges. Scranton shows how each hieroglyph constitutes an entire concept, and that their meanings are scientific in nature.

The Dogon people of Mali, West Africa, are famous for their unique art and advanced cosmology. The Dogon’s creation story describes how the one true god, Amma, created all the matter of the universe. Interestingly, the myths that depict his creative efforts bear a striking resemblance to the modern scientific definitions of matter, beginning with the atom and continuing all the way to the vibrating threads of string theory. Furthermore, many of the Dogon words, symbols, and rituals used to describe the structure of matter are quite similar to those found in the myths of ancient Egypt and in the daily rituals of Judaism. For example, the modern scientific depiction of the informed universe as a black hole is identical to Amma’s Egg of the Dogon and the Egyptian Benben Stone.

The Science of the Dogon offers a case-by-case comparison of Dogon descriptions and drawings to corresponding scientific definitions and diagrams from authors like Stephen Hawking and Brian Greene, then extends this analysis to the counterparts of these symbols in both the ancient Egyptian and Hebrew religions. What is ultimately revealed is the scientific basis for the language of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, which was deliberately encoded to prevent the knowledge of these concepts from falling into the hands of all but the highest members of the Egyptian priesthood.

Anthony C. Yu’s translation of The Journey to the West,initially published in 1983, introduced English-speaking audiences to the classic Chinese novel in its entirety for the first time. Written in the sixteenth century, The Journey to the West tells the story of the fourteen-year pilgrimage of the monk Xuanzang, one of China’s most famous religious heroes, and his three supernatural disciples, in search of Buddhist scriptures. Throughout his journey, Xuanzang fights demons who wish to eat him, communes with spirits, and traverses a land riddled with a multitude of obstacles, both real and fantastical. An adventure rich with danger and excitement, this seminal work of the Chinese literary canonis by turns allegory, satire, and fantasy.

With over a hundred chapters written in both prose and poetry, The Journey to the West has always been a complicated and difficult text to render in English while preserving the lyricism of its language and the content of its plot. But Yu has successfully taken on the task, and in this new edition he has made his translations even more accurate and accessible. The explanatory notes are updated and augmented, and Yu has added new material to his introduction, based on his original research as well as on the newest literary criticism and scholarship on Chinese religious traditions. He has also modernized the transliterations included in each volume, using the now-standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization system. Perhaps most important, Yu has made changes to the translation itself in order to make it as precise as possible.

One of the great works of Chinese literature, The Journey to the West is not only invaluable to scholars of Eastern religion and literature, but, in Yu’s elegant rendering, also a delight for any reader.

The Oera Linda Book is a 19th-century translation by Dr. Ottema and WIlliam R. Sandbach of an old manuscript written in the Old Frisian language that records historical, mythological, and religious themes of remote antiquity, compiled between 2194 BC and AD 803.

  • The Oera Linda book challenges traditional views of pre-Christian societies.
  • Christianization is likened to a "great reset" that erased previous civilizations.
  • The Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people.
  • The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting patterns in history.
  • The importance of identity and understanding one's roots is highlighted.
  • The Oera Linda book offers wisdom and insights into several European languages.

The Oera Linda book offers a fresh perspective on our history, challenging the notion that pre-Christian societies were uncivilized. It suggests that the Christianization of societies was a form of "great reset," erasing and demonizing what existed before. The Oera Linda writings hint at an advanced civilization with its own laws, writing, and societal structures. Jan Ott's translation from the Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people. The text also touches upon the guilt many feel today, even if they aren't religious, about issues like climate change and historical slavery. It criticizes the way science is sometimes treated like a religion, with scientists acting as its preachers. The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting that understanding history requires recognizing patterns and cycles. Christianity is portrayed as one of the most significant resets in history, with sects fighting and erasing each other's scriptures. The importance of identity is highlighted, with a focus on the Fryans, a tribe that faced challenges from another tribe from Finland. This other tribe had a different moral compass, leading to conflicts and eventual assimilation. The text suggests that the true history of the Fryans and their values might have been distorted by subsequent Christian narratives. The Oera Linda book is seen as a source of wisdom, shedding light on the origins of several European languages and offering insights into values like freedom, truth, and justice.

#OeraLinda #History #Christianization #GreatReset #FryanLanguage #JanOtt #Civilization #OldTestament #Church #SpiritualAbuse #Identity #Fryans #Autland #Finland #Slavery #Christianity #Sects #Genocide #Torture #Bible #Freedom #Truth #Justice #Righteousness #Language #German #Dutch #Frisian #English #Scandinavian #Wisdom #Inspiration #European #Values

The Talmud is one of the most important holy books of the Hebrew religion and of the world. No English translation of the book existed until the author presented this work. To this day, very little of the actual text seems available in English -- although we find many interpretive commentaries on what it is supposed to mean. The Talmud has a reputation for being long and difficult to digest, but Polano has taken what he believes to be the best material and put it into extremely readable form. As far as holy books of the world are concerned, it is on par with The Koran, The Bhagavad-Gita and, of course, The Bible, in importance. This clearly written edition will allow many to experience The Talmud who may have otherwise not had the chance.

This five-volume set is the only complete English rendering of The Zohar, the fundamental rabbinic work on Jewish mysticism that has fascinated readers for more than seven centuries. In addition to being the primary reference text for kabbalistic studies, this magnificent work is arranged in the form of a commentary on the Bible, bringing to the surface the deeper meanings behind the commandments and biblical narrative. As The Zohar itself proclaims: Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment Thin which it is swathed.

Twenty-one years ago, at a friend's request, a Massachusetts professor sketched out a blueprint for nonviolent resistance to repressive regimes. It would go on to be translated, photocopied, and handed from one activist to another, traveling from country to country across the globe: from Iran to Venezuela―where both countries consider Gene Sharp to be an enemy of the state―to Serbia; Afghanistan; Vietnam; the former Soviet Union; China; Nepal; and, more recently and notably, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria, where it has served as a guiding light of the Arab Spring.

This short, pithy, inspiring, and extraordinarily clear guide to overthrowing a dictatorship by nonviolent means lists 198 specific methods to consider, depending on the circumstances: sit-ins, popular nonobedience, selective strikes, withdrawal of bank deposits, revenue refusal, walkouts, silence, and hunger strikes. From Dictatorship to Democracy is the remarkable work that has made the little-known Sharp into the world's most effective and sought-after analyst of resistance to authoritarian regimes.

Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests. He has spoken to many groups throughout the United States and has appeared regularly on many radio talk shows and on television. In 1988 Bill decided to "talk" due to events then taking place worldwide, events that he had seen plans for back in the early 1970s. Bill correctly predicted the lowering of the Iron Curtain, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. All Bill's predictions were on record well before the events occurred. Bill is not a psychic. His information comes from top secret documents that he read while with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over seventeen years of research.

The argument that the 16th Amendment (which concerns the federal income tax) was not properly ratified and thus is invalid has been a topic of debate among some tax protesters and scholars. One of the individuals associated with this theory is Bill Benson, who asserted that the 16th Amendment was fraudulently ratified. Here's a brief overview of the argument: 1. Research and Documentation: Bill Benson, along with another individual named M.J. "Red" Beckman, wrote a two-volume work called "The Law That Never Was" in the 1980s. This work was a product of Benson's extensive travels to various state archives to examine the original ratification documents related to the 16th Amendment. 2. Claims of Irregularities: In his work, Benson presented evidence that claimed many of the states either did not ratify the 16th Amendment properly or made mistakes in their resolutions. Some of these alleged irregularities included misspellings, incorrect wording, and other deviations from the proposed amendment. 3. Philander Knox's Role: In 1913, Philander Knox, who was the U.S. Secretary of State at the time, declared that the 16th Amendment had been ratified by the necessary three-fourths of the states. Benson's contention is that Knox was aware of the various discrepancies and irregularities in the ratification process but chose to fraudulently declare the amendment ratified anyway. 4. Legal Challenges and Court Rulings: Over the years, some tax protesters have used Benson's findings to challenge the legality of the income tax. However, these challenges have been consistently rejected by the courts. In fact, several courts have addressed Benson's research and arguments directly and found them to be without legal merit. The courts have repeatedly upheld the validity of the 16th Amendment. 5. Counterarguments: Critics of Benson's theory argue that even if there were minor discrepancies in the wording or format of the ratification documents, they do not invalidate the overarching intent of the states to ratify the amendment. Additionally, they assert that there's no substantive evidence that Knox acted fraudulently. It's worth noting that despite the popularity of this theory among certain groups, the legal consensus in the U.S. is that the 16th Amendment was validly ratified and is a legitimate part of the U.S. Constitution. Those who refuse to pay income taxes based on this theory have faced legal penalties.

The article delves into the evolution of the concept of the ether in physics. Historically, the ether was postulated to explain the propagation of light, with figures like Newton and Huygens suggesting its existence. By the late 19th century, Maxwell's electromagnetic theory linked light's propagation to the ether, a theory experimentally validated by Hertz in 1888. Lorentz expanded on this, focusing on wave transmission in moving media. The article contrasts the English approach, which sought tangible models, with the phenomenological view, which aimed for a descriptive approach without specific hypotheses. The piece also touches on various mechanical theories and models proposed over the years, emphasizing the challenges in defining the ether's properties and its evolving nature in scientific discourse.

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Time is on my side – 05-29-2023

Time is on my side - 05-29-2023

Time is on my side - 05-29-2023

Episode Summary:

The text discusses the cyclical nature of time and our solar system's movement relative to the galaxy, connecting it with the Yugas and intelligence levels among humans. It explains the physical movement of our solar system, emphasizing a 220,000,000-year cycle around the galaxy's edge. The idea of time's irreversibility is presented, dismissing the possibility of physical time travel. The author criticizes physics since the 1920s, challenging its understanding of time and space. They allude to the influence of emanations from the galactic center on human civilization, intelligence, and the very fabric of time itself, ultimately arguing that existing physics models are incorrect.

The text discusses exceptional beings and inventors like Tesla and the competition in the 1920s to understand electricity. It delves into Vedic astrology's perspective, shifting from geocentric to sidereal, with predictions changing over time. The writer also highlights how humanity's understanding will evolve, and how energies from the galactic center are affecting the current age. There's a mention of the Khazarian Mafia attempting to control time and the cultural shifts occurring in the present. Lastly, the author mentions mysterious energies from space, hinting at a broader cosmic connection.

The text is a detailed reflection on various energy topics, including climate change, carbon dioxide levels, and futuristic energy theories. The writer dismisses some widely held beliefs about climate change and offers alternative perspectives on the nature of energy. It touches on current societal movements, such as transhumanism, and predicts how energies from space may affect future generations. The text also explores historical and potential future evolutions of energy utilization, hinting at a deeper understanding of time and the universe.

The text explores the author's thoughts on time, magnetism, and the potential technology behind UFOs. They consider how magnetic properties might connect to galactic emanations and have implications for human intelligence, growth, and potential shielding from negative effects. The author alludes to Cozy Rev's work, suggesting further progression in dynamic energy levels. They conclude with personal remarks about spending time making baguettes and wishing the reader a good Memorial Day, mentioning the crowded beach despite cold, windy weather.

#Beach #BronzeAge #Kozyrev #Cycles #CurvedSpace #DivineMagnetism #Einstein #Emanations #Energies #ExceptionalBeings #FasterThanLightTravel #GalacticCenter #Galaxy #GreatYear #HumanIntelligence #HumanPerception #Intelligence #IntelligenceDrive #Irreversibility #Judaism #Kaliyuga #KhazarianMafia #MagneticallyShielded #Mars #Materialism #MemorialDay #Perception #Physics #PhysicsModel #QualityOfTime #Radiation #Satanists #Shield #SiderealAstrology #SocialOrder #SolarSystem #StaticNonVariantDimension #StrangeEnergiesFromSpace #Technology #Tesla #Time #TimeExperiments #TimePressure #TimeTravel #TimeVariant #UFO #VedicAstrology #VirtuousCycle #War #WorldWarI #WorldWarII #Yugas #Yugacycle

Time is on my side - 05-29-2023

Hello humans. Hello humans. It's the 29th Memorial Day and it's probably like maybe it's a little after eight, not very much after. Out in the greenhouse doing some weeding. Gotta do a lot, lot of weed whacking and that kind of stuff today get caught up.

Anyway, was having some coffee as per usual. Coffee is good stuff.

Anyway, we're still working on all of our time stuff here, all of the time experiments and those will go on for some period rest of this year and probably most of next just in what we've got sketched out and having some positive results in it and then following up on some of the implications. So if we acknowledge that in our human history, in the past 6710, 12,000 years back, we find very advanced stuff that we can't duplicate today, which is the truth. And if we find further stuff that's, like, way old, maybe 100,000 years old, like all the megalithic structures, the 200 ton single slab chunks of rock that have been machined and just, like, left in place if we acknowledge that all this stuff is real, then we can say, okay, that plots with this idea of a cycle, which I'll get back to that in a minute. The CIA and all these other people have identified with these catastrophic earth changes cycles, right?

All right, so they see those cycles as actually being like waveforms within a linear progression so that you're just going along in more or less a straight line upward or at an angle upward. Then these waves of stuff come through and you have these periodic catastrophes on the planet. Now another way to look at this is that the Yuga system is accurate that we go through these cycles that are based on this more or less 24 to 26,000 year cycle, right. And within there we will get closer to the galactic center. This is a function of the movement of our solar system around the outer edge in our particular minor spiral arm of the galaxy, but around the outer edge of the galaxy.

But there is an apparent because we rise and fall relative to the plane of the galaxy in our motion. So if we think of the galaxy as a plate and the solar system is like a comet dragging all of the planets, our sun is like a comet dragging all of the planets, and we're zipping around on the outer edge of the plate. It will take us 220,000,000 years to go around the edge of that plate and come back to the same point on the edge of that plate. Okay? But we don't travel in a straight line.

Our solar system rises above the edges of the plate and then comes back down towards the edge of the plate and then drops down below the edge of the plate and then rises back up towards the edge of the plate. So we go in a wavelike fashion around the edge okay? As we do so, it is our rising and falling relative to the edge of the plate that presents us with more of the emanations that come from the galactic center. So the density of the galaxy itself screens out energies to the outer edge of the plate. And if you're out on one of the outer edges, like we are, then the galaxy itself is screening out the emanations of energy from the galactic center.


It's being absorbed by all the material between us and galactic center. Okay? So as we rise above the plate, there's less planets and other material between us and galactic center and we get more of the radiation. And so that's what's happening. So you can think of the Yuga progression as the rise up over the galactic plate to a maximum point where your angle of incidence relative to the Galactic center has fewer items between you and galactic center.

And then your planetary system goes back down towards the edge of the plate and there's more material between you and the galactic center which means you get less of those emanations, less of that radiation. Okay? So that is actually the physical movement of our solar system that causes the Yugas. It's simply the rising above the plate and then falling back down on this 220,000,000 year passage around the edge, back to the same point on the edge of the galaxy. And that'll actually never occur because everything is expanding.

So as we pass one point, we'll never ever be able to come back to the same point in the galaxy's edge because it will have expanded in those 220,000,000 years and that edge will have been moved. And so the galaxy itself will be different. And so we'll never ever come back to anything that had existed in the past. This is a key aspect of time that is irreversibility, okay? It cannot be reversed.

And this is a necessary component of universe. It's a necessary component of how our universe, our materium, operates. It means that time travel as a physical corporeal entity, shoving yourself through time is not possible and will never be possible.

There are many other things we can do with time, but we're not going to be able to go back to 1885 and shoot bullets at what was a guy's name? BIFF something. Anyway, it just is not happening for many, many different reasons. It can't happen anyway though. So the rising up and down of our solar system relative to the edge of the plate provides us with more of the Emanations from the galactic center.

These emanations are demonstrably tied to the total amount of intelligence and drive and perception available to humans. So we see that our great civilizations rise, come into existence as our solar system is rising to an oblique angle relative to galactic center, getting more of those emanations. And we conversely go into the descending side of the cycle as we come back down to the plate and great civilizations fall and the overall intelligence available to humans falls. These cycles are 26,000 years. It's actually 25,000 years in change.

But at the moment, and even that amount changes. So as the galactic plane expands, that alters the length of our great year. And so as we go forward, over time, over duration, we can expect that the length of the great year will keep expanding such that maybe by the time we come back to go all the way around in 22 million years, 220,000,000 years. And we come back to this point, or close to it. Maybe by that point, maybe our great year will be 29,000 years long.

Or 30,000 years long. It will change. So all of this stuff is necessary, that change can exist here. And I can get into some of the other aspects of the Yugos and time and what it does for us. But here's the thing.

It means that whether we conceive of it as time, energy or some other form of radiation emanating from the galactic center, it means that we do not live in a fixed environment, and therefore time actually changes. And since time itself is dynamic and we perceive it in various different ways at different points in our perception of it, then it means that it is variant to the point that it negates our entire physics. Okay? So all of our physics that has been in place since the 1920s, installed by the Khazarian mafia around the ideas of Einstein, or at least the ideas that he plagiarized and decided to promulgate, all of that physics is incorrect because it deals with time as a static, nonvariant dimension like distance. And then that physics went to the trouble of making distance weird and funky by saying it could be curved, and you would have this ability to have curved spacetime and end up with faster than light travel, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

With all these other weird ass ideas, none of which are factual, it's all an illusion. And this illusion derives from the fact that Einstein was a materialist and took all of his ideas from the kaliyugo where everything is grit, where everything is based in the grit of our material, the little minutiae and rocks and shit. Okay, that's not how the material works. But we are incapable, most of us are incapable of understanding that during the period of the time of kaliyuga because we don't have a whole lot of the intelligent stuff coming in from universe.

Now, we note that there are exceptional beings in every age, exceptional people in every age who have some grasp of some of this stuff. And we see that in our past history where there were people like Tesla who just knew shit that was leaps and bounds ahead of everybody else, that they had an understanding that was sometimes difficult for them to communicate. But nonetheless was factual enough to be able to make a factual enough understanding of our reality to be able to make all kinds of great inventions. And here we are using the aspects of the understanding of electricity and so forth that was derived from Tesla's work to do this very recording and to listen to it. And so that we know that Tesla's understanding was much more accurate than the other people around them, edison, et cetera, et cetera.

But nonetheless, here we are with people in the 1920s competing to deliver electricity. So they were like compelled by time to deliver to humanity an understanding of ElectriCities and how to use them, okay? And there were many people doing that. They've been doing it since like, the 1830s. And so it is as though there is a time pressure on brains within humanity, subsets of humanity to produce certain things at certain points in our journey through the Yugas.

And so these are predictable. So we can also say that it is likely that at the same point in the other side, on the descending side, in the drop back down to the edge of the plate, at the descending side of the yugas in the Bronze Age at approximately 325 years before the introduction of the Kaliyuga. That was probably when we stopped having the ability to do things with electricity, and probably because our understanding had degraded over the previous thousands of years and we were still able to keep civilization together and had empires and all of this kind of stuff. But we were losing the ability to create new devices and expand our awareness that expansion is clearly evident in our current time. So we are clearly on an upward swing within the Bronze Age.

And we've got all different kinds of evidences to being able to plot exactly where we are relative to the autumnal and vernal equinox, between the spring and the autumn equinox, relative to galactic center and the procession and various different Vedic astrology. Okay? So Vedic astrology is astrology that comes down to us where it is sidereal astrology and not geocentric. So it is astrology that does not take Earth as the center, but deals with astrology from the viewpoint of the sun, from our sun as it's traveling around in the edge of the galaxy. And this comes much closer to actually capturing the effects that we see and the astrological effects that are assigned to various different signs and other abstractions in the night skies, basically, right?

And other planets. So we say Mars is a planet of war and all this kind of stuff. And we're assigning qualities and attributes of time to these objects that we use to mark time. So it's not so much that Ares Mars is warlike. It is that when we are in those positions and we mark them with these planets and stuff, especially relative to the Kaliyuga, which is the time we've just come from, we find that we are in points of contention and war, okay?

And it has very little to do with the nature of the planets themselves or any of that. We are reading and applying abstractions to those. So it'd be like saying that, oh, from 10:00 in the morning until 215 every day here, that's the time of war. So we assign a quality to a specific numeric reference. We don't, but it's in essence the same, assigning those qualities to astrology.

And so astrology must change as we go forward because humanity will change. So 1000 years from now we will be far less warlike than we are now. And that war is a remnant of the impact of the Kali Yuga and the loss of intelligence that pits us one against another. And so 1000 years from now we won't have the same kind of social structures that would provide us for warlike behavior. Thus we will still have the astrology, we'll still have Mars up there, we'll still have the constellations, we'll still have the signs Ares, Libra, et cetera, et cetera.

But we'll have to change the assigned human perceptive qualities to them because we will have changed. Our understanding of things will have changed. We will be further along in the virtuous cycle of this particular Bronze Age, that is, the rising cycle, getting more energy from the galactic center. And thus that level of our aspect or our relationship to change to time will have to change to reflect the fact that it has changed. So we'll have to codify it.

So all this all quite fascinating, right? And maybe in 1000 years from now it'll be far less necessary that we have people to do astrology because maybe everybody will be so much more advanced that even the normies will be able to tune into the flow of time for that particular day and feel it. Even though they won't necessarily know which star we would use or constellation to tag it, so to speak. Because those things don't actually cause any of these sensations or perceptions of time. They're merely the coat rack that we hang that on and peg it to, so that when we go back to that time again, we can say oh, maybe this is going to occur now.

It does occur over decades and centuries that we get back into the same kinds of energies at various different points, but these are isolated to the various Yugas as we go forward. That is to say that when we next come back to alignments 30 and 40 years from now, relative to some particular planet's alignment, we will find that the energies do not reflect those that we had 30 and 40 years back when that occurred. So those energies that caused World War I and World War II in my opinion, cannot be invoked now to cause World War II. We may get real close, it may scare everybody, but the energy isn't there. We've moved on.

And those are clearly an aspect of the Kaliyuga and they're also clearly an aspect that the Kazarean Mafia is attempting to preserve. So in my understanding, the Khazarian Mafia encoded in, surrounded by and inculcated into the structure and systemization of Judaism. Not the content, but the structure, right? The form. Because all the of Kazarian Mafia are Satanists (see - "1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance"), but what they're attempting to do is to use magic to hold us back in time where they have control, because these people were dominant during the Kaliyuga when the conditions favored their ability to exploit other humans.

Conditions don't favor that ability to exploit now, and are going to do so less as we go forward in our virtuous part of the Bronze Age here. And these people are basically losing it and freaking out. So in my opinion, this is the period of time we're going through this culture war and all of this, even so much as Mao Zedong's cultural revolution, even World War I and World War II are all artifacts of the position that humanity found itself in relative to the Yugas and the energies that were available to us and that we're getting more bursts of energy or more energy from the galactic center available to us as the inclination of our rising arc around the edge of the Plate of the Galaxy increases. And so there was a time in like, maybe it was 2001 or 2002 when we were doing the reports and I started getting the data sets that were later on characterized as strange energies from space, okay? And it didn't make a whole lot of sense as it started forming out.

It was just discussing energy. It wasn't really light, it wasn't really X rays, so it wasn't energy discussed at that level of the frequency of the energy, but that it was basically saying that energy was going to come down to Earth that was going to alter and affect humanity and other life forms. And we started seeing it, okay? We started seeing the extinction of certain life forms. Supposedly, we don't know that they've really, actually gone extinct, but nonetheless, the claimed extinction of certain life forms here on the planet, the alteration of biosphere and all of this stuff that was being claimed by the WEFarians as being caused by climate change, climate crisis, all of that kind of stuff, right?

Which of course we know is horseshit Earth has had. They're freaking out right now because they were born. You see it in Twitter. It's just really funny. They put it in their profile and says so and so and so and so, climate scientist and I was born when it was 334 ppm.

And it's like, what they're talking about is the parts per million of carbon dioxide. And so they're freaking out because it's going up towards 400 parts per million in carbon dioxide. That's 400 parts per million. So it's still 0.4 or no, zero 4% of the atmosphere. So it's like, you know, it doesn't even rise to a half of a percent anyway, though, and we've been recently, not that many thousands of years back, we had carbon dioxide at 880 parts per million anyway, and the planet didn't die.

In fact, carbon dioxide is life, dudes. It causes life if you reduce it. If we go to carbon neutral every day, you can look and see a carbon neutral planet. All you have to do is look up and see the Moon. You don't see a lot of greenery, and you don't see a lot of people doing shit.

That's because they ain't got carbon and they're not doing shit with it anyway, though. So we get to this point where we're in this evolution of our time through the virtuous cycle of the Bronze Age, and in my opinion, we are in a wave of these new energies. Now, the data sets have described the energies in two different ways, as though there were going to be two tranches or waves of them, okay? It was described as coming in in waves, not a steady state or anything like that. It didn't make a lot of sense.

It didn't isolate down to more thunder or anything like that. It was commensurate with the first wave was going to be commensurate with the emergence of the rivers in the sky, the lakes in the sky, the Great deluges and floods from the sky with all those huge amounts of water being able to be carried up and come down in these horrific rain events, okay? That was associated with one level of the energies from space. Now, at that time, it was notable that we were getting into the Wefarians big push in this transgender transhumanism, chop your dick off for our cult God kind of stuff, right?

It was my supposition at that time that the data was basically reflecting that, and I could understand or interpret the strange energies from space, at least one of the waves, as having caused the wefarians or having caused the emergence of this trans thing, right? At that time, it was not visible that there was money behind it, that there was a giant push for it in the way that we see it emerging now 20 plus years later. So it wasn't as easily discerned that it was not organic, that it was indeed part of their plan. So I'm not sure that that first wave of energy which was associated with the period of time of the rivers and the lakes in the sky in any way caused or not caused, but was in any way participatory in the whole thing of the alteration of the social order. But at the time I thought, jeez, if this is what's going on, this is pretty freaky.

And then if the next wave comes in, what's going to happen? Are we all going to turn into golems or Gargoyles or something? Anyway, so it is much more likely that that first wave of energy was participating in this upcoming generation, right? In other words, this energy comes on in, it's going to affect everything in the planet and it's going to affect our populations down to the level of our intelligence, which means that it must be affecting us at a gamete level and it probably is coming in and affecting subsequent generations. So the energies that would be coming in in 2000, 2001, three, five, seven, et cetera, are going to have effects on the kids that are being conceived and born in that period of time as well as us that are existent.

But since we're there, we're much more dense and set in our energetic ways, it would be these new life forms that would be much more representational of those energies coming in. And so we'll see what those energies are going to produce. I actually don't think they produce all of the trans and all of that kind of shit. I think that that is the Kaliyuga people trying to maintain their distorted view of reality that derives from and exists only in Kaliyuga and they're just trying to maintain it because that's when they had control, they were the bosses and stuff. Now there was a second wave of energy and I think that's incoming at this point for a number of different reasons.

And so the second wave of energy, I think is also affecting those people that are existent, but is likely to have the same kind of thing in terms of its more noticeable effect on the subsequent generations that are being conceived now and born. So over the next few years we'll see this impact on those generations that come out of this. Now, it's also interesting that these two waves of energy are coincidental with the Kazarean's big push for their final solution with humanity to kill us all off and get us reduced down to 500 million (see - "Georgia Guidestones") so they can keep us as. By the way, that comes from the Kaliyuga, the whole 500 million thing. And so these guys are just desperate to freeze time and we know how that's going to work out for them.

It just ain't anyway. Interesting though, about the progression of human intelligence relative to the understanding of energies and so on. So in the Kaliyuga we're all so dense, all we can understand is how to rub two sticks together and create fire, although we've got plans for windmills and can figure out all of this, we can't figure out what to do with the energy and transmit it and this kind of thing. We have no understanding of the finer nature and so on. Now, as we move into our age, we're dealing with ElectriCities.

Then we could project that this is part of the Virtuous cycle and that 1000 years from now we'll be dealing with energy that is remarkably different than what we're dealing with now. Because look at how different it is from the day of early electricity which is now from people with auction and horses and that kind of a form of energy to power their civilization. So anyway, quite fascinating getting into all of this. The implications on the time stuff are also quite fascinating. I'm certain now that it's correct that time is a powering element here or a powering dynamic of our material and that we wouldn't be able to understand it until we got to this point.

So I could not have grasped this 50 years earlier in my life because there was not the energetic association that would have allowed me to have perceived it at this level. That has less to do with myself in terms of what I know and how much I've read and so on, than it has to do with the overall vibratory state of the universe in which my consciousness is operating, as weird as that may sound.

Anyway, so I'm still pursuing more time experiments and the codification of time aspects here because at the core of all of this is what the the people in the who are recording this from the previous Bronze Age, right? So this is information that comes to us thousands of years and so it comes through the last 1200, last 1700 years and stems from this point in the previous Bronze Age. And they discussed the Divine magnetism and how magnetism that is easily understood by clocking taking a chunk of metal and going walk to a magnet, having them stick together is but one small facet of this. And so I think that indeed, we're going to find that our UFO buddies are that two things will be factual about them, that they will be traveling in some form of a device that is magnetically shielded and powered. And doesn't need fuel, as we understand it and that these guys are probably coming from someplace where they are closer to the emanations of the Galactic center so that they don't lose as much as we do when we come down to the edge of the plate.

Now, this also has a couple of other implications, right? It would mean that if it was factual that indeed, human intelligence overall in humanity grows over time and individuals also grow over time relative to when they're born. Within the Yuga cycle, then that would suggest that the emanations from the galactic center might be able to be captured and stored and you might have some kind of a shield from losing them so that you might be able to go through the descending side of the cycle. Those 12,000 years. You might be able to shield your planet and not have these negative effects.

So you'd have a different growth curve for your social order. So that's one thing. And then it also means that the other implication is that it's pretty certain that we're able to do these kind of things because the quality of time changes over as we go forward in our progression here. And we perceive those quality changes and can see them in ourselves as tool or as indicators or antenna of time and therefore should be able to extract and use these aspects of time as a technology. Just a couple of interesting implications.

So I think Cozy Rev was really onto it and that we should probably find ourselves progressing more and more along dynamic energy level things here as we go forward. Okay. Damn it.

Okay. All right. So that's it for the day. Got to get in and do my baguettes. Putting time to use.

Okay, guys. Have a good Memorial Day. The beach out here is just jammed with people and doggos. They're enjoying it, even though it's reasonably cold and windy. So we'll talk to you later.

Take time for yourself.

The number-one best-selling pioneer of "fratire" and a leading evolutionary psychologist team up to create the dating book for guys. Whether they conducted their research in life or in the lab, experts Tucker Max and Dr. Geoffrey Miller have spent the last 20-plus years learning what women really want from their men, why they want it, and how men can deliver those qualities. The short answer: Become the best version of yourself possible, then show it off. It sounds simple, but it's not. If it were, Tinder would just be the stuff you use to start a fire. Becoming your best self requires honesty, self-awareness, hard work, and a little help. Through their website and podcasts, Max and Miller have already helped over one million guys take their first steps toward Miss Right. They have collected all of their findings in Mate, an evidence-driven, seriously funny playbook that will teach you to become a more sexually attractive and romantically successful man, the right way: No "seduction techniques" No moralizing No bullshit Just honest, straightforward talk about the most ethical, effective way to pursue the win-win relationships you want with the women who are best for you. Much of what they've discovered will surprise you, some of it will not, but all of it is important and often misunderstood. So listen up, and stop being stupid!

Words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, physical touching - learning these love languages will get your marriage off to a great start or enhance a long-standing one! Chapman explains the purpose of each "language" and shows you how to identify the one that's meaningful to your spouse now. Updated to reflect the complexities of relationships in today's world, this new edition of The 5 Love Languages reveals intrinsic truths and provides action steps in each chapter that will help you on your way to a healthier relationship. Also includes an updated personal profile. With a divorce rate that hovers around 50 percent, don't let yourself become a statistic. In Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married, Gary Chapman teaches you and your future spouse how to work together as an intimate team! He shares with engaged couples practical tips he wishes he knew before he got married. Discussion centers around love, romance, conflict resolution, forgiveness, and sexual fulfillment. Included are insightful questions, suggestions, and exercises.

A one-page tool to reinvent yourself and your career. The global best seller Business Model Generation introduced a unique visual way to summarize and creatively brainstorm any business or product idea on a single sheet of paper. Business Model You uses the same powerful one-page tool to teach listeners how to draw "personal business models," which reveal new ways their skills can be adapted to the changing needs of the marketplace to reveal new, more satisfying, career and life possibilities. Produced by the same team that created Business Model Generation, this audiobook is based on the Business Model Canvas methodology, which has quickly emerged as the world's leading business model description and innovation technique. This book shows listeners how to: - Understand business model thinking and diagram their current personal business model - Understand the value of their skills in the marketplace and define their purpose - Articulate a vision for change - Create a new personal business model harmonized with that vision - And most important, test and implement the new model When you implement the one-page tool from Business Model You, you create a game-changing business model for your life and career.

The bible for bringing cutting-edge products to larger markets—now revised and updated with new insights into the realities of high-tech marketing In Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey A. Moore shows that in the Technology Adoption Life Cycle—which begins with innovators and moves to early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards—there is a vast chasm between the early adopters and the early majority. While early adopters are willing to sacrifice for the advantage of being first, the early majority waits until they know that the technology actually offers improvements in productivity. The challenge for innovators and marketers is to narrow this chasm and ultimately accelerate adoption across every segment. This third edition brings Moore's classic work up to date with dozens of new examples of successes and failures, new strategies for marketing in the digital world, and Moore's most current insights and findings. He also includes two new appendices, the first connecting the ideas in Crossing the Chasm to work subsequently published in his Inside the Tornado, and the second presenting his recent groundbreaking work for technology adoption models for high-tech consumer markets.

Endless terror. Refugee waves. An unfixable global economy. Surprising election results. New billion-dollar fortunes. Miracle medical advances. What if they were all connected? What if you could understand why? The Seventh Sense is the story of what all of today's successful figures see and feel: the forces that are invisible to most of us but explain everything from explosive technological change to uneasy political ripples. The secret to power now is understanding our new age of networks. Not merely the Internet, but also webs of trade, finance, and even DNA. Based on his years of advising generals, CEOs, and politicians, Ramo takes us into the opaque heart of our world's rapidly connected systems and teaches us what the losers are not yet seeing -- and what the victors of this age already know.

This lushly illustrated history of popular entertainment takes a long-zoom approach, contending that the pursuit of novelty and wonder is a powerful driver of world-shaping technological change. Steven Johnson argues that, throughout history, the cutting edge of innovation lies wherever people are working the hardest to keep themselves and others amused. Johnson’s storytelling is just as delightful as the inventions he describes, full of surprising stops along the journey from simple concepts to complex modern systems. He introduces us to the colorful innovators of leisure: the explorers, proprietors, showmen, and artists who changed the trajectory of history with their luxurious wares, exotic meals, taverns, gambling tables, and magic shows. In Wonderland, Johnson compellingly argues that observers of technological and social trends should be looking for clues in novel amusements. You’ll find the future wherever people are having the most fun.

Nothing “goes viral.” If you think a popular movie, song, or app came out of nowhere to become a word-of-mouth success in today’s crowded media environment, you’re missing the real story. Each blockbuster has a secret history—of power, influence, dark broadcasters, and passionate cults that turn some new products into cultural phenomena. Even the most brilliant ideas wither in obscurity if they fail to connect with the right network, and the consumers that matter most aren't the early adopters, but rather their friends, followers, and imitators -- the audience of your audience. In his groundbreaking investigation, Atlantic senior editor Derek Thompson uncovers the hidden psychology of why we like what we like and reveals the economics of cultural markets that invisibly shape our lives. Shattering the sentimental myths of hit-making that dominate pop culture and business, Thompson shows quality is insufficient for success, nobody has "good taste," and some of the most popular products in history were one bad break away from utter failure. It may be a new world, but there are some enduring truths to what audiences and consumers want. People love a familiar surprise: a product that is bold, yet sneakily recognizable. Every business, every artist, every person looking to promote themselves and their work wants to know what makes some works so successful while others disappear. Hit Makers is a magical mystery tour through the last century of pop culture blockbusters and the most valuable currency of the twenty-first century—people’s attention. From the dawn of impressionist art to the future of Facebook, from small Etsy designers to the origin of Star Wars, Derek Thompson leaves no pet rock unturned to tell the fascinating story of how culture happens and why things become popular. In Hit Makers, Derek Thompson investigates: · The secret link between ESPN's sticky programming and the The Weeknd's catchy choruses · Why Facebook is today’s most important newspaper · How advertising critics predicted Donald Trump · The 5th grader who accidentally launched "Rock Around the Clock," the biggest hit in rock and roll history · How Barack Obama and his speechwriters think of themselves as songwriters · How Disney conquered the world—but the future of hits belongs to savvy amateurs and individuals · The French collector who accidentally created the Impressionist canon · Quantitative evidence that the biggest music hits aren’t always the best · Why almost all Hollywood blockbusters are sequels, reboots, and adaptations · Why one year--1991--is responsible for the way pop music sounds today · Why another year --1932--created the business model of film · How data scientists proved that “going viral” is a myth · How 19th century immigration patterns explain the most heard song in the Western Hemisphere

Ours is often called an information economy, but at a moment when access to information is virtually unlimited, our attention has become the ultimate commodity. In nearly every moment of our waking lives, we face a barrage of efforts to harvest our attention. This condition is not simply the byproduct of recent technological innovations but the result of more than a century's growth and expansion in the industries that feed on human attention. Wu’s narrative begins in the nineteenth century, when Benjamin Day discovered he could get rich selling newspapers for a penny. Since then, every new medium—from radio to television to Internet companies such as Google and Facebook—has attained commercial viability and immense riches by turning itself into an advertising platform. Since the early days, the basic business model of “attention merchants” has never changed: free diversion in exchange for a moment of your time, sold in turn to the highest-bidding advertiser. Full of lively, unexpected storytelling and piercing insight, The Attention Merchants lays bare the true nature of a ubiquitous reality we can no longer afford to accept at face value.

Some people think that in today’s hyper-competitive world, it’s the tough, take-no-prisoners type who comes out on top. But in reality, argues New York Times bestselling author Dave Kerpen, it’s actually those with the best people skills who win the day. Those who build the right relationships. Those who truly understand and connect with their colleagues, their customers, their partners. Those who can teach, lead, and inspire. In a world where we are constantly connected, and social media has become the primary way we communicate, the key to getting ahead is being the person others like, respect, and trust. Because no matter who you are or what profession you're in, success is contingent less on what you can do for yourself, but on what other people are willing to do for you. Here, through 53 bite-sized, easy-to-execute, and often counterintuitive tips, you’ll learn to master the 11 People Skills that will get you more of what you want at work, at home, and in life. For example, you’ll learn: · The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting · The one simple key to networking that nobody talks about · How to remain top of mind for thousands of people, everyday · Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news · How to blow off the right people · And why, when in doubt, buy him a Bonsai A book best described as “How to Win Friends and Influence People for today’s world,” The Art of People shows how to charm and win over anyone to be more successful at work and outside of it.

Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to adapt to harsh new realities, but you don't yet have a strategy that will get you out in front of your competitors, you need Business Model Generation. Co-created by 470 "Business Model Canvas" practitioners from 45 countries, the book features a beautiful, highly visual, 4-color design that takes powerful strategic ideas and tools, and makes them easy to implement in your organization. It explains the most common Business Model patterns, based on concepts from leading business thinkers, and helps you reinterpret them for your own context. You will learn how to systematically understand, design, and implement a game-changing business model--or analyze and renovate an old one. Along the way, you'll understand at a much deeper level your customers, distribution channels, partners, revenue streams, costs, and your core value proposition. Business Model Generation features practical innovation techniques used today by leading consultants and companies worldwide, including 3M, Ericsson, Capgemini, Deloitte, and others. Designed for doers, it is for those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new models of value creation: for executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, and leaders of all organizations. If you're ready to change the rules, you belong to "the business model generation!"

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One, legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singular ways to create those new things. Thiel begins with the contrarian premise that we live in an age of technological stagnation, even if we’re too distracted by shiny mobile devices to notice. Information technology has improved rapidly, but there is no reason why progress should be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. Progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. It comes from the most important skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself. Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. Tomorrow’s champions will not win by competing ruthlessly in today’s marketplace. They will escape competition altogether, because their businesses will be unique. Zero to One presents at once an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and a new way of thinking about innovation: it starts by learning to ask the questions that lead you to find value in unexpected places.

Why should I do business with you… and not your competitor? Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, distributor, or service provider – if you cannot answer this question, you are surely losing customers, clients and market share. This eye-opening book reveals how identifying your competitive advantages (and trumpeting them to the marketplace) is the most surefire way to close deals, retain clients, and stay miles ahead of the competition. The five fatal flaws of most companies: • They don’t have a competitive advantage but think they do • They have a competitive advantage but don’t know what it is—so they lower prices instead • They know what their competitive advantage is but neglect to tell clients about it • They mistake “strengths” for competitive advantages • They don’t concentrate on competitive advantages when making strategic and operational decisions The good news is that you can overcome these costly mistakes – by identifying your competitive advantages and creating new ones. Consultant, public speaker, and competitive advantage expert Jaynie Smith will show you how scores of small and large companies substantially increased their sales by focusing on their competitive advantages. When advising a CEO frustrated by his salespeople’s inability to close deals, Smith discovered that his company stayed on schedule 95 percent of the time – an achievement no one else in his industry could claim. By touting this and other competitive advantages to customers, closing rates increased by 30 percent—and so did company revenues. Jack Welch has said, “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” This straight-to-the-point book is filled with insightful stories and specific steps on how to pinpoint your competitive advantages, develop new ones, and get the message out about them.

The number one New York Times best seller that examines how people can champion new ideas in their careers and everyday life - and how leaders can fight groupthink, from the author of Think Again and co-author of Option B. With Give and Take, Adam Grant not only introduced a landmark new paradigm for success but also established himself as one of his generation’s most compelling and provocative thought leaders. In Originals he again addresses the challenge of improving the world, but now from the perspective of becoming original: choosing to champion novel ideas and values that go against the grain, battle conformity, and buck outdated traditions. How can we originate new ideas, policies, and practices without risking it all? Using surprising studies and stories spanning business, politics, sports, and entertainment, Grant explores how to recognize a good idea, speak up without getting silenced, build a coalition of allies, choose the right time to act, and manage fear and doubt; how parents and teachers can nurture originality in children; and how leaders can build cultures that welcome dissent. Learn from an entrepreneur who pitches his start-ups by highlighting the reasons not to invest, a woman at Apple who challenged Steve Jobs from three levels below, an analyst who overturned the rule of secrecy at the CIA, a billionaire financial wizard who fires employees for failing to criticize him, and a TV executive who didn’t even work in comedy but saved Seinfeld from the cutting-room floor. The payoff is a set of groundbreaking insights about rejecting conformity and improving the status quo.

In The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau tells you how to lead of life of adventure, meaning and purpose - and earn a good living. Still in his early 30s, Chris is on the verge of completing a tour of every country on earth - he's already visited more than 175 nations - and yet he’s never held a "real job" or earned a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back. There are many others like Chris - those who've found ways to opt out of traditional employment and create the time and income to pursue what they find meaningful. Sometimes, achieving that perfect blend of passion and income doesn't depend on shelving what you currently do. You can start small with your venture, committing little time or money, and wait to take the real plunge when you're sure it's successful. In preparing to write this book, Chris identified 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less), and from that group he’s chosen to focus on the 50 most intriguing case studies. In nearly all cases, people with no special skills discovered aspects of their personal passions that could be monetized, and were able to restructure their lives in ways that gave them greater freedom and fulfillment. Here, finally, distilled into one easy-to-use guide, are the most valuable lessons from those who’ve learned how to turn what they do into a gateway to self-fulfillment. It’s all about finding the intersection between your "expertise" - even if you don’t consider it such - and what other people will pay for. You don’t need an MBA, a business plan or even employees. All you need is a product or service that springs from what you love to do anyway, people willing to pay, and a way to get paid. Not content to talk in generalities, Chris tells you exactly how many dollars his group of unexpected entrepreneurs required to get their projects up and running; what these individuals did in the first weeks and months to generate significant cash; some of the key mistakes they made along the way, and the crucial insights that made the business stick. Among Chris’s key principles: if you’re good at one thing, you’re probably good at something else; never teach a man to fish - sell him the fish instead; and in the battle between planning and action, action wins. In ancient times, people who were dissatisfied with their lives dreamed of finding magic lamps, buried treasure, or streets paved with gold. Today, we know that it’s up to us to change our lives. And the best part is, if we change our own life, we can help others change theirs. This remarkable book will start you on your way.

Bold is a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. Exploring the exponential technologies that are disrupting today's Fortune 500 companies and enabling upstart entrepreneurs to go from "I've got an idea" to "I run a billion-dollar company" far faster than ever before, the authors provide exceptional insight into the power of 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. Drawing on insights from billionaire entrepreneurs Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos, the audiobook offers the best practices that allow anyone to leverage today's hyper connected crowd like never before. The authors teach how to design and use incentive competitions, launch million-dollar crowdfunding campaigns to tap into tens of billions of dollars of capital, and build communities - armies of exponentially enabled individuals willing and able to help today's entrepreneurs make their boldest dreams come true. Bold is both a manifesto and a manual. It is today's exponential entrepreneur's go-to resource on the use of emerging technologies, thinking at scale, and the awesome impact of crowd-powered tools.

The answer is simple: come up with 10 ideas a day. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad, the key is to exercise your "idea muscle", to keep it toned, and in great shape. People say ideas are cheap and execution is everything but that is NOT true. Execution is a consequence, a subset of good, brilliant idea. And good ideas require daily work. Ideas may be easy if we are only coming up with one or two but if you open this book to any of the pages and try to produce more than three, you will feel a burn, scratch your head, and you will be sweating, and working hard. There is a turning point when you reach idea number six for the day, you still have four to go, and your mind muscle is getting a workout. By the time you list those last ideas to make it to 10 you will see for yourself what "sweating the idea muscle" means. As you practice the daily idea generation you become an idea machine. When we become idea machines we are flooded with lots of bad ideas but also with some that are very good. This happens by the sheer force of the number, because we are coming up with 3,650 ideas per year (at 10 a day). When you are inspired by an extraordinary idea, all of your thoughts break their chains, you go beyond limitations and your capacity to act expands in every direction. Forces and abilities you did not know you had come to the surface, and you realize you are capable of doing great things. As you practice with the suggested prompts in this book your ideas will get better, you will be a source of great insight for others, people will find you magnetic, and they will want to hang out with you because you have so much to offer. When you practice every day your life will transform, in no more than 180 days, because it has no other evolutionary choice. Life changes for the better when we become the source of positive, insightful, and helpful ideas. Don't believe a word I say. Instead, challenge yourself.

A Guide to Resilience: How to Bounce Back from Life's Inevitable Problems Christian Moore is convinced that each of us has a power hidden within, something that can get us through any kind of adversity. That power is resilience. In The Resilience Breakthrough, Moore delivers a practical primer on how you can become more resilient in a world of instability and narrowing opportunity, whether you're facing financial troubles, health setbacks, challenges on the job, or any other problem. We can each have our own resilience breakthrough, Moore argues, and can each learn how to use adverse circumstances as potent fuel for overcoming life's hardships. As he shares engaging real-life stories and brutally honest analyses of his own experiences, Moore equips you with 27 resilience-building tools that you can start using today - in your personal life or in your organization.

What if someone told you that your behavior was controlled by a powerful, invisible force? Most of us would be skeptical of such a claim--but it's largely true. Our brains are constantly transmitting and receiving signals of which we are unaware. Studies show that these constant inputs drive the great majority of our decisions about what to do next--and we become conscious of the decisions only after we start acting on them. Many may find that disturbing. But the implications for leadership are profound. In this provocative yet practical book, renowned speaking coach and communication expert Nick Morgan highlights recent research that shows how humans are programmed to respond to the nonverbal cues of others--subtle gestures, sounds, and signals--that elicit emotion. He then provides a clear, useful framework of seven "power cues" that will be essential for any leader in business, the public sector, or almost any context. You'll learn crucial skills, from measuring nonverbal signs of confidence, to the art and practice of gestures and vocal tones, to figuring out what your gut is really telling you. This concise and engaging guide will help leaders and aspiring leaders of all stripes to connect powerfully, communicate more effectively, and command influence.

New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition. A mash-up of the best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy with a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really works. When managers and marketers outline their social media strategies, they plan for the "right hook"—their next sale or campaign that's going to knock out the competition. Even companies committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships crucial to successful social media campaigns—want to land the punch that will take down their opponent or their customer's resistance in one blow. Right hooks convert traffic to sales and easily show results. Except when they don't. Thanks to massive change and proliferation in social media platforms, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Vaynerchuk shows that while communication is still key, context matters more than ever. It's not just about developing high-quality content, but developing high-quality content perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices—content tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Tumblr.

From the best-selling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a book on how some things actually benefit from disorder. In The Black Swan Taleb outlined a problem, and in Antifragile he offers a definitive solution: how to gain from disorder and chaos while being protected from fragilities and adverse events. For what Taleb calls the "antifragile" is actually beyond the robust, because it benefits from shocks, uncertainty, and stressors, just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension. The antifragile needs disorder in order to survive and flourish. Taleb stands uncertainty on its head, making it desirable, even necessary, and proposes that things be built in an antifragile manner. The antifragile is immune to prediction errors. Why is the city-state better than the nation-state, why is debt bad for you, and why is everything that is both modern and complicated bound to fail? The audiobook spans innovation by trial and error, health, biology, medicine, life decisions, politics, foreign policy, urban planning, war, personal finance, and economic systems. And throughout, in addition to the street wisdom of Fat Tony of Brooklyn, the voices and recipes of ancient wisdom, from Roman, Greek, Semitic, and medieval sources, are heard loud and clear. Extremely ambitious and multidisciplinary, Antifragile provides a blueprint for how to behave - and thrive - in a world we don't understand, and which is too uncertain for us to even try to understand and predict. Erudite and witty, Taleb’s message is revolutionary: What is not antifragile will surely perish.

The Cluetrain Manifesto began as a Web site in 1999 when the authors, who have worked variously at IBM, Sun Microsystems, the Linux Journal, and NPR, posted 95 theses about the new reality of the networked marketplace. Ten years after its original publication, their message remains more relevant than ever. For example, thesis no. 2: “Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors”; thesis no. 20: “Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.” The book enlarges on these themes through dozens of stories and observations about business in America and how the Internet will continue to change it all. With a new introduction and chapters by the authors, and commentary by Jake McKee, JP Rangaswami, and Dan Gillmor, this book is essential reading for anybody interested in the Internet and e-commerce, and is especially vital for businesses navigating the topography of the wired marketplace.

From the founders of the trailblazing software company 37signals, here is a different kind of business book one that explores a new reality. Today, anyone can be in business. Tools that used to be out of reach are now easily accessible. Technology that cost thousands is now just a few bucks or even free. Stuff that was impossible just a few years ago is now simple.That means anyone can start a business. And you can do it without working miserable 80-hour weeks or depleting your life savings. You can start it on the side while your day job provides all the cash flow you need. Forget about business plans, meetings, office space - you don't need them. With its straightforward language and easy-is-better approach, Rework is the perfect playbook for anyone who's ever dreamed of doing it on their own. Hardcore entrepreneurs, small-business owners, people stuck in day jobs who want to get out, and artists who don't want to starve anymore will all find valuable inspiration and guidance in these pages. It's time to rework work.

Tesla's main source of inspiration.
Roger Joseph Boscovich, a physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, Jesuit priest, and polymath, published the first edition of his famous work, Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria Redacta Ad Unicam Legem Virium In Natura Existentium (Theory Of Natural Philosophy Derived To The Single Law Of Forces Which Exist In Nature), in Vienna, in 1758, containing his atomic theory and his theory of forces. A second edition was published in 1763 in Venice

Bill Clinton's Georgetown mentor's history of the Conspiracy since the Boer War in South Africa.
TRAGEDY AND HOPE shows the years 1895-1950 as a period of transition from the world dominated by Europe in the nineteenth century to the world of three blocs in the twentieth century. With clarity, perspective, and cumulative impact, Professor Quigley examines the nature of that transition through two world wars and a worldwide economic depression. As an interpretative historian, he tries to show each event in the full complexity of its historical context. The result is a unique work, notable in several ways. It gives a picture of the world in terms of the influence of different cultures and outlooks upon each other; it shows, more completely than in any similar work, the influence of science and technology on human life; and it explains, with unprecedented clarity, how the intricate financial and commercial patterns of the West prior to 1914 influenced the development of today’s world.

