Insidious Meme

Vox Populi 01-05-2023

Vox Populi 01-05-2023

Vox Populi 01-05-2023

Relatively detailed explanation of how to petition your gov't officials correctly and efficiently.

Vox Populi 01-05-2023

Hello, humans. Hello, humans.

So, 5 January 2023 aren't we all very pleased to see Time Advance. This is a very, hopefully very short, specific video on vox populi.

So that's voice of the people in Latin. So vox populi is a little project I've got going on my substack, okay? And I'll put the link to the substack in the description here, in case you haven't seen it. I do audios and writings. Anyway, vox populi originates from an idea, from an understanding that I got that are elected and selected.

So the people that cheat and get into office the Communists, the Wokonians, the Chinese agents, all of those guys, the mother Weffers, all of these people get into public office, right? And so they get there through being selected by the cheating process, selected by the WEF, but they end up in public office.

And this is represented here as like a ring, like a barrier, because there are aspects of serving the public in the United States that are perhaps unique around the planet in that we have methods of redress, we have the right to petition. We have all of these different kinds of rights that are multitudinous, not just the Bill of Rights, but all of those rights that are active implementation of your rights in the Bill of Rights. So one aspect of your right of freedom of speech is the right to sue people, right? Even if it's a frivolous lawsuit. So I got hit by a frivolous lawsuit from this fellow that I characterize as Corey Good, the butthead.

And it was totally frivolous. I learned a lot. I ended up firing my lawyer. Cost me too much money, no net gain whatsoever with these attorneys, and they just kept piling on more attorneys. It's like, fuck that, dude.

Let me do it. If I'm going to go down in a flaming mass, I will at least understand why, and I won't have to carry his heavy ass and pay for it along the way. So I did it on my own, right? And so I have the right to act pro se. I have the right to act in my own self interest in legal matters.

There's all these rights that are ancillary to the Bill of Rights, all of these implementation aspects of them, and they form sort of like a barrier around in the terms of the public office, around whoever is inserted in that public office. And so some of your rights are the right of petition.

These are all covered under freedom of speech, the right to sue for redress, the right to protest, and the right to opinion, which they're trying to take away the mother. Weffers want all this stuff gone. They want us to live, like, in China or even now Australia, where you you're not allowed to think in California if you're a doctor. So you're you're categorized. So this is a stupid nonconstitutional law, right?

Because they're saying basically that if you elect to become a specific category of a human. That is to say that if you operate as a physician, you're no longer allowed to say anything that contradicts the state's understanding of accepted consensus science. So science will never advance as long as we focus on the consensus. Science only works when we focus on the far extreme that breaks the consensus. And that's why we're here now.

And this is all happening in 2023. It's all going to break down. California is going to go to shit. Their government's going to fail. All different kinds of stuff's going to happen as a result of this, okay?

But nonetheless, in California, they're trying to say your specific category of occupation means that you no longer have free speech because the state is going to try and restrict it. So that's going to fail as soon as it gets up to a high enough court. But here's the thing. Any of these mother Weffers that are in there in the public office must react to these, okay? So they must react to the citizens in their legal execution of their rights.

There will be a court that will censure these people at some point for not reacting well to these things here. And yes, they're packing in on the courts. They're trying to replace all of them. But there's enough judges still that they can't get away with this shit here in the United States totally openly in the way that they used to in Russia or in the Soviet Union. You had no right of redress.

You had no right of petition. If you protested, it was at risk of life. You had no right to sue the government or any of the operatives that were within the government or any of that right. So all you had the right to was to vote for Communist A or Communist B, and they were both pointing at the same person. In our case, we have these particular rights, and I'm taking advantage of them with my vox populi project, okay?

So my vox populi project, in a nutshell, is to send a weekly newsletter to my selected and elected representatives here in the communist state of Washington, okay? Not Washington, DC. But the other Washington way, the fuck off on the coast anyway. And so what I do is I send a newsletter to the selected representatives. Most of the representatives in my state are communists, and they behave that way.

