Insidious Meme

HYPER CODE HYPER WOO Pt. 1 – 1-21-2023

HYPER CODE HYPER WOO Pt. 1 - 1-21-2023

HYPER CODE HYPER WOO Pt. 1 - 1-21-2023

Hello humans, hello humans. 100 clock here. Got stuff going. Only reason I've got time at all for this is because we have major flooding in the area and I couldn't get to these areas I needed to go look at. So I decided to make bread and get this done and then I've got a phone call that's going to interrupt.

So probably will do this in two chunks. And the first chunk is discussing the idea of hyper code.

Consider what psychedelics teach us about reality for those of us that have taken psychedelics at shamanic levels and that might be twelve or 15 hours in a psychedelic state induced by mushrooms or mescaline or something and you reach hyperspace. Not everybody does. Okay, so I don't know the percentages, I couldn't possibly even guess. But not everybody reaches hyperspace. But enough humans do that.

The psychedelic experience is encoded in our ancient history as the mysteries. These are the mysteries at Elysium it was a psychedelic gas. You see this mystery approach all throughout the religious seeking in India, all throughout Asia as a matter of fact. We see it in the tribal peoples all around the world from Siberia down to patagonia around in all hemispheres. This is part of humanity.

Psychedelics are a technology in a sense a biological technology, a mentition technology. And they teach us a lot about reality as well as being able to do things like affect our bodies and things, right? So what they teach us about reality is not in alignment with what the WEF, that organization that is the deep state is the establishment, right?

And it owns all the colleges and all the schools and those have a very particular establishment favoring viewpoint on everything that they're driving into your brain by reducing the amount of stuff you're exposed to but hyping up the repetition of it. It's very cold out here anyway.

Okay, so psychedelics provide us a view of the world that those people that have taken them in my opinion will agree with my statement that once you reach hyperspace you understand it is more real than where we are at now in this common sharing of reality. And there is a feeling as well as knowledge, like factual kind of knowledge. So from hyperspace, wherever the fuck it may be, when you return, when you collapse back and that's the feeling of it is that you collapse. So in Doors of Perception, Aldous Huxley describes it as an expansion of consciousness. What it is is more an expansion into consciousness.

And so when you come back to this reality, to this material, it is felt as a collapsing, a condensing, right? But still when you do that from an adequate shamanic level hyperspace encountering psychedelic journey, you are able to bring back feeling as well as so feeling and perception as well as factual knowledge, right? Or connections to factual knowledge if you want to think of it that way, which is actually more accurate. So there's a benefit in this reality that can be determined in this material, okay? And we've had this throughout history.

So Bonda Achi, 2003, giant earthquake offshore, huge tsunami, lots and lots and lots of people killed, like, hundreds of thousands of people, destroyed their lives destroyed. Some people very close to the epicenter who were in imminent danger of dying because they live in coastal villages, got the fuck up in the middle of the night at the urging of the shamans to get the fuck to the top of the hills as well as all of the animals also going to the top of the hills of these little islands. And these people were saved. Okay? So this connection that was brought back by these shaman who practiced drinking a brew that's made out of that has within it golden teacher mushrooms, psilocybin containing mushrooms, had that connection, and universe told them, get your ass up and get up there, right?

And so these things have proven value in this material, however weird and occult, which means hidden or esoteric, which means internal or seemingly illusionary or ephemeral, which means it's not quite able to be grasped. Nonetheless, you have practical value. You ain't dead, right? You're up there with a bunch of elephants and everybody huddling around on the top of this little mountain. The ocean is all heaving and shit, but you ain't dead.

So it has practical value. Okay?

So people that go and visit Hyperspace will, in my opinion I think they would, in the main, agree with me that it's more real than real, and it alters you in this process of going there and coming back.

That alteration in general goes to various different ways in which you interact with the material. Once you come back, right, you are changed and you have knowledge and stuff, and you cannot unchange yourself. You can't reverse what's happened to you. And much of it has to do with how you interact with the materium once this new conduit is available to you, right, this new understanding. So now we come to this idea that, however it occurred, some people who had experienced a psychedelic understanding of things put aspects of their understanding into the Talmud.

Okay? But here's the thing, because in my opinion, because of the prohibitions in that culture at that time, it was not able to be explored the way it is in other cultures. And we have an interesting effect in the Talmud that we don't see elsewhere with these explorations. So we don't see the same kind of constraints and thinking and so on that was put on that is taken out of the Talmud. We can't take that kind of understanding out of the same contextual discussions in Sanskrit or Poly or Sumerian or any of these other literature.

So there was something about the Talmud and the culture in which it arose that caused this understanding to occur. And that understanding has been carried forward into our current establishment, which derives much of its power because of the Babylonian money magic and the control of it by the Talmud Aryans. So much of the establishment is under the impression and guidance of a in my opinion, a limited understanding of hypercode. Okay? Hypercode is this.