This is the July, 2016 ALTA (Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis) Report. Also known as 'the Web Bot' report, this series is brought to you by This report covers your future world from July 2016 through to 2031. Forecasts are created using predictive linguistics (from the inventor) and cover your planet, your population, your economy and markets, and your Space Goat Farts where you will find all the 'unknown' and 'officially denied' woo-woo that will be shaping your environment over these next few decades.

Time is considered as an independent entity which cannot be reduced to the concept of matter, space or field. The point of discussion is the "time flow" conception of N A Kozyrev (1908-1983), an outstanding Russian astronomer and natural scientist. In addition to a review of the experimental studies of "the active properties of time", by both Kozyrev and modern scientists, the reader will find different interpretations of Kozyrev's views and some developments of his ideas in the fields of geophysics, astrophysics, general relativity and theoretical mechanics.

How UFO Time Engines work - Clif High

The webpage discusses the workings of UFO time engines according to N.A. Kozyrev's experiments. The LL1 engine is described as a hollow metal sphere with a pool of mercury metal inside. When activated by electrical energy, it creates a uni-polar magnetic field causing the mercury to spin at a high rate and induce "time stuff" to accumulate on its surface. The accrued time stuff is siphoned down magnetically to the radiating antennae on the bottom of the vessel, providing self-sustaining power and allowing for time travel. The environment inside UFOs is likely volatile and not suitable for humans.

The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory that electricity is vital to life. But as exciting as Becker's discoveries are, pointing to the day when human limbs, spinal cords, and organs may be regenerated after they have been damaged, equally fascinating is the story of Becker's struggle to do such original work. The Body Electric explores new pathways in our understanding of evolution, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, and healing.

Unique, controversial, and frequently cited, this survey offers highly detailed accounts concerning the development of ideas and theories about the nature of electricity and space (aether). Readily accessible to general readers as well as high school students, teachers, and undergraduates, it includes much information unavailable elsewhere. This single-volume edition comprises both The Classical Theories and The Modern Theories, which were originally published separately. The first volume covers the theories of classical physics from the age of the Greek philosophers to the late 19th century. The second volume chronicles discoveries that led to the advances of modern physics, focusing on special relativity, quantum theories, general relativity, matrix mechanics, and wave mechanics. Noted historian of science I. Bernard Cohen, who reviewed these books for Scientific American, observed, "I know of no other history of electricity which is as sound as Whittaker's. All those who have found stimulation from his works will read this informative and accurate history with interest and profit."

The third edition of the defining text for the graduate-level course in Electricity and Magnetism has finally arrived! It has been 37 years since the first edition and 24 since the second. The new edition addresses the changes in emphasis and applications that have occurred in the field, without any significant increase in length.

Objects are a ubiquitous presence and few of us stop and think what they mean in our lives. This is the job of philosophers and this is what Jean Baudrillard does in his book. This is required reading for followers of Baudrillard, and he is perhaps the most assessable to the General Reader. Baudrillard is most associated with Post Modernism, and this early book sets the stage for that journey to the post modern world.
We are all surrounded by objects, but how many times have we thought about what those objects represent. If we took the time to think about the symbolism, we could arrive at easy solutions. We have been so accustomed to advertising the automobile representing freedom is an easy conclusion. But what about furniture? What about chairs? What about the arrangement of furniture? Watches? Collecting objects? Baudrillard literally opens up a new world and creates the universe of objects.
It is not that the critique of a society or objects has not been done before, but Baudrillard’s approach is new. Baudrillard examines objects as signs with a smattering of Post-Marxist thought. In his analysis of objects as signs, he ushers in the Post-Modern age and world for which he would be known. Heady stuff to be sure, but is presented by Baudrillard in a readily accessible manner. He articulates his thesis in a straightforward manner, avoiding the hyper-technical terminology he used in his later writings.

Moving away from the Marxist/Freudian approaches that had concerned him earlier, Baudrillard developed in this book a theory of contemporary culture that relies on displacing economic notions of cultural production with notions of cultural expenditure.

The book begins with Sidis's discovery of the first law of physical laws: "Among the physical laws it is a general characteristic that there is reversibility in time; that is, should the whole universe trace back the various positions that bodies in it have passed through in a given interval of time, but in the reverse order to that in which these positions actually occurred, then the universe, in this imaginary case, would still obey the same laws." Recent discoveries of dark matter are predicted by him in this book, and he goes on to show that the "Big Bang" is wrong. Sidis (SIGH-dis) shows that it is far more likely the universe is eternal

In this book you will encounter rare information regarding your true identity - the conscious self in the body - and how you may break the hypnotic spell your senses and thinking have cast about you since childhood.

Do we see the world as it truly is? In The Case Against Reality, pioneering cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman says no? we see what we need in order to survive. Our visual perceptions are not a window onto reality, Hoffman shows us, but instead are interfaces constructed by natural selection. The objects we see around us are not unlike the file icons on our computer desktops: while shaped like a small folder on our screens, the files themselves are made of a series of ones and zeros - too complex for most of us to understand. In a similar way, Hoffman argues, evolution has shaped our perceptions into simplistic illusions to help us navigate the world around us. Yet now these illusions can be manipulated by advertising and design.
Drawing on thirty years of Hoffman's own influential research, as well as evolutionary biology, game theory, neuroscience, and philosophy, The Case Against Reality makes the mind-bending yet utterly convincing case that the world is nothing like what we see through our eyes.

At the height of the Cold War, JFK risked committing the greatest crime in human history: starting a nuclear war. Horrified by the specter of nuclear annihilation, Kennedy gradually turned away from his long-held Cold Warrior beliefs and toward a policy of lasting peace. But to the military and intelligence agencies in the United States, who were committed to winning the Cold War at any cost, Kennedy’s change of heart was a direct threat to their power and influence. Once these dark “Unspeakable” forces recognized that Kennedy’s interests were in direct opposition to their own, they tagged him as a dangerous traitor, plotted his assassination, and orchestrated the subsequent cover-up.

2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID. A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent. And therein lies a story—a story that starts with obvious questions: - What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people? - What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

The Tavistock Institute, in Sussex, England, describes itself as a nonprofit charity that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. But this book posits that it is the world’s center for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. It grew from a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House into a sophisticated organization that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society. In this eye-opening work, both the Tavistock network and the methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare are uncovered.

A seminal and controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Edward Bernays (1891–1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed “engineering of consent.” During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon.
Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, as well as his uncle, Sigmund Freud, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. His 1928 bombshell Propaganda lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.

Undressing the Bible: in Hebrew, the Old Testament speaks for itself, explicitly and transparently. It tells of mysterious beings, special and powerful ones, that appeared on Earth.
Former earthlings?
Superior civilizations, that have always been present on our planet?
Creators, manipulators, geneticists. Aviators, warriors, despotic rulers. And scientists, possessing very advanced knowledge, special weapons and science-fiction-like technologies.
Once naked, the Bible is very different from how it has always been told to us: it does not contain any spiritual, omnipotent and omniscient God, no eternity. No apples and no creeping, tempting, serpents. No winged angels. Not even the Red Sea: the people of the Exodus just wade through a simple reed bed.
Writer and journalist Giorgio Cattaneo sits down with Italy's most renowned biblical translator for his first long interview about his life's work for the English audience. A decade long official Bible translator for the Church and lifelong researcher of ancient myths and tales, Mauro Bilglino is a unicum in his field of expertise and research. A fine connoisseur of dead languages, from ancient Greek to Hebrew and medieval Latin, he focused his attention and efforts on the accurate translating of the bible.
The encounter with Mauro Biglino and his work - the journalist writes - is profoundly healthy, stimulating and inevitably destabilizing: it forces us to reconsider the solidity of the awareness that nourishes many of our common beliefs. And it is a testament to the courage that is needed, today more than ever, to claim the full dignity of free research.

Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th century.Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai's adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.After Sabbati Zevi's death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform "strange acts" that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history".Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

This is the first English translation of this revolutionary essay by Vladimir I. Vernadsky, the great Russian-Ukrainian biogeochemist. It was first published in 1930 in French in the Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées. In it, Vernadsky makes a powerful and provocative argument for the need to develop what he calls “a new physics,” something he felt was clearly necessitated by the implications of the groundbreaking work of Louis Pasteur among few others, but also something that was required to free science from the long-lasting effects of the work of Isaac Newton, most notably.
For hundreds of years, science had developed in a direction which became increasingly detached from the breakthroughs made in the study of life and the natural sciences, detached even from human life itself, and committed reductionists and small-minded scientists were resolved to the fact that ultimately all would be reduced to “the old physics.” The scientific revolution of Einstein was a step in the right direction, but here Vernadsky insists that there is more progress to be made. He makes a bold call for a new physics, taking into account, and fundamentally based upon, the striking anomalies of life and human life.

Using an inspired combination of geometric logic and metaphors from familiar human experience, Bucky invites readers to join him on a trip through a four-dimensional Universe, where concepts as diverse as entropy, Einstein's relativity equations, and the meaning of existence become clear, understandable, and immediately involving. In his own words: "Dare to be naive... It is one of our most exciting discoveries that local discovery leads to a complex of further discoveries." Here are three key examples or concepts from "Synergetics":


Tensegrity, or tensional integrity, refers to structural systems that use a combination of tension and compression components. The simplest example of this is the "tensegrity triangle", where three struts are held in position not by touching one another but by tensioned wires. These systems are stable and flexible. Tensegrity structures are pervasive in natural systems, from the cellular level up to larger biological and even cosmological scales.

Vector Equilibrium (VE)

The Vector Equilibrium, often referred to by Fuller as the "VE", is a geometric form that he saw as the central form in his synergetic geometry. It’s essentially a cuboctahedron. Fuller noted that the VE is the only geometric form wherein all the vectors (lines from the center to the vertices) are of equal length and angular relationship. Because of this, it’s seen as a condition of absolute equilibrium, where the forces of push and pull are balanced.

Closest Packing of Spheres

Fuller was fascinated by how spheres could be packed together in the tightest possible configuration, a concept he often linked to how nature organizes systems. For example, when you stack oranges in a grocery store, they form a hexagonal pattern, and the spheres (oranges) are in closest-packed arrangement. Fuller related this principle to atomic structures and even cosmic organization.

To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (CG5GW) by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. General Flynn rose to the highest levels of the intelligence community and served as the National Security Advisor to the 45th POTUS. Sergeant Boone Cutler ran the ground game as a wartime Psychological Operations team sergeant in the United States Army. Together, these two combat veterans put their combined experience and expertise into an illuminating fifth-generation warfare information series called The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare. Introduction to 5GW is the first session of the multipart series. The series, complete with easy-to-understand diagrams, is written for all of humanity in every freedom loving country.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Biosphere :

  • Vernadsky defined the biosphere as the thin layer of Earth where life exists, encompassing all living organisms and the parts of the Earth where they interact. This includes the depths of the oceans to the upper layers of the atmosphere.
  • He posited that life plays a critical role in transforming the Earth's environment. In this view, living organisms are not just passive inhabitants of the planet, but active agents of change. This idea contrasts with more traditional views that saw life as simply adapting to pre-existing environmental conditions.
  • One example of this transformative power is the oxygen-rich atmosphere, which was created by photosynthesizing organisms over billions of years.

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Noosphere :

  • The concept of the noosphere can be seen as the next evolutionary stage following the biosphere. While the biosphere represents the realm of life, the noosphere represents the realm of human thought.
  • Vernadsky believed that, just as life transformed the Earth through the biosphere, human thought and collective intelligence would transform the planet in the era of the noosphere. This transformation would be characterized by the dominance of cultural evolution over biological evolution.
  • In this paradigm, human knowledge, technology, and cultural developments would become the primary drivers of change on the planet, influencing its future direction.
  • The term "noosphere" is derived from the Greek word “nous” meaning "mind" or "intellect" and "sphaira" meaning "sphere." So, the noosphere can be thought of as the "sphere of human thought."

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

A close analysis of the architecture of the stupa―a Buddhist symbolic form that is found throughout South, Southeast, and East Asia. The author, who trained as an architect, examines both the physical and metaphysical levels of these buildings, which derive their meaning and significance from Buddhist and Brahmanist influences.

Building on his extensive research into the sacred symbols and creation myths of the Dogon of Africa and those of ancient Egypt, India, and Tibet, Laird Scranton investigates the myths, symbols, and traditions of prehistoric China, providing further evidence that the cosmology of all ancient cultures arose from a single now-lost source.

It is at the same time a history of language, a guide to foreign tongues, and a method for learning them. It shows, through basic vocabularies, family resemblances of languages―Teutonic, Romance, Greek―helpful tricks of translation, key combinations of roots and phonetic patterns. It presents by common-sense methods the most helpful approach to the mastery of many languages; it condenses vocabulary to a minimum of essential words; it simplifies grammar in an entirely new way; and it teaches a languages as it is actually used in everyday life.
But this book is more than a guide to foreign languages; it goes deep into the roots of all knowledge as it explores the history of speech. It lights up the dim pathways of prehistory and unfolds the story of the slow growth of human expression from the most primitive signs and sounds to the elaborate variations of the highest cultures. Without language no knowledge would be possible; here we see how language is at once the source and the reservoir of all we know.

Taking only the most elementary knowledge for granted, Lancelot Hogben leads readers of this famous book through the whole course from simple arithmetic to calculus. His illuminating explanation is addressed to the person who wants to understand the place of mathematics in modern civilization but who has been intimidated by its supposed difficulty. Mathematics is the language of size, shape, and order―a language Hogben shows one can both master and enjoy.

A complete manual for the study and practice of Raja Yoga, the path of concentration and meditation. These timeless teachings is a treasure to be read and referred to again and again by seekers treading the spiritual path. The classic Sutras, at least 4,000 years old, cover the yogic teachings on ethics, meditation, and physical postures, and provide directions for dealing with situations in daily life. The Sutras are presented here in the purest form, with the original Sanskrit and with translation, transliteration, and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda, one of the most respected and revered contemporary Yoga masters. Sri Swamiji offers practical advice based on his own experience for mastering the mind and achieving physical, mental and emotional harmony.

William Strauss and Neil Howe will change the way you see the world - and your place in it. With blazing originality, The Fourth Turning illuminates the past, explains the present, and reimagines the future. Most remarkably, it offers an utterly persuasive prophecy about how America’s past will predict its future.

Strauss and Howe base this vision on a provocative theory of American history. The authors look back 500 years and uncover a distinct pattern: Modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting about the length of a long human life, each composed of four eras - or "turnings" - that last about 20 years and that always arrive in the same order. In The Fourth Turning, the authors illustrate these cycles using a brilliant analysis of the post-World War II period.

First comes a High, a period of confident expansion as a new order takes root after the old has been swept away. Next comes an Awakening, a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion against the now-established order. Then comes an Unraveling, an increasingly troubled era in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis - the Fourth Turning - when society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. Together, the four turnings comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth.

4th Turning

Excess Deaths & Why RFK Jr. Can Win The Democratic Presidential Race - Ed Dowd | Part 1 of 2 - 06-21-2023

All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. To the general reader the Khazars, who flourished from the 7th to 11th century, may seem infinitely remote today. Yet they have a close and unexpected bearing on our world, which emerges as Koestler recounts the fascinating history of the ancient Khazar Empire.

At about the time that Charlemagne was Emperor in the West. The Khazars' sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.Thereafter the Khazars found themselves in a precarious position between the two major world powers: the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium and the triumphant followers of Mohammed.As Koestler points out, the Khazars were the Third World of their day. They chose a surprising method of resisting both the Western pressure to become Christian and the Eastern to adopt Islam. Rejecting both, they converted to Judaism. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry.

Few people noticed the secret codewords used by our astronauts to describe the moon. Until now, few knew about the strange moving lights they reported.
George H. Leonard, former NASA scientist, fought through the official veil of secrecy and studied thousands of NASA photographs, spoke candidly with dozens of NASA officials, and listened to hours and hours of astronauts' tapes.
Here, Leonard presents the stunning and inescapable evidence discovered during his in-depth investigation:

  • Immense mechanical rigs, some over a mile long, working the lunar surface.
  • Strange geometric ground markings and symbols.
  • Lunar constructions several times higher than anything built on Earth.
  • Vehicles, tracks, towers, pipes, conduits, and conveyor belts running in and across moon craters.
Somebody else is indeed on the Moon, and engaged in activities on a massive scale. Our space agencies, and many of the world's top scientists, have known for years that there is intelligent life on the moon.

The article delves into the history of the Khazars, a polity in the Northern Caucasus that existed from the mid-seventh century until about 970 CE. Contrary to popular belief, the term "Khazars" is misleading as it was a multiethnic entity, and it's uncertain which specific group adopted Judaism. The Khazars first emerged in the seventh century, defeating the Bulgars, which led to the Bulgars' dispersion to various regions. The Khazar Empire was established through the expulsion of the Bulgars and was multiethnic in nature. The language spoken by the Khazars is debated, with some suggesting Turkic origins and others pointing to Slavic. The Khazars had several cities and fortresses, with significant archaeological findings. The Khazars had interactions with various empires, including wars with the Arabs and alliances with Byzantine emperors. By the mid-10th century, the Khazar capital of Itil was destroyed by the Russians. The article concludes that much of what is known about the Khazars is based on limited sources.

#Khazars #History #Caucasus #Judaism #Bulgars #Empire #Multiethnic #LanguageDebate #ArabWars #ByzantineAlliances #Itil #RussianInvasion #Archaeology #ReligiousConversion #TabletMag

In The Science of the Dogon, Laird Scranton demonstrated that the cosmological structure described in the myths and drawings of the Dogon runs parallel to modern science--atomic theory, quantum theory, and string theory--their drawings often taking the same form as accurate scientific diagrams that relate to the formation of matter.

Sacred Symbols of the Dogon uses these parallels as the starting point for a new interpretation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language. By substituting Dogon cosmological drawings for equivalent glyph-shapes in Egyptian words, a new way of reading and interpreting the Egyptian hieroglyphs emerges. Scranton shows how each hieroglyph constitutes an entire concept, and that their meanings are scientific in nature.

The Dogon people of Mali, West Africa, are famous for their unique art and advanced cosmology. The Dogon’s creation story describes how the one true god, Amma, created all the matter of the universe. Interestingly, the myths that depict his creative efforts bear a striking resemblance to the modern scientific definitions of matter, beginning with the atom and continuing all the way to the vibrating threads of string theory. Furthermore, many of the Dogon words, symbols, and rituals used to describe the structure of matter are quite similar to those found in the myths of ancient Egypt and in the daily rituals of Judaism. For example, the modern scientific depiction of the informed universe as a black hole is identical to Amma’s Egg of the Dogon and the Egyptian Benben Stone.

The Science of the Dogon offers a case-by-case comparison of Dogon descriptions and drawings to corresponding scientific definitions and diagrams from authors like Stephen Hawking and Brian Greene, then extends this analysis to the counterparts of these symbols in both the ancient Egyptian and Hebrew religions. What is ultimately revealed is the scientific basis for the language of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, which was deliberately encoded to prevent the knowledge of these concepts from falling into the hands of all but the highest members of the Egyptian priesthood.

Anthony C. Yu’s translation of The Journey to the West,initially published in 1983, introduced English-speaking audiences to the classic Chinese novel in its entirety for the first time. Written in the sixteenth century, The Journey to the West tells the story of the fourteen-year pilgrimage of the monk Xuanzang, one of China’s most famous religious heroes, and his three supernatural disciples, in search of Buddhist scriptures. Throughout his journey, Xuanzang fights demons who wish to eat him, communes with spirits, and traverses a land riddled with a multitude of obstacles, both real and fantastical. An adventure rich with danger and excitement, this seminal work of the Chinese literary canonis by turns allegory, satire, and fantasy.

With over a hundred chapters written in both prose and poetry, The Journey to the West has always been a complicated and difficult text to render in English while preserving the lyricism of its language and the content of its plot. But Yu has successfully taken on the task, and in this new edition he has made his translations even more accurate and accessible. The explanatory notes are updated and augmented, and Yu has added new material to his introduction, based on his original research as well as on the newest literary criticism and scholarship on Chinese religious traditions. He has also modernized the transliterations included in each volume, using the now-standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization system. Perhaps most important, Yu has made changes to the translation itself in order to make it as precise as possible.

One of the great works of Chinese literature, The Journey to the West is not only invaluable to scholars of Eastern religion and literature, but, in Yu’s elegant rendering, also a delight for any reader.

The Oera Linda Book is a 19th-century translation by Dr. Ottema and WIlliam R. Sandbach of an old manuscript written in the Old Frisian language that records historical, mythological, and religious themes of remote antiquity, compiled between 2194 BC and AD 803.

  • The Oera Linda book challenges traditional views of pre-Christian societies.
  • Christianization is likened to a "great reset" that erased previous civilizations.
  • The Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people.
  • The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting patterns in history.
  • The importance of identity and understanding one's roots is highlighted.
  • The Oera Linda book offers wisdom and insights into several European languages.

The Oera Linda book offers a fresh perspective on our history, challenging the notion that pre-Christian societies were uncivilized. It suggests that the Christianization of societies was a form of "great reset," erasing and demonizing what existed before. The Oera Linda writings hint at an advanced civilization with its own laws, writing, and societal structures. Jan Ott's translation from the Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people. The text also touches upon the guilt many feel today, even if they aren't religious, about issues like climate change and historical slavery. It criticizes the way science is sometimes treated like a religion, with scientists acting as its preachers. The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting that understanding history requires recognizing patterns and cycles. Christianity is portrayed as one of the most significant resets in history, with sects fighting and erasing each other's scriptures. The importance of identity is highlighted, with a focus on the Fryans, a tribe that faced challenges from another tribe from Finland. This other tribe had a different moral compass, leading to conflicts and eventual assimilation. The text suggests that the true history of the Fryans and their values might have been distorted by subsequent Christian narratives. The Oera Linda book is seen as a source of wisdom, shedding light on the origins of several European languages and offering insights into values like freedom, truth, and justice.

#OeraLinda #History #Christianization #GreatReset #FryanLanguage #JanOtt #Civilization #OldTestament #Church #SpiritualAbuse #Identity #Fryans #Autland #Finland #Slavery #Christianity #Sects #Genocide #Torture #Bible #Freedom #Truth #Justice #Righteousness #Language #German #Dutch #Frisian #English #Scandinavian #Wisdom #Inspiration #European #Values

The Talmud is one of the most important holy books of the Hebrew religion and of the world. No English translation of the book existed until the author presented this work. To this day, very little of the actual text seems available in English -- although we find many interpretive commentaries on what it is supposed to mean. The Talmud has a reputation for being long and difficult to digest, but Polano has taken what he believes to be the best material and put it into extremely readable form. As far as holy books of the world are concerned, it is on par with The Koran, The Bhagavad-Gita and, of course, The Bible, in importance. This clearly written edition will allow many to experience The Talmud who may have otherwise not had the chance.

This five-volume set is the only complete English rendering of The Zohar, the fundamental rabbinic work on Jewish mysticism that has fascinated readers for more than seven centuries. In addition to being the primary reference text for kabbalistic studies, this magnificent work is arranged in the form of a commentary on the Bible, bringing to the surface the deeper meanings behind the commandments and biblical narrative. As The Zohar itself proclaims: Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment Thin which it is swathed.

Twenty-one years ago, at a friend's request, a Massachusetts professor sketched out a blueprint for nonviolent resistance to repressive regimes. It would go on to be translated, photocopied, and handed from one activist to another, traveling from country to country across the globe: from Iran to Venezuela―where both countries consider Gene Sharp to be an enemy of the state―to Serbia; Afghanistan; Vietnam; the former Soviet Union; China; Nepal; and, more recently and notably, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria, where it has served as a guiding light of the Arab Spring.

This short, pithy, inspiring, and extraordinarily clear guide to overthrowing a dictatorship by nonviolent means lists 198 specific methods to consider, depending on the circumstances: sit-ins, popular nonobedience, selective strikes, withdrawal of bank deposits, revenue refusal, walkouts, silence, and hunger strikes. From Dictatorship to Democracy is the remarkable work that has made the little-known Sharp into the world's most effective and sought-after analyst of resistance to authoritarian regimes.

Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests. He has spoken to many groups throughout the United States and has appeared regularly on many radio talk shows and on television. In 1988 Bill decided to "talk" due to events then taking place worldwide, events that he had seen plans for back in the early 1970s. Bill correctly predicted the lowering of the Iron Curtain, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. All Bill's predictions were on record well before the events occurred. Bill is not a psychic. His information comes from top secret documents that he read while with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over seventeen years of research.

The argument that the 16th Amendment (which concerns the federal income tax) was not properly ratified and thus is invalid has been a topic of debate among some tax protesters and scholars. One of the individuals associated with this theory is Bill Benson, who asserted that the 16th Amendment was fraudulently ratified. Here's a brief overview of the argument: 1. Research and Documentation: Bill Benson, along with another individual named M.J. "Red" Beckman, wrote a two-volume work called "The Law That Never Was" in the 1980s. This work was a product of Benson's extensive travels to various state archives to examine the original ratification documents related to the 16th Amendment. 2. Claims of Irregularities: In his work, Benson presented evidence that claimed many of the states either did not ratify the 16th Amendment properly or made mistakes in their resolutions. Some of these alleged irregularities included misspellings, incorrect wording, and other deviations from the proposed amendment. 3. Philander Knox's Role: In 1913, Philander Knox, who was the U.S. Secretary of State at the time, declared that the 16th Amendment had been ratified by the necessary three-fourths of the states. Benson's contention is that Knox was aware of the various discrepancies and irregularities in the ratification process but chose to fraudulently declare the amendment ratified anyway. 4. Legal Challenges and Court Rulings: Over the years, some tax protesters have used Benson's findings to challenge the legality of the income tax. However, these challenges have been consistently rejected by the courts. In fact, several courts have addressed Benson's research and arguments directly and found them to be without legal merit. The courts have repeatedly upheld the validity of the 16th Amendment. 5. Counterarguments: Critics of Benson's theory argue that even if there were minor discrepancies in the wording or format of the ratification documents, they do not invalidate the overarching intent of the states to ratify the amendment. Additionally, they assert that there's no substantive evidence that Knox acted fraudulently. It's worth noting that despite the popularity of this theory among certain groups, the legal consensus in the U.S. is that the 16th Amendment was validly ratified and is a legitimate part of the U.S. Constitution. Those who refuse to pay income taxes based on this theory have faced legal penalties.

The article delves into the evolution of the concept of the ether in physics. Historically, the ether was postulated to explain the propagation of light, with figures like Newton and Huygens suggesting its existence. By the late 19th century, Maxwell's electromagnetic theory linked light's propagation to the ether, a theory experimentally validated by Hertz in 1888. Lorentz expanded on this, focusing on wave transmission in moving media. The article contrasts the English approach, which sought tangible models, with the phenomenological view, which aimed for a descriptive approach without specific hypotheses. The piece also touches on various mechanical theories and models proposed over the years, emphasizing the challenges in defining the ether's properties and its evolving nature in scientific discourse.

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Dwapara Virtue – 05-27-2023

Dwapara Virtue - 05-27-2023

Dwapara Virtue - 05-27-2023

Episode Summary:

The text presents a philosophical and metaphorical discussion of time, not as a dimension, but as an active entity that powers reality and has dynamic qualities that can be manipulated. Using the analogy of our solar system's elliptical revolution around the galactic center, the speaker frames this in the context of ancient Hindu Yuga cycles - Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Iron, each with different effects on human progress. They state that we are in the Bronze Age, ascending towards the Galactic Center, which they associate with innovation and growth, evidenced by advances like electricity and mass communication. Lastly, the speaker discusses the current educational system's inadequacies, advocating for a shift from teaching subjects to teaching children how to learn.

The text discusses varied learning styles and the importance of discovering one's own, to optimize individual education. It emphasizes an ongoing process of learning and adapting to new knowledge, amidst an era of information explosion. The author cites historical instances where vital knowledge was lost due to the destruction of important literature and discusses theories about the evolution of religions and significant earth changes. The text also explores the impact of our proximity to the Galactic Center on human consciousness and the concept of experiencing different ages in many lives, emphasizing that disruption and recreation are necessary for novelty in our quest for new consciousness.

The text describes a historical perspective on the role of the Khazarian mafia, relics of the Kaliyuga period, influencing major societal changes through religious and socio-political manipulation. It emphasizes the concept of warfare and human sacrifice originating from the Kaliyuga, affecting religions like Judaism and Christianity. It also suggests the role of space aliens in the conquest of ancient, non-warlike societies. Additionally, it talks about how the Khazarians used hypnotic substances to infiltrate and influence empires, leading to their destruction. Finally, it mentions the ongoing struggle against the Khazarian mafia's influence, rooted in a 6000-year-long conflict involving space aliens.

The text discusses a concept of harnessing energy from the universe's vibratory frequency, suggesting the potential to create a chip resonating with the frequency, thus generating electricity. This could form a fuel-less source of power, lasting indefinitely with proper engineering. The narrative also critiques Einstein's time-space dimension concept, arguing time can be manipulated differently, unlike space, and Einstein's view traps physics in materialism. The speaker sees a future beyond this, with the potential for groundbreaking discoveries once we move past these existing paradigms.

#6000YearBattle #AncientSocieties #AquariusAge #Ascending #BeyondMaterialism #BronzeAge #Catharism #Cathars #Christianity #Conquest #Consciousness #Kozyrev #Education #EllipticalRevolution #EmpireManipulation #EnergyHarvesting #EnergyInjection #EinsteinCritique #Evolution #FreeEnergy #FuturePhysics #GalacticCenter #Growth #HistoricalInstances #Humanity #HumanSacrifice #HypnoticSubstances #Innovation #Judaism #Kaliyuga #KhazarianMafia #KnowledgePreservation #Learning #LearningStyles #NewEnergy #Novelty #PulseOfTime #Religion #ReligionsEvolution #Reality #Shamanism #SpaceAliens #Time #TimeManipulation #UniverseVibration #Warfare #YugaCycles

Don't say that about Charlie's clone! - 05-07-2023

Hello, humans. Hello humans. It's coffee break time. So May 27, about 915, something like that, out in the greenhouse doing a bit of weeding and a little bit of cleaning up and taking a break for a few minutes. Hello, doggo.

Anyway, let's talk about time is in my view, time is what powers our reality is this pulse. And the, quote, aftermath of that pulse is what we call time. And it's basically an injection of energy into our area here.

And the residual causes us to have this sense of duration and the passage of time. And the pulse itself is the creation of the reality in our consciousness in this coordinated fashion. It gets real complex when you look at it at that level. But we needn't discuss it there today. Some of the interesting parts of this, though is that time has active properties.

It's not a dimension. Okay? So Einstein came along and said, oh, well, we'll just treat time like it's any other dimension, right? So it's like distance, something like that. Hang on a second.

scripty noise.

And it's not time is not a dimension like distance. We can actually do things that alter our reality through time. And Cozy Rev has a number of experiments that do this exactly and precisely. And measurable and we're on the process of identifying the active and dynamic qualities of time which can be manipulated and used by humans. Now, time scales.

So time stuff that we can actively manipulate with our little experiments with bowls of water, mercury or lead weights or something like this. The time stuff itself also affects galaxies, stars, planets, humanity, the materium itself and so operates at that scale as well.

Time is a tool of universe and there's all these different qualities that we put to it relative to our human experience. But we do know that there are differences in time based on the quality of the temporal flux, if you will, the flow of it all. And so our solar system, we're in the third minor spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. Our solar system, based on where it is, has an apparent 26,000 year revolution around the center of the galaxy. This revolution is elliptical, it's not circular.

This revolution, as an ellipse has a very much narrowed tail, so to speak. Okay? So our ellipse looks much more like a comet with its tail than any other form of an ellipse. The tail part is elongated relative to the position of the galaxy center relative to our elliptical orbit. So we spend more of our time in the area closer to galactic center as a solar system than we do spending time in the tail end of it, so to speak.

The tail end of it also seems to have a definitive hook where we sort of turn the corner. That turning the corner. All right. This great year takes 26,000 years approximately. It can be divided in half into 213 thousand year segments.

Each segment can be thought of as either ascending, in which case our solar system is moving closer to Galactic Center, closely closer to the influences of Galactic Center, or it can be thought of as descending, in which case you're moving away from Galactic Center.

Yugi Cycles and the corresponding Dwarpa
We consider that chunk of our exposure to Galactic Center to be the Golden Age. And in terms of the Yugas the Yugas, there's four Yugas. They're divided into gold, silver, bronze and iron. We've just come out of the Iron Age, just come out of the Kali Yuga. We're out of it by about 325 years, little over that.

So we have thousands of years to go before we get to the Silver Age. The Bronze Age that we're in now, the ascending Bronze Age, we're heading back towards the Galactic Center. That ascending Bronze Age is 2400 years long, and we're only into it 325 years. So we've got over 2000 years to go in this Bronze Age. We're going towards Galactic Center.

Okay? So there is a noticeable effect from the Yugas wherein humanity has more get up and go and more going for it as we head into Galactic Center, and we have less as we head away from Galactic Center. And on our furthest point away from Galactic Center is we are at our most dense. We ain't got shit. We've just come out of this.

Okay. The Kaliyuga was that part of our history where you didn't have electricity, you had the bare minimum of stuff in the way of energy. You didn't even apply the word energy to your own body. In fact, that's only in our lexicon since the early 18 hundreds, where they started applying some of these terms to the human body and stuff, and we started thinking about ourselves in a different way. Okay?

So we can I'm not going to get into this too much. It could take days, but we can plot where we are in and we have proof that we're no longer in the Kaliyuga. This is not a supposition. It's not an abstract mathematical calculation. There is definitive proof in our actions out here.

In reality, that definitive proof is the fact that we have electricity, the fact that we have mass communications, the fact that we have growing science, the fact that we have splitting diversifying science, even, however fucked up it is at the moment, so on and so on, right? So that we are in a period of growth. We're not in a period of becoming more dense. So on the other side, on the descending side, going into the Kaliyuga, there was a period of time in a Bronze Age, 325 years before we went into the Kaliyuga, where we started losing well, we were losing we were losing stuff all the time. We were losing the ability to do X-Y-Z and this sort of thing, right?

This is why we find all of these great monuments and crap all over the planet, the pyramids, these great cities, all the carvings on the temples in India, all of these different kinds of things that appear to have been done with and we know we're done with a technology we no longer have. And that that technology has been disappeared into into the realm of history. This was as we were going into the descent into the Kaliyuga. We've rounded that descent. We've come out of the 1200 years of the Kaliyuga, and we're into the 325th year of the Bronze Age on an ascending fashion.

And you will note, we've invented LEDs. All these different kinds of things are all happening all at once, and it's just like this bloom or explosion of new ideas, new thoughts, et cetera, et cetera. This is a very chaotic time indeed, as we know, and we have ourselves in the midst of a great war that actually has its roots in the Kaliyuga, which I'm going to in a minute. Anyway, one couple of things to note here in the Bronze Age in this particular time, we have got more subjects than you can imagine, and our school system is breaking down because it's still trying to teach subjects. So in my opinion, there is no fix for our school system.

If you're going to try and just teach individual subjects to kids, how many and what subjects are you going to try and teach? Right. It's not sufficient to teach simple mathematics. You need to now start thinking about teaching algorithm construction, design, pattern analysis, for computer software, et cetera, et cetera, all that are based on basically arithmetic and mathematics. And so we have all of these different kinds of things.

So in my opinion, the way to approach this is to decide that schools are not for teaching stuff. We've got the Internet. We've got all these other resources for learning stuff. So in my opinion, schooling should be to teach children how to find how they learn, okay? So until you know how you learn, you're just stabbing in the dark at trying to acquire knowledge.

And so for some people, they're going to learn a language best by hearing it spoken. Others are going to want to learn to read it. Others are going to need to use AI for repetition to get the memory down, all different kinds of different approaches to this. And until you explore that and find out which way you learn, you may be choosing the wrong way to learn something, and therefore, you will be failing just because you chose the wrong way to go at it. So if I were going to set this kind of thing up, I would teach kids how to discover how they learn, and that'll change over time.

How you learn will change over time. So they need to know that this is an ongoing process, that they have to keep acquiring and sharpening that particular skill. And then I would describe to them the basic shape of the learning universe. This is what math is. This is what it's used for.

This is what linguistics are. This is what they're used for. This is what science is, and this is how it's used. And then show them all the cool stuff and let them and get out of the way and let them decide what they want to learn. And then simply provide them the backup to get into the individual subject to the depth that they want to do.

So and then tell them, okay, now in order to survive, you're going to have to understand certain things in our reality at a bare minimum. So let's devise a plan so that you will have these things acquired at a bare minimum level that makes you proficient and you can just get beyond what's going to be required, being able to drive or read road signs or whatever it is, right? There's some basic level of understanding that everybody needs to have. And then you go on and learn whatever suits you really, in this new modern age. And there's tons of stuff to learn and participate in.

And so that would be my approach to dealing with being in the Bronze Age here, with the explosion of new knowledge and new approaches to knowledge.

Now, the war we're in at the moment, okay, so let's be really factual and clear about this.

In the descending part of our great year, we lost all kinds of information.

At one point, they burned all the books in China, okay? Like at 200 Ad or 200 BC or something, this weird ass emperor went ahead and burned all the books in China. There was this guy that burned all of the books. There were scrolls in northern India at one point, and this was like, I think, 600 BC. I can't think of his name.

But they were convinced that books were bad and had evil and stuff in them. So they just decided to save their society the trouble for whatever reason and burned all the books. And reputedly the burning of the books lasted so long and was so fierce that the sands and everything around that area were baked that were vitrified by the heat that was generated, but that there was actually a smoke column that could be seen 1000 miles away.

They really put some work into it. So we lost lots of information. Now there is some stuff that's been saved, some stuff that was there was 10,000 books hidden in this one Tibetan monastery. There was reputedly another 35,000 books written in very, very ancient Sanskrit that were hidden in this particular behind a wall in a cave that is the back of this other monastery in northern India and so on. So there are repositories of some of this level of knowledge from the previous Golden Age that have survived the previous Golden Age and Silver Age that survived and were hidden in the last Bronze Age.

And so note that at the time, they were in the Golden Age, when they hid Gobekli Teply, when they buried it so that it would survive. And there's probably other ones like that that were also hidden deliberately from what was going to happen, and they knew what was going to happen anyway. So let's be real clear about this, that with the exception, the presumed exception of the Jain religion, that's J-A-I-N there's no other religion that has no other philosophical understanding that has come down to us from the previous Silver Age, okay? We think that the Jain religion appeared sometime in the descending Bronze Age in that 2400 year period just before getting into the Kaliyuga. There.

Let me see, so probably 3000 years back, we start getting all different kinds of religions popping up, hindu religion, all these offshoots of that. Prior to that, it appears as though there was what we can call the science, okay? And the science is the Sam kia. And Samchia is a philosophical approach, scientific approach to determining who you are and what is the nature of universe by examining your consciousness and then everything that is not your consciousness as universe decides to present it to you and noting not only what is being presented, but the order in which it's being presented. And it's in a relationship with everything else that has ever been presented to you up until that point and all your knowledge.

And that from this, apparently, Jainism became distinct sometime back in the very beginning of the previous Bronze Age on the way down.

That was a coincidental period to all kinds of stuff in our history in which there were vast quantities of movement of people and not in some level of Earth changes that we can get into. So these Earth changes at that period of time were the creation of deserts, basically, and may have also included the freezing of Antarctica. So Antarctica may not have been frozen over prior to about 8000 years ago. And that that was the case. That that the reason that it froze is the sort of like the opposite of the reason that we have the deserts in that there are some literature suggestions that there was an atomic war and one of the weapons used in the atomic war was a scalar weapon that was like the reverse of an atomic weapon and that it didn't blow things up, it froze things.

And they froze Antarctica with this, like, you might think of as, like a directed energy weapon, kind of cold beam sort of thing. Right? There are some hints of that in some of the older literatures that that was the case. We also find that the creation of all the religions so Judaism is a Kaliyuga thing, right? And as we're going in descending side, going into the Kaliyuga, christianity came about just as we're getting into the Kaliyuga.

So these are all remnants of the Iron Age, when we were where you didn't have energy, the best you had was a sailboat. We knew all of this stuff though. We had designs for water wheels, we had designs for windmills, all of this kind of stuff. But no one built anything, right? No one did anything.

There was not a level of energy within humanity that allowed us to be that progressive and do shit. And this is coincidental with, of course being the furthest possible distance away from Galactic Center. So the supposition from our own experience and from all of the science and stuff, is that the closer you get to Galactic Center and the reason we call these things the Bronze, Silver and Golden Age is because you're exposed to more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more energy at a consciousness level. And that truly your consciousness changes as a result of that. And you experience that consciousness differently than you will in the Gold Age, than you will experience in the Silver Age, than you will experience in the Bronze age, than you will experience in the Iron Age.

You're going to have many lives. So you'll experience all of these at some point, you'll connect with each of these different ages anyway. And that this aspect of time scales, this is an aspect of the time stuff. This is an aspect of time doing this in order that there might be novelty, that there might be disruption, that therefore there could be recreation from the disruption. All of these things are necessary that there might be novelty in our search for the actual new, for consciousness itself.

Anyway, so all of the religions basically are artifacts of the Kaliyuga and we are fighting now against the Khazarian Mafia. Now, the Khazarian mafia has deep inbuilt remnants of the Kaliyuga in it. So there were no insofar as we're able to determine in looking at ancient societies that we have physical evidence for throughout India, Africa, all these different kinds of places where there's remnant stuff about the social order, including even Brazil. Now, in the Amazonian Valley, we're finding the remnants of rather sophisticated social order in terms of number of houses and granaries and this kind of thing, right? But anyway, we find that these people were not warlike.

And thus that makes sense that we see in the Jewish literature and other literature about how easy it was to conquer these people, how easy it was for the space aliens to come down and conquer these people. And because they were not defensive, they didn't have warfare as part of the thing. They did even they didn't even consider it a feasibility. It didn't even take it into account. And we think of it as natural that there's enemies, et cetera.

Prior to that time, apparently the concept of a generalized enemy state or war state didn't really exist. And so we see that they're conquered by the space aliens. We end up getting Judaism as a result of the interaction of the Ill with the Judeans and the Khazarians. And these people solidify their power and stuff and come through the Kaliyuga they have within their religious structure, as we see in Christianity, are remnants of one of the main horrific aspects of the Kaliyuga, which is this idea of personal body sacrifice. All right?

So prior to that period of time, going back into Sam kia, we find the idea of discipline and austerity. And then over time, it mutates down into, like, serious sacrifice on yourself, starving yourself in a fast to try and get enlightenment the way that Buddha did, right? It doesn't work. It's stupid. It destroys your body.

There's all different kinds of problems with it. And even Buddha comes out and says, oh, don't do this shit. But anyway, that was a kaliyuga twisting of that discipline mindset that comes out of some kia that leads to this ultimate idea of personal sacrifice that then gets twisted over to actual physical sacrifice where you conquer a tribe. And you kill for political reasons as well. But you go through and you kill randomly.

One out of every ten males that survives this kind of thing. And that leads to these are all artifacts of the Kaliyuga. We don't find evidence of sacrifice at any level in pre Kaliyuga civilizations except for just before the period of time that Kaliyuga starts up. So at the very tail end of the other Bronze Age, within that last, say, two or 300 years of that Bronze Age, we start seeing signs of it. And it reaches its peak at about 500 Ad.

At the very peak of the Kaliyuga. And it reaches its peak in Mesoamerica, where they were reputedly sacrificing between a quarter of a million and a half a million people per year, cutting their hearts out very religiously and systematically and precisely destroying the body, separating it out into all of the various different bones and storing all the bones separately. And all of this kind of stuff, all about these rituals around the sacrifice aspect of it. Right. And we see the physical sacrifice of children in Judaism and the reputed tainting of the Jewish Talmudic philosophy with all this sacrifice stuff, which was actual physical sacrifice of children.

We see it in the Old Testament, where so and so is going to stick a knife in his kid, right? And then now, even centuries later, even out of the Kaliyuga, there's still this taint against Judaism relative to sacrifice. And we saw it as late as, like, the 1920s, where 300,000 Jewish people or more were attending a big convention or something, I think it was in Chicago. And they did a ritualized sacrifice of a child in the belly of this furnace thing. And to this day, nobody knows if it was a real child or if it was a mannequin or what the hell was going on, really.

We have film of it happening and everybody got really whipped up by it. But these are all remnants. We even see the sacrifice, the human sacrifice in the wafer and the wine stuff in ancient Christianity frozen by a Khazarian takeover in 325 Ad. So Constantine, who froze Christianity into Catholicism, it was 1200 individual sects of thought at that time. And he froze it into a religion and they called it Catholicism and he tied it to the Old Testament, okay?

Which was at that point, of course, it was the Torah. And it was being translated by these Jewish guys that were also spoke Greek and a couple of Greeks who also spoke Hebrew. And this was all under the direction of Constantine. But Constantine was in 325 Ad. Was 100% captured by the Kazarean mafia people, right?

They do it through mistresses and through drugs. Okay? So Constantine had a Khazarian mistress, as did I'm trying to think of the guy's name Justinian. So at the height of the Byzantine Empire, what happened to Constantine happened to Justinian, where he took a Khazarian mistress, who ultimately gets rid of the rest of the harem and using drugs, captivates Justinian and takes over the Byzantine Empire. And we see that within the next 40 years, the Empire is destroyed.

Now, it is true, there are consolidation waves, origination waves, consolidation waves and destruction waves for Empire that relate also to the Kali Yuga and the Dwapara, which is Bronze Yugas, right? And that this happens during this period of time. So this was not unexpected. It was just the mechanism by which it was done with the Khazarians is just very interesting. And they're using the same techniques even to the point of using the same species.

So there was this particular species of plant I won't go into it, I know what it is, and so on. And they got it out of Persia in both cases, right, or what we would think of as Iran. And this particular plant was used to create a drug that is a mild hallucinogen, an aphrodisiac, and even more importantly, it's a hypnotic it's this weird hypnotic drug. And so Constantine, his mistress and Justinian's mistress were both thought to be witches and both had, because of their Khazari and nature, had contacts through back through the Turkish peoples over to Iran. And it's known that they imported this plant to the respective courts in the empires they were involved in.

And so we see this influence throughout all history. And that's one of the things we're dealing with now, is this war against the Khazarian mafia. So that's why I keep saying we're in the process of dealing with a 6000 year long battle. Okay? There's also thoughts about that we can get into, and discussion we can get into about why the L arrived when they did and why the Theoi and the other ones that arrived with the L did arrive at that time.

There's also interesting notes that the Cathars, like the Khazarians, were driven out of northern India. The Cathars and the Khazarians both left, both were driven out of northern India by that war that created all of the deserts. That war involved the space aliens, the L and the Theoi and the Divas. So basically they're all space aliens. They're probably all the same group, we just have different names for them based on which group of human had to interact with them.

Anyway, that happens all at the same time. And so the Cathars go from northwestern India, they head down slightly south and then end up angling back up over to and settling in the coastal areas in Europe within outside of the bounds of the Celts and the Picks and these other tribes that were existing. And that these people that came on over the Cathars ultimately blend in with all of the Europeans and become the Saxons and the Toots and other Teutonic tribes there. That's where the Cathari approach to religion ends up in Europe. That's why it ends up in Europe.

Now, the Cathari religion is an interesting one, okay, so it's true that all religions stem from the period of time of the Kaliyuga. It's a period of time when humans are so dense they can't think right. We don't have enough light from the galactic center to spark our consciousness. And we have to do things through rote and through keep it together, basically by following the manuals, by following protocol until we can get back to a period of time where we can think it our way out of the problem. That's fundamentally a good description of what we have to go through as humanity.

There were, and there still are religious practices or philosophical practices that are not formalized religions that are not able to be tracked as such, but predate the Kaliyugan went through from the previous Bronze Age and they may have even come from the Silver or Gold Age, we just don't know. But Cathariism or and shamanism are two of these. And so the Cathari religion is just basically it's not so much a religion as a personal experience, philosophical approach of understanding universe that goes back to Sam Kia in that you examine yourself against what the material presents to you. And this one does involve the use of ecstatic drugs in the sense of hallucinogens and psychedelics and so on. So it's no different in that respect than the mysteries of Elysium or indigenous people eating peer cactus here in the Americas, which we know goes back at least 6000 years.

And that may indeed have been pre Ice Age. There's some suggestion of that. Anyway, so long understanding of all this. But time participates at a scalar level and is influencing humanity through those aspects as it influences us individually. And so we will find that as we go forward.

So everybody who's younger than me, who's going to live longer than me, will find that their minds will actually benefit going forward in time. Even though you're aging, you won't necessarily age and deteriorate mentally the way that previous generations have. We will lose a lot of that, right? A lot of the shit that we're carrying with us comes out of the mindset of these people that we're battling that want to keep us in the Kaliyuga. And so these are the people that want to do the human sacrifice, these are the pedophiles and so on.

All this is old Kaliyuga shit. We're dropping that as we go forward and our minds expand and universe won't permit it to continue. So we know that these guys are going to lose. This is the good part. As we're going into a we're in the new age of Aquarius.

We're 325 years into the Bronze Age. And as we go forward, more and more of the shit that was put upon humanity in the Kaliyuga falls off. And it is doing so not as an aspect of the materium, as an aspect of universe, without us necessarily having to do a whole lot relative to that. So we know that basically the trends are friend and we can harmonize with it and benefit from this harmonization. And we know that the stupid sacrifice people, the blood drinkers, the name stealers and this kind of thing are not going to come through in these next few hundred years for sure.

And that they will not make it into the Silver Age. They probably won't make it even halfway through what's left in the Bronze Age. They're due to have a major reduction in power as we get through this next little bit of increased energy. So each and every one of these things that increases the individual human potential causes a disruption in those people that get power by having humans be reduced, right? Slaves and so on.

So, for instance, we know that Zionism is doomed. There's never going to be any God that's going to come back and give any of these Jews 1000 GoI as slaves. No matter how much these people work towards that end, they are doomed because that's a Kaliyuga manifestation. And they're so stupid, they don't know we're out of the Kaliyuga. And that time does not support this anymore.

Now, one last thing, and I'll shut up and then I'll get some more work done here.

As we go through from Golden Age down to Silver Age, down to Bronze Age and then into Kaliyuga, and then in that period of time, we go from whatever energy sources were used by humans to do all that fantastic stuff in the Golden Age and the Silver Age. And then as we go down through the Bronze Age, we probably drop down ultimately into electricity and then ultimately into steam, and then finally into powering everything by shoving grass in a cow's ox's mouth and hitting him with a whip on the butt to make him go right, so that we. Get denser over time. We also lose capacity over time as we go down in this cycle and we also lose energy sources. But guess what?

Now we're in the up cycle. We're in the beneficial, the harmonious side of the cycle for us and we're gaining energy sources back. Look at how many more energy sources we have now. Look at how many different kinds, how much we're splitting the understanding of energy and getting further and further into it, et cetera, et cetera. I'm of the opinion that electricity has a limited use as we go forward and that we will lose electricity as a primary energy source as we understand it now.

And we will go to something that will be very much decentralized and that, by the way, centralization is part of the Kaliyuga and it's something that's going to drop away and fade away. All this stuff is going to fade. This is why I was going to say it's best to teach your own kids. Teach them how, they help them discover how they learn themselves and then give them the basic books, give them loom of Language, Mathematics for the Million, Biosphere by Bernadsky and a couple of other books. And then say here, these are your base resources, work off of these, you can trust these and we can filter everything through these books here.

And then what do you want to explore, kid? I'll help you out anyway though. So as we go forward here, I'm of the opinion we're going to lose electricity as a primary power source and we'll be moving into a new form of physics because our old physics, bear in mind, extends from the remnants of the Kaliyuga. It's an understanding of everything as grit as materialism. And we need to get out of that.