Also, most of the representatives in my state are entirely selected by the WEF. They're very stupid. I'm actually of the opinion most of them can't read very well, can't read for content and comprehension. And so I have a tendency to focus in on their legislative assistance within this project, what are known as the Las.

But what I'm doing is I'm sending out a newsletter. This newsletter goes to every representative and senator in my state, and I could even do it at the federal level but I don't give a fuck about those Patty Murray and the Twisted Knicker bunch, right? But I send out a newsletter with a very specific point of view that the WEF specifically and especially the legislative Assistance, will not encounter anywhere else. All right? So there's a point to this.

I send out one a week, have been doing this for a couple of years in every legislative season. So our legislative season start in January. So I start popping these things off every Friday or so on in January. The point of this is to provide a view that they won't get from any other source, and that that view itself, the mere fact that they're reading these words in this particular structure, with this particular intent in those words, is going to affect their thinking. I work very diligently in getting across a very specific kind of structure in each and every one of these weekly things.

They are not all the same. Sometimes I want to scare the absolute piss out of the legislative Assistance. Sometimes I want to scare them a little bit marginally, as I did in this first one this year, and to provide seeds. The worm that flies at night, the seeds of fear have been planted in the legislative assistance by their reading this very first newsletter. Because as they read through it, they get down to this point where I'm weaving a minor narrative through and then, bang, it goes right to their head, telling them, you'd better gather evidence that you're innocent of the crimes that your boss is going to try and pin on you later on when we come for his ass.

Most of these kids have only been inculcated in the communist education system, the Wakonian education system here in the United States. They believe because Twitter used to be controlled and the media was controlled, that they are the dominant force. They don't understand that they're probably less than 8% of the population, and they have maybe another what they call allies of marginally associated. So about 8% of the population of the United States now, by my estimation, are true believers, are Wakonian, communist, socialist climate change people, true believers, all the rest have a very much more tenuous association with this whole philosophy and thus cannot be counted from their viewpoint as being rock solid parts of their project here, right?

So I write my vox populi newsletters, and they're put into the substance as well. And so you could copy them if you want. I'm sending them to my state representatives, my state legislators. I'm not suggesting that I'm not telling anybody to send them to any other state legislature, but I show you how I do it and show you examples of what I'm doing should you wish to alter for your particular circumstances. Because I reference things specific to the communist state of Washington in mine and I show you how to do it.

Okay? The reason is because there is a very good point to this. And that is actually there's a multitude of points, okay? Just like with the never let a good situation go to waste. So anytime I do things, it is strategically designed and it's a tactic within a strategy, but it's a tactic within many strategies within that larger strategy.

And so sometimes I want to scare the legislative assistance to the point that they will annoy their selected west over a particular topic, right? And so sometimes there's a very pointed focus in the newsletter to specific points. This time it was evidence and accusing them specifically of crimes. So these these words here were in and in their mind now, and they're going to be talking about this among themselves and then ultimately, to a certain extent, within their own wealth that they work for. Because some of these people, I think, are just useful idiots.

Don't really have a larger situational awareness, are not aware that we're in a giant war. And so I'm framing that. But in this particular episode, this particular issue of the vox populi was focused at the Legislative Assistance. And what I was doing was providing them this big view of world, right, that they're not going to get off of the mainstream media in this view of world, there is war against the west, and the west are clearly on the outside of humanity and are the evil fuckers working against humanity. Note that you can take advantage.

I do. I'm not suggesting anybody else do this in particular, but you can take advantage of the inculcated triggers that have been put into all these kids. I say kids, okay? All these legislative assistants are in general, in general, in the majority, younger than the selected WEF. And all these fuckers are in general, younger than me, right?

But I've seen the education system, and I've seen what it's done to them, and I've seen the triggers that it places in them. And I can use those triggers in my writing. I can exploit the same mental pathways that the WEF has built into these guys. I can take their weaponized empathy, which is weaponized to favor humanity. Oh, I took the shot for humanity, right?