So when you're in hyperspace, you're in a reality that's far more real than anything here. And it's just really bizarre compared to here. And some aspects of it can sort of be described, but none of it can be adequately put into words at all, nor can you adequately draw it. But people have tried throughout time and this accounts for the explosion of the psychedelic art and its attempt in the with the psychedelic movement throughout the western culture, western liberal republics. And it's shocking value, right?

Because that's sort of like hyperspace. There's no place in hyperspace that you can look and we say look advisedly. So any terms I use that references the body must be taken with a particular understanding. That understanding is that you don't have a body in hyperspace that you do not create with your own mind, but you're nonetheless still filled with perceptions of hyperspace, whether or not you choose to do that. I mean, creation of the body.

And so I was instructed after an encounter in hyperspace that in this particular plane that I sought to achieve reconnection with frequently I was taught that it was rude not to extrude a body and attempt to look like whatever your representation was down in the material. And so the concept was that according to this being that I encountered, that I might be over here and let's just say that's a me here on Earth and it and it came across as male in my understanding. So it was my buddy, so we'll call him Bud, okay? I have no idea what his name was because words don't work. You can't use language there in the same way you have to talk in molecules.

It's just really, really weird. And he's off in some other planet over here and we're both meeting through the medium of hyperspace as a quote, place, okay? And it's not a place, it's not a materium place like here. There are no materium atoms there. In some respects it appears, and this is a conclusion of my own, that hyperspace is the barrier line between giant consciousness on the other side that fills everything in every spot for in perpetuity and everywhere and the material, which is the first limit.

So in a sense I think of hyperspace not as a plane, but more as the balloon or the edge of the bubble in which here we have the materialium matter and out here is consciousness. And so this is just one way of thinking of it, right? And here this actual black line that itself is hyperspace. And so that's why I think of it, right? And whether or not factually that's the way it is.

There are elements of this experience, psychedelically, and you can collapse that understanding down here. So that understanding of hyperspace doesn't necessarily aid you when you're there, right? But it does aid you here, trying to reabsorb and reconnect and understand everything you've learned and put it into this new, grander context. And this is usually the way, you know, you've encountered some legit knowledge from hyperspace and not some weird ass shit that's bubbling up out of your own mind, which we'll get into in the hyper woo segment that follows this. But because when you learn from hyperspace, your world expands, yes, you will learn about details within yourself, within your material reality.

So you'll learn a greater deal about this, but then you'll also find that you've encountered a whole new layer out here that you didn't even know existed, okay? A new layer of knowledge here relative to all of this kind of shit. This is part of the idea of hypercode. Now, so if you thought of reality, the material, as a simulation, that's fine, go ahead. It's not controlled by computers.

It doesn't work that way, but it's a good analogy to think of this reality. Okay? And that gives rise to certain questions. How is the code written? What does it look like?

That sort of thing. However, when you get into the idea of code and this is where we separate ourselves from the Talmud Arians, the idea of code requires the idea of a decision maker, a writer, of that code. Okay? And so they get off in the Talmud, off on this trail towards the idea of seeking the writers. All right?

So the Talmud, Arians, never really get into and reference the Torah, but they extract stuff from the Torah, such as God is a multiplicity that they see as a monotheistic entity. Okay? So now bear in mind, most Jews don't have copies of the Talmud in their homes. These are I think the word is yeshiva for a rabbinical school. So sometimes most rabbis don't have a complete copy of the Talmud, and they're working off of a collective.

So it's a very weird collective understanding of things. It doesn't really encourage individual exploration, in my opinion. Most of the stuff in there, the rituals and the habituals, are going towards hypnotic effects on the mind, not expanding effects on the mind, in my opinion. And so they have this idea of hypercode that I don't find to be valid and that they are trying to seek the WEF and the deep state, all these people, through CERN, the Large Hadron Collider, which is basically a giant magnet, attempting to alter this part of hyperspace here in order to talk to their God. That's really what they're trying to do.

They understand hypercode in a way I don't find to be valid. They think that there's actually an individual being that could be somehow separated from consciousness, that they could converse with and much of the Talmud goes to this idea as well as some other stuff that we'll get into in the hyper woo part, all right? So in hyper code, the idea is that the code that creates the materium here that is encapsulated within the barrier line there can be reached and screwed with. And you could understand it, you could read it and understand it because an individual being that you understand created you in its image, wrote that code. So that's their understanding.

Okay? I don't find that valid because there are other ways for code to come into creation that does not require an author sitting down there with an intent and a direction and all of this kind of stuff, writing all of the code sequences and so on. You have this idea of spontaneous learning from little tiny chunks of stuff that you just allow to collide and you see what the hell happens. That's really the way universe works. That's the way the material is continuously created and expands.

If you get into the WooBull, you'll see about that, right? Okay. And also magnets, in my opinion, prove my point, not theirs, okay? Because magnetism is a continuous action of the pulse coming out that creates the separation of matter from consciousness. Each and every one of the magnets with its actions here is reinforcing that pulse.