We need to start understanding everything as vibration and energy the way Tesla did. And so we will do that. I'm of the opinion that time powers everything at a level of vibratory frequency and it's 22 trillion times a second anyway though, so we can get into that. We're actually being able to make some headway with our time experiments here and we're going to do one around the planet here, probably sometime in Fall, where we're going to I won't go into it anyway though. So I'm of the opinion that we're about to shift in another energy sources, that we'll have new energy sources and this kind of thing, that we are not in a degradation level.

We're in a very fantastic change level where we're going to be losing. This is the last gasp of the Kaliyuga people, right? This is the last gasp of the human body. Sacrifice guys with all of this trans shit, chop your dick off for the greater god of our cult, that kind of thing, right? So this is the last guess.

This is not a continuing thing. These people are self destructive and this is going to universe in. materium is aiding that destruction because it needs to get them out of the way such that we can grasp this next bit of impulsive energy that will be coming our way out of Galactic Center. That once again is going to change all of humanity and Upwire us, so to speak. So anyway, that's the thought.

On time today, I'm really getting into this ship with the cozy rev experiments and as I say, we've had some success in this. Now, bear in mind what this implies, okay? So the implication is that if I'm correct and there is a vibratory frequency of universe that powers a non steady state universe at something over a trillion times a second flashing, and I think it's 22 trillion, but it doesn't matter. The actual numeric of it is immaterial. But the implication is that there would be some subharmonic that you could discover and you could just simply create a chip that wanted to vibrate at that particular frequency.

So maybe we're talking 22 billion times a second, I don't know, right? Some fantastically fast vibratory state. But there is some subharmonic of the flash rate of universe at which you could have a chip in its static state sit there and simply generate electricity for you because of the nature of what you would do to create that chip in harmonizing with the pulse in order to create that subharmonic. And so that would be your free energy you would have to create the chip. You'd have to put energy into making the fucker.

And it would not be trivial to do so. But once you'd made it, it would be a fuelless form of electricity that could just be plugged into shit. So you might have something like the size of a USB that you would just go and plug into something that was like a USB port and that would be your power source for that device. And it would basically last as long as the material of that device of the chip could withstand that level of vibration. And so I would expect the first ones basically we wouldn't know what we were doing and they would just flash into existence, create a shitload of electricity and then go poof because they were not engineered correctly to withstand the vibratory stresses on the material.

But that over time, we would get them to where they would be fairly long lasting. And so you could make one that might power a device for 1000 years or something anyway. And this is an aspect of the energy, the refinement of that energy, the getting out of the materialism and everything, that is an aspect of time as an active component of universe which you just don't find anybody who understands anything from Einstein's perspective dealing with because Einstein reduced time to a dimension. Okay?

So Einstein said in all of his equations that you might as well be dealing with distance whenever you dealt with time. And this is why we get this effect in all of these weird ass quantum equations where when you go to measure it, the waveform collapses and you get a number. But the quantum science, so to speak itself, doesn't tell you why that should occur. I can tell you why that should occur, and it's because Einstein took time and made it into a dimension, and it is not. We can demonstrate this by taking time stuff and doing active things with it in our reality.

And so I'm not able to take space out of the distance between myself and this tree over here and do anything with that space, right? It's like 25ft, so I can't take any of those feet out, and I can't put any more feet in there. So I know that this dimension exists and it's fixed. It has an enumeration that is fixed and won't change as long as the tree doesn't change its position and I don't change mine. That's not true of time.

We can actually take extra time stuff and shove it into the time space, so to speak. We need a whole new language to discuss all of this, but we can actively do that with cozy, rev's experiments, and he has done that, and there's others out there doing that as well. And so you can take stuff out of time and manipulate it, concentrate it, and use it, so you cannot concentrate distance. I cannot take distance out of the space between me and Alpha Centuri and do anything with it, but I can do that with time. And also, if we examine this and we take time and say it's not a dimension, then that instantly changes all of the calculations.

And you don't have to worry about curving space, because what you're having to do in all of those weird ass calculations is curve space time, so to speak, in order to accommodate the collapse of the time wave, which, like I say, is horseshit. Time is not a dimension, and I won't ramble on about that anymore. But Einstein is actually a remnant of the Kaliyuga because he was on the cusp, but he's a remnant of the Kaliyuga because he's trapped in materialism, as are all of the current atheistic, mostly Jewish physicists. All of that physics is trapped in this child sacrifice, body sacrifice, materialistic grit view of the world that is so Kaliyuga and is dying, and we just need to get beyond it, and we'll discover all different kinds of stuff. That'll be really cool.

Anyway, I got to get some more coffee and get the dog in and get some work done. Yeah, you get to go in now. Okay. Good girl. Woof.

Anyway. Okay, guys, talk to you later.

The number-one best-selling pioneer of "fratire" and a leading evolutionary psychologist team up to create the dating book for guys. Whether they conducted their research in life or in the lab, experts Tucker Max and Dr. Geoffrey Miller have spent the last 20-plus years learning what women really want from their men, why they want it, and how men can deliver those qualities. The short answer: Become the best version of yourself possible, then show it off. It sounds simple, but it's not. If it were, Tinder would just be the stuff you use to start a fire. Becoming your best self requires honesty, self-awareness, hard work, and a little help. Through their website and podcasts, Max and Miller have already helped over one million guys take their first steps toward Miss Right. They have collected all of their findings in Mate, an evidence-driven, seriously funny playbook that will teach you to become a more sexually attractive and romantically successful man, the right way: No "seduction techniques" No moralizing No bullshit Just honest, straightforward talk about the most ethical, effective way to pursue the win-win relationships you want with the women who are best for you. Much of what they've discovered will surprise you, some of it will not, but all of it is important and often misunderstood. So listen up, and stop being stupid!

Words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, physical touching - learning these love languages will get your marriage off to a great start or enhance a long-standing one! Chapman explains the purpose of each "language" and shows you how to identify the one that's meaningful to your spouse now. Updated to reflect the complexities of relationships in today's world, this new edition of The 5 Love Languages reveals intrinsic truths and provides action steps in each chapter that will help you on your way to a healthier relationship. Also includes an updated personal profile. With a divorce rate that hovers around 50 percent, don't let yourself become a statistic. In Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married, Gary Chapman teaches you and your future spouse how to work together as an intimate team! He shares with engaged couples practical tips he wishes he knew before he got married. Discussion centers around love, romance, conflict resolution, forgiveness, and sexual fulfillment. Included are insightful questions, suggestions, and exercises.

A one-page tool to reinvent yourself and your career. The global best seller Business Model Generation introduced a unique visual way to summarize and creatively brainstorm any business or product idea on a single sheet of paper. Business Model You uses the same powerful one-page tool to teach listeners how to draw "personal business models," which reveal new ways their skills can be adapted to the changing needs of the marketplace to reveal new, more satisfying, career and life possibilities. Produced by the same team that created Business Model Generation, this audiobook is based on the Business Model Canvas methodology, which has quickly emerged as the world's leading business model description and innovation technique. This book shows listeners how to: - Understand business model thinking and diagram their current personal business model - Understand the value of their skills in the marketplace and define their purpose - Articulate a vision for change - Create a new personal business model harmonized with that vision - And most important, test and implement the new model When you implement the one-page tool from Business Model You, you create a game-changing business model for your life and career.

The bible for bringing cutting-edge products to larger markets—now revised and updated with new insights into the realities of high-tech marketing In Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey A. Moore shows that in the Technology Adoption Life Cycle—which begins with innovators and moves to early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards—there is a vast chasm between the early adopters and the early majority. While early adopters are willing to sacrifice for the advantage of being first, the early majority waits until they know that the technology actually offers improvements in productivity. The challenge for innovators and marketers is to narrow this chasm and ultimately accelerate adoption across every segment. This third edition brings Moore's classic work up to date with dozens of new examples of successes and failures, new strategies for marketing in the digital world, and Moore's most current insights and findings. He also includes two new appendices, the first connecting the ideas in Crossing the Chasm to work subsequently published in his Inside the Tornado, and the second presenting his recent groundbreaking work for technology adoption models for high-tech consumer markets.

Endless terror. Refugee waves. An unfixable global economy. Surprising election results. New billion-dollar fortunes. Miracle medical advances. What if they were all connected? What if you could understand why? The Seventh Sense is the story of what all of today's successful figures see and feel: the forces that are invisible to most of us but explain everything from explosive technological change to uneasy political ripples. The secret to power now is understanding our new age of networks. Not merely the Internet, but also webs of trade, finance, and even DNA. Based on his years of advising generals, CEOs, and politicians, Ramo takes us into the opaque heart of our world's rapidly connected systems and teaches us what the losers are not yet seeing -- and what the victors of this age already know.

This lushly illustrated history of popular entertainment takes a long-zoom approach, contending that the pursuit of novelty and wonder is a powerful driver of world-shaping technological change. Steven Johnson argues that, throughout history, the cutting edge of innovation lies wherever people are working the hardest to keep themselves and others amused. Johnson’s storytelling is just as delightful as the inventions he describes, full of surprising stops along the journey from simple concepts to complex modern systems. He introduces us to the colorful innovators of leisure: the explorers, proprietors, showmen, and artists who changed the trajectory of history with their luxurious wares, exotic meals, taverns, gambling tables, and magic shows. In Wonderland, Johnson compellingly argues that observers of technological and social trends should be looking for clues in novel amusements. You’ll find the future wherever people are having the most fun.

Nothing “goes viral.” If you think a popular movie, song, or app came out of nowhere to become a word-of-mouth success in today’s crowded media environment, you’re missing the real story. Each blockbuster has a secret history—of power, influence, dark broadcasters, and passionate cults that turn some new products into cultural phenomena. Even the most brilliant ideas wither in obscurity if they fail to connect with the right network, and the consumers that matter most aren't the early adopters, but rather their friends, followers, and imitators -- the audience of your audience. In his groundbreaking investigation, Atlantic senior editor Derek Thompson uncovers the hidden psychology of why we like what we like and reveals the economics of cultural markets that invisibly shape our lives. Shattering the sentimental myths of hit-making that dominate pop culture and business, Thompson shows quality is insufficient for success, nobody has "good taste," and some of the most popular products in history were one bad break away from utter failure. It may be a new world, but there are some enduring truths to what audiences and consumers want. People love a familiar surprise: a product that is bold, yet sneakily recognizable. Every business, every artist, every person looking to promote themselves and their work wants to know what makes some works so successful while others disappear. Hit Makers is a magical mystery tour through the last century of pop culture blockbusters and the most valuable currency of the twenty-first century—people’s attention. From the dawn of impressionist art to the future of Facebook, from small Etsy designers to the origin of Star Wars, Derek Thompson leaves no pet rock unturned to tell the fascinating story of how culture happens and why things become popular. In Hit Makers, Derek Thompson investigates: · The secret link between ESPN's sticky programming and the The Weeknd's catchy choruses · Why Facebook is today’s most important newspaper · How advertising critics predicted Donald Trump · The 5th grader who accidentally launched "Rock Around the Clock," the biggest hit in rock and roll history · How Barack Obama and his speechwriters think of themselves as songwriters · How Disney conquered the world—but the future of hits belongs to savvy amateurs and individuals · The French collector who accidentally created the Impressionist canon · Quantitative evidence that the biggest music hits aren’t always the best · Why almost all Hollywood blockbusters are sequels, reboots, and adaptations · Why one year--1991--is responsible for the way pop music sounds today · Why another year --1932--created the business model of film · How data scientists proved that “going viral” is a myth · How 19th century immigration patterns explain the most heard song in the Western Hemisphere

Ours is often called an information economy, but at a moment when access to information is virtually unlimited, our attention has become the ultimate commodity. In nearly every moment of our waking lives, we face a barrage of efforts to harvest our attention. This condition is not simply the byproduct of recent technological innovations but the result of more than a century's growth and expansion in the industries that feed on human attention. Wu’s narrative begins in the nineteenth century, when Benjamin Day discovered he could get rich selling newspapers for a penny. Since then, every new medium—from radio to television to Internet companies such as Google and Facebook—has attained commercial viability and immense riches by turning itself into an advertising platform. Since the early days, the basic business model of “attention merchants” has never changed: free diversion in exchange for a moment of your time, sold in turn to the highest-bidding advertiser. Full of lively, unexpected storytelling and piercing insight, The Attention Merchants lays bare the true nature of a ubiquitous reality we can no longer afford to accept at face value.

Some people think that in today’s hyper-competitive world, it’s the tough, take-no-prisoners type who comes out on top. But in reality, argues New York Times bestselling author Dave Kerpen, it’s actually those with the best people skills who win the day. Those who build the right relationships. Those who truly understand and connect with their colleagues, their customers, their partners. Those who can teach, lead, and inspire. In a world where we are constantly connected, and social media has become the primary way we communicate, the key to getting ahead is being the person others like, respect, and trust. Because no matter who you are or what profession you're in, success is contingent less on what you can do for yourself, but on what other people are willing to do for you. Here, through 53 bite-sized, easy-to-execute, and often counterintuitive tips, you’ll learn to master the 11 People Skills that will get you more of what you want at work, at home, and in life. For example, you’ll learn: · The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting · The one simple key to networking that nobody talks about · How to remain top of mind for thousands of people, everyday · Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news · How to blow off the right people · And why, when in doubt, buy him a Bonsai A book best described as “How to Win Friends and Influence People for today’s world,” The Art of People shows how to charm and win over anyone to be more successful at work and outside of it.

Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to adapt to harsh new realities, but you don't yet have a strategy that will get you out in front of your competitors, you need Business Model Generation. Co-created by 470 "Business Model Canvas" practitioners from 45 countries, the book features a beautiful, highly visual, 4-color design that takes powerful strategic ideas and tools, and makes them easy to implement in your organization. It explains the most common Business Model patterns, based on concepts from leading business thinkers, and helps you reinterpret them for your own context. You will learn how to systematically understand, design, and implement a game-changing business model--or analyze and renovate an old one. Along the way, you'll understand at a much deeper level your customers, distribution channels, partners, revenue streams, costs, and your core value proposition. Business Model Generation features practical innovation techniques used today by leading consultants and companies worldwide, including 3M, Ericsson, Capgemini, Deloitte, and others. Designed for doers, it is for those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new models of value creation: for executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, and leaders of all organizations. If you're ready to change the rules, you belong to "the business model generation!"

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One, legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singular ways to create those new things. Thiel begins with the contrarian premise that we live in an age of technological stagnation, even if we’re too distracted by shiny mobile devices to notice. Information technology has improved rapidly, but there is no reason why progress should be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. Progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. It comes from the most important skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself. Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. Tomorrow’s champions will not win by competing ruthlessly in today’s marketplace. They will escape competition altogether, because their businesses will be unique. Zero to One presents at once an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and a new way of thinking about innovation: it starts by learning to ask the questions that lead you to find value in unexpected places.

Why should I do business with you… and not your competitor? Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, distributor, or service provider – if you cannot answer this question, you are surely losing customers, clients and market share. This eye-opening book reveals how identifying your competitive advantages (and trumpeting them to the marketplace) is the most surefire way to close deals, retain clients, and stay miles ahead of the competition. The five fatal flaws of most companies: • They don’t have a competitive advantage but think they do • They have a competitive advantage but don’t know what it is—so they lower prices instead • They know what their competitive advantage is but neglect to tell clients about it • They mistake “strengths” for competitive advantages • They don’t concentrate on competitive advantages when making strategic and operational decisions The good news is that you can overcome these costly mistakes – by identifying your competitive advantages and creating new ones. Consultant, public speaker, and competitive advantage expert Jaynie Smith will show you how scores of small and large companies substantially increased their sales by focusing on their competitive advantages. When advising a CEO frustrated by his salespeople’s inability to close deals, Smith discovered that his company stayed on schedule 95 percent of the time – an achievement no one else in his industry could claim. By touting this and other competitive advantages to customers, closing rates increased by 30 percent—and so did company revenues. Jack Welch has said, “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” This straight-to-the-point book is filled with insightful stories and specific steps on how to pinpoint your competitive advantages, develop new ones, and get the message out about them.

The number one New York Times best seller that examines how people can champion new ideas in their careers and everyday life - and how leaders can fight groupthink, from the author of Think Again and co-author of Option B. With Give and Take, Adam Grant not only introduced a landmark new paradigm for success but also established himself as one of his generation’s most compelling and provocative thought leaders. In Originals he again addresses the challenge of improving the world, but now from the perspective of becoming original: choosing to champion novel ideas and values that go against the grain, battle conformity, and buck outdated traditions. How can we originate new ideas, policies, and practices without risking it all? Using surprising studies and stories spanning business, politics, sports, and entertainment, Grant explores how to recognize a good idea, speak up without getting silenced, build a coalition of allies, choose the right time to act, and manage fear and doubt; how parents and teachers can nurture originality in children; and how leaders can build cultures that welcome dissent. Learn from an entrepreneur who pitches his start-ups by highlighting the reasons not to invest, a woman at Apple who challenged Steve Jobs from three levels below, an analyst who overturned the rule of secrecy at the CIA, a billionaire financial wizard who fires employees for failing to criticize him, and a TV executive who didn’t even work in comedy but saved Seinfeld from the cutting-room floor. The payoff is a set of groundbreaking insights about rejecting conformity and improving the status quo.

In The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau tells you how to lead of life of adventure, meaning and purpose - and earn a good living. Still in his early 30s, Chris is on the verge of completing a tour of every country on earth - he's already visited more than 175 nations - and yet he’s never held a "real job" or earned a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back. There are many others like Chris - those who've found ways to opt out of traditional employment and create the time and income to pursue what they find meaningful. Sometimes, achieving that perfect blend of passion and income doesn't depend on shelving what you currently do. You can start small with your venture, committing little time or money, and wait to take the real plunge when you're sure it's successful. In preparing to write this book, Chris identified 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less), and from that group he’s chosen to focus on the 50 most intriguing case studies. In nearly all cases, people with no special skills discovered aspects of their personal passions that could be monetized, and were able to restructure their lives in ways that gave them greater freedom and fulfillment. Here, finally, distilled into one easy-to-use guide, are the most valuable lessons from those who’ve learned how to turn what they do into a gateway to self-fulfillment. It’s all about finding the intersection between your "expertise" - even if you don’t consider it such - and what other people will pay for. You don’t need an MBA, a business plan or even employees. All you need is a product or service that springs from what you love to do anyway, people willing to pay, and a way to get paid. Not content to talk in generalities, Chris tells you exactly how many dollars his group of unexpected entrepreneurs required to get their projects up and running; what these individuals did in the first weeks and months to generate significant cash; some of the key mistakes they made along the way, and the crucial insights that made the business stick. Among Chris’s key principles: if you’re good at one thing, you’re probably good at something else; never teach a man to fish - sell him the fish instead; and in the battle between planning and action, action wins. In ancient times, people who were dissatisfied with their lives dreamed of finding magic lamps, buried treasure, or streets paved with gold. Today, we know that it’s up to us to change our lives. And the best part is, if we change our own life, we can help others change theirs. This remarkable book will start you on your way.

Bold is a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. Exploring the exponential technologies that are disrupting today's Fortune 500 companies and enabling upstart entrepreneurs to go from "I've got an idea" to "I run a billion-dollar company" far faster than ever before, the authors provide exceptional insight into the power of 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. Drawing on insights from billionaire entrepreneurs Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos, the audiobook offers the best practices that allow anyone to leverage today's hyper connected crowd like never before. The authors teach how to design and use incentive competitions, launch million-dollar crowdfunding campaigns to tap into tens of billions of dollars of capital, and build communities - armies of exponentially enabled individuals willing and able to help today's entrepreneurs make their boldest dreams come true. Bold is both a manifesto and a manual. It is today's exponential entrepreneur's go-to resource on the use of emerging technologies, thinking at scale, and the awesome impact of crowd-powered tools.

The answer is simple: come up with 10 ideas a day. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad, the key is to exercise your "idea muscle", to keep it toned, and in great shape. People say ideas are cheap and execution is everything but that is NOT true. Execution is a consequence, a subset of good, brilliant idea. And good ideas require daily work. Ideas may be easy if we are only coming up with one or two but if you open this book to any of the pages and try to produce more than three, you will feel a burn, scratch your head, and you will be sweating, and working hard. There is a turning point when you reach idea number six for the day, you still have four to go, and your mind muscle is getting a workout. By the time you list those last ideas to make it to 10 you will see for yourself what "sweating the idea muscle" means. As you practice the daily idea generation you become an idea machine. When we become idea machines we are flooded with lots of bad ideas but also with some that are very good. This happens by the sheer force of the number, because we are coming up with 3,650 ideas per year (at 10 a day). When you are inspired by an extraordinary idea, all of your thoughts break their chains, you go beyond limitations and your capacity to act expands in every direction. Forces and abilities you did not know you had come to the surface, and you realize you are capable of doing great things. As you practice with the suggested prompts in this book your ideas will get better, you will be a source of great insight for others, people will find you magnetic, and they will want to hang out with you because you have so much to offer. When you practice every day your life will transform, in no more than 180 days, because it has no other evolutionary choice. Life changes for the better when we become the source of positive, insightful, and helpful ideas. Don't believe a word I say. Instead, challenge yourself.

A Guide to Resilience: How to Bounce Back from Life's Inevitable Problems Christian Moore is convinced that each of us has a power hidden within, something that can get us through any kind of adversity. That power is resilience. In The Resilience Breakthrough, Moore delivers a practical primer on how you can become more resilient in a world of instability and narrowing opportunity, whether you're facing financial troubles, health setbacks, challenges on the job, or any other problem. We can each have our own resilience breakthrough, Moore argues, and can each learn how to use adverse circumstances as potent fuel for overcoming life's hardships. As he shares engaging real-life stories and brutally honest analyses of his own experiences, Moore equips you with 27 resilience-building tools that you can start using today - in your personal life or in your organization.

What if someone told you that your behavior was controlled by a powerful, invisible force? Most of us would be skeptical of such a claim--but it's largely true. Our brains are constantly transmitting and receiving signals of which we are unaware. Studies show that these constant inputs drive the great majority of our decisions about what to do next--and we become conscious of the decisions only after we start acting on them. Many may find that disturbing. But the implications for leadership are profound. In this provocative yet practical book, renowned speaking coach and communication expert Nick Morgan highlights recent research that shows how humans are programmed to respond to the nonverbal cues of others--subtle gestures, sounds, and signals--that elicit emotion. He then provides a clear, useful framework of seven "power cues" that will be essential for any leader in business, the public sector, or almost any context. You'll learn crucial skills, from measuring nonverbal signs of confidence, to the art and practice of gestures and vocal tones, to figuring out what your gut is really telling you. This concise and engaging guide will help leaders and aspiring leaders of all stripes to connect powerfully, communicate more effectively, and command influence.

New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition. A mash-up of the best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy with a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really works. When managers and marketers outline their social media strategies, they plan for the "right hook"—their next sale or campaign that's going to knock out the competition. Even companies committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships crucial to successful social media campaigns—want to land the punch that will take down their opponent or their customer's resistance in one blow. Right hooks convert traffic to sales and easily show results. Except when they don't. Thanks to massive change and proliferation in social media platforms, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Vaynerchuk shows that while communication is still key, context matters more than ever. It's not just about developing high-quality content, but developing high-quality content perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices—content tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Tumblr.

From the best-selling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a book on how some things actually benefit from disorder. In The Black Swan Taleb outlined a problem, and in Antifragile he offers a definitive solution: how to gain from disorder and chaos while being protected from fragilities and adverse events. For what Taleb calls the "antifragile" is actually beyond the robust, because it benefits from shocks, uncertainty, and stressors, just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension. The antifragile needs disorder in order to survive and flourish. Taleb stands uncertainty on its head, making it desirable, even necessary, and proposes that things be built in an antifragile manner. The antifragile is immune to prediction errors. Why is the city-state better than the nation-state, why is debt bad for you, and why is everything that is both modern and complicated bound to fail? The audiobook spans innovation by trial and error, health, biology, medicine, life decisions, politics, foreign policy, urban planning, war, personal finance, and economic systems. And throughout, in addition to the street wisdom of Fat Tony of Brooklyn, the voices and recipes of ancient wisdom, from Roman, Greek, Semitic, and medieval sources, are heard loud and clear. Extremely ambitious and multidisciplinary, Antifragile provides a blueprint for how to behave - and thrive - in a world we don't understand, and which is too uncertain for us to even try to understand and predict. Erudite and witty, Taleb’s message is revolutionary: What is not antifragile will surely perish.

The Cluetrain Manifesto began as a Web site in 1999 when the authors, who have worked variously at IBM, Sun Microsystems, the Linux Journal, and NPR, posted 95 theses about the new reality of the networked marketplace. Ten years after its original publication, their message remains more relevant than ever. For example, thesis no. 2: “Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors”; thesis no. 20: “Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.” The book enlarges on these themes through dozens of stories and observations about business in America and how the Internet will continue to change it all. With a new introduction and chapters by the authors, and commentary by Jake McKee, JP Rangaswami, and Dan Gillmor, this book is essential reading for anybody interested in the Internet and e-commerce, and is especially vital for businesses navigating the topography of the wired marketplace.

From the founders of the trailblazing software company 37signals, here is a different kind of business book one that explores a new reality. Today, anyone can be in business. Tools that used to be out of reach are now easily accessible. Technology that cost thousands is now just a few bucks or even free. Stuff that was impossible just a few years ago is now simple.That means anyone can start a business. And you can do it without working miserable 80-hour weeks or depleting your life savings. You can start it on the side while your day job provides all the cash flow you need. Forget about business plans, meetings, office space - you don't need them. With its straightforward language and easy-is-better approach, Rework is the perfect playbook for anyone who's ever dreamed of doing it on their own. Hardcore entrepreneurs, small-business owners, people stuck in day jobs who want to get out, and artists who don't want to starve anymore will all find valuable inspiration and guidance in these pages. It's time to rework work.

Tesla's main source of inspiration.
Roger Joseph Boscovich, a physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, Jesuit priest, and polymath, published the first edition of his famous work, Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria Redacta Ad Unicam Legem Virium In Natura Existentium (Theory Of Natural Philosophy Derived To The Single Law Of Forces Which Exist In Nature), in Vienna, in 1758, containing his atomic theory and his theory of forces. A second edition was published in 1763 in Venice

Bill Clinton's Georgetown mentor's history of the Conspiracy since the Boer War in South Africa.
TRAGEDY AND HOPE shows the years 1895-1950 as a period of transition from the world dominated by Europe in the nineteenth century to the world of three blocs in the twentieth century. With clarity, perspective, and cumulative impact, Professor Quigley examines the nature of that transition through two world wars and a worldwide economic depression. As an interpretative historian, he tries to show each event in the full complexity of its historical context. The result is a unique work, notable in several ways. It gives a picture of the world in terms of the influence of different cultures and outlooks upon each other; it shows, more completely than in any similar work, the influence of science and technology on human life; and it explains, with unprecedented clarity, how the intricate financial and commercial patterns of the West prior to 1914 influenced the development of today’s world.

This is the July, 2016 ALTA (Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis) Report. Also known as 'the Web Bot' report, this series is brought to you by This report covers your future world from July 2016 through to 2031. Forecasts are created using predictive linguistics (from the inventor) and cover your planet, your population, your economy and markets, and your Space Goat Farts where you will find all the 'unknown' and 'officially denied' woo-woo that will be shaping your environment over these next few decades.

Time is considered as an independent entity which cannot be reduced to the concept of matter, space or field. The point of discussion is the "time flow" conception of N A Kozyrev (1908-1983), an outstanding Russian astronomer and natural scientist. In addition to a review of the experimental studies of "the active properties of time", by both Kozyrev and modern scientists, the reader will find different interpretations of Kozyrev's views and some developments of his ideas in the fields of geophysics, astrophysics, general relativity and theoretical mechanics.

How UFO Time Engines work - Clif High

The webpage discusses the workings of UFO time engines according to N.A. Kozyrev's experiments. The LL1 engine is described as a hollow metal sphere with a pool of mercury metal inside. When activated by electrical energy, it creates a uni-polar magnetic field causing the mercury to spin at a high rate and induce "time stuff" to accumulate on its surface. The accrued time stuff is siphoned down magnetically to the radiating antennae on the bottom of the vessel, providing self-sustaining power and allowing for time travel. The environment inside UFOs is likely volatile and not suitable for humans.

The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory that electricity is vital to life. But as exciting as Becker's discoveries are, pointing to the day when human limbs, spinal cords, and organs may be regenerated after they have been damaged, equally fascinating is the story of Becker's struggle to do such original work. The Body Electric explores new pathways in our understanding of evolution, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, and healing.

Unique, controversial, and frequently cited, this survey offers highly detailed accounts concerning the development of ideas and theories about the nature of electricity and space (aether). Readily accessible to general readers as well as high school students, teachers, and undergraduates, it includes much information unavailable elsewhere. This single-volume edition comprises both The Classical Theories and The Modern Theories, which were originally published separately. The first volume covers the theories of classical physics from the age of the Greek philosophers to the late 19th century. The second volume chronicles discoveries that led to the advances of modern physics, focusing on special relativity, quantum theories, general relativity, matrix mechanics, and wave mechanics. Noted historian of science I. Bernard Cohen, who reviewed these books for Scientific American, observed, "I know of no other history of electricity which is as sound as Whittaker's. All those who have found stimulation from his works will read this informative and accurate history with interest and profit."

The third edition of the defining text for the graduate-level course in Electricity and Magnetism has finally arrived! It has been 37 years since the first edition and 24 since the second. The new edition addresses the changes in emphasis and applications that have occurred in the field, without any significant increase in length.

Objects are a ubiquitous presence and few of us stop and think what they mean in our lives. This is the job of philosophers and this is what Jean Baudrillard does in his book. This is required reading for followers of Baudrillard, and he is perhaps the most assessable to the General Reader. Baudrillard is most associated with Post Modernism, and this early book sets the stage for that journey to the post modern world.
We are all surrounded by objects, but how many times have we thought about what those objects represent. If we took the time to think about the symbolism, we could arrive at easy solutions. We have been so accustomed to advertising the automobile representing freedom is an easy conclusion. But what about furniture? What about chairs? What about the arrangement of furniture? Watches? Collecting objects? Baudrillard literally opens up a new world and creates the universe of objects.
It is not that the critique of a society or objects has not been done before, but Baudrillard’s approach is new. Baudrillard examines objects as signs with a smattering of Post-Marxist thought. In his analysis of objects as signs, he ushers in the Post-Modern age and world for which he would be known. Heady stuff to be sure, but is presented by Baudrillard in a readily accessible manner. He articulates his thesis in a straightforward manner, avoiding the hyper-technical terminology he used in his later writings.

Moving away from the Marxist/Freudian approaches that had concerned him earlier, Baudrillard developed in this book a theory of contemporary culture that relies on displacing economic notions of cultural production with notions of cultural expenditure.

The book begins with Sidis's discovery of the first law of physical laws: "Among the physical laws it is a general characteristic that there is reversibility in time; that is, should the whole universe trace back the various positions that bodies in it have passed through in a given interval of time, but in the reverse order to that in which these positions actually occurred, then the universe, in this imaginary case, would still obey the same laws." Recent discoveries of dark matter are predicted by him in this book, and he goes on to show that the "Big Bang" is wrong. Sidis (SIGH-dis) shows that it is far more likely the universe is eternal

In this book you will encounter rare information regarding your true identity - the conscious self in the body - and how you may break the hypnotic spell your senses and thinking have cast about you since childhood.

Do we see the world as it truly is? In The Case Against Reality, pioneering cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman says no? we see what we need in order to survive. Our visual perceptions are not a window onto reality, Hoffman shows us, but instead are interfaces constructed by natural selection. The objects we see around us are not unlike the file icons on our computer desktops: while shaped like a small folder on our screens, the files themselves are made of a series of ones and zeros - too complex for most of us to understand. In a similar way, Hoffman argues, evolution has shaped our perceptions into simplistic illusions to help us navigate the world around us. Yet now these illusions can be manipulated by advertising and design.
Drawing on thirty years of Hoffman's own influential research, as well as evolutionary biology, game theory, neuroscience, and philosophy, The Case Against Reality makes the mind-bending yet utterly convincing case that the world is nothing like what we see through our eyes.

At the height of the Cold War, JFK risked committing the greatest crime in human history: starting a nuclear war. Horrified by the specter of nuclear annihilation, Kennedy gradually turned away from his long-held Cold Warrior beliefs and toward a policy of lasting peace. But to the military and intelligence agencies in the United States, who were committed to winning the Cold War at any cost, Kennedy’s change of heart was a direct threat to their power and influence. Once these dark “Unspeakable” forces recognized that Kennedy’s interests were in direct opposition to their own, they tagged him as a dangerous traitor, plotted his assassination, and orchestrated the subsequent cover-up.

2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID. A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent. And therein lies a story—a story that starts with obvious questions: - What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people? - What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

The Tavistock Institute, in Sussex, England, describes itself as a nonprofit charity that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. But this book posits that it is the world’s center for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. It grew from a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House into a sophisticated organization that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society. In this eye-opening work, both the Tavistock network and the methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare are uncovered.

A seminal and controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Edward Bernays (1891–1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed “engineering of consent.” During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon.
Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, as well as his uncle, Sigmund Freud, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. His 1928 bombshell Propaganda lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.

Undressing the Bible: in Hebrew, the Old Testament speaks for itself, explicitly and transparently. It tells of mysterious beings, special and powerful ones, that appeared on Earth.
Former earthlings?
Superior civilizations, that have always been present on our planet?
Creators, manipulators, geneticists. Aviators, warriors, despotic rulers. And scientists, possessing very advanced knowledge, special weapons and science-fiction-like technologies.
Once naked, the Bible is very different from how it has always been told to us: it does not contain any spiritual, omnipotent and omniscient God, no eternity. No apples and no creeping, tempting, serpents. No winged angels. Not even the Red Sea: the people of the Exodus just wade through a simple reed bed.
Writer and journalist Giorgio Cattaneo sits down with Italy's most renowned biblical translator for his first long interview about his life's work for the English audience. A decade long official Bible translator for the Church and lifelong researcher of ancient myths and tales, Mauro Bilglino is a unicum in his field of expertise and research. A fine connoisseur of dead languages, from ancient Greek to Hebrew and medieval Latin, he focused his attention and efforts on the accurate translating of the bible.
The encounter with Mauro Biglino and his work - the journalist writes - is profoundly healthy, stimulating and inevitably destabilizing: it forces us to reconsider the solidity of the awareness that nourishes many of our common beliefs. And it is a testament to the courage that is needed, today more than ever, to claim the full dignity of free research.

Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th century.Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai's adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.After Sabbati Zevi's death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform "strange acts" that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history".Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

This is the first English translation of this revolutionary essay by Vladimir I. Vernadsky, the great Russian-Ukrainian biogeochemist. It was first published in 1930 in French in the Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées. In it, Vernadsky makes a powerful and provocative argument for the need to develop what he calls “a new physics,” something he felt was clearly necessitated by the implications of the groundbreaking work of Louis Pasteur among few others, but also something that was required to free science from the long-lasting effects of the work of Isaac Newton, most notably.
For hundreds of years, science had developed in a direction which became increasingly detached from the breakthroughs made in the study of life and the natural sciences, detached even from human life itself, and committed reductionists and small-minded scientists were resolved to the fact that ultimately all would be reduced to “the old physics.” The scientific revolution of Einstein was a step in the right direction, but here Vernadsky insists that there is more progress to be made. He makes a bold call for a new physics, taking into account, and fundamentally based upon, the striking anomalies of life and human life.

Using an inspired combination of geometric logic and metaphors from familiar human experience, Bucky invites readers to join him on a trip through a four-dimensional Universe, where concepts as diverse as entropy, Einstein's relativity equations, and the meaning of existence become clear, understandable, and immediately involving. In his own words: "Dare to be naive... It is one of our most exciting discoveries that local discovery leads to a complex of further discoveries." Here are three key examples or concepts from "Synergetics":


Tensegrity, or tensional integrity, refers to structural systems that use a combination of tension and compression components. The simplest example of this is the "tensegrity triangle", where three struts are held in position not by touching one another but by tensioned wires. These systems are stable and flexible. Tensegrity structures are pervasive in natural systems, from the cellular level up to larger biological and even cosmological scales.

Vector Equilibrium (VE)

The Vector Equilibrium, often referred to by Fuller as the "VE", is a geometric form that he saw as the central form in his synergetic geometry. It’s essentially a cuboctahedron. Fuller noted that the VE is the only geometric form wherein all the vectors (lines from the center to the vertices) are of equal length and angular relationship. Because of this, it’s seen as a condition of absolute equilibrium, where the forces of push and pull are balanced.

Closest Packing of Spheres

Fuller was fascinated by how spheres could be packed together in the tightest possible configuration, a concept he often linked to how nature organizes systems. For example, when you stack oranges in a grocery store, they form a hexagonal pattern, and the spheres (oranges) are in closest-packed arrangement. Fuller related this principle to atomic structures and even cosmic organization.

To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (CG5GW) by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. General Flynn rose to the highest levels of the intelligence community and served as the National Security Advisor to the 45th POTUS. Sergeant Boone Cutler ran the ground game as a wartime Psychological Operations team sergeant in the United States Army. Together, these two combat veterans put their combined experience and expertise into an illuminating fifth-generation warfare information series called The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare. Introduction to 5GW is the first session of the multipart series. The series, complete with easy-to-understand diagrams, is written for all of humanity in every freedom loving country.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Biosphere :

  • Vernadsky defined the biosphere as the thin layer of Earth where life exists, encompassing all living organisms and the parts of the Earth where they interact. This includes the depths of the oceans to the upper layers of the atmosphere.
  • He posited that life plays a critical role in transforming the Earth's environment. In this view, living organisms are not just passive inhabitants of the planet, but active agents of change. This idea contrasts with more traditional views that saw life as simply adapting to pre-existing environmental conditions.
  • One example of this transformative power is the oxygen-rich atmosphere, which was created by photosynthesizing organisms over billions of years.

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Noosphere :

  • The concept of the noosphere can be seen as the next evolutionary stage following the biosphere. While the biosphere represents the realm of life, the noosphere represents the realm of human thought.
  • Vernadsky believed that, just as life transformed the Earth through the biosphere, human thought and collective intelligence would transform the planet in the era of the noosphere. This transformation would be characterized by the dominance of cultural evolution over biological evolution.
  • In this paradigm, human knowledge, technology, and cultural developments would become the primary drivers of change on the planet, influencing its future direction.
  • The term "noosphere" is derived from the Greek word “nous” meaning "mind" or "intellect" and "sphaira" meaning "sphere." So, the noosphere can be thought of as the "sphere of human thought."

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

A close analysis of the architecture of the stupa―a Buddhist symbolic form that is found throughout South, Southeast, and East Asia. The author, who trained as an architect, examines both the physical and metaphysical levels of these buildings, which derive their meaning and significance from Buddhist and Brahmanist influences.

Building on his extensive research into the sacred symbols and creation myths of the Dogon of Africa and those of ancient Egypt, India, and Tibet, Laird Scranton investigates the myths, symbols, and traditions of prehistoric China, providing further evidence that the cosmology of all ancient cultures arose from a single now-lost source.

It is at the same time a history of language, a guide to foreign tongues, and a method for learning them. It shows, through basic vocabularies, family resemblances of languages―Teutonic, Romance, Greek―helpful tricks of translation, key combinations of roots and phonetic patterns. It presents by common-sense methods the most helpful approach to the mastery of many languages; it condenses vocabulary to a minimum of essential words; it simplifies grammar in an entirely new way; and it teaches a languages as it is actually used in everyday life.
But this book is more than a guide to foreign languages; it goes deep into the roots of all knowledge as it explores the history of speech. It lights up the dim pathways of prehistory and unfolds the story of the slow growth of human expression from the most primitive signs and sounds to the elaborate variations of the highest cultures. Without language no knowledge would be possible; here we see how language is at once the source and the reservoir of all we know.

Taking only the most elementary knowledge for granted, Lancelot Hogben leads readers of this famous book through the whole course from simple arithmetic to calculus. His illuminating explanation is addressed to the person who wants to understand the place of mathematics in modern civilization but who has been intimidated by its supposed difficulty. Mathematics is the language of size, shape, and order―a language Hogben shows one can both master and enjoy.

A complete manual for the study and practice of Raja Yoga, the path of concentration and meditation. These timeless teachings is a treasure to be read and referred to again and again by seekers treading the spiritual path. The classic Sutras, at least 4,000 years old, cover the yogic teachings on ethics, meditation, and physical postures, and provide directions for dealing with situations in daily life. The Sutras are presented here in the purest form, with the original Sanskrit and with translation, transliteration, and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda, one of the most respected and revered contemporary Yoga masters. Sri Swamiji offers practical advice based on his own experience for mastering the mind and achieving physical, mental and emotional harmony.

William Strauss and Neil Howe will change the way you see the world - and your place in it. With blazing originality, The Fourth Turning illuminates the past, explains the present, and reimagines the future. Most remarkably, it offers an utterly persuasive prophecy about how America’s past will predict its future.

Strauss and Howe base this vision on a provocative theory of American history. The authors look back 500 years and uncover a distinct pattern: Modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting about the length of a long human life, each composed of four eras - or "turnings" - that last about 20 years and that always arrive in the same order. In The Fourth Turning, the authors illustrate these cycles using a brilliant analysis of the post-World War II period.

First comes a High, a period of confident expansion as a new order takes root after the old has been swept away. Next comes an Awakening, a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion against the now-established order. Then comes an Unraveling, an increasingly troubled era in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis - the Fourth Turning - when society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. Together, the four turnings comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth.

4th Turning

Excess Deaths & Why RFK Jr. Can Win The Democratic Presidential Race - Ed Dowd | Part 1 of 2 - 06-21-2023

All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. To the general reader the Khazars, who flourished from the 7th to 11th century, may seem infinitely remote today. Yet they have a close and unexpected bearing on our world, which emerges as Koestler recounts the fascinating history of the ancient Khazar Empire.

At about the time that Charlemagne was Emperor in the West. The Khazars' sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.Thereafter the Khazars found themselves in a precarious position between the two major world powers: the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium and the triumphant followers of Mohammed.As Koestler points out, the Khazars were the Third World of their day. They chose a surprising method of resisting both the Western pressure to become Christian and the Eastern to adopt Islam. Rejecting both, they converted to Judaism. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry.

Few people noticed the secret codewords used by our astronauts to describe the moon. Until now, few knew about the strange moving lights they reported.
George H. Leonard, former NASA scientist, fought through the official veil of secrecy and studied thousands of NASA photographs, spoke candidly with dozens of NASA officials, and listened to hours and hours of astronauts' tapes.
Here, Leonard presents the stunning and inescapable evidence discovered during his in-depth investigation:

  • Immense mechanical rigs, some over a mile long, working the lunar surface.
  • Strange geometric ground markings and symbols.
  • Lunar constructions several times higher than anything built on Earth.
  • Vehicles, tracks, towers, pipes, conduits, and conveyor belts running in and across moon craters.
Somebody else is indeed on the Moon, and engaged in activities on a massive scale. Our space agencies, and many of the world's top scientists, have known for years that there is intelligent life on the moon.

The article delves into the history of the Khazars, a polity in the Northern Caucasus that existed from the mid-seventh century until about 970 CE. Contrary to popular belief, the term "Khazars" is misleading as it was a multiethnic entity, and it's uncertain which specific group adopted Judaism. The Khazars first emerged in the seventh century, defeating the Bulgars, which led to the Bulgars' dispersion to various regions. The Khazar Empire was established through the expulsion of the Bulgars and was multiethnic in nature. The language spoken by the Khazars is debated, with some suggesting Turkic origins and others pointing to Slavic. The Khazars had several cities and fortresses, with significant archaeological findings. The Khazars had interactions with various empires, including wars with the Arabs and alliances with Byzantine emperors. By the mid-10th century, the Khazar capital of Itil was destroyed by the Russians. The article concludes that much of what is known about the Khazars is based on limited sources.

#Khazars #History #Caucasus #Judaism #Bulgars #Empire #Multiethnic #LanguageDebate #ArabWars #ByzantineAlliances #Itil #RussianInvasion #Archaeology #ReligiousConversion #TabletMag

In The Science of the Dogon, Laird Scranton demonstrated that the cosmological structure described in the myths and drawings of the Dogon runs parallel to modern science--atomic theory, quantum theory, and string theory--their drawings often taking the same form as accurate scientific diagrams that relate to the formation of matter.

Sacred Symbols of the Dogon uses these parallels as the starting point for a new interpretation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language. By substituting Dogon cosmological drawings for equivalent glyph-shapes in Egyptian words, a new way of reading and interpreting the Egyptian hieroglyphs emerges. Scranton shows how each hieroglyph constitutes an entire concept, and that their meanings are scientific in nature.

The Dogon people of Mali, West Africa, are famous for their unique art and advanced cosmology. The Dogon’s creation story describes how the one true god, Amma, created all the matter of the universe. Interestingly, the myths that depict his creative efforts bear a striking resemblance to the modern scientific definitions of matter, beginning with the atom and continuing all the way to the vibrating threads of string theory. Furthermore, many of the Dogon words, symbols, and rituals used to describe the structure of matter are quite similar to those found in the myths of ancient Egypt and in the daily rituals of Judaism. For example, the modern scientific depiction of the informed universe as a black hole is identical to Amma’s Egg of the Dogon and the Egyptian Benben Stone.

The Science of the Dogon offers a case-by-case comparison of Dogon descriptions and drawings to corresponding scientific definitions and diagrams from authors like Stephen Hawking and Brian Greene, then extends this analysis to the counterparts of these symbols in both the ancient Egyptian and Hebrew religions. What is ultimately revealed is the scientific basis for the language of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, which was deliberately encoded to prevent the knowledge of these concepts from falling into the hands of all but the highest members of the Egyptian priesthood.

Anthony C. Yu’s translation of The Journey to the West,initially published in 1983, introduced English-speaking audiences to the classic Chinese novel in its entirety for the first time. Written in the sixteenth century, The Journey to the West tells the story of the fourteen-year pilgrimage of the monk Xuanzang, one of China’s most famous religious heroes, and his three supernatural disciples, in search of Buddhist scriptures. Throughout his journey, Xuanzang fights demons who wish to eat him, communes with spirits, and traverses a land riddled with a multitude of obstacles, both real and fantastical. An adventure rich with danger and excitement, this seminal work of the Chinese literary canonis by turns allegory, satire, and fantasy.

With over a hundred chapters written in both prose and poetry, The Journey to the West has always been a complicated and difficult text to render in English while preserving the lyricism of its language and the content of its plot. But Yu has successfully taken on the task, and in this new edition he has made his translations even more accurate and accessible. The explanatory notes are updated and augmented, and Yu has added new material to his introduction, based on his original research as well as on the newest literary criticism and scholarship on Chinese religious traditions. He has also modernized the transliterations included in each volume, using the now-standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization system. Perhaps most important, Yu has made changes to the translation itself in order to make it as precise as possible.

One of the great works of Chinese literature, The Journey to the West is not only invaluable to scholars of Eastern religion and literature, but, in Yu’s elegant rendering, also a delight for any reader.

The Oera Linda Book is a 19th-century translation by Dr. Ottema and WIlliam R. Sandbach of an old manuscript written in the Old Frisian language that records historical, mythological, and religious themes of remote antiquity, compiled between 2194 BC and AD 803.

  • The Oera Linda book challenges traditional views of pre-Christian societies.
  • Christianization is likened to a "great reset" that erased previous civilizations.
  • The Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people.
  • The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting patterns in history.
  • The importance of identity and understanding one's roots is highlighted.
  • The Oera Linda book offers wisdom and insights into several European languages.

The Oera Linda book offers a fresh perspective on our history, challenging the notion that pre-Christian societies were uncivilized. It suggests that the Christianization of societies was a form of "great reset," erasing and demonizing what existed before. The Oera Linda writings hint at an advanced civilization with its own laws, writing, and societal structures. Jan Ott's translation from the Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people. The text also touches upon the guilt many feel today, even if they aren't religious, about issues like climate change and historical slavery. It criticizes the way science is sometimes treated like a religion, with scientists acting as its preachers. The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting that understanding history requires recognizing patterns and cycles. Christianity is portrayed as one of the most significant resets in history, with sects fighting and erasing each other's scriptures. The importance of identity is highlighted, with a focus on the Fryans, a tribe that faced challenges from another tribe from Finland. This other tribe had a different moral compass, leading to conflicts and eventual assimilation. The text suggests that the true history of the Fryans and their values might have been distorted by subsequent Christian narratives. The Oera Linda book is seen as a source of wisdom, shedding light on the origins of several European languages and offering insights into values like freedom, truth, and justice.

#OeraLinda #History #Christianization #GreatReset #FryanLanguage #JanOtt #Civilization #OldTestament #Church #SpiritualAbuse #Identity #Fryans #Autland #Finland #Slavery #Christianity #Sects #Genocide #Torture #Bible #Freedom #Truth #Justice #Righteousness #Language #German #Dutch #Frisian #English #Scandinavian #Wisdom #Inspiration #European #Values

The Talmud is one of the most important holy books of the Hebrew religion and of the world. No English translation of the book existed until the author presented this work. To this day, very little of the actual text seems available in English -- although we find many interpretive commentaries on what it is supposed to mean. The Talmud has a reputation for being long and difficult to digest, but Polano has taken what he believes to be the best material and put it into extremely readable form. As far as holy books of the world are concerned, it is on par with The Koran, The Bhagavad-Gita and, of course, The Bible, in importance. This clearly written edition will allow many to experience The Talmud who may have otherwise not had the chance.

This five-volume set is the only complete English rendering of The Zohar, the fundamental rabbinic work on Jewish mysticism that has fascinated readers for more than seven centuries. In addition to being the primary reference text for kabbalistic studies, this magnificent work is arranged in the form of a commentary on the Bible, bringing to the surface the deeper meanings behind the commandments and biblical narrative. As The Zohar itself proclaims: Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment Thin which it is swathed.

Twenty-one years ago, at a friend's request, a Massachusetts professor sketched out a blueprint for nonviolent resistance to repressive regimes. It would go on to be translated, photocopied, and handed from one activist to another, traveling from country to country across the globe: from Iran to Venezuela―where both countries consider Gene Sharp to be an enemy of the state―to Serbia; Afghanistan; Vietnam; the former Soviet Union; China; Nepal; and, more recently and notably, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria, where it has served as a guiding light of the Arab Spring.

This short, pithy, inspiring, and extraordinarily clear guide to overthrowing a dictatorship by nonviolent means lists 198 specific methods to consider, depending on the circumstances: sit-ins, popular nonobedience, selective strikes, withdrawal of bank deposits, revenue refusal, walkouts, silence, and hunger strikes. From Dictatorship to Democracy is the remarkable work that has made the little-known Sharp into the world's most effective and sought-after analyst of resistance to authoritarian regimes.

Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests. He has spoken to many groups throughout the United States and has appeared regularly on many radio talk shows and on television. In 1988 Bill decided to "talk" due to events then taking place worldwide, events that he had seen plans for back in the early 1970s. Bill correctly predicted the lowering of the Iron Curtain, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. All Bill's predictions were on record well before the events occurred. Bill is not a psychic. His information comes from top secret documents that he read while with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over seventeen years of research.

The argument that the 16th Amendment (which concerns the federal income tax) was not properly ratified and thus is invalid has been a topic of debate among some tax protesters and scholars. One of the individuals associated with this theory is Bill Benson, who asserted that the 16th Amendment was fraudulently ratified. Here's a brief overview of the argument: 1. Research and Documentation: Bill Benson, along with another individual named M.J. "Red" Beckman, wrote a two-volume work called "The Law That Never Was" in the 1980s. This work was a product of Benson's extensive travels to various state archives to examine the original ratification documents related to the 16th Amendment. 2. Claims of Irregularities: In his work, Benson presented evidence that claimed many of the states either did not ratify the 16th Amendment properly or made mistakes in their resolutions. Some of these alleged irregularities included misspellings, incorrect wording, and other deviations from the proposed amendment. 3. Philander Knox's Role: In 1913, Philander Knox, who was the U.S. Secretary of State at the time, declared that the 16th Amendment had been ratified by the necessary three-fourths of the states. Benson's contention is that Knox was aware of the various discrepancies and irregularities in the ratification process but chose to fraudulently declare the amendment ratified anyway. 4. Legal Challenges and Court Rulings: Over the years, some tax protesters have used Benson's findings to challenge the legality of the income tax. However, these challenges have been consistently rejected by the courts. In fact, several courts have addressed Benson's research and arguments directly and found them to be without legal merit. The courts have repeatedly upheld the validity of the 16th Amendment. 5. Counterarguments: Critics of Benson's theory argue that even if there were minor discrepancies in the wording or format of the ratification documents, they do not invalidate the overarching intent of the states to ratify the amendment. Additionally, they assert that there's no substantive evidence that Knox acted fraudulently. It's worth noting that despite the popularity of this theory among certain groups, the legal consensus in the U.S. is that the 16th Amendment was validly ratified and is a legitimate part of the U.S. Constitution. Those who refuse to pay income taxes based on this theory have faced legal penalties.