I took the shot, and I'm glad to die because my motive was good. I was trying to save humans, okay? And so they weaponize that. But I can take that, say that I'm on the part of humanity and I just I don't even have to crack their whole paradigm. I just have to put a dent in it and show the WEF on the outside of that paradigm as attacking humanity.

And I've got their mind spinning in a different way because then later on, we'll introduce the idea. Now, I already did in this particular letter because I've been doing this for three years, but you introduce later on the idea that these people themselves have been captured by the west and they don't know it. And so all of a sudden, we get this intrusion in the mental stability and cohesion of my local legislature. So in that sense, I'm trying as an author, as a writer, to cause specific things to occur in the wider world. I like the WEF in practicing a form of magic of mental manipulation and mind control as an author.

But I'm doing it legitimately as a citizen of the Communist Republic of Washington, okay? That still has constitutional, some constitutional judges that would support my right to insist that I'm legally able to send this stuff to the WEF. And so I won't go into the details anymore of how I structure all this. That's a whole huge thing, right? Because it's always different every week.

You got to keep it focused. You must never, in my opinion, never, ever threaten any of these fuckers, right? You must never do anything that can be construed as a hate crime that will fall into any of their traps. So what I do is I offer honest advice. And so vox populi legislator, legislator, be advised.

And my whole tone is, I'm offering you advice to save your fucking ass. You people are not aware of what the fuck's happening here. You don't know that humanity is at war with the west. You've been captured. Your minds are altered.

I'm not trying to do anything. I may be a little strident. I may be a little crazy. That goes to my benefit. Later on, should there be official dumb blowback on it, I fall back on the position of, you people are misinterpreting me.

I'm simply paranoid. Get with the language, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? But I point out to the legislative assistants who have no in my opinion, they don't have the education that allows them to understand what the hell is happening, right? And so they see things without a cohesive grasp of why all this stuff is occurring. And once that happens, once they get that paradigm shift, then they can no longer operate within the old understanding as an effective tool of the west.

And at that point, some of them actually become counterproductive because they see what's going on, and they start resisting, and sooner or later, they'll be kicked out if they could rise to that level of resistance of the west. But nonetheless, in the meantime, this is a disruptive process to the West's consolidation of the planet in their war against humanity. And I always frame it this way. I always use a big encapsulation point of view in discussing things with the elected officials here. And so that's the actual construction of the newsletter part, right?

The goal of it, some of the goals of it, because there's many, many, many different goals. As I say. Sometimes I want them scared. Sometimes I want them pensive. Sometimes I want to suggest things that are coming in the future such that when it happens, they'll give me more credence on the next one that they read that suggests something's going to happen to them, et cetera, et cetera, right?

Now, the mother, Weffers know that there's assholes out there like me, all right? They know that there's this specific asshole out here, which is to say me, but they know that I'm not alone, that there would arise people like myself that are going to bitch and moan at them, right? And so they're doing everything they can to use the system against you. And so you have to understand that. And so you have to understand, in my opinion, that lawsuits are not one on merit, okay?

Lawsuits are one on legal trickery at this stage and putting people in bonds where you control the flow of where they can go with their work. So legal maneuvers are a very good tactic within a larger strategy. So I know legally, they cannot refuse to accept my emails to constituents, to elected and selected officials, anybody who is a public official here in my state. This is my pure sleep, by the way. This is nominally the reason I make these damn videos, is to sell this stuff.

You need it, especially if you're having cancer issues or if you've got problems sleeping in these times, that sort of thing. Hang on, let me get my copy of the Constitution. It fell down, too. It's one of them. I got to have those around.

So anytime I get any shit from any of these fuckers, I just whip it out and say, there you go. Anyway, okay, so you don't ever want to threaten. You want to keep being an advice giver. You want to understand that they're going to put barriers for your words, getting to their legislative assistance. Some of them freak out and they cancel me, right?

They put blocks on me. This is illegal. And I'm keeping track of all of this, right? They have to receive this. They can do all different kinds of tricky things to restrict you, but you can always come around it through the technology, right?

So don't threaten. Give them advice. You're there to help them. You're acting in a legal, lawful manner as a citizen of that particular jurisdiction. Limit yourself to that jurisdiction.