That creates all of reality. And this is our tool to get at things here in this reality. All electric motors have it. Nothing gets done without a magnet in it. None of these machines work without magnets in it.

And they are using a large hand drawn collider. A magnet. Giant, giant damn magnet. Magnets so large. Again, I conceive of it potentially an Earth affecting magnet to try and get at the hypercode.

All right? So their understanding of magnetism is very limited in many regards, okay? So I'm balancing an unbalanced unstable magnetic agglomeration on a piece of copper because I understand the magnetic fields, the shape of them. I can conceptualize that they are not as these people understand them. Now, the weapon, all of these people are looking at the hyper code as a there's various elements, okay?

It's not a cohesive kind of a thing. Within the establishment, the rulers, the lizard people that are lizard overlords, as Tucker Carlson calls them within that organization. There are some of these lizard overlords that believe that they can use this magnet and talk to their God on the inside of the material here and then have that god come back to Earth to bestow upon them everything that is prophesied for them. And they think they have to do it in order. So the idea is they have to induce activity out of God.

I find that a little odd myself. Just that whole concept that you can go and kick God in the nuts and say, hey, do this right.

Anyway, so in hyperspace, once you're in hyperspace, when I was there, when I was exposed to all of this, I learned a whole great deal about hyperspace and I learned about a lot of the stuff here that is wrong and their understanding of what they're doing. Now this comes up because CERN has an advert out, I've got to go and look at it, I've got to find the link and put it in the description here. But in that advert, they open up a portal. I don't know if it's in time or space or wherever the fuck, for a basketball game to see who's the better basketball player or something, right? Trivializing everything kind of coming out and poking fun at all of the woo people with their ideas about CERN and what it's doing at the same time, also obscuring what they're doing with it and that sort of thing.

The idea hypercode is quite accurate to some degree. Hypercode is what every magician wants to get at, right? Or every sorcerer. Magicians are content with tricks. Sorcerers want to get at the source such that they can manipulate it and alter it and have things occur.

And so even in like, I don't think I've ever read or come across any magic books that don't acknowledge subconsciously even the relationship between magic and energy, right? So if you see the Harry Potter books and stuff that got some kind of little stick, a wand or something, and that's being used to direct physics or energy into the material from consciousness, using them as the extractor, basically. And so the concept is that you would alter reality by the direct infusion of energy and will in order that there might be a material effect on the other end of what you're doing. And that's what's being expressed here. With the wealth, their establishment going all the way down through the Large Hadron Collider to this giant magnet that's fucking all of Europe over now.

The wealth, the deep state are trapped in their own own mind cage, okay? Because none of these people take psychedelics. None of these people have any other understanding of what is taught to them by colleges and schools. They're trapped by their own academic framework that they're not allowed ever to step out of. There's a social pressure on all of these guys to keep them towing the line because this is what protects the pedophiles up on the top.

This towing the line protection is what throws out the Terrence McKenna's and Aldous Huxley, all of these kind of people relative to their exploration of the doors of perception. Yet those doors are a true technology. And if you explore them, you see that all of this shit they're doing here is bogus and will not ever lead them to what they want. Their problem is that in order to achieve what they want, they may not use this approach, because in using this approach, they will abandon the goal that set them out. Because if you use this approach, you see that it is useless for you to attempt to do that in order to affect things down here.

So they're kind of hamstrung, right? There's enough of them up there that are savvy enough to recognize that that they supposedly guard the mysteries of enlightenment, but they dare not share the mysteries of enlightenment because once you're enlightened, you don't need them anymore. You wouldn't want to associate with these bastards anymore, and you wouldn't have any interaction with them whatsoever. They're kind of creepy. So that's their real conundrum.

Now I'm going to come back and talk about the hyper woo. So this will be sort of a two parter, and in that we'll get into some of the issues here with the magnet and in hyperspace and the woo field of it all. Okay, that's a whole nother description that I'm going to get into. It's difficult. It's factual, it's valid.

It's just difficult to describe the nature that is this boundary between matter and consciousness.

That's what the establishment the lizard overloads for all of humanity. That's what they think is their goal. As I say here on Earth. These lizard overlords primarily, as far as I know, 100% are Talmud, Arian, even like the communist Chinese overlords that are even those guys, even though in the class of the overlords are going to get people to just think, about the power, the domination and that's all right, then you're going to have a little bit higher level of thinker in some of these overlords, and they're going to be the ones that try and control the other overlords. And they're going to be thinking about things at a slightly larger level.

But even all of those guys are all focused on achieving this idea of basically being able to hijack or alter the code from within here. That's why they're trying to do things like transhumanism, change humans from the inside out. That's all. At Claus Schwabs, we're going to alter you and all of this kind of shit that they're desperately trying to scrub off the Internet. The wayback machine, dudes, you can't really be that stupid.

Anyway, so I'll shut this one down, and I'll come back and make another one about the hyper woo part, and we'll get into that because it's all linked. All right, so CEO in a bit here. Got to go get the bread and take a phone call.