The article delves into the evolution of the concept of the ether in physics. Historically, the ether was postulated to explain the propagation of light, with figures like Newton and Huygens suggesting its existence. By the late 19th century, Maxwell's electromagnetic theory linked light's propagation to the ether, a theory experimentally validated by Hertz in 1888. Lorentz expanded on this, focusing on wave transmission in moving media. The article contrasts the English approach, which sought tangible models, with the phenomenological view, which aimed for a descriptive approach without specific hypotheses. The piece also touches on various mechanical theories and models proposed over the years, emphasizing the challenges in defining the ether's properties and its evolving nature in scientific discourse.

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The Lost Century And How To Reclaim It – 07-10-2023

The Lost Century And How To Reclaim It - 07-10-2023

The Lost Century And How To Reclaim It - 07-10-2023

Episode Summary:

This text emphasizes the urgency of combating climate change and suggests that a solution could be found in suppressed technologies. The text starts by highlighting the devastating consequences of inaction towards global warming and points out conflicting opinions on climate change. Then, it mentions the presence of unidentified objects or aircrafts which are speculated to be alternative energy and propulsion devices. If disclosed, these could purportedly end dependence on fossil fuels and eliminate pollution and poverty. The text also mentions Dr. Stephen Greer, an expert on extraterrestrial intelligence, who has been emphasizing the urgency of this situation.

In the latter part, the text discusses technologies that have existed since the 60s, but have been kept secret. These technologies, like those created by Lockheed Skunk Works, have the potential to replace obsolete energy sources such as internal combustion engines, nuclear power plants, and wind generators. It mentions Zero Point Energy, an energy source derived from the vacuum of space, as a virtually unlimited reservoir of clean, free energy. Harnessing this could drastically reduce costs associated with agriculture and manufacturing, and solve energy intensive problems like water desalination and air purification.

However, such a shift would disrupt the existing energy market and economic system, risking trillions of dollars. The text concludes by warning about the catastrophic outcome of continuing the current path of greed and power, leading to irreversible damage to the biosphere and ultimately, the destruction of the planet.

The speaker discusses the environmental crisis caused by human activities, starting with the declining insect population, which indicates the ongoing sixth great extinction. The destruction extends to marine life and other ecosystems. The speaker stresses that humanity is in a state of denial about the seriousness of this crisis, fueled by false information propagated by corporations. For instance, Exxon knew about the impact of fossil fuels on climate change as early as 1977, yet funded campaigns denying these effects. The problem is exacerbated by the use of non-sustainable energy sources, such as China's reliance on coal. Alternatives like solar and wind energy have limitations and their own environmental implications. The speaker condemns the societal structure that prioritizes profits over the environment. They also mention nanoparticulate plastics contaminating the food chain, and suggest the potential of zero point energy field as a solution. They argue for a societal shift towards more sustainable living and the need for holding corporations accountable.

The International Panel on Climate Change's report forecasts that millions of people will face poverty due to climate change within the next decade. About 3 billion people lack cooking facilities, leading to desertification as they destroy vegetation for survival. Their lifestyles are further threatened by financial systems imposing debts, forcing them to convert their environments into commodities for global markets. The speaker emphasizes that the solution isn't just supplying more energy, but addressing societal issues such as depression and addiction. Climate change contributes to global issues like hunger crises, and the speaker stresses that justice and peace can't exist alongside poverty. Current energy systems are inadequate; both fossil fuels and renewables have drawbacks. The concept of overunity, producing more energy than consumed, is discussed as a potential solution. Historical examples, like Tesla's magnifying transformer, demonstrate the potential of overunity. However, the speaker highlights a reluctance to explore such alternatives due to entrenched assumptions about energy production.

This text discusses the suppression of alternative energy technologies and the influence of powerful cartels on such initiatives. Historically, inventors like Nikola Tesla have reportedly extracted energy from the environment, creating devices that could challenge established energy norms. The speaker accuses large corporations and governments of suppressing these technologies to protect the oil industry, arguing that much of the global power resides with these wealthy entities who control major corporations.

The speaker claims to have personally encountered cases of suppression, such as corporations buying innovative devices to shelve them, national security orders confiscating patents, threats to inventors, and legal complications. Examples of this are patents for solar technologies that were more efficient than current models being confiscated under the guise of national security. The speaker further suggests that mainstream media, often manipulated by powerful entities, rarely publicizes these issues.

The text also mentions the controversial handling of Nikola Tesla's work, implying that his ground-breaking research was seized by the FBI and Department of Defense posthumously, leaving the public unaware of his potentially transformative discoveries. The speaker concludes by stressing the urgency of disclosing such technology to address environmental concerns and improve humanity's overall well-being.

This text discusses various instances where inventors have created energy-efficient or novel power technologies but faced obstruction, suppression, and personal danger. For instance, the American Physical Society allegedly conceals technological advancements, as seen when Boeing was denied the use of a new propulsion system on its commercial airlines. Inventors like T. Henry Moray and a retired Wright Patterson Project Blue Book official faced life-threatening situations and financial hardship due to their innovations. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is criticized for hampering progress, as it tends to reject fuel-saving devices. The inventor syndrome is outlined, where innovators unknowingly step into the crosshairs of powerful corporations and the national security state, typically leading to their downfall or death. The suggested solution is open-source sharing of innovations, avoiding patents and intellectual property. Despite validation from notable scientists, many of these inventions remain hidden due to the inventors' obsession with secrecy and a lack of business acumen.

The Patent Office failed to properly assess Mr. Newman's application for a patent on a device that allegedly produced large amounts of power from a small input. The device's potential significance was suppressed, as patent examiners were restricted from rejecting applications due to operability concerns, except for energy inventions. Despite the device's promise and repeated successful tests, Newman mysteriously died. Several instances of attacks and suspicious deaths involving individuals involved in groundbreaking energy research were recounted, implying foul play by parties interested in maintaining the status quo. The account includes cold fusion pioneers Stanley Ponds and Martin Fleischman, as well as whistleblower Eugene Malov, who exposed data alteration at MIT. Despite these setbacks, the narration continues to hope for a breakthrough in clean energy technology, albeit criticizing a recent fusion breakthrough announcement as a distraction, suggesting its output was not as significant as portrayed. The text implies a conspiracy to suppress revolutionary energy inventions.

This text critically discusses the perceived inefficiencies of fusion energy, suggesting it has a 1200 times net energy loss and poses potential dangers due to the high heat generated. It advocates for exploring alternative energy solutions concealed within classified programs, focusing on three themes: torsion physics, plasma, and ether. Torsion physics, understood as the rotation of energy in a spiral, and plasma, the fourth state of matter, are considered crucial to understanding energy motion. Furthermore, the revival of the ether concept, regarded as the base layer of physical reality, is foreseen as crucial for significant progress in energy studies.

The text also delves into a particular case of a man who invented a car running on water, only to keep the technology secret due to fears of being financially outpaced. This technology included a toroid, a doughnut-shaped electromagnetic device that became a matter of national security. The man faced persecution, sabotage, death threats, and ultimately assassination, exemplifying the potential danger of introducing disruptive energy technologies. Other cases, like Ken Shoulders' charge clusters technology that tapped into the zero-point energy field, faced similar suppression, illustrating the severe barriers that radical energy innovation may face.

The text outlines an innovative system that runs internal combustion engines primarily on water, with some gasoline. This eliminates the need for modifications and resists rust, different from Stan Meyer's model which required a different engine type. These engines leverage zero-point energy through the creation and discharge of microscopic ball lightnings, a process likened to natural energy transmission mechanisms in nature.

A recent technology under investigation by Dr. Greer's team involves 123456 magnesium alloy plates configured in a shoebox-sized device, believed to run off the magnetic flux of surrounding space. However, the inventor has faced imprisonment, death threats, and sabotage, leading to a more secretive approach for the development of a 1 MW power plant.

Dr. Greer is also launching a research lab aimed at open-source development of zero-point energy technology. This would require broad public support. Other suppressed technologies include gravity control, previously researched by major defense contractors and researchers. Documents suggest successful breakthroughs in gravity control, leading to high-speed, gravity-defying transportation.

Some of these advances are speculated to have come from reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technology, demonstrated by a crash retrieval in 1946. The extremely pure metallic structure of the retrieved craft suggests a different manufacturing process than that of human-made objects.

The material universe operates on sound vibrations that create and maintain existence. Extraterrestrials use these vibrations to create objects, a concept similar to transdimensional 3D printing. These theories are related to unexplained phenomena witnessed and kept secret by military establishments. Unverified events include a marine guarding an unidentified craft in an undisclosed location and the unveiling of hovering vehicles at a secret air show in 1988. These events suggest the mastery of gravity control as early as 1954, far before publicized space achievements. Further evidence involves a United States Air Force Project Blue Book case where an unexplained craft was witnessed. Despite technological advances, traditional rocket technology is still in use, posing risks exemplified by the Challenger tragedy. These secretive projects, beyond typical 'black' projects, are overseen by covert organizations, indicating a massive cover-up in technology and extraterrestrial encounters.

The text presents a critique of the existing global economic system, highlighting its dependency on finite fossil fuels, the unchecked influence of large corporations on government policy, and the controlled media narrative that sustains it. It underscores the complicity of the military-industrial complex in perpetuating this exploitative system, enriching a select few while impoverishing the planet. The text alleges the existence of clandestine operations that leverage advanced technology, including possibly extraterrestrial, to maintain control. Furthermore, it challenges the notion of a free market and free press, suggesting they are ruthlessly manipulated.

The author argues for a shift towards a new paradigm powered by 'free' energy technologies, asserting these could eradicate poverty, restore ecological balance, and decentralize power. However, the transition process is daunting, requiring a 'compassionate transition' that accounts for the millions of workers currently in existing energy sectors. He emphasizes that a radical transformation is necessary, and it's a choice that must be made collectively. Ultimately, this shift could lead to a world where energy generation is decentralized, empowering individuals and restoring the planet.

The text highlights a vision of a globally interconnected yet locally self-sufficient world empowered by clean energy and sustainable technologies. The power once held by industrial era giants will return to individuals, enabling even the poorest regions to generate their own electricity and extract water from air. Drawing on existing technologies, every household and device will become a self-contained energy unit, eliminating the need for expensive, polluting, and vulnerable power grids.

The potential impact is vast - from simplified construction methods to domed biospheres for food production in harsh climates, eradicating food scarcity. Transitioning to this system would also eliminate reliance on slow and environmentally damaging shipping methods.

However, the text suggests that this shift requires a significant change in mindset - away from greed and materialism and towards peace and harmony. The potential outcome is a world off the extinction trajectory, remembered for its transformative and innovative leap. There's also a mention of extraterrestrial influences warning against destructive practices, suggesting the narrative's alignment with cosmic destiny and peace as prerequisites for interstellar exploration.

#123456MagnesiumAlloy #Abundance #Accountability #Addiction #Apathy #ArizonaDesert #Assassination #AssassinationAttempts #Assumptions #Biosphere #BiosphereCollapse #BiosphereDestruction #BlackBudgetPrograms #BlackShelving #BreakingPoint #BusinessSavvyPeople #Cartels #Capture #ChargeClusters #ChallengerTragedy #ChemicalCompanies #Choice #CleanEnergy #ClimateChange #ClimateDenial #Coal #ConfiscatedInventions #ConstructionCost #ControlledEconomy #Counterintelligence #Crisis #CrashRetrieval #DeathThreats #Debate #Decentralization #Depression #Desalinization #DesertBloom #Desertification #Despair #DigitalAutomation #Disappearance #Disclosure #DNA #DrStephenGreer #EarthBattery #EconomicGrowth #Ecosystem #Electrogravity #ElectromagneticDevice #EmptySpace #EndofFossilFuels #EnergyAccess #EnergyCrisis #EnergyEfficiency #EnergyFrequency #EnergyGeneration #EnergyInventions #EnergyInput #EnergyPotential #EnergySupply #EnergySystem #EnergyTransition #Environmentalist #EnvironmentalPollution #EugeneMalov #Einstein #Ether #ExcessEnergy #Exon #Extraterrestrial #ExtremeWeatherEvents #FabricOfReality #FinancialSystem #FluidGeometry #FourthStateOfMatter #FreeEnergy #FreeEnergyDevices #Freedom #FusionReaction #GEngines #Gas #GlaciersMelting #GlobalEconomicSystem #GlobalEnergyCrisis #GlobalMarketplace #GlobalWarming #Greed #Gravity #GravityBarrier #GravityControl #GreenhouseGasEmissions #GridlessLiving #GrowthOfDeserts #HopiProphecy #HeatOutput #HigherConsciousness #Hope #Humanity #Hydrogen #InsectHolocaust #Insanity #IntelligenceCommunity #InterstellarCommunication #InternalCombustionEngine #InvestmentDisruption #Irreversible #JPMorgan #Justice #Lasers #LithiumMining #LimitlessEnergy #LostCentury #MagnifyingTransformer #MafiaTactics #ManmadeUFOs #MartinFleischman #MassExtinction #MediaControl #MediaCorruption #MilitaryGuard #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Mit #MimicNature #Murder #NikolaTesla #NoPoverty #NuclearAge #NuclearPower #Obesity #Oil #OpenSource #Operability #OxygenIgnition #Patent #PatentApplication #PatentExaminer #PatentOffice #PatentProcess #PatentSeizures #PharmaceuticalCompanies #Plasma #PlasticPollution #Planetocide #PoliticalPower #Poverty #PropulsionDevice #QuantumVacuum #RadioactiveWaste #Rethink #Resonance #ResonantFrequency #ReverseEngineering #Roswell #RussianInventor #Sabotage #Scarcity #ScientificEstablishment #ScientificFraud #ScientificCommunity #SecretTechnologies #SecretTechnology #SecrecyOrder #ShadowGovernment #ShieldingInertia #Skyler #SocialInjustice #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechCoverUp #SpeciesExtinction #SpecialMaster #SpiralEnergy #StanMeyer #StubblefieldBattery #Suppression #SuppressedTechnologies #SustainableLiving #THenryMoray #TechnologySuppression #Tesla #TeslaMotor #TeslaMotors #Threat #ThunderclapEngine #TimeSnap #Toroid #TownsendBrownFoundation #Transdimensional3DPrinting #TrumanShow #UnacknowledgedSpecialAccessProjects #UnidentifiedFlyingObjects #UniversityOfUtah #UsablePower #VacuumEnergy #VacuumTriode #Vibration #WaterFuel #WaterFuelledCar #WirelessEnergyTransmission #ZeroPointEnergy #ZeroPointEnergyAchievable #ZeroPointEnergyField #ZeroPointEnergyDevices

The Lost Century And How To Reclaim It - 07-10-2023

We are hurtling toward the day when climate change could be irreversible. Sea levels already altering the station's coast, china's capital is choking its worst pollution of the year. 5% of species will become extinct. Levels rising, glaciers melting. If we do nothing, the picture of the world is one of absolute devastation.

There's no convincing scientific evidence for man made climate change. We're spewing 162,000,000 tons of human caused global warming pollution into it every single day as if this is an open sewer. Satellite data demonstrate for the last 17 years, there's been zero warming. None whatsoever. It's why you remember how it used to be called global warming and then magically theory changed to climate change.

Sure. The reason is it wasn't warming, but the computer bottles still say it is, except the satellites show it's not. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is the money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you. Drill, baby, drill.

Drill, baby, drill. You can have the best capitalism and global capitalism in the world, but if people are dead, they're dead. It's over. Enough is enough. The world is at a breaking point.

Catastrophic climate change, biosphere collapse, and a global energy crisis have been met with apathy, denial, and despair. It is going to take everything we know and love. It like clockwork. Our corporate overlords present us with two untenable options submit to an orwellian itinerary of energy rationing and population control, or ride the status quo into the abyss. Both sides are right and both sides are wrong, which means both sides are missing a critical piece of the puzzle.

Since the early 2000s, we have seen an increasing number of unauthorized and or unidentified aircraft or objects in military controlled training areas and training ranges and other designated airspace. Some of them appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed without discernible means of propulsion. That's pretty intriguing. I think I would without discernible means of propulsion. I would say that we're not aware of any adversary that can move an object without discernible means of propulsion.

The phrase unidentified flying object is a deliberately obfuscating term. What it really is is an alternative energy and propulsion device. This is the real reason for the secrecy. These technologies, if they were disclosed, would end fossil fuels, pollution and poverty overnight and usher in a new era of abundance, freedom, and peace. Instead, they have been kept secret for over a hundred years.

Dr. Stephen Greer, the world's leading expert on UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence, has been advising presidents and heads of state for 30 years on the urgency of the situation. We don't have much time left.

What is this lost century? This lost century is literally 100 years more than that now of technologies that have existed that have vanished. I mean, I was just recently in a meeting in Washington with the people who managed the black budget of the United States. They have no access to this material because between the late 18 hundreds and now, the ingenious inventions and sciences that could have moved us off that extinction level path that we're on have all been ruthlessly suppressed. Confiscated.

And the only way that's going to change is not going to change in Washington. It is not going to change in a large corporation. Unlikely. It's going to change by us, the people doing it. So it's about us.

Let's look at this. You know what this is?

A fucking drawing bro. There's a whole fleet of them. Look on the essay. My gosh, they're all going against the wind. The wind's, 120 knots.

This is an alternative energy and propulsion device. These are things that have existed all the way back into the 60s. But the one that they call the tic TAC here off the coast of San Diego, the white one, looked very much like this. These have been made by the Lockheed Skunk works. And my favorite letter of all time, the head of the Lockheed Skunk Works, Ben Rich.

Look at the date on it. 1986. There's an answer to a letter someone written says, are these UFOs man made or extraterrestrial? He says, many of our manmade UFOs are really unfunded opportunities. Meaning if it was released for public use, it'd be an enormous industry.

Every meeting I go in washing. I said, see that thing you guys are all talking about, that's Lockheed Skunk works, they have left us behind. And everything we see out in our world today is absolutely a construct. It's an absolute construct. The internal combustion engines are obsolete.

The nuclear power plants are obsolete. The coal fire plants are obsolete. We have the wind generators, those are obsolete. The solar power, it's all obsolete. If we could follow the gravity research that the contractors and research institutions have been doing, we could see that bright future as well.

So a lot of people say, well, how is this thing moving? There's no fuel on board. There's no nuclear power plant. There's no jets and no rockets. Well, way back in 40s, Dr.

Kasmere, he predicted, and later it was proven in the 50s, what's called the zero point energy field. Zero point energy, or what Nikola Tesla called radiant energy, is the most profound and transformative gift that the quantum world offers us. The seemingly empty vacuum of space is actually a roiling sea of virtual particles fluctuating in and out of existence. And all those fluctuations require energy. If we could tap into this energy source, we would unlock a virtually unlimited reservoir of clean, free energy.

Extraterrestrial spacecraft are known to harness the zero point energy, or us. Scientists is understanding what this was. It was an energy device that used zero point energy. That's what they referred it to as zero point energy. And it was connected in such a manner that this device could power, I mean, from very small flashlight or a very small watch up to a city.

And power was determined by what the demand on it was. The implications of free energy go far beyond bringing monthly electric bills to zero or running a car without gasoline. Most of the cost of making anything from growing food to building a skyscraper is the energy of pulling raw materials out of the ground, shipping, processing, shipping again, and so on. If the cost of energy goes to zero, the cost of agriculture and manufacturing becomes negligible. Other critical solutions, like water desalinization to end drought or air purification, both of which are prohibitively expensive due to energy costs, would suddenly become viable in a free energy paradigm, a new world where humans live in perfect harmony with nature is possible within our lifetimes.

But this would mean the end of oil, gas and coal, as well as the centralized power grid and the global macroeconomic system, which will stop at nothing to protect the hundreds of trillions of dollars at stake. The consequences of keeping all this secret? We are in the process right now of doing something that I term planet aside. The deliberate killing of an entire planet with malice of forethought through greed and stupidity and power. All the damage we're going to see in a few minutes totally avoidable every bit of it since the 1920s at least and we can prove this, I'm afraid that the term planetocide is all too real.

The echocide doesn't really say it. We are in the process of destroying the biosphere, destroying a habitable world for certainly the majority of the animals on the planet. I'm an older guy. I won't be around to see the worst of this. But I have not just prepidation but terror at what's going to be faced by my son's generation and the generations that come after him.

When someone asks me how bad is the crisis? I kind of don't know where to begin because what does that even mean? Does it mean, what is the threat to humanity? Have we reached some kind of tipping point? There are certain things that get under my skin or that especially alarm me, and one of them is the insect holocaust.

For lack of a better word, the precipitous decline in the number of insects, the number of species, the total biomass of insects. A lot of studies put that decline at 80%. When I was a child, when we went on a long drive, especially in the summer, we'd have to have the windshield wipers on from time to time to clear off the bug splatter. Like you just don't have that anymore. Insects are like the foundation of the terrestrial food chain.

Like you can't have a thriving ecosystem without thriving insects. This is the 6th great extinction that's happening on the planet and it's 100% manmade, all of it. We have to all awaken because what's happened I think we're like a frog being boiled slowly and suddenly we're going to wake up and find out it's too late. 150 species every day go extinct. Now, these aren't all animals, all kinds of species.

The planet has been dying at human hands for a long time. A naturalist, I like J. B. McKinnon, he calls the world a 10% world as kind of a poetic expression of how much life has declined. So there's maybe 10% of the whales that there were 500 years ago, and the seabirds and the wetlands and the mangrove swamps and the fish biomass.

We don't even know what we have lost, although in some level, we feel it. This is part of the despair, part of the alienation and the anguish that sensitive people feel. Ice caps are melting. The oceans are certainly going to rise. It could rise as much as 20ft if we have the big ones melt.

This is all the way back in 1958, and there was a full page color ad in Life magazine. Everybody was reading Life magazine at the time, and it's by an oil company which was the predecessor of Exxon, which was called Humble. Each day, Humble supplies enough energy to melt 7 million tons of glacier. Here. They're bragging about it in 1958.

So this company gets rebranded as Exxon in the 1970s. And in July 1977, they have a meeting inside Exxon headquarters where their chief scientist, James Black, is showing slides that are warning that burning fossil fuels are going to eventually endanger all of humanity. They know this in 1977. Present thinking holds that man has a time window of 15 years before the need for hard decisions regarding changes in energy strategies might become critical. Well, those 15 years were up in the early 1990s.

Look at this. How long ago was it recognized that this was a disaster? Senior Scientist exxon 45 years ago. And actually it was known before then. This is insanity.

This is a civilization gone mad. These companies have really not been held accountable. We've lived in the fossil fuel economy now for more than 100 years, and it's just been accelerating. The amount of wealth has been increasing. You have situations now where the head of ExxonMobil goes on to become the Secretary of State, rex Tillerson under President Trump.

And I'm an environmentalist. A lot of people don't understand that. I think I know more about the environment than most people. So there is really very little accountability that exists. Many scientists, such as myself, have discovered that there are very concerted, well oiled machines that provide false information, even to scientific and academic programs called capture, where they try to rationalize away this problem and everything's fine.

One company, Exxon alone, has funded more than 40 different groups to keep alive its campaign to deny the worst impacts of climate change. There was a guy named Martin Hoffert, and he's a professor of physics at New York University, a consultant to Exxon for their climate modeling during the 1980s. And he said this the advertisements that Exxon ran and major newspapers raising doubt about climate change were contradicted by the scientific work we had done and continued to do. Exxon was publicly promoting views that its own scientists knew were wrong. And we knew that because we were the major group working on this.

This was immoral and has greatly setback efforts to address climate change. Here's a case where the Canadian government ordered the scientists not to disclose the extent of it. So what you get in the media is a very sanitized version of this problem, which many people believe we may have already gone over the edge of the red line, how far we can go without a safe return to a sustainable civilization. China is the world's biggest greenhouse gas emitter by a huge margin. And if there's anything clear so far coming out of this year's Communist Party Congress, it's that coal is having a bit of a revival in the world's second largest economy.

A senior energy official said China will give full play to coal as ballast in the country's energy mix. Why are we digging stuff up out of the ground when we haven't needed to burn coal since about the 1920, 1930 time period? Here's your solar panels. I had to replace my solar panels with high moore and they all end up in a landfill. And they're toxic.

You know, we're working in a paradigm, whether it be fossil fuels or what is being proposed as new energy, that isn't going to work. I'm certainly not opposed to renewable technologies, but they are dependent on weather. They're dependent on how much wind there is in an area or they're able to harness of the sun. And they cost an awful lot to bring up to speed. No environmentalist wants to see vast landscapes converted to biofuels or pit mines to mine silver and cobalt and lithium wind turbines that kill birds and mar the landscape.

This isn't what we signed up for, but this is what happens when we abdicate our relational care for every place and ecosystem and being on Earth and transfer that onto yet another quantitative cost benefit paradigm. And you have lithium fields. The amount of pollution from these lithium mining operations for lithiumion batteries in your Tesla, not to mention they catch fire periodically. Now, fair enough, I'm as an emergency and trauma doctor, gasoline cars catch fire more. I can tell you some horror stories which I'm sure you don't want to hear.

And then we have this whole morass of how we're living on wires that we haven't needed. And so the entire system is set up to benefit a relatively small number of global oligarchs and financial interests that we absolutely have to say, enough, they've had 150 years to do this. If we want to live among other life in the future and not in a concrete hellscape where we retreat into virtual worlds to compensate for the loss of what is alive, then we have to change our ways, and we have to start acting from our care for life. Most of you know that there are these nanoparticulate plastics that are in the entire food chain because cancer, they disrupt hormones, they damage your brain. And why?

Well, if we had, quote unquote, free energy systems from what we're going to describe as zero point energy field, you would never have to have anything wasted because you have 100% recycling, because the cost of the energy would be zero. And then we have all these famines happening around the world because of the absolute social injustice of a system that is driven by greed and scarce resources. When, as Tesla pointed out, there is an infinite amount of energy to be tapped in what has now been quantified as the zero point energy field, how do you tap it? Now, mainstream science says it can't be tapped. It's there theoretically not true, and you're going to find out how untrue that is.

International panel on climate change, which issues annual reports about the dire state of things that we're facing. It says in their latest report that over the next decade alone, between 32,000,130 some million people are going to be driven into poverty because of the changing climate in their countries. 3 billion people, almost half the world's population, has no way to cook their food. They have no way to eat. But what they're doing, they have to just survive, is cutting down the rainforest and cutting down the scrub and shrubs in the desert.

You have what's called the desertification where you have the growth of deserts going on exponentially. You can take maps from 40 years ago and now and just see the growth of this dead zone. Why, you have 3 billion people that don't even have even if they had access to fossil fuels, they don't have access. This is how they're living. It's not only that 3 billion people don't have access to energy sources.

It's also that their way of life is under constant assault by our own, primarily through the financial system that imposes debt through development, loans and other mechanisms on most of the world, who then must, in order to meet the debt payments, must convert their environment into commodities and their time and energy into labor for the global marketplace. So if you don't include those kinds of issues, and you're only talking about, let's bring more energy to the world so that we can raise them up to be like ourselves, come on. It's not working. Being like ourselves is not working. Look at the depression.

Look at the suicide. Look at the addiction. Look at the obesity. Look at the despair. This is not a fit destination to evangelize throughout the world.

We need some humility here. The dire emergency in east Africa, the drought, they're exacerbating, the hunger crisis. As many as 20 million people could be starving by the middle of this year, half of them children. I firmly believe there can be no peace on this planet without justice. And there can be no justice when half the population of the world is required to live in abject poverty.

It's a direct result of the world's energy system. So I always liken this. We're living in this sort of the Truman Show. It's a perfect metaphor for the world we're living in now where the people who are saying we need more oil, gas and coal until we get something to replace it, they're right. Look what's happening all over the world.

On the other hand, the people say we can't just keeping drill, baby, drill and burning oil and gas and coal because we're destroying the biosphere. And they're right. Now, when both sides are right and both sides are wrong, someone's been had. We've been had by people who want to deceive us and think that we're actually having a legitimate debate about energy and the environment. We are not.

We're all Jim Carrey living in this Truman Show of a construct. So everyone's saying, well, we don't have enough fossil fuels coming out and the density of energy from solar and wind isn't enough, so let's build more of these. Well then you're stuck with 1 million years of toxic life killing waste from nuclear reactors. Greenhouse gas emissions would only decrease, according to a recent study, by 4% if we double the amount of energy that we're getting from nuclear power by 2050. Well, that's not a very good statistic to think about.

Most people think when nuclear power plant is running that you're somehow getting energy from the atom directly. No, what you're doing is splitting the atom, as it were, creating a lot of heat that boils water, heats water. It turn a steam engine like a ChuChu train in 1849 coming out to the Gold rush in California. That's all a nuclear power plant is except you're stuck with a million years of waste. And this is the other problem, the distribution of the power from the point that you have the primary source by the time you generate it, transmit it through the inefficient transmission lines and then you're wiring in your device or your home, you've lost at least 66%.

So 66% of the energy is completely wasted. So here's your energy grid. 12% is a new renewable, the rest is the old system. So if you plug in your electric car, 88% of the power is coming from gas and oiling, coal. The entire world is running on an energy paradigm of scarcity, meaning that there's never more energy than we generate.

And we lose that energy as we move it around and deploy it in different ways. And so energy is expensive and energy is difficult to get to remote areas. And that energy is important because it's inputs in growing food and it's inputs in manufacturing and it's inputs in the economy and it's inputs in all of these things that make people's lives better and that solve the problems that desperately need to be solved on the planet right now. overunity is a very simple idea. It's that you're getting more energy out of something than you're putting into it.

And according to mainstream science, that's impossible. What free energy devices suggest is that there is a limitless supply of usable energy that's always coming into reality and that we're not living in a universe of fundamental scarcity. So overunity is more than just a breakthrough that's going to live its life in a technical paper. That's not that it's really the ability of humans to liberate themselves. Yes, there is a history, long history, of overunity systems.

For example, Nikola Tesla had one. Basically, his big magnifying transformer that he had on Long Island was such an over energy system, he got the entire Earth itself in resonance. Everything going on is feeding energy into the Earth, starts to feed energy into that wave that he created. So he gets a lot more energy in his resonant wave, fed from outside, from the environment, in the interior of the Earth. His idea was you could then put in a tap on it anywhere else on the world and extract it free.

And of course, J. P. Morgan's take on that was that's foolish. You can't put a meter on it. That actually doomed much of Tesla's career at that point when Morgan found out that he, Tesla, was going to produce the energy freely.

But I love this quote, if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy frequency and vibration. Now, the reason he said that is that when you use what's called a very high voltage system, you can tap in to what Professor Cassimir called the zero point energy field. Some people call it the quantum vacuum. Other people, like Professor Direct Modestly, called it the direct sea. And we just tested a device last month in the Arizona desert.

You'll see in a moment that is based on that. Nobody is really trying to get, for example, over unity, more energy out of something than you put in because it's assumed that that is impossible. Well, that might be impossible, but only if you don't really understand the fabric of reality itself. They just can't believe it, especially engineers, because I know how we were taught, right, there is no vacuum energy. You're just a coup when you think so.

If they took a little more physics, they would go, well, maybe it's not a small thing. It's not a matter of finding proof for some technology, for some invention, and convincing everybody of it. You can't convince somebody of something that so totally contradicts their basic assumptions about the universe. But what if there's a pool of energy available to us that we didn't even think was possible? Because we're operating on these 100 plus year old assumptions.

We can't find this excess energy simply because no one's looking for it. So called empty space isn't really empty at all. It's actually full of energy. So instead of being like kind of a quiet, empty lake, it's more like the frost at the base of the waterfall or something. But when you go to look at the numbers, you find out that there's enough energy in the vime of a coffee cup to evaporate all the world's oceans, if you could get it, all of it.

And here we have a car from 1921 running without a plug. Now look at this old car, and it was pulling energy out of they just said out of the environment. They couldn't quantify what, but they had the correct frequency. And this had a battery and some wiring, and it was running, running, running around without being plugged in. Memo to Tesla Motors.

Go and research this. Get rid of your plugins. And this is one of my favorite 19 two, a farmer and engineer named Stubblefield with Tesla, he had something they called the earth battery, or the stubblefield battery. And it had rods going into the earth and some wiring, and it was picking up this magnetic flux field of the planet, and he was running his farm, and Tesla was there with him. 19 two.

So when I say 100 years, lost century, no, I do not wish to talk about it myself. And I've been the victim of quite a bit of suppression. So has any other legitimate researcher in this area. The government has protected the industry, the oil industry, because they're in bed together. Tremendous amounts of contributions for politicians come from these huge companies.

And these huge companies have been covering up for years what we're doing to the planet today. We don't have so much big kingdoms. We have cartels. We have a whole set of cartels in an area, interlocking corporations. And behind this we have a few people who are quite wealthy and who own those things anytime.

We have a very powerful cartel or set of people that control a lot of things, that resists any means of changing its inflow of control and its inflow of funds and money and its power. Everybody's trying to be the big monkey. It's really as simple as that. Here we have all the methods. Some of these are common sense, but every one of these are ones I have encountered and investigated personally with geniuses, engineering geniuses and physics geniuses, but strategically impaired inventors, black shelving.

So someone comes along, they offer you $20 million for your device. It's a corporation. They put it on a shelf, boom. National security orders. We're going to show you one from a man we just met with.

Patent seizures, financial entanglements from investors because they're doing their whole business in legal strategy. Wrong legal entanglements, where they end up in court, threats to the individuals. I had a guy under contract building one. All you had to do is have some thugs come in and say, you, your wife, you're dead. You stopped this, and he stopped.

And then scientific fraud. The more powerful the agency, the more powerful the group. The more powerful the cartel, the more they will resort not only to legal means, but to extra legal means to suppress their competition. For example, the greatest espionage in the world is industrial espionage between one corporation and another right here in America. They're the ones that hire all the spies and the spooky equipment and everything like that by far more than the intel agents do.

And it's not one cartels. There are many, many groups in energy, and each of those has become very powerful in its own area. And each one does not wish to see simple little electrical taps pulling out enormous energy from the vacuum. They would much rather see you burning a lot more oil and so forth. So there's something nefarious afoot.

It kind of makes sense from threatening oil monopoly and things like that. Okay, so I said pretty early on, the problem is suppression wasn't really how do I make a free energy machine? It's how do I not get suppressed? What's the point? If you make it, you're just going to get clobbered, and then you have a really big one media corruption.

Well, why doesn't everyone in the world know these things have existed? Because as you'll see in a little bit, the media at a certain high level have operatives from the intelligence community who kill stories on demand. And then the worst, of course, went works. It's not totally mafia type stuff. It's not like you just flat get shot.

There's some of that. The typical threat is threat to the family, right? Typical mafia. Right. It's not just watch The Godfather, see how they work.

Right? There's an interesting record of people that have come up with new alternatives to the oil and gas industry who have met untimely demises. I don't know if you'd say that's true in terms of Nikola Tesla specifically, but he was hit by a taxicab back in the early 1930s and didn't die immediately, but then died alone in a hospital room. A few years later. When they found out that Tesla had passed away in the Hotel New Yorker, they came in, they had the manager of the hotel open the safe, and they took all of Tesla's papers.

So here you have an actual FBI document, and the Department of Defense is demanding they turn over what they seized in 1943. Now, this used to be an urban myth. Oh, well, he had these secret inventions and papers, and the government stole it. No, it's right here. That technology and what was in those boxes, what was written in those papers, we do not know and we may not ever know.

So they go in. The FBI takes it here. The Department of Defense years later is saying, we want all those papers. That you confiscated in 1943 upon Nikola Tesla's death. And then you have just flat out patent confiscation through national security orders.

Look at this. This is twelve years ago. 5135 inventions seized under national security orders in 1971. List includes patents for solar volta fataic that were subject to restriction because they were more than 20% efficient. The most efficient solar panel you can get right now in 2022 is 22.8%.

These were way past that. In how many years is that? 51 years ago. Okay, we're not talking about an extraterrestrial spacecraft or antigravity or gravity control. We're talking about just a super efficient solar panel.

Those are confiscated. This is one of my favorite statements of this report. 1 may fairly ask if disclosure of such technologies could really have been detrimental to the national security, or whether the opposite would be closer to the truth. Yeah, we hear the words vital interests of national security. Well, what we're really talking about there in terms of Iraq, for example, in the early 2000s, which was all trumped up, there were no weapons of mass destruction.

That's what was being touted by the media, sir Judith Miller at The New York Times and others to justify what we were doing to get rid of Saddam Hussein. But in fact, the only national security implication of that was the oil industries, what they get from it. But again, what does national security mean here? Oil, gas. Petrodollar goldman Sachs JPMorgan Chase.

That's the national security in the abused, corrupt system. It's a policy that the military seems to feel is necessary for national security. However, at this point, we often wonder, 50 years after World War II and the Cold War, whether such sequestering is necessary, especially when fossil fuels are a major cause of global warming. So here we have a man, he was fired, dr. Tom Baloney.

He's a PhD. Physicist. He was a patent examiner. And he saw these amazing technologies being confiscated. This is not a conspiracy theory.

And he blew the whistle. They fired him because he saw things that would save the planet. Now, this is way back in the 80s or 90s patent sequestering, which is actually called secretizing public needs to know at least that every major military agency has a representative at the Patent Office. Patent Office. In its current approach, is it's actually breaking the law.

It's trying to make happy the physicists who are with American physical society to keep them in power with their ideas, you might say, and withhold from public use good inventions that could solve our problems, like the energy crisis. Boeing had just finished some work on some propulsion system. Boeing had done it for the Air Force, and they finished the job. And then they applied to their customer at the Air Force for permission to use it on Boeing's commercial airlines. And they were denied an example of the ongoing suppression of things that seem to be innocuous and a slight improvement in technology.

So t henry More had a device. No input energy. Once he got it set up, output 50 kw. He had multiple assassination attempts and finally was bankrupted in his lab. This was the 1930s.

There is absolutely no question that T. Henry Moray had a system that produced about 50 kw out of a 55 pound box. There's all kinds of skull dugry that happened there. The Russians even tried to kidnap him at one time. It reads like a James Bond movie, but it's real.

It really happened, and it really happened here in the United States. Here's a friend of mine. He was a Wright Patterson Project Blue Book guy. But when he retired, he built a device that you could put on the air intake of a car. This is in the 80s where you would get anywhere from 20 to 40 some percent more range miles per gallon on conventional.

I treat air and out of air. I make it more than just providing oxygen for the combustion process. There are combustion stimulating molecules and radicals generated in this process. Thunderstorm in a bottle. He had his lab vandalized, everything stolen bomb threats, et cetera.

This is a colonel who put his entire life savings into something in the 80s, that would have been a game changer, but it wasn't a free energy device. It wasn't something just running out of the zero point. It would have just gotten more efficiency and cleaned up the air. Environmental Protection Agency is a bit of a dictatorial police agency. They call themselves a protecting agency, but they are a police agency.

EPA cannot approve a fuel saving device. They put out reams of documentation stating that something will not work. This gentleman actually took a device from a Russian immigrant and another and kind of packaged it. He didn't actually understand it that much. And you had almost 27 watts going in, 7460 watts going out, and tested and verified by multiple labs.

Gray started developing this idea eight years ago. For the past year and a half, he's been trying to get someone in the US government interested. So far, he's had little luck. Gray says he's been getting the same reaction he got 30 years ago when he first proposed his theory. Get this guy out of here.

He is crazy. But Gray says it's paranoia. The scientific community isn't willing to accept teaching opposite all previous learning, and the military aerospace industry is afraid to admit decades and billions of dollars worth of research have been wasted. Now, unfortunately, this disappeared because he actually took the ideas from some geniuses and was trying to make a lot of money. And so his became I'm calling this crazy inventor syndrome.

It's not very nice, but it's kind of crazy. And here's why it's crazy. They think I have the best thing since sliced bread and the world's going to be the path to my door. And they don't realize they're going to have corrupt interests from the national security state, corporations and all kinds of other people stop them. So they think they're going to do a normal investment and normal venture capital and patent it, or keep the secret sauce of how it works away from everyone.

And in every single case, for 100 plus years, they've taken that knowledge to their grave. You've seen the paranoid inventor. Plenty of stories on those guys. It's my precious, precious.

I can't share my secret. Everybody will take it from me, right? This paranoid, I have it. This has worked gazillions dollars and everything else. And they're so naive.

They know. Have no idea the first they think they're the first, right? Have no idea the history of this and what happens to the others. So having done that for 31 years now, I have been dealing with people with these devices since 1991. Almost all of them fall into some part of this syndrome and it's a tragedy.

You'll see the device I'll have engineers come in and test it. They go, oh, no, I'm going to keep it secret. Nobody can know but me, and I need to make a bunch of money. They want to be the next Rockefeller of energy. And the next thing you know, they're dead.

Or the device is confiscated or it vanishes in a buyout. So this guy had the same problem. He had a device. They have it there, still running, but they think that no one can know this with them. They're buying into the paranoia.

My answer is open source. It dump it on the Internet blockchain or any way you can. You have no patent, no intellectual property. The whole world knows about it, and every scientific lab in the world can reproduce it. We're going to get to this strategy in a minute.

That's how we go. We got to do that because the very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. That's attributed to Einstein. But how true is that here? So we have to change our strategy.

Many of these inventors are really good at the technical stuff, but they're not great communicators. This power is something I have given my life for, for you. The people now set up this demonstration for y'all. You don't have to be a rocket scientist. They're not good at business.

They're not like, God can make technical geniuses and he can make business savvy people. But rarely do the two come together in one person. This story is fascinating because he had a tiny, you know, it's 17 watts, like, you know, a 20 watt light bulb. It was putting out 200 watts. Ten to 15 times more output than input.

And this is in the 80s, this is 40 years ago. I was not convinced, probably on the first three times, that I saw the device and saw it tested, that indeed it put out more energy than it took in I am convinced now I was a little bit prejudiced. And like all people that come up with devices like this, you think they're wrong, and so you go down to prove them wrong, if you're that interested. And I was not able to prove him wrong, nor were the people that I was with able to prove him wrong. And here's what happened.

He kept the whole thing so secret he would go into a patenting process. But even the patent application left out a lot of the secret sauce. Most of these inventors do. This fatal mistake. And what happened is that it was all covered up, that he actually was taken to court.

Patent Office said even though he had proof that it worked from multiple very esteemed scientists, patent examiners, that proved that the thing actually did as he said it did. And he got nowhere. He took this to his grave. Look at this video that you're going to see in a moment. Mr.

Newman has been fighting for a patent for years. Many therefore considered it ironic when a federal judge appointed the former head of the Patent Office, William Skyler, to decide if Newman's device did or did not work. Mr. Skyler, who is also considered to be an expert on electrical engineering, didn't take long to make his decision. In a report of the Special Master, mr.

Skyler states, evidence before the court is overwhelming that Newman has built and tested a prototype of his invention in which the output energy exceeds the external input energy. Therefore, there is no contradictory factual evidence for the layman. That means the machine works. The expert then goes on to say, the Patent Office finding that such a machine is impossible is clearly erroneous. Mr.

Skyler also found that the Patent Office intentionally did not consider the formalities of Mr. Newman's application for patent. Why wouldn't you go along again with a Master, that's former head of the Patent Office, who has credentials that the judge called outstanding? Why wouldn't you go along with the man that you recommended in granting a patent? You ask mean questions, don't you?

I think you'd have to address that question to our present commissioner. Are you acting on his orders? You might say that, yes. There you go. Operability, or utility, is a rejection that virtually none of the patent examiners and there's almost 5000 of us, were allowed to use in any of our applications.

The supervisor particularly always said that, oh, that's something only if you're dealing with energy inventions. So what we find is that throughout the Patent Office, that rejection for something that we personally would feel would not be operable was not a judgment we were allowed to make, except if we're in that security department that deals with energy and propulsion types of inventions. Here we have a brilliant device again almost 40 years ago. Look at the input and output. Test it over and over again.

0.3 milliwatts output, 223,000 watts. That's 22.4 kw. That's plenty to run your car. Your Tesla motor now continuously output, if needed, on demand. So this little thing that looks like a cigarette pack when he died, others mysterious, they said a heart attack.

It's all kinds of evidence he was killed. This is real usable power. It's stable. It is not transient, it is not noise, and it is not any other kind of spurious effect. This is a real effect.

It's all coming from that little tin e box sitting behind the 500 watts of power behind the lamps. That little box is putting out all of that power, well over 500 watts, and yet it is receiving less than one third of a milliwatt of input power. This is April 30, 1987, at about 10:30 P.m. In the home of Mr. Sparky Sweet, the inventor of the very first vacuum trial.

This is a most historical occasion. I was altered when I saw it because my view was that you could be anywhere then in the universe. You could be in a cave, you could be anywhere, and you had energy. This was overwhelming. To think that I could have energy and the whole world could have energy, that all of a sudden we were on equality economically.

We didn't have to worry about the energy sources. The rest of that power is coming out of the surging energy of the vacuum. And this little box that you see right here, solid state, no moving parts, is the vacuum triode that's doing this very practical and historical work. He was shot at once with a silenced rifle from about 300 yards. The only thing saved his life was he was an old guy and very feeble.

He was stumbling as he coming up the steps, and he fell down. He just flat fell down on the steps, caught his foot and fell right forward. And as his head went forward, the bullet went right by where his head was. And of course, the assassin was never found. This guy called me up.

He says, we really need your help. And I said, the only way you're going to do this is that you disclose it, all of it, open source it, get it out there, I will see that we get it out to the entire scientific community. He says, no, it's golem, my precious, my precious, my precious. And I said, Dude, you're going to take this to your grave. He took it to his grave?

Yeah, it's gone. This very distraught lady who's Sparky's wife, she's saying Sparky's death and that she said, two strange men she called them strange men showed up at about 05:00 the night before, and they stayed for a little while, and then they left. And Sparky, hour or two later, having a cup of coffee and just killed over onto the floor, called the ambulance. And she was 75 years old. They would not let her in the ambulance.

And the ambulance then called her back about 20 minutes later and said, we don't think he's going to make it. And that was the end of that until the next morning when she called my sister in law and talked to her and said, there are men here that said they're FBI and they got black vans and they're taking all this equipment. What should I do?

Good afternoon, and welcome to this edition of Eyewitness Newsmakers. I'm your host, Doug Miller. On March 23, chemists Stanley Ponds and Martin Fleischman rocked the world of science. They announced that they had achieved coal fusion in their laboratory at the University of Utah. The promise of a cheap and a plentiful energy supply grabbed the world's attention.

It did put out a lot of power, but what was scary is that this, in 1989, it made the COVID of all the magazines. The way they took that avenue of discovery out of the scientific world is that there were people who were paid, who were corrupted through scientific fraud at MIT. Next slide. Dr. Eugene Malov, dear friend of mine, PhD, harvard and MIT.

Brilliant man. There was a man named Eugene Malov who, it's quite possible was eliminated by the powers that be in the fossil fuel industry. He died in 2004. He was murdered that year. But Malov was an extremely important figure in the alternative energy world, especially in terms of what's called cold fusion.

And he was at MIT in the science office for education when he saw how they had changed the data on the reproducing the Pond's Fleischman experiment. And he blew the whistle. I inadvertently was looking through some piles of paper that had been given to me in a casual manner by all these hot fusion physicists as they were trying to do their calorimetric repeat of the Ponzfischman experiment. And to my utter astonishment, I can remember sitting at my desk in my study and actually seeing these two sheets of paper, one dated July 1089 and another dated July 13, three days apart. The difference between July 10 and 13th was dramatic, and I was stunned.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It looked like monkey business to me at the time, and it has turned out to be exactly that. It was a lower echelon person in the plasma fusion center at MIT, one of the 16 authors of a scientific paper done under Department of Energy contract that had altered data. And that data is scientific fraud as far as I'm concerned and many other people are concerned. And it was hell on wheels.

Finally get someone who brings him a zero point device, solid state, no moving parts. And I said, Jean, we need to get this out to the public very quickly. Oh, no, they want to keep it secret. I begged him and I begged him, and I begged him and I begged him. He was beaten to death when he was over at his parents home and was killed.

Murdered. Made to look like some thugs. Yeah, they were thugs, but it wasn't a random murder. And the device vanished with him. Good friend of mine.

Dear friend. What we really had was a threat to the scientific establishment. The threat of it even being implied is real and having monies, shall we say, being diverted from their favored programs. And that was a threat, no question. It was an actual threat of that happening.

US scientists making a huge breakthrough. A source tells CNN that for the first time ever, researchers have been able to create energy from a fusion reaction. Now, Laura, I could explain all of this in great detail, but basically it's a giant step towards a clean energy future without dependence on fossil fuels. This is the first time, by all accounts, they've gotten more heat out than they put in. Not so fast.

This supposed breakthrough, announced just as we were finishing this film, is a total distraction. The net gain, 1 kw, is enough to boil a kettle of water and not much else. But what is truly baffling is that they are not counting the actual input required to power the lasers to get the machine going. When you count the energy it took to generate the fusion reaction, it's actually a 1200 times net loss. Furthermore, fusion reactions can generate heat in excess of 3 million degrees, which would ignite the oxygen in the surrounding air if a breach ever occurred.

Everything about this is at best wrong, at worst fraudulent. So why is this fake solution being pushed by every media outlet on the planet when we have had real solutions hidden in classified programs for 100 years? Different people have different devices. Of the ones that have promise, there's certain themes that keep reemerging. The first theme is torsion physics.

Torsion physics is a fancy way of saying something that spins like this and something that spins like this. Think of it as like an hourglass shape. I think that it has to do with it representing the way energy moves in the universe at the biggest levels, like the galaxy. It's a spiral. A tornado on Earth is this vortex motion.

Our DNA is a stranded spiral. A second theme is plasma. A lightning bolt is plasma. The spark gap in a car is plasma. So plasma is the fourth state of matter.

Solid water is ice. Add more energy, it melts and becomes water. Add more energy, it becomes steam. And then if you were to add even more energy, say through running an electric current through that steam or through any gas, you end up with plasma. You can think of it as maybe this liminal state or in between state, between the physical world and the nonphysical world, whatever that is.

There's some evidence emerging that plasma can provide a shielding of inertia. So if you imagine that you're a UFO and you need to zip around at crazy speeds, you can't pump the brakes too fast, otherwise everyone's going to slam into the windshield. Right? But if you had some sort of inertial shield around the craft I e. Like a plasma shield, you might be able to eliminate the inertia surrounding that and keep the occupants safe.

I think this is why the UFOs seem to glow. Plasma glows. A third theme is that of the ether. The conventional or mainstream understanding of the base level of reality is maybe the quantum sea tiniest particles all bumping into each other. The ether conceives of this differently.

It says that there's a kind of a fluid geometry that is the base layer of physical reality, and that to understand that fluid geometry is to be able to really understand electricity, magnetism, and gravity. And this, according to tesla and others, is the key to really understanding what he was getting at with all of his wireless transmission of energy stuff. But I believe that we're going to see something like a return of the ether. It won't be called that, but it'll be something like that that's going to enable us to make much more progress in these areas in the coming century.

This gentleman, he had a car that would run on water, but it had to be modified. A local inventor has discovered a way hear this, to use water to run your car. It's a major breakthrough that will no doubt make motorists happy. And as ralph robinson explains, the pentagon is also showing lots of interest in this project. And he always kept that secret.