But understand how jurisdictions work in Washington State. What they want to do is restrict me to their form on the legislative pages so I can find out what district I'm in and only talk to my representative from my district. And that's bogus, okay, because I have concerns that are out wider outside of my district. So, for instance, I own timberland. Thus, anybody that sits on any one of these fucking committees, and there's dozens of them that in any way impact Timberland taxes, I am a constituent of that particular committee in isolation from the rest of the legislature.

Ergo, they are in fact, my selected representatives. Even if they were selected in some county in the far distant part of the state and happened to get on that committee. They must hear my concerns as someone that is a timberland owner. But it would not matter if I own timberland. If I used timberland, if I had standing just because I went hiking in the woods to gather huckleberries, then I would have standing and would have the right to issue my opinion to these fuckers, right, so that they would be educated.

So this is the point, to educate the populace or the legislature. Now understand this, okay? So what they'll do is they try and get you to a particular HTML form, a web form where you have to interact with all these things. And then you push the button, right, and it goes off and does stuff. I don't want to do that.

I want to write my newsletter, then I want to mass mail to all of these fuckers all at once. And so what I did was to keep looking through all of the Washington pages, because all of your It departments in every state and even in the federal government at some point must deal with all of the email addresses and stuff on Moss. And there will become a point at which there is for their own purposes, they put it out there. And what they end up putting out there is, instead of all of the forms, they'll put on an HTML page that has basically a table, and it'll have row after row after row of representative, their office number, their email address, and who their legislative assistant is. And then later on you'll find another one of these where they have all the legislative assistants, who their representative is, who they work for, what office they work out of, what their email address is.

Okay? And this is just row after row within a regular old web page. You can do web scraping. You can highlight that and sweep all that information, take it out and plop it into a database or a spreadsheet. Most of those will import it directly as this column laid out, row approach column and row table.

And from that column and row table, you'll be able to select that information that you might want in each one of these. So you just come along and cut out all the email addresses for each one of these, move them over to your spreadsheet or your database and store them there in an appropriate email address format format. And then when you're ready, you put these things out in what's called CSV comma separated values. The spreadsheet or the database will export that's the term export that material for you in this format. You save it into a file.

You open up that file in anything that will open it up as a text file. You sweep down it and copy it and put it into your email address or email program. And then you've got an email multi address, email mailing list to mail to your local reps, okay? And so you've got your legislative reps. Here and their Legislative Assistance and they're trying to get you to come in one at a time this way.

And what ends up happening is that I get to get to all of them because I just send the same email newsletter in my bulk mailing right now.

To a certain extent, even the communists in my state, even the communist representatives in my state are going to be susceptible to pressure that they perceive. So just as the legislative assistance all these kids used to perceive and I'm in the process of changing that their world as being monopolar, waconianism, communism, socialism is good shit, because all their contemporaries were taught this in schools, just because they perceived that whole world that way and I'm disrupting it with my old man craziness and stuff. At some point, the mere fact that there are these emails showing up so independent of their content, but just the mere fact that there's these emails showing up on a consistent, regular basis begins to become part of their process. It intrudes initially on their process and then it becomes part of their process as they go through the year because I make it a consistent thing that goes through. So we will find all different kinds of reactions within the popular, within the legislative groups, but especially within the Legislative Assistance to this.

The more I shade the information to altering the Legislative Assistance behavior, the more I can impact the Legislative Representatives behavior because these people are the gateway to these fuckers. And so maybe you'll find somebody that no, not maybe in every state, you're going to find some of these Legislative Assistants that are really nervous fuckers and that's going to tweak them and you're going to cause all kinds of different emotional reactions. If you start writing your thoughts down and telling them and you're telling them to save their ass against what's coming now, it helps that reality is manifesting in such a way as to back me up. Because these fuckers are aware of the football player crapping dying on the field, nine minutes with no heartbeat, wasn't breathing on his own so and so, right? So they're aware of this shit, and they're going to become more aware of it every week that I put this in there.

