Insidious Meme

mother WEFfing Earth Changes – 05-25-2023

mother WEFfing Earth Changes - 05-25-2023

mother WEFfing Earth Changes - 05-25-2023

Episode Summary:

On 25th May around 8:39 in the morning, the narrator reflects on their data process from their retirement years. They mention their software's accuracy, especially regarding events like the Bonda Aji earthquake but also address some discrepancies. The narrator wonders why some predictions were so precise while others failed. They ponder the effects of external factors like the World Economic Forum (WEF) and how they might have influenced language and perception around earth changes, potentially affecting the accuracy of psychic predictions post-2005.

The author reflects on his past ignorance of global organizations and their influence. He highlights the Khazarians' and WEF's (World Economic Forum) hidden agendas, especially in the realm of climate science. The author believes these organizations have manipulated information and shaped public perceptions for decades, particularly since the 1950s. This manipulation affected his data interpretation, leading to miscalculations. He cites specific examples, like the Fukushima incident. The author criticizes psychics who unknowingly perpetuate false beliefs and concludes by mentioning the WEF's influence in the educational system.

#accuracy #BondaAjiEarthquake #ClimateScience #data #DataInterpretation #discrepancies #earthchanges #Education #Fukushima #GlobalOrganizations #influence #Khazarians #language #Manipulation #perception #predictions #process #Psychics #psychic #retirement #software #WorldEconomicForum #WEF

mother WEFfing Earth Changes - 05-25-2023