He had a patent that he falsified the voltage and the frequency cycles per second because he didn't want anyone to reproduce it and leapfrog him financially. Again, this crazy inventor syndrome. And what happened? And when he passed away, there was a whole warehouse full of floppy disks and papers and everything, and his heirs wanted to sell it off. What people didn't realize is that this car was the least important thing stan meyer had.

He had a toroid. And the toroid, it was a doughnut shaped electromagnetic device that had had a national security order slapped on it. I was going to get it and openly disclose it.

Though the scientific establishment may have ignored the likes of maya, the powerful military industrial complex certainly hasn't. Over the past ten years, meyer says he's been quietly approached by many influential organizations who would never admit publicly to their involvement with him. This was a disaster. If we had a few hundred thousand we were going to offer, but we made it clear we were going to open source it. Well, they had a group, an engineering group from michigan come in who had a lot more money because they had a big backer and they were going to monetize it, keep it secret, try to repate and all the usual crazy ideas, which would be great if you're just developing a new software program, but not something that's going to change the world forever.

Can't do it. They were working on a couple of years. I get this hysterical call. He says, Dr. Greer, we need your help.

We need your help. He says, they're on the run for their lives. They've been sabotaged. They've had death threats. And my advice was forget about Gollum and be in my ring and my precious ring.

In this case, it was literally a precious ring. Just put it out there. I will help spread it. We will build these up independently, have labs tested, and you cannot put that toothpaste back in the tube. You squeeze it hard enough.

He says yes, you're right. It's probably the only way. But they think they can find a safe country to go to. I said, you're going to have to go to another star system, my friend. I literally said, that no way that's going to happen.

So sure enough, I find out. A few months later, I meet with a high tech guy in Orange County. That entire team was assassinated. The one survived. It was just crying like a baby in this man's office.

Technology shows that we can release energy up to beyond 2.5 million barrels of oil per gallon of water and do it safely. So it gives us the ability to not only sustain and maintain the economies of the world, but also give us the abilities to handle the environmental pollution problems at the same time. This sort of encapsulates five or ten of the suppression techniques all the way from murder to crazy inventor syndrome. Falsifying your patent, trying to make money first instead of proving the science first, et cetera. And of course, he took this to his grave.

He was poisoned and killed at a cracker barrel, ignominious death if ever I heard one. Stan Meyer's water engine points us to a deeper mystery concerning energy in our universe microscopic ball lightning. The late physicist Ken Shoulders developed a technology called charge clusters, which are likened to ball lightning. When they are discharged, they actually tap into the zero point energy field. This is where most of the power in Stan Meyer's device was coming from.

Like Stan ken's shoulders faced terrible suppression. And so I met with this CEO. He says, yes, they approved a $5 million grant from Doe so we could develop this further, because one of the effects it had that they were really pursuing was putting low level, initially radioactive waste in these charge clusters, and it would cause isotopes that were non radioactive to be created. What does this mean? Clean up all the radioactive waste.

However, the phenomenon, the reason it was doing it, was that it was actually activating, as it were, this baseline energy field that's at the fabric of space and time, and that's what they didn't want out. So in the rarest of events that grant was published, and these vicious people who want to keep all this stuff secret went into the secretary of energy's office and said, Pull that grant. And they pulled it. Another technology to harness the power of ball lightning is being developed by a team of engineers in Florida. They have successfully tested several prototypes that allow any internal combustion engine to run mostly on water a little quicker.

This is a phenomenal system, patented, but it runs internal combustion engines on water with a little bit of gasoline in it, so you don't have to modify the engine. It won't rust. What this means is, with Stan Meyer, you really had to have a different kind of engine and spark plug and all that. This conventional spark plug engine, all of it, because it has enough of the lubricant oil in it that it won't just freeze up the engine. And this is what he's doing.

Stan Meyer, this device and many of the others, ken shoulders, charge clusters, they're creating these small microscopic ball lightnings that, when they discharge, are tapping into that zero point energy field and creating the mode of force. Boom. That's why the concussion from the Thunderclap is so huge. There's a huge amount of energy, and it's actually sourced from the vacuum energy. All the dots connected.

This is what's happening, right? So we need to make the Thunderclap engine. Many times, breakthroughs are made because the inventor or the scientist was inspired by looking at nature. The same systems and the same mechanisms that exist in nature that you can see can also exist in the devices that you build. So by trying to mimic that, you can tap into the intelligence that nature has already shown you when it comes to being efficient with the energy transmission mechanisms.

Another current technology was recently investigated by Dr. Greer and his engineering team at an undisclosed location in the Arizona desert. 123456 magnesium alloy, specially configured plates. This thing's the size of a nice sized shoebox. The circuitry you see on the right is a misdirect because the guy has crazy inventor syndrome and thinks he can keep it secret and make a trillion dollars.

You don't interfere with the big, powerful people. You don't put them out of business. They're still in business. They still have those 50 year leases on the lines and all the power transformers. To be able to get one of my power plants, just replace a coal fired plant.

But it wouldn't be big news or anything because I'm just selling electricity to them. Okay? And then they're going to say, wow, we're making more money at this plant than we are the others. So they're going to put them around. You see.

They're not going to let me in. They're going to bite me tooth and nail, but I'm going to be very sneaky about it. This thing, for three years, had been sitting in this near a chicken coop in his backyard, out in the desert, putting out 3 continuously, and we cranked it up to 5 kw, no input power, and is. Running off the magnetic flux of the space around it that he can tune to any place on the Earth. So it's correct and boom, this thing solid state.

No moving parts. We just saw this. But he's a textbook case of making every wrong decision. Tried to patent it. Well, you'll see in a moment what happened.

He ended up getting put in prison for a week. He has had sabotage, death threats, murder of people around him. I spent eight days in that jail when I went before the court jokes, come here. He says, read this. You sign it, you go home.

You don't sign it, you go to jail. And all it was is, I will not ever in my lifetime, ever through me or anyone else, if anybody else is manufacturing these, I'll go to jail. And here's the secrecy order he was slapped with. But look at the date. 1984 is almost 40 years ago.

So, you know, doing the same thing. Patent office people think this is a myth. No, here's a secrecy order, see? So I don't want to go through that again. Scared my family and everybody.

So now what we're going to do going to be very quiet. I'm going to build my 1 MW. It'll take two and a half years to build it because it's very complicated. I got to acclimate it to the Earth.

Technologies like this and countless others will never see the light of day without a radically new strategy. Dr. Greer is preparing to launch a multicentered, state of the art research and development lab that will develop zero point energy technology. Live streaming 24/7 for security and transparency. All research results, data and plans would be released to the world open source, freely available to the public and the scientific community.

This will require broad public support to make this a reality. With this strategy, zero point energy is achievable, but it is only half of what has been suppressed. Now we get into the really cool stuff. Look at the dates. 1919, Papkowski frost experiment, where they actually had high frequency systems, where things levitated, defying, gravity.

And then Tea, Townsend Brown, and he had very high voltage systems, electrogravitic, they call it, where high voltage would cause this lift effect and would actually create, if you will, a bubble, an electromagnetic field that would allow an object to move at enormous speeds and free of the forces of gravity, what's called gravity control. An Office of Naval Research report on T. Townsend Brown's electrogravity device includes a transcript of a conversation between Major General Vetrandius and Lieutenant General H. A. Craig Bertrandius remarks.

It sounds terribly screwy, but Friday I went down to a place called the Townsend Brown Foundation, and believe it or not, I saw a model of a flying saucer. Townsend Brown was an independent experimenter, and he actually worked on, as you can see, very large replications of saucers that he believed were vital for a different type of propulsion. The big question is, can I prove this? This I consider to be a very serious Rosetta Stone. This is Young Man magazine.

The article is titled the G Engines are Coming. By far the most potent source of energy is gravity. Using it as power, future aircraft will attain the speed of light. Now, in this article, they give you the names, they give you the time frame, they give you the dates, they give you the defense contractors, universities and research centers that are actively pursuing cracking the gravity barrier. They talk about the lear corporation, the sperry ran corporation, the bell aircraft corporation, all trying desperately to crack the gravity barrier.

And it's clear from the eyewitness testimony they've done it. And then we have Michael Schratz to thank for this great archivist and historian and he's found these journals that date from the where the big buz in the aerospace industry was antigravity, quote, unquote, the G engines, gravity engines. And this was actually in the open literature until they figured out how it really works and it all went black. Now, where did they get the technology? This was an interesting crash retrieval.

This is prior to roswell. This is November 1946. This was seen by a courier who went to Wright Patterson Air Force Base. And he had a guard, an MP, who he was friends with. And this guard said, you know what?

I got something I want to show you. So he brought him into this facility at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. And there was this craft sitting there. And this little red dot that I have here shows you the attempted point of entry. They were using a diamond tip drill bit to try to get into this craft.

So the question is, if this is one of ours, why would they be trying to get into this? So is this the beginning origin point of a reverse engineering program? Some of the UFO crash retrieval material, we've looked at it and we found that the materials used are very strange. When extraterrestrial material is recovered through military crash retrievals and its metallic structure is examined under a microscope, the metal is so pure that we could not replicate it even in a vacuum in space. This is because extraterrestrial crafts are not manufactured on a Ford assembly line the way humans would manufacture something.

Everything in the material universe has a frequency and a corresponding sound vibration that creates and sustains its being. Extraterrestrials manufacture objects by first creating a resonant frequency, for instance, the frequency of a flying saucer. This is a sort of vibrational blueprint that interacts with the substrate of the physical universe pulling into existence from other dimensions, atoms and molecules that then organize and condense into the structure of the object being created. In this way, extraterrestrial material is literally manifested into being like transdimensional 3D printing or Star Trek's replicator technology.

This is a marine. He was called from Cherry point, North Carolina, to an undisclosed location. And his job was to guard something there. And when he got to this facility, they opened up these doors, and he saw, propped up on scaffolding this 40 foot diameter dish shaped craft that looked like a fat hamburger. It was about 15ft tall.

He noticed that there was a white circle painted on the floor, and his job was to shoot to kill anyone who would try to breach that circle. They were trying three ways to get into this craft. Number one was a diamond tip drill bit. So we've got two cases of this. Now.

Number two was an acetylene torch that failed. And then the final attempt was bringing in 218 wheeler tractor trailer low Boy trucks that had these very high voltage generating devices, and they were using a laser to get into this craft. In a previously unreleased interview with aerospace designer Brad Sorensen, sorensen describes a secret air show that took place at Norton Air Force Base on November 1288, a classified military exhibit in which so called alien reproduction vehicles were unveiled. The craft were hovering off the floor with no landing gear underneath and nothing supporting it from above. When asked, where did they get these concepts from, sorensen states, they said they copied it.

By the way, these went all through the solar system. The components Mercury era, 1959 to 1960s, early 60s. So these were operational. When did we master gravity control? Where these were being functionally built by classified projects here on Earth, not extraterrestrial.

October 1954. So here we are riding on the surface of the roads and cars belching out garbage and pollution. When I say a lost century, it really is. They were already working on these programs as early as 1948, during the Clinton administration. They were spending $100 million a day on black budget programs.

The big question is, has this been integrated into the aerospace industry? And if we look at what the witnesses are reporting, they're reporting similar things across time, across dates, locations. Now, this is March 23, 1966. This is Temple, Oklahoma. Primary eyewitness name is Eddie Lex, and he was an electrical engineer.

He was working at Shepherd Air Force Base. So he's commuting to work. It's about five, six in the morning. And I want to stress that this is not my case. This is an actual United States Air Force Project Blue Book case.

And it can be verified through Project Blue Book. So he's going to work in the morning, and all of a sudden, something is blocking the road in front of him, and he notices something that looks all the world like a tipped over bowling pin. It's about 75ft across. On the starbird side of the craft that you see here. There was an airstair, cut out door and a man.

I want to stress this was a man. This was not an alien. He was wearing two piece green military fatigues. He had a baseball cap with the bill turned up and he was shining a flashlight near the bottom of the steps above this airstair door. There was an interesting stinger or spire that tapered back and swept back to the end of the vehicle.

And at the end of this spire, there was about an eight inch diameter sphere. And that's interesting because I keep getting reports from the eyewitnesses of spheres and balls and protrusions and prongs sticking out of these UFOs. And if you look at what the eyewitnesses are describing to us and you look and examine high voltage electrical equipment, it's a match. I believe I can make a case that the components that people are seeing on these UFOs are off the shelf. High voltage electrical components.

When this gentleman, who was this military green fatigue gentleman, when he noticed that he was being watched by Eddie Laxon, he scurried up this ladder, he slammed this door shut, and then there was a high pitched drilling noise. This craft levitated off the ground and then took off like a spark on a grinding wheel and made no sonic boom whatsoever. This is back in 1966. Rockets are obsolete. Solid rockets are obsolete.

Jets are obsolete.

So how can all this be true and we're still flying jets? Elon musk tweeted this out.

That's all very comical. It's not comical when astronauts I know have friends that died in this, the Challenger tragedy.

Flight controllers here looking very carefully at the situation, obviously a major malfunction.

We're awaiting word. They're holding their breath, just, I'm sure as everyone else is in the center of the fire and the smoke, you can't see any form of what was once the shove.

Here they are going up on a Roman candle. 40 years, 50 years, 60 years after we already had gravity control. This is the biggest cover up and scandal in the known history of the world. Full stop. We've already got the technology to do away with solid rocket boosters.

We've already got the technology to take away completely liquid rockets. Why wasn't the Challenger crew briefed on this technology if we already had the breakthrough in 1954? And so then people get into, how can this be? I put this out a lot because it's not declassified document, but you have an organization called Magic, M-A-J-I majority Intelligence Committee and a few others that run these covert projects. They are beyond black.

What do I mean? They're unacknowledged special access projects. I'm sure you also unacknowledged, but these are the projects that are off the radar even of the people who manage the Black projects. So I call this beyond black. These are way off book.

And this was a security alert with a distribution list back in the 90s. So I gave this some people at the Pentagon, like Admiral Wilson, who I briefed, who was the head of intelligence, joint Chiefs of Staff, and they got inside the program. I'm doing that now for a whole new generation of people since the law was passed to get to the bottom of what UFOs are or what they call now UAPs. Nobody calls them that's ridiculous. Let me tell you what our UFO, UFA.

They make up these fake names that are obfuscating, unexplained aerial phenomenon, like ball lightning or something. No, it isn't. First of all, It's not unexplained. Secondly, it's not aerial. And it's not just some phenomenon.

They're either man made UFOs or extraterrestrial. That's it. Keep it simple. The hardest thing for the senators and the white house people and the general public, and particularly the media to understand or scientists, is that if this is true, how could it be that it has been kept secret from the people? They're very good at counterintelligence.

So it's structured as Eisenhower warned us, but we're the military industrial complex. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. A very strong warning of what he saw coming because he'd been living with it for eight years. The CIA was only created in 1947, and the Pentagon and its generals were gaining much more power as the nuclear age progressed. And Eisenhower saw it.

The combination of military power with industry. If you think about what the industrial part is of the military industrial complex, the industrial is basically the fossil fuel giants and the chemical companies, and now increasingly the pharmaceutical companies that are running rampant and increasing their wealth by astronomical proportions. This is just the value of the raw materials. Look at these numbers. $150,000,000,000,000 in oil.

That's actually an underestimate now, 40 trillion in coal, a trillion in uranium. But that's just the raw. When you multiply your effect, when you take it from there to retail and creating the energy, it's many more hundreds of trillions. And that's what's being protected along with the Bretton Woods petrodollar, where they decide to make the dollar the reserve currency of the world. But it's called the petrodollar.

So the entire macroeconomic global economic system is sitting on a crumbling foundation of the energy system we use, and it's going to have to be transitioned. It should have happened 100 years ago. Now we're out of time. The malefactors of great wealth, as teddy Roosevelt once warned us about writing the laws, paying politicians to write the laws that they want. Why is that happening?

Robert Kennedy, jr. Wrote the introduction to both editions of my recent book, which was horseman the apocalypse became climate in cris in its most recent version. And he said this, which I think is quite apropos to what I've been talking about today. They work together in lockstep coordinated by capitol Hill trade associations, lobbying firms, captive agencies, and paid off politicians to increase authoritarian control, to transform all of us into mindless consumers, to shift middle class wealth to billionaire plutocrats, and to liquidate Our purple mountain majesties and our entire planet. They have declared war on democracy and personal freedom.

A shadowy government with its own air force, his own navy, his own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue his own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances and free from the law itself. So get your mind around this. There is the government, constitutional government of the United States. And then there's this other secret government operation which has more money, more power, more technology. It is a criminal enterprise.

It is not sanctioned by the President, it is not sanctioned by Congress. And yet they're using our tax dollars and are raping the planet and destroying the earth and impoverishing half the planet. That's what we have to fix. We've got at least 109 UFO crash retrieval cases. All we need is one to be correct.

And if they exploited the technology associated with these craft and procure that and put it into our aerospace industry they have made a tremendous breakthrough in aerospace technology that I think that our Challenger astronauts should have been briefed. On our Apollo astronauts should have been briefed on and we could have avoided all of this obsolete technology and we could all move forward to that wonderful world and are not basically bound to these oil industries. Some people wonder why we don't know more about this. Why isn't the media telling us what's really going on? We have about 15 billionaires and six corporations controlling 90% of the media in the United States.

We've got at and T comcast. Walt Disney Company, National Amusements. That includes Viacom and CBS News and Fox Corporation. They rely on advertising revenue and that's going to mean they're toeing a certain line. This is a CIA document was released.

I was surprised it was released. And it says that we have relationship with every major wire service, newspaper, newsweekly, and television network in the nation. In many instances, we have persuaded reporters to postpone, change, hold or scrap stories that could have adversely affected national security interests or jeopardize sources and methods. Here's another part of your Truman Show everyone's been forced to live in the idea that we have a free press or that we have a free market economy. Pray tell, any economist in here, I challenge you.

How do we have a free market if the most important scientific breakthroughs of the last 100 years have been ruthlessly confiscated, people murdered, and kept off the market? No. It's a controlled economy. It's a controlled media, it's an abomination and it's killing the planet. There were days when I wished I had never seen free energy.

The amount of pain that you wake up at 03:00 in the morning because you can't do anything and you know that pollution can be cleaned up and everyone is on the same economic basis. And because you're powering everything with the free energy, you can do really what the philosopher Joseph Campbell said, he said to seek after your bliss. And I think that free energy does it. And so what do we do? Well, the current paradigm we just went through the new would be unlimited abundance.

No poverty in 20 years. There would be no poverty on Earth in 20 years. With these technologies, universal peace, because you're not fighting over everything now, and Earth in harmony with humanity and the biosphere restored. It's important to realize that the technology that is required to heal Earth already exists and has existed for a long time, that the problem is not fundamentally technological. If we came into coherence around the goal of healing Earth, we could do it in five years, because the capacity of life to heal is just incredible.

But we're just in the way of it all the time. I mean, even look what happens if you stop paving over a parking lot in five years. Cracks appear, weeds are growing out of it in 15 years, you see chunks of pavement here and there, and trees are growing. In 50 years, you don't even know a parking lot was ever there. In order to maintain Earth in a state of ugliness and unlife requires constant effort, because the power of life to live is so strong.

That's what life wants to do. It wants to live. We only make 100 million cars a year if we convert it like that, which is not going to happen. All manufacturing of automobiles to these zero point energy generators, it would take do the math. 15 years.

We barely have 15 years left. The date I've been given 2035 to 2040, and we're done.

The scale of the transition is almost unthinkable. There are an estimated 14 million paved roads across the Earth. There are many millions more of power lines comprising the so called smart grid. A real smart grid would be no grid at all. We need a compassionate transition.

Instead of displacing millions of workers who support today's energy infrastructure, we must enlist them in the radical transformation of our world that lies before us. You've all heard of the Hopi prophecy. Probably there are two lines on the Hopi prophecy right now. Our entire planet is on the line, the upper line that terminates. We're an extinction level event trajectory.

That's the path we're on. There's another line in the Hopi prophecies, and that's one that we have to jump onto that goes on and on forever. That's our choice. We the people have to choose it. It is not going to be done for you like a Ouija board in Washington or in Wall Street.

We're going to have to unite and do this ourselves. You can imagine a civilization that has figured out the over unity question as being one in which the centralization of power, and therefore the centralization of the inputs necessary for the growth of civilization becomes more decentralized. So rather than these power stations that are clustered around big cities, you can have energy generation mechanisms in every home. And this is why it's a new world, because it's the power to the people. And what it means.

It's literally not just electric power and energy, but actual political power. And in the industrial era, from the 18 hundreds to now, it's gotten more and more concentrated. This is going to return the power to every village and every person. Even the deserts shall bloom, as it says in the Bible and in Africa and around the world, they're going to leapfrog past where we are with all this electricity and wiring and power lines and power plants like they did telephones. They went straight to cell.

But this is a bigger leap where all over the world, all these impoverished areas, every little village and community will have its own energy generator for pulling water out of the humidity of the air. We have the technology to do that now. Why is it used? Because it uses a lot of electricity, which is polluting and expensive. It'll be a global village, all interconnected, but also all self sufficient, complete local, self sufficiency with no pollution.

That's the world we could have had beginning in the years later. May I suggest we accept it? It's time. We are 100 years behind where we should be right now. Why are we still pounding metal nails into boards to build houses?

Why are we still loading up shipping containers on tankers and taking two months to get here? This is all a construct. And why call this a time snap? A time snap is when things have gone so far off track, the only way to fix it is for the people to unite, come up with a totally different strategy, where in a decade to two decades, we make up for 100 years. It can happen.

And if nothing else, humans do want to survive. But this is now a survival question for every man, woman, and child on the Earth. So that's why we have to do this. We have to remember also that the capacity for life, to heal is almost unlimited. And we see this already with people who are restoring ecosystems and regenerating farmland.

Even in a few years, miracles happen. Springs that have been dead for generations come back to life. Species that hadn't been seen in the area seemingly magically reappear. And so we can't forget that. We can't succumb to a despair that is founded in our distrust of the power of life itself, which, again, is part of the origin of our current condition.

Visualize your house off the grid. Clean energy, no wiring. Why? Because every device, whether it's this size device or your refrigerator, will have a small, solid state, quantum vacuum, zero point energy device in it, running it. So there's no electromagnetic fields running through your house because you don't need wiring.

Think what that'll do to construction cost and the simplicity of it. And here we are in the Sahara Desert, and you want to grow food, you create a biosphere dome. It's run on free, clean energy, as we've demonstrated. You're growing oranges, you can grow crops. You can have different zones in it for different temperature and humidity control.

So anywhere on the planet that you need to have foods, it could be done under controlled circumstances, digitally automated, but with no cost for the energy and the water, virtually none. What that means is the food scarcity and starvation we're facing, that goes away very quickly in a 20 year period. Here's your typical street in your neighborhood, anywhere in the world. And as we bring these technologies out, the grid comes down. We don't need it anymore.

When there's a snowstorm or hurricane or whatever, you don't lose power because you're not dependent on a grid that's going to be torn down by ice and snow and wind. You don't need wires. And all these wires, the clutter of wires, you don't need them because every device will have its own source of energy. This could have been done decades ago.

As we bring these out, all these freeways will be replaced. All the lines and power lines will go away. We can float above the surface and in every city in the world, we're going to see this transformation, every village in the world. And then we have these cities eventually, where you're just floating. They're guided pathways.

The ground is pristine. And then we're going out into space. So everyone remember where our destiny is. Our destiny is not just Earth, it's the whole cosmos. How is that going to be possible?

The only way we're allowed to go outside our solar system is if we become a peaceful civilization. Otherwise, it's locked down. We are considered a planet that is dangerous and armed. Each one of us is very invested in the world as it is. We've built careers, relationships, and goals based on a world that doesn't include ETS and antigravity and free energy and healing devices and all this cool, abundant stuff.

And so we need to understand and really know if we are ready for that investment to be disrupted. So one of the most powerful things that any of us can do is to look in our own hearts, imagine the world that could be, and ask ourselves, are we ready for that? If the answer is yes, then hold that readiness in your heart in all the excitement that it's due. If the answer is no, if there are some lingering doubts or fears or concerns, then go into that. Follow that.

That's an important thread that you can follow back to something inside of you that needs attention. It's that obstacle that may be keeping us from living in this new world. At Reynolds from forest in the Air Force base in 1980, roughly pyramid shaped craft landed. You've all heard this count probably, but I'll recount it for you. And the part that's classified, you don't know.

There were these kind of luminous beings that literally teleported floated outside this black pyramid and communicated with these air Force officers. And the et said, we are your descendants who have become interstellar, but we are from 500,000 years in the future, and we are now here. They basically materialized. Time traveled to 1980 because this was a covert nuclear weapons facility that, if that had been disclosed, could have triggered World War Three. And saying, you've got to stop doing this.

If you stay on this path, we your children's children's, children's, children. 20,000 years into the future, we won't exist. That was 42 years ago. So they have been warning these civilizations from other star systems. Some of them are our descendants.

Not all. Not all, but some are. The key thing to remember here is that the fact that that happened is a message of great hope. It means that there is a chance, a good chance, if we reach into our higher consciousness and we go forward with a strategy that isn't based on materialism and greed. This is a massive undertaking, my friends, but I'm convinced we can do it.

But we have to completely rethink how we live, how we act, and the whole business model of what we're doing. And if we do that here's, the world we're going to have. We will be remembered as a generation that pulled ourselves off the extinction line of the Hopi prophecy and moved on to the one that goes on forever. You.

Thank you all.

We can do it.

Nelson Mandela once said, our human compassion binds us, the one to the other, not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learned how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.

We have every reason to have hope. The solutions already exist. If we come together as one human family, we can reclaim our lost century.

I want to be free so free like a feather blown through the breeze like a bird in a tree like a dolphin in the sea I wanna fly high so high like an eagle in the sky and when my time has come? I'll let it all go at the side? But shamama?

To the place where I belong? I want to be free?

Be the only thing that I see? Not to rise, not to fall? Be the one with love and all there is no I know where else to go except inside your heart and be just who you are I jam my mind to the place where I belong pachamama to love place where I belong pachamama I'm coming home to the place where I belong.

The number-one best-selling pioneer of "fratire" and a leading evolutionary psychologist team up to create the dating book for guys. Whether they conducted their research in life or in the lab, experts Tucker Max and Dr. Geoffrey Miller have spent the last 20-plus years learning what women really want from their men, why they want it, and how men can deliver those qualities. The short answer: Become the best version of yourself possible, then show it off. It sounds simple, but it's not. If it were, Tinder would just be the stuff you use to start a fire. Becoming your best self requires honesty, self-awareness, hard work, and a little help. Through their website and podcasts, Max and Miller have already helped over one million guys take their first steps toward Miss Right. They have collected all of their findings in Mate, an evidence-driven, seriously funny playbook that will teach you to become a more sexually attractive and romantically successful man, the right way: No "seduction techniques" No moralizing No bullshit Just honest, straightforward talk about the most ethical, effective way to pursue the win-win relationships you want with the women who are best for you. Much of what they've discovered will surprise you, some of it will not, but all of it is important and often misunderstood. So listen up, and stop being stupid!

Words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, physical touching - learning these love languages will get your marriage off to a great start or enhance a long-standing one! Chapman explains the purpose of each "language" and shows you how to identify the one that's meaningful to your spouse now. Updated to reflect the complexities of relationships in today's world, this new edition of The 5 Love Languages reveals intrinsic truths and provides action steps in each chapter that will help you on your way to a healthier relationship. Also includes an updated personal profile. With a divorce rate that hovers around 50 percent, don't let yourself become a statistic. In Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married, Gary Chapman teaches you and your future spouse how to work together as an intimate team! He shares with engaged couples practical tips he wishes he knew before he got married. Discussion centers around love, romance, conflict resolution, forgiveness, and sexual fulfillment. Included are insightful questions, suggestions, and exercises.

A one-page tool to reinvent yourself and your career. The global best seller Business Model Generation introduced a unique visual way to summarize and creatively brainstorm any business or product idea on a single sheet of paper. Business Model You uses the same powerful one-page tool to teach listeners how to draw "personal business models," which reveal new ways their skills can be adapted to the changing needs of the marketplace to reveal new, more satisfying, career and life possibilities. Produced by the same team that created Business Model Generation, this audiobook is based on the Business Model Canvas methodology, which has quickly emerged as the world's leading business model description and innovation technique. This book shows listeners how to: - Understand business model thinking and diagram their current personal business model - Understand the value of their skills in the marketplace and define their purpose - Articulate a vision for change - Create a new personal business model harmonized with that vision - And most important, test and implement the new model When you implement the one-page tool from Business Model You, you create a game-changing business model for your life and career.

The bible for bringing cutting-edge products to larger markets—now revised and updated with new insights into the realities of high-tech marketing In Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey A. Moore shows that in the Technology Adoption Life Cycle—which begins with innovators and moves to early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards—there is a vast chasm between the early adopters and the early majority. While early adopters are willing to sacrifice for the advantage of being first, the early majority waits until they know that the technology actually offers improvements in productivity. The challenge for innovators and marketers is to narrow this chasm and ultimately accelerate adoption across every segment. This third edition brings Moore's classic work up to date with dozens of new examples of successes and failures, new strategies for marketing in the digital world, and Moore's most current insights and findings. He also includes two new appendices, the first connecting the ideas in Crossing the Chasm to work subsequently published in his Inside the Tornado, and the second presenting his recent groundbreaking work for technology adoption models for high-tech consumer markets.

Endless terror. Refugee waves. An unfixable global economy. Surprising election results. New billion-dollar fortunes. Miracle medical advances. What if they were all connected? What if you could understand why? The Seventh Sense is the story of what all of today's successful figures see and feel: the forces that are invisible to most of us but explain everything from explosive technological change to uneasy political ripples. The secret to power now is understanding our new age of networks. Not merely the Internet, but also webs of trade, finance, and even DNA. Based on his years of advising generals, CEOs, and politicians, Ramo takes us into the opaque heart of our world's rapidly connected systems and teaches us what the losers are not yet seeing -- and what the victors of this age already know.

This lushly illustrated history of popular entertainment takes a long-zoom approach, contending that the pursuit of novelty and wonder is a powerful driver of world-shaping technological change. Steven Johnson argues that, throughout history, the cutting edge of innovation lies wherever people are working the hardest to keep themselves and others amused. Johnson’s storytelling is just as delightful as the inventions he describes, full of surprising stops along the journey from simple concepts to complex modern systems. He introduces us to the colorful innovators of leisure: the explorers, proprietors, showmen, and artists who changed the trajectory of history with their luxurious wares, exotic meals, taverns, gambling tables, and magic shows. In Wonderland, Johnson compellingly argues that observers of technological and social trends should be looking for clues in novel amusements. You’ll find the future wherever people are having the most fun.

Nothing “goes viral.” If you think a popular movie, song, or app came out of nowhere to become a word-of-mouth success in today’s crowded media environment, you’re missing the real story. Each blockbuster has a secret history—of power, influence, dark broadcasters, and passionate cults that turn some new products into cultural phenomena. Even the most brilliant ideas wither in obscurity if they fail to connect with the right network, and the consumers that matter most aren't the early adopters, but rather their friends, followers, and imitators -- the audience of your audience. In his groundbreaking investigation, Atlantic senior editor Derek Thompson uncovers the hidden psychology of why we like what we like and reveals the economics of cultural markets that invisibly shape our lives. Shattering the sentimental myths of hit-making that dominate pop culture and business, Thompson shows quality is insufficient for success, nobody has "good taste," and some of the most popular products in history were one bad break away from utter failure. It may be a new world, but there are some enduring truths to what audiences and consumers want. People love a familiar surprise: a product that is bold, yet sneakily recognizable. Every business, every artist, every person looking to promote themselves and their work wants to know what makes some works so successful while others disappear. Hit Makers is a magical mystery tour through the last century of pop culture blockbusters and the most valuable currency of the twenty-first century—people’s attention. From the dawn of impressionist art to the future of Facebook, from small Etsy designers to the origin of Star Wars, Derek Thompson leaves no pet rock unturned to tell the fascinating story of how culture happens and why things become popular. In Hit Makers, Derek Thompson investigates: · The secret link between ESPN's sticky programming and the The Weeknd's catchy choruses · Why Facebook is today’s most important newspaper · How advertising critics predicted Donald Trump · The 5th grader who accidentally launched "Rock Around the Clock," the biggest hit in rock and roll history · How Barack Obama and his speechwriters think of themselves as songwriters · How Disney conquered the world—but the future of hits belongs to savvy amateurs and individuals · The French collector who accidentally created the Impressionist canon · Quantitative evidence that the biggest music hits aren’t always the best · Why almost all Hollywood blockbusters are sequels, reboots, and adaptations · Why one year--1991--is responsible for the way pop music sounds today · Why another year --1932--created the business model of film · How data scientists proved that “going viral” is a myth · How 19th century immigration patterns explain the most heard song in the Western Hemisphere

Ours is often called an information economy, but at a moment when access to information is virtually unlimited, our attention has become the ultimate commodity. In nearly every moment of our waking lives, we face a barrage of efforts to harvest our attention. This condition is not simply the byproduct of recent technological innovations but the result of more than a century's growth and expansion in the industries that feed on human attention. Wu’s narrative begins in the nineteenth century, when Benjamin Day discovered he could get rich selling newspapers for a penny. Since then, every new medium—from radio to television to Internet companies such as Google and Facebook—has attained commercial viability and immense riches by turning itself into an advertising platform. Since the early days, the basic business model of “attention merchants” has never changed: free diversion in exchange for a moment of your time, sold in turn to the highest-bidding advertiser. Full of lively, unexpected storytelling and piercing insight, The Attention Merchants lays bare the true nature of a ubiquitous reality we can no longer afford to accept at face value.

Some people think that in today’s hyper-competitive world, it’s the tough, take-no-prisoners type who comes out on top. But in reality, argues New York Times bestselling author Dave Kerpen, it’s actually those with the best people skills who win the day. Those who build the right relationships. Those who truly understand and connect with their colleagues, their customers, their partners. Those who can teach, lead, and inspire. In a world where we are constantly connected, and social media has become the primary way we communicate, the key to getting ahead is being the person others like, respect, and trust. Because no matter who you are or what profession you're in, success is contingent less on what you can do for yourself, but on what other people are willing to do for you. Here, through 53 bite-sized, easy-to-execute, and often counterintuitive tips, you’ll learn to master the 11 People Skills that will get you more of what you want at work, at home, and in life. For example, you’ll learn: · The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting · The one simple key to networking that nobody talks about · How to remain top of mind for thousands of people, everyday · Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news · How to blow off the right people · And why, when in doubt, buy him a Bonsai A book best described as “How to Win Friends and Influence People for today’s world,” The Art of People shows how to charm and win over anyone to be more successful at work and outside of it.

Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to adapt to harsh new realities, but you don't yet have a strategy that will get you out in front of your competitors, you need Business Model Generation. Co-created by 470 "Business Model Canvas" practitioners from 45 countries, the book features a beautiful, highly visual, 4-color design that takes powerful strategic ideas and tools, and makes them easy to implement in your organization. It explains the most common Business Model patterns, based on concepts from leading business thinkers, and helps you reinterpret them for your own context. You will learn how to systematically understand, design, and implement a game-changing business model--or analyze and renovate an old one. Along the way, you'll understand at a much deeper level your customers, distribution channels, partners, revenue streams, costs, and your core value proposition. Business Model Generation features practical innovation techniques used today by leading consultants and companies worldwide, including 3M, Ericsson, Capgemini, Deloitte, and others. Designed for doers, it is for those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new models of value creation: for executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, and leaders of all organizations. If you're ready to change the rules, you belong to "the business model generation!"

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One, legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singular ways to create those new things. Thiel begins with the contrarian premise that we live in an age of technological stagnation, even if we’re too distracted by shiny mobile devices to notice. Information technology has improved rapidly, but there is no reason why progress should be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. Progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. It comes from the most important skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself. Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. Tomorrow’s champions will not win by competing ruthlessly in today’s marketplace. They will escape competition altogether, because their businesses will be unique. Zero to One presents at once an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and a new way of thinking about innovation: it starts by learning to ask the questions that lead you to find value in unexpected places.

Why should I do business with you… and not your competitor? Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, distributor, or service provider – if you cannot answer this question, you are surely losing customers, clients and market share. This eye-opening book reveals how identifying your competitive advantages (and trumpeting them to the marketplace) is the most surefire way to close deals, retain clients, and stay miles ahead of the competition. The five fatal flaws of most companies: • They don’t have a competitive advantage but think they do • They have a competitive advantage but don’t know what it is—so they lower prices instead • They know what their competitive advantage is but neglect to tell clients about it • They mistake “strengths” for competitive advantages • They don’t concentrate on competitive advantages when making strategic and operational decisions The good news is that you can overcome these costly mistakes – by identifying your competitive advantages and creating new ones. Consultant, public speaker, and competitive advantage expert Jaynie Smith will show you how scores of small and large companies substantially increased their sales by focusing on their competitive advantages. When advising a CEO frustrated by his salespeople’s inability to close deals, Smith discovered that his company stayed on schedule 95 percent of the time – an achievement no one else in his industry could claim. By touting this and other competitive advantages to customers, closing rates increased by 30 percent—and so did company revenues. Jack Welch has said, “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” This straight-to-the-point book is filled with insightful stories and specific steps on how to pinpoint your competitive advantages, develop new ones, and get the message out about them.

The number one New York Times best seller that examines how people can champion new ideas in their careers and everyday life - and how leaders can fight groupthink, from the author of Think Again and co-author of Option B. With Give and Take, Adam Grant not only introduced a landmark new paradigm for success but also established himself as one of his generation’s most compelling and provocative thought leaders. In Originals he again addresses the challenge of improving the world, but now from the perspective of becoming original: choosing to champion novel ideas and values that go against the grain, battle conformity, and buck outdated traditions. How can we originate new ideas, policies, and practices without risking it all? Using surprising studies and stories spanning business, politics, sports, and entertainment, Grant explores how to recognize a good idea, speak up without getting silenced, build a coalition of allies, choose the right time to act, and manage fear and doubt; how parents and teachers can nurture originality in children; and how leaders can build cultures that welcome dissent. Learn from an entrepreneur who pitches his start-ups by highlighting the reasons not to invest, a woman at Apple who challenged Steve Jobs from three levels below, an analyst who overturned the rule of secrecy at the CIA, a billionaire financial wizard who fires employees for failing to criticize him, and a TV executive who didn’t even work in comedy but saved Seinfeld from the cutting-room floor. The payoff is a set of groundbreaking insights about rejecting conformity and improving the status quo.

In The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau tells you how to lead of life of adventure, meaning and purpose - and earn a good living. Still in his early 30s, Chris is on the verge of completing a tour of every country on earth - he's already visited more than 175 nations - and yet he’s never held a "real job" or earned a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back. There are many others like Chris - those who've found ways to opt out of traditional employment and create the time and income to pursue what they find meaningful. Sometimes, achieving that perfect blend of passion and income doesn't depend on shelving what you currently do. You can start small with your venture, committing little time or money, and wait to take the real plunge when you're sure it's successful. In preparing to write this book, Chris identified 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less), and from that group he’s chosen to focus on the 50 most intriguing case studies. In nearly all cases, people with no special skills discovered aspects of their personal passions that could be monetized, and were able to restructure their lives in ways that gave them greater freedom and fulfillment. Here, finally, distilled into one easy-to-use guide, are the most valuable lessons from those who’ve learned how to turn what they do into a gateway to self-fulfillment. It’s all about finding the intersection between your "expertise" - even if you don’t consider it such - and what other people will pay for. You don’t need an MBA, a business plan or even employees. All you need is a product or service that springs from what you love to do anyway, people willing to pay, and a way to get paid. Not content to talk in generalities, Chris tells you exactly how many dollars his group of unexpected entrepreneurs required to get their projects up and running; what these individuals did in the first weeks and months to generate significant cash; some of the key mistakes they made along the way, and the crucial insights that made the business stick. Among Chris’s key principles: if you’re good at one thing, you’re probably good at something else; never teach a man to fish - sell him the fish instead; and in the battle between planning and action, action wins. In ancient times, people who were dissatisfied with their lives dreamed of finding magic lamps, buried treasure, or streets paved with gold. Today, we know that it’s up to us to change our lives. And the best part is, if we change our own life, we can help others change theirs. This remarkable book will start you on your way.

Bold is a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. Exploring the exponential technologies that are disrupting today's Fortune 500 companies and enabling upstart entrepreneurs to go from "I've got an idea" to "I run a billion-dollar company" far faster than ever before, the authors provide exceptional insight into the power of 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. Drawing on insights from billionaire entrepreneurs Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos, the audiobook offers the best practices that allow anyone to leverage today's hyper connected crowd like never before. The authors teach how to design and use incentive competitions, launch million-dollar crowdfunding campaigns to tap into tens of billions of dollars of capital, and build communities - armies of exponentially enabled individuals willing and able to help today's entrepreneurs make their boldest dreams come true. Bold is both a manifesto and a manual. It is today's exponential entrepreneur's go-to resource on the use of emerging technologies, thinking at scale, and the awesome impact of crowd-powered tools.

The answer is simple: come up with 10 ideas a day. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad, the key is to exercise your "idea muscle", to keep it toned, and in great shape. People say ideas are cheap and execution is everything but that is NOT true. Execution is a consequence, a subset of good, brilliant idea. And good ideas require daily work. Ideas may be easy if we are only coming up with one or two but if you open this book to any of the pages and try to produce more than three, you will feel a burn, scratch your head, and you will be sweating, and working hard. There is a turning point when you reach idea number six for the day, you still have four to go, and your mind muscle is getting a workout. By the time you list those last ideas to make it to 10 you will see for yourself what "sweating the idea muscle" means. As you practice the daily idea generation you become an idea machine. When we become idea machines we are flooded with lots of bad ideas but also with some that are very good. This happens by the sheer force of the number, because we are coming up with 3,650 ideas per year (at 10 a day). When you are inspired by an extraordinary idea, all of your thoughts break their chains, you go beyond limitations and your capacity to act expands in every direction. Forces and abilities you did not know you had come to the surface, and you realize you are capable of doing great things. As you practice with the suggested prompts in this book your ideas will get better, you will be a source of great insight for others, people will find you magnetic, and they will want to hang out with you because you have so much to offer. When you practice every day your life will transform, in no more than 180 days, because it has no other evolutionary choice. Life changes for the better when we become the source of positive, insightful, and helpful ideas. Don't believe a word I say. Instead, challenge yourself.

A Guide to Resilience: How to Bounce Back from Life's Inevitable Problems Christian Moore is convinced that each of us has a power hidden within, something that can get us through any kind of adversity. That power is resilience. In The Resilience Breakthrough, Moore delivers a practical primer on how you can become more resilient in a world of instability and narrowing opportunity, whether you're facing financial troubles, health setbacks, challenges on the job, or any other problem. We can each have our own resilience breakthrough, Moore argues, and can each learn how to use adverse circumstances as potent fuel for overcoming life's hardships. As he shares engaging real-life stories and brutally honest analyses of his own experiences, Moore equips you with 27 resilience-building tools that you can start using today - in your personal life or in your organization.

What if someone told you that your behavior was controlled by a powerful, invisible force? Most of us would be skeptical of such a claim--but it's largely true. Our brains are constantly transmitting and receiving signals of which we are unaware. Studies show that these constant inputs drive the great majority of our decisions about what to do next--and we become conscious of the decisions only after we start acting on them. Many may find that disturbing. But the implications for leadership are profound. In this provocative yet practical book, renowned speaking coach and communication expert Nick Morgan highlights recent research that shows how humans are programmed to respond to the nonverbal cues of others--subtle gestures, sounds, and signals--that elicit emotion. He then provides a clear, useful framework of seven "power cues" that will be essential for any leader in business, the public sector, or almost any context. You'll learn crucial skills, from measuring nonverbal signs of confidence, to the art and practice of gestures and vocal tones, to figuring out what your gut is really telling you. This concise and engaging guide will help leaders and aspiring leaders of all stripes to connect powerfully, communicate more effectively, and command influence.

New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition. A mash-up of the best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy with a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really works. When managers and marketers outline their social media strategies, they plan for the "right hook"—their next sale or campaign that's going to knock out the competition. Even companies committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships crucial to successful social media campaigns—want to land the punch that will take down their opponent or their customer's resistance in one blow. Right hooks convert traffic to sales and easily show results. Except when they don't. Thanks to massive change and proliferation in social media platforms, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Vaynerchuk shows that while communication is still key, context matters more than ever. It's not just about developing high-quality content, but developing high-quality content perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices—content tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Tumblr.

From the best-selling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a book on how some things actually benefit from disorder. In The Black Swan Taleb outlined a problem, and in Antifragile he offers a definitive solution: how to gain from disorder and chaos while being protected from fragilities and adverse events. For what Taleb calls the "antifragile" is actually beyond the robust, because it benefits from shocks, uncertainty, and stressors, just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension. The antifragile needs disorder in order to survive and flourish. Taleb stands uncertainty on its head, making it desirable, even necessary, and proposes that things be built in an antifragile manner. The antifragile is immune to prediction errors. Why is the city-state better than the nation-state, why is debt bad for you, and why is everything that is both modern and complicated bound to fail? The audiobook spans innovation by trial and error, health, biology, medicine, life decisions, politics, foreign policy, urban planning, war, personal finance, and economic systems. And throughout, in addition to the street wisdom of Fat Tony of Brooklyn, the voices and recipes of ancient wisdom, from Roman, Greek, Semitic, and medieval sources, are heard loud and clear. Extremely ambitious and multidisciplinary, Antifragile provides a blueprint for how to behave - and thrive - in a world we don't understand, and which is too uncertain for us to even try to understand and predict. Erudite and witty, Taleb’s message is revolutionary: What is not antifragile will surely perish.

The Cluetrain Manifesto began as a Web site in 1999 when the authors, who have worked variously at IBM, Sun Microsystems, the Linux Journal, and NPR, posted 95 theses about the new reality of the networked marketplace. Ten years after its original publication, their message remains more relevant than ever. For example, thesis no. 2: “Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors”; thesis no. 20: “Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.” The book enlarges on these themes through dozens of stories and observations about business in America and how the Internet will continue to change it all. With a new introduction and chapters by the authors, and commentary by Jake McKee, JP Rangaswami, and Dan Gillmor, this book is essential reading for anybody interested in the Internet and e-commerce, and is especially vital for businesses navigating the topography of the wired marketplace.

From the founders of the trailblazing software company 37signals, here is a different kind of business book one that explores a new reality. Today, anyone can be in business. Tools that used to be out of reach are now easily accessible. Technology that cost thousands is now just a few bucks or even free. Stuff that was impossible just a few years ago is now simple.That means anyone can start a business. And you can do it without working miserable 80-hour weeks or depleting your life savings. You can start it on the side while your day job provides all the cash flow you need. Forget about business plans, meetings, office space - you don't need them. With its straightforward language and easy-is-better approach, Rework is the perfect playbook for anyone who's ever dreamed of doing it on their own. Hardcore entrepreneurs, small-business owners, people stuck in day jobs who want to get out, and artists who don't want to starve anymore will all find valuable inspiration and guidance in these pages. It's time to rework work.

Tesla's main source of inspiration.
Roger Joseph Boscovich, a physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, Jesuit priest, and polymath, published the first edition of his famous work, Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria Redacta Ad Unicam Legem Virium In Natura Existentium (Theory Of Natural Philosophy Derived To The Single Law Of Forces Which Exist In Nature), in Vienna, in 1758, containing his atomic theory and his theory of forces. A second edition was published in 1763 in Venice

Bill Clinton's Georgetown mentor's history of the Conspiracy since the Boer War in South Africa.
TRAGEDY AND HOPE shows the years 1895-1950 as a period of transition from the world dominated by Europe in the nineteenth century to the world of three blocs in the twentieth century. With clarity, perspective, and cumulative impact, Professor Quigley examines the nature of that transition through two world wars and a worldwide economic depression. As an interpretative historian, he tries to show each event in the full complexity of its historical context. The result is a unique work, notable in several ways. It gives a picture of the world in terms of the influence of different cultures and outlooks upon each other; it shows, more completely than in any similar work, the influence of science and technology on human life; and it explains, with unprecedented clarity, how the intricate financial and commercial patterns of the West prior to 1914 influenced the development of today’s world.

This is the July, 2016 ALTA (Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis) Report. Also known as 'the Web Bot' report, this series is brought to you by This report covers your future world from July 2016 through to 2031. Forecasts are created using predictive linguistics (from the inventor) and cover your planet, your population, your economy and markets, and your Space Goat Farts where you will find all the 'unknown' and 'officially denied' woo-woo that will be shaping your environment over these next few decades.

Time is considered as an independent entity which cannot be reduced to the concept of matter, space or field. The point of discussion is the "time flow" conception of N A Kozyrev (1908-1983), an outstanding Russian astronomer and natural scientist. In addition to a review of the experimental studies of "the active properties of time", by both Kozyrev and modern scientists, the reader will find different interpretations of Kozyrev's views and some developments of his ideas in the fields of geophysics, astrophysics, general relativity and theoretical mechanics.

How UFO Time Engines work - Clif High

The webpage discusses the workings of UFO time engines according to N.A. Kozyrev's experiments. The LL1 engine is described as a hollow metal sphere with a pool of mercury metal inside. When activated by electrical energy, it creates a uni-polar magnetic field causing the mercury to spin at a high rate and induce "time stuff" to accumulate on its surface. The accrued time stuff is siphoned down magnetically to the radiating antennae on the bottom of the vessel, providing self-sustaining power and allowing for time travel. The environment inside UFOs is likely volatile and not suitable for humans.

The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory that electricity is vital to life. But as exciting as Becker's discoveries are, pointing to the day when human limbs, spinal cords, and organs may be regenerated after they have been damaged, equally fascinating is the story of Becker's struggle to do such original work. The Body Electric explores new pathways in our understanding of evolution, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, and healing.

Unique, controversial, and frequently cited, this survey offers highly detailed accounts concerning the development of ideas and theories about the nature of electricity and space (aether). Readily accessible to general readers as well as high school students, teachers, and undergraduates, it includes much information unavailable elsewhere. This single-volume edition comprises both The Classical Theories and The Modern Theories, which were originally published separately. The first volume covers the theories of classical physics from the age of the Greek philosophers to the late 19th century. The second volume chronicles discoveries that led to the advances of modern physics, focusing on special relativity, quantum theories, general relativity, matrix mechanics, and wave mechanics. Noted historian of science I. Bernard Cohen, who reviewed these books for Scientific American, observed, "I know of no other history of electricity which is as sound as Whittaker's. All those who have found stimulation from his works will read this informative and accurate history with interest and profit."

The third edition of the defining text for the graduate-level course in Electricity and Magnetism has finally arrived! It has been 37 years since the first edition and 24 since the second. The new edition addresses the changes in emphasis and applications that have occurred in the field, without any significant increase in length.

Objects are a ubiquitous presence and few of us stop and think what they mean in our lives. This is the job of philosophers and this is what Jean Baudrillard does in his book. This is required reading for followers of Baudrillard, and he is perhaps the most assessable to the General Reader. Baudrillard is most associated with Post Modernism, and this early book sets the stage for that journey to the post modern world.
We are all surrounded by objects, but how many times have we thought about what those objects represent. If we took the time to think about the symbolism, we could arrive at easy solutions. We have been so accustomed to advertising the automobile representing freedom is an easy conclusion. But what about furniture? What about chairs? What about the arrangement of furniture? Watches? Collecting objects? Baudrillard literally opens up a new world and creates the universe of objects.
It is not that the critique of a society or objects has not been done before, but Baudrillard’s approach is new. Baudrillard examines objects as signs with a smattering of Post-Marxist thought. In his analysis of objects as signs, he ushers in the Post-Modern age and world for which he would be known. Heady stuff to be sure, but is presented by Baudrillard in a readily accessible manner. He articulates his thesis in a straightforward manner, avoiding the hyper-technical terminology he used in his later writings.

Moving away from the Marxist/Freudian approaches that had concerned him earlier, Baudrillard developed in this book a theory of contemporary culture that relies on displacing economic notions of cultural production with notions of cultural expenditure.