Now, I put out the mailing list to my homies, my fellow Washingtonians here, my fellow captive citizens of the communist state of Washington. So if others want to replicate my effort and pile on on these fuckers, there's that much more pressure and they must accept it through this official, public official ring, right? And so I pointed out, I point out the reality of things that Turdo can't walk the street anymore. Today it's eggs flying his way. Tomorrow it's rocks.

At some point in the future, it's bullets. And these Legislative Assistants, they're going to be nervous about this shit. I point out that their families are going to be at risk to the crimes that their representatives are committing. How does that make them feel when they see this every week? And then they start seeing it from other individuals, expressing it in their own words as well as Duplicating mine, and sending it off to them, right?

And so it starts eroding their confidence in their worldview to the point that they're not so sure about the decisions and stuff that they're making as they go forward. And that was my point to the vox populi effort, was to save these poor fuckers from themselves, right? Because most of these people are probably reasonably innocent. Some of them are machiavellian sociopaths and actual psychopaths and so on, but the majority are not. I've met a lot of them in dealing with local and state governments and some of these representatives, they'll have half a dozen of these legislative Assistants and other staffers that will all end up reading this.

And so I will have an inbuilt very large audience and so I email those things and then I go and I post it on my substack so that anybody else that wants to can follow along and see what my thread of the week is. My point of the week is on the box populi, but certainly make your own effort. Get your own words out there. However, my advice is to make it a bit of advice so you don't get any blowback that you're threatening anybody and that you use words that they cannot construe in court as being a threat, right? You're not threatening anybody.

I'm not threatening these legislative assistance. I'm not threatening them with prosecution. In fact, I tell them they're very unlikely to be prosecuted. But the mere fact that I'm talking to them that way thinks, well, wait a second, why should I be prosecuted? And then I point out that, oh, but you may be for some persecution.

And persecution is different. That comes at a different level. Trudeau is being persecuted, eggs flying through the air soon stones. But you'll see that here in the United States as we go forward here, that there will be this level of persecution and oh, by the way, your your your ultimate goal, your your idealized powers that be, from their viewpoint, they all worship the federal government. These people know it's coming because they're allocating 4 million.

I said 2.5. It's actually $4,000,002.5 million in personal armed security because they know it's coming. And these Legislative Assistance, they're not going to connect these dots. Once you see you can't unsee. All I have to do is to make a couple of them see there's two less effective people within their whole organization anyway.

This went on too long. I thought I'd could do this in like ten minutes. But in any event, here it is. This is the vox populi, the why, and the how of it, right? And I'll be doing another one.

I put one out this week, I'll put one out next week. I'll start writing on it probably tomorrow. And maybe I'll do one of these that shows you the process of developing these mindfucks because that's what they are. This is a strategy within the greater war against the WEF. And it is a strategy that is detailed within the five GW Manual.

The Fifth Gradient of War Manual. And I use a lot of different strategies that I've learned over the years to craft these things in such a way. So now, this time, so you can actually write, I'll end on this. This time I deliberately set it up so that people are left confused when they reach the end of this box populi newsletter. And I'm leaving.

So as a writer, you can start off with something, create confusion in the mind, and then finish off and release the confusion, release the tension with your words. Seal it all up. Seal up all the loose ends and the reader is satisfied, right? Or you can use the other approach of building this narrative in there, creating the confusion and stuff, using some of the confusion to your benefit, and then leaving that mind that is trapped in this to whom you are writing, trapped in that confusion. You don't seal it up.

You just let the future be hanging out there, basically leaving them wondering, is this my fate? Right? And so that's what's undoubtedly happening to all these NFL players now. They have this sense of confusion, right? So they could be very easily manipulated around that now.

Because each and every time every one of those bastards that's had all these fucking shots goes kneels down and gets into that huddle, they're going to have to wonder, am I going to survive until the next huddle? Anyway, sad time. Big ugly. I've got another one of these videos to do, so I'll get into it. Got to get some more chaggety and get some work done here first.

But there we go, guys. That's the under understanding of this.

For Example:

Vox Populi - Legislator Be Advised 2023 ~#1