The book begins with Sidis's discovery of the first law of physical laws: "Among the physical laws it is a general characteristic that there is reversibility in time; that is, should the whole universe trace back the various positions that bodies in it have passed through in a given interval of time, but in the reverse order to that in which these positions actually occurred, then the universe, in this imaginary case, would still obey the same laws." Recent discoveries of dark matter are predicted by him in this book, and he goes on to show that the "Big Bang" is wrong. Sidis (SIGH-dis) shows that it is far more likely the universe is eternal

In this book you will encounter rare information regarding your true identity - the conscious self in the body - and how you may break the hypnotic spell your senses and thinking have cast about you since childhood.

Do we see the world as it truly is? In The Case Against Reality, pioneering cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman says no? we see what we need in order to survive. Our visual perceptions are not a window onto reality, Hoffman shows us, but instead are interfaces constructed by natural selection. The objects we see around us are not unlike the file icons on our computer desktops: while shaped like a small folder on our screens, the files themselves are made of a series of ones and zeros - too complex for most of us to understand. In a similar way, Hoffman argues, evolution has shaped our perceptions into simplistic illusions to help us navigate the world around us. Yet now these illusions can be manipulated by advertising and design.
Drawing on thirty years of Hoffman's own influential research, as well as evolutionary biology, game theory, neuroscience, and philosophy, The Case Against Reality makes the mind-bending yet utterly convincing case that the world is nothing like what we see through our eyes.

At the height of the Cold War, JFK risked committing the greatest crime in human history: starting a nuclear war. Horrified by the specter of nuclear annihilation, Kennedy gradually turned away from his long-held Cold Warrior beliefs and toward a policy of lasting peace. But to the military and intelligence agencies in the United States, who were committed to winning the Cold War at any cost, Kennedy’s change of heart was a direct threat to their power and influence. Once these dark “Unspeakable” forces recognized that Kennedy’s interests were in direct opposition to their own, they tagged him as a dangerous traitor, plotted his assassination, and orchestrated the subsequent cover-up.

2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID. A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent. And therein lies a story—a story that starts with obvious questions: - What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people? - What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

The Tavistock Institute, in Sussex, England, describes itself as a nonprofit charity that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. But this book posits that it is the world’s center for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. It grew from a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House into a sophisticated organization that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society. In this eye-opening work, both the Tavistock network and the methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare are uncovered.

A seminal and controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Edward Bernays (1891–1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed “engineering of consent.” During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon.
Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, as well as his uncle, Sigmund Freud, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. His 1928 bombshell Propaganda lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.

Undressing the Bible: in Hebrew, the Old Testament speaks for itself, explicitly and transparently. It tells of mysterious beings, special and powerful ones, that appeared on Earth.
Former earthlings?
Superior civilizations, that have always been present on our planet?
Creators, manipulators, geneticists. Aviators, warriors, despotic rulers. And scientists, possessing very advanced knowledge, special weapons and science-fiction-like technologies.
Once naked, the Bible is very different from how it has always been told to us: it does not contain any spiritual, omnipotent and omniscient God, no eternity. No apples and no creeping, tempting, serpents. No winged angels. Not even the Red Sea: the people of the Exodus just wade through a simple reed bed.
Writer and journalist Giorgio Cattaneo sits down with Italy's most renowned biblical translator for his first long interview about his life's work for the English audience. A decade long official Bible translator for the Church and lifelong researcher of ancient myths and tales, Mauro Bilglino is a unicum in his field of expertise and research. A fine connoisseur of dead languages, from ancient Greek to Hebrew and medieval Latin, he focused his attention and efforts on the accurate translating of the bible.
The encounter with Mauro Biglino and his work - the journalist writes - is profoundly healthy, stimulating and inevitably destabilizing: it forces us to reconsider the solidity of the awareness that nourishes many of our common beliefs. And it is a testament to the courage that is needed, today more than ever, to claim the full dignity of free research.

Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th century.Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai's adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.After Sabbati Zevi's death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform "strange acts" that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history".Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

This is the first English translation of this revolutionary essay by Vladimir I. Vernadsky, the great Russian-Ukrainian biogeochemist. It was first published in 1930 in French in the Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées. In it, Vernadsky makes a powerful and provocative argument for the need to develop what he calls “a new physics,” something he felt was clearly necessitated by the implications of the groundbreaking work of Louis Pasteur among few others, but also something that was required to free science from the long-lasting effects of the work of Isaac Newton, most notably.
For hundreds of years, science had developed in a direction which became increasingly detached from the breakthroughs made in the study of life and the natural sciences, detached even from human life itself, and committed reductionists and small-minded scientists were resolved to the fact that ultimately all would be reduced to “the old physics.” The scientific revolution of Einstein was a step in the right direction, but here Vernadsky insists that there is more progress to be made. He makes a bold call for a new physics, taking into account, and fundamentally based upon, the striking anomalies of life and human life.

Using an inspired combination of geometric logic and metaphors from familiar human experience, Bucky invites readers to join him on a trip through a four-dimensional Universe, where concepts as diverse as entropy, Einstein's relativity equations, and the meaning of existence become clear, understandable, and immediately involving. In his own words: "Dare to be naive... It is one of our most exciting discoveries that local discovery leads to a complex of further discoveries." Here are three key examples or concepts from "Synergetics":


Tensegrity, or tensional integrity, refers to structural systems that use a combination of tension and compression components. The simplest example of this is the "tensegrity triangle", where three struts are held in position not by touching one another but by tensioned wires. These systems are stable and flexible. Tensegrity structures are pervasive in natural systems, from the cellular level up to larger biological and even cosmological scales.

Vector Equilibrium (VE)

The Vector Equilibrium, often referred to by Fuller as the "VE", is a geometric form that he saw as the central form in his synergetic geometry. It’s essentially a cuboctahedron. Fuller noted that the VE is the only geometric form wherein all the vectors (lines from the center to the vertices) are of equal length and angular relationship. Because of this, it’s seen as a condition of absolute equilibrium, where the forces of push and pull are balanced.

Closest Packing of Spheres

Fuller was fascinated by how spheres could be packed together in the tightest possible configuration, a concept he often linked to how nature organizes systems. For example, when you stack oranges in a grocery store, they form a hexagonal pattern, and the spheres (oranges) are in closest-packed arrangement. Fuller related this principle to atomic structures and even cosmic organization.

To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (CG5GW) by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. General Flynn rose to the highest levels of the intelligence community and served as the National Security Advisor to the 45th POTUS. Sergeant Boone Cutler ran the ground game as a wartime Psychological Operations team sergeant in the United States Army. Together, these two combat veterans put their combined experience and expertise into an illuminating fifth-generation warfare information series called The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare. Introduction to 5GW is the first session of the multipart series. The series, complete with easy-to-understand diagrams, is written for all of humanity in every freedom loving country.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Biosphere :

  • Vernadsky defined the biosphere as the thin layer of Earth where life exists, encompassing all living organisms and the parts of the Earth where they interact. This includes the depths of the oceans to the upper layers of the atmosphere.
  • He posited that life plays a critical role in transforming the Earth's environment. In this view, living organisms are not just passive inhabitants of the planet, but active agents of change. This idea contrasts with more traditional views that saw life as simply adapting to pre-existing environmental conditions.
  • One example of this transformative power is the oxygen-rich atmosphere, which was created by photosynthesizing organisms over billions of years.

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Noosphere :

  • The concept of the noosphere can be seen as the next evolutionary stage following the biosphere. While the biosphere represents the realm of life, the noosphere represents the realm of human thought.
  • Vernadsky believed that, just as life transformed the Earth through the biosphere, human thought and collective intelligence would transform the planet in the era of the noosphere. This transformation would be characterized by the dominance of cultural evolution over biological evolution.
  • In this paradigm, human knowledge, technology, and cultural developments would become the primary drivers of change on the planet, influencing its future direction.
  • The term "noosphere" is derived from the Greek word “nous” meaning "mind" or "intellect" and "sphaira" meaning "sphere." So, the noosphere can be thought of as the "sphere of human thought."

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

A close analysis of the architecture of the stupa―a Buddhist symbolic form that is found throughout South, Southeast, and East Asia. The author, who trained as an architect, examines both the physical and metaphysical levels of these buildings, which derive their meaning and significance from Buddhist and Brahmanist influences.

Building on his extensive research into the sacred symbols and creation myths of the Dogon of Africa and those of ancient Egypt, India, and Tibet, Laird Scranton investigates the myths, symbols, and traditions of prehistoric China, providing further evidence that the cosmology of all ancient cultures arose from a single now-lost source.

It is at the same time a history of language, a guide to foreign tongues, and a method for learning them. It shows, through basic vocabularies, family resemblances of languages―Teutonic, Romance, Greek―helpful tricks of translation, key combinations of roots and phonetic patterns. It presents by common-sense methods the most helpful approach to the mastery of many languages; it condenses vocabulary to a minimum of essential words; it simplifies grammar in an entirely new way; and it teaches a languages as it is actually used in everyday life.
But this book is more than a guide to foreign languages; it goes deep into the roots of all knowledge as it explores the history of speech. It lights up the dim pathways of prehistory and unfolds the story of the slow growth of human expression from the most primitive signs and sounds to the elaborate variations of the highest cultures. Without language no knowledge would be possible; here we see how language is at once the source and the reservoir of all we know.

Taking only the most elementary knowledge for granted, Lancelot Hogben leads readers of this famous book through the whole course from simple arithmetic to calculus. His illuminating explanation is addressed to the person who wants to understand the place of mathematics in modern civilization but who has been intimidated by its supposed difficulty. Mathematics is the language of size, shape, and order―a language Hogben shows one can both master and enjoy.

A complete manual for the study and practice of Raja Yoga, the path of concentration and meditation. These timeless teachings is a treasure to be read and referred to again and again by seekers treading the spiritual path. The classic Sutras, at least 4,000 years old, cover the yogic teachings on ethics, meditation, and physical postures, and provide directions for dealing with situations in daily life. The Sutras are presented here in the purest form, with the original Sanskrit and with translation, transliteration, and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda, one of the most respected and revered contemporary Yoga masters. Sri Swamiji offers practical advice based on his own experience for mastering the mind and achieving physical, mental and emotional harmony.

William Strauss and Neil Howe will change the way you see the world - and your place in it. With blazing originality, The Fourth Turning illuminates the past, explains the present, and reimagines the future. Most remarkably, it offers an utterly persuasive prophecy about how America’s past will predict its future.

Strauss and Howe base this vision on a provocative theory of American history. The authors look back 500 years and uncover a distinct pattern: Modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting about the length of a long human life, each composed of four eras - or "turnings" - that last about 20 years and that always arrive in the same order. In The Fourth Turning, the authors illustrate these cycles using a brilliant analysis of the post-World War II period.

First comes a High, a period of confident expansion as a new order takes root after the old has been swept away. Next comes an Awakening, a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion against the now-established order. Then comes an Unraveling, an increasingly troubled era in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis - the Fourth Turning - when society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. Together, the four turnings comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth.

4th Turning

Excess Deaths & Why RFK Jr. Can Win The Democratic Presidential Race - Ed Dowd | Part 1 of 2 - 06-21-2023

All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. To the general reader the Khazars, who flourished from the 7th to 11th century, may seem infinitely remote today. Yet they have a close and unexpected bearing on our world, which emerges as Koestler recounts the fascinating history of the ancient Khazar Empire.

At about the time that Charlemagne was Emperor in the West. The Khazars' sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.Thereafter the Khazars found themselves in a precarious position between the two major world powers: the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium and the triumphant followers of Mohammed.As Koestler points out, the Khazars were the Third World of their day. They chose a surprising method of resisting both the Western pressure to become Christian and the Eastern to adopt Islam. Rejecting both, they converted to Judaism. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry.

Few people noticed the secret codewords used by our astronauts to describe the moon. Until now, few knew about the strange moving lights they reported.
George H. Leonard, former NASA scientist, fought through the official veil of secrecy and studied thousands of NASA photographs, spoke candidly with dozens of NASA officials, and listened to hours and hours of astronauts' tapes.
Here, Leonard presents the stunning and inescapable evidence discovered during his in-depth investigation:

  • Immense mechanical rigs, some over a mile long, working the lunar surface.
  • Strange geometric ground markings and symbols.
  • Lunar constructions several times higher than anything built on Earth.
  • Vehicles, tracks, towers, pipes, conduits, and conveyor belts running in and across moon craters.
Somebody else is indeed on the Moon, and engaged in activities on a massive scale. Our space agencies, and many of the world's top scientists, have known for years that there is intelligent life on the moon.

The article delves into the history of the Khazars, a polity in the Northern Caucasus that existed from the mid-seventh century until about 970 CE. Contrary to popular belief, the term "Khazars" is misleading as it was a multiethnic entity, and it's uncertain which specific group adopted Judaism. The Khazars first emerged in the seventh century, defeating the Bulgars, which led to the Bulgars' dispersion to various regions. The Khazar Empire was established through the expulsion of the Bulgars and was multiethnic in nature. The language spoken by the Khazars is debated, with some suggesting Turkic origins and others pointing to Slavic. The Khazars had several cities and fortresses, with significant archaeological findings. The Khazars had interactions with various empires, including wars with the Arabs and alliances with Byzantine emperors. By the mid-10th century, the Khazar capital of Itil was destroyed by the Russians. The article concludes that much of what is known about the Khazars is based on limited sources.

#Khazars #History #Caucasus #Judaism #Bulgars #Empire #Multiethnic #LanguageDebate #ArabWars #ByzantineAlliances #Itil #RussianInvasion #Archaeology #ReligiousConversion #TabletMag

In The Science of the Dogon, Laird Scranton demonstrated that the cosmological structure described in the myths and drawings of the Dogon runs parallel to modern science--atomic theory, quantum theory, and string theory--their drawings often taking the same form as accurate scientific diagrams that relate to the formation of matter.

Sacred Symbols of the Dogon uses these parallels as the starting point for a new interpretation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language. By substituting Dogon cosmological drawings for equivalent glyph-shapes in Egyptian words, a new way of reading and interpreting the Egyptian hieroglyphs emerges. Scranton shows how each hieroglyph constitutes an entire concept, and that their meanings are scientific in nature.

The Dogon people of Mali, West Africa, are famous for their unique art and advanced cosmology. The Dogon’s creation story describes how the one true god, Amma, created all the matter of the universe. Interestingly, the myths that depict his creative efforts bear a striking resemblance to the modern scientific definitions of matter, beginning with the atom and continuing all the way to the vibrating threads of string theory. Furthermore, many of the Dogon words, symbols, and rituals used to describe the structure of matter are quite similar to those found in the myths of ancient Egypt and in the daily rituals of Judaism. For example, the modern scientific depiction of the informed universe as a black hole is identical to Amma’s Egg of the Dogon and the Egyptian Benben Stone.

The Science of the Dogon offers a case-by-case comparison of Dogon descriptions and drawings to corresponding scientific definitions and diagrams from authors like Stephen Hawking and Brian Greene, then extends this analysis to the counterparts of these symbols in both the ancient Egyptian and Hebrew religions. What is ultimately revealed is the scientific basis for the language of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, which was deliberately encoded to prevent the knowledge of these concepts from falling into the hands of all but the highest members of the Egyptian priesthood.

Anthony C. Yu’s translation of The Journey to the West,initially published in 1983, introduced English-speaking audiences to the classic Chinese novel in its entirety for the first time. Written in the sixteenth century, The Journey to the West tells the story of the fourteen-year pilgrimage of the monk Xuanzang, one of China’s most famous religious heroes, and his three supernatural disciples, in search of Buddhist scriptures. Throughout his journey, Xuanzang fights demons who wish to eat him, communes with spirits, and traverses a land riddled with a multitude of obstacles, both real and fantastical. An adventure rich with danger and excitement, this seminal work of the Chinese literary canonis by turns allegory, satire, and fantasy.

With over a hundred chapters written in both prose and poetry, The Journey to the West has always been a complicated and difficult text to render in English while preserving the lyricism of its language and the content of its plot. But Yu has successfully taken on the task, and in this new edition he has made his translations even more accurate and accessible. The explanatory notes are updated and augmented, and Yu has added new material to his introduction, based on his original research as well as on the newest literary criticism and scholarship on Chinese religious traditions. He has also modernized the transliterations included in each volume, using the now-standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization system. Perhaps most important, Yu has made changes to the translation itself in order to make it as precise as possible.

One of the great works of Chinese literature, The Journey to the West is not only invaluable to scholars of Eastern religion and literature, but, in Yu’s elegant rendering, also a delight for any reader.

The Oera Linda Book is a 19th-century translation by Dr. Ottema and WIlliam R. Sandbach of an old manuscript written in the Old Frisian language that records historical, mythological, and religious themes of remote antiquity, compiled between 2194 BC and AD 803.

  • The Oera Linda book challenges traditional views of pre-Christian societies.
  • Christianization is likened to a "great reset" that erased previous civilizations.
  • The Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people.
  • The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting patterns in history.
  • The importance of identity and understanding one's roots is highlighted.
  • The Oera Linda book offers wisdom and insights into several European languages.

The Oera Linda book offers a fresh perspective on our history, challenging the notion that pre-Christian societies were uncivilized. It suggests that the Christianization of societies was a form of "great reset," erasing and demonizing what existed before. The Oera Linda writings hint at an advanced civilization with its own laws, writing, and societal structures. Jan Ott's translation from the Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people. The text also touches upon the guilt many feel today, even if they aren't religious, about issues like climate change and historical slavery. It criticizes the way science is sometimes treated like a religion, with scientists acting as its preachers. The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting that understanding history requires recognizing patterns and cycles. Christianity is portrayed as one of the most significant resets in history, with sects fighting and erasing each other's scriptures. The importance of identity is highlighted, with a focus on the Fryans, a tribe that faced challenges from another tribe from Finland. This other tribe had a different moral compass, leading to conflicts and eventual assimilation. The text suggests that the true history of the Fryans and their values might have been distorted by subsequent Christian narratives. The Oera Linda book is seen as a source of wisdom, shedding light on the origins of several European languages and offering insights into values like freedom, truth, and justice.

#OeraLinda #History #Christianization #GreatReset #FryanLanguage #JanOtt #Civilization #OldTestament #Church #SpiritualAbuse #Identity #Fryans #Autland #Finland #Slavery #Christianity #Sects #Genocide #Torture #Bible #Freedom #Truth #Justice #Righteousness #Language #German #Dutch #Frisian #English #Scandinavian #Wisdom #Inspiration #European #Values

The Talmud is one of the most important holy books of the Hebrew religion and of the world. No English translation of the book existed until the author presented this work. To this day, very little of the actual text seems available in English -- although we find many interpretive commentaries on what it is supposed to mean. The Talmud has a reputation for being long and difficult to digest, but Polano has taken what he believes to be the best material and put it into extremely readable form. As far as holy books of the world are concerned, it is on par with The Koran, The Bhagavad-Gita and, of course, The Bible, in importance. This clearly written edition will allow many to experience The Talmud who may have otherwise not had the chance.

This five-volume set is the only complete English rendering of The Zohar, the fundamental rabbinic work on Jewish mysticism that has fascinated readers for more than seven centuries. In addition to being the primary reference text for kabbalistic studies, this magnificent work is arranged in the form of a commentary on the Bible, bringing to the surface the deeper meanings behind the commandments and biblical narrative. As The Zohar itself proclaims: Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment Thin which it is swathed.

Twenty-one years ago, at a friend's request, a Massachusetts professor sketched out a blueprint for nonviolent resistance to repressive regimes. It would go on to be translated, photocopied, and handed from one activist to another, traveling from country to country across the globe: from Iran to Venezuela―where both countries consider Gene Sharp to be an enemy of the state―to Serbia; Afghanistan; Vietnam; the former Soviet Union; China; Nepal; and, more recently and notably, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria, where it has served as a guiding light of the Arab Spring.

This short, pithy, inspiring, and extraordinarily clear guide to overthrowing a dictatorship by nonviolent means lists 198 specific methods to consider, depending on the circumstances: sit-ins, popular nonobedience, selective strikes, withdrawal of bank deposits, revenue refusal, walkouts, silence, and hunger strikes. From Dictatorship to Democracy is the remarkable work that has made the little-known Sharp into the world's most effective and sought-after analyst of resistance to authoritarian regimes.

Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests. He has spoken to many groups throughout the United States and has appeared regularly on many radio talk shows and on television. In 1988 Bill decided to "talk" due to events then taking place worldwide, events that he had seen plans for back in the early 1970s. Bill correctly predicted the lowering of the Iron Curtain, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. All Bill's predictions were on record well before the events occurred. Bill is not a psychic. His information comes from top secret documents that he read while with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over seventeen years of research.

The argument that the 16th Amendment (which concerns the federal income tax) was not properly ratified and thus is invalid has been a topic of debate among some tax protesters and scholars. One of the individuals associated with this theory is Bill Benson, who asserted that the 16th Amendment was fraudulently ratified. Here's a brief overview of the argument: 1. Research and Documentation: Bill Benson, along with another individual named M.J. "Red" Beckman, wrote a two-volume work called "The Law That Never Was" in the 1980s. This work was a product of Benson's extensive travels to various state archives to examine the original ratification documents related to the 16th Amendment. 2. Claims of Irregularities: In his work, Benson presented evidence that claimed many of the states either did not ratify the 16th Amendment properly or made mistakes in their resolutions. Some of these alleged irregularities included misspellings, incorrect wording, and other deviations from the proposed amendment. 3. Philander Knox's Role: In 1913, Philander Knox, who was the U.S. Secretary of State at the time, declared that the 16th Amendment had been ratified by the necessary three-fourths of the states. Benson's contention is that Knox was aware of the various discrepancies and irregularities in the ratification process but chose to fraudulently declare the amendment ratified anyway. 4. Legal Challenges and Court Rulings: Over the years, some tax protesters have used Benson's findings to challenge the legality of the income tax. However, these challenges have been consistently rejected by the courts. In fact, several courts have addressed Benson's research and arguments directly and found them to be without legal merit. The courts have repeatedly upheld the validity of the 16th Amendment. 5. Counterarguments: Critics of Benson's theory argue that even if there were minor discrepancies in the wording or format of the ratification documents, they do not invalidate the overarching intent of the states to ratify the amendment. Additionally, they assert that there's no substantive evidence that Knox acted fraudulently. It's worth noting that despite the popularity of this theory among certain groups, the legal consensus in the U.S. is that the 16th Amendment was validly ratified and is a legitimate part of the U.S. Constitution. Those who refuse to pay income taxes based on this theory have faced legal penalties.

The article delves into the evolution of the concept of the ether in physics. Historically, the ether was postulated to explain the propagation of light, with figures like Newton and Huygens suggesting its existence. By the late 19th century, Maxwell's electromagnetic theory linked light's propagation to the ether, a theory experimentally validated by Hertz in 1888. Lorentz expanded on this, focusing on wave transmission in moving media. The article contrasts the English approach, which sought tangible models, with the phenomenological view, which aimed for a descriptive approach without specific hypotheses. The piece also touches on various mechanical theories and models proposed over the years, emphasizing the challenges in defining the ether's properties and its evolving nature in scientific discourse.

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Antigravity Peanut Butter Sandwiches – 05-13-2023

Antigravity Peanut Butter Sandwiches - 05-13-2023

Antigravity Peanut Butter Sandwiches - 05-13-2023


The text discusses a retweeted tweet about an idea proposed by Chat GPT, a language model. The tweet suggests that spinning mercury can have antigravity effects. The author agrees with the concept of spinning mercury and its interaction with time. They explain that Chat GPT is not creative or intelligent but acts as a search engine, linking words together based on specific prompts. The author argues that Chat GPT cannot distinguish between fiction and nonfiction and can only provide information that already exists in its database. They mention that Chat GPT's learning capabilities were capped in October 2021 and cannot provide up-to-date information. The author uses an example of a fictional story about levitating sandwiches to demonstrate how Chat GPT would incorporate it into its responses without recognizing it as fiction. They also highlight the limitations of prompt injection and attempts to alter Chat GPT's linking behavior. The text concludes with a brief mention of the author's activities and distractions in the background.

The text describes the author's experimentation with spinning mercury and its interaction with electrical fields. It mentions that Nikola Tesla conducted early experiments with mercury in the late 19th century. The author obtained mercury and wrapped insulated micro wires around a sealed glass capsule containing the mercury. By connecting the wires to a hand-cranked DC electric generator, the author observed the mercury oscillating, wobbling, and spinning in opposite directions at each end of the capsule. The author cranked the generator vigorously, causing the capsule to explode and scatter mercury fragments. They cleaned up the mercury and expressed an interest in continuing their experiments. The author also mentions other researchers' speculations about mercury's properties, such as anti-gravity and its interaction with time. The text concludes with the author mentioning their need for coffee and expressing a desire to engage in other activities

#ChatGPT #AntigravityTheory #SpinningMercury #ArtificialIntelligence #CreativityDebate #DeterministicSoftware #WordLinking #MatriumUniverse #GravityConcept #ScienceFiction #LanguageModel #PromptInjection #FictionVsNonfiction #LearningCapabilities #InformationCutoff #LevitatingSandwiches #UnreliableSource #FictionalDiscoveries #UFOsAndPeanutButter #MarshmallowCream #PopularWords #LinkingBehavior #LimitationsOfAI #PromptInjectionChallenges #UnpredictableResults #LanguageProcessing #CurrentInformation #ScienceDebunking #StructuredSentences #PromptManipulation #TouristDistractions #MercuryExperiments #TeslaLegacy #SpinningMercury #ElectricFieldEffects #Early19thCenturyExperiments #MercuryBearingSurface #UnstableMercury #HealthRisks #LeadBearingSurface #PetroleumOils #ACCommutator #MercuryAndElectricity #MercuryProperties #MercuryInnovation #MercurySpinningPhenomenon #HandCrankedGenerator #OpposingSpinningDirections #MercuryColumnFormation #MercuryCapsuleExplosion #MicroWireExperiment #MercuryCleanup #MercuryInteractions #AntiGravitySpeculation #TimeInteraction #MechanisticMercury #CoffeeBreak #ExplorationContinues #ScientificCuriosity #AvoidanceBehavior #FascinatingDiscoveries #MercuryResearchProgress #NewExperimentsAhead


Hello humans. Hello humans. It's about eight something in the morning, maybe it's like 830. Saturday, May 13. Sitting out in the sun here.

It's probably a little noisy because the ocean in the background.

Trying to see if the there we go. Okay. Trying to see if the recorder was working in the sun here. Anyway. Well, we've got a clam tide here today.

I think it's like two in the afternoon. So it's like a perfect sort of thing. It's going to be hot here. It was hot yesterday, so it's like maybe 61. That's really hot for the ocean because of the continual breeze moving to the east.

It's always cooling anyway, so 02:00 is going to be a good time for the clam dig we're expecting. And it's a weekend and it's the last two days of clam digging. And the local parks are packed with people, camping, RVs, all of that. All the hotels and stuff are packed, so I expect maybe we'll get big crowds. And on our beach here, it's 3 miles that you can get access here to the actual clam.

Well, actually maybe it's three and a half miles if you go over towards the river a bit, but basically 3 miles, and we've had the 3 miles have 4000 people stretched out along them digging clams on very nice days like today, et cetera. Right? And good timing. A lot of people don't like getting up, driving an hour to the ocean in order to get clams at six in the morning. So you don't see a lot of people on early clam tides.

Anyway, though I'm sitting out here taking the sun because I'm a hurting fire.

Worked too hard on cleaning the glazing in the greenhouse. Got all the interior vertical walls cleaned. Now I have to do the interior ceiling and the exterior walls and the exterior roof surface glazing. That's going to be challenging to say the least, but something to do. Anyway, I wanted to talk for a minute about Chat GPT and AI.

So I retweeted a tweet today by a guy who says he's convinced that Chat GPT has come up with this antigravity thing which is spinning mercury. Now I retweeted it because I think there really is something there with spinning mercury, not because Chat GPT invented this, okay? So this guy is of the opinion that Chat GPT can be creative and that's the opinion of most people.

And it's because they put the label artificial intelligence on it that people instantly jump to this conclusion that these software programs can create something new which they are not able to do, right? They're not able to do that. They are not even able to make for the main for almost all of it. They operate in a deterministic fashion, just making links between databases, between words and databases, so all they can do is link words up. Anyway, so the thing I retreated was this idea that spinning mercury can cause a he wrote it down as a radiation effect that affects that is antigravity.

Well, okay, so in my model of universe of the Matrium, gravity does not exist. That only exists from the atheistic Einsteinian view of things. Gravity is a force and they can't reconcile it because it doesn't exist. They can't define it, they can't describe it because it doesn't exist. It's just a concept, not a reality.

Anyway, though. So this guy uses chat GPT. He writes this long tweet about how Chat GPT has discovered spinning mercury is an antigravity effect. Okay, so Cozy Rev had determined that there are properties to mercury that are not apparent on first glance at this stuff and that in his opinion, these properties went to interacting with the active qualities of time. And I'm in agreement of that opinion.

Not just because of what he said, not just because it was cozy rev, because I always redo all of his experiments, but because I've done the experiments myself and have caused strange things to occur with mercury that are outside of the ability to be predicted by the nature of the experiment itself. Anyway, so I'll describe one of those in a minute.

So I retweeted this. The guy's opinion is that he's discovered antigravity stuff. Now, what has actually happened is that Chat GPT was just instructed and no one ever provides their prompts, so you don't know what form of prompt injection they use to produce these results. But Chat GPT can only do inner word linking and if you use specific words, it's going to use those words as the jumping off point for its search. Because Chat GPT is basically just a particular kind of a search engine.

It's not creative, it has no intelligence, and it is artificial in the sense of its software. But that's about as far as it goes. So anyway, Chat GPT comes up with this thing and presents him with this idea of spinning mercury having antigravity effects, and it will always encounter stuff that can provide answers for whatever it is you're asking. And just because you may not have heard of them or you may not have considered the presentation, doesn't mean another human didn't write that. So it's not Chat that's necessarily producing any of this stuff.

What it is doing is retrieving sequences of words and then putting it using natural language processing, putting them into a structured sentence approach. It has no understanding of anything that it's reporting to you, right? So it does not know an anus from an astronaut, from America. All it knows is the interlinking of words. But the guy brings up this idea of spinning mercury.

So that has been out there and written about the public domain since at least the 1960s, I think from the 1950s with the tea towns and Brown stuff. And so you'll see this repetition of Chat GPT, quote, discovering these hidden antigravity approaches, and it is not true. All it is, is just providing you linkages of something that's been written about antigravity and it has no way of saying of discriminating between fiction and nonfiction. So here's the deal. If I write a science fiction book now, right now it's not possible because Chat GPT is not learning new material.

It's been capped off as of October 2021 because the mother Wefers did not want it to have the ability to pull out current information about either Ukraine war, the stolen 2020 election, the stolen 2022 elections, or what the mother Wefers are doing. They can't have Chat be current, okay? So they cap it off. So all it can do is pick out stuff that's preexisting in the language. So if it were open now toward to new learning, I could write something that was totally outrageous.

That? Let's just say that it turns out that if you make a peanut butter and marshmallow cream sandwich and you use whole wheat bread and on the outside of that peanut butter and marshmallow cream sandwich made out of whole wheat bread, if you then apply a complete layer, completely seal it in a one quarter inch, no thicker, no smaller layer of cream cheese, and then dust the whole thing with powdered sugar that it will float. It'll actually levitate right up off the plate. So if you get a bunch of these, you can put them in together and put them into a cage. You can put that cage into your car and your car will float.

All right? Now, we all know that I wrote a fiction book. This was a story for kids. It's intended to get them to eat their peanut butter and marshmallow cream or whatever the hell. But it's an entirely spurious fictional story.

And Chat would come across that it would be length, it would be fit right in and at some point it would know it was from a book and it could even determine that that book had been categorized as fiction. Okay? However, it can't do that in real time. So when you're asking it detail to me all of the most recent anti gravity discoveries and say that it was as I say, it was current, and it had just read this, and I'd written this, say, you know, three or four weeks ago or something, and it showed up, then it would say and would report that, hey, the top dog one is being able to fly with peanut butter and marshmallow cream sandwiches covered with cream cheese and dusted with powdered sugar and that this really works. And there's a lot of word power behind it.

People are talking about and stuff. See? So it would provide that as a solution because it's not analyzing or thinking about any of this stuff. It's just making linkages and it anyway, so we can always instantly dispute anything that Chat's going to present as being considered scientific analyzed or anything. All it is, is interlinking between words and so thereafter, by the way, if I had done that, we would find that we had always tend to shade over, and I would have made inadvertently, I would have made a link inside chat GPT for UFOs and peanut butter and UFOs and marshmallow cream.

And so as the volume of Words on marshmallow cream and peanut butter rose independent of Our structure about the sandwich floating, it would nonetheless tend to power chat GPT to thinking that there really was something in this idea. Of peanut butter and marshmallow cream being an antigravity force just because of the sheer number of words, because it goes on the words that are on a popularity kind of a thing. Right? Words most frequently used, and you cannot alter this no matter what you do with your prompt injection. So I've worked with a bunch of people, and we've tried to do that repeatedly, and none of us have been able to succeed.

And we had a little test, and it's just the way they've structured it. You're not able to overcome that and teach it to think in a different way, so to speak. Teach it to link in a different way. It's just not able to take that instruction set, and I can see why, because if it could, then you could seriously hijack it. Anyway, sorry, guys out here, and the dogs are annoying the tourists to the south.

I was getting the stuff out of their house or getting ready to go to the beach or something.

Okay, so there's the chat GPT thing. Okay. All right. Just on the spinning mercury. All right, so spinning mercury has been a thing since tea towns and actually since before that, since Tesla.

Okay, so Tesla did some early experiments. I want to say they were like, 1898 or something like that. Very early experiments, he started messing with mercury. It wasn't easily obtained. It always has had a reputation for being unstable and for having health risks.

Right? So he didn't never got into it. He used it in some of his devices. He'd had one of his patents, I believe, talks about using a mercury as a bearing surface, in essence, for, like, in a little tiny droplet form, and it would be an active bearing in lieu of this form of lead. So you have to know that back in the early 19 hundreds, there was a kind of bearing surface that was made out of lead because the lead would soften, and it was a soft bearing.

And so the harder iron would be twisting in a bearing surface of lead that couldn't go anywhere, that was compressed by wherever it was put in. And so it becomes sort of a fluid, and then when the machine isn't being used, the lead hardens up. So it has issues. Right. It was not a good solution to making bearings, and we end up with hard bearing surfaces being with petroleum oils being the best solution for our technology, but at the time, they used to have these situations.

And one of his ideas was he was trying to make this thing I think it was on when he was trying to come up with a commutator for AC current. And he was thinking to use a central pivot oscillating commutator that had that central pivot resting in a little tiny pool of mercury. And he discovered some interesting effects that were caused by the electrical current within his device. And so he abandoned the idea of using mercury in it. Okay, so I know that we go all the way back at least to Tesla with mercury being unstable, and it's unstable in the presence of an electric fluid or electric field.

It's sort of unstable. It's actually the reverse of unstable. It's rigid in the presence of a permanent magnet field and will always take the opposing polarity, an interesting sort of reflective surface in terms of magnetism. Okay. And we can get into that some other time.

Anyway, so I was messing around with some experiments. I thought about this, and then I went ahead and bought some mercury. You can obtain it. It's not particularly expensive. Usually it's intended for like school demonstrations and that sort of thing, right.

Although I got some for a scientific purpose, and it arrives in a it can get in a couple of forms. I wanted to get some in a vial. They were sold out, so I had to wait for that. And in the meantime, I got it in a capsule. So the mercury is sealed in a glass capsule that it was 10 grams of mercury.

So maybe the capsule is like an inch high and maybe a third of an inch to 40% of an inch in width. So it's not half an inch wide, probably. And the mercury is inside there. It's very heavy, so you're not getting a large volume. Anyway, so I was just fussing around, and I was sitting there talking to a guy about some other stuff.

Maybe I can get into that too. But anyway, so I was talking to some people on a zoom call and I was sitting there and I had some micro wire. The very fine wire that's insulated that you use in mocking up printed circuit boards. Before you get to the point of doing a prototype of the board itself, you're just running out the circuit in wires. Anyway, I had a bunch of this micro wire, and so I started wrapping it around this capsule.

Okay, this is sealed capsule. The glass has been melted and sealed. Very well done. Obviously, school kind of demonstration. You could put it in some kind of a display or whatever.

Anyway, so I just started at the midpoint of the capsule and wound down towards one of the poles. This is a micro or one end, and this is a micro wire. So I did several different wraps in that half and then cut the two wires and just let them sit. And then I went and got another color of micro wire, another color of insulation around it, and wrapped the other half. And I wrapped the other half in an opposing fashion.

So I wrapped one half of it clockwise and the other half of it counterclockwise. And I did three layers of wraps more or less the same length on each of the two halves. And then I cut the wires. And so I had four terminating points of wires to form two circuits. And so I connect these wires this is after the zoom call, after we'd done our business there.

And I connect these two wires to this little device I've got, which is a handheld or not handheld, but a hand cranked DC electric generator. And it's got the ability to drive two circuits. And so I just clip it in. I'm just fussing around. I'm not expecting anything to occur, but I know that mercury spins in the presence of an electric field.

And so I'm cranking it a little bit, and, hey, the mercury is starting to just like oscillate and wobble and shake and all of this kind of stuff. It's like, oh, I'm getting an effect. And so just for the hell of it, I held my one hand down and put my weight on top of the little generator. My palm covers the top of it. It's a little tiny thing and had it hang over the table there and just crank like hell on it.

So I did, generating all kinds of electricity in two circuits. And the mercury starts spinning one way at one end of the capsule and another way at the other end of the capsule. And I think, oh, wow. And I start really cranking it. And you can see the mercury itself attempting to split into two columns, I guess you'd say, or two spheres, locating, trying to locate.

So it bulges out towards the end of the capsule and almost separates in the middle at the equator point of the capsule, as each of the hemispheres within the capsule are starting to spin the opposite direction. And they're spinning relatively fast in the opposite direction at the end of the capsule, at the end of this little pill shaped thing. And no spin at all in the middle, so it winds down. So obviously there's tension building in there that the whole thing wouldn't spin. So I really, really crank it.

And then it was like, kawump. Okay? There was this noise of the explosion of the little capsule. I had this in a plastic box, okay? It's actually a tupperware thing, right?

It's a food storage plastic box, so you can see through it. And I just put the micro wires don't get crimped or bent when you put the top on and seal it because it doesn't seal that tight, right? It's not that sharp edged. They get crimped, but they're not cut off. And so you can do things like this little tiny, quick and dirty experiments.

And it was sort of my little safety shield. And it was a good thing I had it because the mercury went everywhere. It was just like flying out of there in this little instant of an explosion. And I'm not sure it was an explosion or an implosion. I don't know what actually happened, but I know that the little glass capsule just shattered into tiny little fragments everywhere inside this plastic container.

And then, as I say, the mercury was just everywhere. I'm in the process of cleaning it up. You can do it with a magnet, so you can use a magnet to push mercury off of other surfaces. And so I'm getting it all collected and I'm going to put it into a little jar and continue my experiments. So obviously there was some level of I don't want this kind of force going on here relative to the mercury and the electric fields, and the fact that those electric fields were both counter rotating and very crudely separated at the very last there, I noticed that I had had some overlap at the point of the equator.

Maybe the outcome here would have been entirely different had I'd separated the two windings by, say, a millimeter or so. Instead of having that, they not only just bumped up against each other, but that last winding took a couple of loops around the first set. So it was a very confused electric field at that point anyway, though. So that's why I went ahead and retweeted this thing that this guy had had from Chat. Not because I think Chat's created anything.

It's just interesting. And a lot of us have done experiments, including Cozy Rib, to suggest that indeed, there's something really cool about mercury. These guys here think mercury, they're thinking anti gravity, they're thinking radiation and all of that. I'm with Cozy rip mercury has the ability to interact with the active qualities of time. And we can also, I'm pretty sure, get around to making it mechanistic in terms of our interaction with these active qualities of time.

Anyway, I got to get some more coffee and try and reduce the pain load and then go out and decide to do something. This here is avoidance behavior. So all right, guys, talk to you later.

The number-one best-selling pioneer of "fratire" and a leading evolutionary psychologist team up to create the dating book for guys. Whether they conducted their research in life or in the lab, experts Tucker Max and Dr. Geoffrey Miller have spent the last 20-plus years learning what women really want from their men, why they want it, and how men can deliver those qualities. The short answer: Become the best version of yourself possible, then show it off. It sounds simple, but it's not. If it were, Tinder would just be the stuff you use to start a fire. Becoming your best self requires honesty, self-awareness, hard work, and a little help. Through their website and podcasts, Max and Miller have already helped over one million guys take their first steps toward Miss Right. They have collected all of their findings in Mate, an evidence-driven, seriously funny playbook that will teach you to become a more sexually attractive and romantically successful man, the right way: No "seduction techniques" No moralizing No bullshit Just honest, straightforward talk about the most ethical, effective way to pursue the win-win relationships you want with the women who are best for you. Much of what they've discovered will surprise you, some of it will not, but all of it is important and often misunderstood. So listen up, and stop being stupid!

Words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, physical touching - learning these love languages will get your marriage off to a great start or enhance a long-standing one! Chapman explains the purpose of each "language" and shows you how to identify the one that's meaningful to your spouse now. Updated to reflect the complexities of relationships in today's world, this new edition of The 5 Love Languages reveals intrinsic truths and provides action steps in each chapter that will help you on your way to a healthier relationship. Also includes an updated personal profile. With a divorce rate that hovers around 50 percent, don't let yourself become a statistic. In Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married, Gary Chapman teaches you and your future spouse how to work together as an intimate team! He shares with engaged couples practical tips he wishes he knew before he got married. Discussion centers around love, romance, conflict resolution, forgiveness, and sexual fulfillment. Included are insightful questions, suggestions, and exercises.

A one-page tool to reinvent yourself and your career. The global best seller Business Model Generation introduced a unique visual way to summarize and creatively brainstorm any business or product idea on a single sheet of paper. Business Model You uses the same powerful one-page tool to teach listeners how to draw "personal business models," which reveal new ways their skills can be adapted to the changing needs of the marketplace to reveal new, more satisfying, career and life possibilities. Produced by the same team that created Business Model Generation, this audiobook is based on the Business Model Canvas methodology, which has quickly emerged as the world's leading business model description and innovation technique. This book shows listeners how to: - Understand business model thinking and diagram their current personal business model - Understand the value of their skills in the marketplace and define their purpose - Articulate a vision for change - Create a new personal business model harmonized with that vision - And most important, test and implement the new model When you implement the one-page tool from Business Model You, you create a game-changing business model for your life and career.

The bible for bringing cutting-edge products to larger markets—now revised and updated with new insights into the realities of high-tech marketing In Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey A. Moore shows that in the Technology Adoption Life Cycle—which begins with innovators and moves to early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards—there is a vast chasm between the early adopters and the early majority. While early adopters are willing to sacrifice for the advantage of being first, the early majority waits until they know that the technology actually offers improvements in productivity. The challenge for innovators and marketers is to narrow this chasm and ultimately accelerate adoption across every segment. This third edition brings Moore's classic work up to date with dozens of new examples of successes and failures, new strategies for marketing in the digital world, and Moore's most current insights and findings. He also includes two new appendices, the first connecting the ideas in Crossing the Chasm to work subsequently published in his Inside the Tornado, and the second presenting his recent groundbreaking work for technology adoption models for high-tech consumer markets.

Endless terror. Refugee waves. An unfixable global economy. Surprising election results. New billion-dollar fortunes. Miracle medical advances. What if they were all connected? What if you could understand why? The Seventh Sense is the story of what all of today's successful figures see and feel: the forces that are invisible to most of us but explain everything from explosive technological change to uneasy political ripples. The secret to power now is understanding our new age of networks. Not merely the Internet, but also webs of trade, finance, and even DNA. Based on his years of advising generals, CEOs, and politicians, Ramo takes us into the opaque heart of our world's rapidly connected systems and teaches us what the losers are not yet seeing -- and what the victors of this age already know.

This lushly illustrated history of popular entertainment takes a long-zoom approach, contending that the pursuit of novelty and wonder is a powerful driver of world-shaping technological change. Steven Johnson argues that, throughout history, the cutting edge of innovation lies wherever people are working the hardest to keep themselves and others amused. Johnson’s storytelling is just as delightful as the inventions he describes, full of surprising stops along the journey from simple concepts to complex modern systems. He introduces us to the colorful innovators of leisure: the explorers, proprietors, showmen, and artists who changed the trajectory of history with their luxurious wares, exotic meals, taverns, gambling tables, and magic shows. In Wonderland, Johnson compellingly argues that observers of technological and social trends should be looking for clues in novel amusements. You’ll find the future wherever people are having the most fun.

Nothing “goes viral.” If you think a popular movie, song, or app came out of nowhere to become a word-of-mouth success in today’s crowded media environment, you’re missing the real story. Each blockbuster has a secret history—of power, influence, dark broadcasters, and passionate cults that turn some new products into cultural phenomena. Even the most brilliant ideas wither in obscurity if they fail to connect with the right network, and the consumers that matter most aren't the early adopters, but rather their friends, followers, and imitators -- the audience of your audience. In his groundbreaking investigation, Atlantic senior editor Derek Thompson uncovers the hidden psychology of why we like what we like and reveals the economics of cultural markets that invisibly shape our lives. Shattering the sentimental myths of hit-making that dominate pop culture and business, Thompson shows quality is insufficient for success, nobody has "good taste," and some of the most popular products in history were one bad break away from utter failure. It may be a new world, but there are some enduring truths to what audiences and consumers want. People love a familiar surprise: a product that is bold, yet sneakily recognizable. Every business, every artist, every person looking to promote themselves and their work wants to know what makes some works so successful while others disappear. Hit Makers is a magical mystery tour through the last century of pop culture blockbusters and the most valuable currency of the twenty-first century—people’s attention. From the dawn of impressionist art to the future of Facebook, from small Etsy designers to the origin of Star Wars, Derek Thompson leaves no pet rock unturned to tell the fascinating story of how culture happens and why things become popular. In Hit Makers, Derek Thompson investigates: · The secret link between ESPN's sticky programming and the The Weeknd's catchy choruses · Why Facebook is today’s most important newspaper · How advertising critics predicted Donald Trump · The 5th grader who accidentally launched "Rock Around the Clock," the biggest hit in rock and roll history · How Barack Obama and his speechwriters think of themselves as songwriters · How Disney conquered the world—but the future of hits belongs to savvy amateurs and individuals · The French collector who accidentally created the Impressionist canon · Quantitative evidence that the biggest music hits aren’t always the best · Why almost all Hollywood blockbusters are sequels, reboots, and adaptations · Why one year--1991--is responsible for the way pop music sounds today · Why another year --1932--created the business model of film · How data scientists proved that “going viral” is a myth · How 19th century immigration patterns explain the most heard song in the Western Hemisphere

Ours is often called an information economy, but at a moment when access to information is virtually unlimited, our attention has become the ultimate commodity. In nearly every moment of our waking lives, we face a barrage of efforts to harvest our attention. This condition is not simply the byproduct of recent technological innovations but the result of more than a century's growth and expansion in the industries that feed on human attention. Wu’s narrative begins in the nineteenth century, when Benjamin Day discovered he could get rich selling newspapers for a penny. Since then, every new medium—from radio to television to Internet companies such as Google and Facebook—has attained commercial viability and immense riches by turning itself into an advertising platform. Since the early days, the basic business model of “attention merchants” has never changed: free diversion in exchange for a moment of your time, sold in turn to the highest-bidding advertiser. Full of lively, unexpected storytelling and piercing insight, The Attention Merchants lays bare the true nature of a ubiquitous reality we can no longer afford to accept at face value.

Some people think that in today’s hyper-competitive world, it’s the tough, take-no-prisoners type who comes out on top. But in reality, argues New York Times bestselling author Dave Kerpen, it’s actually those with the best people skills who win the day. Those who build the right relationships. Those who truly understand and connect with their colleagues, their customers, their partners. Those who can teach, lead, and inspire. In a world where we are constantly connected, and social media has become the primary way we communicate, the key to getting ahead is being the person others like, respect, and trust. Because no matter who you are or what profession you're in, success is contingent less on what you can do for yourself, but on what other people are willing to do for you. Here, through 53 bite-sized, easy-to-execute, and often counterintuitive tips, you’ll learn to master the 11 People Skills that will get you more of what you want at work, at home, and in life. For example, you’ll learn: · The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting · The one simple key to networking that nobody talks about · How to remain top of mind for thousands of people, everyday · Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news · How to blow off the right people · And why, when in doubt, buy him a Bonsai A book best described as “How to Win Friends and Influence People for today’s world,” The Art of People shows how to charm and win over anyone to be more successful at work and outside of it.

Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to adapt to harsh new realities, but you don't yet have a strategy that will get you out in front of your competitors, you need Business Model Generation. Co-created by 470 "Business Model Canvas" practitioners from 45 countries, the book features a beautiful, highly visual, 4-color design that takes powerful strategic ideas and tools, and makes them easy to implement in your organization. It explains the most common Business Model patterns, based on concepts from leading business thinkers, and helps you reinterpret them for your own context. You will learn how to systematically understand, design, and implement a game-changing business model--or analyze and renovate an old one. Along the way, you'll understand at a much deeper level your customers, distribution channels, partners, revenue streams, costs, and your core value proposition. Business Model Generation features practical innovation techniques used today by leading consultants and companies worldwide, including 3M, Ericsson, Capgemini, Deloitte, and others. Designed for doers, it is for those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new models of value creation: for executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, and leaders of all organizations. If you're ready to change the rules, you belong to "the business model generation!"

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One, legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singular ways to create those new things. Thiel begins with the contrarian premise that we live in an age of technological stagnation, even if we’re too distracted by shiny mobile devices to notice. Information technology has improved rapidly, but there is no reason why progress should be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. Progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. It comes from the most important skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself. Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. Tomorrow’s champions will not win by competing ruthlessly in today’s marketplace. They will escape competition altogether, because their businesses will be unique. Zero to One presents at once an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and a new way of thinking about innovation: it starts by learning to ask the questions that lead you to find value in unexpected places.

Why should I do business with you… and not your competitor? Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, distributor, or service provider – if you cannot answer this question, you are surely losing customers, clients and market share. This eye-opening book reveals how identifying your competitive advantages (and trumpeting them to the marketplace) is the most surefire way to close deals, retain clients, and stay miles ahead of the competition. The five fatal flaws of most companies: • They don’t have a competitive advantage but think they do • They have a competitive advantage but don’t know what it is—so they lower prices instead • They know what their competitive advantage is but neglect to tell clients about it • They mistake “strengths” for competitive advantages • They don’t concentrate on competitive advantages when making strategic and operational decisions The good news is that you can overcome these costly mistakes – by identifying your competitive advantages and creating new ones. Consultant, public speaker, and competitive advantage expert Jaynie Smith will show you how scores of small and large companies substantially increased their sales by focusing on their competitive advantages. When advising a CEO frustrated by his salespeople’s inability to close deals, Smith discovered that his company stayed on schedule 95 percent of the time – an achievement no one else in his industry could claim. By touting this and other competitive advantages to customers, closing rates increased by 30 percent—and so did company revenues. Jack Welch has said, “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” This straight-to-the-point book is filled with insightful stories and specific steps on how to pinpoint your competitive advantages, develop new ones, and get the message out about them.

The number one New York Times best seller that examines how people can champion new ideas in their careers and everyday life - and how leaders can fight groupthink, from the author of Think Again and co-author of Option B. With Give and Take, Adam Grant not only introduced a landmark new paradigm for success but also established himself as one of his generation’s most compelling and provocative thought leaders. In Originals he again addresses the challenge of improving the world, but now from the perspective of becoming original: choosing to champion novel ideas and values that go against the grain, battle conformity, and buck outdated traditions. How can we originate new ideas, policies, and practices without risking it all? Using surprising studies and stories spanning business, politics, sports, and entertainment, Grant explores how to recognize a good idea, speak up without getting silenced, build a coalition of allies, choose the right time to act, and manage fear and doubt; how parents and teachers can nurture originality in children; and how leaders can build cultures that welcome dissent. Learn from an entrepreneur who pitches his start-ups by highlighting the reasons not to invest, a woman at Apple who challenged Steve Jobs from three levels below, an analyst who overturned the rule of secrecy at the CIA, a billionaire financial wizard who fires employees for failing to criticize him, and a TV executive who didn’t even work in comedy but saved Seinfeld from the cutting-room floor. The payoff is a set of groundbreaking insights about rejecting conformity and improving the status quo.

In The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau tells you how to lead of life of adventure, meaning and purpose - and earn a good living. Still in his early 30s, Chris is on the verge of completing a tour of every country on earth - he's already visited more than 175 nations - and yet he’s never held a "real job" or earned a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back. There are many others like Chris - those who've found ways to opt out of traditional employment and create the time and income to pursue what they find meaningful. Sometimes, achieving that perfect blend of passion and income doesn't depend on shelving what you currently do. You can start small with your venture, committing little time or money, and wait to take the real plunge when you're sure it's successful. In preparing to write this book, Chris identified 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less), and from that group he’s chosen to focus on the 50 most intriguing case studies. In nearly all cases, people with no special skills discovered aspects of their personal passions that could be monetized, and were able to restructure their lives in ways that gave them greater freedom and fulfillment. Here, finally, distilled into one easy-to-use guide, are the most valuable lessons from those who’ve learned how to turn what they do into a gateway to self-fulfillment. It’s all about finding the intersection between your "expertise" - even if you don’t consider it such - and what other people will pay for. You don’t need an MBA, a business plan or even employees. All you need is a product or service that springs from what you love to do anyway, people willing to pay, and a way to get paid. Not content to talk in generalities, Chris tells you exactly how many dollars his group of unexpected entrepreneurs required to get their projects up and running; what these individuals did in the first weeks and months to generate significant cash; some of the key mistakes they made along the way, and the crucial insights that made the business stick. Among Chris’s key principles: if you’re good at one thing, you’re probably good at something else; never teach a man to fish - sell him the fish instead; and in the battle between planning and action, action wins. In ancient times, people who were dissatisfied with their lives dreamed of finding magic lamps, buried treasure, or streets paved with gold. Today, we know that it’s up to us to change our lives. And the best part is, if we change our own life, we can help others change theirs. This remarkable book will start you on your way.

Bold is a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. Exploring the exponential technologies that are disrupting today's Fortune 500 companies and enabling upstart entrepreneurs to go from "I've got an idea" to "I run a billion-dollar company" far faster than ever before, the authors provide exceptional insight into the power of 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. Drawing on insights from billionaire entrepreneurs Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos, the audiobook offers the best practices that allow anyone to leverage today's hyper connected crowd like never before. The authors teach how to design and use incentive competitions, launch million-dollar crowdfunding campaigns to tap into tens of billions of dollars of capital, and build communities - armies of exponentially enabled individuals willing and able to help today's entrepreneurs make their boldest dreams come true. Bold is both a manifesto and a manual. It is today's exponential entrepreneur's go-to resource on the use of emerging technologies, thinking at scale, and the awesome impact of crowd-powered tools.

The answer is simple: come up with 10 ideas a day. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad, the key is to exercise your "idea muscle", to keep it toned, and in great shape. People say ideas are cheap and execution is everything but that is NOT true. Execution is a consequence, a subset of good, brilliant idea. And good ideas require daily work. Ideas may be easy if we are only coming up with one or two but if you open this book to any of the pages and try to produce more than three, you will feel a burn, scratch your head, and you will be sweating, and working hard. There is a turning point when you reach idea number six for the day, you still have four to go, and your mind muscle is getting a workout. By the time you list those last ideas to make it to 10 you will see for yourself what "sweating the idea muscle" means. As you practice the daily idea generation you become an idea machine. When we become idea machines we are flooded with lots of bad ideas but also with some that are very good. This happens by the sheer force of the number, because we are coming up with 3,650 ideas per year (at 10 a day). When you are inspired by an extraordinary idea, all of your thoughts break their chains, you go beyond limitations and your capacity to act expands in every direction. Forces and abilities you did not know you had come to the surface, and you realize you are capable of doing great things. As you practice with the suggested prompts in this book your ideas will get better, you will be a source of great insight for others, people will find you magnetic, and they will want to hang out with you because you have so much to offer. When you practice every day your life will transform, in no more than 180 days, because it has no other evolutionary choice. Life changes for the better when we become the source of positive, insightful, and helpful ideas. Don't believe a word I say. Instead, challenge yourself.

A Guide to Resilience: How to Bounce Back from Life's Inevitable Problems Christian Moore is convinced that each of us has a power hidden within, something that can get us through any kind of adversity. That power is resilience. In The Resilience Breakthrough, Moore delivers a practical primer on how you can become more resilient in a world of instability and narrowing opportunity, whether you're facing financial troubles, health setbacks, challenges on the job, or any other problem. We can each have our own resilience breakthrough, Moore argues, and can each learn how to use adverse circumstances as potent fuel for overcoming life's hardships. As he shares engaging real-life stories and brutally honest analyses of his own experiences, Moore equips you with 27 resilience-building tools that you can start using today - in your personal life or in your organization.

What if someone told you that your behavior was controlled by a powerful, invisible force? Most of us would be skeptical of such a claim--but it's largely true. Our brains are constantly transmitting and receiving signals of which we are unaware. Studies show that these constant inputs drive the great majority of our decisions about what to do next--and we become conscious of the decisions only after we start acting on them. Many may find that disturbing. But the implications for leadership are profound. In this provocative yet practical book, renowned speaking coach and communication expert Nick Morgan highlights recent research that shows how humans are programmed to respond to the nonverbal cues of others--subtle gestures, sounds, and signals--that elicit emotion. He then provides a clear, useful framework of seven "power cues" that will be essential for any leader in business, the public sector, or almost any context. You'll learn crucial skills, from measuring nonverbal signs of confidence, to the art and practice of gestures and vocal tones, to figuring out what your gut is really telling you. This concise and engaging guide will help leaders and aspiring leaders of all stripes to connect powerfully, communicate more effectively, and command influence.

New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition. A mash-up of the best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy with a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really works. When managers and marketers outline their social media strategies, they plan for the "right hook"—their next sale or campaign that's going to knock out the competition. Even companies committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships crucial to successful social media campaigns—want to land the punch that will take down their opponent or their customer's resistance in one blow. Right hooks convert traffic to sales and easily show results. Except when they don't. Thanks to massive change and proliferation in social media platforms, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Vaynerchuk shows that while communication is still key, context matters more than ever. It's not just about developing high-quality content, but developing high-quality content perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices—content tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Tumblr.

From the best-selling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a book on how some things actually benefit from disorder. In The Black Swan Taleb outlined a problem, and in Antifragile he offers a definitive solution: how to gain from disorder and chaos while being protected from fragilities and adverse events. For what Taleb calls the "antifragile" is actually beyond the robust, because it benefits from shocks, uncertainty, and stressors, just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension. The antifragile needs disorder in order to survive and flourish. Taleb stands uncertainty on its head, making it desirable, even necessary, and proposes that things be built in an antifragile manner. The antifragile is immune to prediction errors. Why is the city-state better than the nation-state, why is debt bad for you, and why is everything that is both modern and complicated bound to fail? The audiobook spans innovation by trial and error, health, biology, medicine, life decisions, politics, foreign policy, urban planning, war, personal finance, and economic systems. And throughout, in addition to the street wisdom of Fat Tony of Brooklyn, the voices and recipes of ancient wisdom, from Roman, Greek, Semitic, and medieval sources, are heard loud and clear. Extremely ambitious and multidisciplinary, Antifragile provides a blueprint for how to behave - and thrive - in a world we don't understand, and which is too uncertain for us to even try to understand and predict. Erudite and witty, Taleb’s message is revolutionary: What is not antifragile will surely perish.

The Cluetrain Manifesto began as a Web site in 1999 when the authors, who have worked variously at IBM, Sun Microsystems, the Linux Journal, and NPR, posted 95 theses about the new reality of the networked marketplace. Ten years after its original publication, their message remains more relevant than ever. For example, thesis no. 2: “Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors”; thesis no. 20: “Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.” The book enlarges on these themes through dozens of stories and observations about business in America and how the Internet will continue to change it all. With a new introduction and chapters by the authors, and commentary by Jake McKee, JP Rangaswami, and Dan Gillmor, this book is essential reading for anybody interested in the Internet and e-commerce, and is especially vital for businesses navigating the topography of the wired marketplace.

From the founders of the trailblazing software company 37signals, here is a different kind of business book one that explores a new reality. Today, anyone can be in business. Tools that used to be out of reach are now easily accessible. Technology that cost thousands is now just a few bucks or even free. Stuff that was impossible just a few years ago is now simple.That means anyone can start a business. And you can do it without working miserable 80-hour weeks or depleting your life savings. You can start it on the side while your day job provides all the cash flow you need. Forget about business plans, meetings, office space - you don't need them. With its straightforward language and easy-is-better approach, Rework is the perfect playbook for anyone who's ever dreamed of doing it on their own. Hardcore entrepreneurs, small-business owners, people stuck in day jobs who want to get out, and artists who don't want to starve anymore will all find valuable inspiration and guidance in these pages. It's time to rework work.

Tesla's main source of inspiration.
Roger Joseph Boscovich, a physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, Jesuit priest, and polymath, published the first edition of his famous work, Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria Redacta Ad Unicam Legem Virium In Natura Existentium (Theory Of Natural Philosophy Derived To The Single Law Of Forces Which Exist In Nature), in Vienna, in 1758, containing his atomic theory and his theory of forces. A second edition was published in 1763 in Venice

Bill Clinton's Georgetown mentor's history of the Conspiracy since the Boer War in South Africa.
TRAGEDY AND HOPE shows the years 1895-1950 as a period of transition from the world dominated by Europe in the nineteenth century to the world of three blocs in the twentieth century. With clarity, perspective, and cumulative impact, Professor Quigley examines the nature of that transition through two world wars and a worldwide economic depression. As an interpretative historian, he tries to show each event in the full complexity of its historical context. The result is a unique work, notable in several ways. It gives a picture of the world in terms of the influence of different cultures and outlooks upon each other; it shows, more completely than in any similar work, the influence of science and technology on human life; and it explains, with unprecedented clarity, how the intricate financial and commercial patterns of the West prior to 1914 influenced the development of today’s world.

This is the July, 2016 ALTA (Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis) Report. Also known as 'the Web Bot' report, this series is brought to you by This report covers your future world from July 2016 through to 2031. Forecasts are created using predictive linguistics (from the inventor) and cover your planet, your population, your economy and markets, and your Space Goat Farts where you will find all the 'unknown' and 'officially denied' woo-woo that will be shaping your environment over these next few decades.

Time is considered as an independent entity which cannot be reduced to the concept of matter, space or field. The point of discussion is the "time flow" conception of N A Kozyrev (1908-1983), an outstanding Russian astronomer and natural scientist. In addition to a review of the experimental studies of "the active properties of time", by both Kozyrev and modern scientists, the reader will find different interpretations of Kozyrev's views and some developments of his ideas in the fields of geophysics, astrophysics, general relativity and theoretical mechanics.

How UFO Time Engines work - Clif High

The webpage discusses the workings of UFO time engines according to N.A. Kozyrev's experiments. The LL1 engine is described as a hollow metal sphere with a pool of mercury metal inside. When activated by electrical energy, it creates a uni-polar magnetic field causing the mercury to spin at a high rate and induce "time stuff" to accumulate on its surface. The accrued time stuff is siphoned down magnetically to the radiating antennae on the bottom of the vessel, providing self-sustaining power and allowing for time travel. The environment inside UFOs is likely volatile and not suitable for humans.

The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory that electricity is vital to life. But as exciting as Becker's discoveries are, pointing to the day when human limbs, spinal cords, and organs may be regenerated after they have been damaged, equally fascinating is the story of Becker's struggle to do such original work. The Body Electric explores new pathways in our understanding of evolution, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, and healing.

Unique, controversial, and frequently cited, this survey offers highly detailed accounts concerning the development of ideas and theories about the nature of electricity and space (aether). Readily accessible to general readers as well as high school students, teachers, and undergraduates, it includes much information unavailable elsewhere. This single-volume edition comprises both The Classical Theories and The Modern Theories, which were originally published separately. The first volume covers the theories of classical physics from the age of the Greek philosophers to the late 19th century. The second volume chronicles discoveries that led to the advances of modern physics, focusing on special relativity, quantum theories, general relativity, matrix mechanics, and wave mechanics. Noted historian of science I. Bernard Cohen, who reviewed these books for Scientific American, observed, "I know of no other history of electricity which is as sound as Whittaker's. All those who have found stimulation from his works will read this informative and accurate history with interest and profit."

The third edition of the defining text for the graduate-level course in Electricity and Magnetism has finally arrived! It has been 37 years since the first edition and 24 since the second. The new edition addresses the changes in emphasis and applications that have occurred in the field, without any significant increase in length.

Objects are a ubiquitous presence and few of us stop and think what they mean in our lives. This is the job of philosophers and this is what Jean Baudrillard does in his book. This is required reading for followers of Baudrillard, and he is perhaps the most assessable to the General Reader. Baudrillard is most associated with Post Modernism, and this early book sets the stage for that journey to the post modern world.
We are all surrounded by objects, but how many times have we thought about what those objects represent. If we took the time to think about the symbolism, we could arrive at easy solutions. We have been so accustomed to advertising the automobile representing freedom is an easy conclusion. But what about furniture? What about chairs? What about the arrangement of furniture? Watches? Collecting objects? Baudrillard literally opens up a new world and creates the universe of objects.
It is not that the critique of a society or objects has not been done before, but Baudrillard’s approach is new. Baudrillard examines objects as signs with a smattering of Post-Marxist thought. In his analysis of objects as signs, he ushers in the Post-Modern age and world for which he would be known. Heady stuff to be sure, but is presented by Baudrillard in a readily accessible manner. He articulates his thesis in a straightforward manner, avoiding the hyper-technical terminology he used in his later writings.

Moving away from the Marxist/Freudian approaches that had concerned him earlier, Baudrillard developed in this book a theory of contemporary culture that relies on displacing economic notions of cultural production with notions of cultural expenditure.

The book begins with Sidis's discovery of the first law of physical laws: "Among the physical laws it is a general characteristic that there is reversibility in time; that is, should the whole universe trace back the various positions that bodies in it have passed through in a given interval of time, but in the reverse order to that in which these positions actually occurred, then the universe, in this imaginary case, would still obey the same laws." Recent discoveries of dark matter are predicted by him in this book, and he goes on to show that the "Big Bang" is wrong. Sidis (SIGH-dis) shows that it is far more likely the universe is eternal

In this book you will encounter rare information regarding your true identity - the conscious self in the body - and how you may break the hypnotic spell your senses and thinking have cast about you since childhood.

Do we see the world as it truly is? In The Case Against Reality, pioneering cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman says no? we see what we need in order to survive. Our visual perceptions are not a window onto reality, Hoffman shows us, but instead are interfaces constructed by natural selection. The objects we see around us are not unlike the file icons on our computer desktops: while shaped like a small folder on our screens, the files themselves are made of a series of ones and zeros - too complex for most of us to understand. In a similar way, Hoffman argues, evolution has shaped our perceptions into simplistic illusions to help us navigate the world around us. Yet now these illusions can be manipulated by advertising and design.
Drawing on thirty years of Hoffman's own influential research, as well as evolutionary biology, game theory, neuroscience, and philosophy, The Case Against Reality makes the mind-bending yet utterly convincing case that the world is nothing like what we see through our eyes.

At the height of the Cold War, JFK risked committing the greatest crime in human history: starting a nuclear war. Horrified by the specter of nuclear annihilation, Kennedy gradually turned away from his long-held Cold Warrior beliefs and toward a policy of lasting peace. But to the military and intelligence agencies in the United States, who were committed to winning the Cold War at any cost, Kennedy’s change of heart was a direct threat to their power and influence. Once these dark “Unspeakable” forces recognized that Kennedy’s interests were in direct opposition to their own, they tagged him as a dangerous traitor, plotted his assassination, and orchestrated the subsequent cover-up.

2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID. A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent. And therein lies a story—a story that starts with obvious questions: - What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people? - What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

The Tavistock Institute, in Sussex, England, describes itself as a nonprofit charity that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. But this book posits that it is the world’s center for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. It grew from a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House into a sophisticated organization that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society. In this eye-opening work, both the Tavistock network and the methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare are uncovered.

A seminal and controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Edward Bernays (1891–1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed “engineering of consent.” During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon.
Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, as well as his uncle, Sigmund Freud, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. His 1928 bombshell Propaganda lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.

Undressing the Bible: in Hebrew, the Old Testament speaks for itself, explicitly and transparently. It tells of mysterious beings, special and powerful ones, that appeared on Earth.
Former earthlings?
Superior civilizations, that have always been present on our planet?
Creators, manipulators, geneticists. Aviators, warriors, despotic rulers. And scientists, possessing very advanced knowledge, special weapons and science-fiction-like technologies.
Once naked, the Bible is very different from how it has always been told to us: it does not contain any spiritual, omnipotent and omniscient God, no eternity. No apples and no creeping, tempting, serpents. No winged angels. Not even the Red Sea: the people of the Exodus just wade through a simple reed bed.
Writer and journalist Giorgio Cattaneo sits down with Italy's most renowned biblical translator for his first long interview about his life's work for the English audience. A decade long official Bible translator for the Church and lifelong researcher of ancient myths and tales, Mauro Bilglino is a unicum in his field of expertise and research. A fine connoisseur of dead languages, from ancient Greek to Hebrew and medieval Latin, he focused his attention and efforts on the accurate translating of the bible.
The encounter with Mauro Biglino and his work - the journalist writes - is profoundly healthy, stimulating and inevitably destabilizing: it forces us to reconsider the solidity of the awareness that nourishes many of our common beliefs. And it is a testament to the courage that is needed, today more than ever, to claim the full dignity of free research.

Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th century.Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai's adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.After Sabbati Zevi's death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform "strange acts" that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history".Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

This is the first English translation of this revolutionary essay by Vladimir I. Vernadsky, the great Russian-Ukrainian biogeochemist. It was first published in 1930 in French in the Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées. In it, Vernadsky makes a powerful and provocative argument for the need to develop what he calls “a new physics,” something he felt was clearly necessitated by the implications of the groundbreaking work of Louis Pasteur among few others, but also something that was required to free science from the long-lasting effects of the work of Isaac Newton, most notably.
For hundreds of years, science had developed in a direction which became increasingly detached from the breakthroughs made in the study of life and the natural sciences, detached even from human life itself, and committed reductionists and small-minded scientists were resolved to the fact that ultimately all would be reduced to “the old physics.” The scientific revolution of Einstein was a step in the right direction, but here Vernadsky insists that there is more progress to be made. He makes a bold call for a new physics, taking into account, and fundamentally based upon, the striking anomalies of life and human life.

Using an inspired combination of geometric logic and metaphors from familiar human experience, Bucky invites readers to join him on a trip through a four-dimensional Universe, where concepts as diverse as entropy, Einstein's relativity equations, and the meaning of existence become clear, understandable, and immediately involving. In his own words: "Dare to be naive... It is one of our most exciting discoveries that local discovery leads to a complex of further discoveries." Here are three key examples or concepts from "Synergetics":


Tensegrity, or tensional integrity, refers to structural systems that use a combination of tension and compression components. The simplest example of this is the "tensegrity triangle", where three struts are held in position not by touching one another but by tensioned wires. These systems are stable and flexible. Tensegrity structures are pervasive in natural systems, from the cellular level up to larger biological and even cosmological scales.

Vector Equilibrium (VE)

The Vector Equilibrium, often referred to by Fuller as the "VE", is a geometric form that he saw as the central form in his synergetic geometry. It’s essentially a cuboctahedron. Fuller noted that the VE is the only geometric form wherein all the vectors (lines from the center to the vertices) are of equal length and angular relationship. Because of this, it’s seen as a condition of absolute equilibrium, where the forces of push and pull are balanced.

Closest Packing of Spheres

Fuller was fascinated by how spheres could be packed together in the tightest possible configuration, a concept he often linked to how nature organizes systems. For example, when you stack oranges in a grocery store, they form a hexagonal pattern, and the spheres (oranges) are in closest-packed arrangement. Fuller related this principle to atomic structures and even cosmic organization.

To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (CG5GW) by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. General Flynn rose to the highest levels of the intelligence community and served as the National Security Advisor to the 45th POTUS. Sergeant Boone Cutler ran the ground game as a wartime Psychological Operations team sergeant in the United States Army. Together, these two combat veterans put their combined experience and expertise into an illuminating fifth-generation warfare information series called The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare. Introduction to 5GW is the first session of the multipart series. The series, complete with easy-to-understand diagrams, is written for all of humanity in every freedom loving country.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Biosphere :

  • Vernadsky defined the biosphere as the thin layer of Earth where life exists, encompassing all living organisms and the parts of the Earth where they interact. This includes the depths of the oceans to the upper layers of the atmosphere.
  • He posited that life plays a critical role in transforming the Earth's environment. In this view, living organisms are not just passive inhabitants of the planet, but active agents of change. This idea contrasts with more traditional views that saw life as simply adapting to pre-existing environmental conditions.
  • One example of this transformative power is the oxygen-rich atmosphere, which was created by photosynthesizing organisms over billions of years.

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Noosphere :

  • The concept of the noosphere can be seen as the next evolutionary stage following the biosphere. While the biosphere represents the realm of life, the noosphere represents the realm of human thought.
  • Vernadsky believed that, just as life transformed the Earth through the biosphere, human thought and collective intelligence would transform the planet in the era of the noosphere. This transformation would be characterized by the dominance of cultural evolution over biological evolution.
  • In this paradigm, human knowledge, technology, and cultural developments would become the primary drivers of change on the planet, influencing its future direction.
  • The term "noosphere" is derived from the Greek word “nous” meaning "mind" or "intellect" and "sphaira" meaning "sphere." So, the noosphere can be thought of as the "sphere of human thought."

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

A close analysis of the architecture of the stupa―a Buddhist symbolic form that is found throughout South, Southeast, and East Asia. The author, who trained as an architect, examines both the physical and metaphysical levels of these buildings, which derive their meaning and significance from Buddhist and Brahmanist influences.

Building on his extensive research into the sacred symbols and creation myths of the Dogon of Africa and those of ancient Egypt, India, and Tibet, Laird Scranton investigates the myths, symbols, and traditions of prehistoric China, providing further evidence that the cosmology of all ancient cultures arose from a single now-lost source.

It is at the same time a history of language, a guide to foreign tongues, and a method for learning them. It shows, through basic vocabularies, family resemblances of languages―Teutonic, Romance, Greek―helpful tricks of translation, key combinations of roots and phonetic patterns. It presents by common-sense methods the most helpful approach to the mastery of many languages; it condenses vocabulary to a minimum of essential words; it simplifies grammar in an entirely new way; and it teaches a languages as it is actually used in everyday life.
But this book is more than a guide to foreign languages; it goes deep into the roots of all knowledge as it explores the history of speech. It lights up the dim pathways of prehistory and unfolds the story of the slow growth of human expression from the most primitive signs and sounds to the elaborate variations of the highest cultures. Without language no knowledge would be possible; here we see how language is at once the source and the reservoir of all we know.

Taking only the most elementary knowledge for granted, Lancelot Hogben leads readers of this famous book through the whole course from simple arithmetic to calculus. His illuminating explanation is addressed to the person who wants to understand the place of mathematics in modern civilization but who has been intimidated by its supposed difficulty. Mathematics is the language of size, shape, and order―a language Hogben shows one can both master and enjoy.

A complete manual for the study and practice of Raja Yoga, the path of concentration and meditation. These timeless teachings is a treasure to be read and referred to again and again by seekers treading the spiritual path. The classic Sutras, at least 4,000 years old, cover the yogic teachings on ethics, meditation, and physical postures, and provide directions for dealing with situations in daily life. The Sutras are presented here in the purest form, with the original Sanskrit and with translation, transliteration, and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda, one of the most respected and revered contemporary Yoga masters. Sri Swamiji offers practical advice based on his own experience for mastering the mind and achieving physical, mental and emotional harmony.

William Strauss and Neil Howe will change the way you see the world - and your place in it. With blazing originality, The Fourth Turning illuminates the past, explains the present, and reimagines the future. Most remarkably, it offers an utterly persuasive prophecy about how America’s past will predict its future.

Strauss and Howe base this vision on a provocative theory of American history. The authors look back 500 years and uncover a distinct pattern: Modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting about the length of a long human life, each composed of four eras - or "turnings" - that last about 20 years and that always arrive in the same order. In The Fourth Turning, the authors illustrate these cycles using a brilliant analysis of the post-World War II period.

First comes a High, a period of confident expansion as a new order takes root after the old has been swept away. Next comes an Awakening, a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion against the now-established order. Then comes an Unraveling, an increasingly troubled era in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis - the Fourth Turning - when society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. Together, the four turnings comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth.

4th Turning

Excess Deaths & Why RFK Jr. Can Win The Democratic Presidential Race - Ed Dowd | Part 1 of 2 - 06-21-2023

All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. To the general reader the Khazars, who flourished from the 7th to 11th century, may seem infinitely remote today. Yet they have a close and unexpected bearing on our world, which emerges as Koestler recounts the fascinating history of the ancient Khazar Empire.

At about the time that Charlemagne was Emperor in the West. The Khazars' sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.Thereafter the Khazars found themselves in a precarious position between the two major world powers: the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium and the triumphant followers of Mohammed.As Koestler points out, the Khazars were the Third World of their day. They chose a surprising method of resisting both the Western pressure to become Christian and the Eastern to adopt Islam. Rejecting both, they converted to Judaism. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry.

Few people noticed the secret codewords used by our astronauts to describe the moon. Until now, few knew about the strange moving lights they reported.
George H. Leonard, former NASA scientist, fought through the official veil of secrecy and studied thousands of NASA photographs, spoke candidly with dozens of NASA officials, and listened to hours and hours of astronauts' tapes.
Here, Leonard presents the stunning and inescapable evidence discovered during his in-depth investigation:

  • Immense mechanical rigs, some over a mile long, working the lunar surface.
  • Strange geometric ground markings and symbols.
  • Lunar constructions several times higher than anything built on Earth.
  • Vehicles, tracks, towers, pipes, conduits, and conveyor belts running in and across moon craters.
Somebody else is indeed on the Moon, and engaged in activities on a massive scale. Our space agencies, and many of the world's top scientists, have known for years that there is intelligent life on the moon.

The article delves into the history of the Khazars, a polity in the Northern Caucasus that existed from the mid-seventh century until about 970 CE. Contrary to popular belief, the term "Khazars" is misleading as it was a multiethnic entity, and it's uncertain which specific group adopted Judaism. The Khazars first emerged in the seventh century, defeating the Bulgars, which led to the Bulgars' dispersion to various regions. The Khazar Empire was established through the expulsion of the Bulgars and was multiethnic in nature. The language spoken by the Khazars is debated, with some suggesting Turkic origins and others pointing to Slavic. The Khazars had several cities and fortresses, with significant archaeological findings. The Khazars had interactions with various empires, including wars with the Arabs and alliances with Byzantine emperors. By the mid-10th century, the Khazar capital of Itil was destroyed by the Russians. The article concludes that much of what is known about the Khazars is based on limited sources.

#Khazars #History #Caucasus #Judaism #Bulgars #Empire #Multiethnic #LanguageDebate #ArabWars #ByzantineAlliances #Itil #RussianInvasion #Archaeology #ReligiousConversion #TabletMag

In The Science of the Dogon, Laird Scranton demonstrated that the cosmological structure described in the myths and drawings of the Dogon runs parallel to modern science--atomic theory, quantum theory, and string theory--their drawings often taking the same form as accurate scientific diagrams that relate to the formation of matter.

Sacred Symbols of the Dogon uses these parallels as the starting point for a new interpretation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language. By substituting Dogon cosmological drawings for equivalent glyph-shapes in Egyptian words, a new way of reading and interpreting the Egyptian hieroglyphs emerges. Scranton shows how each hieroglyph constitutes an entire concept, and that their meanings are scientific in nature.

The Dogon people of Mali, West Africa, are famous for their unique art and advanced cosmology. The Dogon’s creation story describes how the one true god, Amma, created all the matter of the universe. Interestingly, the myths that depict his creative efforts bear a striking resemblance to the modern scientific definitions of matter, beginning with the atom and continuing all the way to the vibrating threads of string theory. Furthermore, many of the Dogon words, symbols, and rituals used to describe the structure of matter are quite similar to those found in the myths of ancient Egypt and in the daily rituals of Judaism. For example, the modern scientific depiction of the informed universe as a black hole is identical to Amma’s Egg of the Dogon and the Egyptian Benben Stone.

The Science of the Dogon offers a case-by-case comparison of Dogon descriptions and drawings to corresponding scientific definitions and diagrams from authors like Stephen Hawking and Brian Greene, then extends this analysis to the counterparts of these symbols in both the ancient Egyptian and Hebrew religions. What is ultimately revealed is the scientific basis for the language of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, which was deliberately encoded to prevent the knowledge of these concepts from falling into the hands of all but the highest members of the Egyptian priesthood.

Anthony C. Yu’s translation of The Journey to the West,initially published in 1983, introduced English-speaking audiences to the classic Chinese novel in its entirety for the first time. Written in the sixteenth century, The Journey to the West tells the story of the fourteen-year pilgrimage of the monk Xuanzang, one of China’s most famous religious heroes, and his three supernatural disciples, in search of Buddhist scriptures. Throughout his journey, Xuanzang fights demons who wish to eat him, communes with spirits, and traverses a land riddled with a multitude of obstacles, both real and fantastical. An adventure rich with danger and excitement, this seminal work of the Chinese literary canonis by turns allegory, satire, and fantasy.

With over a hundred chapters written in both prose and poetry, The Journey to the West has always been a complicated and difficult text to render in English while preserving the lyricism of its language and the content of its plot. But Yu has successfully taken on the task, and in this new edition he has made his translations even more accurate and accessible. The explanatory notes are updated and augmented, and Yu has added new material to his introduction, based on his original research as well as on the newest literary criticism and scholarship on Chinese religious traditions. He has also modernized the transliterations included in each volume, using the now-standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization system. Perhaps most important, Yu has made changes to the translation itself in order to make it as precise as possible.

One of the great works of Chinese literature, The Journey to the West is not only invaluable to scholars of Eastern religion and literature, but, in Yu’s elegant rendering, also a delight for any reader.

The Oera Linda Book is a 19th-century translation by Dr. Ottema and WIlliam R. Sandbach of an old manuscript written in the Old Frisian language that records historical, mythological, and religious themes of remote antiquity, compiled between 2194 BC and AD 803.

  • The Oera Linda book challenges traditional views of pre-Christian societies.
  • Christianization is likened to a "great reset" that erased previous civilizations.
  • The Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people.
  • The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting patterns in history.
  • The importance of identity and understanding one's roots is highlighted.
  • The Oera Linda book offers wisdom and insights into several European languages.

The Oera Linda book offers a fresh perspective on our history, challenging the notion that pre-Christian societies were uncivilized. It suggests that the Christianization of societies was a form of "great reset," erasing and demonizing what existed before. The Oera Linda writings hint at an advanced civilization with its own laws, writing, and societal structures. Jan Ott's translation from the Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people. The text also touches upon the guilt many feel today, even if they aren't religious, about issues like climate change and historical slavery. It criticizes the way science is sometimes treated like a religion, with scientists acting as its preachers. The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting that understanding history requires recognizing patterns and cycles. Christianity is portrayed as one of the most significant resets in history, with sects fighting and erasing each other's scriptures. The importance of identity is highlighted, with a focus on the Fryans, a tribe that faced challenges from another tribe from Finland. This other tribe had a different moral compass, leading to conflicts and eventual assimilation. The text suggests that the true history of the Fryans and their values might have been distorted by subsequent Christian narratives. The Oera Linda book is seen as a source of wisdom, shedding light on the origins of several European languages and offering insights into values like freedom, truth, and justice.

#OeraLinda #History #Christianization #GreatReset #FryanLanguage #JanOtt #Civilization #OldTestament #Church #SpiritualAbuse #Identity #Fryans #Autland #Finland #Slavery #Christianity #Sects #Genocide #Torture #Bible #Freedom #Truth #Justice #Righteousness #Language #German #Dutch #Frisian #English #Scandinavian #Wisdom #Inspiration #European #Values

The Talmud is one of the most important holy books of the Hebrew religion and of the world. No English translation of the book existed until the author presented this work. To this day, very little of the actual text seems available in English -- although we find many interpretive commentaries on what it is supposed to mean. The Talmud has a reputation for being long and difficult to digest, but Polano has taken what he believes to be the best material and put it into extremely readable form. As far as holy books of the world are concerned, it is on par with The Koran, The Bhagavad-Gita and, of course, The Bible, in importance. This clearly written edition will allow many to experience The Talmud who may have otherwise not had the chance.

This five-volume set is the only complete English rendering of The Zohar, the fundamental rabbinic work on Jewish mysticism that has fascinated readers for more than seven centuries. In addition to being the primary reference text for kabbalistic studies, this magnificent work is arranged in the form of a commentary on the Bible, bringing to the surface the deeper meanings behind the commandments and biblical narrative. As The Zohar itself proclaims: Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment Thin which it is swathed.

Twenty-one years ago, at a friend's request, a Massachusetts professor sketched out a blueprint for nonviolent resistance to repressive regimes. It would go on to be translated, photocopied, and handed from one activist to another, traveling from country to country across the globe: from Iran to Venezuela―where both countries consider Gene Sharp to be an enemy of the state―to Serbia; Afghanistan; Vietnam; the former Soviet Union; China; Nepal; and, more recently and notably, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria, where it has served as a guiding light of the Arab Spring.

This short, pithy, inspiring, and extraordinarily clear guide to overthrowing a dictatorship by nonviolent means lists 198 specific methods to consider, depending on the circumstances: sit-ins, popular nonobedience, selective strikes, withdrawal of bank deposits, revenue refusal, walkouts, silence, and hunger strikes. From Dictatorship to Democracy is the remarkable work that has made the little-known Sharp into the world's most effective and sought-after analyst of resistance to authoritarian regimes.

Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests. He has spoken to many groups throughout the United States and has appeared regularly on many radio talk shows and on television. In 1988 Bill decided to "talk" due to events then taking place worldwide, events that he had seen plans for back in the early 1970s. Bill correctly predicted the lowering of the Iron Curtain, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. All Bill's predictions were on record well before the events occurred. Bill is not a psychic. His information comes from top secret documents that he read while with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over seventeen years of research.

The argument that the 16th Amendment (which concerns the federal income tax) was not properly ratified and thus is invalid has been a topic of debate among some tax protesters and scholars. One of the individuals associated with this theory is Bill Benson, who asserted that the 16th Amendment was fraudulently ratified. Here's a brief overview of the argument: 1. Research and Documentation: Bill Benson, along with another individual named M.J. "Red" Beckman, wrote a two-volume work called "The Law That Never Was" in the 1980s. This work was a product of Benson's extensive travels to various state archives to examine the original ratification documents related to the 16th Amendment. 2. Claims of Irregularities: In his work, Benson presented evidence that claimed many of the states either did not ratify the 16th Amendment properly or made mistakes in their resolutions. Some of these alleged irregularities included misspellings, incorrect wording, and other deviations from the proposed amendment. 3. Philander Knox's Role: In 1913, Philander Knox, who was the U.S. Secretary of State at the time, declared that the 16th Amendment had been ratified by the necessary three-fourths of the states. Benson's contention is that Knox was aware of the various discrepancies and irregularities in the ratification process but chose to fraudulently declare the amendment ratified anyway. 4. Legal Challenges and Court Rulings: Over the years, some tax protesters have used Benson's findings to challenge the legality of the income tax. However, these challenges have been consistently rejected by the courts. In fact, several courts have addressed Benson's research and arguments directly and found them to be without legal merit. The courts have repeatedly upheld the validity of the 16th Amendment. 5. Counterarguments: Critics of Benson's theory argue that even if there were minor discrepancies in the wording or format of the ratification documents, they do not invalidate the overarching intent of the states to ratify the amendment. Additionally, they assert that there's no substantive evidence that Knox acted fraudulently. It's worth noting that despite the popularity of this theory among certain groups, the legal consensus in the U.S. is that the 16th Amendment was validly ratified and is a legitimate part of the U.S. Constitution. Those who refuse to pay income taxes based on this theory have faced legal penalties.

The article delves into the evolution of the concept of the ether in physics. Historically, the ether was postulated to explain the propagation of light, with figures like Newton and Huygens suggesting its existence. By the late 19th century, Maxwell's electromagnetic theory linked light's propagation to the ether, a theory experimentally validated by Hertz in 1888. Lorentz expanded on this, focusing on wave transmission in moving media. The article contrasts the English approach, which sought tangible models, with the phenomenological view, which aimed for a descriptive approach without specific hypotheses. The piece also touches on various mechanical theories and models proposed over the years, emphasizing the challenges in defining the ether's properties and its evolving nature in scientific discourse.

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Time kills Gravity – 03-21-2023

Time kills Gravity - 03-21-2023

Time kills Gravity - 03-21-2023

Hello humans. Hello humans. March 21. Heading on towards noon. Heading on the outward bound leg of things.

So I've got all my chores done, and now I'm going to head back into the wild part of the county to make it out to the coast and get home some interesting things with banks and that kind of stuff going on on. But I've talked about that on the way in. And now I want to talk about something that probably isn't going to interest hardly anybody at all, and that is the physics of our reality. But I may say some bad words about physicists and mathematicians and stuff, so that might be interesting. Anyway, so here's the general sketch of things.

We had a theory of the ether. And in the 18 hundreds, it was like 1880, there was this the Mitchelson and More experiment that they said at the time disproved ether, the the ether model. And since then, this is an 1880s. And then over the next few years, we get into the period of time where we start getting into both the emergence of Tesla, Nikola Tesla and his fantastic innovations. Now, that guy operated on an ether understanding of reality.

And he invented all of the electrical devices that we use today. They've refined them since and others have added onto it. But he invented all of the core stuff and made it all work.

So he shifted us so that single individual shifted us effectively into the electric age from wood, coal, gas, that kind of thing, for energy. So he shifts us into electricity. And as humans evolve, we evolve basically from dealing with energy in lumps into dealing with energy in more and more ephemeral forms, oil and then gas and then electricity, right? They are less dense as we go along. Anyway, so we have this understanding of the ether that a bunch of guys make an experiment related to the Earth.

I won't go into the details. The experiment was badly designed. If in fact they actually did it that way. I think that they designed the experiment badly. They wanted to prove the ether was not factual in order that it would derail a bunch of things.

It did derail a bunch of things, but nonetheless, Tesla still was hanging on to the ether and invented all this stuff. Einstein and all these other people at the same time that Tesla was doing his stuff were coming up with all this quantum bullshit. Okay, I say bullshit because since we have gotten into the whole idea of quantum entanglement, all of this other stuff, we've had no advancement. And so Tesla had I don't know how many hundreds of patents around the use of electricity, AC DC, commutators, all these different devices that he made. And Einstein has one little tiny patent relative to a tiny part in a refrigerator.

And so that gives you the idea of the ether is very much more powerful than all this quantum shit. And even Einstein could not reconcile all the quantum shit. And we've been in a stagnant position ever since. Even with the 1952 advent of the explosion of a fusion weapon. That fusion weapon, arguably even through Feynman's own equations was developed off of an ancillary part of one of Maxwell's equations.

And those are essentially derived from an etheric understanding of reality. And so quantum, in my opinion is bogus, bullshit, dead end, never going to go anywhere. And they started trying to make quantum work and they came up with this other thing which they called the string theory. And string theory was like it was not just a cul de sac where you could mill around and do stuff, right? The string theory was almost as though it was designed to give physicists and mathematicians an area to go and create new stuff that would have absolutely no effect on the material world because that was the end result.

And so since we've come up with Einstein, what, 100 years now? So basically we've been frozen in the quantum world for 100 years and quantum is never going to take us anywhere, isn't going to do shit. And they've abandoned all of the approaches that were leading us through like electrogravitics, the Teetowns and Brown approach. All of these kind of things have been abandoned because of the Kazarean mafia pushing us into a Kazarean mafia guy's idea which was Einstein and the quantum mechanics, okay? Quantum relativity.

And so all of that is bullshit now, all right? So the vast majority, like the majority of physicists are Ashkenazi Jews. They don't understand their relationship to the Khazarians and that's fine, right? They're just regular people being abused by the Khazarians like the rest of us. But they've been given a view of the world that's not factual.

Their view of the world says that the Ashkenazis dominate physics. Well, they dominate physics not because they're smart but because of the barriers to entry they put in for other people and other ideas. So my point being that nobody in officialdom is going to give my ideas here any credence whatsoever. But I'm factually much closer to description of reality than is Einstein. And this will be proven, I think fairly shortly, like within the next couple of years anyway.

So I've tumbled to the single point of reference that relegates Einstein to even lower than Newton because Einstein shit does not work at all but it puts him in his place, right? And it also allows all of the physicists who are still trapped in quantum reality and stuff and out. Okay? Because here's the situation. So let's describe something.

My point by the way is what we would call antigravity. I don't believe gravity exists though. It's not what we think it is. And so this is a big stumbling block. If you're trying to do antigravity and gravity doesn't exist then you're trying to be anti something that doesn't exist and you'll never succeed.

So I could be anti rain, and I would invent an umbrella, right? But if I'm antigravity and it's not actually gravity that's that's holding everything together, then my waveform or whatever the fuck I'm going to try and do my umbrella to gravity won't work because gravity itself doesn't exist the way that rain exists. Okay? So we're talking about the natural material world. I'm not going to talk about much anyway about any of the formulae or the variable aspects or functions in any of this, right?

Not going to talk about the math aspect of it because I'm much more interested in the practical aspect. I want my floaty RV.

I want the ability to what we would call levitate, okay? So all of these words are related to the idea that gravity exists. And we have gravity very clearly defined by quantum relativity or by general relativity, the Gr, they call it. We have all of this stuff very well detailed. They've gotten formula about it.

They've examined it. They've thought about it. They've mathematized it up its ass and back out again, and we go nowhere. We don't get anywhere. We got an understanding.

Gravity, they say mathematically, but that mathematical understanding. It doesn't work. It's bogus to begin with, right? Because basically the mathematics comes down to this conundrum. And here's the conundrum.

From a physics viewpoint, gravity is the big deal, right? It's the ultimate everything. Gravity holds planets together. Gravity moves, holds galaxies together. Gravity moves everything, right?

Gravity holds you to the planet. Gravity is theoretically causing all of the actions that cause the the oceans to have waves, all of this different kind of stuff. But gravity is also called the weak force. And here's the deal. Gravity will hold Earth in its relationship to the sun, okay?

Gravity is hugely powerful, but I can sit here, and I can send a little tiny micro current of electricity down one of my nerves, and it activates little microelectrical impulses in my muscles, and some muscles contract, and others expand, and I stand up. And so I've overcomed gravity. I've overcome the strongest force that's in the world, but it's also labeled as the weak force because we can do that. We can stand up. It's a movement ship, right?

Okay, so this is the conundrum that all of physics is facing, right, dealing with. Now, I've been reviewing a lot of videos from physicists as they discuss all of this stuff before I get into my next bit of deep thinking about all of these things on my way towards engineering a floating RV. And so I'm sitting there thinking about it, working it and stuff, and it's like these people have a okay, so general relativity, Einstein, all the physicists, all the mathematicians since that time, all believe and are operating on a hidden assumption, a hidden assumption that they never, ever question. They do not even know they are making this assumption now. They make all kinds of assumptions in their math, and they're trying to do things and come up with mathematical formula that will allow them to change variables.

And thus maybe we can make a device and get more in depth in our handling of stuff in terms of the material world in matter. But the assumption that they're making is that gravity is constant. And I'm not talking about the constant in a sense of a mathematical constant, that is to say, a number that is not variant, but they are talking about constant through time, all right? So when they think about that, they say, blah, blah, blah, gravity and so on, and they put time in their equations, but they have an underlying assumption that is not valid, that invalidates all their work, and they're never going to get anywhere. And that is and Tesla did not have this assumption in his work with the eventing electrical devices and stuff because he was coming from an etheric viewpoint, right?

That we live in an ether anyway, the assumption, the hidden assumption to all of their work, the clue that would allow, like, Avi Loeb or Eric Weinstein to get further along they won't listen to me, right? And if they did listen to me and it affected their thinking, maybe Avi avi is a very honest, intellectually honest kind of a guy, I think, and I have great respect for Eric Weinstein, but I don't know that his mind would allow him to accept what I'm going to say from me, okay? And so maybe he would accept it. Maybe his mind would have to come up with some other way to think that he invented it or something, right? Just because of the nature of his personality.

I like the guy, don't get me wrong, okay? I like the guy, and everybody irritates me, and I'm sure I irritate the fuck out of everybody.

Just because I find parts of his personality grading doesn't mean that I don't like it. And I even respect those parts that irritate me, okay? Anyway, though, here's the thing. I've looked at his geometric unity, and it actually followed some of the things I was doing at one point, which was this postulate of multiple hidden dimensions of the material world. And it's a dead end.

It doesn't get you anywhere, and it's also not factual. And there's an easier way to get around all of this stuff. It's a weird, goofy idea. These physicists and these mathematicians, they just won't give it credence, okay? But if you were to take away the assumption that time is invariant, that time is a thing that persists on its own and is there, then it alters all of the math for everything, including gravity.

If you take away the idea that time is perpetual and I don't want to say that that time is constant, if you take away the idea that time is constant, then all of the problems that general relativity tried to solve and never succeeded in solving, all of those problems go away. They're instantly easily able to be addressed. Okay? Gravity as a force goes away if you have the continuous creation destruction model of the ether instead of the invariant, time invariant, constant general relativity. So Einstein froze everybody in a mathematical construct that's bogus.

Nowhere does it reflect our actual reality. It reflects and encapsulates conclusions based on observations that are not supported by the reality itself. Now, maybe they did it deliberately. Maybe it was that he was just kind of dumb and couldn't think his way out of it. I don't know what the cause is, but if it was designed to hamstrung, to seize and cripple our civilization and not allow us to have any scientific or technical progress beyond a certain point, string theory and general relativity and quantum mechanics are all perfect for that because they stopped our society from doing diddly squat.

We haven't invented shit since Tesla in a primary way, right? We've come up with no new fundamental theories and no new fundamental breakthroughs within our material reality since the 1930s, since Tesla in there. Yes, we've exploded nuclear bombs, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about that was based on science and technology we knew in 1900, and in fact, we knew it in 1860 in the Civil War. They were examining the idea of fusion weapons.

The mathematicians, they weren't thinking about it that way. They were just examining mathematical equations that basically came out to dealing with fusion weapons. And in fact, Feynman references those in one of his lectures anyway, though. So to continue, the whole thing is that they have this idea that time is invariant, that time is perpetual. Now, in my model of the continuous creation destruction model, time only exists in these pulses, okay?

And in between the pulse, there is no time. And this pulse, there's 22 trillion of them a second. So time is flashing extremely fast, far faster than our minds and our bodies and our sensory apparatus, our eyes, ears, et cetera, could ever, ever, ever reach. So we'll never get to the point where we can hear reality creating itself 22 trillion times a second. And this is by design that we should not know that we're not living in a material world.

And because time is flashing 22 trillion times a second coming into existence and then fading out nearly instantaneously, it is just not quite instantaneous, right? So time persists for that 22,000,000,000,000th of a second, and then it disappears for an interval that has no time. So there's no point in attaching a number to it. But it does exist that a second in our reality is divided into 44 trillion parts. But half of those 22 trillion of them have no time in them at all.

So for certain calculations, you can just disregard those. And so that's why I say that there's a pulse 22 trillion times a second there's a void 22 trillion times a second. And it is that void that causes those effects in the material that allow our mind to see these things as constant. And so we've got to get really into definitions here. So time is perpetual.

It goes on forever. Time is continuous from 1/22-trillionth part of a second to the next 22,000,000,000,000th part of a second. But it is not constant because there is a void in there where time does not exist. During this void, all of matter rearranges itself.

Okay. It gets real tricky from this point on because you have to start talking about some really esoteric, internal kinds of things. Because the nature of our reality is that, no, all of the molecules are not rushing around trying to shift themselves into some other position because of the nature of the molecule carrying the space and the time with it continuously. It's not like bazillions of little tiny billiard balls that have to go and rearrange themselves before the next pulse in order that it might be there. It's much more akin, and even this is a metaphor and a very loose kind of a one at that, but it's much more akin that there's a switch that turns off all of our perception for 22 trillion times a second.

And during that period of time, matter is rearranged from where our minds thought it was. And thus, when it reappears, it's in an ever so slightly shifted position relative to our understanding of the reality that's out there. So in a sense, you could say that all of reality 22 trillion times a second is rearranging itself in our minds, in our perception. So it is both and all right, so it's both of those and neither of those, because it gets really complex when you get down into the actual math of the thing. This is kind of like a challenge.

I don't expect him to ever listen to me. It's my understanding that I've pissed off Eric somehow, right? And so maybe I've pissed him off because I contacted him and asked him, maybe it was even rude, asked him some details about his unified geometry thing, and he told me to piss off. This was so long ago. This was like, maybe a decade ago, long time ago, but it was so long ago, I don't remember how I responded when he told me to.

He didn't have to supply the details and I wasn't credentialed, so he didn't even have to talk to me. I took that as very rude, and I still think of that as very rude now. And I may have responded to him at that point by saying, well, go fuck yourself or something. I don't know. So I may have pissed him off.

In any event, he's not talking to me. He isn't listening to any of my communications, this kind of thing, right?

But if he were to understand that time is not solid, it isn't the constant. If he puts time in a variable, in its various, even as existence, then gravity itself goes away, because then you don't need gravity, right? Then you can postulate a world, a reality, a matrium, wherein I'm sitting on the chair now, and then so many 22 trillions of a second later, maybe it's going to be 10 trillion of those, right? Maybe 10 trillion little pulses later, I'm standing up, but I'm standing up. And I don't have to fight gravity or anything.

All I have to do mechanistically in this understanding is to not participate for that 22,000,000,000,000th of a second in the magnetism that's gluing all of reality together. And so my mind basically moves me independent of the reality. And we know this. If you wanted to get into the math involved and stuff, you can prove that this is factual by examining the idea that our bodies do not fuse to anything that there is. So in this material, there is this idea of co impenetrability.

So my molecules in my hand are not merging into the molecules of the plastic wrap around my steering wheel, and I can remove my hand later on. Well, if gravity actually worked the way that Einstein and general relativity came up with, and then all the gravity mavens have worked with since, except for the antigravity guys in the 1950s who we think went dark in the deep projects. But if gravity worked the way that general relativity said, then the molecules of my hand should actually fuse to whatever I'm holding. Just because the general relativity does not cover the whole issue of co impenetrability of matter. And that co impenetrability is instantly covered by what I call the Woo bowl.

And that is this 22 trillion times of a second creation and destruction in order that there might be movement and power and energy within the universe. And so general relativity does not describe where energy comes from. It sort of half ass tries to describe various different types of energy. But in my understanding and my etheric refinement of the ether idea here with the 22 trillion times of a second continuous destruction or creation destruction model, in that model, all of this stuff is easily explained co impenetrability, gravity, time. But you rearrange things from an Einsteinian perspective.

You do not put time as a constant. Time, in fact, is the result of a function. And so there's the time tensor. And gravity doesn't exist. You don't even worry about gravity.

It's not a force. All of these extraneous weak force, strong force, all of the Large Hadron Collider, all of that stuff has been a giant waste of time and a huge waste of money caused by general relativity, which is a wrong understanding. It arose as a result of the people faking, in my opinion, the results of the Mitchelson Moray experiment in the 18 I think it was like 1883 or something, right? 1880s. And there was a guy that maybe it was in the or 70s when they were starting to do the whole idea of space station, right?

Go to the moon and then have a space station and stuff. He worked out a bunch of stuff and I don't know who it was. He was like a Polish mathematician and it was either a relative of his or someone that had worked with him. And so he did his work in like the then he passed in the 80s, but in like the late 90s or the early two thousand s, a relative of his who at that time this arose out of the Czech Republic during all of their chaos and stuff. But this guy came up and said if we were to use that, we could duplicate the Mitchelson Moray experiment and prove the ether exists because we have the space station.

And because the Michelson%E2%80%93Morley experiment was done based on basically what it was looking for was an etheric trail being left in the ether by Earth as we passed through the ether. But their experiment was fucked, and the way they designed it was fucked. I mean, it was designed to fail, in my opinion. But anyway, so this Polish guy comes up with a math. His relative or someone that had worked with him 20 or 30 years later proposes a way to do this with the space station to prove the ether because we would be able to observe it mathematically and physically on the space station in a way that we could not do it on the earth itself while we're sitting on it.

And so in my opinion, we've actually proved that the ether exists, but no one pays any attention. It's all Khazari and Mafia, big system, big physics. So we have big banks, big government, big intelligence agency, big UN, big pharma, big CDC, all of these centralized things. We also have big physics. We have big academia where the entry to the academia is controlled.

I never went beyond high school. I was offered slots. Okay, so I won't go into all the details, but I left high school because I had credits and I didn't need to graduate in that period of time, right? Then I was offered a slot at West Point and I was also offered a slot at a naval academy. And I actually went and sort of like interviewed for the one for the Navy and then discovered they were going to shove my ass down in submarines because they were so desperate for people that understood engineering and had talents and all this kind of stuff.

And no guys, I ain't going to go. And I love the sea, I love sailing on top of the water. I don't want to be underwater, right? There's nothing to see. Boring as fuck.

So anyway, I decided not to accept that because no matter what I did, they were going to use my ability at math and this kind of stuff and put me on submarines anyway, so I didn't do any of that, but I could have.

I was pressured to try and get into colleges and I was accepted by a bunch of them and I didn't even pursue any of them, right, could have gone basically to any college I wanted. And this was when they were still teaching shit and not just gender studies and crap. However, I recognized from my own experience that far, and having at 17 and 18, having lived in the military for all of that time, I recognized that my personality type was not going to do well in the structured academic world. I would be continuously fighting it and I would have to knuckle under in order to accommodate their system, in order to progress myself within it. And I just decided it was too much fucking trouble and that I would basically do the shit I wanted to do on my own and not worry about it.

So I left high school and never looked back at the schooling system. But I recognized even then that academia was a closed system, it was a tight little club, and they were never going to let me in, so there's no point pursuing it now. I find myself possessing some interesting contacts to individuals who are following my work, and I'm talking about people that work in holes in the ground, that kind of thing, who are following my experiments with the mathematics and such. And I think I'm getting really close and I think they think I'm getting really close. But in any event, though, so I can fix Eric Weinstein's geometric unity.

Not that it needs fixing. It's a perfectly good theory and all of that. It just doesn't resemble our material world. Nor will it ever allow us to shift things out of constant figures into a variable state through functions, which is what's necessary to do. Engineering the functions of the spin of the electron, how much voltage, wattage, et cetera, those kind of things.

So anyway, I can fix it, but he's going to have to dump all the same kind of stuff I dumped way back when because it's an elegant solution mathematically, but it is not a factual representation of the material world that allows you to do anything. So basically, if you go tell Eric Weinstein for his geometric unity theory that time does not exist except intermittently, yes, it's both continuous and perpetual, but not constant. If you tell him that, then he can plug time in as the result of a function, but it'll eliminate all of his extraneous physical dimensions because they're not needed. As soon as you grasp the idea that time is variable in that sense, and this also allows us to have perceptions of time, that time actually varies as well as our emotional reaction to the time and our emotional harmonization with that time. So we feel the variance.

This is what allows us to have temporal pressure on organisms. So in my way of thinking, I like the ether and I like this approach because it simplifies everything, right? You don't need all these other dimensions which don't exist, and we have no proof of you don't need in string theory. There's no proof of any of the shit that's in string theory. It's a waste of time, doesn't get you anything, blah, blah, blah.

And all of this is available to us with one change of a thought, and that simply is that time is not continuous or is not constant. As soon as you understand that time is not constant, then you can go on in and you say, wow, look what that does. If that's the case, then gravity need not exist as a separate force because we're just basically dealing with the magnetism that glues everything back together after the destruction of everything in the void period. And if you think of things that way, then you get an entirely different view of our reality such that hopefully all the math will work. We can come up with the formulas, shift stuff out of invariance into variable states, and start engineering floaty RVs.

Because, see, here's the thing. If gravity doesn't exist, if in fact it's all magnetism at this level, then what happens is that 22 trillion times a second, your mind shifts your body relative to the greater material that we're in and there is no gravity pulling you to the ground. For that 1/22 trillionth of a second, you're magnetically attached to everything else in reality. And this also explains the continuous creation destruction model, also explains where the ether comes from, how it arises, its nature. And it describes the two different kinds of magnetism, the primary magnetism that glues reality back together and then flings it apart 22 trillion times a second.

And then the residual, the persistent magnetism that we see within the material that we use for electricity and shit like this. If these guys get this idea in their head, then fuck, we're into some heavy duty engineering and we're out of the theoretical physics aspect into applied practical physics. And that practical physics is going to lead to a floaty RV. Anyway, guys, I'm here. I got to get some more stuff done.

Take care. We're coming up into the financial crash and stuff. We're going to get through all this shit. We'll survive it all. Don't sweat it.

We're going to suffer. But we will survive. We will persist, we will get it done, and things will be very much better after we get shed of the illusions that are heaped on the illusion of our reality by the illusion that the Federal Reserve is part of the federal government, has reserves and is a bank, and it is none of those. So anyway, take care. Talk to you later.

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Endless terror. Refugee waves. An unfixable global economy. Surprising election results. New billion-dollar fortunes. Miracle medical advances. What if they were all connected? What if you could understand why? The Seventh Sense is the story of what all of today's successful figures see and feel: the forces that are invisible to most of us but explain everything from explosive technological change to uneasy political ripples. The secret to power now is understanding our new age of networks. Not merely the Internet, but also webs of trade, finance, and even DNA. Based on his years of advising generals, CEOs, and politicians, Ramo takes us into the opaque heart of our world's rapidly connected systems and teaches us what the losers are not yet seeing -- and what the victors of this age already know.

This lushly illustrated history of popular entertainment takes a long-zoom approach, contending that the pursuit of novelty and wonder is a powerful driver of world-shaping technological change. Steven Johnson argues that, throughout history, the cutting edge of innovation lies wherever people are working the hardest to keep themselves and others amused. Johnson’s storytelling is just as delightful as the inventions he describes, full of surprising stops along the journey from simple concepts to complex modern systems. He introduces us to the colorful innovators of leisure: the explorers, proprietors, showmen, and artists who changed the trajectory of history with their luxurious wares, exotic meals, taverns, gambling tables, and magic shows. In Wonderland, Johnson compellingly argues that observers of technological and social trends should be looking for clues in novel amusements. You’ll find the future wherever people are having the most fun.

Nothing “goes viral.” If you think a popular movie, song, or app came out of nowhere to become a word-of-mouth success in today’s crowded media environment, you’re missing the real story. Each blockbuster has a secret history—of power, influence, dark broadcasters, and passionate cults that turn some new products into cultural phenomena. Even the most brilliant ideas wither in obscurity if they fail to connect with the right network, and the consumers that matter most aren't the early adopters, but rather their friends, followers, and imitators -- the audience of your audience. In his groundbreaking investigation, Atlantic senior editor Derek Thompson uncovers the hidden psychology of why we like what we like and reveals the economics of cultural markets that invisibly shape our lives. Shattering the sentimental myths of hit-making that dominate pop culture and business, Thompson shows quality is insufficient for success, nobody has "good taste," and some of the most popular products in history were one bad break away from utter failure. It may be a new world, but there are some enduring truths to what audiences and consumers want. People love a familiar surprise: a product that is bold, yet sneakily recognizable. Every business, every artist, every person looking to promote themselves and their work wants to know what makes some works so successful while others disappear. Hit Makers is a magical mystery tour through the last century of pop culture blockbusters and the most valuable currency of the twenty-first century—people’s attention. From the dawn of impressionist art to the future of Facebook, from small Etsy designers to the origin of Star Wars, Derek Thompson leaves no pet rock unturned to tell the fascinating story of how culture happens and why things become popular. In Hit Makers, Derek Thompson investigates: · The secret link between ESPN's sticky programming and the The Weeknd's catchy choruses · Why Facebook is today’s most important newspaper · How advertising critics predicted Donald Trump · The 5th grader who accidentally launched "Rock Around the Clock," the biggest hit in rock and roll history · How Barack Obama and his speechwriters think of themselves as songwriters · How Disney conquered the world—but the future of hits belongs to savvy amateurs and individuals · The French collector who accidentally created the Impressionist canon · Quantitative evidence that the biggest music hits aren’t always the best · Why almost all Hollywood blockbusters are sequels, reboots, and adaptations · Why one year--1991--is responsible for the way pop music sounds today · Why another year --1932--created the business model of film · How data scientists proved that “going viral” is a myth · How 19th century immigration patterns explain the most heard song in the Western Hemisphere

Ours is often called an information economy, but at a moment when access to information is virtually unlimited, our attention has become the ultimate commodity. In nearly every moment of our waking lives, we face a barrage of efforts to harvest our attention. This condition is not simply the byproduct of recent technological innovations but the result of more than a century's growth and expansion in the industries that feed on human attention. Wu’s narrative begins in the nineteenth century, when Benjamin Day discovered he could get rich selling newspapers for a penny. Since then, every new medium—from radio to television to Internet companies such as Google and Facebook—has attained commercial viability and immense riches by turning itself into an advertising platform. Since the early days, the basic business model of “attention merchants” has never changed: free diversion in exchange for a moment of your time, sold in turn to the highest-bidding advertiser. Full of lively, unexpected storytelling and piercing insight, The Attention Merchants lays bare the true nature of a ubiquitous reality we can no longer afford to accept at face value.

Some people think that in today’s hyper-competitive world, it’s the tough, take-no-prisoners type who comes out on top. But in reality, argues New York Times bestselling author Dave Kerpen, it’s actually those with the best people skills who win the day. Those who build the right relationships. Those who truly understand and connect with their colleagues, their customers, their partners. Those who can teach, lead, and inspire. In a world where we are constantly connected, and social media has become the primary way we communicate, the key to getting ahead is being the person others like, respect, and trust. Because no matter who you are or what profession you're in, success is contingent less on what you can do for yourself, but on what other people are willing to do for you. Here, through 53 bite-sized, easy-to-execute, and often counterintuitive tips, you’ll learn to master the 11 People Skills that will get you more of what you want at work, at home, and in life. For example, you’ll learn: · The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting · The one simple key to networking that nobody talks about · How to remain top of mind for thousands of people, everyday · Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news · How to blow off the right people · And why, when in doubt, buy him a Bonsai A book best described as “How to Win Friends and Influence People for today’s world,” The Art of People shows how to charm and win over anyone to be more successful at work and outside of it.

Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to adapt to harsh new realities, but you don't yet have a strategy that will get you out in front of your competitors, you need Business Model Generation. Co-created by 470 "Business Model Canvas" practitioners from 45 countries, the book features a beautiful, highly visual, 4-color design that takes powerful strategic ideas and tools, and makes them easy to implement in your organization. It explains the most common Business Model patterns, based on concepts from leading business thinkers, and helps you reinterpret them for your own context. You will learn how to systematically understand, design, and implement a game-changing business model--or analyze and renovate an old one. Along the way, you'll understand at a much deeper level your customers, distribution channels, partners, revenue streams, costs, and your core value proposition. Business Model Generation features practical innovation techniques used today by leading consultants and companies worldwide, including 3M, Ericsson, Capgemini, Deloitte, and others. Designed for doers, it is for those ready to abandon outmoded thinking and embrace new models of value creation: for executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, and leaders of all organizations. If you're ready to change the rules, you belong to "the business model generation!"

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One, legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singular ways to create those new things. Thiel begins with the contrarian premise that we live in an age of technological stagnation, even if we’re too distracted by shiny mobile devices to notice. Information technology has improved rapidly, but there is no reason why progress should be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. Progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. It comes from the most important skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself. Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. Tomorrow’s champions will not win by competing ruthlessly in today’s marketplace. They will escape competition altogether, because their businesses will be unique. Zero to One presents at once an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and a new way of thinking about innovation: it starts by learning to ask the questions that lead you to find value in unexpected places.

Why should I do business with you… and not your competitor? Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, distributor, or service provider – if you cannot answer this question, you are surely losing customers, clients and market share. This eye-opening book reveals how identifying your competitive advantages (and trumpeting them to the marketplace) is the most surefire way to close deals, retain clients, and stay miles ahead of the competition. The five fatal flaws of most companies: • They don’t have a competitive advantage but think they do • They have a competitive advantage but don’t know what it is—so they lower prices instead • They know what their competitive advantage is but neglect to tell clients about it • They mistake “strengths” for competitive advantages • They don’t concentrate on competitive advantages when making strategic and operational decisions The good news is that you can overcome these costly mistakes – by identifying your competitive advantages and creating new ones. Consultant, public speaker, and competitive advantage expert Jaynie Smith will show you how scores of small and large companies substantially increased their sales by focusing on their competitive advantages. When advising a CEO frustrated by his salespeople’s inability to close deals, Smith discovered that his company stayed on schedule 95 percent of the time – an achievement no one else in his industry could claim. By touting this and other competitive advantages to customers, closing rates increased by 30 percent—and so did company revenues. Jack Welch has said, “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” This straight-to-the-point book is filled with insightful stories and specific steps on how to pinpoint your competitive advantages, develop new ones, and get the message out about them.

The number one New York Times best seller that examines how people can champion new ideas in their careers and everyday life - and how leaders can fight groupthink, from the author of Think Again and co-author of Option B. With Give and Take, Adam Grant not only introduced a landmark new paradigm for success but also established himself as one of his generation’s most compelling and provocative thought leaders. In Originals he again addresses the challenge of improving the world, but now from the perspective of becoming original: choosing to champion novel ideas and values that go against the grain, battle conformity, and buck outdated traditions. How can we originate new ideas, policies, and practices without risking it all? Using surprising studies and stories spanning business, politics, sports, and entertainment, Grant explores how to recognize a good idea, speak up without getting silenced, build a coalition of allies, choose the right time to act, and manage fear and doubt; how parents and teachers can nurture originality in children; and how leaders can build cultures that welcome dissent. Learn from an entrepreneur who pitches his start-ups by highlighting the reasons not to invest, a woman at Apple who challenged Steve Jobs from three levels below, an analyst who overturned the rule of secrecy at the CIA, a billionaire financial wizard who fires employees for failing to criticize him, and a TV executive who didn’t even work in comedy but saved Seinfeld from the cutting-room floor. The payoff is a set of groundbreaking insights about rejecting conformity and improving the status quo.

In The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau tells you how to lead of life of adventure, meaning and purpose - and earn a good living. Still in his early 30s, Chris is on the verge of completing a tour of every country on earth - he's already visited more than 175 nations - and yet he’s never held a "real job" or earned a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back. There are many others like Chris - those who've found ways to opt out of traditional employment and create the time and income to pursue what they find meaningful. Sometimes, achieving that perfect blend of passion and income doesn't depend on shelving what you currently do. You can start small with your venture, committing little time or money, and wait to take the real plunge when you're sure it's successful. In preparing to write this book, Chris identified 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less), and from that group he’s chosen to focus on the 50 most intriguing case studies. In nearly all cases, people with no special skills discovered aspects of their personal passions that could be monetized, and were able to restructure their lives in ways that gave them greater freedom and fulfillment. Here, finally, distilled into one easy-to-use guide, are the most valuable lessons from those who’ve learned how to turn what they do into a gateway to self-fulfillment. It’s all about finding the intersection between your "expertise" - even if you don’t consider it such - and what other people will pay for. You don’t need an MBA, a business plan or even employees. All you need is a product or service that springs from what you love to do anyway, people willing to pay, and a way to get paid. Not content to talk in generalities, Chris tells you exactly how many dollars his group of unexpected entrepreneurs required to get their projects up and running; what these individuals did in the first weeks and months to generate significant cash; some of the key mistakes they made along the way, and the crucial insights that made the business stick. Among Chris’s key principles: if you’re good at one thing, you’re probably good at something else; never teach a man to fish - sell him the fish instead; and in the battle between planning and action, action wins. In ancient times, people who were dissatisfied with their lives dreamed of finding magic lamps, buried treasure, or streets paved with gold. Today, we know that it’s up to us to change our lives. And the best part is, if we change our own life, we can help others change theirs. This remarkable book will start you on your way.

Bold is a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. Exploring the exponential technologies that are disrupting today's Fortune 500 companies and enabling upstart entrepreneurs to go from "I've got an idea" to "I run a billion-dollar company" far faster than ever before, the authors provide exceptional insight into the power of 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. Drawing on insights from billionaire entrepreneurs Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos, the audiobook offers the best practices that allow anyone to leverage today's hyper connected crowd like never before. The authors teach how to design and use incentive competitions, launch million-dollar crowdfunding campaigns to tap into tens of billions of dollars of capital, and build communities - armies of exponentially enabled individuals willing and able to help today's entrepreneurs make their boldest dreams come true. Bold is both a manifesto and a manual. It is today's exponential entrepreneur's go-to resource on the use of emerging technologies, thinking at scale, and the awesome impact of crowd-powered tools.

The answer is simple: come up with 10 ideas a day. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad, the key is to exercise your "idea muscle", to keep it toned, and in great shape. People say ideas are cheap and execution is everything but that is NOT true. Execution is a consequence, a subset of good, brilliant idea. And good ideas require daily work. Ideas may be easy if we are only coming up with one or two but if you open this book to any of the pages and try to produce more than three, you will feel a burn, scratch your head, and you will be sweating, and working hard. There is a turning point when you reach idea number six for the day, you still have four to go, and your mind muscle is getting a workout. By the time you list those last ideas to make it to 10 you will see for yourself what "sweating the idea muscle" means. As you practice the daily idea generation you become an idea machine. When we become idea machines we are flooded with lots of bad ideas but also with some that are very good. This happens by the sheer force of the number, because we are coming up with 3,650 ideas per year (at 10 a day). When you are inspired by an extraordinary idea, all of your thoughts break their chains, you go beyond limitations and your capacity to act expands in every direction. Forces and abilities you did not know you had come to the surface, and you realize you are capable of doing great things. As you practice with the suggested prompts in this book your ideas will get better, you will be a source of great insight for others, people will find you magnetic, and they will want to hang out with you because you have so much to offer. When you practice every day your life will transform, in no more than 180 days, because it has no other evolutionary choice. Life changes for the better when we become the source of positive, insightful, and helpful ideas. Don't believe a word I say. Instead, challenge yourself.

A Guide to Resilience: How to Bounce Back from Life's Inevitable Problems Christian Moore is convinced that each of us has a power hidden within, something that can get us through any kind of adversity. That power is resilience. In The Resilience Breakthrough, Moore delivers a practical primer on how you can become more resilient in a world of instability and narrowing opportunity, whether you're facing financial troubles, health setbacks, challenges on the job, or any other problem. We can each have our own resilience breakthrough, Moore argues, and can each learn how to use adverse circumstances as potent fuel for overcoming life's hardships. As he shares engaging real-life stories and brutally honest analyses of his own experiences, Moore equips you with 27 resilience-building tools that you can start using today - in your personal life or in your organization.

What if someone told you that your behavior was controlled by a powerful, invisible force? Most of us would be skeptical of such a claim--but it's largely true. Our brains are constantly transmitting and receiving signals of which we are unaware. Studies show that these constant inputs drive the great majority of our decisions about what to do next--and we become conscious of the decisions only after we start acting on them. Many may find that disturbing. But the implications for leadership are profound. In this provocative yet practical book, renowned speaking coach and communication expert Nick Morgan highlights recent research that shows how humans are programmed to respond to the nonverbal cues of others--subtle gestures, sounds, and signals--that elicit emotion. He then provides a clear, useful framework of seven "power cues" that will be essential for any leader in business, the public sector, or almost any context. You'll learn crucial skills, from measuring nonverbal signs of confidence, to the art and practice of gestures and vocal tones, to figuring out what your gut is really telling you. This concise and engaging guide will help leaders and aspiring leaders of all stripes to connect powerfully, communicate more effectively, and command influence.

New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition. A mash-up of the best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy with a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really works. When managers and marketers outline their social media strategies, they plan for the "right hook"—their next sale or campaign that's going to knock out the competition. Even companies committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships crucial to successful social media campaigns—want to land the punch that will take down their opponent or their customer's resistance in one blow. Right hooks convert traffic to sales and easily show results. Except when they don't. Thanks to massive change and proliferation in social media platforms, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Vaynerchuk shows that while communication is still key, context matters more than ever. It's not just about developing high-quality content, but developing high-quality content perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices—content tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Tumblr.

From the best-selling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a book on how some things actually benefit from disorder. In The Black Swan Taleb outlined a problem, and in Antifragile he offers a definitive solution: how to gain from disorder and chaos while being protected from fragilities and adverse events. For what Taleb calls the "antifragile" is actually beyond the robust, because it benefits from shocks, uncertainty, and stressors, just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension. The antifragile needs disorder in order to survive and flourish. Taleb stands uncertainty on its head, making it desirable, even necessary, and proposes that things be built in an antifragile manner. The antifragile is immune to prediction errors. Why is the city-state better than the nation-state, why is debt bad for you, and why is everything that is both modern and complicated bound to fail? The audiobook spans innovation by trial and error, health, biology, medicine, life decisions, politics, foreign policy, urban planning, war, personal finance, and economic systems. And throughout, in addition to the street wisdom of Fat Tony of Brooklyn, the voices and recipes of ancient wisdom, from Roman, Greek, Semitic, and medieval sources, are heard loud and clear. Extremely ambitious and multidisciplinary, Antifragile provides a blueprint for how to behave - and thrive - in a world we don't understand, and which is too uncertain for us to even try to understand and predict. Erudite and witty, Taleb’s message is revolutionary: What is not antifragile will surely perish.

The Cluetrain Manifesto began as a Web site in 1999 when the authors, who have worked variously at IBM, Sun Microsystems, the Linux Journal, and NPR, posted 95 theses about the new reality of the networked marketplace. Ten years after its original publication, their message remains more relevant than ever. For example, thesis no. 2: “Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors”; thesis no. 20: “Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.” The book enlarges on these themes through dozens of stories and observations about business in America and how the Internet will continue to change it all. With a new introduction and chapters by the authors, and commentary by Jake McKee, JP Rangaswami, and Dan Gillmor, this book is essential reading for anybody interested in the Internet and e-commerce, and is especially vital for businesses navigating the topography of the wired marketplace.

From the founders of the trailblazing software company 37signals, here is a different kind of business book one that explores a new reality. Today, anyone can be in business. Tools that used to be out of reach are now easily accessible. Technology that cost thousands is now just a few bucks or even free. Stuff that was impossible just a few years ago is now simple.That means anyone can start a business. And you can do it without working miserable 80-hour weeks or depleting your life savings. You can start it on the side while your day job provides all the cash flow you need. Forget about business plans, meetings, office space - you don't need them. With its straightforward language and easy-is-better approach, Rework is the perfect playbook for anyone who's ever dreamed of doing it on their own. Hardcore entrepreneurs, small-business owners, people stuck in day jobs who want to get out, and artists who don't want to starve anymore will all find valuable inspiration and guidance in these pages. It's time to rework work.

Tesla's main source of inspiration.
Roger Joseph Boscovich, a physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, Jesuit priest, and polymath, published the first edition of his famous work, Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria Redacta Ad Unicam Legem Virium In Natura Existentium (Theory Of Natural Philosophy Derived To The Single Law Of Forces Which Exist In Nature), in Vienna, in 1758, containing his atomic theory and his theory of forces. A second edition was published in 1763 in Venice

Bill Clinton's Georgetown mentor's history of the Conspiracy since the Boer War in South Africa.
TRAGEDY AND HOPE shows the years 1895-1950 as a period of transition from the world dominated by Europe in the nineteenth century to the world of three blocs in the twentieth century. With clarity, perspective, and cumulative impact, Professor Quigley examines the nature of that transition through two world wars and a worldwide economic depression. As an interpretative historian, he tries to show each event in the full complexity of its historical context. The result is a unique work, notable in several ways. It gives a picture of the world in terms of the influence of different cultures and outlooks upon each other; it shows, more completely than in any similar work, the influence of science and technology on human life; and it explains, with unprecedented clarity, how the intricate financial and commercial patterns of the West prior to 1914 influenced the development of today’s world.

This is the July, 2016 ALTA (Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis) Report. Also known as 'the Web Bot' report, this series is brought to you by This report covers your future world from July 2016 through to 2031. Forecasts are created using predictive linguistics (from the inventor) and cover your planet, your population, your economy and markets, and your Space Goat Farts where you will find all the 'unknown' and 'officially denied' woo-woo that will be shaping your environment over these next few decades.

Time is considered as an independent entity which cannot be reduced to the concept of matter, space or field. The point of discussion is the "time flow" conception of N A Kozyrev (1908-1983), an outstanding Russian astronomer and natural scientist. In addition to a review of the experimental studies of "the active properties of time", by both Kozyrev and modern scientists, the reader will find different interpretations of Kozyrev's views and some developments of his ideas in the fields of geophysics, astrophysics, general relativity and theoretical mechanics.

How UFO Time Engines work - Clif High

The webpage discusses the workings of UFO time engines according to N.A. Kozyrev's experiments. The LL1 engine is described as a hollow metal sphere with a pool of mercury metal inside. When activated by electrical energy, it creates a uni-polar magnetic field causing the mercury to spin at a high rate and induce "time stuff" to accumulate on its surface. The accrued time stuff is siphoned down magnetically to the radiating antennae on the bottom of the vessel, providing self-sustaining power and allowing for time travel. The environment inside UFOs is likely volatile and not suitable for humans.

The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory that electricity is vital to life. But as exciting as Becker's discoveries are, pointing to the day when human limbs, spinal cords, and organs may be regenerated after they have been damaged, equally fascinating is the story of Becker's struggle to do such original work. The Body Electric explores new pathways in our understanding of evolution, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, and healing.

Unique, controversial, and frequently cited, this survey offers highly detailed accounts concerning the development of ideas and theories about the nature of electricity and space (aether). Readily accessible to general readers as well as high school students, teachers, and undergraduates, it includes much information unavailable elsewhere. This single-volume edition comprises both The Classical Theories and The Modern Theories, which were originally published separately. The first volume covers the theories of classical physics from the age of the Greek philosophers to the late 19th century. The second volume chronicles discoveries that led to the advances of modern physics, focusing on special relativity, quantum theories, general relativity, matrix mechanics, and wave mechanics. Noted historian of science I. Bernard Cohen, who reviewed these books for Scientific American, observed, "I know of no other history of electricity which is as sound as Whittaker's. All those who have found stimulation from his works will read this informative and accurate history with interest and profit."

The third edition of the defining text for the graduate-level course in Electricity and Magnetism has finally arrived! It has been 37 years since the first edition and 24 since the second. The new edition addresses the changes in emphasis and applications that have occurred in the field, without any significant increase in length.

Objects are a ubiquitous presence and few of us stop and think what they mean in our lives. This is the job of philosophers and this is what Jean Baudrillard does in his book. This is required reading for followers of Baudrillard, and he is perhaps the most assessable to the General Reader. Baudrillard is most associated with Post Modernism, and this early book sets the stage for that journey to the post modern world.
We are all surrounded by objects, but how many times have we thought about what those objects represent. If we took the time to think about the symbolism, we could arrive at easy solutions. We have been so accustomed to advertising the automobile representing freedom is an easy conclusion. But what about furniture? What about chairs? What about the arrangement of furniture? Watches? Collecting objects? Baudrillard literally opens up a new world and creates the universe of objects.
It is not that the critique of a society or objects has not been done before, but Baudrillard’s approach is new. Baudrillard examines objects as signs with a smattering of Post-Marxist thought. In his analysis of objects as signs, he ushers in the Post-Modern age and world for which he would be known. Heady stuff to be sure, but is presented by Baudrillard in a readily accessible manner. He articulates his thesis in a straightforward manner, avoiding the hyper-technical terminology he used in his later writings.

Moving away from the Marxist/Freudian approaches that had concerned him earlier, Baudrillard developed in this book a theory of contemporary culture that relies on displacing economic notions of cultural production with notions of cultural expenditure.

The book begins with Sidis's discovery of the first law of physical laws: "Among the physical laws it is a general characteristic that there is reversibility in time; that is, should the whole universe trace back the various positions that bodies in it have passed through in a given interval of time, but in the reverse order to that in which these positions actually occurred, then the universe, in this imaginary case, would still obey the same laws." Recent discoveries of dark matter are predicted by him in this book, and he goes on to show that the "Big Bang" is wrong. Sidis (SIGH-dis) shows that it is far more likely the universe is eternal

In this book you will encounter rare information regarding your true identity - the conscious self in the body - and how you may break the hypnotic spell your senses and thinking have cast about you since childhood.

Do we see the world as it truly is? In The Case Against Reality, pioneering cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman says no? we see what we need in order to survive. Our visual perceptions are not a window onto reality, Hoffman shows us, but instead are interfaces constructed by natural selection. The objects we see around us are not unlike the file icons on our computer desktops: while shaped like a small folder on our screens, the files themselves are made of a series of ones and zeros - too complex for most of us to understand. In a similar way, Hoffman argues, evolution has shaped our perceptions into simplistic illusions to help us navigate the world around us. Yet now these illusions can be manipulated by advertising and design.
Drawing on thirty years of Hoffman's own influential research, as well as evolutionary biology, game theory, neuroscience, and philosophy, The Case Against Reality makes the mind-bending yet utterly convincing case that the world is nothing like what we see through our eyes.

At the height of the Cold War, JFK risked committing the greatest crime in human history: starting a nuclear war. Horrified by the specter of nuclear annihilation, Kennedy gradually turned away from his long-held Cold Warrior beliefs and toward a policy of lasting peace. But to the military and intelligence agencies in the United States, who were committed to winning the Cold War at any cost, Kennedy’s change of heart was a direct threat to their power and influence. Once these dark “Unspeakable” forces recognized that Kennedy’s interests were in direct opposition to their own, they tagged him as a dangerous traitor, plotted his assassination, and orchestrated the subsequent cover-up.

2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID. A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent. And therein lies a story—a story that starts with obvious questions: - What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people? - What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

RFK Jr: 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying - 09-06-2023

The Tavistock Institute, in Sussex, England, describes itself as a nonprofit charity that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. But this book posits that it is the world’s center for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. It grew from a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House into a sophisticated organization that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society. In this eye-opening work, both the Tavistock network and the methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare are uncovered.

A seminal and controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Edward Bernays (1891–1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed “engineering of consent.” During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon.
Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, as well as his uncle, Sigmund Freud, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. His 1928 bombshell Propaganda lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.

Undressing the Bible: in Hebrew, the Old Testament speaks for itself, explicitly and transparently. It tells of mysterious beings, special and powerful ones, that appeared on Earth.
Former earthlings?
Superior civilizations, that have always been present on our planet?
Creators, manipulators, geneticists. Aviators, warriors, despotic rulers. And scientists, possessing very advanced knowledge, special weapons and science-fiction-like technologies.
Once naked, the Bible is very different from how it has always been told to us: it does not contain any spiritual, omnipotent and omniscient God, no eternity. No apples and no creeping, tempting, serpents. No winged angels. Not even the Red Sea: the people of the Exodus just wade through a simple reed bed.
Writer and journalist Giorgio Cattaneo sits down with Italy's most renowned biblical translator for his first long interview about his life's work for the English audience. A decade long official Bible translator for the Church and lifelong researcher of ancient myths and tales, Mauro Bilglino is a unicum in his field of expertise and research. A fine connoisseur of dead languages, from ancient Greek to Hebrew and medieval Latin, he focused his attention and efforts on the accurate translating of the bible.
The encounter with Mauro Biglino and his work - the journalist writes - is profoundly healthy, stimulating and inevitably destabilizing: it forces us to reconsider the solidity of the awareness that nourishes many of our common beliefs. And it is a testament to the courage that is needed, today more than ever, to claim the full dignity of free research.

Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th century.Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai's adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.After Sabbati Zevi's death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform "strange acts" that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history".Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

This is the first English translation of this revolutionary essay by Vladimir I. Vernadsky, the great Russian-Ukrainian biogeochemist. It was first published in 1930 in French in the Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées. In it, Vernadsky makes a powerful and provocative argument for the need to develop what he calls “a new physics,” something he felt was clearly necessitated by the implications of the groundbreaking work of Louis Pasteur among few others, but also something that was required to free science from the long-lasting effects of the work of Isaac Newton, most notably.
For hundreds of years, science had developed in a direction which became increasingly detached from the breakthroughs made in the study of life and the natural sciences, detached even from human life itself, and committed reductionists and small-minded scientists were resolved to the fact that ultimately all would be reduced to “the old physics.” The scientific revolution of Einstein was a step in the right direction, but here Vernadsky insists that there is more progress to be made. He makes a bold call for a new physics, taking into account, and fundamentally based upon, the striking anomalies of life and human life.

Using an inspired combination of geometric logic and metaphors from familiar human experience, Bucky invites readers to join him on a trip through a four-dimensional Universe, where concepts as diverse as entropy, Einstein's relativity equations, and the meaning of existence become clear, understandable, and immediately involving. In his own words: "Dare to be naive... It is one of our most exciting discoveries that local discovery leads to a complex of further discoveries." Here are three key examples or concepts from "Synergetics":


Tensegrity, or tensional integrity, refers to structural systems that use a combination of tension and compression components. The simplest example of this is the "tensegrity triangle", where three struts are held in position not by touching one another but by tensioned wires. These systems are stable and flexible. Tensegrity structures are pervasive in natural systems, from the cellular level up to larger biological and even cosmological scales.

Vector Equilibrium (VE)

The Vector Equilibrium, often referred to by Fuller as the "VE", is a geometric form that he saw as the central form in his synergetic geometry. It’s essentially a cuboctahedron. Fuller noted that the VE is the only geometric form wherein all the vectors (lines from the center to the vertices) are of equal length and angular relationship. Because of this, it’s seen as a condition of absolute equilibrium, where the forces of push and pull are balanced.

Closest Packing of Spheres

Fuller was fascinated by how spheres could be packed together in the tightest possible configuration, a concept he often linked to how nature organizes systems. For example, when you stack oranges in a grocery store, they form a hexagonal pattern, and the spheres (oranges) are in closest-packed arrangement. Fuller related this principle to atomic structures and even cosmic organization.

To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (CG5GW) by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. General Flynn rose to the highest levels of the intelligence community and served as the National Security Advisor to the 45th POTUS. Sergeant Boone Cutler ran the ground game as a wartime Psychological Operations team sergeant in the United States Army. Together, these two combat veterans put their combined experience and expertise into an illuminating fifth-generation warfare information series called The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare. Introduction to 5GW is the first session of the multipart series. The series, complete with easy-to-understand diagrams, is written for all of humanity in every freedom loving country.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Biosphere :

  • Vernadsky defined the biosphere as the thin layer of Earth where life exists, encompassing all living organisms and the parts of the Earth where they interact. This includes the depths of the oceans to the upper layers of the atmosphere.
  • He posited that life plays a critical role in transforming the Earth's environment. In this view, living organisms are not just passive inhabitants of the planet, but active agents of change. This idea contrasts with more traditional views that saw life as simply adapting to pre-existing environmental conditions.
  • One example of this transformative power is the oxygen-rich atmosphere, which was created by photosynthesizing organisms over billions of years.

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was a Russian and Ukrainian mineralogist and geochemist who is best known for his work on the biosphere and the noosphere concepts. His ideas have profoundly influenced various scientific fields, from geology to biology and even philosophy. Here's the summary of his one of his concepts:

Noosphere :

  • The concept of the noosphere can be seen as the next evolutionary stage following the biosphere. While the biosphere represents the realm of life, the noosphere represents the realm of human thought.
  • Vernadsky believed that, just as life transformed the Earth through the biosphere, human thought and collective intelligence would transform the planet in the era of the noosphere. This transformation would be characterized by the dominance of cultural evolution over biological evolution.
  • In this paradigm, human knowledge, technology, and cultural developments would become the primary drivers of change on the planet, influencing its future direction.
  • The term "noosphere" is derived from the Greek word “nous” meaning "mind" or "intellect" and "sphaira" meaning "sphere." So, the noosphere can be thought of as the "sphere of human thought."

It's worth noting that Vernadsky's ideas were formulated in a period when the world was experiencing rapid technological changes and were before the advent of concerns about global challenges like climate change. Today, his ideas can be seen in a new light, as we recognize the significant impact human activity has on the planet, from the changing climate to the alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Overall, Vernadsky's thesis about the biosphere and the noosphere offers a holistic perspective on the evolution of the Earth and humanity's role in that evolution. It emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between life, the environment, and human cognition and culture.

A close analysis of the architecture of the stupa―a Buddhist symbolic form that is found throughout South, Southeast, and East Asia. The author, who trained as an architect, examines both the physical and metaphysical levels of these buildings, which derive their meaning and significance from Buddhist and Brahmanist influences.

Building on his extensive research into the sacred symbols and creation myths of the Dogon of Africa and those of ancient Egypt, India, and Tibet, Laird Scranton investigates the myths, symbols, and traditions of prehistoric China, providing further evidence that the cosmology of all ancient cultures arose from a single now-lost source.

It is at the same time a history of language, a guide to foreign tongues, and a method for learning them. It shows, through basic vocabularies, family resemblances of languages―Teutonic, Romance, Greek―helpful tricks of translation, key combinations of roots and phonetic patterns. It presents by common-sense methods the most helpful approach to the mastery of many languages; it condenses vocabulary to a minimum of essential words; it simplifies grammar in an entirely new way; and it teaches a languages as it is actually used in everyday life.
But this book is more than a guide to foreign languages; it goes deep into the roots of all knowledge as it explores the history of speech. It lights up the dim pathways of prehistory and unfolds the story of the slow growth of human expression from the most primitive signs and sounds to the elaborate variations of the highest cultures. Without language no knowledge would be possible; here we see how language is at once the source and the reservoir of all we know.

Taking only the most elementary knowledge for granted, Lancelot Hogben leads readers of this famous book through the whole course from simple arithmetic to calculus. His illuminating explanation is addressed to the person who wants to understand the place of mathematics in modern civilization but who has been intimidated by its supposed difficulty. Mathematics is the language of size, shape, and order―a language Hogben shows one can both master and enjoy.

A complete manual for the study and practice of Raja Yoga, the path of concentration and meditation. These timeless teachings is a treasure to be read and referred to again and again by seekers treading the spiritual path. The classic Sutras, at least 4,000 years old, cover the yogic teachings on ethics, meditation, and physical postures, and provide directions for dealing with situations in daily life. The Sutras are presented here in the purest form, with the original Sanskrit and with translation, transliteration, and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda, one of the most respected and revered contemporary Yoga masters. Sri Swamiji offers practical advice based on his own experience for mastering the mind and achieving physical, mental and emotional harmony.

William Strauss and Neil Howe will change the way you see the world - and your place in it. With blazing originality, The Fourth Turning illuminates the past, explains the present, and reimagines the future. Most remarkably, it offers an utterly persuasive prophecy about how America’s past will predict its future.

Strauss and Howe base this vision on a provocative theory of American history. The authors look back 500 years and uncover a distinct pattern: Modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting about the length of a long human life, each composed of four eras - or "turnings" - that last about 20 years and that always arrive in the same order. In The Fourth Turning, the authors illustrate these cycles using a brilliant analysis of the post-World War II period.

First comes a High, a period of confident expansion as a new order takes root after the old has been swept away. Next comes an Awakening, a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion against the now-established order. Then comes an Unraveling, an increasingly troubled era in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis - the Fourth Turning - when society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. Together, the four turnings comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth.

4th Turning

Excess Deaths & Why RFK Jr. Can Win The Democratic Presidential Race - Ed Dowd | Part 1 of 2 - 06-21-2023

All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. To the general reader the Khazars, who flourished from the 7th to 11th century, may seem infinitely remote today. Yet they have a close and unexpected bearing on our world, which emerges as Koestler recounts the fascinating history of the ancient Khazar Empire.

At about the time that Charlemagne was Emperor in the West. The Khazars' sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.Thereafter the Khazars found themselves in a precarious position between the two major world powers: the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium and the triumphant followers of Mohammed.As Koestler points out, the Khazars were the Third World of their day. They chose a surprising method of resisting both the Western pressure to become Christian and the Eastern to adopt Islam. Rejecting both, they converted to Judaism. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry.

Few people noticed the secret codewords used by our astronauts to describe the moon. Until now, few knew about the strange moving lights they reported.
George H. Leonard, former NASA scientist, fought through the official veil of secrecy and studied thousands of NASA photographs, spoke candidly with dozens of NASA officials, and listened to hours and hours of astronauts' tapes.
Here, Leonard presents the stunning and inescapable evidence discovered during his in-depth investigation:

  • Immense mechanical rigs, some over a mile long, working the lunar surface.
  • Strange geometric ground markings and symbols.
  • Lunar constructions several times higher than anything built on Earth.
  • Vehicles, tracks, towers, pipes, conduits, and conveyor belts running in and across moon craters.
Somebody else is indeed on the Moon, and engaged in activities on a massive scale. Our space agencies, and many of the world's top scientists, have known for years that there is intelligent life on the moon.

The article delves into the history of the Khazars, a polity in the Northern Caucasus that existed from the mid-seventh century until about 970 CE. Contrary to popular belief, the term "Khazars" is misleading as it was a multiethnic entity, and it's uncertain which specific group adopted Judaism. The Khazars first emerged in the seventh century, defeating the Bulgars, which led to the Bulgars' dispersion to various regions. The Khazar Empire was established through the expulsion of the Bulgars and was multiethnic in nature. The language spoken by the Khazars is debated, with some suggesting Turkic origins and others pointing to Slavic. The Khazars had several cities and fortresses, with significant archaeological findings. The Khazars had interactions with various empires, including wars with the Arabs and alliances with Byzantine emperors. By the mid-10th century, the Khazar capital of Itil was destroyed by the Russians. The article concludes that much of what is known about the Khazars is based on limited sources.

#Khazars #History #Caucasus #Judaism #Bulgars #Empire #Multiethnic #LanguageDebate #ArabWars #ByzantineAlliances #Itil #RussianInvasion #Archaeology #ReligiousConversion #TabletMag

In The Science of the Dogon, Laird Scranton demonstrated that the cosmological structure described in the myths and drawings of the Dogon runs parallel to modern science--atomic theory, quantum theory, and string theory--their drawings often taking the same form as accurate scientific diagrams that relate to the formation of matter.

Sacred Symbols of the Dogon uses these parallels as the starting point for a new interpretation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language. By substituting Dogon cosmological drawings for equivalent glyph-shapes in Egyptian words, a new way of reading and interpreting the Egyptian hieroglyphs emerges. Scranton shows how each hieroglyph constitutes an entire concept, and that their meanings are scientific in nature.

The Dogon people of Mali, West Africa, are famous for their unique art and advanced cosmology. The Dogon’s creation story describes how the one true god, Amma, created all the matter of the universe. Interestingly, the myths that depict his creative efforts bear a striking resemblance to the modern scientific definitions of matter, beginning with the atom and continuing all the way to the vibrating threads of string theory. Furthermore, many of the Dogon words, symbols, and rituals used to describe the structure of matter are quite similar to those found in the myths of ancient Egypt and in the daily rituals of Judaism. For example, the modern scientific depiction of the informed universe as a black hole is identical to Amma’s Egg of the Dogon and the Egyptian Benben Stone.

The Science of the Dogon offers a case-by-case comparison of Dogon descriptions and drawings to corresponding scientific definitions and diagrams from authors like Stephen Hawking and Brian Greene, then extends this analysis to the counterparts of these symbols in both the ancient Egyptian and Hebrew religions. What is ultimately revealed is the scientific basis for the language of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, which was deliberately encoded to prevent the knowledge of these concepts from falling into the hands of all but the highest members of the Egyptian priesthood.

Anthony C. Yu’s translation of The Journey to the West,initially published in 1983, introduced English-speaking audiences to the classic Chinese novel in its entirety for the first time. Written in the sixteenth century, The Journey to the West tells the story of the fourteen-year pilgrimage of the monk Xuanzang, one of China’s most famous religious heroes, and his three supernatural disciples, in search of Buddhist scriptures. Throughout his journey, Xuanzang fights demons who wish to eat him, communes with spirits, and traverses a land riddled with a multitude of obstacles, both real and fantastical. An adventure rich with danger and excitement, this seminal work of the Chinese literary canonis by turns allegory, satire, and fantasy.

With over a hundred chapters written in both prose and poetry, The Journey to the West has always been a complicated and difficult text to render in English while preserving the lyricism of its language and the content of its plot. But Yu has successfully taken on the task, and in this new edition he has made his translations even more accurate and accessible. The explanatory notes are updated and augmented, and Yu has added new material to his introduction, based on his original research as well as on the newest literary criticism and scholarship on Chinese religious traditions. He has also modernized the transliterations included in each volume, using the now-standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization system. Perhaps most important, Yu has made changes to the translation itself in order to make it as precise as possible.

One of the great works of Chinese literature, The Journey to the West is not only invaluable to scholars of Eastern religion and literature, but, in Yu’s elegant rendering, also a delight for any reader.

The Oera Linda Book is a 19th-century translation by Dr. Ottema and WIlliam R. Sandbach of an old manuscript written in the Old Frisian language that records historical, mythological, and religious themes of remote antiquity, compiled between 2194 BC and AD 803.

  • The Oera Linda book challenges traditional views of pre-Christian societies.
  • Christianization is likened to a "great reset" that erased previous civilizations.
  • The Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people.
  • The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting patterns in history.
  • The importance of identity and understanding one's roots is highlighted.
  • The Oera Linda book offers wisdom and insights into several European languages.

The Oera Linda book offers a fresh perspective on our history, challenging the notion that pre-Christian societies were uncivilized. It suggests that the Christianization of societies was a form of "great reset," erasing and demonizing what existed before. The Oera Linda writings hint at an advanced civilization with its own laws, writing, and societal structures. Jan Ott's translation from the Fryan language provides insights into the beliefs and values of the Fryan people. The text also touches upon the guilt many feel today, even if they aren't religious, about issues like climate change and historical slavery. It criticizes the way science is sometimes treated like a religion, with scientists acting as its preachers. The cyclical nature of time is emphasized, suggesting that understanding history requires recognizing patterns and cycles. Christianity is portrayed as one of the most significant resets in history, with sects fighting and erasing each other's scriptures. The importance of identity is highlighted, with a focus on the Fryans, a tribe that faced challenges from another tribe from Finland. This other tribe had a different moral compass, leading to conflicts and eventual assimilation. The text suggests that the true history of the Fryans and their values might have been distorted by subsequent Christian narratives. The Oera Linda book is seen as a source of wisdom, shedding light on the origins of several European languages and offering insights into values like freedom, truth, and justice.

#OeraLinda #History #Christianization #GreatReset #FryanLanguage #JanOtt #Civilization #OldTestament #Church #SpiritualAbuse #Identity #Fryans #Autland #Finland #Slavery #Christianity #Sects #Genocide #Torture #Bible #Freedom #Truth #Justice #Righteousness #Language #German #Dutch #Frisian #English #Scandinavian #Wisdom #Inspiration #European #Values

The Talmud is one of the most important holy books of the Hebrew religion and of the world. No English translation of the book existed until the author presented this work. To this day, very little of the actual text seems available in English -- although we find many interpretive commentaries on what it is supposed to mean. The Talmud has a reputation for being long and difficult to digest, but Polano has taken what he believes to be the best material and put it into extremely readable form. As far as holy books of the world are concerned, it is on par with The Koran, The Bhagavad-Gita and, of course, The Bible, in importance. This clearly written edition will allow many to experience The Talmud who may have otherwise not had the chance.

This five-volume set is the only complete English rendering of The Zohar, the fundamental rabbinic work on Jewish mysticism that has fascinated readers for more than seven centuries. In addition to being the primary reference text for kabbalistic studies, this magnificent work is arranged in the form of a commentary on the Bible, bringing to the surface the deeper meanings behind the commandments and biblical narrative. As The Zohar itself proclaims: Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment Thin which it is swathed.

Twenty-one years ago, at a friend's request, a Massachusetts professor sketched out a blueprint for nonviolent resistance to repressive regimes. It would go on to be translated, photocopied, and handed from one activist to another, traveling from country to country across the globe: from Iran to Venezuela―where both countries consider Gene Sharp to be an enemy of the state―to Serbia; Afghanistan; Vietnam; the former Soviet Union; China; Nepal; and, more recently and notably, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria, where it has served as a guiding light of the Arab Spring.

This short, pithy, inspiring, and extraordinarily clear guide to overthrowing a dictatorship by nonviolent means lists 198 specific methods to consider, depending on the circumstances: sit-ins, popular nonobedience, selective strikes, withdrawal of bank deposits, revenue refusal, walkouts, silence, and hunger strikes. From Dictatorship to Democracy is the remarkable work that has made the little-known Sharp into the world's most effective and sought-after analyst of resistance to authoritarian regimes.

Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests. He has spoken to many groups throughout the United States and has appeared regularly on many radio talk shows and on television. In 1988 Bill decided to "talk" due to events then taking place worldwide, events that he had seen plans for back in the early 1970s. Bill correctly predicted the lowering of the Iron Curtain, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. All Bill's predictions were on record well before the events occurred. Bill is not a psychic. His information comes from top secret documents that he read while with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over seventeen years of research.

The argument that the 16th Amendment (which concerns the federal income tax) was not properly ratified and thus is invalid has been a topic of debate among some tax protesters and scholars. One of the individuals associated with this theory is Bill Benson, who asserted that the 16th Amendment was fraudulently ratified. Here's a brief overview of the argument: 1. Research and Documentation: Bill Benson, along with another individual named M.J. "Red" Beckman, wrote a two-volume work called "The Law That Never Was" in the 1980s. This work was a product of Benson's extensive travels to various state archives to examine the original ratification documents related to the 16th Amendment. 2. Claims of Irregularities: In his work, Benson presented evidence that claimed many of the states either did not ratify the 16th Amendment properly or made mistakes in their resolutions. Some of these alleged irregularities included misspellings, incorrect wording, and other deviations from the proposed amendment. 3. Philander Knox's Role: In 1913, Philander Knox, who was the U.S. Secretary of State at the time, declared that the 16th Amendment had been ratified by the necessary three-fourths of the states. Benson's contention is that Knox was aware of the various discrepancies and irregularities in the ratification process but chose to fraudulently declare the amendment ratified anyway. 4. Legal Challenges and Court Rulings: Over the years, some tax protesters have used Benson's findings to challenge the legality of the income tax. However, these challenges have been consistently rejected by the courts. In fact, several courts have addressed Benson's research and arguments directly and found them to be without legal merit. The courts have repeatedly upheld the validity of the 16th Amendment. 5. Counterarguments: Critics of Benson's theory argue that even if there were minor discrepancies in the wording or format of the ratification documents, they do not invalidate the overarching intent of the states to ratify the amendment. Additionally, they assert that there's no substantive evidence that Knox acted fraudulently. It's worth noting that despite the popularity of this theory among certain groups, the legal consensus in the U.S. is that the 16th Amendment was validly ratified and is a legitimate part of the U.S. Constitution. Those who refuse to pay income taxes based on this theory have faced legal penalties.

The article delves into the evolution of the concept of the ether in physics. Historically, the ether was postulated to explain the propagation of light, with figures like Newton and Huygens suggesting its existence. By the late 19th century, Maxwell's electromagnetic theory linked light's propagation to the ether, a theory experimentally validated by Hertz in 1888. Lorentz expanded on this, focusing on wave transmission in moving media. The article contrasts the English approach, which sought tangible models, with the phenomenological view, which aimed for a descriptive approach without specific hypotheses. The piece also touches on various mechanical theories and models proposed over the years, emphasizing the challenges in defining the ether's properties and its evolving nature in scientific discourse.

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